\ Newspaper Devoted Complete News, Pictures •|0 ||H> Community Interest Presented Fairy^'Jrarly | nil Local Coverage Inbepenbent - leaber And Impartially tarli Week Publlnhnt R»»ry Tbundty XLV-NO. 14 Entcrnd RS Second Clnm Mmier WOODBRIDGE. N J.. THURSDAY, MAY 21, 1953 •t 18 Orefn fllreet, Wo.mnnuKo, K. J. PRICE EIGHT CENTS v«n,. «t the Post omcB, Woodbrldgfi, N. J. ;\w Board \ Community-Sponsored Senior Prom is 'Unqualified Sewer Project Soars IJcilcrates Success; Historic Party Enjoyed by 400 Youngsters Fund h Oversumcribed; To $5,700,000; Iselin, |( Irtish Fear Occasion h Called 'Pattern for Future' , ( Miiiinitler Main By Windsor J, Lakls I r:,fljr Presents WOODBRIDGfi — The com- Colonia Now Included munity sponsored experiment * to Life In promoting a Snnlor Prom for the students of Woodbrtdge iniMiK A second re- HlRh School was an unqualified -.iiiiuJitr the alleged dan- Traditional March, B. of E. Heeds Town Petition Filed success. .,,i,liiion caused by the ,m street by heavy truck Both Dr. John P. Loso. high • > iL-iinilarly oil tank ?chool principal and Dr. Cyril Ceremony May 30th Demand for Parley To Boost Cost ,,.,'. mndc to the Town T. Hutner. chairman of the event held at the Hotel Pines, Metuch- WOODBRrDOE — The tradl- WOODBRIDGE—In answer to ,,. TIII'srtay by the Board 1 of DIs- «i, Tuesday night, were of the tlonal Memorial Day program, Commltteemnn George Mroa de- By $1,200,000 same opinion today the party simllar to that held since 1890 mand for a conference with the and which earned the Township Board of Education before turn- • exceeded fondest expectations TRENTON—Pleas for a certifi- ,,|.ii!iim was caused when and established a preceden the tltl« Of "Typical American ing over deeds to Town?hlp-owned sneet after petition of Omirmnlty" will again toe held on property for future school pur- cate of necessity to permit the which will be carrled^on annu- Township to extend sewer lines •, I,I ,, was designated for ally. May 10. poses, the Board Tuesday Invited ill,, (inly. The only Other into the Inman Avenue section The excellent conduct of the As u$uaj, the parade will start the Town Committee to a confer- and to rebuild the Iselln-Colonla ipri, Green Street, has at 10 o'clock from Elmwood Ave- ™ce on June *• • •!,!. traffic street for students, their unanimous, ex- trunk sewer at an additional cost pressions of having had a "won- nue, and proceed through the The Committee accepted the of $1,200,000 were made by the ..mi: only Main Street standard route. Winding up at the Board's Invitation and the meet- :!i,. normal traffic plus derful time" and the fine co- Township before the State Board operation of a group of local War Memorial in Woodbrldge Ing will be held nt the Memorial , , 11| heavy truck traffic. This photo slums a larRO section uf the ttnlherliiR at The l\nes Tuesday night. Natty white mats of Health yesterday. Originally, citizens In chaperoning the Park where the orogram will be Municipal Building at 8 P.M. the added cost was estimated at :, Hoard some time ago and maroon ties um>";iml nn nil the hoys, while th fir!* w»r» hf.mi'n-b' aMircd in eveninu elntlirs. prom all went towards the suc- presented. The Board of Education has re- $1,000,000, fi.nr that an accident cess of the enterprise, Dr. Lozo Rev. William Justice, pastor of quested deeds for property in the Appearing at the hearing were mi nil tank truck may declared. the Wood-bridge^ Method 1st New. Dover Road section of Co- Township Attorney B. W. Vogel, , ,,f life and extensive Financially, the prom was al- Church, will give the Invocation Ionia; in the Lafayette section of Mayor Hugh B. Qulgley, Commlt- ;::ima!!<'. The Board also so a success, although the costs after which the national anthem Fords 500 feet west of Ford Ave- teemen George Mroz and Peter ,,;it that school children soared above the amount fig- wlll 'be sung by Mrs. C. A. Musac- nue to the Rarltan Township line Schmidt. Health Officer Harold . 11 v use Main Street In chla accompanied, by the High and land In the rear of the Colonia Bailey; Township Engineer How- ured upon. This was largely due • - - • , Country Club, near the Gordon ,'v i>r School Street, going to the unexpected number of ard Madison. Edwin Casey, vice ,ni schools 1 and 11 and students anda guestguesis whwno n-at- i -•—-» Mayor homes. It is In these areas that president of the Board of Educa- r.nochlal School. tended, and the additional soft Hugh B. Qulgley will give the ad- school population Is expected to tion; Edward 8chierloh, auditor; •second communication, drinks ' and hors d' oeuvres con- 'dress .of welcome.. Miss Clalr Increase tremendously during the Louis P. BOOB, consulting eniUn- ..; -\UI\P in part: "In com- sumed by the excited young Brlchze will recite "In Flanders' next four years due to the many eer and Township Treasurer ,•!!!• annual district In- sters." Expenses ran Just under Fields" and Robert Zwollnskl will housing"developments, Charles J. Alexander. .,. ruui that the condition $2,000, and all but $60 was In deliver "The Gettysburg Address." Mr. Mroz previously stated that The hearing was the first step ; '1,1 not only continues. hand prior to the prom, Dr. Both are seniors at Woodbridge re was not In favor of "dolnR in order to get permission to fur- .iiyMiiiiK. has Increased In Lozo stated. He added, however, high school. business by remote control." He ther increase the Township's legal ..ml is not In the Interest some donations which were Selections are scheduled to be said he felt the time had come debt limit. The $1,200,000 addi- ;,•.vrntion and protection. promised had not Srrlved and played by the Canadian Legion to sit down and discuss mutual tional will be added to the $4.- :..<;iii!lv recommend that •the PBA Local No. 38 win do its Pipe and Drum Band, sponsored problems. 500,000 estimated as to cost of , me matter under advise- share by adding $100 to the by the Knights of Columbus, and "It miRht be." he said, that* the sewage disposal plant and In- • .inn us practicable to the fund. the Woodbrid«e High School we may have something better to cinerator. offer the Board in the way of .,• ilii.'- very real and grave Upwards of 200 township peo- Band. In presenting the need of the i., life and property In the The firing squad will be com- land. There are many things 'to be extension of the sewer lines to ple and organisations had a taken into consideration such as .:' District may be ellmi- share in financing the party. posed of members of the Avenel the Inman Avenue section, Mr. Post, VFW and Taps will be played utilities, roads and transporta- Bailey 'testified that due to the Not A Blemish (Continued on Page 8) tion." formation of the land, which is A happy *roup of high sehool members and ttwli their escorts are pictured at one of the tables. Dr. Lozo was happy to report (Continued on Page 8) that after checking with Chief Of N'ssmcnt Costs Lett to right, Nicholas Bradshnw, Robert Kulesar, Donna AddiCott. Rita Lewoc, Richard Johnson Police George E, Keating, there Mflflnrv was not a single accident reported Official, Civic Tribute is Paid Town Nets $55,975. after the affair. He said that the lircd at Hearing students were interested in clean, wholesome, dignified entertain- To Parsons, 39 Years on Force From Land Sales [.HifinCfK- At n meetinc ment and "that"! what «we had." WOQDBRIDGS—Friends of Captain Benjamin Parsons not ndjoiirn up til mid: "It was our purpose to make gathered in the Masonic Temple, Green Street, last night, WOQPBRUXJE — Business was ii?ri»j, et»y (Continued ofl Page 8) decidedly brisk for the Township :DV( inrTits for WMBlTtJW" to help him mark his 30th anniversary as a member of the Woodbridge Police Department. Tuesday when 19 parcels of land pi; .per: v owners were were sold for $55,975 at public s.xjk up the greater por- A feature of the evening was the presentation of framed sale. •hi' cvrninR. Action Near Again resolutions to the guest of honor. A hand-painted scroll was There was considerable bid- '<• the fact hearings were prsented to Captain' Parsons by ™ ~ • ding, especially for scattered lots assessment Commission- Andrew Aaroe, president of the throughout the Township. The .s;-,rni' arguments were On Keasbey Water Board of Education, in behalf of first offer was made by Jacobson •I'lic.sdiiy when all the the Board. ]laims $194 Due and Ooldfarb for Clara Martin •:.'• wcii' confirmed. They WOODBRIDGE — Acting on A printed parchment scroll was at $17,900, Harry 8. Pozyckl, Perth in.- Park Avenue Sewer, Mayor Hugh B. Quigley's sugges- presented by Mayor Hugh B. Quig- rom Ousted Board imboy, bidding lot an undisclosed Avenue curb and nutter. tion that "it is time to take the ley on behalf of the Town Com- client brought the price to $36,- line curb and gutter; bull by the horns," Township At- torney B. W. Vogel will seek a mittee. WOODBRIDGE — Stanley Sea- 000. It finally wettt to Jacobson .'••ii'i'i and Greenville Presentation of a gift to Cap- and Ooldfarb for $36,100. conference immediately with the lasty, who served as secretary of • :i.!> and gutter, upper tain Parsons was made by Patrick Other pronwty was sold as fol- Middlesex Water Company, with a the ousted Board of Fire Com- ..Lit curb and gutter; view to selling the Keaebey water Boylan, principal of No.
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