Corridor Recommendations Corridor ot iiayhgwycrio td:ceaek,vrii 1dcme 05| 21 december 2005 | chesapeake, south corridor study: and Implementation ie o aae)acs oln eeomn,while simultaneously vides (or manages) access to land development, access management is “the process that pro- in this report, described As Impact of Access Management Techniques. 420, Report the National Highway Research Cooperative Program’s (NCHRP) measuresselection of appropriate for access management policies is One published document that may help with the ferent situations. Policies be adapted to fit dif- and can and design solutions are varied along a street.features that manage the movement of vehicles management requires the implementation of policies and roadway Access and safety. of highway capacity the preservation tion system, Access management provides major benefits to the transporta- two ACCESS MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES the corridor. access points and therefore the number of movement conflicts along to consolidating the number of methodology an effective strate and the frontage roadInter-parcel concept both demon- connectivity control lead to establishing adequate access and traffic measures.will Highway Corridor Military along the South efforts redevelopment and planning of future development Anticipatory developments. ingress/egress or large residential of commercial developments serve that will signal, with a traffic preferably access at median crossovers, placement of places an emphasis on the strategic cel connectivity Inter-par- traffic. Highway for local Military sections of South short aid in limiting the use of will along the corridor behind development as parking streets or the introduction frontage of reverse roads The retaining of the frontage road system interconnectivity. and local streets of interconnected CoreCommunity local suggest a system Concept A and B segments of the Both alternative INTER-PARCEL CONNECTIVITY urban design associates design urban industrial development. industrial use or direct of neighborhood access for location is a centralized whether it being served of property tion should be given to the type considera- In addition, proposed signal should be based on demand. for a The first priority nal spacing should be adjusted accordingly. sig- along a roadway, Depending on desired speeds and development ¼ mile interval. every does not mean that a signal is warranted although this segments of the corridor, in developed ed for roadways recommend-traffic signal spacing at multiples of ¼ mile is generally nation and provide progression traffic in both directions of travel, To good signal coordi- achieve operations. and traffic improve safety dramatically signals can spacing of traffic stood that appropriate progression along two-way vehicle in being able to provide good signal spacing is critical Appropriate Signal Spacing • Establishing driveway design criteria Establishing driveway • Providing to left-turns alternatives • Providing lanes left-turn • Providing median openings appropriate • median treatments Constructing • access spacing Establishing adequate unsignalized • Establishing adequate signal spacing • ment include: in the aforementioned docu- described access management strategies Common examples of assessment of access management techniques. This document provides an and speed.” capacity, of safety, terms the flow on the surrounding in of traffic road system preserving a corridor. It is commonly under- It is commonly a corridor. rnprainapni 58 transportation appendix

© 2005 urban design associates ot iiayhgwycrio td:ceaek,vrii 1dcme 05| 21 december 2005 | virginia chesapeake, south military highway corridor study: (RIRO) Right-in right-out • Left-out • Paired left-over • left-out Left-over, • Full movement • median openings include: of Examples of different types movements through channelization. ments whereas specific a directional opening accommodates only move- turning median opening accommodates all A full directional. or - full Median openings are categories identified in one of two Median Openings Highway with a single access point. receive Military direct can access to South developments several the introduction of access streets, With intersections with signals. intersections are spaced similar to existing into signalized converted to be that those are should be spaced such likely they structed, and intersections are planned and con- driveways As unsignalized Spacing Unsignalized Access eue o70fe.This is a direct reflection of roadway volume and reduced to 700 feet. this spacing is of Minor Arterial but with a roadway classification with a design speed of 50 mph is also 900 feet for a Principal Arterial of Chesapeake crossover The City spacing design speed is 50 mph. when the median openings be spaced a minimum apart of 900 feet Transportation’s requires access management policy full (VDOT) of Department The Virginia to specific intersections. vehicles and consolidate left-turning to eliminate some median crossovers, ty the proper spacing of medians may result in the opportuni- instances, In some Highway corridor. Military function of the South the overall proper crossover to spacing is important spacing, As with driveway Crossover Spacing and Consolidation of the improvements needed along the a part lanes but to also consider the widening of median crossoversturning introduce fuels the need to not only further of turn-lanes The lack to cross the highway from a side street. from the median or trying or U-turn a left-turn to perform trying queuing needs for vehicles composition and vehicle and the vehicle in the median, turn-lanes factor.with median crossover width are a primary issues associated safety already benefits from the presence of medians, of the corridor the majority Since basis. on a daily be observed This can Highway Corridor. Military along the South locations eral at sev- were operations observed conditions and the impact to traffic The physical or pedestrians. vehicles adequate shelter for turning narrow median crossovers do not provide However, oncoming traffic. Narrow medians do separate roadway affect access. significantly Median crossover roadway feature that can width is an important Median Crossover Width The ideal width of the median is dependent on presence of urban design associates design urban Jug Handle • Median U-turn • Examples include: be applied in these situations. that can alternatives There are numerous with a lesser impact. more suitable location be displaced to a movement can the left-turn In these cases, gether. must alto- be restricted left-turns In other cases made in a corridor. be can to control where left-turns In some instances it is necessary to Left-turnsAlternatives percent. by as much as 33 increase capacity can lanes on a four-lane arterial It is estimated that the provision of left-turn that of a through lane.” the “capacity of a shared lane is about 40 percent to 60 percent of that and indicates lanes, delay reductions associated with left-turn studies documenting cites several The NCHRP report operations. Turn-lanes lanes benefit highway left-turn and in particular sions. and reduce rear-end colli- vehicles, to left-turning oncoming traffic of improve the visibility from traffic, turning through vehicles lanes remove Left-turn and safety. for roadway capacity important Providing length is storage lanes and appropriate adequate left-turn Left-turn Lanes sification. flow traffic the reduced on a lower potential to disrupt roadway clas- rnprainapni 59 transportation appendix

© 2005 urban design associates ot iiayhgwycrio td:ceaek,vrii 1dcme 05| 21 december 2005 | virginia chesapeake, south military highway corridor study: speeds within at moderate large volumes of traffic modate relatively niques must keep in mind the corridor’s function (to accom- mobility tech- Highway applicable Military of South In the case land uses. and adjacent existing conditions, by roadway classification, to vary Measures need will be implemented to manage roadway access. can volumes Reducing conflicting vehicle • from through traffic vehicles Reducing the number of turning • Increasing conflict areas distance between • conflict points Limiting the number of vehicle • by: fic operations and traf- improve Access management can safety along the highway. activities serving and operation of access drives design, location, to the principles engineering It applies traffic system. transportation of the and efficiency the safety ment in a manner that preserves and efficiency. an increase in safety Highway would achieve Military this segment of South removing and combining driveways, By relocating, of the mainline. decreasing the capacity driveway, are forced an existing Drivers to slow entering down for vehicles High Occurrence • Design • Location • flicts: and con- delays vehicle three components that create unnecessary of design involves or the lack to parcelsEntrances must be designed, Design Driveway lanes As one can see, a wide variety of access management techniques wide variety a see, As one can Access management provides vehicular access to land develop- tion system. the impacts of land use on transporta- minimize that will terns growth pat- to establish and sustain orderly be necessary will effort This coordination of Chesapeake. and the City between VDOT requireHighway and the adjacent land uses will coordination Military of South system the transportation exist between that will The relationship as land use planning principles. as well principles access management must consider both road design effectiveness, For standards and median cross-over spacing exceed those of VDOT. ordinance or entrance In some instances the City by forth VDOT. set consistent with median spacing and access management strategies Highway/I-464 interchange in the east. Military interchangeHill in the west and extending to South Highway/I-64 Bower’s Military study area beginning with the South Highway Corridor Military plan be extended to address the South It is suggested that the extending the current access control plan. of Chesapeake should consider updating and the City Use Plan and the adopted 2026 Land 2026 Comprehensive Plan of the new It is recommended that with the adoption to Deep Creek Boulevard. control plan was approved in 1985 and covers the segment from I-64 the current access However, FacilitiesManagement Public Manual. Highway per Chapter 16 -Access Military Policy for South and Plan and through the region). • Median between I-64 Off-Ramp/Cavalier Boulevard intersection Boulevard I-64 Off-Ramp/Cavalier Median between • Access Improvement Recommendations Eliminate utilities within the median and cross-over Beach: toward at I-64 On-Ramp Virginia In general, the City of Chesapeake access management policy is of Chesapeake access management policy the City In general, of Chesapeake has an existing Access Management The City urban design associates design urban iiayHgwya ereWsigo iha:Extend Highway at George Washington Military Highway: • left-turn Extend eastbound Highway at Canal Drive: Military • left- Extend eastbound Highway at Cavalier Boulevard: Military • Highway at I-64 (Toward Military On-Ramp: Beach) Virginia • Recommendations Intersection iiayHgwya epCekBuead Eliminate full- Highway at Deep Creek Boulevard: Military • and Bower’s Cavalier Boulevard Highway between Hill: Military • and George Street Washington State Highway between Military • and George Street Washington State Highway between Military • Westbound Highway at I-64 (Toward Military On- Suffolk) • into intersection lanes right-turn full-width intersection to incorporate reconstruct and lane, left-turn extend eastbound lane, left-turn westbound lane traffic movement to better accommodate truck lane and improveturn for southbound right-turn the radius lane right-turn eastbound exclusive Construct Boulevard right-out only only right-out Boulevard movement median crossover Deep Creek and construct tion of some median crossovers and consider the median crossover consolidation or the elimina- lanes left-turn full-width of exclusive Consider the construction Consider Route 17): Highway (U.S. lanes at median crossover locations left-turn full-width Consider exclusive Route 17): Highway (U.S. and 200 foot taper storage of lane with 200 feet right-turn an exclusive Construct Ramp: one-way frontage roads rnprainapni 60 transportation appendix

© 2005 urban design associates • Modify I-664 Off-Ramp at Bower’s Hill: Short ramp exits to ramp Short at Bower’s Modify I-664 Off-Ramp Hill: • ot iiayhgwycrio td:ceaek,vrii 1dcme 05| 21 december 2005 | virginia chesapeake, south military highway corridor study: place. nated with the other signals when incident management plans are in be coordi- will they However, commuterunder normal conditions. independently Highway interchange be operated will 464/Military the I- signals serving It is anticipated that the traffic conditions. by time of day or under incident boundaries the system to vary bility along I-64. Bridge plans to be implemented accommodate incidents at the High Rise as allow bases as well for incident management on a daily operation improve This will the overall as a coordinated signal system. operate to Highway should be up graded Military the entire South tion, In addition to specific recommendations intersec- identified at each SIGNAL TIMING with ease and ultimate improvedthrough the corridor safety. to move and thus allow motorists improve visibility, communication, enhance improve of the roadway but will of the roadway, the feel ty improve These additional elements may not directly the capaci- tion. there other issues that require are several atten- recommendations, ommended that this ramp be closed. it is rec- therefore, change (Exit 297) planned for signalization; Highway inter- or at the I-64/Military Highway Off-Ramp access at the Highway can West Military eastbound Military toward (I-664) oriented Highway 13/58/460) and north (U.S. approaching from and traffic the west up onto the Interstate, backs peak periods queuing during stop controlled T intersection, With a coordinated system in place, the City will have the flexi- will the City in place, a coordinated system With In addition to the detailed access management and intersection the South Military Highway Corridor. Military the South of help redefine gateway will the eastern Bridge Gilmerton The new the planned reinvestment and aesthetic improvement of the corridor. lanes. accommodate six travel to ultimately structed should continue to be designed and con- Bridge Gilmerton new The Bridge. Gilmerton of the new replacement and construction Urban Transportation improvement funds required the to support pursue and designate the of Chesapeake must actively The City GILMERTON BRIDGE sustain traffic operations along the corridor. operations sustain traffic solutions that enhance and and long term term short demonstrate existing and futuredemonstrate as network deficiencies as well 2026 volumes Cavalier Interchange ALT 2 • 2026 volumes Cavalier Interchange ALT 1 • Core 2026 volumes Community Concept 1B • Core 2026 volumes Community Concept 1A • 2026 volumes on Existing Geometry • also includes: analysis The progress these peak periods. along the mainline during traffic to best as a whole and an effort for the corridor intersection analysis represents signalized The signal timing analysis CD). included (See of Chesapeake by the City and consideration conditions for review 6.0 Professionalbeen prepared to address using Synchro existing The replacement of the Gilmerton Bridge is a critical first step in is a critical Bridge The replacement of the Gilmerton diinly the data files contained on CD are intended to Additionally, AM and PM peak hour signal timing plans have Preliminary urban design associates design urban or shoulder for recreational purposes and travel to and fromor shoulder for recreational and travel work. purposes to use the roadway and pedestrians bicyclists facilities causes of such Lack Highway is not a designated bike route. Military South Today, PEDESTRIAN AND BICYCLE FACILITIES Highway corridor. Military South progression of the through the intersection and along this portion and traffic operations enhance traffic tions at the intersection will and when combined with signal timing modifica- add capacity will segment of the George Washington Highway to a four-lane facility Improving this Highway. Military to South back time to be allocated along George traffic Washington Highway and allow more green require will to less green time being allocated The additional capacity south and other areas of Chesapeake and Portsmouth to the north. to/from traveling the I-64/Deep Creektraffic interchange in the Additional better accommodate laneage will and future demand. intersection LOS conditions could be improved to address existing needs in the region. higher priority one time been a funded project but was taken off the list due to other that this section had at revealed through additional data gathering, and residents and the City Conversations with local Highway. Military lane at the southbound approach to South sive left-turn with an exclu- facility a two-lane This segment is currently roadway. to a four-lane Highway and Canal Drive Military South between Route 17) need to improve George Washington Highway (U.S. the charrette discussed the process numerous participants During HIGHWAYGEORGE WASHINGTON Intersection analysis revealed that with the additional laneage revealed Intersection analysis rnprainapni 61 transportation appendix

© 2005 urban design associates ot iiayhgwycrio td:ceaek,vrii 1dcme 05| 21 december 2005 | virginia chesapeake, south military highway corridor study: there be an increased will need to provide side- comes to fruition, Core within the Community area especially ment\redevelopment, develop- As new component in street design. fundamental pedestrian and are routes in a community a transportation are critical Sidewalks and pedestrians. for motorists hazards ties creating additional safety considered future with all transportation facilities should it is recommended that bicycle Comprehensive Plan of the Chesapeake 2026 In the spirit cyclist. experienced while bike lanes adjacent to the roadway are more for the appropriate Off-road paths are more for recreational appropriate users, in mind. facilities should be designed and maintained with the intended user bike It is noted that per the Chesapeake 2026 Comprehensive Plan of the corridor.along this part multiple user interests better serve paths will multi-purpose separated the accommodation of segment are preferred, along this particular Bicycle/Trails Committee revealed that adjacent Class II bike lanes representatives from the While traffic. and truck volumes, traffic the roadway section to provide speeds, to the higher travel a buffer recommended beyond that bike lanes or multi-use paths be located Bridge. east of the Gilmerton ately through Core the planned Community and end in the area immedi- interchange in the west and continue the I-64/Cavalier Boulevard adjacent to the travel lanes beginning at lanes should be constructed These bike roadway into the future design. corridor be incorporated is recommended it that designated (Class II) bike lanes Committee, and representatives from the Chesapeake Bicycle\Trails citizens, Currently, the corridor is essentially void of such pedestrian facili- pedestrian void of such is essentially the corridor Currently, it is (Bower’sAlong the western segment of the corridor, Hill) local From committee members, our meetings with the steering walkway. of no more on a than 200 feet passing space at intervals wheelchair ADA requires a to ADA minimum passing space for a wheel chair. should be provided conforming along sidewalks five-foot clear-zone a minimum Additionally, walks and ADA ramps. compliant curb side- improvements with correspondingupgraded corridor to include environment. pedestrian to establish an active the opportunity offer sidewalks parking streets, along the nesses abutting residential and located neighborhoods for those busi- cess of the proposed Core Community particularly To the suc- support among land uses. mobility walks for pedestrian • Gateway treatments such as landscaping or monument signs treatments such as landscaping Gateway • signs and/or may consider the introduction of historical The City • etc.) should be posted at controls, traffic Road signs (speed limit, • etc.) should be located lodging, food, signs (gas, service Uniform • understandable. and is easily through the corridor, traffic guides truck members, assists community businesses, local both existing and future should be introduced that supports Signage present throughout the corridor. land use characteristics varying need to be responsive signage and way finding techniques New to the SIGNAGE define the varying character of the area character define the varying should be introduced at the end points of study area to further markers within the commercial/retail core of the corridor as required by law regular intervals study area corridor around the major intersections and at end points of only It is also recommended that intersections along the corridor be It is also recommended that intersections along the corridor urban design associates design urban Core area should meet design guidelines. VDOT and the Community Bridge the Gilmerton Lighting between Bridge. lighting fixtures associated with the replacement of the Gilmerton ter or place. to establish a sense of charac- Core should be consistent in an effort lighting fixtures within the Community pedestrian Additionally, overhead as much glow as possible. should be minimized particular, In of light sources and glare or adjacent sites. ity from public view the visibil- to minimize site lighting should be designed and installed section and associated multi-use paths. lane typical to accommodate the proposed four- necessary on the right-of-way for this segment of Bower’s effort design and installation based Hill with reinitiatingof Chesapeake proceed their lighting expeditiously it is recommended that the City Therefore, concern. listed as a safety of lighting along this segment was voiced and As expected the lack recommendations of this study. and findings were identified as a part was put on hold until This effort Highway. Military ment of South lighting along the Bower’s to install ing plan and preparing seg- Hill a light- of Chesapeake was in the process of developing that the City It is also understood should be a priority. of lighting at this location that installation interchange and indicated I-64/Cavalier Boulevard movement. and pedestrian vehicular efficient and safe standards to support design guidelines, should meet lighting Lighting for the corridor VDOT the corridor. of character consistent with the surrounding land uses and varying that is should be designed and installed Lighting along the corridor LIGHTING Lighting in the Gilmerton area of the corridor will be dictated by will area of the corridor Lighting in the Gilmerton In the planned commercial/retail core segment of the corridor, of lighting at the Numerous noted the lack charrette participants rnprainapni 62 transportation appendix

© 2005 urban design associates ot iiayhgwycrio td:ceaek,vrii 1dcme 05| 21 december 2005 | virginia chesapeake, south military highway corridor study: the corridor. of the core aesthetic qualities of and enhance the overall the character standards that define and streetscape should implement landscape the City Ordinance requirements, In addition to existing Zoning Core to the Community area.implemented that define the entrances be landscaping signs with appropriate ommended that gateway It is rec- of the corridor. and boundaries define the character further to etc.) be constructed monument signs, treatments (landscaping, it is recommended that gateway future roadway improvements, With LANDSCAPING to the City. should be a priority the corridor of Repaving or resurfacing to the roadway. feel present a cleaner/new and marking begins to striping New pavement with new presents. and address the corridor some of the aesthetic concerns the City, establish a commitment to investment by improved surface, driving presents improvement an a near term the corridor offer that will Repaving should be emphasized. of the corridor resurfacing unlikely, is very in the time period Highway to a six-lane facility Military another five years and the funding potential to improve South has been neglected and not maintained on a consistent basis. Highway corridor Military that the pavement of South evident very It is complete pavement failure along some edges of the roadway. and fragmenting, cracking, pavement conditions include Currently design charrette process identified the need to repave the corridor. Highway Military TaskThe South Force and the recent Study REPAVING Realizing the Gilmerton Bridge will not be constructed for not be constructed will Bridge Realizing the Gilmerton investment on behalf of the City. reflect will a commitment to along the corridor ment in landscaping invest- it is expected that as with resurfacing, management benefits, businesses. local residential land uses and inconsistent land uses especially between a buffer should offer along the corridor Landscaping function. sary promote neces- a sense of place while fulfilling and further corridor of the should define the distinct characteristics Landscaping roadway. should be reflective of the threecorridor areas that exist along the plan for the corridor. with a master drainage ensure consistency management plan needs to tures with stormwater should integrate fea- landscaping Also, where possible. areastural should be preserved or agricul- wooded areas, wetlands, as fields, such working landscapes or Existing landscaping the desired function. to achieve corridor) along the Bower’s segments of the (particularly and Gilmerton Hill recreated wetlands and reforestation that include opportunities zones should consider landscaping the City of future roadway design, runoff of stormwater Reduce the volume and improve the quality • reduce from heat generation asphalt parking lots, Shade • of the corridor Enhance the visual quality • along the South of traffic and enhance the visibility Preserve • benefits include: landscaping Such benefits. vide several Military Highway Corridor Military In addition to aesthetic quality enhancements and stormwater In addition to aesthetic quality implemented for the The magnitude and character of landscaping be required management features will stormwater as a part Where pro- will Implementation of planned and maintained landscaping urban design associates design urban the improved roadway. along guidelines for development (ICOD), District Overlay Corridor via an Industrial ing area land uses shape the need to establish, and surround- of the corridor location combined with the geographic That intent, within the corridor. opportunities development trial and heavy indus- light industrial need to promote commercial-retail, the the design charrette indicated and extensive public input during from those for the TCOD growth corridors. management in this areament/redevelopment different are slightly the intentions for develop- is appropriate, Highway corridor Military approach for the South Although the overlay and shop. work, of where for people in terms to live,provides opportunities new Accessibility etc.). River, of the Elizabeth Branch Southern lines, Rail I-64, (I-464, systems infrastructure regional transportation mary and pri- TCOD to the interstate system is accessibility development component of the A key development. attractive for high quality, by creating opportunities corridors potential of the two development understand that the intent of TCOD the economic is to preserve We and Route 168 (Battlefield Boulevard). (Dominion Boulevard) (TCOD) that applies to Route 104 District policy Overlay of Chesapeake has adopted The City Transportation Corridor INDUSTRIAL CORRIDOR OVERLAY DISTRICT (ICOD) coordination with Transit (HRT). in (LRT) of introducing transit into the corridor light rail feasibility should study the the City As future need and conditions warrant, LIGHT RAIL TRANSIT (LRT) OTHER CONSIDERATIONS: As a part of the needs assessment conducted during this study, of the needs assessment conducted during As a part rnprainapni 63 transportation appendix

© 2005 urban design associates ot iiayhgwycrio td:ceaek,vrii 1dcme 05| 21 december 2005 | virginia chesapeake, south military highway corridor study: pro- will framework The policy applications. and rezoning permits with some discretion over the approvalthe City of conditional use This provides and conditional use permit (CUP) process. rezoning The proposed ICOD be administered will through the Bower’s Hill. Highway interchange in and ending in the east at I-664 off-ramp Military west of the I-464/South roadway) beginning immediately and 1/2 mile to the south (1/2 mile to the north mile buffer be defined is a one- will framework The area this policy in which dor. along the corri- efforts and redevelopment development manage new of the ICOD. the concept dor combined with a vision for future land uses supports Commitment to investment in the corri- mercial and retail services. com- oriented Core focus on community Community segment will the Simultaneously, and grow uses into the future. to support such with the intent end of the corridor land uses at each heavy industrial by existing light and characterized is currently Highway corridor Military The defining difference is that the South of the corridor. combined with more intense land uses are shape the future what will change at Cavalier Boulevard. Grove Parkwayaccess to the future Pleasant through the I-64 inter- play a role Highway will in providing Military South Route 58. and U.S. I-664, I-64, Route 17 (George Washington Highway), U.S. due to its access relationships and regional with I-464, level local is a vital link at the Highway corridor Military The South nities. opportu- such improvements and it is vital to preserve transportation and planned are infrastructure created by existing transportation The ICOD establishes a policy framework intended to define and The ICOD framework establishes a policy and deep water accessibility rail, It is understood that interstate, The ICOD builds off of the TCOD that opportunities principle sider the establishment of an Industrial Corridor Overlay District. Overlay Corridor sider the establishment of an Industrial ment of goods and services. the move- and support facilitate access to jobs and schools will ridor Improvements to the cor- and welfare. safety, to public health, tribute con- investment that will community for significant opportunity represents an Highway corridor, Military this section of the South the establishment of proposed ICOD for facility, transportation As a major regional of the corridor. and capacity function, the safety, improvements infrastructure is intended to enhance transportation vibrant and thriving community and corridor. community and thriving vibrant and a vision create the potential to establish a existing zoning, sibility, Existing acces- for the City. of additional tax revenue the generation to implement shaping guidelines that lead vide the opportunity Therefore, it is recommended that the City of Chesapeake con- it is recommended that the City Therefore, In addition to the economic de eomn eeis investment in velopment benefits, urban design associates design urban rnprainapni 64 transportation appendix

© 2005 urban design associates