Evangelical Missiology from Africa 277 Authoritarian and Bureaucratic
evangelical missiology from africa 277 Authoritarian and bureaucratic Christian missions. These independent church structures faith missions did two important things. African Christianity inherited hierarchi- First, they developed new church struc- cal, authoritarian, and bureaucratic church tures and organisations, and second, they structures from the missionaries. These trained Africans to take over their mission structures tended to undermine the Afri- work. They emphasised building churches can communal way of life. The recent Pen- that were self-governing, self-supporting, tecostal and charismatic emphasis on and self-propagating, in accordance with loose church structures and spontaneous the “three-self ” formula espoused by religious expression is now creating pow- Rufus Anderson, Henry Venn, and Roland erful, authoritarian church personalities. Allen. Denominational missions, on the The search for relevant church structures other hand, such as the Baptists, Presby- must cut across both the older churches terians, Methodists, Anglicans (CMS), and and the newer Pentecostal and charismatic Catholics, merely trained Africans to take churches. the places of missionaries and subse- quently incorporated the African mission Capital intensive missions churches into their world denominational The first Evangelical missions in Africa church structures. were industrial missions. They believed in Indigenisation principles had a pro- both the gospel and commerce. This con- found influence upon Christian missions. cept was later dropped as a result of the These policies defined in general terms debates between “social gospel” and “pure the nature of the church, its quality, struc- gospel,” that is, “deed” versus “word.” tures, etc. The preparation of Africans to Christian missions raised funds and take over the mission work depended very personnel from their home mission office much upon what missions understood by and gradually became more and more these indigenous policies and also what dependent on the home mission.
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