1 AUTISM SOCIETY TIDEWATER VIRGINIA PENINSULA GROUP DIRECTORY OF AUTISM RELATED SERVICES ON THE PENINSULA AND SURROUNDING AREA (updated 6 January 2014) As a reminder, the contacts listed in this directory are not the only contacts in Hampton Roads that can help your family. They are also not guaranteed to be able to help every family that they see. Since each ASD child is different, it is up to each parent to determine the best team of professionals to help their child. Not every contact in this list gave explicit consent to be included and reference to a contact is not an endorsement. This list is not all inclusive. Please contact us to make any corrections or to be added as a resource. Autism Society Tidewater Virginia Peninsula Group http://tidewaterasa.org/Peninsula-Office.php www.meetup.com/tidewater-autism/ https://www.facebook.com/tidewaterasa
[email protected] (757) 461-4474 (option 2 for Peninsula Group) -Composed by the Autism Society Virginia Tidewater Peninsula Group for informational purposes- 2 ADULT SERVICES Adult Day Services of South Richmond 6201 Midlothian Turnpike Richmond, VA 23225 (804) 674-1600 Association for Driver Rehabilitation Specialists Supports professionals working in the field of driver education and driver training and transportation equipment modifications for persons with disabilities through education and information dissemination. 866-672-9466 www.driver-ed.org Caring Hands and Supplementary Enrichment Education of Virginia Adult Residential Program 1209 Independence Blvd., Suite 109 Virginia Beach, VA 23445 (757) 354-4436 Chimes Virginia 3951 Pender Drive Ste120 Fairfax, VA 22030 1-888-244-6374 (703) 267-6558 www.chimes.org Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services Database of Day Support Providers for ID/DD Waivers, for Group Homes or Sponsored Residential Placement http://www.dbhds.virginia.gov/LPSS/LPSS.aspx Driver Rehabilitation of Hampton Roads Inc.