Motion 09611
-., .. ~ ~ ~.! .. ~ ~~, '" • ~ 1 L:\RRY PHllUP$ , KENT PULLE.N LOUISE MILLI:Fi 1 June 2.1995 INTRODUCED BY: BRUCE LAING 2 II CRD/lLK PROPOSED NO: 95 - 44 1 3 4 MOTION NO. 9 611 .:J 5 A MOTION approving projects for the King County Cultural Facilities Program, 6 in accordance with Ordinance 10189. 7 WHEREAS, the King County arts commission and landmarks and heritage commission 8 are authorized by Ordinance 10189 to administer cultural facilities projects, and 9 WHEREAS, the King County cultural resources division received 87 applications 10 requesting $8,639,677 fromthe 1995 Cultural Facilities Program and County.Council's Arts 11 and Natuml Resources Initiative. and 12 WHEREAS, two review panels of arts and heritage professionals, coro.munity 13 representatives, and commission representatives reviewed the applications and made 14 recommendations to the King County arts commission and landmarks and heritage 15 commission, as listed in Attachments A (arts) and B (heritage), and 16 WHEREAS, the Kin~ County arts commission and the King County landmarks and 17 heritage commission approved the review panels' recommendations, and 18 WHEREAS, the recommendations for arts and heritage Cultural Facilities Program 19 funding adhere to the guidelines and fmancial plan policies approved by the King County 20 council in Motion 8797, and 21 WHEREAS, the fmancial plan inc1u~ed as Attachment C, has been revised to indicate 22 actual hoteVmotel tax revenue. for 1994 and projected revenue consistent with assumptions 23 made in the 1995 adopted budget, and 24 WHEREAS, the financial, plan supports Cultural Facilities program funding; 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 , ' ( -~ f" ," '\ , 9611 ~ I " NOW THEREFORE BE IT MOVED by the Council of King County: 2 The executive is hereby authorized to allocate a total of $727,399, which includes 3 $512,200 for twenty arts projects as listed in Attachment A for Cultural Facilities program arts ~ projects and $215,199 for eight heritage projects as listed in Attachment B for Cultural .S Facilities program heritage projects.
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