East-West Film Journal, Volume 5, No. 1
EAST-WEST FILM JOURNAL VOLUME 5 . NUMBER 1 SPECIAL ISSUE ON MELODRAMA AND CINEMA Editor's Note I Melodrama/Subjectivity/Ideology: The Relevance of Western Melodrama Theories to Recent Chinese Cinema 6 E. ANN KAPLAN Melodrama, Postmodernism, and the Japanese Cinema MITSUHIRO YOSHIMOTO Negotiating the Transition to Capitalism: The Case of Andaz 56 PAUL WILLEMEN The Politics of Melodrama in Indonesian Cinema KRISHNA SEN Melodrama as It (Dis)appears in Australian Film SUSAN DERMODY Filming "New Seoul": Melodramatic Constructions of the Subject in Spinning Wheel and First Son 107 ROB WILSON Psyches, Ideologies, and Melodrama: The United States and Japan 118 MAUREEN TURIM JANUARY 1991 The East-West Center is a public, nonprofit educational institution with an international board of governors. Some 2,000 research fellows, grad uate students, and professionals in business and government each year work with the Center's international staff in cooperative study, training, and research. They examine major issues related to population, resources and development, the environment, culture, and communication in Asia, the Pacific, and the United States. The Center was established in 1960 by the United States Congress, which provides principal funding. Support also comes from more than twenty Asian and Pacific governments, as well as private agencies and corporations. Editor's Note UNTIL very recent times, the term melodrama was used pejoratively to typify inferior works of art that subscribed to an aesthetic of hyperbole and that were given to sensationalism and the crude manipulation of the audiences' emotions. However, during the last fifteen years or so, there has been a distinct rehabilitation of the term consequent upon a retheoriz ing of such questions as the nature of representation in cinema, the role of ideology, and female subjectivity in films.
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