Metrication Leaders Guide This resource book will help make your inevitable upgrade to the metric system easy, smooth, cheap, and fast. Pat Naughtin 2009 2 of 89 Make your upgrade to the metric system easy, smooth, cheap, and fast Decision making for metrication leaders !! " ! # $ Appendices % & % ! !! ' ! ( )% ' !* " " + , -&..)--/& , - ,$ # ! ,, 0 * + # (
[email protected] 3 of 89 Make your upgrade to the metric system easy, smooth, cheap, and fast. Deciding on a metrication program confirms that you are a metrication leader – not a follower. You have the courage to stand aside from the crowd, decide what you think is best for yourself and for others, and you are prepared to differ from other people in your class, your work group, your company, or your industry. As a metrication leader, you will soon discover three things: 1 Metrication is technically a simple process. 2 Metrication doesn't take long if you pursue a planned and timed program. 3 Metrication can provoke deeply felt anti-metrication emotions in people who have had no measurement experience with metric measures, or people who have difficulty with change. The first two encourage confidence – it's simple and it won't take long – but the third factor can give you an intense feeling of isolation when you first begin your metrication program. You feel you are learning a new language (you are – a new measuring language), while people around you not only refuse to learn this language, but will do what they can to prevent you from growing and from making progressive developments in your life. The purpose of this book is to give you some supporting arguments to use in your metrication process.