What Shall I Eat? the Housewife's Manual

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What Shall I Eat? the Housewife's Manual />-. < ' . < Car '^ ^et C t: CjX 'C<KC ^« < -C <^<^ C^ <CC C: <i -^c c ^ <Cc CL c< "a V <r <jg< <r g<^C^<^ -^ etc «sxi c c-^t/*^' Z «»: c c .^^ c fe c<-c< <ss<r <"^ C-^^^r^f^ .6 <:^c "Ccc'' ccce ceo c ccc< cr cccc<^c C CCCC ' < LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. :0 r - ^%1^S ©^ap.— -!-'@0pijri9]^t!fu. Slielf.:..hi.4-i'^ kXA <K_ UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. <:c CC^v- \ ^^ ^f ,^, <>e CC'. c \ cc ^C' C CC ^S^> ' <i;< cc c cc <. <i< -> c <i . y. ^ c CO. cc ct <! < f <;:- .<L X.«cVc^cc, c € «li. <^ *^ ^ 'V r^«^ CC C.C^L <LC C< &: %. V ^ ' rc tj^ c$ic«_ <-'\ «^ ** cc.-«r ( ^ c( ( ^ aVc <C£eC:^ Ccr CC«cC^ (- c cc CCv-<^ . <..r<r c<r:cc- a a. cc < c C- Tc fc CC C c. ^ « - 'roc <3C_ <:^ <^ CC CCv C ' . ( c:c ^ cc CCi C **^ CC .cc<> r r <rc « c :'^<rC(Cca,cC '•. '.- ^. cc * *- ..cr.ccc" " 3> ^ 3> > yL> 5 ^ j> J. :> > ;v) >^ i>>^ 75> 50 ^ > ^ ^i> ) > ^ ;>> 3; o>:^ T3 ^'^ ' > / ') jii; ^» >» >.^ ;ai£> >,3? > . -^ >>3^2^ a?> 3D i> > : y^ > 3> ,^^? P > 3 > >5>3 y:> 1 5 % V >:>J^ :> >:> ^E. ^ fJ y>^ :^>:^ yr> y> JS> ' .O: 5 1 /^ ^ >j>J) >5 > ^-> ix>_,-^ 3) >:» PRICE, TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. €vyjpy^jayjyx/y/yA/zi^A^j^/JZ^//^y/Ay^^^ y L .i^' f^ The : Housewife's : Manual. PUBLISHED BY HOME I^IKE t'UBLIHHING CO, 14 i 16 VESEY STREET. COPYRIGHTED, 1892, BY SMITH A ROGERS. V/JyAy//y/y^/y/y/y/y/Jyy/y/y/y/^^^ WHAT SHALL I EAT? THE • HOUSEWIFE'S/ MANUAL, PUBLISHED BY HOME l^IRE F»UBIvISHINO CO , 14 & 16 VESEY STREET. rr/Z-.X COPYRIGHT, 1892, BY SMITH & ROGERS. A^ ^\<^ \^^ INDEX. PAGE PAGE Introduction 9 A Nice Breakfast Dish 5S Hints on Marketing 11 Chicken in Jelly .58 Rules for Eating . 11 A Good Dish , 58 • Huw to Select Meat . 12 How to Select Fish 14 C.\KES. How to Select Poultry . .15 White Latly Cake 120 How to Select Game 15 Macaroons rX Carving IG Almond hung 127 To Make Icing for Cakes . .127 BREAD AN1> BREAKFAST 1>I,SHES. Loaf Cake 127 Plain White Family Bread 04 ... Rich Bride Caka 127 Graham Bread 94 Lady Fingers . 127 Boston Brown Bread .... 94 Queen Cake 128 Corn Bread 95 Chocolate Macaroons .... 128 Steamed Brown Bread .... 95 C!aramel Cake 128 Parker House Rolls ... .95 Pound Cake 128 French Rolls 95 Cocoanut Sponge Cake . .129 Buns . 95 Cocoanut Pound Cake .... 129 Biscuits 96 Cocoanut Cup Cake 129 To Make Rusks 96 Cocoanut Drops , . 130 Sweet Milk Gems 96 Citron Heart Cakes 130 Breakfast Gems 96 Imperial Cakes 130 Graham Breakfast Cakes . ^ . 96 Plum Cakes 130 Buckwheat Cakes . 97 Gold and Silver Cakes .... 131 Flannel Cakes 97 To Make Small Sponge Cakes . .131 Rice Griddle Cakes 97 Lemon Cheese Cakes ... 131 French Pancakes 97 Snow Cakes ....... 131 Pancakes 98 Tilden Cakes 132 Bread Fritters 98 Corn Starch Cakes 132 Quick Sally Lunn 98 Birthday Cakes 132 Breakfast Cake 98 Naples Biscuit 132 Waffles Quick 98 Cake Trifles 132 Johnny Cake 98 Savoy Cake 132 Mush 98 Compositior^Cake 133 Corn Mush 99 Almond Cream Cake 133 99 Graham Mush Ice Cream Cake 133 Economical Cake 133 BREAKFAST DISHES. Delicate Cake 133 Hashed Cold Meat .... 56 Orange Cake 134 Corned Beef Hash 56 Fried Cake . ..... 134 Dried Beef ..... 56 Fig Cake 134 Chicken Cutlets . .56 Jelly Kisses 134 Beef Patties .... 57 Cocoanut Kisses 134 Jellied Veal . California ... 57 Cake 135 Rice and Meat Croquettes . 57 White Mountain Cake . .135 American Toast . .57 Lemon Cake 135 Meat and Potatoes ... 57 Strawberry Short Cake . l-ia Breaded Sausages . .57 Marble Cake 135 Ham Croquettes .... 57 White Pound Cake 135 INDEX. PAGE PAGE Nell's Chocolate Cake .... 136 Lemon Trifle 141 Chocolate Loaf Cake 136 Floating Island 141 Rice Cake 136 Apple Snow 143 Cream Cake 136 Tropical Snow 142 Sponge Cake 136 Swiss Cream 142 Doughnuts 136 Italian Cream . .142 Coffee Cake 13? Whipped Cream 143 Spice Cake 13? Tipsy Cake 143 Soft Ginger Bread 137 Snow Pyramids 143 gweet Strawberry Short Cake . 137 An Excellent Dessert 143 Ginger Nuts 137 Apple Fritters 143 Eibbon Cake 137 Jelly Cake Fritters 144 Jelly Roll 138 Peach Meringue 144 Delicate Crullers 138 Charlotte Russe 144 Jellied Grapes COSMETKJUES. 144 Jelly and Custard 145 Complexion Wash 168 Lemon Toast 145 To Clear a Tanned Skin .168 Dish of Snow Whipped Cream . .145 Omelet for Dessert Oil To Make the Hair Curl ... 168 145 Jelly Fritters Wrinkles in the Skin 168 146 Pearl Water for the Face ... 168 Pearl Dentifrice 168 FISH. AVash for a Blotched Face ... 168 Boiled Salmon 30 Face Powder 168 Broiled Salmon 31 A Good Wash for the Hair ... 169 Baked Salmon 31 Salmon Trout 31 DRINKS, Spiced Salmon (Pickled) ... 31 Salmon and Caper Sauce .... 32 To Make Green Tea 160 Salmon Cutlets 33 To Make Black Tea 160 " Dried or Smoked Salmon . .32 Iced Tea .160 Boiled Cod 32 Coffee 160 Cod Pie ^ 32 Chocolate .160 Dried Codfish 33 Lemon Syrup 161 Stewed Salt Cod 33 Strawberry Syrup 161 Cousin Kate's Codfish Balls ... 33 Raspberry Syrup 161 Codfish Cakes 33 Strawberry Sherbet 161 Boiled Bass 33 Raspberry Vinegar 162 Fried Bass 34 Lemonade ...... 162 To Fry or Broil Fish Properlj- . 34 EggNogg 162 Baked Black Bass 34 Raisin Wine 162 Broiled IMackerel 34 Currant Wine 162 Salt Mackerel with Cream Sauce . 35 Ginger Wine 162 Boiled Eels 35 • Fine Milk Punch . 163 Fricasseed Eels 35 Claret Cup 163 Fried Eels 36 Roman P^inch 163 Collared Eels 36 Cream Nectar 163 Fried Trout ... ... 36 Red Currant Cordial .... 163 Trout in Jelly (or other Fish) . .36 Elderberry Syrup 163 Boiled Trout .36 DESSERT AND TEA DISHES. Broiled Trout 37 Baked Haddock ... 37 Boiled Custard 139 Curried Haddock 37 Lemon Custard 139 Rizzared Haddock 37 Snow Custard 139 Broiled AVhite Fish (Fresh) . .38 Tapioca Custard 140 Baked White Fish 38 Blanc Mange 140 To Select Lobsters 38 Ivory Blanc Mange 140 Boiled Lobsters 38 Rice Blanc Mange ... 140 Curried Lobsters 38 Apple Trifle 141 Lobster Chowder 39 INDEX. PAGE PAGE To Boil Corned Beef 43 Chowder . 39 A Nice Way to Serve Culd Beef 43 To Fry Smelts . 39 Spiced Beef 44 To Bake Smelts .... 39 Broiled Red Herrings or Yarmouth Bloaters 39 Beefsteak 44 Potted Fish 40 Fried Beefsteak 41 Oysters on the Shell 40 Beefsteak Pie 41 Boiled Leg of JIuttou 45 Oysters Stewed with Milk . .40 Roast Loin of Mutton Oysters Fried in Butter .... 40 45 Broiled Oysters Scalloped 41 Mutton Chops 45 Oysters Fried 41 Mutton Chop, Fried 45 Roast Forequarter of Lamb 46 Oyster Patties . 41 Lambs' Sweet Breads 46 Oysters Broiled . 41 To Roast Veal 47 Clam Fritters . 42 Veal Chops 47 C'lams, Soft Shelled . 43 Veal Cutlets 48 To Broil Soft Shell Clams . 42 Stuffed Fillet of Veal with Bacon 48 Clam Chowder . 12 Veal Cake 48 ICKS, ICK-CREAM, CANDY. Veal Pie . 48 Boiled Calf's Head 49 Currant Ice loG Calf's Head Cheese 49 Strawberry or Rasjjberry Ice 150 Boiled Calf's Feet, Parsley an<l Butte 50 Orange and Lemon Ices .... 150 Calf's Liver and Bacon . 50 Ice-Cream 1,56 Sweet Breads .... 50 Vanilla oi' Lemon Ice-Cream 157 Egged Veal Hash 51 Strawberry Ice-Cream 157 Roast Beef with Yorkshire Pudding 51 Chocolate Ice-Cream 15? Beef Heart, Baked or Roasted 51 Cream Candies .... 157 Beef Kidney .... 52 Pineapple Ice-Cream 158 Potted Beef 52 Italian Cream .... 158 Boiled Tongue . ... To Make Barley Sugar . 158 Fricasseed Tripe . 53 To Make Everton Taflfee 159 Broiled Tripe 53 Cocoanut Drops .... 159 Roast Rabbit 53 Molasses Candy .... 159 Stewed Rabbit, Larded 53 Chocolate Caramels 159 Fricasseed Rabbit 54 Lemon Cand3- .... 159 A Pretty Dish of Venison 54 INVALID COOKERY. To Broil Venison Steaks 54 Beefsteak and Kidney Pudding .C5 Port Wine Jelly 164 Tapioca Jelly 164 MISCELLANEOUS. Arrowroot Wine Jell3- 164 Jellied Chicken . 164 An Excellent Hard Soap 169 Chicken Broth 164 To Wash Woolen Blankets 169 To Make Gruel . 165 For Clothes that Fade . 170 Barley Water 165 Lamp Wicks 170 Arrowroot Blanc Mange 165 To Make Old Crape Look Nearly Equal to Lemonade for Invalids 166 New .... 170 Mutton Broth 166 To Clean Kid Gloves . 170 Flaxseed Lemonade 166 Stains and Spots 170 Arrowroot 166 To Remove Grease Spots. 171 Stewed Rabbits in Milk 166 Stains on Marble 171 Slippery Elm Bark Tea 167 To Keep Starch from Sticking 171 Beef Tea .... 167 Paint or Varnish 172 Egg Wine :<.67 To Remove Ink from Carpets . 172 Toast Water 16? To Remove Ink from Paper 172 Onion Uruel 167 Ink on Rosewood or Mahogany 172 Feed for Canary Birds 173 MEAT.S. Coal Fire .... 173 Roast Beef .... For Cleaning Ink Spots 173 • Round of Beef Boiled . Polish for Bright Stoves and Steel Articles 173 INDE.Y. ^ To Keep off Mosquitoes 173 To Biisliteii ( iilt. Frames 173 To Preserve Steel Petis 173 To Clean Combs 173 Mice ..... 174 Camphor 174 For Cleaning: Jewelry 174 For Washing Silver and Silverware 174 For WashiiiK' (Jlass and Cilassware 174 Insects and Vermin 174 Moths in Carpets 175 Smooth Sad Irons 175 To Cleanse the Inside of Jars 175 Furnitui'e ]^)lisli 175 Squeaking Doors 175 For Cleaning' Mirrors . 175 To Soften Putty . 175 176 To Sweeten Meat . Stove Polish .... 176 Cleaning White Paint 176 To Remove Stains from Matresses 176 176 How to Clean Corsets . To Clean Hairbrushes 176 Hovr to Wash Flannels 176 Cleaning Lace 177 New Kettles 177 To Keep Flies off Gilt Frames 177 To Prevent Knives from Rusting 177 Cement for Glassware 177 Waterproof Paper 177 Perspiration 178 Renewing Old Kid Gloves 178 Cologne Water 178 To Cleanse a Sponge 178 Icy Windows 178 To Remove Blood from Cloth 178 Camphor Ice 178 Starch Polish 179 To Clean Feathers 179 To Test Nutmegs 179 To Clean Mica 179 To Destroy Vermin in the Hair 179 To Remove Bruises from Furniture 179 Pearl Smelling Salts 179 Pounded (Mass r 179 Polish for Boots .
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