2005 07 AFJHM Newsletter (Pdf)
The Newsletter of the American Friends Volume 6, Issue 2 of the Jewish Museum Hohenems, Inc. July 2005 I N TOUCH J ULYJ ULY 2005 2005 A LETTER FROM THE PRESIDENT C LAUDE ROLLIN, ESQ. subject he felt so passion- standing job creating in- ately about, namely, sup- teresting programs and Stephan Rollin porting the Jewish Museum exhibits, giving countless Founder in Hohenems. tours and responding to numerous requests for Claude Rollin, Esq. The Jewish Museum in information and assistance. President Hohenems is one of only Thanks to their tireless Mark Brunner Dear Friends, three Jewish museums in all efforts, many thousands of Vice President of Austria. One of its most people from around the It seems most appropriate important functions is to world have been able to see, Uri Taenzer, Esq. that I am writing this letter educate people, young and hear (and hopefully under- Secretary-Treasurer on Father’s Day since my old, Jewish and non-Jewish, stand), the rich history of father was a founder and about the events of the past the Jews who once lived in Trustees enthusiastic supporter of and how those events may Hohenems. Dr. Robert Amler the American Friends until influence our future. In my Ronald Bernell his death last year. Since I judgment, the museum The heart of the museum is can no longer speak to him, staff, ably led by Dr. Hanno its permanent exhibition, Doris Billes I’ll speak to you about a Loewy, has done an out- (Continued on page 2) Nadia Follman Harvey Gutman N EWS FROM THE MUSEUM James Hirschfeld D R .
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