Ras Tafari in Lusoland: On the 50th anniversary of Haile Selassie´s I state visit to Portugal, 1959-2009 Exhibition Catalogue Edited by Isabel Boavida and Manuel João Ramos Illustrated by Manuel João Ramos Centro de Estudos Africanos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Índice List of Contributors 5 Illustration Sources 5 Illustrations 7 Diplomatic relationship between Portugal and Ethiopia, 1954-1963 19 Pierre-Etienne Page and Isabel Boavida A state visit in times of change 23 Isabel Boavida The organization and the unfolding of the visit of the Emperor of Ethiopia Haile Sellassie in Portugal, 26th-31st July 1959 27 Pierre-Etienne Page Spilt co!ee: The tipping point Illustrations in Portuguese and Ethiopian relations 31 Manuel João Ramos The Foundation of the Organization of African Unity 35 Aurora Almada e Santos Revisiting Eritrea’s isolation in the regional and global political arenas in the light of
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