colm, Richard Brady, James Smith, and lodging, and one day I asked tbe Having each come back to the point Jeremiah Flockinger, John Young, John landlord if it would be any cheaper if I from whence he started, the debaters, FOUR HUNDRED UNEMPLOYED Fletcher, Thomae Atkins, L. W. Craw- THESE WERE ARGONAUTIC TIMES should take a pair of blankets and sleep HIS FRUIGIVEROUS TEETH. after referring in appropriate terms to ford, Ohas. Tricknor, Frank Robertson, out on the hay. He said he could cut it the ladies present, gave up the oratorical W. W. Wilson, Geo. Blue, J. S. Brown, down to $18 a week, provided I would ghost, and the audience dispersed, after Will Be Put to Work in the Tom Mortz, Luke Quinn, John Wilson, Judge Eaton, of Pasadena, as do that, and I accepted the offer; but Hard Names Indulged In By having been very pleasantly entertained City Today. J. P. Nichol, L. More, A. L. Brown, M. Pressman. not so much on account of the cut as Two Genial Gentlemen. by the able gentlemen from their dif- Ackles. Victor Carmen. L. Johnson, a because I bad noticed that there were a ferent standpoints. Wm. Cassady, Geo. F. Numan, J. W. great many~boatders in the house who T'ae List of Names and the Places Wilson, D. P. Snook, A. J. Belt. Geo. Assisted at the had not been paying anything for board, Eat and Nuts or FOUND NOT GUILTY. Anderson, Frank Wmde, A. F. Snook, How He Birth of and quite a number of them had taken Will You of Work. Pete Nilaon, James Brown, Geo. Gard- the Calaveras Chronicle. to sleeping with me. if lively Scuffle Between Dr. Miller and ner, Geo. Haas, Frank Bauer, D. Doug- "About the third morning after I bad a Patient. Wm. Anil, Frank De Witty, Mobbs begun to room at the haystack Iawoke, Probably the moat willing witness The Labor Commission, Headed by las, A PleasJ|*% Vegetarian Fruitarian Jackson, Geo. Clark, J. A. Dageriß, work RflmlDlioßnoe or Old-Time and looking out of my bedroom window A and a Enter- Judge Austin ever heard was Mrs. Lena Mayor Itniran With a Ssek, Visit Explan- at Aliso and Anderson streets. Matter*? Th« Troubles of Ban- was surprised to see a printing office, tain an Audience With the Furniss of South Olive street, as the Oanaa at Work and 6to>£ A. J. Grant, M. Karany, John Traf- ning; a Printing apparently in full operation, under a ation of Their Peculiar Beliefs. she sat on tbe witness stand yesterday lay I'he in Off. Douglas A Snappy Debate. ford, O. D. Buckington, Mc- Offloe. shed not faraway. The thing inter- afternoon. Crua, J. Valencia, Edward Murphy, ested me at once, for I remembered that John McLoon, Edward Nußser, W. Arm- I was a printer myself. Presently I The case was tbe one wherein Mrs. Yesterday was a busy day with the Eugene Christian, Pat Carrity, likely money made out that there was difficulty of While the unemployed in the city Furniss charged R. W. Miller, an oculist strong, "TPsnot there's aa much Brings comfort and improvement and labor commission and citizens' commit- W. H. Gladstone, Frank Guerrero, J. P. in the newspaper business now as there some kind in the office. were endeavoring to arrive at some having rooms in the Stimson block,with tee. Haskell, A. J. Holloway, W. A. Hurl- "Iaroae and made my toilet, which satisfactory tends to personal enjoyment when was in the '50s, though lam not in a po- definite and conclusion last battery. rightly used. The many, who live bet- It had been decided to relieve all the burt, J. C. Kelleher, CarlKerbes, W. H. act consisted of running my hand night as to where eat this A week Mrß. Furniss Lander, William A. H. Me- sition to know, not having been in the long hair remove they will ago yesterday ter others and enjoy lifemore, with men who bave been at work for several McKinney, through my to the fruitarians tban Mullen, C. Mullen, business since that time; and I've bay, approached as morning, the vegetarians and visited Dr. Miller at his office and se- expenditure, by more promptly off and have them Leod. John J. Mar- and aa near I dared less dayß psst, pay them tin O'Brien, S. Henri Perrett, A. N. learned one thing, young man, yon men to the acene oi tbe trouble. Soon I was were endeavoring to settle what they cured treatment for an affection of tbe adapting tho world's beat products to way m?n yet give to the who have ac Rouelan, Manuel Cotta, Stephen Jonas, can judge a newspaperman now-a-days able to make out what the difficulty should eat when they get it. eyes. Dr. Miller put a lotion into the the needs of physical being, will attest had no work. A. Kieming, S. X, Houser, William by his clothes?that is, his pros- was. Three men, evidently all bosses, The of Loa Angeles, lady's eyes which censed ber great pain. the value to health of the pure liquid Y. Rouchet, William Richardß, as to were trying up press. In order tbat all temptation to regis- Finden, perity." to set a hand although young, is spunky, and through Being of a nervons disposition, she be- laxative principles embraced in the ter again might be removed, the men at R. M. Walker, Albert Miller, R. A. Probably you know as well as I do that came greatly excited, and was afraid her remedy, Syrup of Figs. Washington, Wiliiams, Fred The speaker waa Judge Eaton, a well- a hand press is together its secretary, C. F. Jones, entered the work not notified until this morn- Kaemus when it looks with eyesight would be destroyed. Its excellence is due to its presenting were Hollingsworth, R. Gibbous, Spraug- known pioneer of Pasadena, wbo was a as though it consisted of just four parts, field of argument at Illinois hall to would be laid off last The doctor refused tell ber what in the form most acceptable and pleas- ing that they ler, Frank E. Beach, work at Ninth '49er, and is proud of it. You would but when you take it apart you learn W. S. Manning of London, F. R. B. S., he had administered, and she at- refreshing and evening. aut to the taste, the truly- street and car barn. that, if you ever heard him tell a tbat there are nearer four hundred a fruitarian. tempted to get away with tbe bottles. properties of a perfect 400 of Dan Anderson, J. Edwarda, R. Ward- notice and they are all nearly alike. beneficial lax. Thus the lißt of over names of good days old and gold, parts, The hall was very well filled by a Mre. Furniss grabbed the two vials used effectually cleansing the system men go work at $1 a day law, Harry Lewu, Chales Reed, E, C. story those of "Atfirst I merely looked on, as any- ative; who will to you'll curious crowd, who had evidently as- by Dr. Millerin treating ber and made dispelling colds, headaches and fevers this morning is an entirely new one, Webster, George"rons, Frank Julian, F. and if you ever meet him bear one might, simply as a spectator, and a rush to get out. which Bernal, J. D. Richardson, John McKay, him tell sure enough. He haß never once thinking that be sembled to bear something drop. Some- and permanently curing constipation. and wiped out tbe applications one, never 1 could of Dr. Miller told a gentleman to millions received up to yesterday. George Merril, Langloh, A. H. any service. Two or three times they thing did. Tbe way polysyllabic words Udy, was done, Ithas given satisfaction to and had been Ernest missed fire yet. stop the which and with the the Additional applications were, how- Aguilar, Ambrose Cruez, C. Colunga, "No," says I, "it's not likely, judge, got tbe thing setup apparently all right, words flew around waa enough to make in the scuffle to possession of met approval of medical grave. regain because acts the ever, made during tbe day. Frank Johnson, Dave Gomez, E. M. that there's as much mone7 in it now ; only that they had a few parts left out, Mr. Darwin turn in his the bottles, she alleges Dr. Miller profession it on Kid- In the morning Mayor Kowan, Mossrs. Landero, L. S. Nejai, Chiardina Cuisip- that is, if there was any in it then; but and they didn't dare try the thing to see Tbe speakers were limited to 15 min- severely brnieed her. Her wrists neys, Liver and Bowels without weak- Munson and Nickell, the labor commiß- pi, M. Francisco, J. Steinburnn, J. M. as for clothes, you never can tell a if it would work without them, forfear utes in their opening remarks, and as were somewhat marked and the sleeves ening them and it is perfectly free from sion, took a big sack of coin with them Madrill and W. E. Brown will work at newspaper man now by hie clothes." it would tumble down. Then they'd far as results went were not limited in of her dress torn. In holding her, while every objectionable substance. and went from gang to gang paying off. Hollenbeck Park. "No raore'n you could in '52," Bays he. take it apart again and Bet it up another rebuttal and snr-rebuttal. Dr. Miller recovered the bottles, one Syrup of Fi|;s is for sale by all drug, It took them all day to finish the job, as J. A. Kearney, W. Smith, F. Bush, "And that's right in the line of a story way, according to a new notion one Mr. Jones, the representative of gentleman put his arms around her gists in 50c and $1 bottles, but itis man- something over $900 waß paid out. Frank Diaz, M. Moora, W. J. Curtin, I waa about to tell you; something of the three* would get, and this , said he was there to ad- waist, yet he was not charged with bat- ufactured by the California Fig Syrup Those in charge are doing all they Ed. D. Wood, Abram Reyes, T.J. Scales, that'll give you an idea of the newspaper time there wouldn't be parts enough to vance the light of a new gospel. He tery or anything else. Co.only, whose name is printed on every can to prevent unworthy people from work at Echo park. busineaa in the early daya. You know make the thing complete. One of them went back into history and dragged forth While relating the story to the court of to package, also the name, Syrup Figs, getting on tbe lietp. It. ia very difficult., H. P. Tuttlc, John Maloney. F. Mar- Col. Jim Ayers?" would get down on his back in under the tendency of mankind murder and Mrs. Furniss attracted much attention being you will thing part kill one another, to offer up sacrifices and well informed, not however, as some of the councilman dis- tin. W. C. Luce, W. S. Adamß, W. J. "Yea." the with a or two in his hand, by her manner of imparting evidence. accept any substitute ifoffered. play a very lamentable indifference in Torpey, V. E. Taylor, A. T. Mead, you'll while the other two would step offa few and such pleasant characteristics, say- 'Then bo inteiested in the She was very abrupt in her replies to \u25a0 ascertaining the worthiness and tin- Henry Krumdick, Harry Fowler, work story. To say feet and keep moving around and look- ing he believed the time bad come put defendant's start with I'll that I things ripe gentier questions by tbe attor- worthiness of those who apply to them. at Sixth Street park. never waß what you'd call a full 'jour.' ing, bo as to get views of the different wben are for a ney. AHCSKIHINTB. The citizens' committee has had its J. Lugo, J. Pedrote, Joe Valdes, Joe printer, and any parts from different points of view and regime, when men will cease butchering Judge tbe facts did I wouldn't bf.ve boon and become vegetarians. Austin said not hands full. They have benefited con- de Valueuzela, Gottleig Kolger, Jecinto sort of a printer at all only for at different angles. Moet of the pieces warrant finding tbe defendant guilty, man- ad\in- at one or other, Itmight a small thing for the siderably by the able and pleasant Manico, Anton Wyer, Charles Maurer, fortunate accident. I got into the news- fitted all right end the seem and bo discharged him. FRIDAY KVJKMNG, FIB. Oik. ner in which Clerk Everett has bandied David O'Campo, B. Bernbaum, Geo. paper buaineaß in Leavenworth about but when it came to putting the second audience to Bee him advocating the the army of men who are conatantiy McFalden, J. Doaseray, Edwerdo, Bilder- the time that place waa the biggest out- end in place it seemed to be intended cause of lower creatures, but be thought SCHNEIDER'S TROUBLE. filing in and out of their room in the rain, Dan Mack, John C. McDonald, fitting camp ou the frontier. Printers for some part of the machine. At it right. The animals die, he contended city ball. work at Westlake park. were numerous among the hundreds of the end of two hours there was a pile of to fillour several stomachs ; are martyrs A Young German Arrested for Receiving GRAND MUSICAL ANDLITERARY FESTIVAL The following ia a corrected list of tbe Geo. A. Rand, Silaß Prudon, Jeff Wil- men making for the west, but they only iron heaped up on the floor composed of who have not tbe power to say a word Obscene Pictures. men who go to work this morning. It son, W. Elletson, A. L. Wilson. F. A. stayed with me long enough to a the different parte of a hand presß, and in their own defense. William Schneider, a young German In Aid of the Late Members get believed men gives the names and tbe places where Yorba, A. Curtiss, Salvata Grigalver, Y. little money and then struck out over- around it were grouped the despairing He tbat can subsist on waiter, is an inmate of the county jail 1 each will work: Gamez, Frank Keseling, work at Main enough men, who gazed in silent awe at the the products of the soil and not by the (Not the Management) of land. I had learned about the of flesh on a very serious charge. WILL GO TO WORK TODAY. and Washington streets. back office to know what 'pi' was, and I heap as though it might bo some re- stealthy assassination fish, and puzzle; fowl. Last Tuesday Schneider received two Foremen ?George N. Lockwood, soon found out that nearly every man markable and gigantic so intri- THE GROVER-RANKIN COMPANIES work DARKE? cate and so perfect a puzzle as to battle On the ground of humanity, propriety, packages from Berlin, having been for- Pasadena avenue- and Wells THE CONFESSES. left some of that interesting stufffor the street; at office to remember bim when he left. all skill, and yet seemingly so easy tbat possibility, practicability, expediency, warded to him from Chicago where he -BY- Strallajj by humanity, H. Q. Blaidsell, work at Echo park; W. Scott Aconseß I>ourl»ss of So 1 went to work and established an there wae bitter anguish in the thought economy, and above all Mr. last worked. Tbe packages contained Chickens, Too. Leading Society Artists of Los Angeles E. Morford, work at Second and Pearl iron-clad rule that each man in the of giving it up. Jones concluded, vegetarianism should some pictures ever H. Miller, work Main and Several dayß ago James Scott and "Suddenly it occurred that I be adopted by all. of the moat obscene streets; A. at office should distribute his own 'pi.' to me witneseed. Mr. D. H. Morrison, Mrs. M. E. Aver, Washington streets; F. Farmer, W. Grant Douglass, colored, were arrested The rule worked all right, until one day waa the very man they wanted. Allmy When Mr. Jones took bis seat the Mr. J. C. Newkirk, Miss Bernice Holmes, scarcely do, Immediately after Schneider received W. Sheldon, work at First and Olive on suspicion of having stolen a lot of I carelessly shoved one foot too far un- experience with presaes had been with audience could tell what to Mr. O. Stewart Tartar, Miss Maude Cullen, streets; J. G. MacGowan, work at that very kind, and I felt tbat it would as they waited for Mr. Manning to begin the pictures he was arrested by tbe Mr. J. W. Bar., Mrs. 6. A.Simpson, chickenß from a ranchman five miles der the imposing stone and it went United States marshal on a charge of re- Mr. Wilfred Blake, Mtss Addle U Murphy, Ninth street and car barn; F. C. Young, a brevier require no effort at all to put the thing to see wherein tbe two gentlemen dif- Cheney, northwest of the city. Both through large form of solid ceiving obscene pictures for tbe pur- Forrest Foley Parker, J. C. Morrison, work at Aiiso and An- were type, and there was my own rule staring together alone. fered. Mrs. Minnie Hance Owens, derson streets; E. work at locked up but Douglass was shortly "'Gentleman,' said I, 'let me set tbat Mr. Manning had a quiet manner, but pose of circulating them. Mrs. Nanette Onttscbalk, H. Heaton, me in the face in black type on the waa arraigned before Acting Com- Mr. Wm. Fiuttf. Hollenbeck park. afterward released. press up for you,' joining the group be knew how to get in on language just He wall over the stone. missioner Owen yesterday and his case Idaal Oultar and Banjo Club, C. 8. de Lano, Teams ?J. Valentine, William Fuller, Yesterday Scott thought the best "Well, I learned considerable about around the pile. as hard as Mr. Jones. director. He said tbat be did set ior the 20th inst. Hoenes by the companies. N. B. English, J. D. Stine, work at Pas- thing he conld do was to tell the whole tbe printing business before I finished "Ihave no doubt from the look that not exactly see of reserved gave where tbe controversy came in, and Box office open for sale seats adena aveuue and Wells street; Thomas story, which he did. He also took a getting that 'pi' into the proper cases, each one me that they all won- at Thursday, 10a.m. _ Moreno, Dwight Cross, George Walsh, detective to the spot where they htole and picked up more from time to time dered whether I was a harmless crazy this tbe aadience applauded. Reserved seats, 50c, 75c and $1. Robert Brown, Charles Varian, T. Bal- tbe fowls. afterward. person or a dangerous lunatic. But I. But he said he supposed be would low, work at Ninth Btreet and car barn ; asadred them that I waa a printer, after find out later. So far as Mr. Jones had Women full of Pains \T BW LOU ANOSI.KS THEATER. Scott said that he and Douglass used "Bat when Istarted for California it 1\ (Under direction ol Al. Hiviun.i George Wolfe, F. Frejo, F. F. Earns- sulphur in stilling the chickens, after never occurred to me that I should do a fashion, and that aa far as my ex- gone he cordially agreed with him, but Li. C. WYATT, Manager. was he wanted everybody to enter paradise Aches and weaknesses, worth, J. B. Lawrence, L. Whitcomb, which tbey were easily captured. While anything else than shovel gold together perience of preßses went it confined find in Cuticuka Anti- work at Second and Peart streets; hand presses, that Ihad up at once and not wait tor Mr. Jones. He ]i J. R. applying the sulphur, Douglass inhaled in heaps and sell it, and certainly I to and set I'AIN Plaster instant rauM Y Aguella, B. Curtis, D. Mitchell, J. B. to kill a and several. Inside of an hour I had the honestly believed that vegetarianism ia I D-AY i enough dozen hens, imme- never anticipated working as a printer. i&jxt grateful relief. In & SATURDAY, Feb. 15,16,17V Campbell, J. A, Bailey, Albert Luce, diately sneezing. Circumstances, not tiling in good running order, and before not the correct method of food diet, but \W S " began and being able to / < >NX Minute it relieves AND SATURDAY MATINEE. George Ciergrich, H. Gardner, L. Whit- Scott, who was lying in wait, became locate any of those shining heaps of yel- the day was over the first number of that fruit and nuts will supply all that / vT7\ 10 aching- sides and back, ' ' comb, Joe Griffith, Juan Meza, Leroy so tickled at his partner's misfortune low gold, was what drove into it. the Calaveras Chronicle had been man, and woman, too, needs. flLll and uterine Thomas me upon Bread, he continued, ia the staff of /srjrf h>P> kidney THE FAMOUS TA-BA-RA Jenkins, Atwater, work at that he burst forth with laughter. The "Let me toll you how I happened to printed it and it worked all right. \I I Ltr- pains, strains and weak- First and Olive streets; George Reed, "'And you stood right therefor two death and not of life, and he believed . laughter of tbe one darkey and the tall into my lirst job of printing in Cal- ly nesses, rheumatic, sci- J. R. Truman, work at Main and Wash- sneezing of the other came ifornia; because if it hadn't happened hours watching us working our gizzards this century would mark the emancipa- r atic, nervous near arous- yon mankind * sharp and ington streets; N, J, Brown, O. C, ing the whole neighborhood. But they just as it did, itis more than likely that out before said a word, eh?' Bays tion of from bread. pains, coughs, colds and chest pains. Odor- Lottie Collins Moody, O. Smith, A. Bricker, T. J. secured the chickens, and are Iwouid never have remembered tbat I one of them to me. 'Boyo, let's not fie drew a terrifying picture of the spice and pine, it is the finally come ous with balsam, In Her New Musical Sketch, Yorba, work at Echo park; D. E. King, now awaiting trial for burglary. was able to do anything at the business give him but $30 for the job,' and that'a trouble that from eating the starch sweetest, surest, safest and best plaster. C. G. Elrnond, work at Hollenbeck at all, and then thisotberetory wouldn't all I got for my hour's work, but being foods. Only 5 per cent of it is digested park. nearly broke it in handy. in tbe mouth with saliva, none of it in Price: 35c.; five, $1.00. Atall drttg.eists or by A NEW PLUMBING ORDINANCE. be worth the telling. Itwas at the time came mad. Potter Drug and Chem. Corp.. Boston. Workmen?John Toffoly, J. B. Law- the cholera thinned out the boys so in "Thoße three men were all brilliant the stomach, and only when it reaches Naughty Substitute!" Connell "A rence, J. F. Butler, Thomas Langford, The Committee anil Health Sacrnmento. I'd been in tbe habit of fellows, if tbey couldn't set up a hand the intestines is it transformed into THE HOTEL DEL CORONADO O. S. Russell, Joe Yalasquez, B. C. Otlioer Powers Consult. dropping in occasionally at the news- presß, and two of them you'll know, for blood, at an enormous waste of nervous In Conjunction with the New Whited, A. L. Voder, Charles Gardinrie, Yesterday afternoon tbe plumbing paper offices to look over exchanges. I they were Jim Ayerß, now Col. J. J. force. This was bad, he thought. The Wants the Earliest and Best In the Mar- Thomas Davudge, Irene HeBS, E. Ybar- committee of tbe city council, heeled Avers of the Herald, and to my notion best food is tbat which assimilates ket forIta Guests. consist- was well then and consequently easiest and with tbe least expenditure Boston Howard Athonseam Company, ra, F. H. Mara, F. Allen, Bernard Ybar- ol Messrß, Rhodes, Innes not at work or in search of work partic- the mOBt brilliant journalist on the The management has, therefore, established ra, J. R. Walker, N. B. Conboy, Thomas ing and Pacific coaat, and Henry Hamilton, who of nerve force. Such food was not tbat Including the Great BCHAFFBB oi the Strohm, met, with the exception of ularly. vegetarian a special bMuch purchasing agency at Los renowned Shaffer family, vrno created Riley, Charles Campbell, Eugene Coop- the founded the Lob Angeles Star and died of the or of the carnivorous at the -'World's Fair," "As I sat in the office reading, in Angeles for the purpose of selecting the such a sensation er, Thomas Hill, J. Thomas, L. W.lnos, latter, with Health Officer Powers in a out at Albambra two years ago. The man, but of the fruitarian. Starch Chicago, In "America." rushed tall, gaunt, mußcular individ- are not natural foods. choicest products of this and adjoining coun- Thomas Bellamy, AlfredArlington, work his office, to look over a draft of a new ual who turned be an auctioneer third one, Harry De Courcey, poor fel- foods Allscience 20?EUROPE'S GREATEST ARTISTS?2O aye out to had shown man to be a fruigivorous an- Regular prices?sl, 75c, 50c and 25c Seats at Pasadena and Wells street. plumbing ordinance. Two architects with a job of printing some bills be low, waa shot shortly after the hand ties. got Chronicles, And gentleman Hotel del Coronado bas the reputation on sale Tuesday, Feb. 13th, at 9 a.m. Frank Webb, J. E. Bailey, Jacob also in attendance to assist in the wanted out by morning. I heard the press to turning out in a imal. the from London The Hopplbr, were Hogaeou.m. that that being tbe the serving Cnarles Bauer, John Neville, deliberations. foreman soy that it conld not possibly duel." contended case of the best table on the Pacific coast THKATKK, Wallace Samuel, W. H. Jones, F. Urn- Itwill be remembered tbe be done. He explained that most of the sooner be assumes his prerogatives as and the management Is desirous of learning BURBANKMain st., bet. Fifth and Sixth sts. tbat city such the better for him. Kksd A. Coopgn, Director. cheater, Fred Ek Wilson, J. Wellons, Ed council not long since repealed printers were down with the cholera IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION. who raises and what locality yields the Dorsey, Fred Hopkins, N. P. Miser, T. the He did not believe, however, tbat bis WEEK COMMENCING plumbing ordinance then in effect on and that those who were not had gone choicest products, so a; to be able to gratify Its HVBMNO, FKB. Sth. Graham, Carl Fendy, Brady, W. Important Matter* Pliunißed at the fruit system could be adopted all at MONDAY James account of obnoxious features. offand got drunk expecting to be, and guests. Every evening during tbe week and Saturday Mclutyre, Jos. Henry, Wm. Pritcher, city was no one Meeting Tuesday Kventng. once, and men should eat sparingly of matinee, engagement of the eminent Since that time tbe has been get- consequently there in the while arriving Growers and commission men who make a young tragedian, Wm. Stewart, Thos. Lynch, JohnC. Kel- ting along whole office who could Bet up the type. The weekly meeting of the Northwest flesh foods, at tbe fruit Mr. Cameron, as best it could without any and stage of Still specialty of superior quality of produce will HUNTING leher, John James Welsh, regulation of plumbing. Tbis is an Suddenly itoccurred to me that I wae a Los Angeles Improvement association nuts existence. he PERCY Morrice Condon, Charles Hill, Jose Bcorned the idea tbat vegetarianism, do well toopen correspondence with the hotel In the most elaborate production of anomalous state of affairs and could not printer, but I resolved not to Bay any- was beld at the hall, corner Sand and foods, Maria Mahar, Antone Nebsecb, P. at Tbe with its etarch would check the or our buyer, who, when necessary, will visit ?F A U & T Kr- long continue. thing about it first. auctioneer Montreal streets, Tuesday evening. The any stage, supported by Garritv, Luca Bonano, 8. C. Barth, march toward death, which is all around gardenß and make contracts in advance. Evsr witness.'d o t Health Officer Powers haa been very was one of those forcible, persuasive, committee appointed at Mr. WALTEK H'IDQAW, Miss GEOillilE C. H. Auckland, H. Bertrand. special the us. possible, Is ship- M(VKJORIE Pl eneigetic in getting the plumbing com- magnetic fellows, however, and went at Manning's Whenever it desired that WOODTHORPK, BLOOM BLD C. Connor, li. N. Crowell, Jerry Cowen, furiously finally last meeting to investigate the possibil- Mr. remarks abont the way express and the entire Cooper Company. mittee at work upon a new ordinance, the foreman so that be courting by ments be made by direct to the hotel, grand Brocken scene on Wal- D. Cahill, Chaa. Cotter, Geo. E. Cald- and tbe document will, expected, agreed get out the job if he had ity of securing an extension of the elec- we are simply death eating Don't miss the well, Pierce, Dougherty, it is to to buckwheat cakes and , sent so aB to get them fresh and in good order. Ad nlgbt. It Is a trivmnh oi mechanism. Doyle Wm. be ready for presentation at tbe next stay up all night to do it. tric railway up Beilevue avenue, tbe GRAND MATINEE HATURDAYAT 9. Thomas Fogarty, Phil. re- cold shivers down back of more than dress Hotel del Coronado, Coronado, or Coro- prices?ls, and 30e; Felton, J. V. meeting of the council. "Istrolled out to where he was, and, ported company will the No advance iv -JO Box Feeley, Jamea Frewlev, Lewis, O. that the extend its oue in the audience. Itwae positively nado Agency, 129 N. Spring St., Loa Angeles. Seats 50and 7f>c. Doors open at 7:15. cur- Chaa. Although its provisions are not yet speaking as though it was a matter of line from Buena Vista up Bellevue at s i.harp. Res-.-rvd seats on sale Lepage, E. Hirat, W. C. Lilly, W. street painful to think of it, and he kept right Coronado has the warmest winter climate in tain rises :15 ' H. given out, it is understood that it will email importance, I said: 'I'll set up avenue to Alvarado street, and will run at the box oUiee one week in advance. on harping about the terrible ignorance Deemer, Geronimo Luchetta, Jesus be endeavored to avoid some of the fea- that job if you're in a pinch.' through to California, ItIB the ideal home for the tourist Garcia, Tony John Ballog, cars and from Fourth and of mankind on the subject of diet that Gonzales, E. tures of the old ordinance which caused 'You'll set it up,' says he, excitedly. Spring every 15 minutes during or invalid in search of health, pleasure or VIENNA BCFFET, C. Garcia, Francis Sepulveda, Frank " streetH leads to death. Court St., bet. Main and Spring sts. Buch a commotion among builders. 'Yes,' said I; 'Iam a printer.' the day. Tbe committee waß instructed comfort. NEW Golbes, Ramond Cardova, Geo. Rognon, " my In replying to Mr. Manning, his op- F. KEHKOW, Proprietor and Mgr. "Well, he shook hand with joy, to ascertain what connection can be Mr. Joues returned to Coronado Bl'3F.au ok Information. J. Butler, Chaa. Homan, Jim Roae, and the auctioneer patted me on ponent, the Free Refined Entertainment Every Evening PUT ON THE BRAKES. tbe made with the Los Angeles and Pacific vigor. first got 12!) North Spring St., Los Angeles. 7:110 until and Saturday John Boyd, Richard Luddy, J. C. Mc- 'I'll the fair by you, attack with renewed He from 12. Donald, Chas. shoulder. do thing railway aud endeavor to have the two off a Bide issue, in whicb be claimed T. D. Yeomans. Agent. Matinee from 1 to 4 p.m. Yaegar, T. W. Morgan, Some Good Advice to Alain Street Car my friend,' he said. on Angeles Morgan companies agree upon a terminal point that Mr. Manning represented cold, First appearance In Las of John work at First and Olive Drivers. "I took offmy coat and went to work, city GRATEFUL-COMFORTING- streets. and issue tranefers from the limits clammy science, while he was glad to WILSON, The conductors on the Main street car and by 10 o'clock I had it set up. But to all branches of the electric railway. MISS CAD F. A. WatrOß, J. H. Johnson, J. W. the hardest job I tackled say be espoused the cause of humanity. Such a Nice GUI, Too. Wilson, N. J. Byrne, L. H. Gibbs, line willbe responsible ior a serious ac- it was ever in The committee on the Abila tract Then Mr. Jones referred to a banquet MIBSHEBTI! IIKKRINSTO". J. E. a printing office. California print shops title progress and asked for EPPS'S COCOA MISS L'JLU ROBINSON. Borne day dangerous reported Simruonda, M, F. Davis, J. Keeney, John cident if a habit is where he saw Mr. Manning eating a AND THE were different from the office in Leaven- further time in which to bring the mat- orange, BREAKFAST?SUPPER. CELEBRATED Dull', John Turner, J. 8. Hoag, Philip not stopped at once. The cars on this and I wasn't used piece of a nut, and some honey, worth, to them. ter before the city council, which was looking as if he it. In "By a thorough knowledge ofthe natural laws Deyheiner, B. Stephenson, A. J. Bruce, line are in charge of only one man going There was a lamentable lack of and enjoyed re- which govern the operations oi digestion and BERTH FAMILY ORCHESTRA W, sorts, granted. ferring to the nut, Mr. Jones said he nutrition, aud careful application of the Berth, C. Grisso, John H. Packbam,Howard Bouth after passing Fifth street, and are and not a great variety of styles of type. by a Miss Marguerite Directress. Woodward, John Keen, The committee on parks and boule- had no doubt Mr. Manning cracked itin flne properties of well-selected Coco*, Mr. Sophie Berth, First B. John Milas, thus managed by the conductor only The foreman looked at the job when I vards reported tbat work has been com- Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a Mlsb Violin. Peter Comarcb, Michael Barrett, Lewie hia "fruigiverous teeth." beverage may Commercial Lunch. Tho coming north until same was done, and nearly fell iv a fit. It menced as requested, on the west deiicately-U&vorttd which save Fjajr-Fine hnett Gerchiah, John Roßi, A. they reach the en- In contrast to this he painted a us mauy heavy doctors' bills. It 1b by ihe cuisine and meats a la carte «v all hours. Escoricb, Louie was probably tbe most atrocious looking park. ly Valavecb, Geo. Balui, W. J. Torpley, J. street. Some of tbe employees do not trance to Elysian picture wbere be sat on one side of a judicious use ol such articles of diet that a cou- 3-14 check the speed of the car when collect- bill ever printed. He was about to on the other utitutlou way be gradually buitt ur> unti D. McCandle, work at Second and Pearl op table, his wife and the strong enougn to resist every tendency todis ing fareu, leaving the brake loose and draw a bead me when the auctioneer HE DIED SUDDENLY. partook CHURCH. streets. as getting children between, and of tbe ease. Hundreds of subtle roaladiesare float Cor. Hilland Third sts. Tom a rule tbe cars go at a more rapid speed came in to Bee how we were of the earth, including cab- ing around us ready o attack wherev- r there UNITY Thomas Ryan, Ryan, Ed Saint along. Todt, a V. vegetables point. escape many without a driver than with one. If the J. C. O. limit German, Dies of bages. is a weak We mw a fatal T Clair, G. W. Thomaa, F. F. Vick, Alec 'Excellent 1' cried he; 'It's a d?d Hemorrhage. shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with FRANCISCO 'POP" CONCERT Wilson, Tom Moriarty, Tom horse should happen to slip, the car " This flight of fancy was very fine and pure Mood and a properly nourished frame."? McCarty, him, neat job! Every line of it's just right John Chris George Todt, a German James Pendegaat, John Lopez, Sol would plunge into and the amount wae applauded, and Mr. Manning looked CivilHervice Gazette. Saturday Afternoon, Feb. 10, at 2:30 of damage and injury that would be to a dot. Everything stands out dear's has resided in this seven years, .Made simply with boiling water or milk. Reyes, Wm. Numley, Raneome Jones, who city sorry, but didn't Bay anything. Sold only iv half-pound Una, by grocers, la- done can only be conjectured. Wben a bell;' and he stroked his long chin in suddenly from hemorrhage over the ground again J. BOND FRANCISCO, Violinist, A. Wilson, Louie Scalabrini, Alfred Bilent admiration of it, for a time. expired of After going and belled thuv. Coston, Jos. Blow, Paul Crug, Albert cars are in charge of one person only He the lungs, in front of the lodging house claiming that would be a JAMKH EPPB & CO., Ltd., Homcepathlc ASSISTED BY and the driver haa to collect fares, it is wae right about everytbing standing out, Oheralats, Lontluu, Kiigland. Miss Carrie Maud Peunock, Soprano. Berner, Isadora LaFrencbe, John Mc- of Fourth and San tine thing bat is impracticable, Mr. 11-28 tu-thu-w ly an excellent idea to check the opeed of for it was all set in the boldest kind of corner Pedro streets, Mr. A. J. starnm, Dermott, Joe Revil. Dan Lynch, Tom blackfaced type, all of about morning. Jones sat down. Mr. Harley K. Hamilton, the car, or otherwise an accident of equal size, at 6 o'clock yesterday In reply Mr. Manning did not see how Mr. Bernhardt Bierlich, Carr, John Mullen, Mick Hannon, and each line about of a length. evidently L. O'Donoghue. Michael Crimmon, Robert Lopez, some kind will be chronicled before He waa on hia way home the matter could be compromised. The \u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666<^ Accompanist, Miss Mary S. long. "The foreman groaned and put np hia attacked, and ADMISSION, 50 CENTS, 2-0 51 Rodriquiz, John Krunperuan, J. W. gun, sorry when became bo weak point was that there is either a right Midwinter Fair \u2666 seemingly tbat the iellow lobs of that he unable iood and he did not see X Taylor, Martin Lobech, 11. G. Garr, came in just as he waa about from blood wae to food or a wrong PALACE. TROUBLE AMONG INDIANS. to kill me. right could of veget- Spring Paul Aye, work at Klysian park. 'Imight as well pay yon call aaaiatauce. how the coir.c out !; and Overcoats THE Cor. First and Sts. now,' the The result of the inquest held by Cor- Ha fatal breadstuff's and Suits % 8. Sweeny, A. Perris, Angel Cutteres, Liquor Beins; Sold Hegularly to the said, arianism, with FREE CONCERT EVERY EVENING auctioneer presently, and he threw Cateß in accordance are leading hu- 0 Any \u2666 Hugh Ross, A.Bouchet, Antonio Gomez, $30 oner waß with the starch foods which the To Ok Per TCOC,L Than Hed Al.au. down about vorth of dußt. 'Third's destruction, <\u25ba Order co Cent J- "3° Othsr Tailor \u2666 FROM 7:3OTILL 12 P. M. Ramon Romero, Samuel Korney, Ralph The United States authorities are hav- about right, Ireckon,'said the foreman, above. man race to Wolfe. J. Pendegast, John Burke, De- ing considerable with persons and shoved over about one-third of tbe ]{ Perfect Fit or No Sale. \u2666 Matinee every Wednesday and Saturday from metro Garofoly, Joaquin, Ruez, Jere- trouble 12 to 2 by the celebrated selling liquor to Indians. pile. Then the fellow invited the fore- Awarded Highest Honors-World's Fair. miah Mecarty, Wm. Broadweli, Thomas man and lie out for a J. Immediately upon conviction of lunch at mid- VENETIAN LADY TROUBADOURS Crosby, Vivian Lrevalo, Pedro the night, and fed u« on oysters, which ran Colores, F. Lopez, Fred Kohn, work at Diego Cruz in the United States district dollar | POHEIMj The only original lady mandolin players on about a apiece in those days, and \u2666 JOE \u2666 Echo park. court Tuesday, another Mexican was I guess about covered \u2666 tne globe. for dispensing stuff to $60 the cost of THE TAILOR Fine commercial lunch. Meals ala carte at Michael Dorßey, Wm. West, ErneSt arrested the fiery those auction bills before got 1 by Smith, the Indians on the Saboba reservation he through, all hours cooked the celebrated French Tibarcio Gonzales, Thos. Ryan, but he wae well pleased, because every S. SPRING STREET. cook, Fred Schaefer. 11V It Alex. Cruel, Mauricio Stonge, Bernabe near* San Jacinto. % 149 X ? This time Jesus line seemed to stick right out and de- Castillo, Manuel Gonzales, John H. Juaro will suffer for mand attention, as he frequently said \u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666«>«>\u2666\u2666 \u2666\u2666\u2666 Marphy, Baker, A. P. Marine, haviug caused tho temper of the noble Frank red man when referring to the job 'daring the KINGSLEY. BARNES I NEUNER CO. John O. McDonald, T. 0. Yorba, John to rise iv warlike fury. Diego evening. [limited] McGuire, J. W. Ray, A. Romeraß. C. O. Cruz, his countryman, was given oue Snccessors to KtngHtey ABarnes. year "Well, that started me as a printer n Larsen, Jacob Shaft, Chas. E. Eagan, in prison. California. It the very Joseph R. waa next job I BUNK BOOKS AND PaPER BOXES. Jones, J, P. Chambers, W. W. Mr. Wm. H. Moore, tackled that I tell you about, Mead, John Flarety, SO7 S. Churles St., Balti- want to Tom Fitzgeraid, more, Md., a Oonimlssioa \u25a0?erch&iit. recom- but it waß quite a while after that when REMOVED TO PRINTERS and BINDERS worFat East Side park. mends Salvation Oil lor rheumatism and chil- this happened. I had been" US^Powder: ARTISTIC WORK?NOVEL DESiIjJJS. M. E. Threves, Pcherman, .Mike blains. He writes: "Mrwife and son have usee! drifting Tie on7y Pure Cream ofTartar ?No Ammonia; No 110 AN1112 N. LOS ANGELES STREET I Chas. Salvation Oil around the minea and was nearly broko. Powder. Ahrsa. Jit and :U8 New High at,, Lo* Angeles. Mahoney, John Woodruff, Wm. Mai for rhenmaiism end chilblains with muf ted eßlcaor." I'd been paying t)U4 a week for board Osed in Millions of Homes? 40 Years the Standard. i*BA.k> ttl%SL\ TE1..043. 7-151 I Telephone. 117,