Diabetologia (1999) 42: 903±919

Ó Springer-Verlag 1999

Review ATP-sensitive K+ channels and insulin secretion: their role in health and disease

F. M.Ashcroft, F. M.Gribble University Laboratory of Physiology, Oxford, UK

Introduction covery that these drugs depolarize the pancreatic beta cell and stimulate electrical activity [5] and the Sulphonylureas have been used for over 50 years to finding that this was due to a decrease enhance insulin secretion in patients with Type II in the permeability of the beta-cell mem- (non-insulin-dependent) diabetes mellitus but their brane [6]. Patch-clamp studies subsequently showed therapeutic target was not discovered until 1985 and that sulphonylureas interact specifically with the we are only just beginning to address their molecular ATP-sensitive potassium (KATP) channel in the beta- mechanism of action. The sulphonylurea drugs were and bring about its closure [7]. The ac- discovered serendipitously by Marcel Janbon in tivity of the KATP channel sets the resting membrane 1942, when he observed a high incidence of hypo- potential of the unstimulated beta cell and its closure glycaemic symptoms in typhoid patients treated with decreases the membrane K+ permeability, producing the bacteriostatic agent p-aminobenzenesulphamido- membrane depolarization and insulin secretion [8]. isopropylthiodiazole (2254RP) [1]. This observation Radioligand binding studies established the presence was extended by Auguste Loubati›res, who showed of both low-affinity and high-affinity sulphonylurea that 2254RP induced hypoglycaemia in dogs by stim- binding sites in the beta-cell membrane [9, 10] and ulating insulin secretion [2]. Subsequently, it was dis- led to considerable speculation about whether the covered that another sulphonamide drug being tested high-affinity sulphonylurea receptor and the KATP for bacteriostatic effects, carbutamide, also caused channel were the same or different . The pu- hypoglycaemia in man [3]. Clinical studies followed rification and subsequent cloning of a high-affinity and led to the development of tolbutamide for the sulphonylurea receptor from insulinoma cells [11] re- treatment of Type II diabetes. The full story of these solved this issue by showing that this receptor is an in- pioneering experiments has been vividly recounted tegral component of the KATP channel [12, 13]. in an earlier review by Henquin [4]. Numerous sul- In this article, we review the role of the KATP chan- phonylureas and related compounds have now been nel in insulin secretion in health and disease. We also synthesized, with different potencies and time-cours- summarise current knowledge of how sulphonylureas es of action and many millions of Type II diabetic pa- act on the different types of KATP channel found in tients are now routinely treated with these drugs. beta cells and in extra-pancreatic tissues, and discuss The first clues to the mechanism of action of sul- the implications of these findings for the use of sul- phonylureas on insulin secretion came with the dis- phonylureas as therapeutic agents to stimulate insulin secretion in humans. Finally, we consider the evi- dence for additional targets for sulphonylureas, both Corresponding author: Prof. F.M. Ashcroft, University Labo- within the beta cell and in extra-pancreatic tissues. ratory of Physiology, Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3PT, UK

Abbreviations:KATP channel, ATP-sensitive potassium chan- nel; PIP , phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate; NBD, nucle- 2 Functional role of the K channel in the pancreatic otide-binding domain; TM, transmembrane domain; PHHI, ATP persistent hyperinsulinaemic hypoglycaemia of infancy; beta cell MODY2, maturity-onset diabetes of the young, Type II; MIDD, maternally inherited diabetes with deafness; GLP1, Insulin secretagogues can be divided into two groups: glucagon-like peptide. the initiators and the potentiators. The former are ca- 904 F. M.Ashcroft and F. M.Gribble: KATP channels and insulin secretion


Fig.1A, B. Model for insulin secretion. A resting. At low ex- beta cell, KATP channels are open and the outward + tracellular glucose levels (< 3 mmol/l), KATP channels are movement of K through these channels holds open and their activity sets the resting potential of the pancre- the at a negative level (-70 mV), atic beta-cell at a hyperpolarised level of approximately at which voltage-gated Ca2+ channels are closed. ±70 mV. Diazoxide opens the KATP channel, which hyperpola- rises the beta cell and inhibits insulin secretion, even in the When the plasma glucose concentration rises, glucose presence of glucose. B active. Glucose metabolism, possibly uptake and metabolism by the pancreatic beta cell by changes in intracellular adenine nucleotide concentrations, are enhanced and some product of glucose metabo- induces K channel closure. This leads to membrane depo- ATP lism brings about the closure of the KATP channels. larization, opening of voltage-gated Ca2+ channels and an in- + 2+ This reduction in the membrane K permeability crease in cytosolic Ca that triggers the exocytosis of insulin. causes the beta-cell membrane to depolarize (be- Sulphonylureas block the KATP channel and initiate the same + chain of events, even when glucose is absent come less negative), because the outward flow of K ions is now smaller than the background inward cur- rent. As a consequence of the change in membrane potential, the voltage-gated Ca2+ channels open, al- lowing Ca2+ influx and stimulating insulin release. pable of stimulating insulin secretion on their own The product of glucose metabolism that regulates and include nutrients, such as glucose, and drugs KATP channel activity remains controversial but, as such as the sulphonylureas. All these substances act discussed below, changes in the concentrations of by inhibiting KATP channel activity but whereas the adenine nucleotides may be involved. nutrients must be metabolised to effect channel clo- Several classes of therapeutic drugs modulate in- sure, the drugs bind directly to the channel and block sulin secretion by interacting directly with the KATP its activity. Potentiators of insulin secretion include a channel [10, 14]. The most important of these are the number of hormones [for example, glucagon and glu- sulphonylureas, which are used to enhance insulin se- cagon-like peptide (GLP1)], transmitters (such as cretion in patients with Type II diabetes mellitus. acetylcholine) and the amino acid arginine. These These drugs act by inhibiting the KATP channel, there- agents amplify insulin secretion induced by an initia- by depolarizing the beta cell and stimulating Ca2+ in- tor but cannot elicit insulin secretion by themselves flux. In contrast to glucose, they interact directly because they do not close KATP channels and are with the channel to effect its closure. Another class only able to exert their effects after an initiator secre- of drugs are the K-channel openers. These comprise tagogue has effected KATP channel inhibition. Inhibi- a structurally unrelated group of compounds that tion of insulin release is produced by agents that have the common property of opening KATP channels. open KATP channels such as the drug diazoxide. This leads to hyperpolarization of the beta cell and Thus, the KATP channel has a key role in the regula- prevents insulin release, even in the presence of glu- tion of insulin secretion from the pancreatic beta cell cose. The most potent KATP channel opener in the [8]. beta cell is diazoxide. Although diazoxide is occa- Figure 1 illustrates the consensus model for stimu- sionally used to inhibit insulin secretion in patients lus-secretion coupling in the pancreatic beta cell. In- with inoperable insulinoma or persistent hypo- sulin release is initiated by an increase of the intracel- glycaemic hyperinsulinaemia of infancy (PHHI), it lular Ca2+ concentration, which is mediated by Ca2+ has adverse side-effects including hirsutism and low- influx through voltage-gated Ca2+ channels in the ering of pressure. plasma membrane. The opening and closing (gating) It is clear from Figure 1 that any reduction in KATP of these Ca2+ channels is determined by the beta-cell channel activity will enhance insulin secretion, whe- membrane potential, which is in turn regulated by reas any increase in channel activity may be expected the activity of the KATP channel. In the unstimulated to decrease insulin release. It is therefore not surpri- F. M.Ashcroft and F. M.Gribble: KATP channels and insulin secretion 905 sing that mutations in the KATP channel which abolish tion of the lipid will depend on its lipophilicity and or appreciably reduce its activity, result in the human on the duration of application. Their contributions disease PHHI, which is characterised by persistent in- to the resting ATP-sensitivity of the KATP channel sulin secretion in the face of very low blood glucose also remain to be established. Long-term exposure concentrations. In contrast, mutations in genes that to non-esterified fatty acids (NEFAs), which occurs compromise beta-cell metabolism and impair the abi- in obese subjects [32, 33] increases intracellular con- lity of glucose to close the KATP channel lead to cer- centrations of LC acyl-CoA esters in the beta cell tain forms of diabetes (MODY2 and MIDD). These [25, 34]. This would be expected to activate KATP diseases are discussed more fully below. channels, thereby tending to hyperpolarize the beta cell and inhibit insulin secretion. Thus it is possible

Metabolic regulation of the KATP channel. The defin- that increased KATP channel activity, induced by ing characteristic of the KATP channel is that its activ- long-chain acyl-CoA esters, contributes to the im- ity is inhibited by an increase in the intracellular ATP paired insulin secretion observed in obese Type II di- concentration. When measured in inside-out mem- abetic patients. brane patches, the channel is highly ATP-sensitive, Mg-nucleotides, such as MgADP, also enhance being half-blocked by approximately 10 mmol ATP KATP channel activity and decrease its sensitivity to [15, 16]. By contrast, estimates of the ATP-sensitivity ATP [23, 24]. Nucleotide diphosphates such as of the channel in the intact beta cell suggest a Ki of MgADP and MgGDP are more potent in this respect approximately 1±2 mmol/l [17, 18]. The fact that sig- than nucleotide triphosphates [35, 36]. Because ADP nificant KATP channel activity is observed in cell-at- and ATP change reciprocally when glucose is metab- tached patches on beta cells exposed to glucose-free olised, it was argued some time ago that changes in solutions [19], where intracellular ATP concentra- MgADP might contribute to the metabolic regula- tions are thought to lie in the millimolar range tion of the channel [23, 24]. Recent studies of the

[20±22], is also consistent with the view that the cloned KATP channel support this view. These have ATP-sensitivity of the KATP channel is lower in the in- shown that mutations which abolish the ability of tact cell than is found in the excised patch. This para- MgADP to activate the KATP channel, also lead to dox is explained by the presence of intracellular the loss of metabolic regulation when the mutant agents that reduce the ATP-sensitivity of the KATP channels are expressed in mammalian cells or Xeno- channel in the intact cell but are washed away from pus oocytes [37±39]. the membrane when the patch is excised. Several cytosolic agents are known to modulate the ATP-sensitivity of the KATP channel, including Mg- KATP channels in other tissues nucleotides [23, 24], oleoyl CoA [25±28] (a metabolic intermediate) and the membrane phospholipid phos- KATP channels are not only found in pancreatic beta- phatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2) [29±31]. cells. They were first described in The relative contributions of these effects remain to [40] and then in beta cells [15] and subsequently be established. The effect of PIP2 on the ATP-sensi- have been found in a wide variety of other tissues, in- tivity of the KATP channel, however, is particularly cluding smooth and , brain neurones, dramatic and intracellular application of 5 mmol/l peripheral axons and epithelial cells [10]. In all these

PIP2 can reduce the half-maximum inhibitory con- tissues, they couple cell metabolism to membrane ex- centration of ATP from approximately 10 mmol/l to citability and in some cases they mediate the actions more than 3 mmol/l within a few minutes [30]. The of hormones and transmitters. In cardiac muscle greater ATP-sensitivity observed in isolated mem- they are involved in shortening dur- brane patches might therefore be explained by gradu- ing ischaemia [41], in vascular they al washout of PIP2 from the cell membrane following regulate vessel tone [42] and in skeletal muscle they patch excision. It seems possible that the concentra- contribute to the enhanced K+ efflux and fatigue tion of PIP2 sets the resting ATP-sensitivity of the found during severe exercise [43]. Their physiological channel and accounts for the difference between the role in neurones is not clearly established but it is be- ATP-sensitivity observed in the excised patch and lieved that they regulate synaptic transmitter release the intact cell. Whether or not changes in PIP2 con- [44] and that they might be involved in the response centration contribute to the metabolic regulation of to cerebral ischaemia [45].

KATP channel activity is still unclear. KATP channels in different tissues exhibit consider- The long-chain acyl-CoA ester, oleoyl CoA, is also able variability in their sensitivity to K-channel open- able to activate KATP channels [25±27] and reduce ers [14, 46±48]. The beta-cell channel is activated by their sensitivity to ATP [28]. A threefold shift in diazoxide, slightly activated by pinacidil and unaf- ATP-sensitivity was found with 1 mmol/l oleoyl CoA. fected by cromakalim, nicorandil or minoxidil; cardi-

The relative potency of oleoyl CoA and PIP2 is diffi- ac and skeletal muscle KATP channels are activated cult to ascertain because the membrane concentra- by pinacidil, cromakalim and nicorandil but not by di- 906 F. M.Ashcroft and F. M.Gribble: KATP channels and insulin secretion



Fig.2A, B. The KATP channel is composed of two types of sub- open only under conditions of severe metabolic stress units, Kir 6.2, and SUR. KATP channel topology. A Hydropathy [41]. In other tissues, however, their resting level of analysis suggests that Kir6.2 (right) has two transmembrane activity remains to be established. Another issue is domains whereas SUR1 (left) has multiple transmembrane do- mains and two cytosolic nucleotide binding domains (NBDs), whether the different metabolic sensitivities ob- served for cardiac and beta-cell K channels result each of which contains a Walker A (WA) and a Walker B ATP (WB) motif. These motifs are involved in the activation of the from differences in the metabolism of these tissues KATP channel by MgADP. The predicted molecular weight of or are in the properties of the channels themselves. Kir 6.2 is 43 kDa [12,13] and that of SUR1 is 177 kDa [11].

B The KATP channel is an octameric complex of four pore- forming Kir6.2 subunits and four regulatory sulphonylurea re- ceptor subunits Molecular identity of the KATP channel

The KATP channel is formed from two types of sub- unit: a pore-forming subunit, Kir6.x and a regulatory subunit, the sulphonylurea receptor (SUR), which azoxide; and smooth muscle KATP channels are acti- coassembles with a 4:4 stoichiometry [49±51]. Two vated by diazoxide, cromakalim, pinacidil and nico- different Kir6.x genes have been described, Kir6.1 randil. Some differences have also been reported in and Kir6.2 [12, 13, 52]. Likewise, two genes encoding the tissue specificity of sulphonylureas, as discussed sulphonylurea receptors, SUR1 and SUR2, have more fully below. been cloned and further diversity is created by alter-

The macroscopic (whole-cell) KATP current is de- native splicing of SUR2 [11, 53±55]. Coexpression of termined by the product of the number of channels Kir6.2 with SUR1 in both mammalian cells and in Xe- in the cell membrane, the single-channel current and nopus oocytes results in KATP currents with proper- the percentage of time the channel stays open (the ties identical to those of the native beta-cell KATP open probability). The single-channel conductance channel [12, 13, 56]. + of both cardiac and beta-cell KATP channels in sym- Kir6.2 is a member of the inwardly rectifying K - metrical 140 mmol/l K+ solutions lies between channel family and, like other members of this family 55±80pS, depending on the temperature at which the [57], has two transmembrane domains (TMs), linked recordings are made [8, 16, 40, 41, 143]. In smooth by a pore loop and cytosolic amino and carboxy ter- muscle, the reported single-channel conductance var- mini (Fig.2). There is no obvious consensus sequence ies widely, suggesting that there might be more than for ATP-binding, although recent studies suggest that one type of KATP channel in this tissue [42]. Sulpho- ATP interacts with this subunit to close the channel nylureas and K-channel openers modulate the [58, 59]. The sulphonylurea receptors belong to the whole-cell current by influencing the channel open ABC-transporter superfamily [11], which includes probability rather than the single-channel conduc- the cystic fibrosis gene product (CFTR) and the mul- tance. tidrug-resistance p-glycoprotein. These proteins are

A key question is to what extent KATP channels are characterised by multiple transmembrane domains open under physiological conditions in tissues other and two intracellular nucleotide-binding domains than the beta cell, as this will determine whether or (NBDs) which contain consensus sequences for nu- not sulphonylureas will have functional effects on ex- cleotide binding and hydrolysis [60, 61] (Fig.2). SUR tra-pancreatic tissues. In cardiac muscle, it is fairly is thought to possess 17 TMs arranged in three groups clear that KATP channels are normally closed and of 5 + 6 + 6 [62, 63]. F. M.Ashcroft and F. M.Gribble: KATP channels and insulin secretion 907

Electrophysiological studies have shown that dif- as that for ATP [71]; and that it is highly selective for ferent combinations of Kir and SUR subunits ac- the adenine moiety (GTP, ITP, etc. are poor channel count for the diverse properties of KATP channels in blockers) [71]. Thus it may constitute a novel class of different tissues. Kir6.2 is strongly expressed in beta ATP-binding site. cells, heart, brain and skeletal muscle and is likely to It is thought that both oleoyl CoA and PIP2 reduce form the pore of the KATP channel in all these tissues the ATP-sensitivity of the KATP channel by interac- [12, 13]. Both Kir6.1 and Kir6.2 have been postulated tion with Kir6.2, since both agents are effective to serve as the pore of the smooth muscle KATP chan- when this subunit is expressed in the absence of nel [53, 64] and it seems possible that both sugges- SUR [28, 29]. Two mechanisms have been put for- tions may be correct and that Kir6.1 and Kir6.2 form ward to explain this effect. First, PIP2 and ATP might ATP-sensitive K+ channels with different properties compete for the same, or overlapping, binding sites [145]. There is evidence that SUR1 serves as the reg- on Kir6.2. Secondly, the presence of negatively ulatory subunit of the KATP channel in beta cells and charged phospholipid in the membrane might reduce some types of neurones [11, 12, 65, 66], SUR2A in the local concentration of the negatively charged cardiac and skeletal muscle [54, 55] and SUR2B in ATP molecule by electrostatic effects and thus cause smooth muscle [53, 64]. an apparent reduction in ATP-affinity. Much work is In contrast to most other members of the Kir chan- currently devoted to resolving whether one, or both, nel family, Kir6.2 does not form functional channels of these explanations is correct. in the absence of the sulphonylurea receptor [12, 13]. The sulphonylurea receptor is very important for

Fortuitously, it was discovered that removal of the metabolic regulation of the KATP channel as it confers last 26 or 36 amino acids from the C-terminus of sensitivity to the stimulatory effects of MgADP and Kir6.2 (Kir6.2DC36) allows the independent func- MgGDP [35±39]. The effects of these nucleotides tional expression of this subunit [58]. This is because are mediated through interaction with the nucle- truncation of the C-terminus deletes a retention sig- otide-binding domains (NBDs) of SUR. The details nal that (in the absence of SUR) prevents the traf- of the mechanism have not yet been worked out but ficking of Kir6.2 to the plasma membrane [67]. Thus, it seems that both NBDs are involved because muta- one function of SUR is as a chaperone , to fa- tion of a single NBD is sufficient to abolish the stimu- cilitate the surface expression of Kir6.2: there is also latory effect of MgADP. This is consistent with func- some evidence that Kir6.2 provides a reciprocal ser- tional studies of bacterial and eukaryotic ABC trans- vice for SUR [49]. The C-terminally truncated porters [60, 75]. Nucleotide activation is dependent Kir6.2 has proved a useful experimental tool for ad- on the presence of Mg2+, does not discriminate be- dressing the properties of the KATP channel. tween adenine, guanine or uridine nucleotides and MgADP is a more effective agonist than MgATP

Mutagenesis studies address the relation between KATP [36, 39]. In all these respects, the nucleotide-binding channel structure and function. The question of which site of SUR differs from the ATP-binding site on

KATP channel properties are endowed by Kir6.2 and Kir6.2. which by SUR has been resolved by three types of ex- Mutations in the NBDs that abolish the stimula- periments [68]. First, and most unequivocally, by the tory effects of Mg-nucleotides also prevent KATP use of truncated forms of Kir6.2 which enable this channel activation by metabolic inhibition in intact subunit to form functional channels in the absence of cells [37, 38]. This argues that the SUR subunit, and a sulphonylurea receptor; secondly, by examining its NBDs in particular, are critical for the metabolic the properties of KATP channels composed of differ- regulation of the KATP channel. It is perhaps worth ent types of SUR subunit; and thirdly, by making emphasizing that these studies show that a key physi- site-directed mutations in either Kir6.2 or SUR. ological role of SUR is to mediate the metabolic reg-

Such studies have shown that the pore of the KATP ulation of channel activity; it might be simply provi- channel is formed from Kir6.2 subunits and that dential that SUR also binds sulphonylureas. SUR does not influence the single-channel conduc- In summary, studies of cloned channels confirm tance or selectivity. To many people's surprise, that, as previously suspected [76, 77], MgADP inter-

Kir6.2 was also found to contain the primary site at acts with the KATP channel at two sites, one that in- which ATP acts to cause KATP channel inhibition. duces channel inhibition (now known to be on This subunit is sensitive to ATP when expressed Kir6.2) and one that causes channel activation (on alone [58, 69, 70], shows reduced ATP-sensitivity SUR). The overall action of MgADP, therefore, will when it is mutated [58, 71±73] and can be photo-affin- be a balance between these two effects. Because ity labelled with 8-azido-[32P]ATP [59]. The location ATP also interacts with both stimulatory and inhibi- of the binding site for ATP on Kir6.2 continues to re- tory sites [36, 58], it is not a simple matter to work main elusive. It differs from most classical ATP-bind- out the relative contributions of the adenine nucle- ing sites in that nucleotide binding does not require otides to KATP channel regulation in the intact beta Mg2+ [74]; that the affinity for ADP is almost as high cell. 908 F. M.Ashcroft and F. M.Gribble: KATP channels and insulin secretion

In addition to mediating the stimulatory effects of

MgADP, SUR endows the KATP channel with several other properties. One finding is that SUR enhances the channel ATP-sensitivity, decreasing the Ki for ATP inhibition of Kir6.2 from approximately 100 mmol/l to that found for the wild-type channel ( ~ 10 mmol/l) [58]. The mechanism involved has not yet been elucidated. The sulphonylurea receptor is also the principal target for pharmacological agents and confers high sensitivity both to sulphonylureas and to K+ channel openers on Kir6.2. The mechanism of sulphonylurea action is discussed in more detail below: in this review, we do not consider how K-chan- nel openers work because their molecular mechanism of action is less well understood.

Sulphonylurea action

The sulphonylurea receptor, as its name suggests, is the primary target for sulphonylureas. High-affinity binding sites for sulphonylureas were first identified in studies on rat brain and beta-cell tumours in the early 1980s. Subsequently, extensive studies were car- Fig.3. Chemical structures of tolbutamide, gliclazide, glib- ried out to characterise the properties of the binding enclamide, glimperide, meglitinide and A4166 sites for sulphonylureas in membranes isolated from beta cells, cardiac and smooth muscle. These studies (reviewed by [10]), showed the presence of both gle-channel conductance [97]. More recent studies of high-affinity and low-affinity sites for sulphonylureas. cloned KATP channels have shed further light on the The high-affinity beta-cell sulphonylurea receptor mechanism of action of sulphonylureas [81, 82]. It (SUR1) was purified and subsequently cloned by has become clear that these drugs interact with the

Aguilar-Bryan and her colleagues in a landmark pa- KATP channel at two sites: a low-affinity site that lies per published in 1995 [11]. The relative affinity of on Kir6.2 and a high-affinity site located on SUR1. SUR1 for different sulphonylureas was identical to Figure 4 illustrates the relation between tolbutamide that found in native beta-cells [10], with glibencla- concentration and inhibition of the cloned beta-cell mide being much more potent than tolbutamide. Re- type of KATP channel (Kir6.2/SUR1) measured in the lated sulphonylurea receptors were later cloned giant inside-out patch. This is best fit by a two-site from heart (SUR2A), brain and smooth muscle model with an EC50 of 2 mmol/l for the high-affinity (SUR2B) [53±55]. The cloned receptor SUR2A ex- site and of 2 mmol/l for the low-affinity site. For rea- hibits lower affinity for glibenclamide than SUR1 in sons that remain unclear, high-affinity inhibition binding studies, although both show approximately blocks only about 60% of the total current. One plau- the same affinity in electrophysiological studies. Pos- sible explanation for this unexpected finding is that sible reasons for this difference are discussed below. the KATP channel exists in two states, only one of In addition to sulphonylureas, KATP channels are which is susceptible to tolbutamide inhibition. The blocked by a variety of benzoic acid derivatives (e.g. picture is different in intact cells, where saturation of meglitinide) and by N-acylphenylalanine derivatives, the high-affinity site does produce complete block of such as A4166, which explains the ability of these the channel. The reason this is the case is discussed compounds to enhance insulin secretion [78±80]. more fully later. These drugs also interact with SUR1. The formulae The identity of the low-affinity sulphonylurea site of some of these non-sulphonylurea compounds, and was investigated by expressing a C-terminally trun- of some of the most widely used sulphonylureas are cated Kir6.2 (Kir6.2DC36) in the absence of the sul- given in Figure 3. phonylurea receptor [81]. Inhibition of Kir6.2DC36 currents by sulphonylureas was found to be mediated

How do sulphonylureas inhibit the KATP channel? by a single low-affinity site, with a Ki of 1.7 mmol/l for Studies of native beta-cell KATP channels established tolbutamide and of 42 mmol/l for glibenclamide that sulphonylureas inhibit the macroscopic (whole- (Fig.4) [82]. These values are the same as those ob- cell) KATP current by reducing the channel open tained for the low-affinity site observed when Kir6.2 probability and that they have no effect on the sin- is coexpressed with SUR, confirming that the low-af- F. M.Ashcroft and F. M.Gribble: KATP channels and insulin secretion 909



Fig.4A, B. Tolbutamide interacts with two sites on the beta- block the channel. This question remains to be an- cell KATP channel, a high-affinity site on SUR1 and a low-affin- swered. ity site of Kir6.2. A Effect of tolbutamide (0.1 mmol/l) on the beta-cell KATP channel (Kir6.2/SUR1, left), and on the truncat- ed Kir6.2 subunit (Kir6.2DC36) expressed in the absence of Specificity of sulphonylurea action. A number of stud- SUR (right) The decline in current amplitude observed in con- ies suggest that the different types of KATP channel trol solution is a characteristic feature of native and cloned exhibit different specificities towards the various sul-

KATP channels. It is initiated following patch excision and the phonylureas. In particular, tolbutamide inhibits the rate is very variable. The mechanism of channel rundown is beta cell (Kir6.2/SUR1) but not the cardiac (Kir6.2/ still unclear but it is thought to reflect the time-dependent SUR2A) type of KATP channel with high affinity loss from the patch membrane of a substance that promotes (Fig.5). The low tolbutamide sensitivity of Kir6.2/ channel activity. B Concentration-response relation for tolb- utamide block of Kir6.2/SUR1 (left) and Kir6.2DC36 (right) SUR2A currents is consistent with that reported for currents. The conductance in the presence of the sulphonyl- native cardiac KATP channels (Ki ~ 1 mmol/l; ref [85, urea is expressed as a fraction of that in the absence of the 143]) and is similar to that found when Kir6.2DC36 drug. Xenopus oocytes were coinjected with mRNAs encoding is expressed in the absence of a sulphonylurea recep- either Kir6.2 plus SUR1, or Kir6.2DC36, and macroscopic cur- tor (Ki ~ 2 mmol/l) [81]. Thus it appears that rents were recorded from inside-out patches in response to a SUR2A, unlike SUR1, does not confer high-affinity series of voltage ramps from ±110 mV to + 100 mV. The data are taken from from ref [81] tolbutamide inhibition on the KATP channel. Gliclaz- ide also appears to interact specifically with the beta-cell type of sulphonylurea receptor and not with that found in heart or smooth muscle [86]. Its af-

finity is greater than that of tolbutamide (Ki =50 finity site resides on Kir6.2 and the high-affinity site nmol/l for gliclazide and ~ 2 mmol/l for tolbutamide). on SUR1. The low-affinity site on Kir6.2 might not In contrast to tolbutamide, glibenclamide blocks be the same as that identified in binding studies on both beta-cell and cardiac KATP channels with high af- native membranes, which could be associated with a finity (Fig.5). The Kis for Kir6.2/SUR1 and Kir6.2/ different protein. Low-affinity block is unlikely to be SUR2A currents were approximately 4 nmol/l and of clinical relevance because plasma concentrations approximately 27 nmol/l, respectively [82]. Similar af- in diabetic patients do not reach such levels [83, 84]. finities are reported for native channels: the Ki of the The dose-response curves for sulphonylureas can, beta-cell channel is 4 nmol/l [87], that of skeletal mus- however, only be correctly interpreted when the low- cle is 6 nmol/l [48] and that of cardiac muscle is 7 affinity block is taken into account. nmol/l [88, 89]. One important difference, however,

Given that the KATP channel is an octamer, con- is that glibenclamide block of cardiac KATP channels taining 4 SUR subunits, the question arises as to the is readily reversible but inhibition of beta-cell KATP number of sulphonylurea molecules required to channels is not reversible on the time scale of electro- 910 F. M.Ashcroft and F. M.Gribble: KATP channels and insulin secretion



Fig.5A±C. Tolbutamide blocks beta-cell but not cardiac K ATP diac types of KATP channel (Kis ~ 0.3 mmol/l and channels with high-affinity whereas glibenclamide blocks both ~ 0.5 mmol/l, for Kir6.2/SUR1 and Kir6.2/SUR2A types of channel. A Effects of tolbutamide (0.1 mmol/l), glib- channels, respectively) and in both cases is readily re- enclamide (100 nmol/l) or meglitinide (10 mmol/l) on cloned versible [82, 87]. These results have been interpreted beta cell (Kir6.2/SUR1) and cardiac (Kir6.2/SUR2A) KATP channel currents. From ref [82]. B, C Concentration-response to indicate that both SUR1 and SUR2A may possess relations for tolbutamide (B) and glibenclamide (C) inhibition a benzamido-binding site. of Kir6.2/SUR1 and Kir6.2/SUR2A currents. The conductance There are several possible explanations for why in the presence of the sulphonylurea is expressed as a fraction tolbutamide does not inhibit SUR2A currents with of that in the absence of the drug. Oocytes were coinjected high affinity. Firstly, SUR2A may not possess a high- with mRNAs encoding Kir6.2 and either SUR1 or SUR2A, affinity tolbutamide binding site. Secondly, tolbuta- and macroscopic currents recorded from inside out patches in response to a series of voltage ramps from ±110 mV mide may bind to SUR2A with high-affinity but this to + 100 mV. From ref [82]. -U- Kir6.2 + SUR1, -k- Kir6.2 + binding may not result in channel closure. Current SUR2A evidence favours the idea that although both SUR1 and SUR2A possess a `benzamido'-binding site, only SUR1 possesses a `sulphonylurea'-binding site (Fig.6) [82]. Because glibenclamide contains both physiological experiments [82], consistent with the sulphonylurea and meglitinide moieties, it seems slow dissociation rate of the drug in [3H]-glibencla- plausible that this drug binds to SUR1 at both the sul- mide binding studies [90]. This slow dissociation may phonylurea and benzamido sites, but only interacts contribute to the long washout time observed when with a single (benzamido) site on SUR2A. This might glibenclamide therapy is discontinued in patients. account for the irreversible inhibition of Kir6.2/ Meglitinide is not a sulphonylurea but is a benzam- SUR1 currents by glibenclamide, since simultaneous ido derivative, equivalent to the non-sulphonylurea unbinding from both the sulphonylurea and benzami- moiety of glibenclamide (Fig.3). Like glibenclamide, do sites is likely to occur with a low probability. By meglitinide mediates high-affinity inhibition of native contrast, glibenclamide unbinding from SUR2A beta-cell KATP channels and of both the cloned beta- would occur more rapidly, since the drug need only cell and cardiac KATP channel [78, 82, 87]. The affinity dissociate from a single site. Likewise, tolbutamide of this block is similar for the beta-cell and car- and meglitinide, which also only interact with a single F. M.Ashcroft and F. M.Gribble: KATP channels and insulin secretion 911

AB Fig.7A, B. Model for how MgADP causes an apparent en-

hancement of sulphonylurea block of the beta-cell KATP chan- nel. In the absence of sulphonylureas (A), MgADP interacts with Kir6.2 to cause channel inhibition and with SUR1 to pot- entiate channel activity: the resulting current is a balance be- Fig.6. Model for glibenclamide interaction with beta-cell and tween these two opposing effects. Tolbutamide prevents the cardiac KATP channels. KATP channels containing the beta-cell stimulatory action of MgADP, unmasking the inhibitory effect sulphonylurea receptor, SUR1, have high-affinity sites for of the nucleotide (B). In the presence of MgADP and tolbuta- both sulphonylureas and benzamido compounds, whereas mide, therefore, the block is the sum of the inhibitory effects those containing the cardiac sulphonylurea receptor, SUR2A, of both agents and is greater than that observed when MgADP have only the benzamido site. Because glibenclamide possess- is absent es both sulphonylureas and benzamido moieties it interacts with SUR1 at two sites, but only with a single site on SUR2A. Consequently, drug inhibition of Kir6.2/SUR1 currents revers- es more slowly tion is modulated by MgADP,which is always present in the intact cell but not (unless deliberately added) in excised patches. site, are readily reversible on both beta-cell and car- It has been known for many years that MgADP diac types of KATP current. It is notable that earlier enhances the inhibitory effects of tolbutamide and studies, carried out before the isolation of SUR, also meglitinide on native beta-cell KATP channels [93, led to the speculation that second generation sulpho- 94]. Similar findings have been observed for tolbuta- nylureas like glibenclamide interact with two sites in mide, meglitinide and glibenclamide on the cloned the beta-cell membrane [78, 91, 92]. channel (Kir6.2/SUR1) [82]. The enhanced block Although similar studies have not yet been carried does not reflect an increased binding affinity for sul- out to determine the specificity of other types of sul- phonylureas when MgADP is present: instead it re- phonylurea, we suggest that drugs that show structur- sults because sulphonylureas abolish the stimulatory al similarities to either glibenclamide or meglitinide action of MgADP mediated by SUR1, while leaving may be expected to interact with both SUR1 and the inhibitory effect of the nucleotide on Kir6.2 intact SUR2 whereas those that resemble tolbutamide and [81]. Inhibition is thus due to the combined actions of gliclazide in structure may interact specifically with MgADP and tolbutamide (Fig.7). Sulphonylureas SUR1. might interfere with the potentiatory effects of Mg- nucleotides either by reducing nucleotide binding or Interaction between sulphonylureas and MgADP. by preventing the translation of binding into channel Studies on native beta cells first showed a clear dis- activation. The former hypothesis is supported by crepancy between the inhibitory effect of sulphonyl- the observation that glibenclamide is able to block ureas on whole-cell KATP currents and those observed the cooperative binding of MgATP and MgADP to in excised membrane patches. Whereas 1 mmol/l SUR1 [95]. tolbutamide was able to fully block the whole-cell In contrast to the beta-cell channel, MgADP does current, complete inhibition was never observed in not potentiate the inhibitory effect of glibenclamide the excised patch [87, 97]. A similar anomaly is found on either native or cloned cardiac KATP channels for sulphonylurea inhibition of cloned beta-cell KATP (Kir6.2/SUR2A). Instead, low concentrations of channels [56, 81]. Further analysis demonstrated that MgADP apparently antagonise the effect of the sul- in intact cells, sulphonylureas inhibit channel activity phonylurea [82, 85, 96], an effect which is dependent by interaction with a single high-affinity site, but in on the presence of Mg2+ [96]. Thus in the presence of inside out patches they interact with both high-affini- MgADP, the glibenclamide block is reduced. This ex- ty and low-affinity sites [81]. In excised patches, satu- plains why the sulphonylurea is far less effective on ration of the high-affinity site produces only about cardiac KATP channels when measured in intact cells 60% block of the current, whereas it appears to com- than in the inside-out patch. The mechanism underly- pletely block the current in the intact cell. This anom- ing the reduced sensitivity of cardiac KATP channels aly arises because the extent of sulphonylurea inhibi- to sulphonylureas in the presence of MgADP is not 912 F. M.Ashcroft and F. M.Gribble: KATP channels and insulin secretion known. Nevertheless, it has important clinical impli- The first piece of evidence comes from the revers- cations because it means that under physiologic- ibility of glibenclamide action. Although both SUR1 al conditions sulphonylureas will be much less effec- and SUR2A are highly sensitive to glibenclamide, the tive on cardiac KATP channels than on those of beta block of Kir6.2/SUR2A currents is readily reversible cells. whereas that of Kir6.2/SUR1 currents is not. Notably, The converse effect of Mg-nucleotides on [3H]- transfer of tolbutamide sensitivity to SUR2A was ac- glibenclamide binding to beta-cell membranes has re- companied by irreversible glibenclamide block, ceived considerable attention [10]. At concentrations whereas loss of tolbutamide sensitivity in SUR1 was of 0.5±1 mmol/l, both Mg-nucleotide diphosphates associated with reversible glibenclamide inhibition. and triphosphates displace glibenclamide binding The fact that tolbutamide inhibition and the irrevers- [90]. This may exert an additional influence on the ibility of glibenclamide block cosegregate suggests sulphonylurea sensitivity of the KATP channel when that the chimeras alter the binding properties of the measured in intact cells. channel and supports the idea that glibenclamide in- teracts with two parts of the SUR1 molecule (Fig.6). Location of the sulphonylurea binding site. Sulpho- Additional evidence that TMs 13±16 of SUR1 con- 3 nylureas block the KATP channel regardless of wheth- stitute the tolbutamide-binding site comes from [ H]- er they are applied to the inside or the outside of the glibenclamide binding studies. Although glibencla- membrane [97, 98]: they are also effective in cell- mide inhibits cloned cardiac KATP channels with high attached membrane patches when added to the bath affinity, it has not been possible to show high-affinity solution. This suggests that sulphonylureas can reach [3H]-glibenclamide binding to SUR2A, but only to their target site by through the membrane, SUR1 [11, 53, 103]. A possible reason for this anomaly a view supported by the fact that the undissociated, is offered by the observation that glibenclamide pro- lipid-soluble form of the sulphonylurea is the effec- duces reversible inhibition of Kir6.2/SUR2A currents tive species [99]. but irreversible block of Kir6.2/SUR1 currents [82], Although the precise location of the sulphonyl- because the drug would be expected to dissociate urea binding site has not been identified, there is in- more readily from SUR2Awhen membranes contain- creasing evidence that it may be located towards the ing the cloned receptors are washed during the bind- inner membrane surface. This includes the observa- ing protocol. This idea is supported by the finding tion that intracellular application of the proteolytic that [3H]-glibenclamide binding was reduced in those enzyme trypsin abolished 3[H]-glibenclamide bind- SUR1 chimeras in which tolbutamide inhibition and ing, whereas extracellular application of trypsin was irreversible glibenclamide block were abolished [102]. without effect [100]. In addition, some sulphonyl- We therefore suggest that TMS13±16 of SUR1, ureas are more effective, or act more rapidly, when and serine 1237 in particular, may form (part of) the added to the inner side of the membrane than to the tolbutamide-binding site. The location of the ben- outside [101]. Mutagenesis studies are also consistent zamino-binding site is still not known, and the fact with an intracellular location for the tolbutamide that both SUR1 and SUR2A show similar sensitivity binding site: for example, mutation of a single serine to this drug will make its identification a more diffi- residue (S1237) which lies within the 8th intracellular cult task. loop of SUR1 abolished high-affinity tolbutamide in- hibition [102]. Endogenous ligands for the sulphonylurea receptor. Because SUR1 is blocked by tolbutamide with The high affinity with which sulphonylureas bind to high affinity whereas SUR2A is not, chimeras of SUR1 raised the question of whether an endogenous these two subunits were used to identify regions of ligand for the KATP channel exists that is able to mim- the protein involved in tolbutamide block [102]. It ic the inhibitory effects of sulphonylureas. The search was found that high-affinity tolbutamide inhibition for such an endogenous ligand led to the isolation and could be conferred on SUR2A by replacing TMs purification of a-endosulphine and b-endosulphine 13±16 with the corresponding region of SUR1 and from porcine brain, two peptides which inhibit bind- conversely that high-affinity tolbutamide inhibition ing of sulphonylureas to their receptor in vitro [104]. was abolished when the same region of SUR1 was re- Subsequently, human a-endosulphine was cloned placed with the corresponding SUR2A sequence. [105]. It is 121 amino acids long and shows consider- Clearly, impairment of tolbutamide inhibition might able sequence homology with a cyclic AMP-regulat- reflect either a decrease in drug binding or a reduc- ed phosphoprotein of unknown function called tion in coupling of drug binding to channel inhibition. ARPP-19 [106,107]. a-Endosulphine is expressed in Since the affinity of tolbutamide is too low to enable a wide range of tissues including muscle, brain and it to be used in binding studies this issue cannot be ad- endocrine tissues. It appears to be intracellular and dressed directly but additional studies favour the idea not secreted, since it lacks the appropriate signal pep- that TMs 13±16 constitute the actual binding site for tide. The recombinant protein displaces 3[H]-glib- tolbutamide [102]. enclamide binding to beta-cell membranes with an F. M.Ashcroft and F. M.Gribble: KATP channels and insulin secretion 913

EC50 of approximately 1 mmol/l, inhibits cloned beta- [111]. In the light of this controversy, we will not con- cell KATP currents with the same affinity and stimulat- sider the matter further here except to point out that es insulin secretion in the absence of glucose [105]. Its although receptor down-regulation in the face of en- functional relevance has not yet been established. hanced agonist concentrations is observed for many receptors, it is unlikely to account for any decline in Relevance to sulphonylurea therapy in humans. The sulphonylurea efficacy. This is because down-regula- finding that some sulphonylureas display differential tion of SUR1 would lead to a reduction in the number sensitivity towards the beta-cell, cardiac and smooth of KATP channels and thus to enhanced insulin secre- muscle types of KATP channel inevitably raises the tion. question of which sulphonylureas are of greatest ther- apeutic value in Type II diabetes. A key issue in this regard is whether interaction of Intracellular KATP channels and sulphonylurea sulphonylureas with KATP channels in extra-pancreat- receptors ic tissues has any adverse effects. This question has been widely debated [108, 109]. The largest and Sulphonylurea receptors and sulphonylurea-sensitive most recent study, the UK prospective diabetes study, KATP channels are not only found in the plasma mem- examined whether the incidence of microvascular brane. They have also been reported in intracellular and macrovascular complications in Type II diabetic membranes such as those of mitochondria [112] and patients subjected to intensive blood-glucose control of the secretory granules of pancreatic acinar cells is influenced by the type of therapy [110]. It found and pancreatic beta cells [113, 114]. The molecular no difference in the mortality or diabetic end points identity of these sulphonylurea receptors and their of patients treated with insulin, glibenclamide or putative pore-forming partners is still not clear. The chlorpropamide. Since glibenclamide inhibits extra- mitochondrial KATP channel has recently been puri- pancreatic KATP channels with high affinity while fied and shown to consist of a 63 kDa sulphonylurea chlorpropamide (which resembles tolbutamide in receptor (Kd 60 nmol/l for glibenclamide) and a 55 structure) is likely to show greater beta-cell specifici- kDa pore-forming subunit [115] but the sequences of ty, this result suggests that if glibenclamide has any these proteins are not yet available. A 65 kDa low- extra-pancreatic actions they do not influence mor- affinity sulphonylurea receptor (Kd 6 mmol/l for glib- tality rates. We suggest that there may be several rea- enclamide) has also been reported in pancreatic aci- sons why this is the case. First, cardiac KATP channels nar cell zymogen granule membranes and may consti- are thought to be closed under physiological condi- tute a subunit of the KATP channel in these mem- tions and to open only in response to ischaemic stress branes [116]. In beta cells, sulphonylureas have been [41]: obviously, glibenclamide will have no effect shown to enhance insulin secretion by a direct effect when the channel is already closed. Secondly, the effi- on the secretory machinery [117] (although others cacy of sulphonylureas is influenced by the metabolic have failed to reproduce these findings [118]). It has state of the cell [82, 85]. In cardiac muscle, the meta- been argued that this ability of sulphonylureas to bolic inhibition that occurs during ischaemia will modulate exocytosis is mediated by interaction with serve to decrease drug sensitivity. Thus, even at ther- sulphonylurea receptors in the secretory granule apeutic concentrations the drug may not completely membrane which exhibit high-affinity sulphonylurea block ischaemic activation of KATP channels. Thirdly, binding [114]. It is important to emphasise, however, even if appreciable inhibition occurs, it may not influ- that the closure of KATP channels in the plasma mem- ence cardiac mortality. Indeed, it remains unclear brane is the primary mechanism of action of sulpho- whether sulphonylureas are detrimental or actually nylureas; any effect on exocytosis will serve to ampli- beneficial in cardiac ischaemia. fy secretion, but not to initiate it. In beta cells, the enhanced action of sulphonyl- ureas in the presence of ADP [81, 93] suggests that the effect of the drug in vivo is not fixed but instead Other actions of sulphonylureas will vary with the metabolic state of the cell. The ex- perimental results suggest that sulphonylureas would Extra-pancreatic effects of sulphonylureas include in- actually have greater activity when the metabolic hibition of gluconeogenesis in hepatocytes [119] and rate is low, as is the case when plasma glucose is low. the stimulation of glucose uptake by muscle [120] This might have the adverse effect of increasing insu- and adipose tissue [121]. The drug concentrations re- lin secretion still further during hypoglycaemia. The quired to achieve these effects are considerably high- newer sulphonylureas and their derivatives which er than those required to block the beta-cell KATP have short biological actions might be useful in cir- channel. For example, insulin-stimulated glucose cumventing this complication. transport in adipocytes was enhanced by glibencla-

Whether or not sulphonylureas lose efficacy with mide with a Ki of 2 mmol/l [121], a sensitivity which extended use is currently a matter of some dispute is about 1000 times less than that for inhibition of 914 F. M.Ashcroft and F. M.Gribble: KATP channels and insulin secretion the beta-cell KATP channel. Furthermore, the phar- These mutations abolish the ability of the channel to macology was not identical; meglitinide, for example, respond to changes in metabolism and cause it to be was ineffective on glucose transport and tolbutamide permanently closed in the intact beta cell. was almost as potent as glibenclamide (Ki,25mmol/l). Both classes of PHHI mutations result in a lack of One possible explanation for the effects of sulphonyl- KATP channel activity in the beta cell, even at low ureas on insulin-stimulated glucose transport, there- blood glucose concentrations. This results in a contin- fore, is that SURs, or novel sulphonylurea receptors, uous depolarization of the beta cell and thereby a are involved in insulin-dependent recruitment to the high resting intracellular Ca2+ concentration [129], plasma membrane of vesicles containing the glucose which explains the constitutive insulin secretion char- transporter GLUT4. These extra-pancreatic actions acteristic of PHHI patients. of sulphonylureas are not thought, however, to be of clinical relevance [111, 144]. An animal model of PHHI. The physiological effects

Sulphonylureas are among the world's most im- of the lack of KATP channels have also been explored portant herbicides and stunt plant growth by inhibit- using an animal model in which the gene encoding ing the enzyme acetolactate synthase, which is appar- Kir6.2 was disrupted [130]. When compared to control ently absent in animals [122]. The effects of sulpho- animals, beta cells isolated from homozygous Kir6.2 nylurea herbicides on insulin secretion have not knockout mice had a more depolarized resting poten- 2+ been documented in the literature. tial and a higher intracellular [Ca ]i concentration at rest, consistent with their lack of functional KATP chan- nels. Neither glucose nor tolbutamide elicited insulin Diseases of KATP channel regulation secretion. Surprisingly, despite this defect in glucose- induced insulin secretion, Kir6.2 knockout animals Persistent hyperinsulinaemic hypoglycaemia of infan- showed only mild impairment of glucose tolerance cy (PHHI). Persistent hyperinsulinaemic hypoglyca- and their blood glucose concentrations were not dif- emia of infancy is a rare recessively inherited disorder ferent from those of normal animals. The fact that the of glucose homeostasis which is characterised by un- ability of insulin to lower blood glucose concentra- regulated insulin secretion and profound hypoglycae- tions was considerably enhanced in Kir6.2 knockout mia. Both familial and sporadic forms have been animals could account for this effect. This would also identified. Familial PHHI occurs at low frequency in be consistent with a putative role for KATP channels in most of northern Europe ( ~ 1 in 50000) but in cen- extra-pancreatic tissues, as discussed above. tral Finland and Saudi Arabia the incidence can be as high as 1 in approximately 2700 live births. Affect- Diabetes. Although the aetiology of Type II diabetes ed patients present shortly after birth with severe hy- mellitus is still obscure, there is evidence that the dis- poglycaemia, which is associated with sustained insu- ease is associated with defective beta-cell secretion. lin secretion despite the low blood glucose concentra- One possible reason for the loss of glucose sensitivity tion. Unless the disease is rapidly recognised and would be a failure of metabolism to cause closure of treated, the hypoglycaemia may cause irreversible the KATP channel, either because of a defect in the brain damage. The disease is probably under-diag- channel itself or in its regulation. The former does nosed and possibly contributes to the incidence of not appear to be a major cause of Type II diabetes be- post-natal deaths from unknown causes. cause no mutations in Kir6.2 or in SUR1 associated Linkage analysis of families with PHHI indicated with Type II diabetes have been detected, despite ex- that the gene responsible maps to chromosome tensive screening of several populations across differ- 11p14±15.1 [123]. Subsequently it was found that the ent ethnic groups [131±134]. One explanation for this genes for both KATP channel subunits are clustered finding may be that such mutations are lethal. A mu- in the same region and more than 12 different muta- tation that results in decreased insulin secretion is tions in SUR1, and 2 in Kir6.2 have now been report- most likely to be caused by a reduction in the ATP- ed to cause PHHI [124±128]. Mutations in SUR1 are sensitivity of the KATP channel, and thus to occur in the most common cause of the disease. These muta- Kir6.2. Since Kir6.2 serves as the pore-forming sub- tions occur throughout the protein. On the basis of unit in many other tissues including heart, brain and their functional effects, we suggest that they may be smooth muscle, mutations that lead to reduced ATP- grouped into two classes. Class I mutations result in sensitivity and increased KATP channel activity can the total loss of functional KATP channel activity, be expected to have extra-pancreatic actions. These even in excised membrane patches. These include could have adverse effects, as exemplified by the the deletion of a phenylalanine at position 1388 high incidence of ventricular fibrillation observed (DF1388) and a V187N mutation found in the Finnish when guinea-pig hearts are treated with the K+ chan- lineage [127, 128]. Class II mutations impair the abili- nel opener pinacidil [135]. ty of MgADP to enhance KATP channel activity but It remains possible, however, that defective meta- do not change the inhibitory effect of ATP [38, 128]. bolic regulation of KATP channels might be involved F. M.Ashcroft and F. M.Gribble: KATP channels and insulin secretion 915 in the aetiology of Type II diabetes. Defective meta- lecular mechanism of action of sulphonylureas is be- bolic regulation of KATP channels is actually observed ginning to be unravelled. Contrary to previous as- in two rare types of diabetes. Maturity-onset diabetes sumptions, it appears that some sulphonylureas ex- of the young (MODY2) results from mutations in hibit differential sensitivity to beta cell and extra- glucokinase, the enzyme which catalyses the first pancreatic KATP channels. The clinical relevance of step in glucose metabolism (the conversion of glucose this finding is probably small but it is certain to gener- to glucose-6-phosphate) in liver and beta cells ate some debate about the choice of sulphonylurea [136±138]. In French families, around 80% of all for diabetes therapy.

MODY patients show linkage of the disease to the The importance of the KATP channel for insulin se- glucokinase gene [139]. Maturity onset diabetes of cretion is clearly exemplified by the recent findings the young Type 2 shows autosomal dominant inheri- that mutations (in either subunit) that abolish channel tance and all patients identified to date are heterozy- activity produce the persistent insulin secretion that gotes. They exhibit mild hyperglycaemia with fasting characterises PHHI whereas defects in the metabolic blood glucose concentrations of approximately regulation of the channel cause MODY2 or MIDD 7 mmol/l. Mice in which the glucokinase gene has by enhancing channel activity and so inhibit insulin been disrupted (knocked-out) specifically in the secretion. Although mutations in the KATP channel it- beta-cell, develop severe hyperglycaemia and die self are not a major cause of Type II diabetes, a ques- within 3 days of birth whereas heterozygous animals tion that remains largely unexplored is to what extent show symptoms resembling those of MODY2 pa- impaired beta-cell metabolism, and consequent de- tients [140]. Because expression of glucokinase in fective regulation of KATP channel activity, is involved the liver was not affected in these knockout mice, it in the aetiology of the disease. appears that a beta-cell defect is sufficient to explain the MODY2 phenotype. There was an almost total Acknowledgements. We thank the other members of our group for helpful comments. Work in our laboratory is supported by loss of glucose sensitivity of the beta-cell KATP chan- nel in homozygous mice and a reduction in heterozy- the Wellcome Trust and the British Diabetic Association. gotes, which results from impaired glycolytic metabo- lism [141]. Defective regulation of KATP channels probably also accounts for the reduction in glucose- References stimulated insulin release in MODY2 patients. 1. Janbon M, Chaptal J, Vedel A, Schaap J (1942) Accidents Impaired mitochondrial metabolism can also give hypoglycØmiques graves par un sulfamidothiodiazol (le rise to diabetes. Maternally-inherited diabetes with VK 57 ou 2254 RP). Montpellier Med 21±22: 441±444 deafness (MIDD) results from a mutation at position 2. Loubati›res A, Goldstein L, Metropolitanski J, Schaap J 3243 of the mitochondrial DNA, which encodes a leu- (1942) Etude expØrimentale chez le chien des accidents cine transfer RNA [142]. 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