


Abdullah Sadiq.

Raza A. Tahir-Kheli

Michael Wortis




International Atomic Energy Agency and United nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization



Abdullah Sadiq •• International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy,

Raza A. Tahir-Kheli Physics Department, Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA,

Michael Wortis Department of Physics, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, USA,


lJa3eem A.. Bhatti Pakistan Institute of Nuclear Science and Technology PINSTECH, Rawalpindi, Pakistan.


* Submitted for publication. ** Permanent address: Pakistan Institute of Nuclear Science and Technology, PINSTECH, P.O. Nilc-re, Rawalpindi, Pakistan. Supported by HSF Grant. ••.-i-'-•••?*• .**•.*•• la raoaat y»*ur*, tk* kahavtow of ais«i4arad aacBatla, waars sia flistttsat** kas attract*4 a (raat daal «f attaatloa. Za partiaalar, Ch* qtautloM af aastral latarast ha* •••• ta« *«a«raB«« *f Abstract tte •• «*Uad nmft» glaa*^ jfcisa, «har« «s**l •agswtla loag raaga «r4ar Tha behaviour of clusters of eurvad and normal plmqu«tt« U «BMK« »»t « sin Mttl* aKwiagt Mtwltln t« tto particles In * bond random, ^ J, Ising aodal is studlad la finite •• alb«tt raatfaaOj, ta a«ys«t«4 t* aria* \_1 "\ . square and triangular latticas. Coaputar results for tba concantra- tloa of antifarrooagnetlc bonds when parcolat'ng cluatars first appeara ara found to b« clos* to thoaa raportad for tl« ooenranea and dl6app*arano* of spin glaats phaaas in tha as systsss.

aal* t* tdantlfy, at l*aa* la tv*

U flalto Uttt**» ta* **a**ie«r *f ta* a*** as) «*U a* awasl. *Xa*a**rt** (1.*, tk*ir a*—itat** fav*i«lM aa4 ta*lr *l««t«iM. N« BMP* Itaal Mat th* AiaappMMtt* *f fW**latia« *laat*M •» a*real *la*wtt* farticlM a*la«tda* «lta ta* a**t "ralU»l*» aatftaat** lav «a* mumammmm *t ta* apta gla** trasaltloa. Taia 1*» BMWVMF* a |Mr*]y g**a*trl*al *ff**%, aai At* r*l*vaac* t* llalta* *trl*tly t* ta* ff • 0 «*** ter ta* Jta—iaa*. tawmrtaAa**, w* tollav* tkat ta* Mta*l*«M*

(wlta tk* a«| • 1 lw—lal *r»*rt a* it wn) *f ta» para«Utl*a tar**a*l« *f a«*c a1***j»tta fartlalas **4 ta* astiaataa far ta* apia gt*aa

It tkat alta**** tk* *k*l** mt tk*

-2- -1- far tka aalrlaas af a«rva4 ylaqvattaa kaltastaf *• dlffaramt elaatara U —* Mattlra toa4a la a»aa aatlraly ntaoaaly, aaajvct. aay, ta tea ta tka Laalataa ai««la wf* ala^aattaa altutaa br froa ottor tka 41atrlk*tl«s fwaatlaa. aluatara. It la tkla aoatrltotlaa. wklek appaara ta glva rlaa ta Qa Baika4 ., aaaartara af tto total alalaal atrlac laagtk varaM tka o«rr«4 pla^aatta •tratiaa froa taa farraaaaatla aafaat aaargy at 0 •.Of la Taalaw- tto ayatlal «latrlto*la* af tto aw-rad (aaraal) plaqaattaa IS aat «meo- rralata*. Alttoajk t&la oarralatlaa cam aa ooaaldarat ta to «Mk, tka Va tova, tkarafara, alaa ate*!** tka arodabllltj, t,<<), »f ••tad. atractvr* «f tkla earralatloa. la, aarartkalaM, far froa alaala. aoaalataly Iaalata4 ala«la taalata« alaatara af twvad pUqaatta partlala*. , it la la • MM* tto arc af tlw «p±a |Un araklM ClaarOy. «,(«) la g&vas ajr tto faUaV.ag axpraaala* If «a aoaaldar ttoaa alacXa pOaa«wtta alaatara wkaaa •>«aa< aa4 tartkar aalgka««ra My ** "9 k* fin* te a«4r«a* thl» 1MM fc] . 7M

"«trla«a" »ff Ikm «r« tw* ««»trifc«tio*a t« *M- ««• to thi iatr»-«*utn'

tM total atria* l«a«tk d« t* tM latar-elmat«r 1« frofatloaal t* tha ntwaar af placpMttaa la th« almatar. i-C ••a to tka waakawaa af tka Imtair-plaquatta eorralatlasa [%J , th* larga jlaaaartta alaatara ara af lrragalar ahapa. Thla aaaaa tkat aaaa ol«atar B»J aara ta to taka* t«ral«star WBtriautloa ta th* ntalaal tat«l atrlai l«agt» 1* (5) la aasaMtlv* af TaalMM oto*r*atl«a «M (aoMukat la tka MM toataaiiy af tto wr«ar af tka total inuibcr of ewrraa *laq>«ttaa la tka aylrlt) tmg to aKaata< ta to tka kai*la«*r af aala (laaa CfStaat i.a. fioaantlaaal ta the aarrad ylaqutta fartiela ooMastntlaa V •aajlaaat aoatrlWtloa ta tto aialaal total atrlag lan«tk «oala«


-3- On> latar«*t k*r* 1* Ht M mk tk* *a»ly»l» *f f^*) as tk* 3a* altvatlMt 1* a«r* «oa)U«at*a la tk* ta** *f tk* ataflt •swdaatlaa •* the p«r«*l*tla*: •kara*t«ri*ti*a «f tk* •«*¥•* (aaraal) triaaajalar lattlc*. **!• syatwa 1* *ff *r*«lal lat*r*at •*•***• k«r« tk* »laa**tt* partial* *l*at*rs. 0tl«* aaa Ul) «k* ^M« y*r««l*ti9«. tor* •p«clflo*t l»*lly trterac f** • • aa**ti*aa riMla aa t* wkattw tk* IT stat* la tt* trlaafolar Xala« l**lly «Hn«d fiw « • 1, vltk tk* «pl« aatwara la tk* staaaav* afla glass ***** [»J .

Mr •< t.9 til ttla •***, t«* w* ass*«lat*a a* la tt* rnn, wttk tk* *f «wr«ratl* Xattl** !>*> tor* t* ajia flaa* traa*lti*a witt tt* at MM TBlW* *f •• *M> n«U «xp*«t *lt* p«wla> traaaltl*a Maa**to« wltk tk* aisan*araaM *f tk* an Ml *la«Mtt* lattait* «l««t«T *f Mml *f aifiii yl«4*a«t* y«rti*lM vltk lalm. Atar* « • tw9* *««»«, tt*r* is aa*tkCT p*r««latl*a traaaltlwi tartl«l*a >••!?. tar** j**»* partl«l*s. W* lat«nr*t tkla a* aa lailoatloB (ak*lt( «aMrr*b«rat*a *r («hl*k la a M«*mr* •* tk* frutratlaa *a«l la tk* ay*t*a) aaa tt* *yla *tk*r warkars aa *ff ttl* nwit) tkat tk* TW jaa*« Is, la MM HIM •JUaa tr»a*ltl»a MM t* k* r*lat*« t* «a*k *tk*r. «*, tkar*fo»{ pactmlat* 41ff*r*at f**a tt* Sfia gUas paas*. tkat ttm Mall valsM *t • tk* traMltiM froa tk* ft«i*Mca»ti« «aaa* I* tt* *k* alia glaa* yhaM ««««r* at tt* rwttUtloa «kr**k«U aMo*l>t*c with Xk* rasalta *X *w *al*«UtloB* ar* akeva la flfs. U?. Xa flf.t tk* UMpptmn** *f tk* laflalt* eUitw *f Mnal alaqtwtt* parti*!**. At w* *k*w tt* aaalytiMJl (MU« UM) aaa tk* ooapvt.r r**«lt* (palata) for, kl^M* nlw« *f • tk* traultioa firoa tt* apla c^aaa jama* t* 1»« aatlt*r**- #,(•) tk* pntakllltjr *f t*tti>( a «1B«1* la«Ut*a «arv*« (a*rsal> ala

-5- -6- «• g&V* tka resalt* far tka redwed weight average elveter else (HAS) ACKNOWLEDGMEMTS tar tk« trtaagaiar lattice. Ik* ap*a ayanbolfanhcla (for Ot 9.5©.J)) *rar«e f«fa*r tkea One of the authors (A.S.) would like to acknowledge helpful aa* tka dax* (for C > 0.5) are for tha e«rre* discussions with Dr. I. Vilfan. He would also like to thank Professor mla«*etta*. 3a* aarraspoaaiag remits for bath £,<«) aa« WAC (far aai Abdus Salsm, the International Atomic Energy Agency and UNESCO for hospitality at the International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste. ml**a*ttaa) t*» tka q.«are>atie lattice are shorn In flf.6. la tkla oaaa The help and cooperation of the centro di Calcolo, University of Trieste, tar raa»ata *, 4a aat axklbit aay algalfleam* de**rt«re froa the and the Computer Division, PINSTECH,are gratefully acknowledged. amrra, altkaagk aoaw klad of atrwatare la theae reamlta aaar tka ?«re«l*tloa tkraakoU la avlAaat. Finally flg.7 illwatratea tka extra- yalatlaa of tha yeraalatlaa tkraakald froa: flalte lattices to iaflalta lattloe.

far tka aaaara lattlsa wa gat p«rcolatloa thrtehold at o - 1* ^ 2 (•at • • M *. 1) Vhlsa lias katwaaa tke raloes given by Tajutiaessa am* t[* J , artaaataia at^l. f 10J and that of Xirkaatrlk ft)J . Far atsflt trlaagalar lattlaa wa gat paroalatlena thraahold at a • 17 £ 20 aaa«3l»

9a tancl«4«, o«r •tvdy af *orr«l»tad parcolatloK of enrrad tt»a la a r*ado« IsUkj a«4al la twa dlaaaatoma) ahow arldasa* of a pfcaaa tranaltloa at aatlf«rraaiayiatla aoaA eonca«%rfttlona «Mak, for aqnara lattice loliu^da wltk tka Mat ralUbla aatiaatea glvaa bj othar aatkor* for tha fm«n|wtl« to mpLm «Uaa tmnslttw C2,1O.1.ijf. . Ikr tha ai»flt triangular Inttlo* o«r reamlta alao lndioata ttut tka FT pbasa may, la aoa a«ttaa, ba Uffrrwat froai tka apia glaaa phaaa.


-8- CAfWO Bafaraaaaa flg.1 Cl«atara *f «urr«d pl»qm«ttaa i» • fmatratad lalnc »oi*l «• 1. B.r. Bdwards and P.W. Anderson, J. Phya. 15, 965 (1975) 80 s 80 trlamgular lattlea at Ht }( ajttl»farr««a(»«tia aond aoaeaatrattam. D. Sharrlnctoa and 8. Klrkpatriek, Phyt. Uav. Utt. 2£,1992 (197?) Tlga. 2-3 Hffarakt poaslola wtya af f*ttin« a ewrvad ylaquatta (hori>*B>> 2. a. foalous*, COT. Phys. £, 11? (1977) J. Y*uiMm tri a. Toalo*a«, tal k«t«ka« r«giaaa) with aovwil pU^MttM (Tarttaal Jut«ha« J. 1'kjv. £1£, 1*37 (1977) B. Fradkia a*4 3.*. Muwberatn an* ragloaa) la a, (2) trl»»gal»r «W (J) a^vaura ftm*t»«t*d lalsa; acdal. Th» solid linaa ( '••— i doaata farroa»KMtle e.i. shuktr *hy*. B«T. n8. 4789 (1978). a*4 tha 3. P. B**d AW. Brmy ud H.A. Moor* J. Phya. £11^ 1159 (1978). Ft..* Xha prabaMllty of gattios «» laolatad e«rvad (apaa ajaaola) aad aenal (filial «yaa*la) aU A. Afcarmr a&l K. Bl»a>rt"I«w CoMavtrutloa atrinm, Eipanaion fcr •ljta* a« a« x *O (triaa«laa) u««)i«t (•**•»•) aai 9» s 10 Mlvta •>!« SlMSta at ft«r* X««p«nit«ra", KF*t Juliet (19«O) (elr«l«a) trla«g«lar Iattlaaa« Tha Tarlaaa nrm aia Armra «• t. 0.1. Vaaalar, Fky*. Bar. fl, 397 (1990) galda th* aja.

9* >• i«klek, J.S. WaU:*r and N. tforbia Phy«. K.T. B1&, 2209 (1977). rmha.%111%7 ta ham laal«tad a«rrad pU^wattaa. ^ (flllad aymaala) Hat tha r*d«aad valfhtad aTaraga alvatar alas, •**<» lh«a« anUtwrs atrt^y th« o«iEit«tie flald ajai tsaparatara dapa&daaea of (apaa ajafctla) a* a fasatiaa af «WM« ala^aatta ««>aaatratlaa

ta» Tf trtanpnlar X«jng Eyst*».e. Alexander and P. Flncua, J 0y far lalas apim |lui aa to it to (trlaaai**), <• x Co aa« 80 a 10 (etralaa) a, la tk« aMOytiaal raawlt ta lawaat arday, walla ta«\rok*a llaaa 10. 9. GritaUia, C. J«yayr«a*flk u4 M. Wortle, thj». Ser. 31^, 260 ajr« crai* I* fti4* tk* cy*. (1979). Varaelatlaat thraakftlda 1% mt aatl-farraaagsatla a«mda) far 11. S. Eirkffttrlak Mgr»> *•*• H^, ^30 (-.977). trvatrata4 lalna; aedal aa aqmura (a^vauraa) *•< trlnamlar (trlaaglM) lattlaaa aa a faaotloa af tka i*v«raa Uttlc* alaa.

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o o o o a o o o<=> CO CO rsi 0091/OVMy Antiferro-magnetic bond concentration, C m o un o o t-- CD oo oo r-

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