Cyan Magenta Yellow Black Kennerly Surgical Center opens in Pre-schoolers Point Pleasant, A2 graduate, A6 Point Pleasant, West Virginia 50 CENTS • Vol. 118, No. 68 TUESDAY, JUNE 22, 2010 OBITUARIES County mourns loss of Capt. Stone Page A5 BY DELYSSA HUFFMAN “Mr. Stone was a true years, the company saw a Stone, said. “He also • Cleo V. Holley
[email protected] gentlemen in every sense transformation from wrote a book, ‘The • Alma N. McKellop of the word,” Mason ferry to steam and gaso- History of the Marietta • Leon Rhodes Parker POINT PLEASANT County Commissioner line boats and then on to Manufacturing — A member of one of Rick Handley stated. diesel boats. When poor Company.’” • Charles Henry Stone Mason County’s oldest “We were neighbors for health struck the family, Rutler said that he pioneer families has 30 years. He watched my the business was sold to remembers Stone telling passed away over the children grow up and another well-known river many stories about the weekend. always asked about man, Capt. Bob river, most of which Patriot decides Capt. Charles Henry them.” Bosworth. always involved some Stone, 95, a lifelong resi- Handley recalled sev- After retirement, Stone humor. to close troubled dent of Point Pleasant, eral memories of his retained his passion for “He was a great story- passed away on Saturday, neighbor, including trout rivers and boats and teller and was loved by W.Va. coal mine June 19. Throughout his fishing. worked hand-in-hand the river community,” he life, Stone served many “He loved trout,” he Capt.