GOVERNMENT CIRCULAR No. 56/52. G.O. Reference No. F.C. 13/1/11. Supplies and Services

The Canned Meat Products Order, 1952

HIS EXCELLENCY THE LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR has made the above-styled Order, a copy of which is appended, which replaces The Canned Meat and Canned Meat Products (Control and Maximum Prices) Order, 1950, as amended (a).

The principal changes are: (1) The prices of most canned meat products are increased. (2) Canned rabbits and canned poultry are now freed from control. (3) From 14th September, 1952, the minimum meat content require- ments are extended to the majority of meat products.

(4) From 14th September, 1952, price control is extended to include certain imported meat products, including in natural juice, jellied , jellied pork and continental or fancy .

The Order comes into force on the 16th March, 1952.

Copies of the Order may be obtained from Government Office or may be seen at any Police Station on application to the Officer in Charge, at the Douglas Public Library, the Douglas Town Hall and the Offices of all the Town and Village Commissioners.

By Order,


Government Secretary. Government Office, Isle of Man. 15th March, 1952. (a) G.C. No. 100/50. G.C. No. 99/51. G.C. No. 120/51.

Wt. P.5813.-120/4/52.—Printed (by Authority) by Brown & Sons Ltd., Douglas. ISLE OF MAN TO WIT By His Excellency Air Vice-Marshal SIR GEOFFREY RHODES BROMET, K.B.E., C.B., D.S.O., Lieutenant Governor of the said Isle, etc., etc., etc. Supplies and Services

The Canned Meat Products Order, 1952

I, the said Lieutenant Governor, in pursuance of the powers conferred upon me by Regulations 55, 55AA and 98 of the Defence (General) Regu- lations (Isle of Man), 1939, as having effect by virtue of the Supplies and Services (Transitional Powers) (Isle of Man) Order in Council, 1946, as extended by the Supplies and Services (Extended Purposes) (Isle of Man) Order in Council, 1948, DO hereby order as follows : - CITATION AND COMMENCEMENT 1. This Order may be cited as The Canned Meat Products Order. 1952; and shall come into operation on the 16th day of March, 1952. INTERPRETATION 2. In this Order— " sausages" means sausages which are ordinarily known and sold as beef sausages and the casings of which are hog or sheep casings, and includes sausages the meat in which is not beef alone. "Beef meat" means sausage meat which is ordinarily known and sold as beef sausage meat and includes sausage meat the meat in which is not beef alone. "Buy" includes offer or agree to buy, and "sell" includes offer or agree to sell or expose for sale. "Canned" means packed in a tin, jar or other airtight container by any means involving the application of heat whether before, during or after packing in the container; provided that any reference to a canned meat product shall, unless the context otherwise requires, be deemed to refer also to that meat product after removal from the original container. "Catering business" includes the business or undertaking of an inn, public house, hotel, restaurant, buffet, coffee stall, or of any place of refreshment open to the public, or of any club, boarding house, refresh ment contractor or canteen, and the expression "caterer" shall be con- strued accordingly. "Cooked" means subjected to a process of cooking throughout the whole substance so as to render unnecessary any further cooking before being used for human consumption. "Home produced" means manufactdred in the United Kingdom or the Isle of Man. "Imported" means imported into the United Kingdom or the Isle of Man. "Kosher" means consisting of, or, as the case may be, prepared or manufactured, as respects the meat therein from, meat obtained from animals slaughtered in accordance with the Jewish practice of slaughter; provided that where any meat product is sold or offered for sale in an airtight container it shall be deemed not to be kosher unless the word "Kosher" is clearly indicated on a label affixed to the container. "Meat" means , ham, beef, mutton, lamb, veal, pork, and edible , whether raw, cooked, smoked or otherwise processed or prepared. 3 "Meat content" means the percentage of the weight of all meat when raw contained in any quantity of a meat product relative to the total weight of that quantity; provided that, for the purposes of this definition, the weight of any cooked meat product shall be the weight of the product when cooked. "Meat product" means any food, other than soup, used, manufactured or prepared for human consumption which is manufactured or prepared from meat and another ingredient or other ingredients, and includes meat which has been both pressed and cooked; Provided that the use of fat of any meat in the manufacture or pre- paration of any vegetable or fish product shall not be deemed to make that product a meat product. "Milk powder" means skim milk powder. "Pork sausages" means sausages which are ordinarily known and sold as pork sausages, and the casings of which are hog or sheep casings. "Public analyst" has the meaning assigned to it by the Adulteration Act, 1925. "Sale by retail" means any sale to a person buying otherwise than for the purpose of resale, and includes any sale to a person for the purposes of his catering business, and the expression "retailer" shall be construed accordingly. "Sale by wholesale" means any sale other than a first-hand sale or a sale by retail, and includes a sale by a first-hand distributor direct to a retailer, and the expression "wholesaler" shall be construed accordingly. "Sausage" means any meat product filled into a natural or artificial casing not being a loose wrapper or container. "Specified food" means in relation to canned meat products any article of food specified in the First and Second Schedules to this Order. "Substance" includes a liquid. "Tongue" means, except where otherwise specified, ox, calf, pig, sheep and lamb tongues.

MEAT CONTENT OF SPECIFIED FOOD 3. A person shall not by way of trade prepare or manufacture or sell or have in his possession for sale any description of specified food the meat content of which is less than the minimum meat content prescribed in respect of such specified food— (1) up to and including the 13th day of September, 1952, in Column 2 of the First Schedule hereto; (2) on and after the 14th day of September, 1952, in Column 2 of the Second Schedule hereto. MAXIMUM PRICES 4. A person shall not sell or buy any specified food except in accord- ance with the prices applicable in respect of such specified food— (1) up to and including the 13th day of September, 1952, as set out in the First Schedule hereto; (2) on and after the 14th day of September, 1952, as set out in the Second Schedule hereto. Statement of Net Weight. 5. (1) The net weight of any canned meat product stated upon the container thereof, or upon the label or wrapper of that container, shall, for the purposes of this Order, be deemed to be the net weight of the contents of the container: Provided that this paragraph shall not apply to any such meat product sold otherwise than in the original container. (2) A person shall not, with intent to deceive, remove, alter or render illegible any statement of net weight appearing on the container of 4 any canned meat product or upon the label or wrapper of that container. Farthings. 6. In calculating the maximum price of any specified food on a sale by retail any fraction of a farthing shall be regarded as one farthing. CATERERS 7. This Order shall not apply to any sale by a caterer in the course of his catering business or any article of food served by him as a meal or part of a meal. RECORDS AND INVOICES 8. (1) Every person who carries on any undertaking by way of trade or business in the course of which he sells by wholesale any specified food, shall keep or cause to be kept an accurate record of all sales and purchases by him of any such article of food, that record to include in respect of each purchase or sale the name and address of the person from whom the specified food was purchased or to whom it was sold, parti- culars of the quantity and description, thereof purchased or sold, of the price paid or charged, and of each and every addition made to the maximum price. (2) Every person who carries on any undertaking by way of trade or business in the course of which he sells by retail any specified food shall keep or cause to be kept an accurate record of all purchases by him of any such articles of food, that record to include in respect of each purchase the name and address of the person from whom the specified focid was purchased, and particulars of the quantity and description thereof, of the price paid or charged, and of each and every addition to the maximum price. (3) Retention by any person of an invoice or of a copy of an invoice shall, as respects the particulars mentioned in, that document, be a sufficient compliance by that person with the provisions of this Article. (4) Every person who is required by this Article to keep any record shall retain it for a period of not less than one year from the date of the transaction to which it relates, or in the case of a record of stocks, from the date to which the record relates. DEFENCES 9. (1) Where in any prosecution, a person is charged with an infringe- ment of any provision of this Order in relation to any article it shall be a 1 defence for the defendant to prove— (a) that he purchased that article with a written warranty to the effect that it complied with the provision in question; and (b) that he had no reason to believe at the time of the commission of the alleged offence that the article in question was not as war- ranted. (2) A warranty shall not be a defence to such proceedings unless the defendant has, within seven days of the service of the summons, sent to the prosecutor a copy of the warranty with a notice stating that he intends to rely on it, and specifying the name and address of the person from whom he received it, and has also sent a like notice of his intention to that person. (3) Where the defendant is a servant of the person who purchased the article in question under a warranty, he shall be entitled to rely upon the provisions of this Article in the same way as his employer would have been entitled to do if he had been the defendant. (4) The person, by whom the warranty is alleged to have been given shall be entitled to appear at the hearing and to give evidence. (5) For the purposes of this Article any statement in an invoice or similar document relating to any article mentioned in that invoice or document, or on a label affixed to the wrapper or container of any such article shall in respect of that article be deemed to be a written warranty as to the matters mentioned in the statement. 5 EVIDENCE OF ANALYSIS 10. (1) In any proceedings in respect of an infringement of this Order in which the composition of any article of food is in question, the produc- tion by one of the parties of (i) a document purporting to be a certificate of a public analyst, or (ii) a document supplied to him by the other party as being a copy of such a certificate shall be sufficient evidence of the facts stated therein, unless in the case mentioned under head (i) above the other party requires that the person making the analysis shall be called as a witness.

(2) In any such proceedings— (a) if the prosecution intends to produce a certificate of a public analyst, a copy of such certificate shall be served with the summons; and (b) if a defendant intends to produce a certificate of a public analyst, or to require that the person making the analysis shall be called as a witness, he shall give to the other party at least three clears days' notice of his intention; and if any of these requirements is not complied with, the court, may, if it thinks fit, adjourn the hearing on such terms as it deems proper.

ARTIFICIAL TRANSACTIONS AND UNREASONABLE CHARGES 11. A person shall not in connection with the sale or disposition or proposed sale or disposition of any article of food to which this Order relates, enter or offer to enter into any artificial transaction or make or demand any unreasonable charge. DIRECTIONS, AUTHORISATIONS AND LICENCES 12. (1) The provisions of this Order are subject to— (a) any direction which may at any time be given by or on behalf of the Governor, in relation to the articles to which this Order applies; and (b) any licence or authorisation which may be granted under this Order by or on behalf of the Governor. (2) Every person holding a licence or authorisation granted under this Order shall comply with every condition imposed by that licence or authorisation. INFRINGEMENTS 13. Infringements of this Order are offences against the Defence (General) Regulations (Isle of Man), 1939.

REVOCATION 14. The. Canned Meat and Canned Meat Products (Control and Maxi- mum Prices) Order, 1950, as amended, is hereby revoked but without prejudice to any proceedings in respect of any contravention therecf, pro- vided that any licence or authorisation granted by the Governor under that Order, or continuing to have effect as though granted under the said Order, and subsisting immediately before the coming into force of this Order, shall continue to have effect as though granted under this Order until the 13th day of September, 1952.

GIVEN under my hand this 15th day of March, 1952.

G. R. BROMET, Lieutenant Governor. THE FIRST SCHEDULE Canned Meat Products. Minimum meat contents and maximum prices of specified foods until 13th September, 1952. Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 On a sale Minimum On a sale On a sale Description by retail meat by by in portions content wholesale retail or slices SECTION A — Home-produced or Imported. Per doz. tins Per tin per lb. s. d. s. d. s. d. Ox or calf tongues .. (12 oz. tins) 58 6 5 5 ( 1 lb. tins) 76 6 7 1 ( 2 lb. tins) 150 0 13 10 7 4 ( 4 lb. tins) 288 0 26 4 ( 6 lb. tins) 432 0 39 6 Pig, sheep or lamb tongues ; lunch tongue (12 oz. tins) 45 3 4 2 ( 1 lb. tins) 56 9 5 3 ( 4 lb. tins) 215 0 20 0 5 4 ( 6 lb. tins) 322 6 30 0 , mutton or pork 2 Oi 2 4

Brisket ; pressed beef ( 1 lb. tins) 43 3 4 0 ( 4 lb. tins) 161 4 14 10 4 2 ( 6 lb. tins) 242 0 22 3 Pressed pork ( 4 lb. tins) 214 0 20 0 ( 6 lb. tins) 321 0 30 0 5 6 Pressed veal ( 4 lb. tins) 164 0 15 2 4 2 ( 6 lb. tins) 246 0 22 9 Stewed ; stewed steak and kidney ; roast, braised, stewed or boiled beed, mutton, lamb or veal ... ( 1 lb. tins) 29 5 2 9 Any other cooked beef, veal, mutton or lamb not elsewhere specified, including stewed steak with ( 1 lb. tins) 23 2 2 2 Pork luncheon meat ... ( 7 oz. tins) 20 6 1 11 ( 8 oz. tins) 22 10 2 11 (10 oz. tins) 27 4 2 61 (12 oz. tins) 31 11 3 0 ( 1 lb. tins) 40 6 3 9/ ( 3 lb. tins) 117 0 11 0 ( 4 lb. tins) 156 0 14 8

Luncheon meat ; pork loaf ; ham loaf ; veal and ham loaf .. . . ... ... ... ... (tins exceeding 1 lb.) 3 1; 3 6 (tins of 1 lb. or less) 3 21 3 n

Minced meat loaf ; minced beef loaf ; corned beef loaf (12 oz. tins) 20 0 1 11 ( 1 lb. tins) 24 8 2 41 Special meat roll ; galantine (10 oz. tins) 65% (b) 18 0 1 8/ (12 oz. tins) 65% (b) 21 0 2 0 ( 1 lb. tins) 65% (b) 26 0 2 6 ( 3 lb. tins) 65% (b) 76 0 7 11 Meat roll (10 oz. tins) 30% 12 0 1 2A (12 oz. tins) 30% 14 1 1 4 ( 1 lb. tins) 30% 16 10 1 7 ( 3 lb. tins) 30% 49 0 4 6

Beef sausages or Oxford sausages ... ( 1 lb. tins) 50% 20 7 1 101 Beef sausage meat ... ... ... ( 1 lb. tins) 50% 18 7 1 81 Pork sausages or Cambridge sausages ( 1 lb. tins) 65% (e) 28 2 2 7 Pork sausage meat ... ( 1 lb. tins) 65% (e) 25 9 2 41 Ulster fry ... ... ... ... ... ( 1 lb. tins) 871% 29 0 2 8 Ready or prepared meals containing pork ( 1 lb. tins) — 24 11 2 31 Steak ; ... ( 1 lb. tins) 18 8 1 9 Any other ready or prepared meal, including cottage , steak and kidney with dumplings, veal and vegetables, beef and vegetable, and carrots, Irish stew, chili-concarne, corned beef hash, meat hash ... ( 1 lb. tins) 20 1 1 101 Canned Meat Products. Minimum, meat contents and maximum prices of specified foods until 13th September, 1952. Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 On a sale Minimum On a sale On a sale Description meat by by by retail content in portions wholesale retail or slices Section B — Home Produced per doz. tins per tin Per lb. Pork in natural juice ; chopped, pork ... ... ( 1 lb. tins) 40 6 3 9-k Any other cooked pork not elsewhere specified ( 1 lb. tins) — 33 8 3 1

Continental or fancy sausages ( 1 lb. tins) 80% (e) 32 10 :3 0

( 4 lb. tins) 214 0 20 0 Jellied pork 5 6 ( 6 lb. tins) 321 0 30 0 Jellied pork and veal ( 4 lb. tins) 188 0 17 6 4 10 ( 6 lb. tins) 282 0 26 3 ( 4 lb. tins) 164 0 15 2 4 2 ( 6 lb. tins) 246 0 22 9 Stuffed jellied pork ( 4 lb. tins) 184 0 17 0 4 8 ( 6 lb. tins) 276 0 25 6 ( 4 lb. tins) 142 0 Stuffed jellied veal 13 2 3 8 ( 6 lb. tins) 213 0 19 9

Section C — Imported

Bacon or ham rashers 2 31 2 8 Sliced bacon ...

NOTES.—(b) See Fourth Schedule, para. 2. (e) See Fourth Schedule, para. 5.

THE SECOND SCHEDULE Canned Meat Products. Minimum meat contents and maximum prices of specified foods on and after 14th September, 1952. Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 On sale Minimum On a sale On a sale a Description meat by by retail by retail in portions content wholesale or slices SECTION A — Home-produCed or Imported. per doz. tins per tin per lb. s. d. s. d. s. d. Ox or calf tongues (12 oz. tins) (a) 58 6 5 5 ( 1 lb. tins) (a) 76 6 7 1 ( 2 lb. tins) (a) 150 0 13 10 7 4 ( 4 lb. tins) (a) 288 0 26 4 ( 6 lb. tins) (a) 432 0 39 6 Pig, sheep or lamb tongues ; lunch tongue (12 oz. tins) (a) 45 3 4 2 ( 1 lb. tins) (a) 56 9 5 3 ( 4 lb. tins) (a) 215 0 20 0 5 4 ( 6 lb. tins) (a) 322 6 30 0 per lb. per lb. Corned beef, mutton or pork (a) 2 01 2 4 per doz. tins per tin ; pressed beef ( 1 lb. tins) (a) 43 3 4 0 ( 4 lb. tins) (a) 161 4 14 10 4 2 ( 6 lb. tins) (a) 242 0 22 3 Pressed pork ... ( 4 lb. tins) (a) 214 0 20 0 5 6 ( 6 lb. tins) (a) 321 0 ?() 0 Pressed veal ( 4 lb. tins) (a) 164 0 15 2 4 2 ( 6 lb. tins) (a) 246 0 22 9 Stewed steak ; stewed steak and kidney ; roast, braised, stewed or boiled beef, mutton, lamb or veal ( 1 lb. tins) 95% 29 5 2 9 Pork in natural juice; chopped pork ... ( 1 lb. tins) 95% 40 6 3 9i Canned Meat Products. Minimum meat contents and maximum prices of specified foods on and after 14th September, 1952. Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 On a sale Minimum On a sale On a sale by retail Description meat by by in portions content wholesale retail or slices SECTION A — Home-produced or Imported. per doz. tins per tin per lb. Any other cooked beef, veal, mutton or lamb not elsewhere specified, including stewed steak with gravy ••• ( 1 lb. tins) 75% 23 2 2 2 Any other cooked pork not elsewhere specified ( 1 lb. tins) 75% 33 8 3 11 Jellied pork ( 4 lb. tins) 95% (c) 214 0 20 0 ( 6 lb. tins) 95% (c) 321 0 30 0 5 6 0 17 6 Jellied pork and veal ( 4 lb. tins) 95% (c) (b) 188 1, 4 10 ( 6 lb. tins) 95% (c) (b) 282 0 26 3 ( 4 lb. tins) 95% (c) 164 0 15 2 Jellied veal 4 2 ( 6 lb. tins) 95% (c) 246 0 22 9 J. ( 4 lb. tins) 80% 184 0 17 0 Stuffed jellied pork 4 8 ( 6 lb. tins) 80% 276 0 25 6 Stuffed jellied veal ( 4 lb. tins) 80% 142 0 13 2 3 8 ( 6 lb. tins) 80% 213 0 19 9 Pork luncheon meat ... ( 7 oz. tins) 90% (g) 20 6 1 11 ( 8 oz. tins) 90% (g) 22 10 2 11 (10 oz. tins) 90% (g) 27 4 2 61 (12 oz. tins) 90% (g) 31 11 3 0 ( 1 lb. tins) 90%(g) 40 6 3 91 4 2 ( 3 lb. tins) 90% (g) 117 0 11 0 ( 4 lb. tins) 90% (g) 156 0 14 8 Luncheon meat ; pork loaf : ham loaf ; veal and ham loaf ... ( 7 oz. tins) 80% (b) 16 6 1 7 ( 8 oz. tins) 80% (b) 18 3 i 9 (10 oz. tins) 80% (b) 21 10 2 1 (12 oz. tins) 80% (b) 25 3 2 5 Luncheon meat ; pork loaf ; ham loaf ; veal and ham loaf... ( 1 lb. tins) 80% (b) 32 0 3 1 ( 3 lb. tins) 80% (b) 89 3 8 71 3 4 ( 4 lb. tins) 80% (b) 119 0 11 6 Minced meat loaf ; minced beef loaf ; corned beef loaf (12 oz. tins) 80% 20 0 1 11 ( 1 lb. tins) 80% 24 8 2 4,z 2 6 Special meat roll ; galantine (10 oz. tins) 65% (b) 18 0 Eti- (12 oz. tins) 65% (b) 21 0 9 0 ( 1 lb. tins) 65% (b) 26 0 2 6 2 8 ( 3 lb. tins) 65% (b) 76 0 7 14 Meat roll (10 oz. tins) 30% 12 8 1 21 (12 oz. tins) 30% 14 1 1 4 ( 1 lb. tins) 30% 16 10 1 7 1 8 ( 3 lb. tins) 30% 49 0 4 6 Beef sausages or Oxford sausages ... ( 1 lb. tins) 50% 20 7 1 101 Beef sausage meat ... ... ... ( 1 lb. tins) 50% 18 7 1 V, Pork sausages or Cambridge sausages ( 1 lb. tins) 65% (e) 28 2 2 7 Pork sausage meat ... ... ( 1 lb. tins) 65% (e) 25 9 2 4J, Continental or fancy sausages ( 1 lb. tins) 80% (e) 32 10 3 0 Ulster fry ( 1 lb. tins) 871% 29 0 2 8 Ready or prepared meals containing pork (1 lb. tins) 45% (g) 24 11 2 31 Steak pudding ; steak and kidney pudding ... (1 lb. tins) 371% 18 8 1 9 Any other ready or prepared meal, including cottage pie, steak and kidney with dumplings, veal and vegetables, beef and vegetables, boiled beef and carrots, Irish stew, chilli-con-carne, corned beef hash, meat hash ... ( 1 lb. tins) 45% 20 1 1 101-

Section B — Imported.

per lb. per lb. Sliced bacon ... 2 31 2 3 Bacon or ham rashers J NOTES.—(a) See Fourth Schedule, para. 1. (b) See Fourth Schedule, para. 2. (c) See Fourth Schedule, para. 3. (e) See Fourth Schedule, para. 5. (g) See Fourth Schedule. para. 7. 12 THE THIRD. SCHEDULE Permitted Additions to the Maximum Prices prescribed in the First and Second Schedules. 1. The maximum prices prescribed in the First and Second Schedules on a sale by wholesale include all costs and charges of and incidental to delivery by the seller at the buyer's premises, and no additional charge. may be made for or in respect of delivery. Breaking Bulk. 2. Where on a sale by wholesale the number of tins sold, or at the buyer's request delivered to him, is less than the number contained in the case or package in which these tins were delivered to the seller, the maxi- mum price may be increased by a sum not exceeding ld. per dozen tins. Non-specified Sizes of Tin. 3. The maximum price per tin on a sale of any description of meat product specified in Column 1 of the First and Second Schedules and packed in a tin of a size other than a size specified in the said column in respect of that description shall be a sum calculated at the rate per lb. corresponding to the maximum price per tin of that description of meat product. Kosher specified foods. 4. The maximum prices prescribed in the First and Second Schedules apply to Kosher specified foods of the same descriptions where appropriate and include Shecita fees, and no additional chaite shall be made for or in respect of any services connected with the preparation or sale of Kosher meat or Kosher meat products. - Sale in portions or slices. 5. (a) On a sale by retail of a portion or slice of any meat product specified in Column 1 of the First or Second Schedule, and in respect of which a price on a sale by retail in portions or slices is shown, in Column 5 of the said Schedule, the maximum price may be increased to the amount shown in Column 5. Provided that— (i) the original container from which any such meat product is removed shall be of a capacity not less than 1 lb.; and (ii) no additional charge may be made for or in respect of slicing or cutting. (b) Except as provided by paragraph (a) above the maximum price chargeable for any description of meat product sold otherwise than in the original container shall not exceed the maximum price chargeable for that description when sold in the original container.

FOURTH SCHEDULE Provisions Regarding the Composition of Specified Foods 1. Specified foods marked "(a)" shall consist only of the appropriate meat or meats with the optional addition of salts, curing agents, gelatine, spices or flavourings not exceeding in all 5 per cent. by weight. 2. Specified foods marked "(b)" shall contain, in respect of their meat content, not less than one-half pork or ham as the case may be. 3. Specified foods marked "(c)" shall contain no cereal or cereal product. 4. Any skim milk powder used in the manufacture of a specified food. marked "(d)" shall be deemed to be equivalent to 5/3 of its own weight in meat for the purpose of assessing the meat content of the food, provided that the quantity of such milk powder so used does not exceed 6 per cent. of the total weight of the food. 5. The meat content of any specified food marked "(e)" shall consist, to the extent of not less than 80 per cent. of pork. 6. In assessing the meat content of a specified food marked "(f)", any fat of vegetable origin used in its manufacture shall be deemed to be meat for this purpose provided the total quantity of such fat so used does not exceed 25 per cent. of the prescribed minimum meat content. 7. The meat content of any specified food marked "(g)" shall consist entirely of pork.