Sewer Project Soars to $5700000
\ Newspaper Devoted Complete News, Pictures •|0 ||H> Community Interest Presented Fairy^'Jrarly | nil Local Coverage Inbepenbent - leaber And Impartially tarli Week Publlnhnt R»»ry Tbundty XLV-NO. 14 Entcrnd RS Second Clnm Mmier WOODBRIDGE. N J.. THURSDAY, MAY 21, 1953 •t 18 Orefn fllreet, Wo.mnnuKo, K. J. PRICE EIGHT CENTS v«n,. «t the Post omcB, Woodbrldgfi, N. J. ;\w Board \ Community-Sponsored Senior Prom is 'Unqualified Sewer Project Soars IJcilcrates Success; Historic Party Enjoyed by 400 Youngsters Fund h Oversumcribed; To $5,700,000; Iselin, |( Irtish Fear Occasion h Called 'Pattern for Future' , ( Miiiinitler Main By Windsor J, Lakls I r:,fljr Presents WOODBRIDGfi — The com- Colonia Now Included munity sponsored experiment * to Life In promoting a Snnlor Prom for the students of Woodbrtdge iniMiK A second re- HlRh School was an unqualified -.iiiiuJitr the alleged dan- Traditional March, B. of E. Heeds Town Petition Filed success. .,,i,liiion caused by the ,m street by heavy truck Both Dr. John P. Loso. high • > iL-iinilarly oil tank ?chool principal and Dr. Cyril Ceremony May 30th Demand for Parley To Boost Cost ,,.,'. mndc to the Town T. Hutner. chairman of the event held at the Hotel Pines, Metuch- WOODBRrDOE — The tradl- WOODBRIDGE—In answer to ,,. TIII'srtay by the Board 1 of DIs- «i, Tuesday night, were of the tlonal Memorial Day program, Commltteemnn George Mroa de- By $1,200,000 same opinion today the party simllar to that held since 1890 mand for a conference with the and which earned the Township Board of Education before turn- • exceeded fondest expectations TRENTON—Pleas for a certifi- ,,|.ii!iim was caused when and established a preceden the tltl« Of "Typical American ing over deeds to Town?hlp-owned sneet after petition of Omirmnlty" will again toe held on property for future school pur- cate of necessity to permit the which will be carrled^on annu- Township to extend sewer lines •, I,I ,, was designated for ally.
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