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ANALYSIS OF THE PORTUGUESE ADMINISTRATION IN MOZAMBIQUE IN THE TWENTIETH CENTURY •by Luis Benjamim Serapiao Submitted to the Faculty of the School of International Service of The American University in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in International Studies Signatures of Committee: Chairman: Dean of tlhe School 'f iT ; if •i / i Date 1975 The American University Washington, DC THE AMERICAN UNIVERSITY LIBRARY SosH Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. DISSERTATION ABSTRACT This is a study of the Portuguese adminis­ tration of Mozambique in the twentieth century. In examining the origin and aims of Portuguese expansion in Africa, Prince Henry will be discussed since he has been considered as the founder of Portuguese colonial policy from the period of discovery to the present. By the early 1960's when the colonial peoples commenced their struggle for independence, Portuguese officials began to emphasize the uneconomic basis of their presence in Africa. The officials selected for this study are Antonio de Oliveira Salazar, Prime Minister of Portugal (1932-1968); Marcello Caetano (1968-1974-); and- Adriano Moreira, a former minister of overseas territories. In this volume their writings and statements will be analyzed with emphasis on the objectives of Portuguese colonial policy in the twentieth century, and it will include a discussion of the reaction of African leaders to Portuguese colonial policy. Because of the need to limit research to a reasonable size, emphasis will be placed on the period of 1960b and the 1 9 7 0 's. ii Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. It will analyze the position of Mozambican leaders particularly those of Mozambique Liberation Front (Frelimo) who attacked the Portuguese myths and started the armed struggle against Portugal. The peculiar nature of this conflict demands that inter­ national reaction and alignments on the issue be examined. While the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) supported Portugal with military, economic and moral aid, the Organization of African Unity (O.A.U.) and the United Nations (U.N.) went to side of Frelimo. The O.A.U. provided Mozambique with military, economic and diplomatic assistance, while the U.N. passed resolutions and declarations which condemned Portu­ guese colonialism. With the intensification of war in Mozambique, the Portuguese military felt that the war was detri­ mental in human and economic terms, and decided to overthrow Caetano ’ s government, shortly thereafter granting independence to Mozambique. In conclusion both sides realized that Portu­ guese colonialism was based on myths, and recognized that the Mozambique was going to maintain an independent identity that it had been claiming throughout the Portuguese colonial era. iii Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. PREFACE For this study two research methods will he utilized throughout the dissertation: historical and analytical. The first one will he a study of the historical narratives which provide the backgroimd history of Mozambique's occupation by the Portuguese, and which show the first steps of Portuguese colonial expansion in Africa. The same historical narratives also explain the background of the Mozambique resistance emphasizing the development of the last Mozambique revolution led by Frelimo. It is called the last revolution because its result was the transfer of Portuguese colonial power into the hands of Frelimo. The second research method will consist in analyzing the role of Prince Henry in the Portuguese colonial expansion in Africa. This analysis will be a result of a comparative study of the writings of mainly Portuguese historians and politicians on the religious and political beliefs of Prince Henry on the Portuguese colonial philosophy. This study will not limit itself to the material published in English and French and available in the Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. United States. Portuguese sources will be used as often as possible in order to present official views on the nature of the Portuguese administration in Africa in general and in Mozambique in particular. The writings of A. 0. Salazar, M. Caetano, and A. Moreira will be analyzed in order to shed light on the nature of Portugal’s Mission in Mozambique as it was seen by the now leading Portuguese official during the twentieth century. Essentially the work has four parts. The first deals with the controversial issue of the origin and aims of Portuguese colonial expansion. The second one states the attitudes of Portuguese officials like Antonio de Oliveira Salazar, Marcello Caetano, and Adriano Moreira. The selection of these officials was based on the following facts: (a) They held high positions in government; (b) They were very articulate on the issues during the decolonization period in Africa; (c) Their views became the guidelines of Portuguese colonial policy up to the April 25, 1974- Portuguese coup d'etat. The third part deals with the Mozambicans' perception of the above views, and their positive armed resistance to the Portuguese colonial policy, mostly during the period of v Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. decolonization in Africa. The fourth and last part examines the international reactions of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, the Organization of African Unity, and the United Nations. Although the work covers the period of the twentieth century, its emphasis is mainly on the decade of the 1 9 6 0 's, the period of decolonization in Africa; it does not deal with events that took place after April 25, 1974. This writer is indebted to his Committee members: Professor Darrell Randall, Chairman of the Committee; and Professor Abbdul Said who advised and counselled this writer through the total period of the writer's Ph.D. program in the School of Inter­ national Service. The writer would also like to acknowledge his gratitude to Professor Mohamed El- Khawas, who by his experience and publications in the field of the writer's work was very helpful with criticisms and suggestions. Finally the writer would like to dedicate this dissertation to his parents Mr. Benjamin and Mrs. Filipa Serapiao who instilled in him the academic ambitions that brought him to this point, and to his brother Dr. Simao B. Serapiao who has been best friend Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. and companion since the childhood of the writer. He also wants to dedicate it to Dr. Eduardo C. Mondlane, the late President of Frelimo, and to Filipe S. Magaia, the late Armed Conunandant-in-Chief of Frelimo, and to every Mozambican who, like the above two, gave his or her life for the independence of Mozambique. vii Reproduced
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