A Few Remarks About Teaching Jewish Turkish Literature

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A Few Remarks About Teaching Jewish Turkish Literature Laurent Mignon AFew Remarksabout Teaching Jewish TurkishLiterature Sometimes news from the publishing world can be aliterature professor’sbest friend. The publication in 2016 of atranslation into English of KürkMantolu Ma- donna (Madonna in aFur Coat, 1943) (Ali 2016), anovel by the Turkish socialist writer Sabahattin Ali (1907–1948), allows the lecturer,notwithstanding the au- thorial intent,tointroduce two highlycontentioustopics to theirstudents. The first one is avariation, with aTurkish twist, on the complex question of the def- inition of Jewishliterature. While Sabahattin Ali is not aJewishauthor and Turk- ish not,strictlyspeaking,aJewish language, KürkMantolu Madonna acquaints the readerswith Maria Puder,one of the most fascinating Jewish characters in modernTurkish fiction. If Jewishexperiences are to be at the heart of Jewish lit- erature, Puder’spredicaments could be considered the epitome of the Jewishbo- hemianexperience in 1920sBerlin,asmuch as, or as little as, James Joyce’sLeo- pold Blum and GeorgeEliot’sDanielDeronda are representativeofJewish experiencesonthe BritishIsles. Ali’snovel is not the onlyliterarytext in Turkish which explores themes that one might define as Jewish. One of the pioneers of the republican Turkish novel, Yakup Kadri Karaosmanoğlu (1889 –1974)made ample use of biblical themes in his works and even wroteanovel entitled Sodom ve Gomore (Sodom and Gomorrah, 1928). With righteous prophetic vervethe novel condemned the corruption in the Ottoman capital afterthe end of World WarIand its occupation by French and British forces. In anycase, the fact that neither Ali nor Karaosmanoğlu had Jewish ancestry would be considered by most scholars of Jewish literatureasanexclusionary factor.Beside the exploration of Jewish themes, in itself acontentious concept, self-identificationasJewishseems to be a sine qua non condition for considera- tion within the field of Jewishliterature.Yet,here too, the Turkish literary field provides several examples that question this approach. It is true that there are several authorsand poetswho wroteorstill write in Turkish and claim their Jew- ishness.Someofthem, like the poets İsak Ferera (1883–1933)and Jozef Habib Gerez avoid references to Jewish themes in their verses,while engagingwith re- ligious, cultural and historicalaspects of Jewishness in their journalistic work, whereas others such as the novelistand short-story writer Mario Levi turn Istan- bul’sJewishcommunity into the subject matter of several of theirliterary works. But wherecan one situate authors such as Bilge Karasu (1930 –1995), Sevim Burak (1931–1983) and Roni Margulies who have or had acomplex relationship OpenAccess. ©2020 Laurent Mignon, published by De Gruyter. This work is licensed under the CreativeCommons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 License. https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110619003-006 38 Laurent Mignon with their Jewish heritageand reject or would have rejected their categorization as Jewish authorsand the inclusion of their works into acorpus of Jewish liter- ature?¹ To sum up, the challenges encountered when trying to define Jewish lit- erature within the context of francophone, germanophone or anglophone litera- tures alsoexist in the turcophone literarycontext. The question of Jewish literature is not the sole problem raised by the pub- licationofthe Madonna in aFur Coat. Amoregeneral question pertainingtothe definitionofTurkish literature was being debatedinthe months Maureen Freely and Alexander Dawe published their translation. Indeed in 2015,the poet Orhan Kahyaoğlu had published his two-volume anthologyofmodern Turkish poetry with the title Modern Türkçe Şiir Antolojisi meaning “anthologyofmodernpoetry in Turkish” which wasinclear contradistinction to the usual Modern Türk Şiiri Antolojisi, meaning “anthologyofmodern Turkish poetry”.InEnglish, “Turkish poetry” is ambiguous and could signify both “poetry in the Turkish language” and “poetry of the Turks”.While “Türk şiiri” (Turkish poetry) and “Türk ede- biyatı” (Turkish literature), as commonlyused in Turkish, implythat the literary texts in consideration are in Turkish, thereisnevertheless the added implication that they,oratleast theirauthors, are also Turkish. In order to avoid this ambi- guity,Kahyaoğlu wroteinhis introduction that: […]werecognize that poets whowritemodern poetry arenot onlyTurks. The Kurdish ques- tion and the thirty-year-old struggle of this people and their quest for an identity,that de- veloped in parallel to this struggle,has largely contributed to this recognition of ours.Time has come to accept that not every community or grouplivinginTurkey,beitinRumelia or Anatolia, is Turkish. Thereare manypoets in this anthology who, though their mother- tongue is not Turkish,are or have been writing in Turkish todayand in earlier decades as aconsequenceofthe dominant ideology.Itisforthis reason that we believethat ‘poetry in Turkish’ [Türkçe şiir] is ameaningful reflection of the respect we show to the communal identity of such poets.(Kahyaoğlu 2015,16) Kahyaoğlu’sarguments were not new and went back to the controversy around the concept of “Kurdish poets writing in Turkish” thatdevelopedafter the pub- licationofaspecial feature on the topic in the literary magazine Yasakmeyve (The Forbidden Fruit) in 2004 (Mignon 2014,196–199). Just like in 2004,Kahya- oğlu’sstand led to strong-worded reactions from the religious and secular na- tionalist establishments. In acomment that he wrotefor the secularist national- ist Aydınlık (Enlightenment) daily, the poet Özdemir İnce condemned Kahyaoğlu’sapproach as “absurd, racist and separatist,contrarytouniversal Foramoredetailed discussion of the definitionofJewish literature in aTurkish context, see Mignon 2018, 126–130. AFew Remarksabout Teaching Jewish TurkishLiterature 39 uses” (İnce 2016), in terms that were echoing his reaction during the debates in the early2000s. İnce’sapproach reflected the Turkish republic’sconception of citizenship which, in theory,does not recognize anyethnic, national or linguistic minorities. HenceKahyaoğlu’suse of the concept “Türkçe şiir” was avowedlypo- litical and deeplysubversive as it aimed to embrace the ethno-religious diversity of the poetswho contributed to the history of poetry in the Turkish languageover the years. This is an important issue also in the field of literaryhistoriography,asnon- Muslim authors and poetshaveoften been sidelinedinthe manyhistories of Turkish literature.² Indeed, most historians of Turkish literature seem to be equatingTurkishness and “Muslimness” and onlyinclude writers of Muslim her- itageintheir works.Undeniably, approaches such as Kahyaoğlu’screatespace for the recognition of the specificity of the contributions of Kurdish literati while also integrating non-Muslim authors, such as the Armeno-Turkish pio- neers of the novel in Turkish and Greco-Turkish translators of French popular lit- erature into the history of Turkish literature. This discussion is also of relevance in the context of the studyofJudeo-Turkish literature (Turkish in the Hebrew script) and of literature in Turkish by authors of Jewishbackground and should be engaged with in classand lecture rooms when talking about the works of Jew- ish authors who wrote in Turkish. However,before moving on to the topic of teachingJewishliterature, it might be necessary to sayawordortwo about the genesis of Jewish Turkish literature. Some readers maywonder whether there is such athing as Jewish Turkish liter- ature beyond the works of Mario Levi that have gained international fame –İs- tanbulbir Masaldı (Istanbul was aFairytale, 1999) having been translated in lan- guages as diverse as Korean, Croatian and even English. As seen above, the fact that the existence of Jewish Turkish literature is largely unknowneveninTurkey is mainlydue to an understanding of literary history thathas overlooked non-Muslim authors, including Jews. There is how- ever one more issue: Unlikethe cases of Armeno-Turkish and Greco-Turkish (also known as Karamanlı)literatures, wherenative speakers of Turkish, as well as Protestant missionary organizations,werepublishing texts in Turkish in communitarian alphabets,Judeo-Turkish printing was mostlythe resultofde- cisions takenbyreligious and secular community leaders who wantedtoboost the knowledge and use of Turkish among the mainlyLadino-speakingJewish community of Ottoman Turkey.Jewishfigureheads wanted to promotegreater communal empowerment in an agemarked by drastic reforms in the Ottoman On the topic see, i.a. Mignon 2008, 35–43. 40 LaurentMignon state, the need to confront the rise of Christian antisemitism in Ottoman lands as epitomized by the blood libels in Rhodes and Damascus, new employmentop- portunities in the public sector for non-Muslims who werefluent in Turkish and the advent of the Alliance israélite universelle schools and their promotion of Enlightenment ideals and French languageand culture.³ Though thereare afew examples of texts in Turkish in the Rashi script,be- fore the nineteenth century,Judeo-Turkish publications consisted mainlyof ephemeral periodicals which werebilingual in Judeo-Spanish and Judeo-Turkish. The onlyrelativelysuccessful publication was Üstat (TheMaster),edited by the educator Moïse Fresko (1859–1912), which was published over two years in Izmir between 1889 to 1891. Itsmain aim wastopromoteTurkish and abetter knowl- edge of Ottoman Turkish culture among Jews, while encouragingintegration and thus showing the attachment of the Jewish community to the Ottoman state. Publications
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