978-1-4614-8403-5 Bookbackmatter
I n d e x A Blue Moon , 200, 226–233 Adams, Ansel Böckh, August , 154–156 Autumn Moon , 113, 125–136 Boime, Albert , 46, 61 Clearing Winter Storm , 115 Boston Tea Party , 148, 171–177 Moon and Half Dome , 113–119, 121–125 Bowditch navigation manuals , 191, 192 Moonrise, Hernandez, New Mexico , 115, 116 Bracebridge Dinner , 124 Airy, George Biddell , 165 Bradley, General Omar , 255 Alexander, Colonel Edward Porter , 221, 224 Braun and Hogenberg atlas , 303 Alfonsine tables , 286, 293 Browning, Robert , 150, 152 Alinder, Mary Street , 125 Brown, John , 333, 334 Almanacs , 167, 173, 181, 199–233, 336, 346 Brown, Richard , 192, 194 Almanac trial , 195, 204, 206–207 Burn, Andrew R. , 156, 157 Amphibious tractors (“amphtracs”) , 245–247, 251 Busolt, George , 156, 157 Arcturus , 39, 97, 98, 100, 213, 214 Byrd, Deborah , 232 Aries , 286, 287 Byron, Lord , 311–321 Aristotle , 136, 299 Armstrong, William “Duff ,” 206, 207 A s c r o ft , William , 75 C Åsgårdstrand, Norway , 67, 68, 83–87, 89–94, 96, Caesar, Julius , 147, 159–171, 294 98–106, 109 Camden, William , 300, 304 Auvers-sur-Oise, France , 35–42, 44, 45, 47, 64 Capella , 39, 296 Awu (volcano) , 76 Capricorn , 131–133, 285, 289 Cardwell, Edward , 166 Cassiopeia , 296–300, 304, 346 B Celestial equator , 182 Baedeker guidebooks , 21, 78, 79 Chancellorsville, Battle of , 200, 218–226 Beach obstacles, Normandy , 252, 254, 256–262 Chant, Clarence Augustus , 339 Beesley, Lawrence , 186, 187 C h a u c e r , G e o ff rey , 277, 282–293, 307 B i s c h o ff , Ernst , 157 Chéroux, Clément , 101, 103 Bjørnstad, Ketil , 84 Church, Frederic Edwin , 337, 339 Blake, Robert , 312 Meteor of 1860 , 339 Blake, William , 278, 305, 306, 308, 312, 313 Churchill, Prime Minister Winston , 254 “Th e Tyger,” 305–313 C o ffi n, James , 342, 343 D.W.
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