Sigmund Freud Papers [Finding Aid]. Library of Congress

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Sigmund Freud Papers [Finding Aid]. Library of Congress Sigmund Freud A Register of His Papers in the Sigmund Freud Collection in the Library of Congress Prepared by Allan Teichroew and Fred Bauman with the assistance of Patrick Holyfield and Brian McGuire Revised and expanded by Margaret McAleer Manuscript Division, Library of Congress Washington, D.C. 2009 Contact information: Finding aid encoded by Library of Congress Manuscript Division, 2009 Finding aid URL: Latest revision: 2009 January Collection Summary Title: Sigmund Freud Papers Span Dates: circa 6th century B.C.-1998 Bulk Dates: (bulk 1871-1939) ID No.: MSS39990 Creator: Freud, Sigmund, 1856-1939 Extent: 48,000 items; 138 containers plus 19 oversize and 3 artifacts; 68 linear feet; 23 microfilm reels Language: Collection material in German, with English and French Repository: Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. Abstract: Founder of psychoanalysis. Correspondence, holograph and typewritten drafts of writings by Freud and others, family papers, patient case files, legal documents, estate records, receipts, military and school records, certificates, notebooks, a pocket watch, a Greek statue, an oil portrait painting, genealogical data, interviews, research files, exhibit material, bibliographies, lists, photographs and drawings, newspaper and magazine clippings, and other printed matter. The collection documents many facets of Freud's life and writings; his associations with family, friends, mentors, colleagues, students, and patients; and the evolution of psychoanalytic theory and technique. Selected Search Terms The following terms have been used to index the description of this collection in the Library's online catalog. They are grouped by name of person or organization, by subject or location, and by occupation and listed alphabetically therein. Personal Names Abraham, Karl, 1877-1925--Correspondence. Adler, Alfred, 1870-1937--Correspondence. Alexander, Franz, 1891-1964--Correspondence. Andreas-Salomé, Lou, 1861-1937--Correspondence. Bernays family--Correspondence. Bernays, Anna Freud, 1858-1955--Interviews. Binswanger, Ludwig, 1881-1966--Interviews. Bonaparte, Marie, Princess, 1882-1962--Correspondence. Breuer, Josef, 1842-1925--Correspondence. Brill, A. A. (Abraham Arden), 1874-1948--Correspondence. Brunswick, Ruth Mack--Correspondence. Charcot, J. M. (Jean Martin), 1825-1893--Correspondence. Deutsch, Felix, 1884-1964--Interviews. Eckstein, Emma--Correspondence. Einstein, Albert, 1879-1955--Correspondence. Eissler, K. R. (Kurt Robert), 1908-1999--Interviews. Eitingon, M. (Max), 1880-1943--Correspondence. Ferenczi, Sándor, 1873-1933--Correspondence. Fliess, Wilhelm, 1858-1928--Correspondence. Fluss, Emil--Correspondence. Freud family--Correspondence. Freud family. Freud, Amalia, 1835-1929--Correspondence. Freud, Anna, 1895-1982--Correspondence. Freud, Anna, 1895-1982--Interviews. Freud, Ernestine Drucker--Interviews. Freud, Ernst L., 1892-1970--Correspondence. Freud, Harry, 1909-1968--Interviews. Freud, Martha, 1861-1951--Correspondence. Freud, Martin--Correspondence. Freud, Oliver, 1891-1969--Correspondence. Sigmund Freud Papers 2 Freud, Oliver, 1891-1969--Interviews. Freud, Sigmund, 1856-1939. Frink, Angelika, ca. 1884-1969. Heller, Judith Bernays--Interviews. Hitschmann, Eduard, 1871-1957--Correspondence. Hitschmann, Eduard, 1871-1957--Interviews. Hollitscher, Mathilde Freud, 1887-1978--Correspondence. Jackson, Edith Banfield, 1895-1977--Interviews. Jekels, Ludwig, 1867-1954--Interviews. Jones, Ernest, 1879-1958--Correspondence. Jung, C. G. (Carl Gustav), 1875-1961--Correspondence. Koller, Carl, 1857-1944--Correspondence. Lampl-de Groot, Jeanne--Correspondence. Mann, Thomas, 1875-1955--Correspondence. Pankejeff, Sergius, 1887-1979--Correspondence. Pankejeff, Sergius, 1887-1979--Interviews. Pfister, Oskar, 1873-1956--Correspondence. Pfister, Oskar, 1873-1956--Interviews. Rank, Otto, 1884-1939--Correspondence. Reik, Theodor, 1888-1969--Correspondence. Reik, Theodor, 1888-1969--Interviews. Riviere, Joan, 1883-1962--Correspondence. Riviere, Joan, 1883-1962--Interviews. Sachs, Hanns, 1881-1947--Correspondence. Sarasin, Philipp, 1888-1968--Interviews. Schur, Max. Silberstein, Eduard, 1856-1925--Correspondence. Simmel, Ernst, 1882-1947--Correspondence. Stekel, Wilhelm, 1868-1940--Correspondence. Swoboda, Hermann, 1873-1962--Correspondence. Weiss, Edoardo, 1889-1939--Correspondence. Weiss, Edoardo, 1889-1939--Interviews. Subjects Psychoanalysis--Societies, etc. Psychoanalysis. Occupations Psychoanalysts. Administrative Information Provenance: The papers of Sigmund Freud, founder of psychoanalysis, were given to the Library of Congress by the Sigmund Freud Archives between 1952 and 2001. Additional material was given to the Library between 1970 and 1976 by Anna Freud who subsequently bequeathed to the Sigmund Freud Archives the remainder of her father's papers in her possession at the time of her death in 1982. The archives deposited these papers in the Library of Congress in 1986 and converted the deposit to a gift in 2000. Numerous other donors gave material directly to the Library of Congress between 1942 and 2001. Further items were acquired by the Library through purchase, transfer, and exchange between 1943 and 1999. Processing History: The Sigmund Freud Papers were arranged and described in 1991 in seven lettered series (A, B, C, D, E, F, and Z) in accordance with restrictions and conditions that applied to the collection at that time. Material within each series was arranged in groupings Sigmund Freud Papers 3 of family papers, general correspondence, subject file, writings, supplemental material, and interviews and recollections. When the bulk of the restrictions were lifted in 2000, the lettered series were abolished and the papers were rearranged. Nine new series (Family Papers, General Correspondence, Subject File, Writings, Supplemental File, Interviews and Recollections, Artifacts and Painting, Closed, and Oversize) were created by consolidating subgroupings within the lettered series. Although their series designations had been changed, most folder titles were not altered during reprocessing. The finding aid continues to be revised as restrictions are lifted. Additional Guides: Descriptions of the Sigmund Freud Papers appear in Library of Congress Acquisitions: Manuscript Division, 1985, pp. 27-31, and Library of Congress Acquisitions: Manuscript Division, 1986, pp. 33-36. Transfers: Items have been transferred from the Manuscript Division to other custodial divisions of the Library. Books have been transferred to the Rare Book and Special Collections Division. Some photographs have been transferred to the Prints and Photographs Division. Motion picture films and audio recordings of interviews have been transferred to the Motion Picture, Broadcasting, and Recorded Sound Division. All transfers are identified in these divisions as part of the Sigmund Freud Papers. Copyright Status: Copyright in the unpublished writings of Sigmund Freud in these papers and in other collections in the custody of the Library of Congress is reserved. Consult a reference librarian in the Manuscript Division for further information. Access and Restrictions: Restrictions apply governing the use, photoduplication, or publication of items in this collection. Consult reference staff in the Manuscript Division for information concerning these restrictions. In addition, many collections are stored off-site and advance notice is needed to retrieve these items for research use. Microfilm: A microfilm edition of part of these papers is available on twenty-three reels. Consult reference staff in the Manuscript Division concerning availability for purchase or interlibrary loan. To promote preservation of the originals, researchers are required to consult the microfilm edition as available. Preferred Citation: Researchers wishing to cite this collection should include the following information: Container number or reel number, Sigmund Freud Papers, Sigmund Freud Collection, Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. Biographical Note Date Event 1856, May 6 Born Sigismund Schlomo Freud, Freiberg, Moravia 1860 Moved with family to Vienna, Austria 1873 Graduated summa cum laude, Leopoldstädter Kommunal-Real-und Obergymansium, Vienna, Austria 1875 Changed first name to Sigmund 1876-1882 Conducted research on the nervous system at Ernst Brücke's Institute of Physiology, Vienna, Austria 1879-1880 Fulfilled compulsory military service Sigmund Freud Papers 4 1881 M.D., University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria 1882 Clinical assistant in Hermann Nothnagel's Department of Internal Medicine, General Hospital, Vienna, Austria Met and became engaged to Martha Bernays 1883 Worked in Theodor Meynert's psychiatric clinic, General Hospital, Vienna, Austria 1884 Joined Department of Nervous Diseases, General Hospital, Vienna, Austria Began studying the effects and potential medical uses of cocaine 1885 Appointed lecturer in neuropathology, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria Received grant to study neuropathology with Jean-Martin Charcot in Paris, France 1886 Established private practice, Vienna, Austria Married Martha Bernays 1887 Began corresponding with Wilhelm Fliess 1889 Traveled to Nancy, France, to study Hippolyte Bernheim's hypnotic techniques 1891 Established residence and office at Bergasse 19, Vienna, Austria, where he would remain until 1938 1892 Treated “Elizabeth von R.” (Ilona Weiss) in what Freud described as his first
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