May 2, 2000 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 6427 health professionals—the 2 million+ registered In on April 22, three nuns were at- states like where there have nurses in the United States. tacked by a Hindu fundamentalist. One, Sister been three violent attacks against Christians These outstanding men and women, who Anandi, remains in Holy Family Hospital in se- in the last two weeks. work hard to save lives and maintain the rious condition. No one has been arrested for Madhavrao Scindia, deputy leader of the Congress Party in the (the lower health of millions of individuals, will celebrate this crime. house of Parliament), said the government National Nurses Week from May 6–12, 2000. The militant Hindu fundamentalists who car- should put a stop to incidents like those re- Registered nurses will be honored by hosting ried out these acts are allies of the Indian gov- ported in Uttar Pradesh and Haryana this or participating in several events such as ral- ernment. The government itself has killed over month. He demanded a response from Home lies, childhood immunizations, community 200,000 Christians in Nagaland, over a quar- Affairs Minister Lal Kishen Advani, who is health screenings, publicity efforts, dinners, re- ter of a million Sikhs, more than 65,000 Kash- considered a friend of most of ’s Hindu ceptions and hospital events. I believe that miri Muslims since 1988, and tens of thou- nationlist groups and is the second most any American who has ever been cared for by sands of others. It holds tens of thousands of powerful man in India after Vajpayee. ‘‘Groups close to the BJP must be reined in a nurse should join in the celebration of Na- political prisoners without charge or trial. as they are vitiating communal peace,’’ tional Nurses Week. Some of them have been held for over 15 Scindia said. Modern nursing has been traced to Florence years. This is unacceptable. Opposition Samajwadi party leader Nightingale’s efforts during the Crimean War America is the bastion of freedom in the , who once headed the of the mid-19th century. Exactly 100 years world. It is our responsibility to do what we defense ministry, said that militant Hindu after Nightingale’s methods were first used, can to ensure freedom for all people. We groups pose a greater danger than the ac- National Nurses Week was first observed from should cut off India’s aid until it learns to re- tions of religious minorities. ‘‘Majority com- October 11–16, 1954. National Nurses Day spect human rights. The government must munalism poses a greater danger compared stop killing religious and ethnic minorities. It to minority communalism,’’ he said. Mem- and Week was eventually moved to May to in- bers of the Hindu group Shiv Sena tried to clude Florence Nightingale’s birthday, which is must also punish strongly those who kill and heckle him while he addressed members of May 12th. do other acts of violence in the government’s Parliament. Using this year’s theme: ‘‘Nurses—Keeping behalf. Amnesty International, which has not During a two-day BJP national executive the Care in Health Care,’’ the American been allowed to enter India to investigate meeting in the Uttar Pradesh town of Nurses Association (ANA) and its 53 con- human rights abuses since 1978, must be al- , Vajpayee chastised Uttar Pradesh stituent associations will highlight the diverse lowed to come into the country. Until then, no Chief Minister Ram Prakash over his ways in which registered nurses, the largest American money should go to India. state’s handling of attacks on Christian mis- health care profession, are working to improve We should also put this Congress on record sionaries in Mathura. Vajpayee reportedly said the state should have dispatched police health care for Americans. Thankfully, the ef- in support of democracy in South Asia by call- to assess the situation and instill confidence forts of nurses are being widely acknowl- ing for a free and fair plebiscite, under inter- among the Christian community. He also edged. According to the Gallup Poll’s 1999 national supervision, to decide the political fu- asked the state government to explain its ‘‘Honesty and Ethics’’ survey, nursing ranked ture of Khalistan, Kashmir, Nagaland, and all position on the controversial religious places #1 of 45 among the most respected profes- the other nations occupied by India. These bill, which prohibits Muslims from building sions. steps are the best way to bring freedom to all mosques or converting an existing building Mr. Speaker, I will salute America’s nurses the people of South Asia. into a mosque without government permis- during the week of May 6–12, 2000. I encour- Mr. Speaker, I would like to submit the sion. national coordinator Surendra Newsroom article into the RECORD. I urge my age my colleagues to do the same. Kumar Jain said last month that his group f colleagues to read it. was fighting to construct a temple for Ram BAJRANG DAL BAN SOUGHT AFTER PRE- in Ayodhya in Uttar Pradesh. The extremist END RELIGIOUS PERSECUTION IN EASTER ATTACKS ON CHRISTIANS IN INDIA group also once demanded that the federal INDIA NEW , 25 April 2000 (Newsroom)—Al- government declare Pakistan an enemy lies of the Bharatiya (BJP), state. HON. EDOLPHUS TOWNS which leads India’s coalition government, Referring to the attacks against Chris- tians, Jain said that ‘‘missionaries consider OF NEW YORK this week demanded that the BJP ban a mili- tant group of Hindu nationalists and dismiss Hindus a soft target. Even the words ‘soft IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the BJP-led Uttar Pradesh state government target’ were used in the missionary lit- Tuesday, May 2, 2000 in the wake of recent attacks against Chris- erature. However, now the Hindus have tians. woken up. We are no more a soft target for Mr. TOWNS. Mr. Speaker, the persecution The call by the Trinamool Congress, an their unholy activities. We appreciate mis- of Christians and other religious minorities in ally in the BJP-led National Democratic Al- sionary services, but only when the object is India continues. Now even an ally of the ruling liance headed by Prime Minister Atal Bihari service and not conversion.’’ party has spoken out against it. Vajpayee, to ban the Bajrang Dal and dis- Monday’s confrontation in parliament fol- Newsroom, a website devoted to religious miss Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Ram lowed three attacks against Christians in news, reported that the Trinamool Congress, a Prakash Gupta and his government stunned Uttar Pradesh in the last two weeks. Mem- party in coalition with the ruling BJP, de- BJP leaders. bers of the House of Worship, one of India’s fastest-growing church groups headquartered manded the banning of Bajrang Dal, a militant Leaders from the Trinamool Congress and from the opposition Congress and Samajwadi in the southern state of Hyderabad, were at- Hindu nationalist organization. The Bajrang parties blasted the BJP for failing to control tacked by suspected Bajrang Dal activists on Dal is affiliated with the Vishwa Hindu the Hindu nationalist group that many the outskirts of Agra, site of the Taj Mahal, Parishad (VHP), which in turn is part of the blame for the spate of violent incidents di- police said. The Good Friday attack on the RSS, a Fascist organization that is the parent rected toward religious minorities in the last 14-member preaching team from Hyderabad organization of the BJP. two years. in the BJP-ruled state came a week after a , the person India has arrested in The Bajrang Dal, a militant Hindu organi- Catholic priest and three nuns were attacked connection with the murder of missionary zation affilated with the Vishwa Hindu in a school. It was the seventh attack re- Parishad (World Hindu Council) and linked ported in the state in less than 100 days. and his two young sons, has to several attacks on Christians, believes it The Bajrang Dal complained to state po- been linked to the Bajrang Dal. Christians has a duty to promote the Hindu religion and lice that the Hyderabad group was trying to have been subjected to three attacks in Uttar —Hinduness—in India. Dara Singh, convert villagers by offering them money, a Pradesh in two weeks. On Good Friday, mem- who is accused of masterminding the mur- charge church authorities deny. In a counter bers of the Bajrang Dal attacked members of ders of Australian missionary Graham complaint the victims reported that a mob of the House of Worship, a Christian church in Staines and his two sons last year, has been 20 to 30 people attacked the van in which Agra. Uttar Pradesh also has a law prohibiting linked to the Bajrang Dal, although the they were traveling and tried to burn the ve- Muslims from building new mosques or con- group denies he is a member. hicle. The group returned to Hyderabad Sudip Bandopadhyay of the Trinamul Con- where the main church, Hebron Church, is verting any building into a mosque without gress and Yerram Naidu, Tulugu Desam located. The church, also known as the In- government permission. In the state of Orissa, party leader, demanded that security be pro- digenous Society of Churches in India, is one religious conversions are banned without gov- vided to Christians and other religious mi- of the fastest growing in the country with ernment permission. norities wherever possible, especially in mainly new converts as members. It was

VerDate jul 14 2003 12:55 Aug 24, 2004 Jkt 029102 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR00\E02MY0.000 E02MY0 6428 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS May 2, 2000 founded by a Punjabi Sikh agricultural engi- H.R. 4141, and voted in mass to defeat 52 of Providing Safe After-School Learning neer, , in the 1920s. Bakht Singh 54 amendments offered by Democratic Mem- Opportunities for Students is 99. bers. The bill passed out of committee is a Extended learning programs reduce juve- Three Catholic nuns on their way to attend legislative disaster. Every major education nile crime by providing a wide range of edu- midnight Mass in Rewari in neighboring group opposes the bill. The President will cation, social, mentoring, and counseling Haryana state were attacked Saturday night services to help improve student behavior, by a man riding a scooter. It was the third probably veto it. Because the Republicans have decided to including services relating to violence pre- attack on Christians reported in the past vention and conflict resolution. Recent re- three months in this wheat-rich state. One play politics with America’s school children, search has demonstrated that extended nun, Sister Anandi, remains in Holy Family they have placed in jeopardy passage of this learning programs help improve student Hospital in serious condition. The other two comprehensive Federal aid program to edu- achievement in reading and math, and re- nuns suffered minor injuries. Police so far cation. If the Republicans leave town this year duce truancy and dropout rates. have made no arrests. without enacting the ESEA, it would be the The Safe and Successful Schools Act more John Dayal, convener of the United Chris- first time that the program has permanently than doubles our investment to $1 billion, in tian Forum for Human Rights, said in a pre- lapsed in its 35-year history. the 21st Century Community Learning Cen- pared statement that ‘‘this attack was part ters program. This program enables schools of the series of ongoing attacks on Chris- I urge the Republican leadership to stop playing politics with our nation’s school chil- to stay open longer, providing safe and edu- tians and their institutions.’’ cational after-school opportunities for some dren, and pass ESEA legislation that can bring f 700,000 school age children in rural and urban urgent relief and assistance to our public communities each year, and vital social THE SAFE AND SUCCESSFUL schools this year. health, and educational services for their SCHOOLS ACT OF 2000 THE DEMOCRATIC AGENDA: DEMONSTRATING A families. NATIONAL COMMITMENT TO OUR NATION’S Providing Safe and Drug Free Schools/Keeping HON. WILLIAM (BILL) CLAY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Guns Out of Our Schools THE SAFE AND SUCCESSFUL SCHOOLS ACT OF 2000 America’s students cannot be expected to OF MISSOURI Helping Communities Repair and Modernize learn to high standards if they are threat- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Unsafe Schoolhouses ened by drugs and violence. There is a high Tuesday, May 2, 2000 Communities across the country are strug- level of concern by parents and students gling to address critical needs to build new about school safety and violence caused in Mr. CLAY. Mr. Speaker, today I introduce part by the tragic shootings at Columbine the Safe and Successful Schools Act of 2000. schools and renovate existing one. One-third of all public schools—about 25,000 schools— High School and other schools in the past It will help modernize our public schools by need extensive repair or replacement. A re- two years. providing grants and loans for up to 8,300 ren- cent survey documented over $250 billion dol- The legislation will increase funding for ovation projects in high-need school districts. lars of unmet school modernization funding the Safe and Drug Free Schools Act, and en- It will continue the highly successful class size need. hance its accountability and performance reduction program by helping communities The Safe and Successful Schools Act of through the adoption of research-based pro- 2000 authorizes $1.3 billion annually to help grams. It also authorizes the Secretary of hire an additional 20,000 highly qualified Education to set aside $5 million annually to teachers. It will boost investments in quality communities make emergency school ren- ovations such as repairing roofs, fixing dan- fund strong, community-based hate crime after-school and summer school programs ad- gerous electrical wiring and plumbing, bring- prevention activities. vocated by the President. It will help us close ing schools into compliance with fire safety The bill requires school districts, with a the digital divide that currently leaves too codes, undertaking asbestos removal or history of suspensions and expulsions for gun many poor children and their teachers behind. abatement, and removing lead-based paint. violence or possession, to work with law en- It will bolster safe and drug free school pro- The Act will support up to 8,300 renovation forcement agencies to promote the use of projects in high-poverty, high-need school child safety locks. grams, and strengthen programs to reduce Lastly, the bill provides new, additional hate crimes by children. districts that have little or no capacity to fund urgent repairs over the next five years. support for school-based alternative edu- ESEA is our nation’s flagship education Reducing Class Sizes/Smaller Schools cation programs to address the educational partnership with local communities. It provides needs of students who are suspended or ex- Research shows that class size reduction in vital assistance to the most vulnerable, educa- pelled from school. This authority will in- the early grades is one of the most direct and crease the safety of both our schools and tionally challenged children in America. Until effective ways to boost student academic communities by ensuring that discipline and this Congress, the ESEA had enjoyed a rich achievement, especially among populations violence problems leading to suspensions and and enduring history of bipartisanship. of disadvantaged children. Smaller class explusions do not spill over into the commu- Unfortunately, Senate and House Repub- sizes ensure that every child receives per- nity. licans have been highly partisan and divisive. sonal attention, gets a solid foundation for further learning, and learns to read inde- Recruiting and Maintaining High Quality At the beginning of the ESEA process, we Teachers urged Republicans to work in a bipartisan pendently by the end of the third grade. The The Safe and Successful Schools Act of way. Instead, they proceeded in a highly par- Safe and Successful Schools Act of 2000 con- tinues the Clinton/Clay class size reduction 2000 requires all teachers to become certified tisan manner and created havoc throughout program that is helping communities hire or fully licensed, and have knowledge of the the reauthorization process. In the House, and pay for 100,000 new, fully qualified teach- subjects they teach. The bill creates a ‘‘Par- they carved up the ESEA into seven disjointed ers. ent Right to Know’’ requirement to ensure pieces—hoping to bolster their devastating The Act also reauthorizes the Small, Safe that parents are made aware of the profes- public image and terrible performance on edu- and Successful High Schools program, which sional qualifications and expertise of their cation. helps high schools to create smaller, safer children’s teacher. It also includes a provi- Today, the ESEA process is in shambles. learning environments. Research has shown sion requiring that parents be notified when that the size of a school and the number of their child is being taught by an underquali- Straight A’s, the Republican education block its students greatly impact children’s ability fied or substitute teacher for more than two grant bill, has a veto threat pending and has to learn and the likelihood that violence consecutive weeks. no chance of becoming law. Their Teacher may occur. It also authorizes $50 million to help high- Empowerment bill has a veto threat pending Accountability for Results poverty school districts attract and retain because of its gratuitous attack and block The bill requires schools reducing class teachers and principals through better pay. granting of the Clinton Class Size Reduction sizes to hire only fully qualified teachers. To become eligible, schools would have to Act. Conservative Republican Members are The bill strengthens ESEA technology pro- undertake rigorous peer review of every blocking floor action on two other ESEA bills, grams by focusing on the achievement of teacher, improve systems to remove low-per- forming teachers, and provide intensive sup- Even Start and Impact Aid. And the one major performance indicators and the correlation between technology and improved student port to give the opportunity for all teachers bipartisan bill, H.R. 2, has been sharply and to succeed. publicly attacked by reactionary Republican achievement. The Act requires school safety and drug abuse prevention programs to be Expanding Access to Education Technology/ Members of the Education and Workforce based on sound research, and strengthens re- Closing the Digital Divide Committee. porting and eligibility criteria for the Title Technology in the schools can substan- Republicans repeatedly refused to work with VI program, increasing program account- tially improve student learning, classroom Democrats to craft the pending ESEA bill, ability. management, the professional development

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