Citrus Genetic Resources in California
Citrus Genetic Resources in California Analysis and Recommendations for Long-Term Conservation Report of the Citrus Genetic Resources Assessment Task Force T.L. Kahn, R.R. Krueger, D.J. Gumpf, M.L. Roose, M.L. Arpaia, T.A. Batkin, J.A. Bash, O.J. Bier, M.T. Clegg, S.T. Cockerham, C.W. Coggins Jr., D. Durling, G. Elliott, P.A. Mauk, P.E. McGuire, C. Orman, C.O. Qualset, P.A. Roberts, R.K. Soost, J. Turco, S.G. Van Gundy, and B. Zuckerman Report No. 22 June 2001 Published by Genetic Resources Conservation Program Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA i This report is one of a series published by the University of California Genetic Resources Conservation Program (technical editor: P.E. McGuire) as part of the public information function of the Program. The Program sponsors projects in the collection, inventory, maintenance, preservation, and utilization of genetic resources important for the State of California as well as research and education in conservation biology. Further information about the Program may be obtained from: Genetic Resources Conservation Program University of California One Shields Avenue Davis, CA 95616 USA (530) 754-8501 FAX (530) 754-8505 e-mail: Website: Additional copies of this report may be ordered from this address. Citation: Kahn TL, RR Krueger, DJ Gumpf, ML Roose, ML Arpaia, TA Batkin, JA Bash, OJ Bier, MT Clegg, ST Cockerham, CW Coggins Jr, D Durling, G Elliott, PA Mauk, PE McGuire, C Orman, CO Qualset, PA Roberts, RK Soost, J Turco, SG Van Gundy, and B Zuckerman.
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