Segnogram V5 N1 Oct 1905
)L. V. OCTOBER, 1905.’ -a No. 1 •5 C EN TS ¡A C O P Y SUSP BEST FOR COMFORT, WEAR, AND ECONOMY FOR EVERY PURPOSE, FOR MAN AND YOUTH Guaranteed to Outwear Three of the Ordinary Kinds BULL DOG SUSPENDERS Not a Harness — Do Not Twist or Tangle — Cannot Crow Stiff, Bind, Catch, or Sag — Will Not Soil Linen Are the Standard of True Suspender Economy Contain more and better rubber and greater elasticity than any other suspender. Have non-rusting, silver nickel metal parts and imported, unbreakable Bull Dog Leather Ends, in suring ease and action, longer wear, and better and more uniform trouser support. They give absolute satisfaction that cannot be had in any other make of suspender. in light weight lisles or heavy weight twills for man or youth (extra lengths at no extra cost), if they don’t prove / the Best 50-Cent investment you ever made you can have your money back by asking for it. // your dealer won’t supply you, we will, postpaid. There is no substitute for the Bull Dog HEWES & POTTER Largest Suspender and Belt Makers in the World Dept 33, 89 Lincoln St,, Boston, Mass. Valuable li«.*;Klc;., “ Correct Dress and Suspender Styles,” free o n request THE Volume V. October, 1905 Number 1 cDont Ve a Vickie Success always attracts: Failure is always repulsive. The world seems to tip just a little, always and every where, in the direction of the successful man. Everything rolls his way. There cannot be an effect without a cause, and when we look with envy into the eye of the man who succeeds, let us not forget, in our yearning to be like him, what made him w h a t he is.
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