Term 3 Newsletter  2019


"Do what you have to do until you can do what you want to do.” – Oprah Winfrey

Dear Settlers Family

Last weekend I attended the Allan Gray Orbis Foundation (AGOF) Circle of Excellence Principals’ Conference in Durban. This is not an ordinary conference - it is by special invitation only, to schools recognised by the AGOF as one of the top schools in . To belong in this closed circle of schools, the school has to consistently provide them with candidates for their prestigious Allan Gray Bursary Fellowship which is a gruelling process. At the conference awards function, The Settlers was awarded a trophy recognising us as the top school in South Africa, producing the most AGOF Fellowships since its inception 11 years ago. This is an achievement to be proud of. I wish to thank AGOF Fellows from The Settlers and our teachers for living the ethos of the school and making this prestigious accolade possible.

Next year we will be one of the first co-ed placement schools (meaning some Allan Gray scholarship learners will be placed at our school instead of the traditional single sex schools they normally opt for). The reason for this according to the AGOF is that we must be doing something right here at The Settlers, to have produced so many excellent candidates and fellows.

The schools response to Gender Based Violence and Stop The Violence campaign was noble, but not a solution. Our actions must not stop after a special assembly, making a cross on the field, wearing a purple ribbon and taking a pledge to denounce violence, it needs to continue into the future beyond this term. Despite our stance, just two days ago three children were gunned down in Clarke Estate while they were sleeping, in a gang retaliation attack. Two of them attended Clark Primary School and the other Matroos Holy Trinity RC School. Children from MNED, children from our education circuit. The Violence continues unabated. We must continue to fight the scourge of violence by educating the youth and encouraging them to impact their communities by being positive role models.

I am once again amazed at the number and quality of activities and performances that took place during this term. Highlights from this term include the TSHS-Fairmont Contact and Fairbairn Derby - both were successfully hosted by TSHS. Special mention must be made of the spectacular musical extravaganza Ying Yang. The stellar cast amazed the audiences with their remarkable performances filled with vitality and unbridled talent. We celebrated learner achievements as the season/term came to a close, at a number of different occasions: the ACS dinner, new RCL and Prefect announcement, Sport, Academic and Cultural Awards, the Grades 8-10 outings/incursions, the Grade 11 job shadow and the Matric Celebration evening. I am in awe of the resilience, talent and ability of our learners. It is indeed a privilege to be involved in an environment such as this.

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Term 3 progress reports were issued today. The results reflect that many learners are underachieving and not accessing their true potential. It is important that learners and parents critically review the results to identify subjects that need remedial work in preparation for finals which start early in term 4. Please consult the academic support programme for remedial or extra lessons. Peer tutors are also available if necessary. If you wish to discuss your child’s results please make contact with the relevant teachers either telephonically or via email.

We are heading towards the tail end of the year and at the start of term 4 we officially celebrate the achievements of our learners at both Junior and Senior Prize Giving. Shortly thereafter, we will be celebrating five years of hard work, when we say farewell to the Matric class of 2019 at Valedictory. We wish the Grade 12s well with the final NSC examination and success with all their future endeavours - continue to fly The Settlers flag high and make us proud. TSHS wishes to extend a sincere thank you to the Grade 12 parents and guardians for their support during the last five years.

As the term draws to a close, it is with gratitude that I wish to thank each member of staff (teaching staff, administrative staff and amenities staff) for their Settlers Spirit, hard work and commitment. We appreciate all that they offer to the learners of TSHS.

Happy holidays. Take care and have a blessed very short, but well deserved holiday.

Shereen Gallie Principal


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In order to assist learners and parents, a Programme of Assessment that outlines all tasks and tests for the year has been posted on our website and school communicator:

Please use these documents to help your child with time management. Teach them to prioritise their work so that all tasks are handed in on time. This way learners can ensure that there is ample opportunity to prepare for tests and exams.

Academic assistance offered by the school

SUBJECT GRADE EDUCATOR TOPIC DAY TIME VENUE MR General MATHEMATICS Grd 8 - 12 Monday - Thursday 15:00 - 16:00 C4 NICHOLLS Assistance General MRS MATHEMATICS Grd 8 & 9 Assistance and Monday - Thursday 15:00 - 16:00 HURLING Various Topics ROOM MATHEMATICS Grd 11 & 12 MRS DUMSE Various Topics Monday - Thursday 15:00 - 16:30 113 Wednesday 15:00 - 16:00 LAB 1 PHYSICAL MR Grd 12 Various Topics SCIENCE MUSERERE Thursday 15:00 - 16:00 LAB 1 Thursday 16:15 - 17:15 LAB 1 PHYSICAL MR Grd 11 Various Topics Tuesday & Friday 15:00 -16:00 LAB 1 SCIENCE MUSERERE Educators will MS PHYSICAL arrange extra lessons Grd 10 VERMUELEN Various Topics T.B.C. T.B.C SCIENCE based on interest and & MR SAULS availability. Saturday - Please note that this class will only take place ROOM ACCOUNTING Grd 12 MRS HEINZ Various Topics every alternate T.B.C. 108 Saturday if more than 5 learners sign up with HZ beforehand ROOM ACCOUNTING Grd 11 MRS HEINZ Various Topics Monday 15:30 - 16:30 108 15:00 - ROOM ACCOUNTING Grd 10 MRS HEINZ Various Topics Wednesday 16:00/16:30 108 ENGLISH Monday 14:30-16:30 ROOM 5 Computer MRS M DE Based SCIENCE/ Grd 8 - 12 KOCK Programme/ Tuesday - Thursday 15:00 - 16:00 ROOM 5 NAT SCIENCE Timed Activities MATHEMATICS

Peer Tutoring The peer tutoring system is available for grades 8 - 11. A learner makes an appointment with a peer tutor who then helps them with the work.



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ACADEMIC (Mrs De Kock)

We congratulate the TOP 10 LEARNERS in each grade on their hard work and excellent achievements in the Term 3 Exams. Well done to all the learners who obtained an A Aggregate (names in bold).


1) Nothando Mkhize 2) Martine Kabongo 3) Tehreem Kader 4) Mumo Kioko 5) Nicole Marsh 6) Mohamed Baleg 7) Jayden Williams 8) Erin Abelgas 9) Kyle Mentor 10) Kaylin Harris


1) Marsha Manuel 2) Jayden Ockhuis 3) Noel Best 4) Lee Hendricks 5) Hamidah Rabiu 6) Nasiphi Mbilana 7) Alison Hector 8) Goodness Fatoba 9) Zameera Sanglay 10) Hudaa Jacobs

11) Zaid Timol


1) Kauthar Ryland 2) Mercy Fatoba 3) Taryn Henriques 4) Skylar Martin 5) Nika Davids 6) Pumulo Mambwe 7) Shane Voges 8) Jessie-Lee Rix 9) Moin-Ali Bagus 10) Mishka Adams Kelly-Ann Manuel

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1) Avaniya Pillay 2) Fagan Lenting 3) Joy Schoor 4) Kabeerah Livingstone 5) Alex Frantz 6) Daniélle Carolus 7) Bukhulu Nopote 8) Riefqah Diedericks 9) Imaan Schroeder 10) Sihlumile Mgada

11) Emma Opperman 12) Andrea Abrahams 13) Yusrah Nazeer 14) Inge-Ray Rowan 15) Aalia Sonday


1) Keenan Cupido 2) Ayyoob Kriel 3) Kyle Fortuin 4) Shawna Anthony 5) Tinotenda Muserere 6) Mikayla Sprout 7) Nicole Bosman 8) Melissa v d Vent 9) Joshe Theys 10) Malikah Cassiem (absent)


This term the fynbos garden was upgraded, a new fence was erected from the front gate to the end of the Astro and along the side towards the station. Information boards were also installed.

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SPIRIT WEEK & FAIRMONT CONTACT The term started with Spirit week and Fairmont Contact. Thursday 11 July we celebrated the big brag with all the first teams participating in the contact being introduced to the school. On the Friday spirit week was celebrated with a civvies day and the theme was a twisted fairy tale.

PREFECTS 2020 The announcement of the prefect body for 2020 occurred on 15 August 2019. These prefects together with Mrs Hall, Mrs Minnie and Mr Augustine went on a leadership camp at Ihlathi Bushcamp, from 6 to 8 September. The camp created the ideal opportunity for us to get to know the prefects better and for them to interact informally with each other as well as getting to know themselves better. The growth shown over the weekend was exciting and we look forward to a phenomenal year of leadership by this group of young adults. Further leadership training will be done on Monday and Tuesday of the October break.

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RCL The RCL had a stationery drive to collect stationery for under privileged Matric learners. Applications for the 2020 RCL have already closed and voting for grade 9 to 12 for 2020 should be completed before the end of term.

GRADE 10 SOCIAL The Grade 10’s had their grade social on Friday 23 August 2019. The value of these socials, where the children are able to have good clean fun in a safe environment, are invaluable.

INTERDISCIPLINARY PROGRAMS The interdisciplinary programs that the grade 8 to 11 learners had on 10 - 11 September were really amazing. The Grade 8’s had two fun-filled days touring various sites in the area. The Grade 9’s stayed at school and had various guest speakers talking about leadership. The Grade 10’s visited a whole host of places where they did community service for two days and the Grade 11 learners did job shadowing. Many of the Grade 10 learners enjoyed their visits so much that they have volunteered for further assistance to the various institutions.


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#STOPTHEVIOLENCE CAMPAIGN The school also supports the #stoptheviolence campaign, with the learners wearing purple ribbons and having signed a pledge against violence. We also held an assembly to contextualise the issue for the children as the main focus must be no violence at all. We will continue to sensitise the children to working towards a violence free society.

CYBERBULLING Cyberbullying is definitely on the increase and we encourage parents to discuss this matter with your children as the social media is not an acceptable forum for conflict resolution. The school will take serious action against any form of bullying. All children should feel safe at school at all times. Learners must also report any form of bullying before it gets out of hand.

LOST PROPERTY Lost property remains a problem. 80% of lost property handed in at the office is unmarked clothing. We appeal to parents to ensure that all clothing that is worn to school is marked. Unmarked lost property will only remain at Mrs Hall’s office for one week and then it will be sent to the clothing bank where it will be sold.

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MATRIC CELEBRATION SERVICE Thursday evening 12 September 2019 we had our Matric Celebration Service. The way in which we were able to celebrate our diversity was very special. The guest speaker, Reverend Janette Olivier, gave an inspiring and most relevant message about doing unto others as you would do to yourself. Her message was one of remembering to learn for life and not for school, to be the best that one can be and doing what is right because it is the right thing to do. The message was really appreciated and was taken to heart. At the end of the evening the Matriculants received a cupcake which was lovingly baked by Mrs Greeff and her team.

MATRIC DANCE Currently we are setting up the Hobbs Hall for the matric dance on Saturday 21 September 2019. We have 70 grade 11 learners working this week to prepare everything for a night to remember. Please note that the school does not endorse any official after party and that no party may be booked in the name of the school. Matric parents please make sure that all hair is back to the natural colour with no highlights and all nails are back to regulation length and colour for the start of term 4. In other words, ensure that all matrics are compliant with the school code of conduct at the start of term 4.

ABSENTEEISM Absenteeism of learners on non-writing days in the exams has also escalated to unacceptable numbers. We refer you to the Code of Conduct, signed by all applicants to the school. Learners who do not abide by this rule will in future be given Saturday detentions.

1.47 Exams: If a learner is absent during the exams we require a medical certificate for the day(s) absent even if the learner is absent on a non-writing exam day. Any extreme exemption to this rule must be directed to the Principal.

LATE COMING Our Achilles heel remains late coming with more than 10 000 late notes issued to date this year. It is of vital importance that we teach our children that being punctual is a basic life skill and a necessity for the workplace one day.

UNIFORM We appeal to parents to assist us to ensure that the uniform is worn with pride at all times. Learners either wear uniform or sport kit or civvies. It is not acceptable for learners to be wearing their blazer with civvies or their black drama outfits.

Change over to Summer Uniform The changeover to summer uniform starts from the start of term 4 and is compulsory from 1 November 2019. Winter uniform must be worn for both prize giving events and the Matrics must wear winter uniform for Valedictory. Please check the summer uniform and make sure that the dresses still fit and are the correct length. Also check that the boy’s shirts a long enough to be tucked in at all times. We also appeal to parents to check the boys pants as there are many boys currently wearing pants that are too small for them and that have split seams and require repairs.

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SPORT (Mrs Basheer)

“Hey all you Settlers fans let me hear you clap your hand (clap clap clap clap clap clap 2x) now that you got the beat let me hear you stomp your feet (stomp stomp stomp stomp stomp stomp 2x) now that you got the groove let me see your body move (ahowa ah ah ahowa ah ah)”.

The above is exactly the Spirit that you could feel and hear at our annual FAIRMONT CONTACT that was held from 9 - 13 July, when our teams took to the field. No matter the grade, the school came out in full force to support friends and siblings alike. There were nail biting matches, as the crowds would go ooh or aah as they sat on the edge of their seats. Below are some highlights of some of the matches that took place.

The U/15 Rugby beat Fairmont 26 to 3

CHESS The under 18 chess team has done well in their matches against the schools they played. Congratulations to the 1st team - you have sustained purposefulness and enthusiasm. The second part of the season's results are as follows:

u/15 u/18 u/15 u/18 The Settlers High 5 5 Rosendal 1 1 The Settlers High girls 4 Rosendal girls 2 The Settlers High 4.5 high 1.5 The Settlers High 3 Fairmont contact 3 The Settlers High 5 Fairbairn contact 1

The u/15 chess players were very excited, although there were not much schools to play against. We hope that your zeal and commitment will deliver fruit in the future. Keep up the good work. Thank you to coach, Shane Willenberg. We wish the Grade 12 chess players Triston Willenberg, Loganarayanan Uduayakumar, Baradwaj Bellamkonda and Imraan van Wyk the best and thank them for keeping The Settlers chess name so high.

The Settlers vs Rosendal Topschools

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Our inspiration for the season was HIGHLIGHTS below:

BOYS U/19 (2nd - SILVER) GIRLS U/19 (2nd - SILVER) 1. Adrin Strydom (12MG) 1. Keesha Pretorius (12MG) 2. Mihlali Bence (12MG) 2. Shawna Anthony (12DS) 3. Mihle Bence (12NR) 3. Caelin Thyssen (12DS) 4. Marlin Adams (12CF) 5. Clinton Fortuin (12NR)


1. Zoe Pather (11HB) 2. Robyn Khan (11MC) GIRLS U/16 (3RD –BRONZE) 3. Anitta Ngele (11MC) 1. Rita Ngcayechibi (11HB) 4. Lisa Gabriels (10FR) 2. Joelle Aganze (10BT) 3. Musa Tibane (10FR)

A number of learners participated at this year’s Northern Zone Championship

1. Keesha Pretorius 2. Caelyn Thyssen 3. Robyn Khan 4. Itumeleng Phala 5. Lisa Gabriels 6. Skyla McBean 7. Jean-Pierre Mitas 8. Laylah Abouzaid [3rd for schools Cross Country representing Settlers] 9. Chandon Adams [5th for club Cross Country

Layla receiving Gold – 1st at the Northern Zones 2019

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FUTSAL It has been a forgiving season for The Settlers Futsal boys. With 12 games played between the three age groups (u/15, u/17 and u/19), we have an enviable record of 10 Wins 2 Losses. The key focus this year has been, teamwork, passing, movement off the ball as well as speed and agility. We are pleased thus far, with how the teams have played (considering it is the first time the sport was introduced into the schools’ sporting code). Transitioning between defensive and attacking football in mere seconds. All boys have specific development needs, which remain a key focus at training and during games throughout the season.

Some of the highlights this year have included: header goals from corners (given the format of the game), goals scored from a good distance, possession domination and speed of ball movement. Overall, the teams have been a pleasure to coach/manage and have provided great entertainment for all watching on the sidelines. The boys seem to be enjoying themselves with a chant before each home game and in addition, a rhythmic warm up session, which heightens comradery between themselves.

The u/19 boys participated in two tournaments, namely the 7 a side and Curro Century City 5 a side, in which they were silver medallists in both competitions - setting the example and paving the way for future generations to come. We look forward to seeing futsal/soccer growing from strength to strength at The Settlers.

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GIRLS’ HOCKEY At the annual WP Championship held in Paarl during the July holidays, the following teachers and learners represented The Settlers High School:

Roche De Wet (WP North u/18 Bronze), Zoe Hans (WP South u/18 Silver), Mr A Augustyn (WP Zebras Assistant coach/manager u/18 - Gold), Tristan Adriaanse (WP Zebras u/18 - Gold), Mr I Abrahamse (WP Disas Assistant coach/manager u/18 - Silver), Cassidy Bosman (WP South u/18 - Silver), Casey Faulmann (WP North u/18 - Bronze)


Team Played Won Lost Drew Captain Top scorer 1 12 5 6 1 J LINDE J DAVEY 2 11 3 7 1 K OKKERS T WILLENBERG/K MEYER 16A 11 4 6 1 T RODGERS T RODGERS 16B 12 4 5 3 J LENDERS J LENDERS 16C 10 3 5 2 M V ROOYEN K CHIRINDO 14A 12 5 6 1 M SHAMBA J ACKERS 14B 12 1 9 2 J BROOKS L DEVAJEE

Boys’ hockey has had an average season - the 1st and u/16A and U/14A also played in pre-season tournaments and the Knock Out league. These results are not reflected above. The boys’ 1st team has played good hockey and although the results don’t reflect it, have in many cases narrowly lost to opposition. They ended 3rd in the 1st league this season. The outside coaches this year have been very good and consistent with regards to coaching. WP representative - Jenino Linde (u/19B) Zonal Representation - Tristan Adriaanse (u/19), Hadley-Joel Agulhas (u/16) Jaden Buys (u/16)

RUGBY All 5 teams had a very successful season and won most of their matches. The u/16A team was the most successful side this year with only one match lost against . Stats for the season are as follows:

Team Won Lost Highlight Beating Parklands High after being 12 points down with 8 min remaining. The players u/14 6 5 showed real character and the parents was hysterically happy. Beating Fairmont High during the derby 26 points against 3. u/15 8 3 Well done Settlers!!!! Beating the unbeaten Parklands High team. Although we were physically outmatched, u/16 10 1 we pulled off a win with brilliant defense and well executed tries. Beating Birkenhead High, a touring side from England, gave us the confidence to u/19B 3 8 defeat Jan van Riebeeck High. Thanks to a brilliant try scored by our 1st team eight man Peter-John Joseph, we u/19A 5 8 managed to get 7 points on the scoreboard during the Fairmont Contact.

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We were very fortunate to have highly qualified, committed coaches, referees and managers that added to the overall rugby success in 2019. We were also very fortunate not to have any serious injuries during the 2019 season. There were some mild concussions in the u/16 team, when playing against Fairbairn College, but I am happy to say that all the injured players recovered fully.

RDP Rugby Development Program The following u/18 players were nominated to be involved in the WP RDP (Rugby Development Program): Joel Arendse, Scott Dennis, Remy van Wyk, Jamie Lang, Mvelase Kwatsha, Tristan Theys, Nigel Nyashanu and Peter John Joseph.

Some of our players were also selected to participate in the Western Province Trials

U/15: Uzair Bray, Jabril Isaacs, Joshua Latsky, Jayden Witbooi and Jayden Maregele. Jayden Maregele was also involved in an u/15 SA Schools Winter Sports Tournament held at Kings Park during the June Holidays. At this tournament the team were the overall champions.

U/19: Dwayne Schoonhoven, Mvelase Kwatsha, Nigel Nyashanu and Scott Dennis. The following u/19 players were also nominated for a 2019 Merit award. Peter-John Joseph, Scott Dennis, Nigel Nyashanu, Mogamat Jakoet, Remy van Wyk, Bevan Ficks, Mvelase Kwatsha, Dwayne Schoonhoven and Teano Maregele.

New events during 2019 We are currently involved in a u/17 WP Provincial Schools’ Sevens Tournament. The first games are going to happen on 12 September 2019 at City Park Athlone. Mr Frantz and Mr Morkel will be in control of this event. We were also very fortunate to have played against a touring side from England, Birkenhead High School. Both our u/19B and u/19A teams out performed the visitors from England and were highly motivated for the next league games against Jan van Riebeeck High. We would like to thank Ms Magson and Mrs Van der Merwe for assisting with the after match function and the hosting arrangements.

The Interhouse Touch Rugby Sports day was also revitalised this year after a three-year dormancy period. The event was held in good spirit and players had the opportunity to develop their touch rugby ball handling skills.

The u/14 side was privileged to have attended a Shadow Ball Jayden Maregele was involved in an u/15 practise session at this year. SA Schools Winter Sports Tournament held at Kings Park in the June holidays.

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Preparing for the Fairmont Derby. Thanks to Mr Damonse the 1st team was addressed by a past pupil and Springbok Rugby Player, Neil de Kock, that last played scrum half for Saracens.

Thanks to the touring side, Birkenhead High, our 1st rugby team managed to gain some confidence again after a devastating loss against Fairmont High. Dwayne Schoonhoven (left), 1st team Captain, thanking the boys from England.

We started and ended every practise and every match with a prayer.

Lastly, we want to thank Mr Vergotine and Mr Vries for preparing the rugby fields for all our home games. A special thanks also to Mrs Biet and her First Aiders that assisted so many players with their injuries.

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TABLE TENNIS Table Tennis entered 3 teams into the league this season. Each of these teams played weekly matches on Tuesdays. The sportsmanship, camaraderie and team spirit displayed during these matches has been commendable. At the end of the season the 1st Team ended 2nd in their league, while both the 2nd and 3rd Teams finished 1st in their leagues.

Because of these results, all 3 Settlers teams were invited to play in the end of season Championships, where only the top 4 teams in each league play a round of semi-finals and, if successful, an opportunity to play in the finals. After winning their semi-finals, all three teams reached the finals during the Championships on Saturday, 31 August 2019 at High. The 1st and 3rd Teams both played well to achieve the Silver Medal in their respective Championships while the 2nd Team excelled to win their Championship.

On an individual level, Jesse-Leigh Nomdo is to be congratulated in achieving South African colours in Table Tennis representing South Africa abroad this past season. She also won Gold at the annual Groote Schuur Festival this year.

In addition to the above, we had a group of 30 to 40 enthusiastic social players honing their skills on a weekly basis. Here team players assisted in teaching novices the basics of the sport resulting in an enjoyable time had by all. Looking toward 2020, we envisage Settlers entering 4 teams into the League. Considering that most of the current team players (two in the 1st team) are juniors, the future looks bright for Table Tennis at Settlers. Summary of Results Matches Matches Matches Matches Position in Tournament League Points Played Won Drew Lost the League Result 1st Team 1st League 7 4 1 2 14 2nd Silver 2nd Team 3rd League 8 4 2 2 18 1st Gold 3rd Team 4th League 8 4 2 2 18 1st Silver

BASEBALL Jaime Lang’s success at the National Baseball Selection Camp in Edenvale in the 1st week of the June holidays resulted in him being selected as a member of the SA u/18 Baseball Squad that will represent South Africa at the WBSC World Cup in South Korea in September.

SOCCER Yorkley Meyer (grade 8) competed in a Soccer Tornament as part of the FC Gao China Tour 2019 that took place in July in Luoang China. His team played 7 matches, won 6 and lost their very first game (probably jet-lagged).

We are extremely proud of our boys and wish them well in their respective sports in the future.

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NETBALL The term started on a very good note as the u/19A team participated in the Groote Schuur tournament of various sport codes. There were ±10 schools who played in this netball tournament and teams were playing knock out rounds into the afternoon. The u/19A team showed determination to go straight through to the final round where they won their last match, making them the overall winners of the tournament. The closing ceremony happened in the late afternoon.

During the July holidays, Zintle Sigila (grade 12) played in the Western Province u/18 tournament and Menyam Ticha (grade 9) in the Western Cape u/15 tournament. Unfortunately, Iviwe Ncapayi in grade 10 could not attend her Western Province tournament due to having an injury. We are proud of all the girls and have the confidence that we will have more players in these teams next year.

After the term started all the teams had to prepare for the Fairmont contact matches which. Of all the teams that played, we won 3 matches and lost 5. Two weeks later, we played in the Fairbairn Derby. Our netball season started in April and as a whole netball definitely had a goal of having at least one team making it into the playoff stage after league matches were completed. This year will be our second time playing in the first league, which remains a great challenge.

However, we are very proud to report that 3 teams made it into the playoffs this year and 2 of the teams were in the finals on 7 September at Bellville HS, where the u/14C won 10-8 and unfortunately the u/16 lost to Stellenberg. This year we played against the following schools: , , Fairmont, Jan Van Riebeeck, , Parklands, and St Cyprians.

Below is a summary of the placings of all teams who played in the first league:

U19 A - 6th out of 8 schools U16 B - 2nd out of 8 schools U14 A - 8th out of 8 schools U19 B - 4th out of 8 schools U16 C - 2nd out of 3 schools U14 B - 4th out of 8 schools U16 A - 2nd out of 8 schools U15 A - 3rd out of 8 schools U14 C - 1st out of 8 schools

The highlighted teams all made it through to the playoffs, which were held on 22 August 2019. The u/16A team played against Reddam in Tokai and unfortunately lost their match 22-13. The u/16B team had a close match with Wynberg and won their match, which went into extra playing time of 10 minutes. The girls won at the end 19-20. The last team who went through was u/14C and they were the only team that did not lose one match throughout the season. They played against Wynberg as well and won their match 14-11. The u/16B and u/14C teams played in the finals on 7 September.

Next year our goal is to have more teams reach the playoff stage and prospects of an u/19A and u/16A tour is also one of our aims so that the girls can get more exposure to netball to improve their game and become more consistent with their quality of play. We are proud of all the girls and certainly looking forward to the new season next year.

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CULTURE (Mr H Smuts)

Our learners have excelled in the cultural spheres this term.

FAIRMONT AND SETTLERS CULTURAL CONTACT The term started off on a high note with the annual Fairmont and Settlers Cultural Contact. Our learners produced professional and quality performances. The programme included performances by our Choir, Orchestra, Dance Society and male vocalists.

STANDARD BANK JAZZ FESTIVAL A group of music learners attended the Standard Bank Jazz Festival in Grahamstown and this festival proved to be very inspiring and enriching for our musicians. At this festival, Jaden Philander was selected as the guitarist for the South African Schools’ Jazz Band. We congratulate Jadon on this fantastic achievement.

MUSICAL PRODUCTION The cultural highlight of the year is our annual musical production. This year’s musical extravaganza, YinYang, was magical musical story depicting our daily battle between opposites - positivity vs negativity and good vs evil. The cast of singers, dancers and band members received standing ovations from very appreciative audiences.

JAZZ BANDS & ORCHESTRA The Dynamix band performed at the Century City Convention Centre for the South African Society of Human Genetics conference. They were also invited to provide the entertainment at the Radiology Society of South Africa’s gala dinner at Crystal Towers. At the end of this term, our band also participated in a music exchange with where they were able to record two songs in the new Parklands recording studio.

The Orchestra, Chromatix Big Band and Dynamix Jazz Band participated in the Tygerberg International Eisteddfod, hosted at our school. The Dynamix won the trophy as best Jazz band.

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INTERACT SOCIETY The Interact Society hosted the charity show of the musical, YingYang. The learners ensured that various retirement villages, orphanages and special needs institutions could be spoilt with an enjoyable afternoon of entertainment. Interact also visited the Nehemia Safe House in Monte Vista as well as the Holy Cross Children’s Home in Parow.

They also had an Interact exchange with the Pioneer School in Worcester. On 22 July, the Pioneer School spent the day at The Settlers, and on 12 August our Interact members spent the day in Worcester. Both days were fantastic learning experiences and thoroughly enjoyed by both schools. We are very proud of our Interact members, as they also collected 240 eco-bricks to assist Waste-Ed with the building of a school in Dunoon. Two Interact members were sponsored by the Bellville Rotary Club to attend the Rotary Youth Leadership Awards Camp during the September holidays.

CHOIR The Choir was invited to perform as one of the Top 10 schools in the final of the Tygerberg International Choir Eisteddfod. After a fantastic performance in the Endler Hall in Stellenbosch, The Settlers were announced as the winners of the contemporary section with a final average of 93,3%.

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TYGERBERG INTERNATIONAL EISTEDDFOD A number of learners participated in the various categories of the Eisteddfod. Our learners once again achieved excellent results. Not only did the following groups and individuals receive highest honours (above 90%), but were also the overall trophy winners in their age groups:

Robert Odendaal Recorder Solo, 16-17 years Danielle Forsyth and Layla Walters Recorder Duet, 16-17 years Recorder Ensemble Ensembles, 16-17 years Recorder Quartet Quartet Senior Anekin Pockpass Classical Guitar Solo, 16-17 years Dominica Kleinveld Poems Grade 12 Kendelle Seckel Poems Grade 11 Noel Best Poems Grade 9 Lyle Oliphant Vocal Male Pop Solos, 13-14 years Zahrah Britow Vocal Female Pop Solos, 13-14 years Khonkco Twalo Vocal Male Pop Solos, 15-16 years Nkosana Nciza Vocal Male Pop Solos, 17-18 years Chante Hendricks & Dayna Johannes (shared) Vocal Female Pop Solos, 17-18 years Amy Josephus Vocal Female Classical Solos, 17-18 years Grade 12 Vocal Quartet Vocal Pop Groups, 18-19 years Boys’ Vocal Ensemble Vocal Pop Groups, 17-18 years Hakeem Hartzenberg Euphonium (Senior) Grade 9 Drama Group Drama Grade 9 Group Project Noel Best Dance: Contemporary Solo, 15-16 years Jayden Ockhuis & Lizalise Mkhetho Dance: Contemporary Duet, 15-16 years Grade 9 Dance Group Dance: Contemporary Large Groups Studio 351 Dance: Funk / Hip Hop Large Groups

DANCE GROUPS Our Dance groups had an exceptionally busy and successful term. Besides all the performances and trophies at the Tygerberg International Eisteddfod (mentioned above), the groups also performed at the Artscape Schools’ Arts Festival and the both groups were invited back to the gala evening as the trophy winners at this festival.

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DRAMA PERFORMANCE GROUP The Drama Performance Group performed at the Artscape Drama Festival and the ATKV Tienertoneel festival where the group achieved a bronze award. At the ATKV competition, Kiara Lottering and Abigail Jones were nominated for their supporting roles and Asanda and Sisanda Madwayi won the trophy for best supporting actresses at the Artscape High School Festival.

VISUAL ART Ryan Butcher (Grade 12) recently had his artwork featured in the online newspaper "Art Times". The theme/topic of his art piece is "Fragility". Our matric Visual Art learners completed their final practical during the last week of this term and we look forward to their Grade 12 Art exhibition at the start of next term.

CULTURAL AND SERVICE AWARDS Excellence in culture participation was recognised at the Cultural and Service Awards Assembly this term. A large group of learners received a total of 621 awards: 179 Cultural Ties (28.8%), 208 Merits (33.5%), 222 Special Merits (35.7%), 3 Junior Honours (0.5%) and 9 Honours (1.4%). This is testimony to the success of our cultural activities. The following learners received honours awards at this assembly:

Lizalise Mkhetho Musical (Junior Honours) Neo Kleinhans Service: Media Crew Jayden Ockhuis Musical (Junior Honours) Reece Lewis Dance Lyle Oliphant Musical (Junior Honours) Kiara Lottering Service: Waitrons Society Mia Abrahams Musical Nkosana Nciza Musical Tylun Hein Musical Jaden Philander Performance: Jazz Sangwani Khimbi Service: Waitrons Society Keesha Pretorius Musical

AUDITIONS - 2020 Auditions for the 2020 productions and performance groups have started and will be finalised next term. The new Society Committees and Chairpersons will be announced soon and they will attend a seminar next term to prepare for 2020.

We congratulate all our learners on their contribution to the success of our cultural activities.

Launelle Douman Grade 10GA was asked by the Ear Institute to participate in the Deaf SA 2019 pageant. She won the Junior crown. Congratulations!

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CONTACT (Ms Magson)

NEW STAFF We welcome Mrs Buys who takes up a position in the Afrikaans Department and Mr Sollons to the Technology Department. Due to a number of staff being off for operations, Mrs Less and Mrs Sass have come in to assist

throughout the term.

NATIONAL TEACHERS AWARDS 2019 This year Mrs Hall was nominated in the category of Excellence in Secondary School Leadership. Mrs Hall attended an awards dinner where she was placed 1st runner up behind her predecessor Mrs Horn, Principal of Protea Heights Academy. We are very proud of Mrs Hall on her fine achievement.

FAIRMONT CONTACT The Annual Settlers contact was hosted by The Settlers this year. A week long Cultural, Pastoral and Sporting contact culminated on the Saturday morning with the main line sports playing each other. Spirit week saw the learners and staff dressing up as their favourite fairy tale character but with a twist. Once again there were some superb posters to show support of a particular team or player. The Settlers cheerleaders helped to raise the spirit before the start of the first team matches. The staff of both schools enjoyed the all- day breakfast in the Gilbert room hosted by the Contact Manco.

BOYS RUGBY HOSTED TOURING SIDES FROM ENGLAND The boys’ rugby team hosted two teams from Birkenhead School in England. The teams were well matched but at the end of the day Settlers triumphed in both matches. The after match function, were all players and hosts enjoyed a meal together, was wonderful. We would like to thank all the hosts for so willingly agreeing to take in the English players. They thoroughly enjoyed spending time with The Settlers families and rated it as one of the highlights of their tour to SA.

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YIN YANG - A MUSICAL EXTRAVAGANZA The Contact Manco, Mrs van der Merwe, Mrs Greeff and the Waitrons Unlimited set up and served fine fare at the opening night of the annual Musical Production entitled Yin Yang. Invited dignitaries, Mrs D Schäfer (Western Cape Provincial Minister of Education), Mr D Millar (Director of the Metro North Education District), past headmasters, district officials and friends of The Settlers enjoyed a lovely evening being entertained by a star-studded cast.

MANDELA DAY - As part of their 67 minutes for Mandela Day …

The learners and staff at the school were challenged Grade 9FN visited Tygerberg Hospice and to each bring a tin of non-perishables in delivered snack packages to patients, chocolates to commemoration of Mandela’s birthday to staff to thank them for their hard work, selflessness be passed onto a needy organisation and dedication to a job that is not always easy

Grade 9VR collected nappies, wet wipes, Grade 9GO visited the Heaven's Nest Child Creams etc for the St Josephs Children’s Care and Recreation Centre for the afternoon Home for chronically ill children to brighten the children's day

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ACS DINNER A very successful dinner celebrated the Academic, Cultural and Sport heroes of our school. A full sit down three course meal was served. The esteemed guest speaker for the evening was Gardeo Isaacs, a past pupil, and the SA Mens 400m champion. Mr Isaacs gave a very inspirational speech. Thank you to the Waitrons unlimited society for setting up serving and clearing.

MATRIC 40 DAY’S CELEBRATION The Matric class of 2019 celebrated 40 days remaining of their school career by dressing up in the prospective career wear. They gathered for coffee, hot chocolate and pancakes before school and at break to eat burgers, chips and cold drink to celebrate the countdown to the start of their last 40 days at school.

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BLOOD DONORS At a recent blood donation clinic, the Settlers had a wonderful turnout and we collected more pints of blood than we had hoped for.

Donors were encouraged to don superhero accessories and take a selfie to be entered into a competition in order to win shopping vouchers. Many got into the spirit of this challenge.

STAFF TEAM BUILDING All staff members - teaching, administrative and maintenance staff where divided into groups of 10, given a budget of R200 from which to shop and create a 2 course meal for 12 people - a near impossible task, unless you have the Settlers staff at hand. All expenditure was checked and slips accounted for in order to meet the criteria. While the food was being prepared on the fires provided, the remaining team members had to complete a treasure hunt, play kahoots, set the table with an appropriate centre piece to fit the theme of the team. Never have you seen such competitiveness - secret meetings and whatsapp groups to ensure no one got wind of the themes or plans of another group. The panel of judges had a tough time to determine the winning team based, on a number of categories, but no matter who was declared the winner, a fantastic time was had by all.

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STAFF BIRTHDAY CELEBRATIONS It is not often that four staff members share the same birth date and that three of the four staff members each celebrate a milestone birthday at the same time- ‘die trappe van vergelyking’. Mr Damonse, Mrs La Grange and Mr Abrahamse wishing each other happy birthday.

At the end of each term the staff has a big birthday celebration for all the staff members who had birthdays that term. This term we had a traditional bazaar pudding table which was thoroughly enjoyed by all.


Mr Muserere (sitting on the left couch, next to the podium) was invited to a panel discussion chaired by Mr B Schreuder with Ms Horne (nominee in 2018 for the Global Teacher Award), the 2019 winner of this award, Mr P Tahichi and the Head of the Varkey Foundation. We are incredibly proud of the impact Mr Muserere has had in The Physical Science Teaching sphere.


A J Spieringshoek represented SA at 2 iron man competitions in Europe Lindsay Marsh was selected for the WP A Netball Team

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Caryn Dolley and Keely-Eve Koopman have been in the news after the publication of their books Keenan Horne - WP IPT winning team member with STAFF NEWS - CONGRATULATIONS Mrs Abrahamse

The Settlers hockey staff, Mr Augustyn & Mr Abrahamse, Mr and Mrs Basheer who managed zonal hockey teams over the July holidays have just returned from Hadj

Mr and Mrs Smith have danced off to Mrs Auerbach and Mr de Klerk completed a Moscow Russia to compete in a Physical Science Course part time over 2 years Ballroom Dancing Competition

The Contact Manco would like to thank the Prefects and the RCL representatives for their contribution this past year. We wish you well for your final examinations.

To the parents, thank you for your continued support at all our functions and sports matches and for transporting your children to and from activities. Both the learners and teachers appreciate the interest you show. We look forward to your continued support in the future.

Resilience  Integrity  Selflessness  Effort