DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION BUREAU OF TRANSPORTATION STATISTICS OFFICE OF AIRLINE INFORMATION ACCOUNTING AND REPORTING DIRECTIVE RESEARCH AND INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGY ADMINISTRATION No. 304 A Issue Date: 02-01-12 Effective Date: 1-1-2012 Part: 241 Section: 04 AIR CARRIER GROUPINGS This revised 2012 Accounting and Reporting Directive is to show the merger of ExpressJet Airlines and Atlantic Southeast Airlines, along with updates the reporting groups for filing the Form 41 report during calendar year 2012. From our review, we updated the carrier groupings as follows: AIR CARRIER NEW REPORTING GROUP Kalitta Air LLC Group III Gulf & Caribbean Cargo Group I - $20 million to $100 million Kalitta Charters II Group I - $20 million to $100 million Tradewinds Airlines Group I - $20 million to $100 million Carriers are grouped according to the operating revenue boundaries contained in Section 04 of Part 241. The current reporting levels are: Group III Over $1 billion Group II Over $100 million to $1 billion Group I $100 million and under Subgroups: Group I - $20 million to $100 million Group I - Under $20 million Changes in the reporting groups will become effective January 1, 2012. Any questions regarding the groupings should be directed to
[email protected]. Anne Y. Suissa Director Airline Information Attachment ATTACHMENT PAGE 1 OF 3 GROUP III AIR CARRIERS - 18 CARRIER Air Tran Alaska Airlines American Airlines American Eagle Astar * Atlas Air Delta Air Lines Federal Express Frontier Airlines Hawaiian Airlines Jet Blue Kalitta Air LLC SkyWest Southwest Airlines United Airlines (merger with Continental effective 1/1/2012) UPS USAirways World Airways * * Reporting in Group III by waiver.