I N D E X - a HISTORY of the MUNICIPALITY of OAK BAY Compiled by GEORGE MURDOCH 1968 "A" Adams, W
- I N D E X - A HISTORY OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF OAK BAY compiled by GEORGE MURDOCH 1968 "A" Adams, W. E. 55 Advisory Planning Commission 126,130,140 Air raid precautions 90 Alderman, title formerly Councillor 161 Aliens registered 1914 42 Amalgamation 55,58,60,81,94,97,123,128,133,146 Ambulance and rescue vehicle 137,185,186 Anglican clergy 166 Anglican diocese 164 Angus, Richard, Councillor 103 Annett, C.C., Councillor 143 Anscomb, Herbert 94 Applewaite, E.H.H. 38 "Archaeology of the Gulf of Georgia & Puget Sound", H.Smith 4 Assessments 54,59,89,121,134,135,146 Assessment roll 32 Assessor 114 Assets & Liabilities 1906 31 Astor, John Jacob 9 "B" Baby Clinic 106, 123 Bailey, Dr. D .M. 21 Baillie (Bayley?) Mr. 11 Ball park 18,46,52 Bank loans Appendix 2(a), 3(a) Bank of North America 40 Baseball club 193 Bates residence 20 Beaven, Mrs. Ada, Native Plant Park 85 Beaven, Mrs. Ada, Rose Garden 83 Beaven, Mrs. Ada, playground equipment Willows Park 100 Beaven Estate 129,134,164,162 Beaven, H.R. 22 Beaver Lake 150 Becbvith, Mrs. H.A., summer playground 91, 152 Bennett, Premier W.A.C. 156 Benning House, for branch library 153 Berrill, Ralph, architect 51 Bicyle by-law 36 Billboard by-law 54 Blackstock residence 20 Blandy, R. F. 53,104,128 "Blandyville" 61 Blanshard, R. 10 Blue Line Transportation Co. 70,71,92 Board of Trade "Tea Party" 149,152 Boat Club 188 Boathouse 12,20,188,189,191 Boats, speed of 122 Bodwell & Lawson, solicitors 41 Boulevard potato patches 92 Boulevard underground sprinkler system 126,147 Boundaries of Municipality 13,73,140 Bowker Creek 5,84 Bowker Farm 4,17 Bowker, John Sylvester 12,20 Bowker, Johnny (son of J.S.) 12 Bowling greens 47,93,97,119,122,127 Boy Scout Hall 119 Boys' Central School 16 Breakwater 51,142 B.C.
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