Illusionists: Illusionists Are a Special Class of Magic Light
WARLOCK Rules for the Universe of 1999-2000 Credits Original Rules Robert Cowan; Basic Combat System Dave Clark; Basic Magic System Kenneth M. Dahl; Basic Clerical System Mike Lowry and Pat Shea; Thievish Rules Nick Smith; Other Systems and Rules Previous Version Bart Hibbs Current Version Mike Riley; Editor who actually do things in the world of your referee, but the Introduction players control them. We suggest you have only a small Several years ago, the first copies of a new game called number of player characters per player. In our games we Dungeons and Dragons appeared on the market. Fantasy allow any player to involve any 2 of his characters in any fans and gamers in general were enthralled at the one adventure or expedition. Whether these player possibilities. Most of them became hooked on the game, due characters are Fighters or Elves, Clerics or Dwarves, to its unusual and imaginative nature. You could actually do remember that in their own world, they are people, and treat unusual things: slay dragons, rescue the downtrodden, and them accordingly. just grab loot. Characteristics: There are eight things that are When our group first started playing the game, our determined for each character at his or her creation: overall reaction was that it had great ideas, "but“but maybe Strength, Intelligence, Wisdom, Constitution, Dexterity, we should change the combat system, clarify the Magic, and Agility, Charisma, and Size. These are called redo the monsters".monsters”. Warlock is not intended to ‘characteristics’. See the rules on ‘Creating Player replace D&D, and, indeed would not exist without that Characters’ for more.
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