APRIL 2018 THEBEDFORDCLANGER.COM THE BEDFORDCLANGER YOUR CULTURAL GUIDE TO THE BEST OF BEDFORD COVER BY Alex Parsons BY COVER Parklife - our celebration of Bedford’s beautiful parks and green spaces / 130 years of Bedford Park / Charles Wellls’ new brewery / the best of live music, theatre and more... Letter from Team Clanger the Editor Editor:Team Erica Roffe @bedfordclangerClanger
[email protected] the Editor Commercial Manager: Julia Crofts @clangerads
[email protected] Happy2018 sees New the Year 130th and anniversary welcome to of our Bedford first issue Park, so Editor: Erica Roffe @bedfordclanger
[email protected] of 2018. As usual, it’s packed full of the best of Design: Emma Lemon twitter: @emmaloulemon instagram: @emmalemonlettering what better reason for the Clanger to celebrate all of Commercial Manager: Julia Crofts @clangerads
[email protected] Bedford’sour town’s art, parks culture, and greenfood, music,spaces. theatre This month’s and Best Photography: Cat Lane @catlanephoto Design: Emma Lemon twitter: @emmaloulemon instagram: @emmalemonlettering shopping;of Bedford your comes one-stop-shop from Parkrun of Director, what’s onIan and Williams, Music: Lloyd Lugsden @lloydlug THE whatwe reveal to see. all the headline acts for this year’s Bedford Theatre:Front Paula cover: Walker Alex Parsons@pauliwauli2 CLANGER ThisPark year,Concerts, we welcome plus we havea new news designer of Wrest on board. Park’s FoodPhotography: & Drink: Stephen Cat BywaterLane @catlanephoto @authorbywater Youannual will St already George’s have Day seen festivities. Emma Lemon’sWe also havework NEWS IN BRIEF Website:Music: Alec Lloyd East Lugsden @ Narrative @lloydlug Industries THE insome the greatClanger news (she for designed Bedford’s the boozehounds: Taste Bedford Bears Theatre: Paula Walker @pauliwauli2 CLANGER logo& Tales and is creatednow up ourand indie running retail in itsguide) new and home we’re (see reallymore onlooking page forward14) and Charlesto having Wells her onreveals the team.