Volume 9, Issue 4 THE ENGLISH CONNECTION A Publication of Korea Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages Designing, Writing, and Teaching an Email Writing Course By Kathy Brenner ’ve always wondered what it would be like to take complete control of a new course - to design it, write it, and teach it - to be responsible for everything, soup to nuts. Well, I no longer wonder. With a Ibackground in writing for medical publications, I was asked to create an email writing course for intermediate-level students in a business English curriculum. In the corporate development and training center where I work, oral communicative competency is emphasized, with very little concern for writing proficiency. Recently, there has been a dawning realization among management that our students’writing skills lag far What’s Inside? Continued on page 8. Meeting Mario Rinvolucri Robert J. Dickey Christmassy Words David E. Shaffer Concordancers in Class Sam Henderson Daegu Chapter History Steve Garrigues Teacher Maxims Glenn Hadikin Email us at
[email protected] December 2005 To promote scholarship, disseminate information, and facilitate cross-cultural understanding among persons concerned with the teaching and learning of English in Korea. www.kotesol.org The English Connection December 2005 Volume 9, Issue 4 THE ENGLISH CONNECTION A Publication of Korea Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages Feature Designing, Writing, and Teaching an Email Writing Course 1 Kathy Brenner Contents Columns President's Message: A New Beginning 5 From the Editor's Desk: Season's Greetings 7 Chapters in History: Daegu-Gyeongbuk Chapter - Since 1993 12 Steve Garrigues Action Research: Publishing Results 14 Andrew Finch Professional Development: Teacher Maxims 15 Glenn Hadikin Members’ Forum: Reading Aloud - What's the Beef? 16 Peter Kipp Membership Spotlight: Tony Joo - One of a Kind 18 David E.