Synaptic Receptors in the Cerebellar Cortex

The (Latin for “little ”) is a highly convoluted structure that lies at the level of the pons on the posterior aspect of the brainstem. It has long been associated with motor activity, and is believed to fi ne-tune muscle action associated with both posture and CEREBELLAR CORTEX equilibrium. In addition, it is now thought to contribute to cognitive and emotional activity. Anatomically, the cerebellum contains a well-defi ned outer cortex plus a distinct set of deeply-embedded cell bodies that form the . The erebellarc cortex is composed of three layers: the superfi cial molecular layer, the layer, and the granular layer. CEREBELLUM In general, extracerebellar project axons, termed mossy and climbing fi bers, to both the cerebellar cortex and deep cerebellar nuclei. In the cortex, mossy fi bers synapse on granule cells, which subsequently project to Purkinje cells, the dominant cell type in the region. Climbing fi bers, by contrast, project directly to Purkinje cells. Purkinje cells are strictly GABAergic, and provide inhibitory output to neurons of the deep cerebellar nuclei. The deep cerebellar nuclei represent the only output structure of the cerebellum. Eff erent axons from cerebellar nuclei neurons transmit inhibitory signals to the inferior olive and excitatory output to the brainstem and MOLECULAR LAYER thalamus. Although the multiple inputs and outputs of the cerebellum are well-defi ned, the physiological signifi cance and functional PARALLEL FIBERS relevance of these microcircuits remains to be established. R&D Systems currently off ers antibodies to all labeled molecules. Glutamate Vesicles

Glutamate Vesicles GLAST-1 N TrkB

AMPA-R C mGluR3 (GluR1, GluR4) GABA R2 (B , B ) mGluR1a CB1 B 1 2 AMPA-R Glutamate Vesicles BERGMANN CELL (GluR2,GluRG) Pannexin 1 Kv3.1 mGluR1a AMPA-R (GluR3) CB1 Axon GABA Vesicles PURKINJECEREBELLUM CELL LAYER Axon

mGluR1c mGluR1a Dendrite GABA R A AMPA-R (GluR2,GluR ) AGTR2 PARALLEL FIBER (Axon) (D3,E2, J2) G

mGluR1a Glutamate Vesicles Glycine R NMDAR Glutamate Vesicles (NR1,NR2D)

GABAAR (D3,E2, J2) Kv3.1 mGluR5 GABA R Dendrite A (D2,E3, J1) PURKINJE CELL


GABAAR (D1,E2, J2) GABA Vesicles H1-R N C Neuroligin 2

GluR1 CXCR4 FGF-9+ NR1 (Multimer) PAR1

TRPV 1 KOR R&D Systems Products for Neuroscience Research CLIMBING FIBERS (Excitatory input) R&D Systems off ers a wide range of high quality products for neuroscience Kv4 research. In addition to high performance antibodies, we off er the most referenced collection of premium quality proteins and ELISA kits in the DPP6 N industry. Our catalog also includes primary rat and mouse cortical stem C cells, and kits for the expansion, diff erentiation, and identifi cation of neural GluR3 PURKINJE AXON stem cells. (Inhibitory output)

Granule Cell Dendrite

Axon SCF-R ADAM15 GABAAR ( , , ) mGluR3 NMDAR AMPA-R D1 E2 J2 (NR2A, NR1, NR2C) (GluR1, GluR4) (D1D6,E3, J2) (D6,E3, G) TO DEEP CEREBELLAR NUCLEI

Neuroglycan C HSPH1 mGluR2 GABA Vesicles MOSSY FIBERS (Excitatory input) Glutamate Vesicles Scan this QR code with your smart-phone to request a PDF copy of this poster. Or visit our website at:

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NOTE: This poster conveys a general overview and should be considered neither comprehensive nor defi nitive. The details of the process are understood to be subject to interpretation. © R&D Systems, Inc. 2011 R&D Systems, Inc., 1-800-343-7475,