reasonq for an early purchase of the lots MURDERER BULLOCK $W|IN AND HANCOCK SEVENTY YEARS OLD WEST SIDE LAWBREAKERS OCEAN GROVE VlttDSi - , , In addition to these thirty workmen there NEW FACJORY ASSURED must bo empjoyed ninety-five men to make WILL HANG MARCH 16 "§ REELECTED TUESDAY SHE SEEKS DIVORCE MUST GO TO COUNTY JAIL — it full tem|>omry working force of one hun­ Jt ...... Th*' Slayer of Marshal James Walsh of The, gfreosurer and Comptroller of the ‘■Billy'' Florence's Widow,' Now Living in Several Disorderly House Keepers S en-.,. The Symphonlon Company Wilh tro 61ven dred and1 twenty-five men. But tbo ■ com­ - Red Bank Will Expiate Ills Crime on Stjlte Given Their Offices for Another This City, Made an Unhappy Alliance tenced to Five Months Behind the Bars a Site, Was tho Decision ot a Meet- ■ pany’s officials pay this fqree will be in­ ; the Gallows—History of th e iTerm a t a Joint Meeting of With George Howard Coveney and at Freehold, and <*Ark'' Drivers ing In New Yo^k Mondoy*-Prop- creased to three or four hundred in three or 1 Bastardly Crime. the Legislature. Wants Widowhood Again. Escape With Leaser Penalties. erty'to bo Chosen Tuesday. four years. . William Bullock, tlie murderer of Town cial Corrospondonco T h e J o u r n a l. Mrs. George Howard Coveney, now liv­ Thursday was sentence day In the county 'Success haa at l(>pt rewarded the efforts “W» are almost discouraged. UnlesB Marshal ,jame8 Walsh of Red Bank, was NTON, Jan. 30.—At the joint meet- ing In comfortable circumstances In AB­ court in Freehold. Judge Conover meted of the Committee on Manufactures of the wo cansell those lots before Saturday wo on Saturday sentenced to be hanged on the two houses held this noon bury Park, has Instituted proceedings In out the law’s penalties to evil doers from Asbury Park Board of. Trade in trylng'to will lose tho Symphonlon Manufacturing March 10. His counsel will carry the ;e B. Swain of Newark waB reelected the New Jersey court of chancery for all parts of Monmouth. secure the transfer of the plant of the Company, and that would be a calamity,” case to the court of errors and appeals ;reasurer and William S. Hancock absolute divorce on the ground of deser­ West Park had several representatives 1 Symphonlon. Manufacturing Company of said the Committee, on Manufactures of for review. intonwas reelected state comptroller, tion. up for final Judgment and carried off the New York to this .vicinity. The final the,Board of Trade last plght in a special Bullock 'was convicted of murder In r a long debate In the senate a set Mrs. Coveney was well known In the palm. Belmar was In the swim. declaloujso long desired from tbe Beal meeting of the main body. Estate Com'mlttbo of tho Ocean Grovo the first degree Thursday, January 25. 0r ® e a reported by Its sfelect committee theatrlcaK world. Bhe was married to Tbe most noteworthy cases, since the The plan adopted by the.cnmmittee for William JiXlorence, who died a few years Camp Meeting Association, was given His trial began on the 28rd. One of the opted Monday night. The rules pro- disposition of the murder and homicide the purpose of rals'ng the money stipula­ ago. Monday afternoon at 4 o’clock at a joint jurymen was Joseph R. Weir, Jr.', of this Ifor printing Instead of engrossing trials of Bullock and Gemlno, are the ted In the agreement with tbe Sympho­ She Ib now Beventv years old, and is beer ark men and thoBe guilty of keeping meeting1 Of. that body, the Asbury Park City.. ,. nlon Company was regarded by ihe board hale iand hearty. open bare on the other side of the track. ' representatives and President Gratz and On November 18, last, Constable Jpmea Martin proposed an amendment as good, though It was deemed wise by Her husband left a handsome estate, The liquor caaea were'the fruits of town­ -Becretarv Benedlx ,of/ the Symphonlon Walsh went to the heme of William Bol­ prejfldlng that a motion to discharge any some to open a subscription list In addi­ and Bhe married Coveney, another actor, in ship police raids. Company, In the; office of A. H. De- lock, at Goosetown, on jthe outskirts of ittee from further consideration of tion to the plan In hand. ’ . 1898. The union was not a happy one, The sentences Imposed were as follows: Haveh, 40 Wall Btreet, New York. Red Bank. He bad with him two papers | shall always be In order unless an- Tbe temporary disquiet over the sale of and, if the plea is correct, It was not a Beer ark drivers—Christopher Aker of And rthat; decision was favorable—the —one a warrant for Bullock’s arrest on motion or resolution Is pending, lots soon passed away in , tbe assurance matter of love, but mercenary motlveB, West Park, two indictments, two months lan&requljed lor the factory site has been suspicion of malicious mischief In cut­ hat tbe majority of the senate shall that the properties would surely be dis­ that prompted Coveney to wed her. each. After bis trial Aker waa arrested granted. ting a set of harness and a buggy top and mine whether the committee shall posed of. It was said by Henry C. Wln- He was many years bar junior. on the charge of perjurlng blmself before The persons present at the meeting the other an execution against Bullock bejffelleved. Mr. Martin supported the sor that the lots.were in the market at She asseverates that immediately after the court. He was placed under $600 ; were: For the Ocean Grove' Association, which Justice Woolley oi Red Bank had amfpdment by saying that at present It is $875 each, some higher, before they were the marriage be began asking for money, ball, part of which was furnished by the president, Bishop Fitzgerald; the Issued on a judgment obtained by lawyer ble for one senator to hold a bill In given to the committee. Now they are and she gave It to him freely. Abraham Schlosstach of South Main vlwpre8ldent,Bev. Dr. A. E, Ballard; Dr. Robert Allen, Jr., of Red Bank ittee as against twenty other sena- offered at $850, to be sold April 10, wben She had given him about $20,000, she street. Frank Shutts of West Park, one ' J. H , 4,lday, J . M. .tyickey and George,W. Walsh was heard to Bay “I'll', take you The amendment was lost by a party tiie choice may, J>ej £ad out of'tljjjpooled Baid, when he aaked her tbree years ago Indictment, two montbB. Charles Sexton ' Evans, secretary ; for the Board of Trade: to Freehold dead or alive," after which of 0 to 13. lot. to advance him $10,000^ She gave him of Belmar, two Indictments, two months M. L. IJgmman, Henry Steinbach, Clar- Bullock fired a number of Bbots. The e senate then elected Jesse R. Sal- As totbelrvalyea.lf was argued that the money, and wlren he received It ehe each. Benjamin Yanutze and Thomas' etice 8. Steiner and Stanley Ferguson. fata) bullet had entered .Walsh’s rigbt eye of Essex supervisor of bills, and J. the properjiea, aifp bound to advupce to avers that he said, “You’ll never be both­ Sacco of Belmar, one Indictment -each, Architect W.'C. Cottrell was on band with and crashed through the brain, cuuBlng In­ jes Shoemaker of Cape May _ assistant $500 before June 15,.,when the factory ered wltji me again.” He left the house, two months each. Harry Hartwlck e river. George and William Hullen- imerset county; J. Forman Sinnick- tbelr place of labor. liams, the popular Irish comedian, and son, all colored, of West Park, 5 months 1 placed, could not bo present, but his de­ bake were rowing along shore and the prosecutor of Salem county. The ap- Nine lots have been' sold and fifteen re­ the other sister married George Browne, each. > cision had been given In advance and was murderer balled them from John F. itment of John Rellatab as 'judge of main unsold. They must go this week or an actor, who was a member of the stock Louis Eddelsohn was sentenced to pay the aame aa that arrived at by the rest. James’ bulkhead. He told them he Mercer county court was. reported, the deal falls through, Bays the com­ company at Wallack’s Theatre, at Broad­ $20 and costs on tbe charge of receiving ’ AH tbat now remains to be done Is to wanted to be rowed across the river. The he will probably be confirmed to- mittee. way and Thirteenth street, New York. Btolen copper wire from Harry Marrlner, select tbe site and sell the lots given to the two men had heard nothing about the row. M. L. Bamman made a report on the a boy, of Bradley Beach. Marriner, on ■ Board ;of Trade, that the revenue needed murder, and they rowed the negro acrosB, ivemor Voorhees sent to the senate work accomplished by the committee. the charge of stealing tbe wire from the. to build the factory may be secured. for which Bullock gave them half a dol­ nominations, which were referred: He said tbe committee bad gone as far as WHEELMEN WIN. Ocean Grove Camp IJeetlog Association, Tblrty.fnur lots In Bradley Park bave lar. He was afterward seen going to­ mas J. Llntott, to Judge of the Second It conld, the only thing remaining to be waa fined $15 and costs; been given the Committee on Manufac­ ward Middletown. Next morning be was :rlct court ot Newark, in place of Local Bowlers Capture The First Serle done being the execution of tbe contract. 9 Joseph Tomalne of Long Branch was':, tures, fourteen by James A. Bradley and captured at Perth Amboy, while attempt­ erlck F. Guild, resigned. of Games For the Championship Tho cbntroct, which, jsasdrawn up by sentenced, tp one year In the Btate prison ton by Appleby &' Windsor. Theseluta Frnylt Dtirand, ‘OfHawaTns^iflwrarvd, ing, to Iward.a freight irala, rdon . - county, of Monmouth County. • The murdered officer was nearly seven-" on the charge of; .keeping a 'disorderly aro expected to pay fo r' the .factory was read byj. Stanley Fergnson. The r orfWJraosnwwpMppf__ ^ ty years old. He was In California dur­ ____ ’ ~ malne bnlldfilg to be occupied by the Sympho­ paper specifies that the factory which, as Soldiers’, and Sailors’ Home, at Ylnalom ing tbo gold fever, acting as a police offl. Wheeliien’Bcored over 800 poiDts In two CnTfit nies Manufacturing Company. They, can- said, mast be completed Jane 15, shall Dr. John E. Wilson of Essex county-, cer there. For several years ho bad a games out of three in a championship celved the same sentence, having been not.accomplish that important work un be conveyed by deed to the Symphonlon Dr. John ;W. Bennett of Long Bratjch wheelrigbt shop at Red Bank, but during bowling series. 1 ■ convicted of assault and battery. leas'they are converted Into cash. The Manufacturing Company from Henry O and Dr. John J. Bauman of Hudson, the last fifteen or twenty years he had They did this trick Wednesday night In The trial of John H< Aker, another beer committee Is, accordingly,’ anxious to And Winsor, aa trustee, on February 1, 1003. members of the State Board of Medical either acted as constable or local police­ a held by the company and borough of- ark driver, was postponed till February ‘ buyers aa aoon aa possible. J T he, Symphonlon Company shall pay Examiners. man...... serlea of games with a team of bowfera 18, on account of the Illness of the defend­ Tho lota will be deeded to a responel- one-half the cost of the factory and $2,- Tho-e bills were Introduced: He leaves a widow and three children By Senator Stokes—Amending the act representing Long Branch. This contest ant bji^party io OTKt» fot, 'tlie Committee on In addition thereto. (The $3,000 ad­ 000 —Frederick, wbo Is In tbe Klondike; was the first of a series of games to be Manufactures. , At the ebd of aUpec/fled ditional was a voluntary suggestion by providing for the officers of the senate Mrs. Payl Jaebntg of Newark and Carrie played for the Monmouth county cham •time, probably five years, they will be President Gratz.) This money most be and assembly, and providing for a super­ A CLUE. Wiish of Red Bank. . ' ',;;.'. plonsbip. And tbe locals- won bands transferred ux tho Symphooion Manufoc-' paid as follows: $4,000 on tbe execution visor and assistantSupervisor of^ bills- Bollock has a wife and child.- By Senator Pitney—Repealing tbe act* down, three games out of tbree. The Still Searching for the Missing $23,000 taring Company, prqvidlng the concern of the contract; $2,000'on the completion The last banging in Monmouth county providing for the preparation and super­ BfcoreB follow: Worth of Bonds Left by the Late shall have ifdlfllled Mia part of tbecon- and acceptance of the bnlldiog; 00 per took place on Wednesday, April 13, 1892. vision of legislative bills. WHEELMEN Miss Ackerly of Ocean Grove. *W»- cent of the balance nt the end of one year Louis Harriott, a Frenchman, expiated his H. D. LeRoy 178>'; 186 167 T hebe acquisition oof .the Symphonlon from tho completion'of the building and By Senator Pucker—Providing for the ' Magistrate Cross, execntpr/'fbr Miaa Susan i crime on the acaffold in Freehold for the Employment of inmates of any prison, J. N. Burtis 188 179 179 Manufacturing Company of .New York tbe other 60 per cent at the expiration of J. Hubbard 169 118 168 Ackerley, who died recenljy ip- Ocean ■ murder of Mrs. Charles T. Leonard nt will mean work for a portion of the male two years from the completion of the penitentiary, juli or public reformatory H. C. Millar • ,215 . 169 202 Grove and isbeliByed to have^left $25,000 ' Atlantic Highlands. . 162 population of this section...... ' btdidlng. Tho last payment shall bear 5 on the “piece price plan,’’ and permitting O. E. Eskew 168 ■ 206 in bonds, concerning whose whereabouts Mrs. Leonard’s husband had employed __ ,Tbe company’s pay roll Is at present per cent, a year, payable semi-annually. nono but machines operated by hand or ,v - there is much speculation,has bcenjinformed Harriott as a laborer on his farm. On the 90S 804 922 *i,600 a week, but It is thought that this The plant shall be operated eleven foot to be operated In such institutions. LONS BRANCH . 4 that a certain person who lives in New day of the murder, in 1801, Mr. Leonard wUl be increased to 53,000 on locating .By Senator McCarter—Permitting the York once invested $8,000 for Mias Ack­ months each year for three years. Work was absent from home. Harrlott assaulted Bennett 199 167 193 here. Not only will this follow, but It shall begin as soon as possible after the city of Newark to raise $1,500,000 to erect Woolley 168 162 147 erley. ' Mrs. Leonard and beat her to death. Ho h u been said by Clarence 8 .6,teiner that a city hall, and providing the manner of Gariel 120 110 134 Tbis individual may, It is thought, in 1 completion of the building. Female labor was apprehended at Keyport. One month White 131 125 124 his pay roll wlil mote than likely be In­ creating a sinking fund for the same. some way be a link between the deceased shall be restricted to not over 10 per after his capture be waa convicted. Nelson 168 - v 145 170 creased from $180,000 to $200,000 a year. In tha assembly Charles H. Folwell of and the reoovery of tbe missing bonds. At cent of the entire working force. Among the jurymen who attended the Tha Bymphonlon Company manufac­ Burlington county was elected supervisor 786 709 768 any rate ‘Executor Cross will go to New A resolution was adopted, that the execution was Milan Ross of this city. tures, line hall docks, music boxes aud Board of Trade approve tbe contract and of bills, and Solomon H. Rogers of Mercer The next game will be played with Red York to investigate. like products. . that the president and secretary be author­ and Frank H. Lockwood of Hudson were Bank at Red Bank next Monday evening. elected hls assistants. Mr. Folwell waa The building to be erected according ized to execute a contract as Boon as in tbe GEMINO CONVICTED. THE ROGERS CASE. toplans submitted by W. t l Oottroll will, discretion ef tho 'ccmmtttes.tbe tale cf tfonientco Bertone’s Siayer Wiii Spend elected, by. a 1BPMim®s,v2*S: .-.AVOmS-NEWENGINE.-...... — be a three-story Btrncture, 40x200 feet In Jots Khali warrant I t The lots for sale Mr. Abbett submitted a concnrrerif'feao- Lawyer Cook Refuses to Consult With __ -^- Ten Years Behind the Bara In lution providing for the- election—of size. Its first cost will be about $25,000. are in Sixth, Seventh, Tenth and Eleventh the State Prison. The Fire~f)ghters Te9t~tlie Machine and ; Council’s Police Committee.------: Before the tenants will have completed avennea, Bradley Park. The size of the United States senators by the people, In­ - Tender a Receptioo. James A. ] As told exclusively In the Journai. on stead of by the leglBlstnre, and It was re the Interior arrangements to suit tbelr plot iglven to the factory, is 145x21)i) feet A (satisfactory test waa given tbe Avon Charles E. Cook, attorney for Policeman Saturday, Genaro Gemlno was on that ferred to the Judiciary Committee. ^ needs, the value will probably reach Fire Company’s new chemical engine Wed­ William B. Rogers, under/temporary sus­ day, In Freehold, convicted of .man These bills were Introduced: $40,000. , SHOOTING TOURNAMENT. nesday afternoon at a public reception pension, to meet with the Police Commit­ K ' ------slaughter and sentenced to 10 years at By Mr. Wakelee—Terminating all the ficlals. A frame structure was erected tee of Common Council to talk over the., ■ The lot on the northwest corner' ofThe Annual Shoot of the Freehold Cun hard labor in the state prison, for killing; Appointments for deputy fish and game and a liberal quantity of coal oil.sprlnkled charge made against Rogers before a final Seventh and Railroad, avenues, Bradley Club on February 17. ' Domenico Bertone of Vfeet Park, on New wardens on January 1 next, and fixing over it. After ignition the chemical was report Is made to council next week. Mr. Beach, was Tuesday afternoon given by Year’s day. their terms thereafter at one year. The Freehold Gun Club la making ar. put In play and worked successfully, Cook refused tirdo so, though Rogers was the Beal Estate Committee of the Ocean Gemlno will be taken to Trenton next By Mr. Lewis—Providing that a term of rangements for Its annual shooting tour­ The reception took place In the com­ willing to accede to tbe request. The Grove Camp Meeting Association io tho week. ■ Imprisonment shall not be construed to nament, to be held February 17. Asbury pany’s new quarters. Firemen from As­ I'efusal was baaed ou legal grounds. Mr. Committee of Manufactures of the Asbury Gemlno's trial began last Thursday Interrupt” continued” desertion as a cause Park haa been Invited to sbnd.a team of bury Park, West Park, Ocean Gr've, Cook says he is ready to consult with M f.~ Park Board of Trade, which will in turn with the pannelling of a jury. Argument for divorce, if there be two years thereof ntne men, tbe maximum number to repre­ Bradley as Mr. Bradley, but not bs repre­ . build a factory on the site for the Svm- was conaluded at 1 o'clock Saturday. Jus­ Bradley Beach and Belmar were present. sent nny one club. . prior arid subsequent to such imprison­ senting the Police Committee, of which pbonion Manufacturing Company of New tice. Collins charged tbe jury and at 8 In the evening a general good time was Other clubs Invited to participate are: m ent " . • > ',,,f had by the Avonltes. Refreshments were tbat gentleman Is chairman. - York. 1 - o’clock tbe verdict was given; Sentence By Mr, Abbettr-Requlring barkers to The Walsrode of Trentop, Trenton Gun Served all day long. * ■ ,T hi representatives of these bodies and was Immediately passed. . close their-shops on Sundays at 1p. m., Club, Beverly Gun Club, Hlgbtatown.Gun Police Given More Power. ' the concern mentioned went to Bradley Club, Dayton, Now Brunswick, Penning, The crime which Gemlno committed prescribing small fines for first offence Assembly man Lewia of'Passaic baa intro­ Beach yesterday for the purpose of deciding ton, South Amboy, Keyport, Riverside of was the result of jealousy. Bertone ac­ 'and heavier fine or Imprisonment of from Want Sewall A venue a County Road. duced a bill empowering police officers in on the ground 'to: be granted. While tbe Red. Bank, Long Branch, Toms River cused Gemlno of being intimate with hla^ -ton to twenty--flve days for Bubsequent vio- The property owners of Sewell avenue, cities to arrest upon view, without warrant, plot desired was not secured, there ia no and EngllBhtown. wife. He had gone to New York, where latlons. West Park;’ have Entered - proceedings objection to the one on which the proposed ‘th it will mean bne hundred and fifty he found the man and the woman to­ The joint committee on the Hobart me through Attorney 8amuel A. Patterson, any person teen violating any law or ordi­ factory will be erected. The deeding of the contestants will fire probably ten thousand gether. He persuaded tbe wife to return mortal exercises decided that they shall be In the Monmouth county court of com­ nance or committing a breach of tbe peace. property will be, a matter of only a few shots .during the contest ■ Three groups to hls bome. Gemino followed tbe next held In the assembly chambter on the after­ mon pleas, to bave Sewall avenue de­ The object of this bill is to remedy a weak­ days. of traps will be used. A large tent haa day. The men met In the house of Frank noon of February 21, Attorney-General clared a township road, that It may be ness in th,e dlsordeay person act, under Money for the building of tho factory is been Becured and will be erected on tbe Mosco, in Atkins avenue, West Park Griggs will deliver the eulogy, and the opened to the railroad. which it is illegal to arrest for drunkenness now the only needful' thing. The Board of ground for the comfort of the marksmen. , Hot words passed between them, when New Jersey members of congress, as well At present the residents in that avenue and profanity, if the offender is walking or Trade Is anxious to find purchasers for the A caterer haa been- engaged to provide Bertone drew a razor and cut Gemlno. as Presdent McKinley.. and. his cabinet, are hampered by haying to take a round-' moving and not standing or sitting stilL / A twenty-four lots that have been, given for refreshments.'' • The latter then whipped, out a revolver will be invited to attend. about way to their homes when return­ decision to thia effect was recently given by die pnrpiee'of deriving revenue that shall and shot hls assailant. Bertone managed ing from Asbury Park. Justice Depue in the supreme court. Bach team will pay an entrance fee of Steamer In Danger Near Deal. .cover the expense of erecting the factory. $0. This will be used to purchase1 tw • . _• , o f 097 pins. John N. Burtis made,.227 ■Btoamer Uskrof the United Fruit Com­ Inquirer, and D- D. Denise, president of the ‘'workmen and their families, wh6 must have pins, Howard D. LeRoy 220 and Dr. H. pany: which Boiled from NewYbrk for one of the oldest practitioners in New Why dot have, the dally edition of the State Board of Agriculture. homes at once<' Thit is ■ given as one of tha Jo o h n al left at your house every evening. C. Millar SU pins. Glbara. ''•• .Jersey. . <• :' ■T A SB U R Y PAR K jOURNAli,^ FRID AY, F E B R U A R Y 2, ,1900, t MUNICIPAL OWNERSHIP COMMON COUNCIL VICE-PRESIDENT HOBART $ LONG BRANCH FIGHTING FOR LAW AND ORDER OF STREET LIGHTING PLANT Routine yslneaa Transacted’ at- Last EULOGIZED IN CONGRESS Thursday Evening’s Session qf the SEVERAL TAXPAYERS FAVOR THE SCHEME. Tim House of Representatives Suspended A Reform Society, Led bv Rev. J. F. Shew, City Lawmakers. Business to Honer the Late Dis­ ••The Fighting Parson,” Will Make The Proposed Innovation Will cost About At the meeting of Common Council last tinguished Statesman from It Warm fer Gamblers and $30,000 and ihe Legislature Will Thursday night the following business was New Jersey. Queer Rum Sellers. be Asked to Authorize a Bond transacted: - The greater part of-the session of the The organization of a Law and Order Issue for the Same. Mr. Meeka put forth his favorite kick -Hobs# of Bepresentatives at WafMngton Society by the ministers and laymen of on old bills, concerning which nobody “X am la favor of municipal ownership last Friday was devoted to eulogies on the different evangelical churches at Long knows anything about. He had a coal of an electric lighting Lat.” the life ijnd public services of the late Branch, lias caused no end of public gos­ bill of a few dollars which waa a year old This was the verdict of ' the citizens Vice-President Hobart. The tributes paid sip as to what tbe outcome, will be. The and which the Finance Committee would gathered last Thursday night in the Com­ to bis memory were not the usual per* saloon men are alarmed, and wben a man not pass. Council finally voted to pay the mon Connell chamber to discuss the latest functory eulogies, but expressed th? love, connected with the society Is seen to pass money. As a result of Mr. Meeks’ agita­ proposition of that body. admiration and respect In which he was certain “resorts" he ia at once spotted as tion In this matter he ba? succeeded Id In the discussion the following subjects universally held. Those who spoke were being In quest of information and Is given winning the chamber’s respect for requi­ . w.ere touched oa: The light at present Messrs. Gardner, Stewart, Parker, Fowler a wide berth. It is the opinion of those sition forms, which must hereafter be furnished the city, tha price paid (for and Daly of New Jersey; Payne of JSfew who are identified with the society that made out by each department, when ex­ that light; the difference In cost of pres­ York, D&izelt au<* Brosius of Pennsylva­ the fewer earnest workers tbey bavs In penditures are, ordered. By these forms nia, Grosvenor of Ohio, Dolllvet of Iowa, their society the better it will be. ent lighting and the lighting proposed all mistakes and delays will, It is said, be and the insignificance of the tax th at. dif­ RlctTardson of .Tennessee and Griggs of The crusade baa already begun. The obviated. The Finance Committee was Georgia. society intends to maintain as much ference would levy upon the property orderec? to procure such blanks. holders; the Importance of moving in line Mr- Gardner, who served for several secrecy as it is possible, and to never The Finance Committee reported tljat years In the New Jersey Senate wittj Mr. move a case until a conviction ia sure to with the tendency of today, which was $8,000 had been paid the Board of Educa­ given sa municipal ownership; ,the need Hobart, presented the resolutions of regret follow. tion on account. sad was the first speaker. He said in Wbat led up to the movement, might of lights at everystreet Intersection as pro­ Assemblyman Kirkbride was extended tection and as an advertisement. part: be Incidentally mentioned, was the grant­ a vote of thanks, for procuring for the “ We 'pause In our labors today to do ing of new licenses by the court at Free; It was decided that in the enforced ab­ members copies of the original charter of sence of Assemblyman Kirkbride, Mr. homage to the memory of one who was hold In Bplte of a remonstrance, reprs Asbury Park. Treat shall confer with City Attorney not a member of this house, but wha In seating property owners reputed to have a The telephone ordinance was not readjr his high office represented the suffrage half million dollars at stake. Prosecutor ‘ Hawkins on the subect of drafting a bill to be taken np, since Mr. Kroehl, who has for presentation to the legislature, and majesty of the great republic. Mr. Wilbur A. Heisley has been unnecessarily that document in charge, could not be providing for the Increased bonded In­ Hobart was endowed with more admirable censured for not delivering the remon present. - • and enviable qualities than any other man stranca to the judge. A representative There’s nothing in Ivory Soap but soap, good, pure debtedness of the city, in order that an Mr. Kirkbride reported that since the electric light plant may be equipped and I ever knew, All men agree that his was of the Law and Order Society bas learned vegetable^oii soap. There’s nothing to make the linens recent heavy rains the streets are In a a most lovable personality. Informed that the remonstrance was delivered, but controlled by the city. wretched condition. He referred to the men spoke of his acquirements; church, that the judge had already made up his streaky, no alkali to injure the finest textures. The , Superintendent John L. Coffin of the J oubn&l’s calling attention to the depres­ men of his rectitude and deep religious mind to grant the licenses. He also In­ lather forms quickly and copiously, and wash-day is a water works gave the estimates as'he had sions made and spoke particularly of a csuvictlocs; the philanthropist of hls'un- formed the law and order mTan that the figured them oat, after which dlscussioft heavy washout in Grand avenue, near pleasure instead of a. drudgery. Try it for the next wash. ostsntatlous charity; business men mar­ city officials were lax, and gave reasons began. These estimates have been printed Fourth arenue. This was ordered to be The price places it within reach of every one. Look velled at his/business judgment; politi­ why united action on the part of tbe clti. In the J odbnal. ._... repaired. cians wondered at his clear perceptions of zens would be.jaecessary In order tc put out for imitations. Assemblyman Kirkbride wanted to jYr.1 Kirkbride secured permission to CCWnrmOMT IM BY THI pftOOTKft A OAMVUt OO. CmClHHATl know if the estimates had provided for the character and the value of issues; states­ down the liquor traffic. temove unsightly trees from Library advance in material, since tbis has gone men at his wide and early knowledge of The law and order men are a unit on square. national and International affairs, and all the question of new licenses. They In­ . up In price, to which a negative reply Council sdjouned to meet. February 8. was made. Chairman Appleby said that ■_____ , _____ alike at his ready solutions of problem^, tend to get tbe names of signers of every BUY THE BEACH ? Te §s*l Postage Stamp* la Soek Form. 930,000 wonld no doubt be a safe figure however weighty and however Intricate. new application for a license and hav© Postalsster-Qeneral Smith and Third THE HOYFS FORTUNE. them published. ' and would allow for tho necessary margin. His sympathy was m broad as the field of David Harvey Starts *se*v Ilia Sehacto Assistant Postmaster-General Madden The leaders lu the La*» and Order Dr, Henry Mitchell, a former council­ human struggle, and all classes felt Its To Rave The City Own The have been perfecting a plan to«^U pottage A Long Brandi Family Made Wealthy By Society are J. F. Shaw, pastor of the man, said; “Municipal ownership Is a touch, so that when tbe dreaded message Shore Front. stamps In book form. It is proposed to a Deceased friend, Who Be- Simpson Methodist Episcopal Church, good thing. Whether we should extend of his departure flashed over the country offer for sale two-cent stamps In books of I queatbed Thera Her forturn who bas wop tbo.titlei)l‘‘the fighting par. Ib the discussion last week In the coun­ . It to electric lighting is a matter for study. tbe bitter tears fell on every hearthstone, twelve stamps at a cost of. 25 cents each. Bon;” Rev. Dr. ‘ J. W. Morris, pastor of cil chamber David Harvey advocated the What I have learned about electric light­ Dame Fortune haa smiled most liberal­ for all alike felt the loss of a friend.” The books will be of a size convenient to the First Methodist Episcopal Church, an early purcb&saof the beach, which Is now ing leads .me to believe this may safely ly upon .Mrs. Thomas p. Hoyt and her Mr. Stewart, who represents the district slip in the vest pocket,witb wax paper be­ earnest temperance worker; Rev. Dr. Ed- owned by James A. Bradley. Ho said: be added to the list/ of, municipal owner­ son, Marshall Hoyt of North Long In which Mr. Hobatt lived, spoke in part tween the stamps, and with the division of mund Hewitt, pastor of St. Luke's Metho­ “The council should call a public meeting ship." Branch, who have been, bequeathed the as follows: mali matter into classes, tbe rates of poat-- dist Episcopal Church; Kes. B.-R. Blasts, to consider the purchase of tbe beacb , Dr. Bruce S. Keator said it seemed major portion of a fortune of $60,000 by “Vice President Hobart is dead. The age and other kindred information printed pastor of the First Reformed Church; Rev. from Mr. Bradley. . We can buy It cheap­ there are many reasons why the people Miss Anna Ossouska, a noted pianist and nation was profoundly startled at the sad on tbe nuuide The one cent charged for R. M. Blackburn, pastor of the First Pres er from him than from hli heirs. Tbe should own the plant, though he bad, no artist of Paris. Miss Ossonaka had been announcement. When we laBt saw him the binding and wax papet will net the byterlan Church; Lewis Edwards, presi­ time Is come when tbe city should own , opinion pro or con. • a most Intimate member of the Hoyt be was apparently in robust and vigorous government a profit of $0 for each 1,000 household for the past nineteen years, al­ dent o f the Young Men’s Christian As­ It, and not only, that, but also the sewer Mr. Kirkbride said he understood the health, but the black robed messenger of books sold. If one-eighth of tbe twp- ways making it her home while at North sociation; Thomas L. Maps, former system. This Is a question that must matter to be di^sussed was whether the death becKoned from the bill tops and lie cent stamps used are sold in such books,' Long Branch. It was while on one of Sheriff Slatthiaa Woolley, . Professor come op sooner or later and must be city should Increase its bonded indebted- followed with the dying to an eternal the net profit to the department would be Charles W, Blakealee and Thelbert Ed­ settled.” . ness, and on that he wanted to hear some­ these vlsits-a short time ago that she was rest. I knew him well. His adminis­ not Jess than $230,000 nnnually, thing. He said Assemblyman Benny of stricken with appendicitis and died. tration was unique, and the unusual wards. . .' Hudson county had presented a bill in Misa^Ossossska’a fortune weg^made by friendship e^is^lng. betifcqn the tiWI* The four, big' gambling ’ olubs have- jEFffatS t O jftglN'TRAINING. Jtolf^rodgh^r ’^^mplilpmMlb’ife; Mce* president and our distinguished no idea of going oat of business. The He Will, as Usual, Get in Shape for the George R. Htllier waa in favor of tbe prominent tn the Standard OU company. out with tenderness, sympathy and love, years bis junior. They bave three chil: weeks In resting and doing a little light Ubina substitute for grain coffeo scheme. “If it costs only $7,000 for'the work that will prepare him for the severe . they ewr tawor triwL He was Miss Qssoaska’s constant advisor and appeal to the Almighty, who is es­ dren. Parks lies two daughters by hia Healthful and satisfying. Try . . it. city to do its own lighting,” he said, and'Wea made executor of her will. Her pecially the widows’ God, to strengthen first wife. All lived together until re­ course of training which ic to follow. Send 5 cents in stamps tor trial pack- “that means an increase of only a, few entire wealth was given to Mrs. Hoyt and her in ber loneliness for all struggles to cently In the Parks Hotel, which he owns, On his return from the Springs Jeffries ' mills on a mac’s tax bills.” her son,- who was a great favorite, and one come; when she approaches the Eternal at Eighth avenue and Fourteenth street, will go to Ms old training quartet at A. A. Taylor & Sons Co. Harry J. Bmsksfeper took the ground brother in Germany who had remained Throne may she bid a fond adieu to this New York. Loch Arbour, where he will put on tbe BDurafjtctnren. tbat two-thirds ofthe stock of the electric loyal. world to embrace'ber beloved husband in Mrs. Parks says her stepdaughters bad finishing touches. 711 Bangs Av«noe, light company is owned by taxpayers and Miss Osuonska' was a woman of many the life everlasting.” such control of their father that she was Asiwry Park, N.J. it would be a hardship on them to lose peculiarities. Bhe was seldom ill and did At the close of the eulogies the House, compelled to ta|ie her three children and PROHIBITION LEAGUE. on their investments. He said Atlantic not believe In doctors. For several years as a further token'of respect to Mr. Ho­ move. She went to live at No. 250 West Highlands owns its own plant and few she had lived a very quiet life, making bart’s memory, adjourned. Sixteenth street. She secured a warrant Neptune Township Cold Water Advocates municipalities have a higher tax rate than fconi.Magistrats .&»!,. tlieain.the Jeffar,. Mfiet. «mt- tie c t Officer*^ ^tl«rp«e'^^Ti^po^bi^tiS^f‘Be'Snr recreation. LAWYER SUES RICH WIDOW. son Market Court, for ber husband’s ar­ The Prohibition League -of Neptune, —JtiQuad,J;tbat.Mr^CnffinJB mistaken in his p.*.— ------:--- r—------* — I i rest on tbe charge of, towcjhip held !t aimuai meeting Satur­ italtssiattal «ardg. estimates. Mr,. Coffin was interested in WILLIAM E. SQUIER SUICIDES. Asks $29,000 for Averting Contest of Parke, it will be remembered, Was ar­ day evening in Rogers* ball, Bradley this electric light company when it went Her Husband's-Will. rested here several yearo ago, charged Beach, and elected tbe following officers: into bankruptcy.” ••When You Come and See,Me You Can J)B, JAB, F. AOKBBMAR. Mrs, Lillian Loomis Dempsey, whose with running a gambling house. President, Rev. H, J. Hayter of Brad­ Lyie Klnmoath accused the dwnera. to to Hell,** Hi* Farewell Message. SOS^Grand ayenue. Aibiujr Pari, N, J, husband, Thomas DempBey, died last sum- ley Beacb; vlcwpreskients,Charles Rogers, pf the electric light plant of not wanting A man about fifty year* old, who regis­ Former Alderman Charles Parks of New mer asd left her $1,000,000 has been sued Bradley Beach; Dr. O. B. Bird, Asbury, Hoar*--a to 10 a. m., 1 to Sand 7 tp % p. m.- line with the march of Im­ tered as “J . D. Ileymau.Clty,” at the hotel York, aa ABbury Park property owner, by her lawyer, Robert O’Byrne, for a fee Park; B. RIttenhouse, West P ark; Rev. J. provements. “If the company had a 75 kept by John Wendelken at' 829 Fourth was on Friday arraigned before Magis­ of $25,000. Mr, O’Byrne declares tbat he H. Hawxhurst,Ocean Grove; Janob Stile’s, £)B. KLLA PBENTIB8 UFBAMU years franchise,” he said, “we wopld have avenue, ‘New York, was found dead in trate Pool, in the Harlem police court, on prevented the relatives of Jikr. Dempsey West Grove; Dr. John H. Shotwell, Bel­ 805 Third awaaa. Aat.u. :jr Park, N.J. better' lights?* bed last Friday morning in bis room. A a charge of abandonment, preferred by froin contesting the will, which gave mar j Rev, W. H. Russell, Belmar; secre­ QBks Boon ontll 10 a.u., 13 to 9,8 to 7.80 p.m. Dr. John F, Davidson said that as far half empty bottle of carbolic acid was on his wife, Mary, and' was ordered to pay. everything to the widow. tary, Dr. O. B. Bird; treasurer, Charles Telephone, connection. as he was Informed, a municipal electric the table and with it a note, part of which her $8 a week. There wm a reconcilia­ Mrs. Dempsey la twenty-sevea years Rogers; executive committee, W. A. .. plant would be an advantage. He thought was Illegible. Aa far as It could be de­ tion afterward, and they are now living D B.8.T.BLOCmW (iI( old. Her husband, who died at Asbury Cross, A. J. Mason and the president, it could be run economically. ciphered the note read: together as before, No. 304 Main Street, Park on July 4 last,was eighty-seven years secretary and treasurer, who are ex-of- Superintendent Clark of the electric “Dear Boys—Whan you come and sea Mr, Parks said to a-reporter Saturday: Orer Milan Boss's Beal Estate Agency, old. She was Miss Lillian Wicks, a school fielo members. Asbury Park. N.J. \ light .company gave a word of caution. me you can all go to hell.'5 “Mrs. Parks and I have just dined to­ Gas administered and local ansosthetics tor mate of Mr. Dempsey’s daughter, and it The young men present at the meeting “1 aaA find holes as big as your hat in the A card on the table bore the name and gether, We are living' together in the painless extraction. estimates submitted,” said he. “I find as waa on a visit to her school friend, eight will meet Saturday asening in Rogers’ address, “William E. Bquier, commission same house. Whatever ber bills are I hall and organize a young men’s prohi­ error of eight dollars a year la your coal years ago, that she met Mr. Dempsey, pay; I never have done otherwise. There DB.h . b. tayi™ ^ , bill or every lamp proposed; that runs broker,with Boggles Bros.,52 Broadway.” ' whomaae hia home in New York at the bition league. was a disagreement between my wife and ‘•(Graduate of Uniyemity of Pennsylvania). your lamp up to sixty-four dollars a year Henry Francis Holbrook, manager for Park Avenue hotel. Three children were Cor. Cookman ave. and Kmory St., opp. p. O. and yon are then only a step from yocr Buggies Brothers, called at t|ie hotel In boro to them. Mr. Dempsey’s children myself becauEB she was 111 advised. You Orer LeMaiatre’s, entrance on Emory st. OLD MAIDS’ CONVENTION. Office Houra—G to C. present rate of seventy-two dollars." He the afternoon and told Policeman Barber by bis first -?:ife were Wilson P. Demp­ notice I said nothing against her wben said tbe idea of running the plant in eon- sey of Baltimore, and Mrs. Richard P. the case was called in court, and did not hectlon with the water works with 150 that the dead man was Bquier. "He bad Needham of Columbus, Ga. Pretty Ocean 6rove Eligible* Discuss the T\R. GEORGE B. HBBBEKTV horse power and allowing only five per asked to do some business for the firm, allow my lawyer to call a witness that Trials and Woes of IneOgibles. J-J D ENTA L NU ne t Je o n , , cent, for depreciation of the plant, Is pre­ would testify against her. It Is all’settled , Booond Floor, A. P. and O. G. Bank Building Mr. Holbrook said, and had ; been told NO DESTITUTION. “The Old Maids' Convention,"..a farce, Office Honrs—9 a. m. to fi p. m.. posterous. The enclosed lamps, he said, and we are living together.” Appointments made by mail or in p6raon. Alienhurst bad, and there they are called that if his sales were successful he would was g lv en tet week by a cast composed Gas administered. . . a “joke." The 2,000 candle power lamps receive a commission. The Children in the H Home Are of ladies of Ocean Grove for the benefit they use, be declared to be far Inferior to Last summer Bquier ran tha Astoria Well Provided for,' Henry D. Greer Again in the Toils. of the Ladles Auxiliary Association of the jyU.U. C.MILItAB, those used in Asbury Pari The dyna­ Hotel in Cookman avenue, this city. The It was reported Saturday that the chil­ Hesry D. Greer, alias F. Green, alias Ocean Grove Board* of Trade. A large Veterinary Burgeon and Canine Bpttiaiut* mos used by his company he claimed to body was taken to the morgue. .No 70& Aflbury Ave., Asbury Park. ■ 5 be of the latest pattern. The present con­ dren at the WHIard Hcjue fot- Destitute Hazard, alias Howe, a well-known audience was present in the assembly Graduate University qfPennj Terms reasonable, tract rate held by Asbury Park is the lowest, money was fonnd, bnt there was a pawn Children, In Corlles avenue, extended,. swindler, who'travels about the country room of the Ocean Grove high school Tetapnos* OaU 99, U; he said, given every town but one In tha ticket which showed tbat Squler had West Grove, are destitute of the bare rapreseatlng himself to lie'a aewspaper building to enjoy the cleverly performed . state. "The. average rate in the United pawned an umbrella for fifteen cents a necessities of life. ‘ TBAAOC. KENNEDY, Stitss is $99-a lamp,” Mr. Clark said, He writer, was arrested Sunday in New skit. The characters were well enacted *■ Attorney-afc-Law, Solicitor, Master ia few days ago. • ■ • J ouruaj. Chancery ana Notary Public. told how candle power Is not expressive of A representative called on York ia a police. raid Jo the. Tenderloin and the end aimed at, to create hilarious Special attention given to examination of measurement, but tbat energy >b the basis Superintendent Andrea and his good district. laughter, was attained; , . Tides, &e. Monmouth Building, Asbury Park. of measurement. Governor Voorbees is Washington wife, the matron, and Inquired Into the Greer tried his swindling schemes in Mias Margaret Asay, as the president of David Harvey said he had statistics that, 'differ from those given by Mr. Clark. “I Governor Voorbees was in Washington condition of affairs. He found that the tbis city last summer and landed in Mag­ the convention was regarded aa excrucl. JAMES D.CABTON, rumor was unfounded. Mr, Andrea said istrate Borden’s office, whence he was can’t sea /by we can’t manage our own last week on business In regard to the atlngly funny. Mrs. J. E. Quinn, Miss' ATTORN EY*AT*L AW, \ ' plans and make money. We should state’s expenditure for the equipment of there was no actual need, only such as Is hustled out of tows. ’ *'• • Allda PMterson, Mrs. C. I. King.-Mrs, Master and Solicitor in Clhancary. have lights on\every comer of this city.” troops In the war with Spain, The audi­ constantly felt, though' be acknowledged \ He is a notorious character,'but by play­ Reuben Sforrls, Miss Grace Hoffman were Oflice, Asbury Park-O^ean GroveaBankBnl Bank Building, H. D. Coleman odd he bod “studiedtor of the War Department has been be­ ing on those human w e a k e n s Tfhlch , thia thing- ot candle power .for, seventy- fore ithe military- committee at tba capita* that in this season of-the year donations liberal contributors' to the amusement of •five jresrs. 8 lights are like" .arc and arranged s piss which he thinks wlB are particularly desirable. the average man prefers to leave1 hidden the evening: Peyton Woolston hib a ■^yA'LTEB B, FIEHBON, . , lights—now . see them, now' you Insure favorable^ctlon by congress and There are eleven children In the home, from tba public, so eitcaped the machine 'taafti did wonders for tho old ABCHITBOT, - don't,” . ‘ \\ ■ ■- 1early payment of tMs-mon®y. five of whom aro from Wes*. Park, clutchw of the law in many instance^ maids. EStIA B aras sang, , Atborr Park, N. J, OBoe at Bof*n'< HU1.

I ■ LIGHTHOUSE Iff THE DESERT. WORLDLY WISDOM. AWOUNDED OFFICER'S ifVrevilere’ &uide. I «**»**» .p. »•»«»*«*•» «*». I*»a «* «•«»« »•* ,*♦* .**>•**•***•** Z>Uca (he Tovrpr* Thai Gold. (ta Mat- A B i d i d o t WlVe Ba^rln*. Call*# Tale- of Intesie Snfferlne on the Incr on the Sts It Marlu tbe From the Earl of Chesterfield’. Battle Field otBlaidalaaste, RAILROAD. W «f Over the Sand*. Letter* to.Sts Son. Booth Africa.

Far out on the desert of Arizona 1» a . Next to doing the things that de-. A wounded officer sends a long letter TUt Standard Railroad of America.* lighthouse, ci-ected for ilfe-aavlng, like serve to be written,' there la nothing to hls mother from Pietermaritzburg that gets a man more credit, and gives hospital 'describing bis experiences at ,'■ On and alter November 19,1890. the tower* that ,rise above the dashing traUu Leave Aabnry Park-Week Days. waves of the Atlant ic coast. Below it Is him more pleasure, than to write the the battle of Elnmlslaagte. “It was," For New York and Newark, 7.10. ,8.60 a. m., Oa great well, Cullen’s well, it is called, things that deserve to be read. he says, "a splendid feat of arms, ond 2.25, 5.88 p.m. For Elisabeth, 8.50 a.m,. 2.25,0.88 p.m, It may be you overlooked a friend on 200 feet deep at the only point where Great talents are above the general1 I am most Awfully proud, of my regi­ For Bahway, 8 50 a.m., 2.25, 5.88 p.m. water I* to be had. The watir, sweet Ity of the world, who neithsr possess ment, for we bore the brunt of the day. For Matawan, 8.60 a.m., 2.85, 5.88 p.m. For boas Branch, 7.10,8.50,11,00 a.m., 215, end cold. Is raised In a large bucket, them themselves nofyjudge of them Wc had a tremendous, hard time of it, 2.25, 5.83, 5.40, 7.07 p. m. „ Christmas in your gift giving. If so, ‘ made from a barrel. rightly In others; btjt all people ore ond were under fire for 2y3 hours (con­ For Bod Bank. 7.10,8.50 a.m., 3.25, 5.88 p.m. ffor JPhUadelplfia, B«>od St. and Trenton, 7.30, The cevolving drum i above Is pro­ judges of the lesser talents, Tsuch as siderably longer than any other corps). 8.05 a.m., 12.15,4.07 p.m. pelled by a blindfolded mule, that civility, affability ond an agreeable ad­ But the cost-was awful! We had only or Camden, via Trenton and Borddntown, 7.39, ;* a New Year’s token will atone for the dress end manner. ten officers in action, rind five of them 8.05 a. m., 13.15, 4.07 p.m. knows to, nn inch just how many rounds 'or Camden and Philadelphia, via Tome Biver, hemust fnake before the clanking buck­ The desire of pleasing is at least were wounded; nnd of 329 men we had 1.28 p.m. - lapse of memory. We have suitable II killed and 33 wounded; two have For Toma Biver, Island Heights and intermedia et rises to the point where jt tips itself half the art of doing it. ateatationn, 1.28 p.m. Into a trough. A t the trough and about When you have found out the pre­ slnco died of thelr. wo-un.ds, The Gor­ Pleasant and intermediate stations, vailing passion of any man, remem­ dons lost even more severely. The rea-, . 10.50 a.m., 3.58. 5.10, 6.48 p. m. the.tadli cattle are always standing to For New Brunswick, via Monmouth Junction, presents in drlik. There is no water for 55 miles ber not to trust him where that pas­ Sons for this were, in my opinion, ns 8.05 a.m.. p.m. to the eastward,' nor’ for at least 80 sion is concerned, i . follows: First, their.dark kilts were Train* Leave .Hew York for Asbnry Park mlieMn’ouy other direction. ' A man is fit for neither business nor much more visible than our khakis, and Fr6m WoBt Twonty-tliird Btreot Station, 8.55 a.m'., 12,40, 8.25, 4.55 p.m. Sundays, 9.25 fey the well passes the old Ehrenberg pleasure who either cannot or- does consequently formed a better target; a.m., 4.55 p.m. road, once the great highway into Arl* not command and dirept his attention second, there were more of them. The From DoebrosBca Street Station, 9.00 a.m., . . . DIAMONDS . . . 12*50, 8.40, 5.10. p.m., Sundays, 9.45 a.m., zona; add at that point, meet roads to the present object, arid banish for Gordbns all say that Dargoi was the 5.15 p.m. leadliSjj to the Harqua Hnla and to that time all- other Objects from hifc merest child’s play compared to this. From Cortlandt Street Station, 0.00 a.m., 12,50, . 8^0,5.10 p.m. Bnndaya, 9.45 a.m., 5.15 p.m. many other important mines of west­ thought. “To return to my own doings. Hay Onpnndayawillatopat Interlaken and Avon Rubies, Emeralds, Gold and Silver Watches ern Arizona, I really know nothing more crim­ where I fell for about three-quarters in place of North Asbury Park and Asbury Park inal, more mean; more ridiculous than of an hour, when a doctor came and put to let off passengers. It has been said* that the road leading Trains Leave Philadelphia (Broad Street) for from the HaSBnyampa creek to the well lying. It (Is the production of either a field dressing on my wound, gave me Asbnry Park Rings, Brooches, Buttons, ' malice, cowardice or vanity. some brandy, put my helmet under my At 8.20,11,10 a.m., 8.80. 4.02 p.m., weekdays, Is "blazed" by the graves of those who k Market Bt. Wharf, via. Camdon and Trenton, have died of thirst upon their way. Yet What I mean by low company, head as a pillow, covered me with a i-7.80,10.80 a.m., 2.80, 8.80 p.m. weekdays. Pins, Charms, etc. Umbrellas ! the desert is not repulsive. ’ Save about which should by all means be avoid­ Boer blanket which he had taken from Leave Markot St. Wharf, via Jamesburg,'7.80 ed. Is the company of those who, ab­ a dead man and then went to look after a.m,, 4.00 p,m„ week-days, and Capes, Fine Leather the well, there are no cattle to eat the Washington and the South. grasses that grow ofresb in the spring solutely insignificant in themselves, some other pooi beggar. I shall never LEAVE DUOAD STREET, PHILADELPHIA, Goods, Rich Cut Glass, rains, and the beautiful savanna think they are. honored bjr being in forget the horrors of that night as long Forin Baltimore On ,1 no and vWashington, i on * _ Vinnn 8.50,7.20,8.82, v I'n .j’ stretches iiway for miles, usually your company, wlv? flatter every vice ns, I live. In addition to the agony Imported Bric-a-Brac, Sterling nnd every folly you have in order to which my wound gave me I had two ______, _____J * l . . tawny In color, although green below. ,05,0.20, 0.55 (DiningCar), 7,81 (Dining But the summer is awful in the in­ engage you to converse with them. sharp stones running into my back. I Car) p.m., and 12.20 uight week-days, Sun­ and Silver Plated Ware, If a man-has a mind to be thought was soaked to the skin and bitterly cold, days. 8.50. 7.20, 0.13, 11.28, 11.88 a.m., tensity of its heat. The journey from 1.18 (Dining Car), 8.12, 4.41, (5.20 Con- Wlckenbnrg must be made only with wiser and a. woman handsomer than but had nn awful thirst; tho torrents greBBidnal Limited, Dining Car), 0.05, 8.55 - - Gold and Onyx Clocks and J they really are, their error Is a com­ of rain never stopped. On one side of (Dining Cor), 7.81 (Dining Car) p.m., and gallons of water to each person. Scores 12.20 night. N of poor foot-travelers bave found this fortable one to themselves, and an In­ mi! was n Gordon highlander in raving Time-tables of all other trains of the system Bronzes, Eye Glasses, Black nocent one with regard to other peo­ delirium and on the other a Boer who may bo obtained at the ticket offices or stations. m out at the cast of tbelr lives, nnd men * « J- B. WOOD, Gen. Pass. Agt. Ebony Goods, Silver Brushes, have died, a dozen or more, only a ple; nnij^J-^vould rather make them had had his leg shattered by a shell, and J. B. lnjTCHINBON. Gon. M«maser, few miles from the point where the my friends by Indulging them In It, who gave vent to the most heartrending Combs and Novelties, life-giving fluid is to be found. than my enemies by endeavoring (and cries and groans. War Is a funny game, Two miners expired’by the roadside that to no purpose) to undeceive them. mother, and no one can realize what Its YORK AND LONG BRANCH R. R. two years ngo, almost within sight of I believe there is more judgment re­ grini horrors are like till they see It In their goal, and a fortnight ago a pros­ quired for proper conduct of our vir­ all Its barbarous reality. Time Table Jn effect November 19th, 1809, pector’s body wak found within rifle­ tues than for avoiding their opposite “I lay In the rain the whole of the ' STATIONS IN NEW YOBK. shot of the little station. A few days vices. night, and at daybreak was put into a Central B. B. of New Jersey,Joot of Liberty doolie by a doctor, and some notives car­ and Whitehall streets, (South Ferry terminal.) later, a German lad came stagger­ A common topic of false wit and Pennsylvania B. B., foot of Cortlandt, ,Des- ing to the tanks shortly after nightfall. cold raillery Is matrimony. I pre­ ried me down to the station. The brosso8 and West Twenty-third streets* jf. W. Cornelius He had lain down to die when he saw sumo that men and wives neither love ground waa awfully rough, and they Loave NEW YORK for ASBUBY PABK and dropped me twice; I fainted both times; OCEAN GBOVE. lamplight from a window in the di*r nor hate each other more, upon ac­ Foot of Liberty street: 4,80,8,80, ll,8 0 a, ro„ faw olar 6 2 4 CooArmap Jftvenue tance. count of the form of matrimony that I was sent down to Ladysmith in the *4.80, 0,28 p. m. hospital train; from the station I wai Foot of Whitehall street (South Ferry termi­ Then It was that Joe Drew, the keep­ haB been said over them. nal;) 8.25,11.80 a. m„ *4.25, 0.10 p m. er of the well, In mercy determined to The characteristic of a well-bred conveyed to the chapel (officer's hospi­ Foot of West Twontythird'StTOTt: &55 ,a. m.. tal) in a bullock cart, the jolting 'of' 12.40, *8.25, *4.55 p. m. establish%ls lighthouse. Far up on a man is to converge with his Inferiors Foot Desbrosses street: 9,P0 a. m.,12,50, *8.40, tall cottonwood pole every night there without Insolence, and with hia su­ which made me faint again. I was the _ *5.10 p. ir periors with respect and ease. last officer taken in. I was then put Foot Cortlar d«. street: 9.00 a. m., 12,50, *8.88, now swings a lantern, to be seen for •5.10 p. n., _____ It ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ » ♦ ♦ -»♦♦-♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦ many miles across the level plain, a Wrongs are often forgiven, but con­ to bed, and my -Sound was dressed just light of promise to the traveler^ a life- tempt never -Is j our pride remembers 17 hours after I was hit. They then Loavo ASBUBY PABK and OCEAN GBOVE for gava me beef tea, which wns the first NEW YOBK, 0,17, *7.10, (Newark and Now saving beacon not marked on the mari­ ,It forever; It Implies a discovery of York only), *8.00, 8.50 a. m., 12.10, 2.25, T \‘C'T T P t r /Tvp;TTT Nature has been kind to Deal, weakness which we are more careful food -I had had for 27 hours. The doc­ 4 0 0,588.6.20 p.m. , ner*’ charts.—James H. McClintock, in For Freehold, Trenton and Philadelphia,via Sea JU £/lvlV j f i 1 17' U lv for at np other resort on the New Youth’s Companion. to conceal that crimes. tors all said at flrst that I had been Girt, Penn. B.B., *7.29, 8.05 a. m„ 12.20, 4.07 t-\ ■ r Jersey Coast can so many natural A Bpruceness of dress-is very becom­ hit by a shell, but that is impossible, p. m. . for tbe enemy only had two guns, nnd For Trenton and Philadelphia,via Bound Brook ' t t > . , , attractions be found. Here are W H Y IS IT ? ing at your age; as the negligence of route, 0.17, 8.00 a. m., 12.10. 4 00 p; m» it implies an lridiilerency about pleas­ we had taken them both when I was For Toms Biver and intermediate stations to some of the features for prospec­ h it. Bo the doctors now Bay that it Camdon, 1 28 p. m. . tive home builders to. consider: Aceordtng to This Aooonnt the Edu­ ing, which does not become a young For Bolmar, Spring Lake, Sea Girt and Manas- cation Reeetved st School fellow. must have been a very heavy explosive nan, 7.00, 7120, 8.05, 10.27, 10.60 a. m., bullet, and, aa an elephant gun was ?2.15,1.28,2.58,4.07, 5.10, 0.15,0.48, 8.28 Healthful location, beautiful sceriery, no mosquitoes, diverting pleas­ / Does Hot stay. ■ Give me but virtuous actions, and I p, m. • ures, accessibility, (including express train and boat service), macadam­ will not quibble and chicane about the found close to where I was hit, I ex­ For Point Ploasant,7.00,10.27,10,59 a. m, 1.28, pect they ore right. It has made a big, 2.58, 5.19. 0 15. 0.48.8 28 p. m. ized and graveled streets, sanitary sewarage, pure artesian water, illumi • "What percentage of the facts that motives. For Long Branch and Bed Bank,- 0.17, 7.10. are drilled Into us ot school do we Whoever is In a harry shown that jagged bole in. my shoulder, which you w.vv,8.00,8.50, uiuv, 11.00A1.WU a. IU.m. (Long(UUUH uiauuuBranch UUI)I, nation by electricity, congenial surroundings, social advantages, club life, could put your hand Into. It hoB blown 12.10, 2.15 (Long Branch only), 2.25,4.00, carry to middle age?" said an official the thing he is about to do is too big 5,88, 5.40 (Long Branch only), 0.29, 7.07 restrictions from nuisances, clear titles, reasonable prices and suitable at the city hall, talking of thing* edu­ for him. Haste and hurry are very some of the muscles away, so I am (Long Branch only). terms. . - Denotes express trains, cational. “If the correct answer to- different things. afraid I shall always be a bit stiff. They say it will take another ten weeks be­ BUFU8 BLODGETT, 3. B. WOOD, that question could be given I'll wager Btylo Is the dress of thoughts . Bupt. N. Y.&L. B. R.B. G. P. A., Penn. B.B. With these points in view, we would be pleased to have you visit fore I am fit for duty, ond I am very H. P. BALDWIN, It. would startle us half out of our it 1* not,.very understanding: that can (,*** G* P. A., C. B.B, wits. It is appalling how much we judge of matter, but every ear con and much afraid that most of tbe fighting will be over by that in spite of the forget. My wife thinks the course of does judge more or Jess of style. time, 1 have kuono many a man undone present critical condition of affairs.”— g E B T M t B. B. OF IB V JERSEY. study at the publio schools is too se- Birmingham (England) PoBt. yer?, and to satisfy her the other day. by acquiring a ridiculous nickname. I f yotf Will please people, you must I looked over tlie examination papers NO PLACE OF REFUGE. AnUincU* C6sl Used, Inra- of our J2-year-old boy. TVhat do you please them in their own way; and, A rin* cleanliness and Comfort. Where in addition to the above there is a magnificent bluff along' the think of those questions?* she asked, as you cannot make them what they Bo Spot oa Eao-th Whert a Fugitive 1+ ------:------entire ocean front, landscape architecture,\i8 hole golf^puree^ when I got through. 'Oh, I guess they should be, you must take them as I , BaJ, from a M.a with TIME TABLE IN EFFECT JAN. 8, 1800. clubhouse, and new railroad station, whictf is conceded to’’tte-’tta r finest ere all right for Willie/ I answered, they are. a Warrant. on the entire line of shore resorts. ‘but they’re blamed sight too hard Modesty is the only sure bait when Trains Leave Asbury Fork: a For New Tork, Newark and Elizabeth via all for me.' If I had been standing that you angle for praise. "A very interesting fact of modern n il route, 0.17,8.00,12.10, 4.00, 6.30 p. in. examination I would have been Use palliatives when you contradict. life that Deems to have escaped atten­ Bondays from Interlakca station, 7.87,s. m., marked down to about six below aero, I n’lv.-oys treat fools and eoxoombstion,” remarked p New Orleans lawyer For pfcla’dolphla nnd Trenton, via Glliabeih- TITLES..... yet I masquerade as a fairly well edu­ with great ceremony! true good breed- the other day, *i» that the world-haa port, 0.17,8.00 s. m., 12.10, 4.00 p.m. Bnn- ,-dars from Interlaken station, 7.87 a.m., 4.18 cated man." g not b eibg a (Sufficient barrier wiped it» lost city of refuge off the p. m. “That remind# tae of an experience gainst them. 1 For Baltimore and Wnehinaton—6.17,8.00 e.m., map. There la no longer any spot on - 12.10. 4.00 p. m. Snndays from Interlaken :1V. GUARANTEED of m y own,'" sold s listener. "A few A wise man will live at least a* the globe whire our fugitives from Jua- * station. 7.87 a.m., 4.18 p.m.. days ago I was examining some old much within his wit as his income.— tice art aafe from extradition. For Easton, Bethlehem, Allentown and Manch - Chnnk—6.17. 8.00 a. m., 13.10, (4.00 to Eai- books that hod been stored for years Worldly Wisdom. “WhenI flrst began to practice law an ton) p. m. Sands,, from Interlaken station, i rf by the New Jersey Title Guarantee and Trust in th e’ attic out at/m y hoojae,. nod to American criminal - of - ,a ,...l,,^ tiling had gone clean out of my mind, dialects; In Scotland, Gaelic; in Ire­ much larger. For years yon remember via-Washington without extra fare, leaving New York bj J For appointment or other inforinalion address __ _ and its problems, propositions and land, Erse; in Walea, Welsh; in the Isle every runaway bank cashier made a m,,Phll formula were is*' meanlugleoft to me as of Man, Manx; in the channel islands, bee line for Canada, and the thing got Spring* B, 16 p.m,, mc. juouib /.ao noxs raoipjng. spjiflt f f f Artec hieroglyphics. Pren- o form of old Norman, French and mod­ tb be ft standing Joke, like the mother- Fait Cincinnati B*preM, weelt daya, leavaa enuy X found' j marginal note, in my em French. in-law gag flnd the merry quips aboyt New Yorlc 8,00 a.m;, Phiiadolphia lO.fiO; ar­ rive! Cincinnati 7.06 a,m., LouIbvUIo 1.1.11 a.m., fVTLRNTlC (ORST oyrif band, roasting ibo author unmer­ The Gaelic, Erse, Welsh and Manx do plumbers. Nevertheless, the circle St* I*oni» 0,60 a,to., givinff direct connection* to cifully for som e trivial error- In one of not differ very much In essentials. kept steadily contracting, nnd one by point* beyond. ■ • . First-daBB limited rates from Aabnry Park or his quotations. 1. must have discov­ They are nil forms of one original lan­ one the different countries entered into New York to Cincinnati, $161 LoniaYiue 119,50; ered the blunder in verifying the fig­ guage, of which another form, the Cor­ mutual treaties and put up the bara, Bt. Louis, $21.25; Ban Francisco, $78.76: ez* REf\LXY CO. enralon, $148.60. 10 dnye’ stop-oTor at Wash­ if Deal, N. J. ure*, aud, boy'-Iike, couldn’t resist nish, was still spoken less than 120 years so the American crook wbo wanted a, ington, D. C„ allowed all ticketa, crowing over my acumen. When I ago. , change of air began to find himself Throxiah tickets aLdbaggage cheoks at Aabnry Park and all New York and Long Branch Sta­ read the long-forgotten, boastful mem­ The Norse language survived In parts in the position of Dick Swiveller, when tions, and all principal Pennsylvania Bailroad oranda 1 was aghast ‘Merciful heav-. of the Shetland IsleB as late as the end he checked off the London streets be offloea, Iitt t tttttttttt.v.t.T.r.v.v.r.ij JOHN KURVY, Ticket Agent. en»I‘ 1 said to myself, *ia it possible ! of last century, and many words of It couldn’t traverse without meeting cred­ FRANK MCCONNELL, P. A. ever knew enough about this hideous­ are still In use In that part of the king­ itors. It wob mighty bard work to 802 and 1828 Broadway. N. Y. ly-complicated subject to actually call dom. figure out a safe itinerary. Canada H. W, t* P a down the author of a text book!’ I In eome baronies of.Wexford a very clung tenaciously to the tourist trade, Leading Establishment in the State for left the attic In a chastened frame of ancient toym of English, dating prob­ but nt last she passed a law against Winter ^ ! l Schedule. High-grade Stock and Moderate Prices. mind. The gre^t problem in educa­ ably from the time of the earliest Eng­ bringing stolen property Into the Do­ tion I* not to muoh what facts to ac­ lish eettlerain Ireland, existed till quite minion that practically excluded the' The poetpost officeomce'winter winter scheaaieschedaleof or ciob clog-- quire a* how to double rivet 'em to recently. flitting banker. Japan was one of the IDg end arrival and cQllectlans and de. the. oorridors of our crapluma.”—N. O. In the north of Ireland, Lowland lost of tbe distan{ powers to-adopt n liveries of mails in Asbury Park has been announced and is as follows:. .- “ Tlmes-lDemocrat. Scotch,'more antiquated than any now treaty covering what are called 'crimes O. H. BROWN, spoken lijyocotland itself. Is still used against property,’ and the new pro­ CLOBB. R s t s n tbe fenbalntf, For New York and points north—7.80, 11.40 A curious drcumstunce concerning! nmojjortfie descendants-of the Bootch viso' wns n severe blow to felonious am; 8.80, 0.00 p.m. ' ■ SPRING LAKE, LAKEWOOD, settlers of the sixteenth nnd seven­ gentlemen In delicate health. It robbed For Philadelphia—'7.00,11.40 a m; 8. 80 pm. th e body o f Admiral Bpotta has been re-! For Philadelphia via New York—0.00 p tn. N.(J. N.J. ported from the Falkland Islands, wfterej teenth centuries. them of the balmy climate of Yoko­ For Newark—7,80 11.40 am; 1.58, &80, 0.00 p TO. , he died 17 year* ago. The Falkland: The ordinary “brogue" of Ireland Is hama. Eventually things simmered dowia to Central America, and then by For Trenton—7.00,11.40 a m; 8.80 p m. Farnfttaref Brio-A-firao physician who attended him during his; In many cases merely the sixteenth cen­ For Freehold—7.80,‘ 11.40 am; S.aOpm. Domestic and Imported, for every re» for the eonnoiisenr and art collector. process of elimination to panish Hon- For Point Pleasant and way stations—0.66 fatal, illness was present at the exhu­ tury English pronunciation. And many 8 . qnlrement. ' E D g r a y ln g s am; 12.65,6.00 pnt. •• „ for the drawing room and library. mation of the body when tho cruiser Irishisms, commonly supposed to be dnrnn. That was the final stronghold For Ocean Groro—7.00 am ; 12.66, 0.00 p m, C a rp et* mistakes, are expressions formerly in of the fugitive, but in 1898 the congress from the noted lodmi of thU and Crockery Badger. wa* sent for ltt&la year; The ARRIVE, other eonntriea. for hotela and .private families, with everyday use In England, but now ob­ of the sstlon approved a new treaty From Now York and points north—7.00,10,27 special decorations. coffinhad disappeared, bnt the corpse! am; 1,28,2.68,0.80 pm. „ China was absolutely unchanged, even the solete there, though they have njrvjved clause, containingihe usual extradition, From Philadelphia—7.00, 11,04 am ; B.40 CJ pwpoaea and ornament, Everything ■»- In Ireland In the form in which they provisions. for the furnish in# of aeashora or eit^ feature* baring retained tha exaot ap-l P From Newark direct—7.00,10.27 a m ;<9.58, for the table of rich and poor* homes. pearance that they presented on the were originally Introduced.—Stray Bto-I “So, a s-1 said before, there is now no 0.80 pm., ___ city of refuge "on theface of the earth, Estimates aiTen cheerfully andoonrteona attention to all visitors day of dealt This wonderful preser* rie*. ■: From Trenton-7.00, 11,04-a m; 2.18, 5.40 or patrons. Good* delivered at any of the towns alone shore free The man1 with n warrant goes where­ vatlon wa* due to the action of i the 'A Dad Breals. llrrom Froohold—10.37.' 1J.04 a mi 1.38, soever be lists.’*—N. O. Timcs-Deino- 0,80 p m. i ‘ ■ Intending purchasers are kindly advised to examine tbe new and peat water which saturates the Islands,’ Nell—Mad at him? Why, he wrote a ■From Point Pleasant and' way station,—8.00- fresh atocfc at mi 8primr Lake establishment. Time and money ft had' embalmed the body completely. prat. ’ a m j 13.10,4.00 p m. . _ saved in ontflttin* entlrt^or partially refnrnUhln* for the summer. lovely poem to her. . From Ocean Grove—8.00 a m: 13.00 m. —H. Y. Press. Belle—Yes, hut she never read it Fair Jfotiee. W hen,the saw. the title of It the tort; Father—So my daugbter^eferred you COLLECTIONS FROM 8TBEET BOXES, ; i t a i . . Home? \V , ' ’ 6.80,11.80a m; 8.80 pm*, . Tie rent of the conier flndi* wouM the wholeithlng up In a fit of angeh 0 . H. BROWN, Spring Lake and Lakewood. You see. he called it “Lines on Mabel's The Bailor—Yes; Just m s matter af DEUVEBIB8. b i s “flight of starer*.4*—Chleago ***• ‘form,—Puek. . . H a m -, 8,80 p m- a n a o a n n n c SH ■ patch. " ' Face."—Catholic Stindard and Time*. 8 80 ■V ASBURY PARK JOURNAL, FRIDAY' FEBRUARY 2, 1900';

life. He felt his worthlessness and help­ A few mischievous persons, iu congress WEDDING ANNIVERSARY. CLEVER OREOS. iitg p»rU |jottrttal lessness, He realized that he was a sinful and In the legislatures o f‘several ofthe man and that ngtblng be couid do coald states, are trying to get the United States Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Reed of Ocean Grove The Local Team Put Up a Faultless Same AND MONMOUTH REPUBLICAN. cleanse hti guilty heart. His prayer Is to violate its neutrality and take sides in Were Married Twenty-five Years of Basket Ball Saturday and De­ the penitent's plea: -‘ God be merciful to favor of .the Boers. Iowa and New York f JSUSKKB WSEKLY AT , Ago Monday. feated the Bay Ridge Five! me a sinner." In that prayer he was met have just sat ou some of these meddlers TRE SSBURT PBRK PRIHTIH8 HOUSE Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Reed of Delaware Team work, in passing the ball won N0 . 71S MATTISON AVENUE, by God. In that prayer the mercy of God by adverse votes in their legislatures, and Abbott avenirafyQcean Grove, Monday u su ry rm%, - , n^wikusv. was revealed to-him, for his heart was in and they have met with reverses in other the biisket ball game for the Oreos Satur­ —D ajly E dition—All the Year. night celebrated the twenty-fifth anniver­ day night In Central Hall. The Bay communion with God more than with places. It is all right for persons to have sary of their marriage. , Members of both Bnttred as second-class matter at tht Asbnry Park himself. The scriptures of Christ that sympathy with tfie Boers. There are Ridge Club of; New York scored only 5 Post Office, February '!, 1888. branches of the bouse and saahy friends points against the Oreos’ 44; ask humility and a sorrow for known and millions of persons In the United States were present to extend congratulations. The locals played a terrific game, sweep. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. unknown offences against His goodness who are wishing tbe two Dutch republics The,happy couple were wedded Jan­ Ing everything before them; Their re­ % year, 1a advance, „„___„______f i oo and ioveb&d appealed to that poor outcast success. It ia wrong; however, for them 4 months. In advance.::.;.______50 uary 28,1875,-by Rev. Thomas 8. Sleeper cent experiences with other crack teama $ m onths, tn advance,______5 of a haughty eccleslasticlsm, to try to make either tbe Boers, England . Singl* to p le a ;...... at Bradley Beacb. Three sons and two have taught the boys that aggressiveness The publican we may be at liberty to or any other people believe that the Uni­ daughters were born to them. Mrs. Reed call the life of Christianity, the Pharisee ted States is going to use lta influence In Is half the game and team work she . T o CoaaKSPOWDiENTs—We shall be glad to re* was Miss Mary A. Smith, daughter of whole game. ccivc Items of news and commurifcai, •• :>n*ub- the creed. The latter is She letter, the favor of either combatant, Tbia country acts 'of Interest so this community. W rite only Leonard and Sarah Smith. Sver since the In the first half the Oreos scored 18 sn one side of the sheet. former the spirit. A» the church builds, will keep its hands off In this conflict. day of their saarrlage Mr. and Mrs. Reed al communications should be accompanied by bo she will stand or fall. As her member points and the visitors 4; but In the the fltll name xnd address of the writer, not have lived In the house they nt\w occupy. second half the overwhelming defeat wai accessarlly for publication but as a guarantee of ehlp chooses between these two, so will If Asbury Park is jo have an electric good fail' Anotiymouslettev^willnotbenotlced,' the ohurch perish or live. A. B, lighting plant owned by the city the City accomplished, 81 points to X point being Lettera Intended for the editorial or news de- A NARRENSITZUN6 . the record.' - SMtmaest addressed to the Fathers should break away from the Editor of T h e J ourkai#,, " For tfie locals, Dudley made 1 goal oa Asbury Park, New Jersey. NOW LEND A HAND ! proposition advanced by Superintendent The Ontracht Singing Society Held a Long Distance Teleohon— ca b. foul and 4 goals from field; Hankins,! Well, at last the prospects of a new In­ Coffin to cse the enclosed style qf lamps. Unique Social Meeting Mondav Night.- goal ou a foul and 8 goals iffom field ;.A, dustry being located within .our borders AUenhurst uses the enclosed pattern and FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1900. , A Narrensltzung, or fool’s meeting, was Rogers,.4 goals and Knight 6 goals from a visit to tbat resort will demonstrate that seem ciearly in eight. The Joubkal’s held Monday night by the Elntracht Sing­ field. * . t Hrasbscrtptlona to tbe Journal will b® congratulations are extended to the gen­ kerosene lamps would throw out nearly ing Society in the Mikado building. The G. Smith made I goal from field for aSsaontlnastt a t expiration unless the S’ftb- tlemen of the Asbury Park Board ot m much light. name “Narrensltzung'’ dates back to a the New Yorkers and Boated made 1 goal SUHcf has no tie® to tlie contrary. Notice Trade- and the progressive members of ttM date on address label. It tolls la* time period before Martin Luther’s birth. At from field and 1 on a foul. m m paper is paid to. AU renewals mast ilj&Slcean Grove Oamp Meeting Associa- •The shooting of Senator'Goebel in Ken­ Buch meetings, held before the Lenten Dr. R, F. Doratj was. referee and Hicks iff accompanied by cub. • tlonwho have rendered such signal ser­ tucky, Tuesday, is to -he deplored. .Tjie season begins, the people would extract and Murphy were umpires. vice to this community in tbe direction re­ crime, however, would sot have been coai- all tbe enjoyment possible out of the A VEAR Or ROAD BUILDING. ferred to, . - mitted had Goebel (tad his revolutionists present life »i , A Warning From One Who knows. Daring 1899 s total of one hundred and Now lt/mosin^ for Che cltlsens of this not attempted to set aside the verdict of.the The Elntracht members sang com(c fourteen miles of new. and Improved road city asd/our neighbors across the lake to voters of the Blue Grass state. / sougs for the entertainment of their many To tfie Editor of the Jocbsm.1— I have persistently advised caution in was constructed In New Jersey by state clinch tfee opportunity and make possible friends and visitors. Messrs. A. E- Beck­ the Cuba venture, I had the manage- aid. This was nearly thirty miles more the realization of that hope so long de- Should Ladysmith fail the British can er and F. A. Bammart played zither and A Heck ol Safety la a Sea of Trouble. meat o( two large sugar- plantations near rosd than waa built In any previous year, ferred, which made the heart sick, by play a waiting game, advancing only when guitar selections. Chess and other games Havana, My salary was a tempting one, “ I had a terrible cough something over although the cost per mile was increased heartily endorsing the joint committee’s strong enough t- be raro of,success., Mr. wore Indulged In by all. Frankfurters a year apj and could lind eathing to stop but four oat of six of my predecessors it, or even to do me a pardck of good. I by the advance In prices of material. efforts. Bull requires time, a good deal m* ulus to improved road building, bo also a beatjf. ■ ’ v An industrious and thrifty like tbe will conduct funeral • services ' this *1 moro.M.000. , . will be increased 50 per .cent. In pn® will the automobile, when it is generally Chinese, who seldom ‘go: bipW *t«& at ternoon It 4 o'do($k at >the house. Intern­ •Sdmnol Johnson to Milan Rosa et a t Lot ai Spion Kop now ehten iate'fiv*Sryry 'Witt..... Loch Arbour, $1,000. ' ‘ . Introduced, help.; tc Je^o p t^e r»sx> sye- year- ;; -? V-v S j _ i fast -tan, can- indulge Uiemselvea in;:thlk ment will be made in the Baptist cemetery, onr M'tlii'spot where W anes ...Mni'jOf th e:state, 'T h lrfc the'oplnlonisf: annual jsecuniary expiation. There ia n6 Freehold, Undertaker Burtls Is In charge. ■Jj. ■ ' WE uw t «. f ir r1-'* ? • i \ * «<- < • 1 • • «■ , 1 dent McKinley and upon receiving suff the JODBHAIi. Tbe Anti-Spring Eleclloa Bill. *f,Two 'men Wesk up into--shte temple to flclent encouragement froich CoDgressman The Normandie la a large hotel, whose be edited and managed by Charles M. Shel­ under * Bight of steps In .the post office Howell, we commenced circulating our Mfy'; the one waa a JPharS.jt'a, and the value in the market wonld be fully .|$00r The anll-spring election bill, which pro­ don, author, of “In .His Steps, or, What building; She had beenthefe all night gjfeer a publican. Luke 18:10 ' f.~- ' ! ‘petition-and It has been signed by almost poses to do away witb spring elections In every merchant and business man in the 000. It it is handsomely appointed and WouldJestuDo?” . . ~ ...... • ^The charch that can lay claim to a place and every prominent Republican besides enjoying a liberal patronage cities, will pn.bsbly be introduced, in the At the Detroit Christiata Endeavor con- " The Tribune ASmanac.’ ■ ■ membership of such individuals as the and party-worker in the township, except from ail parts of the coi ntry has residents legislature next week. The bill will affect VeDtion last year,- In a speech received wjth The Tribune almanac.iar ISO!) prmervea Pharisee In the text will also claim to be those who are candidates tfiemuolven, and Asbury Park. The pita is intended to be­ the record for accuracy, which thi? excellent some who are now candidates. of Asbury Park within its comfortable applitSey Mr Sheldon asked, “Who in' this if jmodeS organization. The life of this quarters, nightly.' " ’ 1 ' I come operative next November, the terms age of mngnififCnt endowmenta will give work has always eqjoyed.. Making no baste, Pharisee was most strict. He w^s thank­ Much of the work and" expense of .the of the present mayors and other elective different campaigns held before Mori, The Messrs. Atkins have engaged the f 1^000,000 for the establishment of a great tc get' out on the marked first, toad > thus ful for the fact that he wm (tot an extor­ officers to cease sad terminate January 1 mouth county hsd any contributing office­ best chef to be found in New York. Christian daU^ uewspaper?! isvoidlog th® errors and omisdiess of1 some holders, or the county did not provide tioner, an unjust' man, an adulterer. Be Fred. Atkins, who has been studying the siext following. Assemblyman Kirkbride is The Topeka Copital’.'will' turn o.verlto other almanacs, the Triboni 'hair naverthe- farted twice a week, and he gave a tenth election tickets, fell a pan the edltor of opposed to the bill, aa he believes munici­ the Inquirer/ To, induce candidates,to hotel for the past few months, Is now plapt jlo Ititn, March 18 to 19. He has ac­ Ibis put. forth lM> almanac for 19(H) promptly, <3t,all he possessed. A rather exemplary run on .the tliket we have given thpm tiie fully acquainted with tit department, pal elections should be divorced from cepted the offer and will- show tji® world and baa given the public a dopistaent on, life! Xu.9 latter., of the law was his de- printing bosij at spring and fall election^ namely, that which provides for the In­ national, state and county elections. his.ideas as to what every Christian daily phich people qm rely, A ^useful feature, physical *natura lu and did everything to keep op the orgati- ner, man. Charles A. Atkins left Nurses Wanted a t Memorial Hospital. should be. ■ , , , , , i ;. besides all ihe.politksJ, financial, and other ^ ! '?,ElSc6^to^^^^S^roiaFcteiB'^ndfwltir uf ttH! p r.;:y . If; ili-j ;i u :k .tl^yA when the/Trohibltlon party made eoqh take generci charge of his new house': SewraS vacancies will soon occur in the ' Tlio Union Gospel News, Cleirslasd, O , stBtistiranf the year jm t past, is found in ^^i4S Sfeties|i-aiiS: c(^eB eotintenanco la tbe inroads Into the- Eepubllcati ranks the reviews of the wars in the. Traisivial He will uot be soon at the Ocean tiotel training school for nurses at the Mub- offer* tbe Topeka Capital for the six issues Mortuary] Thos® who mingled with him the editor, of; the Inquirer moot! up for and ths Fhilippineo,-tbe peaos treaty, tho nntil next summer. tnouth Memorial hospital, Tbe hospital edited by Mr. Sheldon, and the Union GoS' must be as he was, otherwise they would the party and worked faithfully for sui anny beef scandal, the Samoaa troubles, cess. At Jest the Republicans were suc­ Tho- members of the firm are Charles for furnishing a thorough education for a pel Nops, three months; 18 i«noe*, for ’40 pollute his Immaculately religious exte­ tbe Alaskan boundary ‘matter, the Venezue­ cessful and then there were accessions A. Atkins, Charles L. Heverlu and Alfred trained nurse is equaled by few. Young cents, a few more cents than the price of rior. He defrauded no one. He had, tbe lan arbitration, the Mazet Committee invea- which haa made it a strong party. ' C. Atkins. Mr. Heverin is a brother-in- ladles desiring to avail themselves of this tbe Topeka (Capital, which will be 25 cents favor.of tbs priesthood. His donation* In the Dr. Patterson light v?s were ar­ and during the three months you get the tigation in New York city, and ether histo­ law of the Messrs. Atkins, rare opportunity may address for particu­ were up,...t the interest of the government! Christ, the meek and lowly, wlll/not have League, president and secretary of-the peisons who hurned , tho • Havens cottage. ftim. JO io ?8 per snorstii; - John ’ R Elliott, borne and Samuel A. Patterson for Leon­ Df. Taylor will act as surgeon. He is that honor, will jjtjt know such religion, Freehold Republican Club , ana often a ou® of six who have rcceived‘'eomtpiti3iona The loss la abput,$3,000, partja)ly; in­ Red Ibol:, fl3 anjonth; JohrS D. jMeskiM, delegate to the conventions. We ore of ard. ______will not accept such deeds, for the right­ to Attend as many parties. Dr. Taylor is a sured.' .<: ,-'iisrs-.- .- I ; Keyport, increase front $0 to f8 a month; eousness of the law is pw»ed away In the the opinion we are entitled to the office by reasoa of our long service f°r the party. Wont Tbelr Pastor Back. ’ sou of Johnson Taylor of Ocean Grove. William ,|I, Tftjflor, -Eatontowrs, §10 a perfect righteousness of Christ; whose In tfie Slcit Chamber, , , The postoffice is now located In front of The official boarfl of-0t. Paul’s M. E. monsh; Thomas T.- Fallen, Freehold, $17' a law Is love% . * the printing office In Ihe same building Freeholder Wortman’s famous Bow-Wow. PeacemakerJ’DftvId .^1. ]jVyokoff shows Church- Ocean Grove, will meet this iinbntb -: j ■' ‘‘■iii >• The Pharisee's condemnation lies not in aad we think we could atteod to both our no signs of Improveinent. _It^ wa8,sald afternoon Among tb-a mattera to be dis­ J". Edward Wortman owns o little black .the fact tbat he could.refraln from commit­ duties as postmaster aad editor success- today bis poise is. becoming gradually Basket Ball 'at the Mcrry-(jo-JRound. fully, or if we did not think so, we would, cussed is that of the return of the predent dog, which, ho says, was ou board the ting ttie^ evils, hb mentions or la dtdng. weaker-.. : . -Ij;;-.*'; Not many persona saw the.AsburyPark not-be a candidal:, for postmaster. Be- paster, Kwr. Joseph' ;;J.: Bm l;- for 'another Olimpia, Dewey’s flagship, in Manllsjbay, ^ie ^bi5d ha^ldi, bnt-ln the state of heart ■lieviag-St -is o n l y t o t ourselves, to when the admiral’s famous b&ttl' * was Urldh -'White 'Is convalescing, sud:Is Athletic Club defeat Company H Wednes- year, by the Ne« Jersey Annual Confer; JjjHrpvwLUJn Qiaoking -God that 3s® ia not make these statements public, although ^ipecteflW'b* outta aifiwday*:!- ; day ^ 1 ^ .la.a .biiaiet ball jame In, the . ence. It is . skid tW f donference: yrilj W loflgbt,., n v ss other men* are ' or as tfi'e pttblTcati who ths lif&.-ilo-Oiig.powsr ta m with. #.::y«ry, Wortman calls the pup “George,” alleg­ ‘’H afe-j B,1&ytei;^wholsiMr.ieea ierlofis- ie»rjjr; ;-^ 1liyJ. BatcoUi i\& not ' few, with confidence we rest our case in adted to extend the time of M r. 1 pe -‘stood afarofl. ing that “ Dewey” has become profaoed lyVli io r’thi4''p4*?!t«ri'idsys,M'S'»i'8»fiat keep w e score down. The Sgarej'^ejje: the hands of those who are In temporary torate. \ • The pabllosa la tha type of a ham lla ctf.ige of the destinies of the parly: by common usage.' better. . I'■■■■■ Athletic Club, 38; Company H ,! “ 1 v a ■ ;«Wt1it+rpmv


f f y BEHIND THE WICKET. USE? OF LASSO, . MODERN MEANING OF';GUN. the »3«!ag8 jlj Secret Orders 'Zt* W ord la JB#** "d*t«a Ap^l.i«d" to AND MONMOUTH REPUBLiCAN. 1 Iri Asbury Park and Vicinity. ’ . 1 t h . G r e e t - --: -- -;.s ;■ 1 r Sonio Points That M e Observed by « f b e n tb . FBiDA Y, FEBRU ARY a, 1800. Elevtn'new members were initiated Tue- the Cowboys. dpnight'by T«uni«eh Tribe, No^BOjJm^ •'The evolution of the word ‘gun’ proved Or^er , Of BedfMen, . < j, jr forme an interesting «udy in up-to- iitUeu'at A dm 1 ABburf ParkLodge,I.O. O. P.,'was tie Dllfmat Method, of American n ( •date etymology,” vremorfeed 'one of a W bbks. M o n t h s . recipient Ia»t Veek of a beautiful ebony fU: : party of newspaper men, "says the New l i a i g 1 t a jjrv 6 1 ia and silver mounted gavel, suitably inscribed, |.nniatj'^ £mnl>ro*',!i In i b . Orleans Tlmea-Demoerat, "A dozen or 73 Jxoo »i*3 *75 #250 Uoo $ 600 Stoolc:. to years ago we all understood gun to *33 1 50 175 3 35 400 6 00 1000 from Atlantic Encampment, No. 22. I*ust 150 aoo a 73 4^5 3 50 a 00 Grand Richard Wilson made the presenta­ mean a fowling piece—ft ahotgun as dis­ aoo *50 350 3 50 700 1000 A' lasso ls about 40 feet long — cel- tinguished from a rifle or a musket. s ;; ISO 450 900 1300 3500 tion speech, and Past Grand. Wesley B. 4 " 1 2 430 I 1300 woo 3500 dom excedlcg SO feet—and out,of that Heavy and light-ordnance, hi fact, all 330 US I300 l8O0 3000 5000 Stout accepted tlia gavel on behalf of As­ mast be deducted tbe amount taken in pieces of artillery, without regard to la " 850 1150 1500 3500 3560 5300 8500 bury Park Lodge. • col. I? 00 3300 30 00 4500 65OOgo 00 13000 making- the noose and the part which S® size, were known os cannon. That, of. '—rr The spinning sociable of the Atlantic retained in the hand. Thus it !» seen course, was where people made an ef­ Local Notices,—A limited number of local no* Rebekah Degree, I. O. O. F., held Tuesday that,tbe average cast is about 21 or 30 fort to speak English. Out in the tlcea will be admitted at the rate of fifteen cents per line. Tney will be placed at the. bottom of night in the Manning building, was a suc­ feet, and the roper who can throw any­ frontier tbe word gim was applied ex­ heflocal columns only, and. must have "Adv." at where near BO feet with accuracy is a clusively to pistols. ha end. When continued • four weeks or longer, cessful event. The entertainment furnished 1041 « diacoant ofa* per cent. f« allowed. by the ladles was highly appreciated- The rarity., In California they sarmetimea “Nowadays the nom/enelature has use a rope as iopg as SS feet, but tbere Eintracht Singing Society sang two nnm- curiously changed. By degrees the How Much of Vour Income L egal Notices.—'Thb J ournal la a leral they seem to have a habit of throwing good old word g-an has become monop­ newapaper, and as such is the proper medium for bers on the program. Messrs, Bicker and an enormously long loop—much larger olized by.the iongf glim, murderoutj ina all legal notices,hot Ices. someSome eaveniiiementsadvertisem ents belong'tobelongto Baminim played i cither-and guitar dnet. are you willing to set aside every year for the future ns bylaw, while with many Others It Is optfonal than i» really necessary. In actual chines that constitute our modern ar­ with the party Interested, as to what paper shall Ten little girls sang a chorus, which was work, however, It will be found that a of your family ? The amount, large or small, can be flabHfh them. tillery, We speak of, qulck-flic guns, encored. man's hand is not large enough to eight-inch, ten-inch, twelve-inch guns, invested in no better way to effect this purpose than Franklin Council, Junior Order of United properly hold much more than 40 feet and the word seems singularly apropos. through Life Insurance in^he Prudential. of rope when coiled ready to throw. They are not cannon. Cannon’ imme­ TOWN AHD COUNTRY. American Mechanics, qf Plairfleld, has cut WRITE FOB PABTICULABS. ^ ....' off sick benefits from members except where The lasso is.a creation of a certain en­ diately suggests the big, 'umbering, vironment and need. Its place Ii on black-throated, smooth-bores; of the It will pay in ’the J ournal, the sickness covers a period of two weeks or Borne Offlce: iBsnrance Co. the broad prairies and grazing-Iands, past. The word conjures up all sorts of TBF ISflllflF'flTlfl! An additional Btory is being added to more. . Heretofore ihe council has. been and its chief utility Meet In tbe stock Newark, N, J. m b I Si U U b 11 I IH k of America. the Qaeen hotel, Ocean Grove. curious antique pictures — swabbers paying benefits from the Brat day of a mem­ business. It ls almost useless in a naked to the waist, motionless men .-JOHN P. OSSSBN. President. LESLIE D. WABD.-VieS-Pres, E. P. Benjamin and 0. E. Eakew .of A)* ber’s illness, whether he wtss sick a vreck or wooded country by reason of tbe ob­ jiolding • lighted matches, frigates EDGAE B. WABD, 2d Vice-Prea. and Counsel. FORBEST F. DEYT>KN, Secretory. lenhurat have built new ice yachta for cae less, and it is claimed that some of the structions afforded by the branches lashed together. and firing Into each *N. B, GRAY, Ass’t Bnporintondeut,. on Deal lake. members have been abusing'their privileges. and bushes. Tbe finest lassos are o f other’s ports, Sepoys Bound ;.jid the . Boom 15, Apploby Bnildin£K_ ASBUBY PABK, N. J. Mrs. Alice Sndam of Chinbnry ia visiting- The New Jersey Grand Lodge of Masons rawhide, cut Into thin strips, and braid­ mozzle, neat geometric pyramids of her sister, Mrs. David Thdrtton of Fourth, at its session recently elected these officers ed, six-ply, into a rope of from three- round shot in neat geometric forts, the avenue, : * eighths to one-half inch in diameter. charge of the Light Brigade, and lots of Master, Joseph E. Moore, Jersey City; dep­ Tbey are quite expensive, a good 40- Joseph Lolan of New York has leased uty master, W. Holt Apgar, Trenton; senior other things too .numerous to men­ Theodore H. Berfilger’fl house (at Sewall foot rope costing about $7, On thi* ac­ tion.” avenue and Bond street. warden, John A. Wilkins, Newark; junior count, of late years, hard-twisted grass Shirt Waists itaden, Benjamin F. Wakefield, Jersey Bev. J, G. Reed, pastor of St. Paul's M. frope Is used; but the rawhide rope is MARY DIFFEREJJT COCKTAIta E. Church, Ocean Grove, returned laat City; secretary, Thomas ' H. R. Redway, the best in a wind, as it is heavier, and week from a trip to Florida. Trenton; deputy secretary, W. D, Kntan, when filled with oil It is not affected by Hie Bartender Ikqri Titer* Ii Ho Lttt- Newark, and tressdrer, Charles Bechtel, ?et weather. A braided rope, also, hiss It to the Varieties Thst Shiirt Waists George B. WendUng will deliver his leo* Can Oe . lade, ture “Saul of Targua" In* the First Preaby. Trenton. The officer were Installed less tendency to kink than a twisted terian Church, February 10. rope. Cowboys have a mixture of lard later. ' ■ ______- ' ' and beeswax with which they dress "How many kinds of oockt^lls.. are Secretary Burnham reports that contri* there, do yon mppoae?" said the bar­ INCENDIARY FIRE AT StABKiGHT. their hemp or II*en ropet to keep out Shirt Waists buttons to the Ocean Grove auditorium tbe dampness, and also to prevent tbem tender. One man said six, another ten, organ fund a*p heiog constantly received. while an Englishman hosarded a thou­ Villa formerly Owned by the Late Senator from getting too dry, Tbe most cele­ Captain LeWis Kainear of Ocean Grove brated of tbs • genuine “riataa” are sand, bat no one paid any attention to . has announced himself as' a Republican McPherson Destroyed. made in Chicago, which produces nn him. Finally they all gave It up, and candidate for freeholder in Neptune town* The summer cottage owned by John P. article roach superior,to the rougher the bartender had the- chance he had ehip. ^ _ , , ' ? (V ' ^ Duncao,/in Ocean avenue, Seabrigbt, w ti ones turped out In Mexico, been waiting for, says the New York Saturday's Mail and Express j$rint6d an totally destroyed by fire last week. The Tiiere are three general methods Of Sun. exceilent picture of Freeholder Wortmnn’s Jr.e.Js . believed to have been of Incendi­ throwing,,with many ralnor variotioss® “How many, then?”, they asked,------r in Shirt Waists and Ladies’ Tailor Hade ice yacht. The picture was taken-by-Bay- of Individual habit., The rope is held in "I don’t know,” said the bartender. mond Pawley.. ary origin. “I have only been in the business ter ' Policeman Brown of, the Seabrlght po. practically the same way in every case. Suits for the next Ten Days at Mrs. Grace Welaer Bsw*, leader1 it', the' First Is the plain, straight,cast, noose years, but there are very many. Some Children’# Bummer Services ia Ocean tirove lies fi’rce, discovered Are coming- from swinging around above the bead from years ago when I was in ’Frisco, a mac - ill creel is cottage in P*irk Place avenue, under the wooden casements, and before right to left, by a rotating movement. told men I couldn’t make one dozen ^Bradley Beach. s general alarm cottM be sounded the Some “ropers” throw a small loop, bard different cocktails. I told him I could - ' A. school building, whose cost Is not to house was enveloped J in ilames, which, and fast, almost on a level; others, a make four times as many; Finally we, Cook’s Bee Hive esceed @12,000, is to be erected in Deal. fanned by a strong north wind, threatened larger, lazier kind, which nevertheless made He nsed to come in every The structure will be a brick and i . t a tb destroy several pf/tlie cottages Close by. “arrives,” For myself, I rather favor morning, asf I guaranteed that I flain St. and Cookman Ave. contain 4 rooms. would snake him a different cocktail, By hard work nn tne part of the firemen tbe small loop thrown hard, as it seems The proposed railroad from 8ea Side Park every morning for 40 days. H I failed I the flames were confined to the .Duncan the best all-around style, mosteffective to Barnegat Oitjr is still being discussed, against the wind or other adverse con­ waa to foot the bill, otherwise he was to, and it is iig-ain reported that the r(>e! will cottage. ' ■ " ’ tJ ’ ’ ■' ditions. * ' • pay. I got through all right. For 40; ba built ibb yaw. <" T he. Duncan villa was formerly ownad The aim Is somewhat, to the right of days I made a different 'cocktail for Mra, A. fl. Vaughn has returned to Ocean by tbe4Iate'8^pafc>r John K ‘ McPherson the object to be roped—soy a foot and a him every morning, and finally I threw THE LATEST NEWS Grove, where she sill occupy she Mansion of New Jersey, end cost $!{6,000. It was half on a 2Moot throw, the exact in- in eight more just as a flourish, , House, 77 Embury avenue, ss successor to putchai'Xl by Mr. DotjaiiSs and he occu­ tsnt off; tileass being governed by “There wm not, of course, much dif­ \ Mrs. Philip*, who Is in Cults. j '. t _ FROM pied It during the summer season. welgtt of rope, wind, velocity of swing, ference between them, but quite cnongh The small meUl spire on the sostbwrat ■ r - , ■ !-■'___ etc, Judgement comes Instinctively for an experienced man to be able to distinguish them, snd iso I won. The 'tower of the Ocean Grove auditorium wm old u p a c o . with practice. The rest of tbe rope Is bept to ani angle of 50 jtigfoM .Wednesday held coiled In the other hand and re­ truth is thtere Is jio limit to the varieties night by the force of the wind, ^ A Twenty-three Days’, lour via. the Peso- leased a* fast as de«Ired, two or three of cocktail, and I should not be sur­ , Fis-ss new. memberR k»#e i>im SddiSd to 'coilsbeing retained. prised to see an experienced mart reach J. J. PARKER’S • Of < 'syKaala Railroad, •< Ihe Washington Fire Coinpanjrj of Ocean To “snub” 'the rope (wind1 it aboni |Ke hundred m ark,”." '. ,.. , f .. Best values, smallest living profits,, continually The Pennsylvania Railroad CiompanyhM .Grove. rhftilAfaitesj W-1 received a ’the ponomcl after en*tJng)-in the ip- \ creating agreeable surprises; hWs ^ d e this ■ . ^quantity of new helmet^ and belts. arranged for s special personally-conducted sfctmd of time allowed is a trick quite as f o r ’s w e l l s ONLY. The scholars aftd teaeher»*of tbo Ooean tour through Old Meiico by special Poll- :difficult ss throwing properly, Tbe -1 Mexicans, with fbeir"' J8rgs-dlamet£r .Bin#. Are .Not, Allowed In B?de .Parity sirov® high school will give “Tho Country man train of parlor-stnokiug, dluinj;, sleep­ i,oudeijig mnallert it. llrffrr. THE STORE WHERE IHE PEOPLE BUY, 'leave KoW York dnd Phlladelpbia February require two. Tbe pommel often - The ice fscht race over a ten-mile course, 12, visiting all .the principal points of ii Americana visiting London for tb« ' between Asbary. P^rk. and ASietiharst, took smokes from tbe friction created, arid first time are more than likely to M #plac<» Tiidrslay^iiffsroWit OtS'Deil iakesMi ,tercst ;in jthe.‘‘3jatti of. JIoii|ez«mn,” and Is frequently deeply grooved and al-' For your breakfast eat cakes mode from'our . . spndlpg five days in th^Cii^ of Mexico;1' n , haneom. the day they arrive and was won by J. B.Wortman’s " MayandDell.” : most burned by; tbe flipe,: The impor­ .start ’ promptly to see' tin- Row, says a Ronnd-trip tickeH covering all necessary B e s t P r e p a r e d B n o fe w l i e a t a t 9!aye;> ■ Baltimore, Md.; Colin Swdds, passengtjr British marinera and peoples. Im agine, .Ye#rf(u>#y.- ^ . the head before the release. Thla -,1s then, the indignation and the disgust of Painter Mathias T. Applegate haa com agent,'southea^teris district, Wi‘^1)ino.n,1X called th e “Califorujji jb7r?',y,” and pos­ s pair of pretty girls, accustomed to pitted a contract to p^nt .tbo rcaideao: of 0.;- Tbos, E. Watt, paasengev agent, V etera ■ sibly gives a greater range. At a n y traverse home drives in "any ftmhion : -.i.-.i i.Bntreinetnbertsrehavea- IlaEdolph E Fourth avenueat^;Main[ .djrfrit^, Pittsburg,-Pa.{ oroidrOT^QeO. W. rate, one or two of tha longest throw^w thfcy liit'e, to be warned book from Hyd4 street, and John W* Mfcrti&’a hour."' In Boyd, assistant general ysssenger' 'agent, I’ know usk it, and'l Cnd ltao .- myEelf. Park entrance by o six-foot arm of the Good, Pure Coffee at 15c. lb. ^tfe^enue., - ^ It may be only a personal result. Any ^ /Philadelphia, f ...J . < law. No ‘tips, no remonstrances, ni) good “roper” can throw either way. . -i (^Itifcl^ESiThdrpe. aad HeadiiV. of tlje:. pleading has the slightest affect opoii Wt) have a few more of those MadkereMert. •' l^ew "Yp/fc and :fcouKv 'Braach diyisiyu of *< 13* thirdl.castiii tU i. “coftfal "drag,” stern “bobby,” Who simply orders c&br ■ T; fHE MIRROR.' wbiofi, ns its nil me iudlt-ates, is fo? ass the Pennsylvania Railroad' Cotapknjyhave by”to' depart, aija K-n 111;, fares-to get" 2! T'iiie T’at MaCk er el for Only te^ been tfanst&rsd to runs between Kew York afoot, and in confined quarters, ilt and Atlantie City, • ..... a snore correct equipage i f ‘they desire Reflections of the Movements o f Prom)-; consists In .trailing out. the loop’on the tb take part in the Row parade. It it ■- (Vinno)j.T.a::. J o lin ’ ho/u?. u . f A von h r.' 'nent WsItfMTS, gronnd-bemnfl otic and ftaappiiig it fqrr livery or nothing, and if the visitor eonf Haveyoti tried ihe'Balad Dressing whlcSs we pat on sale last week. Itis re a ^ ^ ali. best) elected 0tst'if!qe.pM9ldeKt and general t\W -. ward by on underhand raotioc cious f fine to as© with raid meatSj etc. .Don’t miss this hargaic. It will soc» be goas. Rev. T. Stwwden .Tiomas tikuea to long for a glimpse of theH ydi : manager of the Squan Elver and, Barncgsit The latssd’s . g rea test effectiveness as Park shovs she must have boots and Bailroad Company. George Potta is presi­ is in Oc f nrnltur®, aippeB, mftttlng, k ltctas stoves may be the place in the stall, or the* ginning at 10 tfelock a. m. ln addition to (coal, oil or gasoline), laws mowers, gar- A pt»c«rntnt foitb. singing of a particultir.part, or a corree- Special for SAtURDAY: the handicap priie, another will bp given den' hose';ana hundred# of other necessary "The recently tior, of , this cholrm^Bter, or a word.'pf for the best gross score.'. ' : J " •• *./ ■!,.« s are, vef than the lowest. made a lieantiful sitade for tbs plsan Oomefts.rttalk.wJBs.-as. ' ,:' approval tjj another chorister, or a re­ 51. M CnoaBSE, 508 Main s t—Adv. lamp fromcarplnki evening dress and mark dropped by one of the choir—so 20 FINE LARCE ECCS, 25c. trimmed If WitB J-'dies irom her last tender are the; feelings of a chorister—- Beware o t' Olatments for Catarrh that WAH-TED. summer’s hat. That evening a young Unytjilng pr for ibat.matier,' nothing, . R .Si LE. last time. si . sgwj it,’f " lie.,replled, MI sejyesiso.serlously.that the.event will, * taTile physicians, as the damage they will A cottago with about two aoros of laud, boa'a- tras 3anclrig 31'Wthi if ," '— Collier?* be .considered, equal in Interest tp a. Weekly ! war. Upon th® whole, the choir ratber u u riv o [VUlUDl UttU UUU UVUUI UU4WAIUUM' enjoys, a crisis of this kind, for It gives ; r y . j;;;X PARKER, Boat oi woll and oistorn water. Carnago hoi ' •;. -,o»e..:.?3.>,v ,/,-a vji. j '{edo)o^Sn^ns1n&tnei^^afl& 1» Skin and' Btabla combined. ! Apples.poara and Officer, Murpby-~l)ld ye* apny stimulus to tlie artistic temperament. Quinooa ln toll bearing 5 promfsoa m Rood repair. ' .6Wi"6(» Cpok^artii^ji^V .tei' r - : u 'v '. Internally, acting d the WoM Foe toss Lon‘Riven onoomplianco with terms. \ suspicions cbarakther* on your bat* But; there arq some who do not enjter. and'todoUB eorfacea of the Bfetem. ■ 1 , CHAii Ut COKOIES, Agent, t wholly Into the enjoyment. ; '* r'Vr'.111- • Cor^'JUifee Aventie -and .’Main Sty «u «»" 'buying'tfall’e 0atairt^e sure yAu Katontown. N. J| t a t f.J"- "ESy , . ‘ ...... - " y?;. ; rfi-i--'-'-: • OIIM vviijH D Iw ^ > « ra but, tne . ' Auxtr.hli*'»' Go id, O ther Stores t" “irtf the gfijnsfes.'."If, joundsn^an,, h^’sAthe most sujt- ft?. \ ‘ J - ' W‘ and made l i Tbledb .Oh o ^ iy F. J. 01©- A«,at»8liB.’B. gold production ' in - the „X o d k BTOnch; ney & Co. TestlmorilMk’frttO ln amounte from $2,000 -w ..bls^the fooreal-t- i tv , iMt iialf -iijntury'lips'iBmoisEteatscoii- Titttle Fmlli, *wcT. " ' ’1 Bold' by 'd'r6i(gfsl*/ 'price‘-.'ink. per bottle.'* 9 W V - > up to iftud.?*, s!()erably idore than £ 406,000,000^ ! Hall’s Family Pills ®r« the best. 0-8 f 8. C. COWABT, Freehold, N. J,' ASBURY PARK JOURNAL,] FRIDAY, FEBRUARY V 1906.' life. He felt his worthlessness and help­ A few mischievous persons. In congress Wedding anniversary.; , parlt Ifonrttitl lessness. He realized tha(*h6 was a sinful and In the legislatures of several of Ihe CLEVER OREOS. , man and that Nothing lie could, do.could states, are trying to get the United States Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Reed af Ocean Grove Tlie Local Team Pat Up a Faultless Gama A N D MONMOUTH REPUBLICAN. cleanBS hls guilty heart. His prayer is to violate Its neutrality and take sides In Wert Married Twenty-five Years of Basket Ball Saturday and De­ the penitent’s pies: "God be merciful to favor of the Boers, Iowa and New York P U B L ISH E D W E E K L Y AT Ago Monday. feated the Bay Ridge Five! me a sinner." In that prayer ha was met have just sat on so k S ; ;; these meddlers TtfB aSBURT PRRK PRINTING HOUSB Mr. 'and Mrs. Aaron Reed of Delaware Team work in pasBiug the ball won M0.71B MATTISON AVENUE, by Ond. In that prayer the mercy of God by adverse votes In thelpvlaglslatures, and Abbott avenues, Ocean Grove, Monday the basket ball game for the Oreos Satur­ iSSVSY PARS, NEW JSKSBY. was revealed to him, for bis heart was In and they bave met with reversesifif3;her ...... t D ah-y E o itio n —All the Year, night celebrated tbe twenty-fifth anniver­ day night lu Central Hall. Tho Bay communion with God more than with places. It is all right for person® to fisve sary of their marriage. Members of both Ridge Club of New York scored only 5 Bmitred as second-claxs matter at thi Asbury Park himself. The scriptures of Christ that sympathy with the Boers. Thery are Post Office, February 7, I&3 3 . branches of the house and many friends points against the Oreos* 44. ask humility and a sorrow for known aiid millions of persons In the United >4latea were present to extend congratulations. Tha locals played a terrific game, sweep­ TERM S O F SUBSCRIPTION. unknown offences against His goodness who are wishing the two-Dutch Wjmblles Tbe happy conple were wedded Jan­ ing everything before them. Their re- & year, in advance______..Ji o) sad love had appealed to that poor outcast success. It Is wrong; however/for them • taoslhs, In advance...... ______50 uary 28,1875, by Rev. Thomas 8 .81eeper cent experiences with other crack teams of a haughty' eccleslastlclsm.. to try to make either tbe Boera, England gsftoaihs.ln advance.*.,.., ______...__ 5 at Bradley Beach, Tbree sonB and two have taught the boys tbat aggressiveness The publican wd may be at liberty to or any other people believe that the Uni­ daughters were born to them. Mrs. Reed call the life of Christianity, tim Pharisee ted States Is going to use lta Influence in Is half the game and team work the To Cohsbspohdents—We »h«l! b'a &lad to re­ was Miss Mary A. Smith, daughter of whole game. ceive items of new* snd communications on sub. the creed. The latter is the letter, the favor of either combatant, ' This country acts ol interest so this community. Write only Leonard and Sarah Smith. Ever since the In the first half'the Oreos scored 18 on erne side of tbe sheet. former the spirit. As the church builds, will keep Its hands off In this conflict. day of their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Reed AU communications should be accompanied by so the will stand or fall. As her member­ points and the visitors 4. bat In th

_ congratulations are extended to the gea kerosene lamps would throw out nearly IVStibscrlpUong to tbe jronrn&l wilt as ing Society In the Mikado building. The G. Smith made 1 goal from field for atsoontlnned m expiration tmlssi th* Pab- tlemen of the Asbury Park Board of as much light. name “Narrensltzung” dates back to a the New Yorkers and Boated made 1 goal Matter &aa notice to tha contrary. :oiica Trade and the progressive members of &M data on *4dr»sa label. It tells tbs Msjs period before Martin Lcther’s birth. At from field and 1 on a foul, v •ach papsr Is paid to; All renews la must -tbe Ocean Grove Camp Meeting ‘Associa­ The shooting of Senator Goebel to Ken­ such meetings, held before the Lenten Dr. R. F. Doran was referee and Hicks Mi aeeomponlsS 5»r cash. « tion who have rendered such signal ser­ tucky, Tuesday, ia to be* deplored. The season begins, tbe people would extract and Murphy were umpires. vice to this community in the direction re­ crime, however, would not have been'-’com ­ all tbe enjoyment possible out of the, A YEAR OF ROAD BUILDING. ferred to. mitted bad Goebel nd his revolutionists present life .1 ’ A Warning From One Who Knows. During 1899 a total of one hundred and Now it remains for ?be citizens of this not attempted to set aside th'e Verdict of the The Elntracht members sang comic To thej Editor / the J nun:; at, :— fourteen miles of new and improved road city and our neighbors across tha lake to voters of the Blue Grass state. songs for tbe entertainment of tbelr many 0 I have persistently advised caution in was constructed In New Jersey by state clinch the opportunity and msbe,poea!ble friends and visitors. Messrs. A. E Beck­ the Cuba venture. I bad tbe manage­ aid. This waa nearly thirty miles more the realization of that hope so long de­ Should Ladysmith fall tha British , can er and F. A. Bamman plnyed zither and A Hock of Safety in a Sea of Trouble. ment of two large sugar-plantations near road than was built in any previous year, ferred, which made tbe heart sick, by play a waiting game, advancing only when guitar selections Chess and other games Havana, My salary was a tempting one, " I had a terrible cough soiseihinsc over although the cost per mile was increased heartily endorsing the Joint committee’s Strong enough to be sure of success,. Mr. war© Indulged In by all. Frankfurters a year ago and could find nothing to stop bat four out of six of my predecessors it, or even to do me a particle of good, I . by the advance in prices of material. efforts. Bull requires time, a good deal mpiv, of it and schwpiiser cheese, together with other died within a period of two years, so chanced to see an advertisement of yocrs, Last year the legislature Increased the Read carefully the article on the first than he supposed four -months ago German delicatessen, were served. / aus forthwith bought - bottle of your in- did not think It safe to remain. state donation from $100,000 to $150,000, page referring to this project and act ac­ valuable * Golden Medical Discovery.1 B«. ’ ' 1 am convinced that no northern white fora I Siad taken half a bottle I waa entirely which enabled the state commissioners to cordingly. As an orator Bryan strikes an occasional cLayton not dead. well.” —J. M. Farr, Saq.. of Cameron, man can safely live In tiie Caban climate. respond to more applications for road im­ Let ail put a shoulder to tbe wheel and frost In the enemy’a' country. When he Screven Co., Ga. Humor.Had It Tbat a Well-known Asbury provement than formerly. In addition to like bread cast upon tbe waters an am­ presents himself as s candidate next Nov­ The miasma arising from fresh earth . Parker Had Suicided. ttii$ mileage a number of roads was ple return may be assured before tnaay ember be will run against another glacial thrown upi to the sue: and heat is so Transfers of Real Estate. A sensitional rumor was going tbe rounds powerful that It kills. It is not safe for built In counties independent of state aid. daya. „ XX. .- - - l« epoch. . Fob,thb W e s s Ehdiko Jah. S 7 .1000. ibis great Improvement has largely Wednesday morning tb tbeefiect that Alonso persons from our climate to garden or in SJIAbOW AND SUBSTANCE. * aeEUBT PABK. bejn in certain enterprising counties. In . The'United States selismora than twice Clayton, an engineer in Schqitzler's merry- any way to cultivate the soil, for this Elizabeth P. Frism^stfc to William Fean. Apart from mere felicitation on tbelr as mucb as it buys., Qermtwy b u , $250,- reason. I bave traveled Cuba from one Lot at Aaburf Park, $6,500. others the county boards have refused to go-!ronnd, bad committed suicide, A JouB- Houaton Fields, late Second Nation- success In securing tbe ground desired 000,000 worth & y«*r more than, it sells, and K. '. reporter oiled at the P lu s hotel, part end to the other and unhesitatingly en­ al Bank ot God Bank. 2 lots at Aabnry Park, receive petitions from townships. For $5,000. this reason the township state aid law was for tbe Symphonlon' Manufacturing Com­ England buys twice m much as it sells. of which Mr. Clayton occupies with bis dorse tbe reports that have come from La Sosa Taylor to Warren S, Bnrt. Land at As- Gloria. I can show letters of . thanks bnry Park, $10,000. passed laat Winter, It allows property pany of New.sYore,. U*at this plaut may family, for the purpose of investigating the City ot Aabury Park to Martha W. Campbell. owners to petition the township govern­ set Its ladustrlous wheels in motion In, No hifih-faiutln dcplox - :■ rumor. He was met t the door by Mi\ from Generals Miles and Schofield In 2 lots at Aabury Fark, ? , Tho Sor a s i i does maintain^ wbich they extend tbanss to me for In. Honaton Flo .! 1st,.- ^herSSf. to John.* Havens ments for road Improvements The state our midst, tbe Committee on Manufac­ But when it corner to printing nows Clttyton himself, who waa : full of life as' Jones. Lot at Asbnry Park, 81,685. tures of lbe Asbury £arfe Board of-Trade formation 1 bave given them concerning Jamea A. HradSos' to JaraSa A. Barker. Land Aid in each cases is one-third less and the Itgets there, inst tha.same. his visitor. at Aabaty Park. $1,250. • — rikds"W 'butlt are “rownshlp "roads- and deserves substantial assistance; ——— >—“Heard-yoirwete'deadf01aytoni” "Said^thr dlfferent polnts lnthir Island.- I sincerely ~Josals o Wahl to State Motwai Bnlldlnf and 'i.-in Association. 2 lots at Aabnry Park, must be maintained at the sipotisa of the It is not wise to let matters rest with Buller says he has found the key. to reporter. advise1 all persons to avoid the catch *4.600. township. This new act has not been tbe acquisition of the ground for the fac­ Ladysmitb, This may be true, but “Oqtu” “Thet so? . Who told you ?” penny schemes id connection with Cuba, OCEAK OKOVB “Some of your friends,” Ella ftyoth to Frederiek J. Qovrlett. ,s lots fully understood throughout tbe state, but tory site. Money Is needed. Hand shak­ Paul’wlii see to It that Buller does not get Yours truly, at Ocoan CJroTo, $1 there have been petitions nnder it in five ing tnay be encouraging,*but St does not near the lock. “Well, tell ’em that you saw me and I’m W. W. McChesxev, loha E. Quinn to Martha W. Campbell. 8 not laid out yet,” he jocularly said.” lots nt Ocoan tirori*, $8,600. - , cases in three counties. pay for real estate tbat must be sold-to HEPTOKE TOWKSHXV. accomplish the end sought.. Twenty-fopr The horseless carriage has come to stay. Tbe Death Roll. M. Harvoy BHven to East Jersey CoEst. Water Tbe state is pursuing a policy of con­ Tfts Chinese New Year. Co. l.<,t »t N,,rtli' '=t.,,'-,,,urv' 1200. tinuous highways. These will soon stretch bits are for sale, the revenue of which These modem Vehicles auto be popular The Chinese New Year began immediate MUa Hannah Stout, a sister of Mrs, E, H American I’U Mnnufat:-0,rin^ Conmany to ttnbrokenly from Cape May to Jersey must pay the cost of erecting the factory. in Asbury Park this summer, Eaat Jersey Coast Water Company. Proporty Iy npon tbe striking of the hour of midnight' Sioi®, of Ocean Grove, died in Haddonfieid, City, from Jersey City to Phllllpsburg, Now is the time for the people of Oeorgo R. Lord,'Hilxabeth James. last night, aiid the celebration of the event N. J., recently. The deceased was a sum Lot at West, Asbnry Park, SO,000, aad from the Hudson and Delaware to the Asbury Park, Ocean Grove, Bindley Sanfoi-d fSnvder to Ambrose Beynoids. Lot Easter istithla eight and the spring re­ will continue for one week, according to mer resident of Ocean Grove. seashore, .while from each city will radi­ Beach and Avon to show bow many dpi; at West Bradley Beseh S500, sort movement still sleeping the sleep of Chinese custom. Mrs. Sarah L. Hendrickson died Wednes Sidney M.. linll to Maty E. Lewia. Lot at ate a network of roads, connecting city lars their public splritedbess Is worth.. Bradley Park, $430, the sloggsid! ’ One of the features of this celebration is day night at ber late residence, 1103 Fourth J. Sd^ard Borden to Clarence ¥. Cottrell. with city and hamlet with hamlet This And yet It is far from being i-. bsrlta- t <*t et Weat Gri T225, a general squaring of those China­ avenue. She waa 70 years of age. Death •:ork Is far advanced already. ble investment., It is solid businesi,, Fannie C, Snyder to Loniaa Snyder. Lsmd at “Oom” Panl -would never take a prize men who adhere to the Celestial, traditions. was caused by peritonitis. Rev. Z. Ciark Amu, 1220. > Ae the bicycle gave an enormous stim­ Lots are offered for sale whose value . . fiOSLtK TOWESaiF. in a beauty show, but as a atrftteglst.hff IS An industrious and thrifty race like tbe Marten, pastor of the First Baptist Church, ulus to Improved road building, so also business men of recognized standing aver Elitabetk Ely to Grace £,, ELY Lot at-fidse* a beaut, ... 1 -«'l i .Chinese, who seldom “go; brpka” eT£B at will conduct funeral- services s this af­ will the automobile, when Il ls generally will be increased 60 per,pent, in oci . -Samuel Johnson to Milan Boss et ab Lot at fan tan, can indulge themselves is , thii ternoon it 4' o’doftk at -the house. Inter­ Loch Arbour, SI.O0O. Introduced, help; to defelop tjlj» road sys. year. Kop now enters. >ato rivaSryrr viltbSpion =fe siiniial pecuniary expiation. There is nb ment will be made in the Baptist cemetery, the • statffi 'T/ilfTe the’dpiriion bl; > •- • our Bdtiker Hill as'tije spot where Wmeri WE HOPE “ WE" 6 EtS .IT'. present danger that the heathen observance Freehold, Undertaker Burtis is in charge. AFRAID SHE WOULD FREEZE. " the'road commissioner in bis last annual fell. will ever be adopted into tbe customs of Mrs. Hendrickson leaves eight children. " (Sport. Tha motor vehicle needs smooth, Maxcy Applegate, editor of The There's music in the d r 1 Tbe Sympbq- They are; Samuel C. Hendrickson, Waller Magistrate Borden1 Sfetds K sti Hires To Hud roads for locomotion anti as it will mouth Inquirer, is a candidate fbr th# their adopted land. «' nlon factory is to be bnllt st once. S, Hendrickson, Mss. Charles Brower and . Freehold for SU Montlis. bp used for business transportation ■as well postmastership of Freehold. In !i^ * The Chinese year is also somewhat older than con China was about what we see Miss Laura. Hendrickson, *11 of Asbnry . Chief of Police Smith Wednesday night as . pleasure, there will be as additional week's issue of the Inquirer Mr. Appl gate tells hls readers why be should re.’ The Atlda ' New ilote!, her now at a time when our ancestors were Park, and Mm. Joseph- L. Batcher, wife of sent out & general alarm to bis men to ar- reason for. ail localities to jfissess Im­ former Assemblyman Butcher of Farming* r#st Kate Hites of West Park, So order to celve the coveted political plum. The £p£ Charles A. Atkins 4k Company now savages and fought with wiid beasts for ex­ prove-;! roads. . dale; Charles H. Hendrickson1 af Bmdvelt; save the omani from freezing to tinaib, be­ peal is sc anique, tbe J ocbkal reprints control the Hotel Normandie, Broadway istence in the primeval forests of Europe. It Is a gratifying fact that New Jersey, Andrew S. Hendrickson of MorrisvUle, Ps., It .ln fulls I , ’ and Thirty-elghth street, New York. The It is just as well to remember tbat fact when cause of her predilection for sleeping oat Which originated the gojd roads move: and F. T. Hendrickson of Freehold. Tbe editor of the Monmouth In­ deal conveying the lease and furniture to wc see the placid “John” celebrating the of ftooia, Slate waa found and brought 9 fnti is still in the vats of states in that before Magistrals Borden, who sentenced quirer announces himself as a candidate this firm- has just been completed. Ne- Chinese New Year in bis humbie laundry mgvement. _ :• , .0 ( ‘ ’ " for the position of postmaster of Freehold gotlations had been nnder way for some or shuffling alotag the streei in his prehis­ A “ What Would Jesus W ? ” Daily. her to six months In the county jail on and hopes to, be appointed to the position. tbe charge of being a vagrant. Immsdiately after tbe election of Presi­ time, os tbe people have been Informed Ip toric shoes. One of the meat interesting 'publications ‘‘■'PE JOURNAL'S WEEKLY SERMONETTE. of tbs century will be the, Christian daily to Several days ago Kate was found asleep dent McKinley aoc apon receiving suff the JoDBHAIi. The Anti-Spring Election Bill. ■ ';‘Xw:l 1; ?---t;- ■» o’/ery merchant and business man ia the cities, will probably be introduced, in the ^The church that can lay claim to a plssa and every prominent Republican besides enjoying a liberal patronage At the Detroit Cbristian Endeavor con­ Hie Tribune Almanac.’ pembershlp of such Individuals as tbe aad party-worker in the township, except from all parts of tbe coi ntry has residents legislature next week. The bill will affect tention last year,- In a speech received with The Tribune almanae ,.for 1800 preserves prlsee In tbs text will also claim to be those wiio are candidate:* themseives, and Asbury Park. The phn is intended to be­ of Asbury; Park within its comfortable applause/ M r Sheldon asked, “Who in: this the record , for accuracy, whicb this excellent sp /nodel organization,. The life of this BCi ie who are now candidates. • come operative next November, the terms Much of tbe work snit pb^lasi nature in and did everything to keep up tho.organ­ braldes all the political, finaocbl, and other ization of the party. In the d&rk divv ner man. Charles A. Atkins left today to Nurses Wanted at Memorial Hospital. should be. . . j.,--* r „ “'■ 'I f e i clein',atiif witb statistics of the year just post, ia fpund in when the Prohibition party made sacli take general charge of his now house. Several vacancies will soon occur iu the The Union Gospel News, Cleveland, O , :v!felS& tt^o'ssivo^fifi-oBnteaancs in the the reviews of tbe wars in tbe Transvaal inroads into the Republican ranks He will not be seen at the Ocean hotel training school for nurses at the Mon­ offers the Topeka Capital for the eix issues •anctuary’. 'Thows who mingled with him the editor of the Inquirer stood up for and the Philippines,-tbe peace treaty, the Until next summer. mouth Memorial hospital. The hospital odiied by Mr. 8heldon, and the Union Gos­ iaust b® as | he was, otherwise they would the party and worked faithfully fer sue army beef scandal she Hatnoan roubles, cess. At last tbo Republicans were suc­ The members of the firm are Charles for furnishing a thorough education for a pel Nejvs, three montlis, 18 issues, for' 40 pollute his Immaculately religious exte­ the Alasksn boundary 'matter, the Venezue­ cessful and thesi there were accessions A. Atkins, Charles L- Heverln and Alfred trained, nurse Is equaled by few. Young cents, a few more cents than the price of rior, He defrauded no one. He had tbe which has made It a strong party, r. tbe Topeka Capita!, which will be 25 cents lan arbitration, the Mazet Committee inves­ C. Atkins. Mr. Heverln la a brother-in- ladies desiring to avail themselves of this fai(pr of tbs priesthood. HJp donations In lbe. Dr- Patterson Qght we were ar­ and during the three months you get the tigation in New York city, and ether histo­ law of the Messrs. Atkins. rare opportunity may address for particu­ were up to the then regarded Scrip- rested for telling the truth and saving the Union Gospel News. It will coutato Shel­ rical matters Not the least of the alman­ county tbnusands of dollars and the cost lars Miss Herrles, tbe supervising nurse, tijire mark. What more could be expect­ don’s most tragic story,‘“The Crucifixion of ac’s attractions, by tho way, ia the picture, of defending the ;ame was met by tbe Suit Over a Plumbing Contract. or any member of tbe attending medical ed of a member of the church f Verily, editor. For the election of Senators John Philip Strong,” to be handsomely illustrated on the front cover, of the beautiful Itewey . A suit brought by John Leonard, a or surgical staff. such a mania a pillar In tbe fashionable 8. Applegate, Henry M. Nevius, Gover­ for the first time by original photographs. arch, Among the lists of names will be nors Griggs and Voorhees. Congressman plumber, against Myra Osborne, wife of church of today. Change In tha Third Regiment. In remitting ask for coupons, by which found those of the executive officers of the 1 - But bow empty tbe honor 1 Kean and Howell and the presidential John Osborne of Belmar, to recover the tickets in every campaign we contributed Colonel J. A, Shinn, of the Third Regi­ you can get your 40 cents acl several United States and the state governments (a V Where was'this Pharisee's righteous sum of $104, balance dne on a contract for liberally and did not cest® to work for tbe ment, Natiobal Guard of New Jei'sey, has times over. Remit to the Union Gospel valuable; and much commended feature); ness? Not in bis hesrt, bnt -In bis band. sandld&ias until the votes were counted. plumbing, was.- tried last week before Jus­ antio.unced the Appointment of Qaarter- News Company, 142.8eiteca street, Cleve­ congress; consuls and American ministers; He was the »ar?opbpg€s'ot -a dead relig­ Both in success and defeat we have been tice Borden abd a jury of twelve men called master George 8 , WestaB adjutant pf the land, O. . foreign mipikers In the United plates; ion.. His soulI was a void. His life waa a libbral' liupportere f t Republican princi­ by the defendant The verdict was in ples and candidates. regiment, to succeed Colonel Magrath, superintendents of publio-lnstnlptipn s U. 8, deser£tflthont'single osfsis at which he favor of the plaintiff for the full amount. long. Branch Cottssa Burned. To be sure the father of tbe editor of who has been appointed brigade adjutant fudges and district sttoraeys; presidents of ktilgljt rest and commune with . God In the Inquirer held the ppsltloa of post­ “The trial continued three hours. The The , Newberry Havens cottage - in 011 General Cooper’s staff. , colleges;' beids «f gatriotlc'slietetles, etc. thankfulness for the bleB«lngs of the master xsme .twenty years ago, but einc-' dispute centered around tbs size of the Ocean Avenue, North Long Branch, his death we have striven to the best of inner Ufa. He Is today monument to bath tub, the character of work aud qual­ , Dr. Taylor t# So to South America.' which ba^ been standing./vacant for -the ’ V Peaslcs.ris for Mcnmtidtii CHlfeiii.*: ’ our ability to work for tbe, party Since ity of materials The plaintiff claimed cant and hypocricy, twfo'virtues of a then we bave been secretaiy of the Mots- Dr. Harry N. Taylor of .Qceas past tetf days, wss destroyed bj- Gre Wed- Jfbe commieaioner of pension? has issaiJ the work was first-class In every respect; Qr,oit> man-made religion. The church that con­ mouth County Republican Committee,! will leave for South America Saturday Easday rnorhlb^! ’ I t ’ is believed the same 'ddrlng tbo present month pensions to citi- the dofendant swore a nuaber of wit­ tains tuch men: as he,in lta fold Is wel­ member of the executive committee of firebugs who if t the Graham."cottage dn *ens of Mohindutb county as fdlIo%-s: ’ : ' Monmouth of tbe state league, secretary nesses to the contrary. willi-a p&rty of surveyor?, who are goi.g come to-ainfie "honor it t&fc to Itieif. flee at Seabr^^lji aboutr ft week ngo are.tho Peter Sforrlsori, ‘ Atsburf Park, -ilriciftsgee of tbe Monmouth County’ Republican Charles E. Cook appeared. for Mrs. Os­ thither in tbe interest of the government. Christ, the meek and lowly, wii| not bssve League, president and secretary of the peisons Who burned ^ha , Havens cottage; fixjm f 6. i> f 8 pet montii;-John p. Elliott. borne and, Samuel A. Patterson for Leon- Dr. Taylor will act as surgeon.5 He is ihat honor, will not know such religion, Freehold Republican Club and ofteu'a one of six who bave received cotamissiohs The loss is about 52,000, partjaiiy . ln- Kcd Bank, SI3.a(month;-Johti ,D. ;Mesktl!» V the eonvaotionB.-'- We are of ard, . ' s ' ’ . , ■ will not accept sacfi deeds, for tife right- —; - ---- ...... to Attend as many parties. Dr. Taylor ia a BUted.: ; ,. f ICeyport, lucremt! fioid $0 id fa^.antontji; Sousness of: the law Is- away in the the opinion we are entitled to ths office by reason of our long service for the party. Want Tbelr Pastor Back. son 0/ Johnson Taylor of Oceap Orbve. William, ji.:. .TMlor, oEatcntowB, .1 $10 . r perfect righteousness of Christ, whose In the Sick Chamber, The postoffice Is now located In front of The official board of St. Paul’s M. £. montb; Thomas fir Fallon, Freehold, |I 7 p law is love., tbs printing ofilce In tiie same building Freeholder Wortmon’s famous Bow-Wow. “Peacemaker” P£vld5$. Wyckoif shows Church, . Occaa Grove, will meet, this !inbnth ■■ -•[ *.~.' i.,• The Pharisee’s condemnation lies not in and we think we could attend to both bar j. Edward Wortman otv-rio a little black no signs o f' improvement, .. waa said duties as postmaster and editor success­ afternoon Araossg tbe mattess to be -dis­ Basket Ball a t the Merry-oo-’Round.. the fact that he could refrain from commit­ dog. which, ha says, was on board tlie today his pulse is becoming gradually fully, or If we did not think so, we would cusses! Is' that of tbe retain of the present ting tfw-j fe>? nseniieea or In .doing, Olympia, Dewey’s flagship, In Manila .bay, weaker.. ; . • a;Vi: ■ Not many persons saw tbe.Asbnryi’ark not-be a candidate for postmaster. Be- ptistej Rpv! Joseph G. Reed, ftip 'another tbe gbild, he 'did, bat in tbe state of heart lleving-it Is only fair. to. ourselves to when the admlral'a famouR battle*was Uflah Whlte lf convalescing, ewi la Athletic Club defea^ Oampany H Wednes- year, by the New Jersey Annual Confer, hs to opt make these statements public, although foflgbt-;,., v ‘-± .7 ^spebtefi i i - bs out -In ® 1 few days!« iJr.,: d a y ^ !^ .|n.a fasket,ball jgame^ln. the tbe-appointing,pftwer Jssfts with, a :?j5y: ence. It is eaM'uitr' conferencef ^rfll tt« ' 'Hwrnld B. iy re i; whbbss'Sewserldfls; as other m en' are 'oriffi^ tbe publlcan wbo' faw, with coMoence wa rest our case In Wortmar* k lJs the pnp ‘'G«5?ge,’i/Ul?g: 'w sfcjrc-**# ■ SWfipW askeci to extend the time of Mr. 'rfded's psa- l'ng tbat “ D^woy" baE become profaned ly tii for' thd ‘-pitit’ UfadE/a.MJ-sort'S^li&t keep the score down. Tha stood afar off. tbe hands of thos: who are In temporary torate. ■ \ • The publican is the type of •> humlla charge of tbs destinies of the party. ' byoommon nspge. Atbletlo Olnb, 28 j Compsny H, 8. “ * ■T ■{. ■K VJii’Kttaeirr^&iPSV ,-*■<*;. "■I •"' " <*

'Z3KT~ fe b RUARY 2, . XQOO. BEHIND THE WICKET. l$E. OF THE M0DERIT MEANING OF GDW. la r * | ? ? W f the Doings of ttffe VarMua Secret Orders n < W ord I* More Often Applied to and MONMOUT.H REPUBLICAN. W Asbury Park and Vicinity. the.G reat Eaglnea Some Points Tbat Are Observed by o t D e a t h , Eleven new members were initiated Tues­ I'BiDAT, FEBRUARY 3, 1000. the Cowboys. day, night by Teeumseh Tribe, No. fiO^Im- '•The evolution of the word ‘gun’ ptoved Ordertof Red Men. f forms an Interesting study in up-to- Asbury Part Lodge; I. O. O. F., was tlie Different Method* ot Itmerleaa ana •date etymology," vremarked one of a W hkks. Months. recipient laBt week of. a beantiful ebony Ucylean Berd*ineii—;An India* party of newspaper men, says the New 1-1 2 1 8 1 | a | 8 I 8 |1 2 and silver mounted gavclj suitably Inscribed, • ^enidMe In tu*—~ Orleans Times-Democrat, “A dozen or iT'uT 59 75 $100 >125 75 $350 I400 1600 fltoek.Baaloeai.' so years ago we all understood gun to 75 135 150 175 i 35 400 6 00 IOOO from Atlantic Encampment, No. 22. PaBt I oo 150 a 00 *75 435 350 800 1400 Grand Richard Wilson made the presenta­ mean a fowling piece—a shotgun as dis­ *: 1*5 300 350 350 550 700 1000 2800 A lasso Is about 40 feet long — sel­ tinguished from a rifle or a musket. » :: £75 a 75 ISO *50 7 OO 900 1300 35 0° tion speech, and Past Grand Wesley B. * .! **5 350 450 b 00 woo 30 00 35 po dom escedlng 60 feet—and out of that Heavy and light ordnance, in fact all 3bo 5 5t> « n OO1800 3000 5000 Stout accepted the gavel on < behalf of As­ must be deducted the amount taken In pieces of artillery, without regard to i, •' 550 i85056 11 SO 1500 25 00 3560 53 00 8500 bury Park Lodge, » col. toy 1700 3300 3000 45 00 6500 90 00 15000 making tbe noose and the part which la size, were known ns cannon. That, of The spinning sociable of the Atlantic retained in the hand. Thus It Is seen course, was where people made an ef­ Local Notices.—A limited number of local no­ Rebekah Degree, I. Or 0. F., held Tuesday that the average oast Is about ,2S or SO fort to speak English. Out in the tices will be admitted at tbe rate of fifteen cents per line. They will be placed at the bottom ot night in the Manning building, was a suc­ feet, and the roper who can throw any­ frontier the word gun was applied ex­ he'loca] columns only, and must hare "Adv." ot where near 60 feet with accuracy Is a clusively to pistols. v I he end. When continued four weeks or longer, cessful event. The entertainment furnished 1041 a discount of as per cent. Is allowed. by tbe ladles was highly appreciated. The rarity. In California they sometimes , “Nowadays the nomenclature has use a rope as long as feet, but there Eintracht Singing Society sang two num­ 66 curiously changed. By degrees the L egal NoticbS.—T h i J ournal Is a legal they seem to bave a habit of throwing good old word gun has become monop­ How Much of Your Income newspaper, and as such Is the proper medium for bers on the program. Messrs. Becker and all legal notices. Some advertlscraenta’belong to an enormously long loop—much Inrger olized by. the long, slim, murderous ma­ are. you willing to set aside every year for the future os bylaw, yrfnite with many others It Is optional Bamman played a zither’and guitar duet. than Is really necessary, in actual chines that constitute our modern ar­ with the party interested as to what paper shall Ten little girls song a chorus, which was work, however, it will be found that a of your family ? The amount; large or small, can be publish tnem. tillery. We speak of qulck-flre guns, encored. - man's hand la not largo enough to eight-inch, ten-inch, twelve-inch guns, invested in no better way to effect this purpose thani Franklin CouHctl^Jiinlor Order of United properly hold much liioro than 40 feet and the word seems singularly apropos. through Life Insurance in^he Prudential. of rope when colled ready to throw. They are not cannon. ‘Cannon’ Imme­ TOWH AND COBHTRY. American Mechanics, pf Plalcfleld, has cut WHITE FOR PABTIUULAES. off sick benefityfrom members except where ' The lasso Is a creation of a certain en­ diately suggests the big, lumbering, vironment and need, lta placo is on It will pay in’the JouBNAi. the sickness covers a period of two weeks or black-throated, smooth-bores of the the broad prairies and grazlng-lands, An additional stoiy is being added to more. Heretofore the council has. been past. The word conjures up all sorts of and its chief utility Ilea in the stock curious antique pictures — swabbers ■ s t i THE PRUDEnilflL r z r 6 the Queen hotel, Ocean Grove. paying benefits from the first diy of a mem­ business. It is almost useless in a naked to the waist, motionless men JOHN P. 0KVDEN, Prealdent. LESLIE D. WARD, Vice-Prea. E. P. Benjamin and O. E. Eskew of Al- ber’s illness, whether he was sick a week or wooded country by reason of the ob­ folding - lighted' matches, frigates EDGAB B. WABD, 2d Vice-Prea. and Counsel, FOBBEST F, DRYPEN, Secretary. lenhurst have built new ice yachts for use less, snd it is claimed that some of the structions afforded by the branches lashed together, and firing into each 1 *N. B. GRAY, Asa’t Superintendent, on Beal lake. members have been abusing their privileges. nnd bushes. The finest lassos are of other’s porta, Bepoys bound' to the . Boom IB, Appleby BnUding, 4 ASBUBY PABK, N. J. Mrs. Alice 8udam of Chtnbnry is visiting _ The New Jersey Grand Lodge of Masons rawhide, cut Into thin strips, and braid­ muzzle, neat geometric pyramids of tt______1______X her sister, Mrs. David Thurston of Fourth at its session recently elected these officers ed, six-ply, fnto a rope of from three- round shot in neat geometric forts, the avenue. • elgbthfl to oiie-half Inch in diameter. charge of the Light Brigade, and lots of Master, Joseph E. Moore, Jersey City; dep­ They are. qnite expensive, a good 140- Joseph Iiolan of Kew York haa leased uty master, W. Holt Apgar, Trenton; senior other things too numerous to men­ Theodore B. Beringer’s house at Sewall foot rope costing about $7. On this ac­ tion.” ______, avenue and Bond street. warden, John A. Wilkins, Newark; junior count, of late years, hard-twisted grass Shirt Waists Key. J, G, Reed, pastor of St. Paul’s M. warden, Benjamin F. Wakefield, Jersey tope is used; biit tbe rawhide rope Is MANY DIFFERENT C0CKTAIL3. E. Church, Ocean Grove, returned last City; secretary, Thomas H. B. Red way, tbe best in a wind, as ft is heavier, and week from a trip to Florida. Trenton; deputy secretary, W. D. Rutan, when filled with oil It is not affected by The IIartender Bare There Is Ho U n ­ Newark, and treasurer, Charles Bechtel, wet -weather. A braided rope, also, has it to the- Varieties That. 5hirt Waists r George B. Wendling will deliver bis leo- Can Be Made. .ture “Saul of Tarsus" in ' the Flr*t Presby­ Trenton. The officers were installed less tendency to kink than a twisted terian Church, February 10. rope. Cowboys have A mixture of lard later. ______" _ ’______and beeswax with which they dress “How many kinds of cocktails are Secretary Burnham reports that contri­ INCENDIARY TIRE AT SUBRIGHT. their hemp or linen ropes, to keep oat there, do you suppose?" said the bar­ 5hirt Waists butions to the Ocean Grove auditorium the dampness, and also to prevent them tender. One man said six, another ten, organ fund ace being constantly received. wblle on Englishman hazarded a thou­ Villa Formerly Owned by the Late Senator from getting too dry. The most cele­ Captain Lewis Rainear of Ocean Grove brated of the genuine “riotas” are sand, but no one paid any attention to has announced himself as a Republican McPherson. Destroyed. made In Chicago, which produces an him. Finally they all gave it up, and candidate for freeholder in Neptune town­ The summer cottage owned by John P. article much superior to the rougher the bartender had the chance he had ship. v ( ■ Duncanvln Ocean avenue, Seabrlght, was otei tu n ed ont in Mexico. • ;/ >; '; been waiting for, says the New York SALE Saturday’s Mail sod Express’ prinfid an totally destroyed by Are last week. The There are three general methods bf Sun. —acellenl picture of Freeholder Wortmsn’s- jflre„Js ,believed to have been of Incendi­ throwing; with many minor variations’ How many, then ?" they asked. -i: in Shirt Waists and Ladles’ Tailor flade ice yacht The picture was taken- by Ray­ of Individual habit. The rope is held lfr “I don’t know,” said the bartender.' mond Pawley. ary origin. “I have only been In the business ten Policeman Brown of, tbe Seabrlght po- practically the same way in every case. Suits for the next Ten Days at Mrs. Grace Welser Davis, leadtr1 ofthe First is the plain, stralght,caat, noose years, but- there are very many. Bome Children's Bummer Services in Ocean Grove lice force, discovered fire coming from swinging around above the head from years ago when I was in ’Frisco, a man will erect a cottage in Park Place avenue, under the wooden casements, and before right to left, by a rotating movement. told men I couldn’t make one dozen Bradley Beach. a general alarm could be sounded the Some “ropers” throw a small loop, hard different cocktails. I told him I could A school building, whose cost it not to house was enveloped In flames, which, and fast, almost on a level; others, a make four times as many. Finally we Cook’s Bee Hive exceed $12,000, is to be erected in Deal. fanned by a strong north wind, threatened larger, lazier kind, which nevertheless made a bet. He used to come in every The structure will be o ’ brick and is to to destroy several of the cottages Close by. “arrives.” For myself, I rather favor morning, and I guaranteed that I riain St. and Cookman Ave. contain 4 rooms. would make him a different cocktail By hard work on the part of the firemen the small loop thrown bard, as it seems The proposed railroad from 8ea Side Park every morning for 40 days. If I failed I tbe flames were confined to the Dancan the best all-around style, most.effective to Barnegat City ia still being discussed, ngainst the wind or other adverse con­ wns to foot the bill, otherwise he waB to and it is again reported that the road will cottage. • f ditions,, ■ V V. pay. I got through all right. For 40; be built this year. The Duncan.villa was formerly owned The aim is somewhat to the right of days. I- made a different cocktail for Mra. A. B. Vaughn has returned to Ocean by th e1 lat« 8^paior John R- McPherson the object to he roped—say a foot and a him every morning, and flnully I threw THE LATEST NEW S Grove, where she will orcupy the Mansion of New Jersey, and cost {30,000. It waa half on a 25-foot throw, the exact In- In eight more just as a flourish. , J , House, 77 Embury avenue, as successor to purchased by Mr. - Duncan and he occu­ s ta n t‘'p t release being governed by “There was not, of course, much dif­ I Mrs. Philips, who is in Cuba. ; . , FROM pied it during the sntpmer season, weight of rope, wind, velocity of swing, ference between them,but quite enough The small metal spire on the southwest etc. Judgement comes instinctively for an experienced man to be able to tower of thp Ocean Grove auditorium was OLD MEXICO. with practice. The rest of the rope Is distinguish them, and /so I won. The bent to an. anile of 60 dfcgrees Wednesday .* « V " 1. m •"* held colled in the other hand and re­ tru th is thfere 1s no limit to the varieties night by the loroe of the, wind., A Ttveoty-three Days’, Tour via. Ihe Peso- leased as fast as desired, two or three of cocktail, and I should not be sur­ . Five new members ha?e Ken added to 'collsbelng retained. prised to see oa experienced man reach J. J. PARKER’S -‘M sylvsala Railroad, .n . 1 - the Washington Fire Company,, of Ocean To “snub” the rope (wind it about the hundred mark." f _. Best values, smallest living profits, continually - The Pennsylvania Railroad Company has , Grove. rh ei cotuimuy !lu&? (received a ■the pommel after casting) In the lo- creating agreeable surprised, has fliade this ? : ..i '^quantity of new helmets and belli arranged for a special pereonally-eonducted stand of time allowed is a trick quite as FOR SWELLS ONLY. tour through Old Mexico by special Pull­ difficult os throwing properly. ■ The ... The scholars and teacher* o fth e Ocean Riff. Are Sot AUovrefl In Hyde Pmrk« Grove high school will give “The Country man train of parlor-smokingi dinirig,'Bleep; Mexicans, with tbelr large-dlnmeter School," a farce, February 26, for the bene­ pommels, bave to take only ope tnrqi London, They Are iog, compartment, and observoliou cars, to In Livery. J fit of the high school libWryfand. -?n i leave New York and'Philadelphla February the American pommels, ijellng smaller, THE STORE WHERE THE PEOPLE BUY. , Ths ice yacht.raoe over a ten-mile course, 12, visiting all the principal points of in­ require two. The pommel often Americans visiting London for the ‘'I>etwe«n Asbury, Park. and Allenhurst, took smokes from the friction created, and terest jinqthe,“Laud ofi Moojczuma,” and first time are more»*han likely to htall Foj your breakfast eat cakes made from our i place Thursday afternoon ori' Deal lake' and is frequently deeply grooved nnd al­ a , hansom, the day they arrive and ^was won by J. E.Wortman’a “ MnyandDell.”, sending five largely about Hyde Pqrlt, and naturally The second method of throwing .Is assisted Prosecutor Heisley at Freehold in Broad Btreet, Nowark, N. J.; B. Conrlaen- enough tourlato regard It as a good Also haye'a cup of our delicious'Coffee. We would recommeti^ our' " y the trial of Genaro Gemino, who killed 'ixdctlytho reverse. l. e., the, noose Is starting place from which to study Domenico Bertone in "West Park, on New der, Jr., passenger agent, Baltimore district, svrung from the left to th erig h t aboife Baltimore, Md.; Coiin Slndds, passenger British mariners and peoples. Imagine-, 1 - • • Princess Coffee at 25c. Ib. i ■ *■'- Year’s d a y , ...... _ the head before the release. This ,1s then, the Indignation and the disgust oi ’ * \ -• * ■ f. >-T <; -.1 ‘ r ■?*; V. ■ I it- agent,’southeastern district, Washington, !). Painter Matiiias T. Applogato has com­ called the "CaUfornja throw.” and pob- a pair' of pretty glrlB, accustomed t ■‘■•".j .. .7 . . ' i ■'»rt cj\- slbly gives a greater range. At any pleted a contract to paint, the residence, of 0.;-Thos. E. Watt, passenger agent, Wc,8lern' traverse home drives in aiiy fashion * ■' kBut-rciheiiijbcrwe-haye*' ' 1 ^ ’ x -% ’i »*'••< -* Randolph Ross, at FouHh avenue and Main djsfric#, Pittsburg, Pa.; or addressee*, ,rate, one or two o fthe longest throwcf-a thby like, to be warned back from Hyde street, and John W.' Mftrtih’s House in Boyd, assistant general’ passenger' agent, I know use it, and>I Snd itSo - myself. Park entrance by a six-foot arm of the Good, Pore Coffee at 15c. lb ., avenue.. ^ r . N ; It may be only o personal result. Any law.. No tips, no remonstrances, nq Philadelphia., f. • r '-? good “roper" can throw either way. Coudutiors .ThOrjta srid HcanleyJofr the. pWnding hub the'S lightest effect ti{)bii • { ■ t ave ca ‘few' faote'Tft l b ;•* New York and Long Branch division of »fTiie third'cast is the "corral drag,'’ stern' "bobby," who simply orderB eftb: the Pennsylvania Railroad’ Gotnpdny, hnvo r •. •• THE MIRROR. 1: wblcb, aa it; name indicates, is for use by to deport, and tell his'fares to get 3 Fine Fat Mackerel for Only 7c.-.; . t. been transrerred to runs botween New York afoot, and In confined quarters. *lt as.tnore correct equipage if they desire and Atlantic City. Reflections of the Movements of Prom)- consists |p ,trailing.oul'the Iqo’p on the ttTtake part In the Row .parade. It i» ' 1 Councilman John Thomson of Avon has ... ^ ?e ^ ?r,l^ . ground behind ope arid snapping It for­ livery or nothing, and if the visitor coni- IlaVe yoii tried the Salad Dressing which we put, oj).sale last week. It is rea^y deli­ , been elected firet vico-proiident nnd general ward by an underhand motion. I cious ; fine to use with cold meals, etc. Don’t miss this bargain. It will soon be gone. -■ Rev. T. Snowden Tliomas of Philadelphia ti'nues to long for a glimpse of the Hyde manager of theSquan River and Barnegat The lasso's, greatest effectiveness os P ark nhow, she must have boots and Railroad Company. George Potts is presi­ is in Ocain’ Grove, where, he 'wlU r^taain a weapon is when the wielder is mount­ A Large Bottle of Cream Salad Dressing for 5c. dent of this trunk line. breeches to drive her, thereby having this week. ed. When tioth adversaries are afoot at least the semblance of a private es­ •;»>; 1 .' Notmore than two bottles to acnetombr. Councilman Treat and Wilbur expressed Mrs! M. Groves Hammond of Bergh ave­ Its value Is very slight. With cattleor tablishment. No admittance is the themselves at laBt week’s se-sioo of the nue, is spending the winter In Pasadena,; horses it is an entirely different thingi standing exile for the ostensible cab. City Fathers of being In favor of making an Cal., with her daughter, Mrs, William A.. The whole essence of the matter Is to •Best Family Flour, 49c per Sack. appropriation for the ornamentation of the ButterWorth, who resides there. ; ! tighten the noose around nn opponent WARRING IN THE CHOIR. public parks Of this city. witb a Jerk sufBelent to dismount him Condensed Milk, 8c can ^__' • A large fish pound is tq -bo built next or- take him off his feet. To that end Inn -Maolnren smym Chorister* daai» Light ;C Sugar, 4c lb. Only 5 lbs to a cus­ tomer. i Good Salmon, 10c can month by Isaao A. Leo in frpnt of his Dentists to Meet at Freehold. yon may ride past him,swiftly, or, if rel Almost as Readily as Best Green Peas, 6.qts for 26c roperty at High Point, below Barnegat Light Pork, by piece. 5)£c lb The New Jersey Dental Society will pursuing him, stop your horse sudden­ Irish Patriots. 4 lbs California Prunes for 25o • i Table Pears, 10c can. Eity. ft will cost about 512,000, and will ly. Or^ if he Is stationary, nnd you can- meet at Freehold on Baturday. At night ;a- Anderson’s Prepared Mince Meat, 7o pkge. Beat California Apricots, 2 cans for 25oy ' . be the only ono along that piece of coast. ~ npt ride past hiin, you can wheel your Rumors reach one’s' ears that the Good Early June Peas, 7c can Popular ‘-Dave” Tice is oncomore punch- banquet will be given to the members of, horse and retire after a successful cast. power of quarreling, within certain thelocidtyat the home of the president, In lassoing a man, if done ' skillfully, church choirs can oniy be exceeded by Dr. William E. Truax. tbe instant of time la ,too brief for him the high spirit of a body of Irish pa­ Sweet, Tender, Creamy Coi*n, at 7c. Can. . , a t i ! ' 1 i ': either to throw off the tightenlngnoose — ------triots, and thtft there Is almost nothing -New York division for several months. or cut it, r A»d it Ib one of the most de­ so trivial-and invisible but that it will lOc. Can Cold Packed Tomatoeti for 8c. A club hai'dicap Watch will be phWetf Cro&ble's Bargains ceptive things' to attem pt to dodge'.-;-, aet’a choir by the ears, writes Ian on ths links of the Deal Golf Club on Lin­ can’t be duplicated by any other store.. In Denver Republican...... Maclaren, in Ladies’ Home Journal., It coln’s birthday, Monday, February 12, be­ fnrnltore, cjupeta, matting, kitchen stoves may be the place in the stall, or the ginning at 10 o’clock a. m. In addition to ' • oil or gasoline), lawn mowers, gar- A piicernlDe Youth, , singing of U particular,part, or a correc­ the handicap prize, another will be given Special for SATURDAY; den hostf and hundredsbuhdreds of other necoaearynecoseary The recently tion: of tbb' choirmaster, or a word,of for the best gross score,'- , ; Articles, prices are,lower lhan the lowest. made a beantiful shade for the piano Oomef.and talk w’iBi usi j approval tp another chorister, or a re­ M„M.,CnosBra,,B08 Main et—Ady, lamp fromitviilnk, evening dress nnd m ark dropped by one. bf the choir—so trimmed 10 w th Joses from her laqt tetider are the feelings of a chorister— 20 FINE, LARCE ECCS, 25c. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that summer’s hat. That evening « young W A N T 1U ). I Anything, or for tbat matter, nothing, . ■f Contain Mercury, ■< r man called oiijhejr.Sa^d^ low-toned, will hurt. He will sulk, or.make un­ Poetical tinner, undoratandlnsr nil branohpa BEST CALIFORNIA HAMS, 7c Ib. ■ aa mercury will sorely destroy,,tiie sensed o f tho trado. ^ Adaxoafl „ ^D&NIBB.&BUOK* muslo thcy"cliatted.‘' ' ‘v j pleasant remarks, or, resign, .or drive of smell ttnd completely derange the whole B*0 FtooUold, N. J . “How do you ,Uka opr% new lamp. some, other persons out, and then on, system when entering It through the mu­ sbade7” she !^nyr|ly. 1 , | > some grea^ occasion all-the members of Obr'guarantes goeSVith alljiales. Satisfaction or yoar'money baclfc' cous surfaces. Such articles should never He studied it for a moment. “The, tbei choir will .resign ond take them­ "1 Our specials1 aife'sdld for ctsb bnly^antl jWH toot be charged at prim. ■ 1' V ‘ . -ho used oxcupt.on prescription from rcpu- ..EQR.SIULE...| last tli^ejj ; s»w> it,7 , be-.replied, "I selves , so .seriously tha t the. event will tRble physlclauB, as the damage they will A cottnno w ith abont two aoroa of land, Ijoati- was dancing S vrith, it."'— Collleris do Is tenfold to IN good ypn can. possibly tlfnlly located a railo south ot Eatontown, adja­ be .considered equal in interest tp a. derive from Hall's qatafrta! cent to tho L orillard j '5,hi>|hftti,ijfilha peara , and Officer, Mnrpby-r-Did ye*, meet anny Rtlmulus to the artistic temperament. 604;! 606i 608 Cookman A y e a n e ^ i ^ I " . 1 Internally, afctlug. dlroctU- npon the bit nnifices in fall bearing; promfaoa in Rood repair, But. there are some who do not enter rosfeosfllon giYon on coxnpllanco w ith torma* i suspicions charakthers on' your bate : ^jCprv’Lj&ei Avenue and Main St, ' and mucous1 euffaces or tliB Gyetom. Ini • > O H A a l> f 'iZ ' and made ln^^sdii. Olllo, by ,F. J . Olje- Toundiman. .Susw lio’ e most suk- Australia’s, gold production fn the ney & Co. Testlmb^Ms free. 1 - ! piolpus oiiliji.dtlcle on' the foorcal4-' last half century bjtB amourited tojibn- F|U w Jtaa“ «,^ '° 00 " Sbld1 by dVfi^sti. prlwi 78c. per bottled P u e k r .^ - .H •Iderably.morebly\tn than £ 406,000,000.'' Hall’s Family Pills ace (be best. * 8, C. COWAET, Freehold, N. J. ! FOR THE HOUSEKEEPER. MISCELLAM'BOUS ITEMS. WAS DOING SO AND SO. professional. . W H *»»»*< t M lan Tilulili Doantlo Sonu1lo8 to 12 a. m, i 2 to 8; 0. to 9 p. m. tires were derived from Solomon’s seal, - Telephone No. 5. ■ - x ■' " Frank ia a boy o f lesB thnp five years, ; ’i > — - ANI° r — .v s ‘: .4' ’$ . : j TJcWeachtfl canton flannel m ake, upon which tbey can ba traced with ft A. S, BURTON, D.D.8. I. a . BUBTON, 1>.D.9. 2 0 0 good di«h.cloth*. little core. sturdy, roun^-headed and thick in the gUBTON BBOTHER8,, j It It well to keep lamp* about two. During the year ended December 1, calves. He is always restless and ever .(V hungry. For one so young be com­ DBNXI8T8. Tri-Weekly Tribune ) per Year tblrd> full of olL 1S99, the main Chicago public library .020, Cookman ATenue, Asbury Park. ] Lamp* are not to detrimental to distributed 810.210 volumes, while th.e mands an amount of language, correct­ Baudoninq Bnildlng, 8, W.,Cor. Broadway and ly pronounced, that is remarkable. 28th Street, New York boUie plant* aa go*. \ *. . 60 substations gave, put -1,187,839, He 4a a busy boy, with many queer" Now York offlce closed from May until October. i A yeiy hot Iron ahould neTer b » n«ed Tbe popularity of golf in-England Ib ’for flannel* or woolen*. schemes running through bis head. TjB. GKO. P. WILBUB. proving a godsend to the farmers and -L/ Pbyefoian andSargeon, ' ‘ , The great majority of small fresh But he shines when playing a knife and landholders In the near vicinity of tlie fork, for here is he truly great, saj-B the S.W. cor. Grand and Asbnry ave s., Asbni^y Park. *eed fruits are laxative. larger towns. In many cases fabulous Calicoes, ginghams and chintzes Chicago Chronicle. QEAN THOMPSON, ? NEW YORK TRI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE prices hove bfeen pjild for club grounds, ’ It was at a family reunion that he khonld be Ironed on the wrong side. Many Yankee farmers in Connecti­ STENOGBAPKER AND TYPEWRITER. was asked and replied to a question of Office,10G8 Mein,Street, Asbnry Park* N. J.'' MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY. Practically o DAILY, and the CHEAHlSI KNOWN. 1 Apple* supply the highest nerve and cut were swindled recently by a sharp­ jnnscle food, but do not give Btay. a personal nature. His retort silenced Bosidence, 8£ 8. Slain Street, OceettGtwe, N. J. er who secured advance payments on a hiB inquisitive and would-be jocular ■ , Flannel ehoald be .Ironed os little aii corn Bheller which proved on delivery A new ahd remarkably attractive publication, profusely illustrated possible with a moderately hot iron. uncle, while the remainder of the fam­ G,\T-LAW, to be 'tlie ironshod board,-made and ily—Frank excepted—roared ■' with Master in Chancery. Sttpretne Conrt Exaoiinpr. with'portraits and lialf-tones ; contains all the striking news features of : f Tho cost of maintaining a lamp,!*' .v PracttcoinU.S.Coarte. used by farmers years ago. • laughter. The party was too big to one-eighth that of any other lumlnant, Booms 10 and 11, Monmonth Building. the, Daily Tribune. Special War Despatches, Domestic and Foreign According to the annual report of have all seated at the extension table, A lamp chimney should be as large J . H A W K IN S. . • FBAlSfK DURAND, the Now York state board of charities so the children—four in number— V. Correspondence, Short Stories, Humorous Illustrations, Industrial Infor­ to diameter ai the brackets will per* ■gAWKINS & DURAND, "there Is a greater demand for girl were placed at a, smaller table, where mation, Fashion. Notes, Agricultural Matters carefully treated, and Com­ 'sdolt. COUHSELOBB-AT'LAW, ' ‘ . babies for adoption than,can be sup­ they were able to do as much damage • 1, Oranges are refreshing and feeding, OiDces—Asbnry Park and Ocean Grove Bank prehensive arid Reliable Financial'and Market Reports. ' Itis mailed at plied. Nearly 400 families applied for as could have happened had they been Building, Main St, and Mattison Av.Aabtiry Park. trot are not good If the liver ls out o^ homeless children In tho last 12 with their elders. same hour as the daily edition, reaches a large proportion of subscribers 'order. ,'v - months. Frank was served badly, for he has on date of issue, and each edition is a thoroughly, up-fo-date daily family : ■ Clothesline* are made mnch more j Doth ln British Columbia and fn a fine appetite, and is not bothered with durably by boiling for ten minutes be^ newspaper for busy people. Regular subscription.price, $ 1 .5 0 per year. . Washington the more important posi­ bashfulnesB. He bore down on a drum­ they are, used. ; i ’ WE WANT YOUR i o n , tions, In the salmon cnnnerifcs ;are stick with vigor and filled his fat face V Thirst may be more1 qnlckly and filled by whites, while the Chinese fur­ with the meat. He was earnest in en­ We furnish it with the Weekly Journal for $2 a year safely allayed by eating chipped ice nish nearly all the labor, being rapid deavor and suspended all conversation. than by any cold beverage. HOUSE ‘ j r and expert workers and content with One of his uncles glanced at the boy It iB well to know that any|stron» moderate wages. ( as he munched, and said: pungent smell will keep away moths. “What are you doing, Frank?’’ , listed with us, to rent for the A mixture of doves, cinnamon, orris Why are dignitaries deafened by a salute when they visit a foreign port? The boy was employed on a large iioot and other fragrant things may mouthful at the time, nnd, like a skill­ [be substituted for camphor prepara­ It seems a curious sort of welcome, YEAR OR SEASON.' NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE. this.flring off of guns, but it seemB the ful general, he attended to the matter tions with leSB disagreeable after ef- In mouth first. He carefully masti­ custom aro*e in a very reasonable way. . . . PUBLISHED ON THURSDAY. ( “feoU. . ■ , ,> .* cated the cud, swallowed air We have people : who are To keep elder sw eet pu t half a pound Originally a town or a warship flred off! fthelr guns on the approach of Impor-' of satisfaction and then turning-his of mustard seed in a chesedoth bag head over his left' shoulder replied as For over fifty-eight years a National Family Paper for farmers nnd *nd put It In the barrel. v .'tout and friendly strangers to Bhow waiting to rent houses. that they had such faith in tlie visit­ follows:. ' . t villagers, whose readers have represented - the very best element of our Lemons and tomatoes should not be “Ou, I*m doing so and so.” u»ed daily ln cold weather; they have ors' peaceful intentions they didn’t country population. _ y think it necessary to' keep their gnns He Immediately resumed operations ■ a thinning and cooling effect. on the drumstick. . , It gives all important news of the Nation .and World, the most reli­ Cellars under kitchen* and living-' loaded If you have not given us able Market-Reports. Fascinating Short Stories, an unexcelled Agricul­ Toomaf.Kre usually too w arn for the JFLOWER BOY WAS SMOOTH WHERE ICE WAS ,SCARCE. [perfect keeping of'vegetables. your house to rent tural Department, Scientific and Mechanical Information, Fashion Arti- Potatoes, beans and peas ore beat­ S is lektm< Won B r e r r b o H o s c r Amaitns Experience of a Prlxna cles for the Women, Humorous Illustrations'; for old and young,1 . I t is ing vegetables, consequently should be and Be U ngbtd When He WM Donniain n One-Horse South- DO SO AT ONCE. eaten sparingly during hot weather. B x p o ild . "* era Hotel.' ; ; “ The People’s Paper ” for the entire United States. . Regular subscrip­ All stonO fruit* are considered to be tion price, §1.OO per year. tnjnriou* for those who suffer from B e dropped -Into a well-known cafe; Miss Dorothy Morton, prlma donna, the liver and should be used cau­ the 'other evening. In bis arms was a: tells of on amusing experience which' U o D io a th We furnish it with Weekly Journal for $1.25 a year. tiously. great -bunch oi carnations, which hej befell her several years ago when she Realty Co. Brrarl psns should never be heated was playing "one night Btanda" vainly tried io sell to the goo3-sl*ed j Rooms 12*13, nonmoutli Bonding,-. before putting ln the bread or the loaf group of men about town, assembled in' through ths south. It was ln a smnll town of Virginia, noted, even in thnt will have a raw, doughy taste when front of the bar. After urging hisj N. W. Corner Mattison Ave. and Bond St., baked. . floral wares upon everybody in vain; state, for its wretched hotels. Return­ Send all Orders to THE JOURNAL, Asbury Park, N. J. Try wrapping a baked potato in a. be declared himself thus: ing to the hotel nfter the night's per­ ASBCRY PARK, N. J. napkin as sot>n as it la done and press­ “I’ll match anybody ln the crowd, formance Miss Morton desired som e Ice ing slightly until it.burst* open and: double or nothing,” he exclaimed, loud­ water, and after repeated colls an old it will be euro to be mealy* ly. ' “Nickel's worth or dollar’s worth. darky struggled upstairs to take her Oatmeal water flavored with lem on Don’t make no difference to me. Any order. The darky Went as he came, juice, cold cocoa, chocolate cream nr sportin’ blood ln the crowd?” and It seemed to Misa Morton that he cold bouillon 1* not only meat as w ell There was sporting blood in tbe never would come back. as drink, but is even more cooling CTOWd, lots of it, and the flower ven­ Another call .wns made, tip h e came than ice*. der’s challenge was accepted by half again, saying: “Yns, missus, I'll bring FOR SALE Decaying matter win'vitiate the at­ a dozen men at once. The youngster it directly." , Directly might have mosphere of the cellar and if allowed accepted every challenge, one at n time, meant to-morrow or the next day aa far to remain will spread through the” isiid, strange to say, he never lost. That as the waiter was concerned, for he as m\1 ai , Exceptional whole house and cause sickness ln the is, he didn't until be struck tbe last didn't come back until Bumtnoned. H1b family. ....■■ man, who happened to be an old hand anBwer was a lw ays the same. Finally Bargains in Prunes offordr the highest nerve nr at the matching game. The colnB were Miss Morton became thoroughly Also brain, food, supply heat and waste, bat quickly down on the bar. covered by aroused, and asked him if there wasn’t Real ire not mnsclsrfeedlng. Tbey should their owners’ hands. some way that the order could be com­ be avoided by those who suffer from "Wbachu got?” asked the flower boy, plied w ith . ‘ '■ . v Estate 6 per cent. the liver.—Chicago Chronicle. making a motion as if to lift blB hand, The old darky moved over to her Vfitb “you’re matehln' me.1’ ' " an air of secrecy,,and in the greote*t, The Choicest ^resU ^nd Salt Easy Terms J- Innil Tiling* ,In For. . confidence Bald: “You Bee, missus, “Yes.” a^spnted the old-timer, ‘‘I’m, ■ i Meats, Poultry and Table Astrakhan has bein < employed for matcbin’ you and I cnn tell you wboti we’ve run out of lpe to-night on account Mortgage enormous muffs, pretty Bhort jackets you've got before you take up your; of you theatrical people- Der’s only Delicacies at tbe low ­ and i thSee-qnarter-Jength capes bor­ paw. You've g o t two coIns"Under that! one piece left, and de man nett Bonds dered- with a crosscut flounce Get on dirty flat, of yours; and one of them! room hns that. Jest as eoon as be goes est Prices. ■without any fullness, nnd invariably ac­ has a hend up and tbe other a tall. to sleep I’ll get bis piece for you.” companied by high collars. Sealskin matter which Bide of m y coin 1 have Whereupon the thirsty opera star col­ Property West Park worth $4,300; will sell for and astrakhan jackets alike are up I loee. and that is tho way yon £nv« lapsed and said she’d have her water $3,500. :: . ♦ without frappe. 1 . trimmed with cascaded revera of mink bunkoed every man who bos tried toi Hotel, Asbury Park, furnished, worth $25,000; or sable, wide a t the threat nnd taper* match you to-night. Am I right7” 8 WRONG SIDE OF THB COW.. ( lng toward the waist. One of the newest The boy tried to draw his hand and .... will sell for $22,000. cut* for seaisklns is a closa-fltting jack­ wha? waa beneath it from the bar, but| An Artlstlo Blemish That Was Otcr- et, with an added basque united be­ the other waa too quick for him. Urabj looked b y Jttany In a IV - Apply Box 982, Asbury Park, N. J. neath a band of the fur. A great many blng the flower vender's flat ^be old-, >, j, ' , of the cloth gowns are made with' high timer opened it opd held It flPV? view. collars which on the outside display Sure enough, it contained itvo quarters; “It hasnlwayB seemed to me,” say* a light velvet trimmed with hondBom® “There, didn’t I tell you so?" ex-j wri.ter in the Detroit Free PregB, “that guipure and black aod white applique*, claimed the old-timer, triumphantly; the, pictsrial artist. .shoy(d -pay just a but they are lined with fine broadtail, “I've seen the game before, but 1 never little attention to truth and nature. Now and there i* quite a new cut o f collar, saw it worked so slickly by so young there is a picture in a certain Detroit finaneiol Tinaoeia. which will either *tand up very high at a sharper. You’re a good one, you are.” art store before which for some time mala Street the back or can be rolled over so tbat it Tbe boy grinned bis appreciation of past a little crowd bos lingered to ad­ XV ' i , . i assumes the appearance of some of the what was doubtless to him a compli­ mire. Tbe subject matter is excellent. quaint shapes worn in the middle ages. ment. Then be wanted to know what • There is a barnyard, with the usual ao-- + - ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ > ♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ CQo n m o u t h a k d , —Washington Star. his victims were going to “do about it.’; companiment of hens and ducks. A Boadhls* Aboot Dying. Everybody laughed ot having been so dog sit* on tbe step of the corocrib, Some hint* from a dyer are surpris­ nicely taken in and the embryo game; and in the immediate foreground S a f e D e p o s iip C o m p a n y ing. One of these Is that as a rule the ster w o b allowed to depart with his stands a pretty speckled bosey. mOHHOUWH BUIIiDIHS, pBBUFJY &A%}{. poorest silk dye* better than a richer jrnins. It may be guessed thal be lost “A ‘ pictorial .dairy maid Ib m ilking quality; also that a D y silk lakei, light no time in going, although he did linj bossy. She ia a charjning oreature, tbe colors most successfully. Tbe bwt.sat-. pjer long enough to say 'that he wished ■ dairy maid. Her bands are not big and The Property '!; f a A i l A l C flA A A A A ExecnteattUtroata known to the lftwilo£scmotu»oaboa4 . isfactlori ii givpn in; i( 11-wool fabric*, The crowd "better.lack" J.bfcJOT8.titDf poarnei hejr. k»w;kles are not swollen, t a U l l Q I i depixll* tnbject to check and which dy|sr> a *10,000 anil UfN Kgdna Provllloai (or ncstm nt of sylvania Rallroed, ‘S«sslffl»»ss of Salteren on tbe Weld GEORGE 0. 0RMER0U, THE BICYCLE RIDING SEASON The next Pennsylvania Railroad three, Lvlaur*. mt Battle^ BUIlllIffG IHSPECT0R, IS NOW Q P E N .______day perBOD&lljMiqnducted toar to ’Vasb- SEAtER OF WEIGHTS ASD MEASURES, Oranhyotekha, & doctor of medicine, Never have the arrangements for CITY OF ASBDRY PARK. You are thinking about a new wheel. You want the Sngton, D. p., leaves Thursday, February la the richest X adlanon th® Amcri* dealing with the wounded been in s 9 703 8EWALL AVE., ASBURY PARK, N. J. „best. You are invited to examine my line before 15. The rate, $ 14,50 from New York, 8fW continent, and I* without doubt -thoroughly satisfactory a condition as 111.80 from Philadelphia, with propor­ the best educated. they are to-day, says the Church Fam­ OQlco Houtb—11 to 13; 1 to 2. purchasing. I have the finest wheels ever offered in tionate - rates from other points, covers* This remarkable Indian cte* bora «t ily Newspaper. During an engage­ this city by any dealer. The new models are now ia transportation for the Tound trip, meals Brantford, Ont., In August, 1S4J, and ment, and as the tfoops advance, the H. B. JOHNSON, stock or will soon arrive. Look at the List: en route, transfer of passenger and ordi­ his success in life dates from the riait wounded are sought out as quickly aEatimat03 given for all kinds of painting, and wampum, tomahawk and a m&ntie paper hanging, intorior and exterior decoration* special hotel rates after expiration of of fur, Orqnhyntekhs presented an Here they are examined by the sur­ 'T’he Best and Cheapest Place to hotel coupons. Ideal picture o t e. bravo attired for a geons; hemorrhage is securely . treat­ buy Lumber, Building Hard­ IT. E . BTTCHANON For Itineraries and full Information ap­ ceremonial occasion^ He looked, and ed; bullets which can be easily and ADON LIPPINCOTT,' ^ g e o . a . s m o c k ply to ticket agents; tourist sgent, 1196 •o the prln^reibarkeq, like, a figure quickly removed are taken away; for­ ware, Ready-Mixed Paints (all Broadway, New York; 4 Court street, from one of Cooper’s novels. eign bodies and splinters of bone or Contractor & Builder shell, if loose, are removed; limbs so ■ E9timatoa choerfnlly farnlahed. prices), White Lead, Oil, Varnish, Brooklyn; 789 Broad streetjNewark, N. The prince of Wales was so greatly Jobbing ia all branohoa prompty and carefully impressed -with th e versatility1 of the seaured as to render transport to the attended to. J.; or George W. Boyd, assistant general field hospital easy and comfortable, _ Rosidonce and shop, passenger agent, Broad street station, Indian youth tbat he made iiim a 907 Main St., hot. lot and 2d, Asbnry Park. N.J. member of his establishment, placing nnd anything else done which can be BUCHAHOH & SMOCK Philadelphia. him In the care of Sir Henry /island, done with ease and rapidity. No big regulus professor of medicine at Ox­ operation is dope at these spots except In the case of limbs so shattered as io A. A. TAYLOR, We make a specialty of tUe Albemarte brand Ql MEXICO AND CAUrpilA. ford university. Under these auspices C8!>4h SBffiGtK at wholesale as well ai tetall, «iteik Oronhyatekha antered Oxford, and require immediate amputation. The surgeons at the ‘‘dressing places” do Mason and Builder. we manufacture at our own mill. Also KISS'S A Forty-six Days Tow via Pennsylvania later graduated In medicine at Toron­ Bricklaying and Plaatoring in all branches Railroad. to university. only what is absolutely necessary, and of Masonry Work. Offlce: WINDSOR CEMENT, a patent Plaster, which Is rape- thej;, the wounded are made comfort­ Jobbing promptly attended to. Main St, aad Asbnry Are, dor to anything In the market, and is Just the thins The Pennsylvania railroad pereonally- In the practice of hii chosen pro­ able in specially constructed ambulance Pi O. Bo± 007. Office, 710 MattUon Ave. Yards: for cold weather, as freezing does not affeU It. eondncted tour to Mezico and California, fession Oronhyatekba wns fully suc­ cessful, but in 1881 he discovered a wagons and transported to the field Second iod Third Avennej Wholesale agents for Monmouth County. which leaves New York and Philadelphia hospital. rapid road to fortune in the reorgaa- and Railroad, Satisfaction guaranteed to all customers , ‘ on February 12 (PittsbnrgJFebrnaiy 18) by tea tlon of the fraternal insurance so- M. M. OROSBIK, RAILROAD S 1 18 9 9 . ASBUBY PARK, N. J. Xelephoa 33 b. epeU i Pullman train, covers & large and oiety teno'sro aa the Ancient Order of BUIL M S Intensely Interesting portion of North Foresters, When be set about the Aboat 4,500 Mil** stt T m eit Laid m Fliii ui S nait! America. Mexico, California, and Colora­ work tho society bad cot a dollar in the Year-Beat uncord n ia Succeeded by WHITTLE & GIBSON. do are & mlghtyjtrio In all that appeals to its treasury. It now ho® a reserve Since 1800, ' Tar Pajoer, 8hoathing Paper, Two and sod fascinates the tourist. reaching nearly to 33,500,000, Three-ply Roofing Paper; Lumber, A# th< jhief ofiicer of the society, Snmmerfleld ave. and Bailroad, Stops will be made at San Antonio, Tam­ The Baliway Age haa made a can­ Aabory Park, S . J. pico, Guaanjuata, Guadalajara, Queretaro, Dr. Oronhyatekha receives a salary of vass of the country in regard to the $10,000 a year. He lives in the style Doors,1 Sash, Blinds, City of Mexico (five days,) Cuernavaca, building of’neif railroads during the of an English country gentleman. He past year, and finde that about 4,86? Aguscalientes, Los Angeles, San Diego owns aa island and he has built a •ASEANY BUILDER OR (JONTRACTOR. mites have been added in that time. and ho will tell yon that «ome of the ' Frames, Mouldings. Riverside, Pasadena, Santa Barbara, San iSBgniflcent mansion.—St. Loula Post- This is the greatest amount of new rail­ ...... Jose (Mt. Hamilton), Del'Monte, San Fran­ Dispatch, ...... -...... Easel Plnmblng in Isbary Park ______Snccessorto ...... road that has been built in any ono year ...... has boon ddaVby ...... * cisco (five days), Salt jLakt) City, Colorado eince 1890, tvhen ’5,670 miles were com­ FEED. BROWN, Hardware, Springs, Denver, Chicago, and other points RUSSIAN ALTRUISTS, pleted. Scarcity of labor and the great 703 SUMfilERFIELD AVENUE. 0HAS. LEWIS & CO. , of interest. Fourteen days will be spent in increase in prices for rails and other Eatimates for anything in stoam gas or water piping, connections and fittings Mexico, and nineteen In California. Queer Commnniatle Colony That supplies is believed to have had a' mate­ Paints, The “Mexico and California Special,” an Has B«eaUr Em ltnttd tb ria! effect ia keeping down the new SOUTH MAIN STREET, exclusively Pullman train of parlor-smok­ EnslaAd. mileage, and the coming year will with­ R.E K. KOTIIFRITZ, out doubt see continuation of building. ing, dining, drawing-room, sleeping and (8ucceasor to Getinng & Co.) Oils, ate. Perhaps the strangest communistic Iowa stand* f t t th e head of the l l B t of observation cars, will be Used over the entire settlement in the world Is a colony of states in Ha figures for new mileage PRACTICAL ST0N^GUTTER, ASBDRY PARK, N.J. route. Russians who have recently emigrated with 585 mile# to Its credit, although a n d dealer in Granite and Marble Monuments Round-trip rat*, including all neceswfy to the little village of Sbepscombe, in the previous tan years had seen little or and Headstones. Curbing and Flagging, and ail I. kinds of Building Stone. expetsm during entire trip, $550 from all Gloucestershire, England. They oc­ no additions made to its railroads. A Sole Agent for Adamant Wall Plaster points on the Pennsylvania railroad system cupy a farm of about 100 acres, and live notable fact about the railroad build­ Yard and Office—906 M ain Street, of Pittsburg. For Itinerary t»nd full in c'ottngpr. round.nbop*> men and wom­ ing of the year’ is that there hhs been ABBURY PARK,»«J- Information apply to ticket agents-, Tourist en together la ’ coip lete Toistoiajo comparatively 'little building by new _ FAigrQRVjjUNiCIRK* H. ¥, equality. Soma of' them are-cultured companies, while a number of the older sgent, 1198 Broadway, New York; 4 Court roads have mnde im portant extensions. JOHN N, BURTI8, 0RANCH YARD. PRIN LAKE street, Brooklyn ; 789 Broad street, New- men, one being a doctor of philosophy. 8 8 The doctor of philosophy purchased the As examples, the Chicago & North­ ark, N. J,- B. Courlaender, Jr., passenger farm, but os the possession of land or western has built S57'/a miles; the Chi­ Undertaker and Emfcalmer • agent, Baltimore district, Baltimore, lid.; any other material advantage is cago, Milwaukee & St. Paul, 98 miles; 7 o e mjvrvrxm&w a v m . Colin Studds, passenger, agent southeastern opposed to their doctrine that land and the Northern Pacific, 95 milee in the Coffins nnd Burial Caskets on hand or fur- WE HAVE THE BES! GOAL district, Washington, D. C^ Thos. E. Watt, United States and 20 miles in Canada; niihed to order. Special attention given to life should be free as air to a!!, the title r lining pictures. Telephone 1S1 B. passenger agent, vratera district, PUtaburg, deed* were destroyed. If the colony the Chicago, Bock Island & Pacific, 82 For all purposes—for ranges, furnaces, open miles; the AtchSson, Topeka & Santa pa.; or address Geo. W. Boyd, assisiaal should ever leave it la supposed the land ' fires, steam boilers, blacksmiths, etc.. and sell genera! passenger agent, Broad Btreet sta- wiU belong to anybody who likea to Fe, 160 mikisj the Illinois Central. 190 Mize it. The men, for the moat part,: ille*, tha Burlington syetem, 80 miles; ahd deliver at lowest market rates. Kindling tion, Philadelphia. ^ simply wear a jhirt, open at the neck, th* Eouiavllle & ; Railroad. petsjfbut “rational" dress la adopted lowest record of new trackage, tlje AITO DECORATOR, WYNCOOP HULSHART, number of miles being only 4,20. . ^ by them on more ceremonial occasions. has tn Mock the largest and Snesi ^ard and office, 79 S. Main Street The first Pennsylvania Balirosd touro One or two have abort hair, one wears the s«m u to Jacksonville^ allowing two line of wall Paper at 8c a roll up. her hair curled and coiled in the pres­ VALUE OF ORATORY. : Room mouldings to match oil weeks in Florida, will leave New York and ent fashion, and two wear their hair in papers, 2%o a foot up. Also for Philadelphia February 0. a pigtail, and, clothed in butcher’s bine EBloqaeiit FllgllU Are Knt ot a* Much sale, Yafaishf'Wood Filler, Wall Excursion tickets, including railway pinafores, look very like: Chinese worn* B*e Before JarittR m Tints, Glue, Bronzes, Paper Hang­ transportation,, Pullman nceommodatiena fen. They have no laws, no rules; they plain Fl»eh«ri' ' '' . “ s ars’ sad Painters’ supplies, etc. ~ , v. Paper hanging, Painting *iid’ (one berth), and" meat; en route la both disapprove of all law; each one Is to be a law to himself, and they trust' that In an address before the Irish Lit­ Tkstlag done at lowest prices by directions while traveling on " the tpeeial skilled hands only. train, will b<9 sold ftS tho fallowing rotes: their principle of good will to men will erary society on “John Philpdt Cur­ Oiva me a trial and compare keep them right. In accordance with ran,” Lord Bussell of Klllowen, the , prlceE. New York, <880 00; Philadelphia, Harris- these views they reject all marriage chief justice^ declared the taliie of ora­ burgh, Baltimore and Washington, $48.00; ceremonies. Their resources in the tory to a lawyer Is overrated. He as­ 541 Cookman Aventie, Pittsburg, $53.00, and tit proportionate rates form of hard coin are, It is said, nearly serted that it is an Important vehicle Adloininff Steinbaeh^r. Mammoth Stose. Estab. 18 ye? *. .from othw jw m t*-’ exhausted; bn* so fnr fropi cluing .for.arglHRent ant’ lor the enunciation' ForPor tickets, itineraries, and other inform­ pnxiety, this merely tires their anthusi and «mforeem«mi~of 'g re a f principles. ation^apply to1 ticket agents, tourist agent at asm for altruism and equality, TW “But," he said, “there is n tendency to 1198 Broadway, New York; 4 Court street, essence of their communism ia to let to­ run to seed in this regard, and to look Brooklyn; 789 Broad street, Newark, N. J.; morrow take care of Itself.—Cincinnati upon fluency of speech as if it were Enquirer. oratory'-” Gifts of speech could never B. Courlaender, Jr., passenger agent, Balti­ ------' attain to their real momentum and more dktrict, Baltimore, Md.; Colin Studds, Geverament Paivn»hopi. power until founded upon a substratum passenger agent southeastern district, Wash­ • Pawnshops in Germany had their of* carefully acquired knowledge and£ ington, D. C; Thos. E. Watt, passenger origin ii the Eiventeentb nnd eight­ upon solid argument, Tbe opinion ol sgent western district, Pittsburg, P s ; Or to eenth centuries and were chiefly public the lord chief 'justice is that of most Geo. W. Boyd, assistant general pssssger .undertakings conducted by the Mateor men who have considered the subject. agent, Broad street station, Philadelphia. community, Gome of these state insti­ The art of oratorical flights'isless prac ­ tutions in the German empire are the ticed, not so much because men are Koyal lending house in Berlin, tbe less able to make such speeches, but CALIFORNIA. Grand Ducal Sending houses in Wei­ because they have lost their value. mar and Eisenach and the Ducal lend­ They are of slight use before juries ond IMrty-Oae Days' Tour via Jtfte Pennsyl­ ing house ia Gotha. Of course, these of no use with judges. There is a pop­ vania Railroad. ' ar® run by tha government. The cap­ ular disposition to distrust the man ital "for carrying sn business by tbe The Pennsylvania Bailroad Company has who makes too great & display of his municipal authorities is derived either gifts of speech when he makes on a i- arranged for a special personally-conducted from tht> treasury or the eity savings dress. The publio, being more en­ tour through Californio, to leave New York bank, which Is usually operated in con­ lightened, has come to weigh argu­ I felt better from the very first one I took. I had taken them for about * • and Philadelphia on February 27, by special nection with the pawnshops. The prin­ ments more carafully. When the ora­ inontti, and was feeling b o much better that I had forgotten about the bad feel­ Pullmss drawing-room sleeping car end cipal cities can get money from private ings I used to have. The doctors called my trouble dyspepsia. I had H far about tor is able to appeal to the passion of •evejjears, and had never in all my life been able to eat rich food or a m r connecting at £1 Faso with the ‘‘Mexico and persoBB $4 from three to four per cent. the moment he is sometimes influential, hearty meal. I often wondered why I should have so much dyspepsia. I woo* California Special/' composed exclusively In Berlic there was invested daring the but there his power ends. Thi!) i?. why have .wbafcXcall waterbraah sometimBs four or five times a day, when elen of Pullman parlor-smoking, dining, draw­ year 1898 ia these municipal pawn" the leaders of the bar to-day ar» not water that seemed hot would run out of my mouth and the pain waa something shops 1023,000. Tho year showed a profit great'orators, but rather mem with the ■errihle for a minute, or else I would have pains at times in my ing-room sleeping, compartment/and obser- of $10,700, or something more thaa one would fairly double me tip or pains in my shouiders and legs and all over me so vatloti cars, for Sour through California, re­ carefully acquired knowledge which per cent.—N. i , Journol. they are able to present logically to that J would wish I was dead. I would send for the doctor, and when he turning by March,29. the judge or jury they would convince. mhewpwd eajr; “ Well what is the matter now?” The best way tb deataibe Round-trip tickets, covering all necessary Sfsates® til rift. how l felt was just to say that everything was the matter with me and I JMt fcad evty where, rthink everybody who is troubled with their stomach ought to Jtnl expenses, $375 from all points on the.Penn- A guest with qe Irascible temper Orim« Upon Crime. * Tabules and they will, soon know how valuable they are. aff age i i at e. hotel is e New England town Let us give you »n estimate on any Cem- sylvania railroad. In sentencing a prisoner to bs hanged tery Vlfork you may want For furthk Information apply to ticket found that the dinner waa not to his for the murder of a soldies £ord Esk- agents;, tourist agent, 1196 Broadway, BMng and he had no hesitancy in toll grcve dilated upon the crime aa fot- . We asts jEjiannfaoturers ol urflB Now York’; 4 CdiSrt street, Brooilfn; , 789 ing tho -imiter so, JJInnUy he threw iowe; “And not oaly did you mtirder ,down hie knife and fork, ‘ HI i f ' •» HEADSTONES •Broad street, Newark, N .J.; B. Courlaea- him, whefreby bo was bereaved of hi? *fWeU,,! he exclaimed, “tbere'-s life, Uut. you did thrust,, or push, os'' Cemptefx Encloiures, der, Jr., passenger cgent Baltlnsore dis­ CEO ln talking, 1 can’t eat tbit* «tnfl.“ trict, Baltimore, Mu ; Colin Studds,' pas­ pierce, ’ or project, or propsl the lethal , Write ns, or.bottor yo^comoand see ns boforo ‘I'm B«ricy„ air,' responded the weapon through ttte bellyband of his purchasing. •*, senger sgeni, «mthwtfcra district* Wash­ v/aiter, “W t you might as well, for regimental breeches, wfylch were his LtUI'l’ON -BBOS.5 ington, IX C.; Thomas E. Watt, passenger youll have te pay for it, anyhow.”— majesty’s!” >■ nianosqoan. N. J. 'agent western district, Pittsburg, Pa.; or DetMlt ^reFree Preap. Othar.New Jorsoy Vards— address George W. Boyd, assistant geiieial Tomb of tbe Cuui. Salawaa,, Keyport, passanjer agent, Philadelphia. Sol n-’aelleol.j.f. It is not generally known that the ?erth Amber and sontb Rlrer. Brown—I ‘hear Jbnes is iookin/ remains of all the cza^s of Busaia sinoe ■ (Eat. 1B87J, -OF- tiltfimA. for naw 'qWrter*, Peter the Great lie in a memorial chapel Bring your orders for Job Printing to ; Oh, I gness isn't p«rtJe< trallt on one of the Islands of tfie Ne’frt the JODBSAl office. ; ; I f . ■dac kloat .tiielr newnesa. He borrowed AU the cenotaphs are exactly alike; eaisJt The JotmBAi. gi« : more fresh reeding T h e Asbury Park Journal If you want all the news you most t#ad iiSiim traps me this tEorn!n(v-€Ji>i being a block of whit* marble, w ithout matted daily for one \eeat than i tuif othe« the JOOBHAL ’e#»a EwoIdb Kawa, J. . , any decoration whatever. ; ; , Asbury 6 £ents a wefek by mail , ! . FOR THE HOUSEKEEPER. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS. WAS DOING SO AND SOi ^rofcsBional. -■ I ------Valuable Domtatlc t a n u l lo H San Francisco has a dally paper C^alck netort of a Level-neaded T\B8. BEYAN AND BIJBT, r | lor T n a a Woman to printed In Chinese. Yoangkter to a Rather Pertl- PhyBiciona and BurgeonB, 231 Aflbory Ave., Aabnry Part. The Weekly Journal) Both for i Xiaarn. According to tradition, Arablo fig­ aest Question. Office Hour#—8 to 12 a. m. i a to 8; 0 to 9. p. m. i ures were derived from Solomon’s seal, . Telephone No. 5 .4 ; — AND - ; ( $ 2 .0 0 ) Unbleached canton Cancel makes upon which they can ba traced with « Frank iB a boy of lesB than five yenra, A. 8, BURTON, D.D.8. I. O. BURTON, D.D.8. good tects. cated the cud, swallowed air To keep elder sweet put half a pound Originally a town or a wat-shlp fired off1 We have people i who are |thelr guns on the approach of impor­ of satisfaction'.and then turnings hia of mustard seed In a chesecloth bag head over his left shoulder replied as For over fifty-eight years a National Family Paper for fartiiers ftnd and put It In the barrel. '■(* tant and friendly strangers to show waiting to rent houses. that they had such faith in the visit­ follows: . . ,,, .... . villagers, whose readers have represented-the very best element of our Lemons add tomatoes should not be “Oh, I’m doing so and so.” used dolly In cold weathb:; they have ors’ peaceful intentions they dida’t country population. ® think it necessary to keep their guns; He immediately resumed operations a thinning and cooling eSect. on the drumstick. . It gives all important news, of the Nation .and World, the most reli­ , Cellars .under kitchens and llving- loaded If you have not given us £ . — - - -- —- - - able Market Reports. ■ Fascinating Short Stories, an unexcelled Agricul­ roorca=*ra nsaolly too v^arm for the If io w e r boy w a s sm ooth. WHERE ICE WAS SCARCE. iperfect keeping of vegetables. your house to rent ’ tural Department,^^Scientific and Mechanical Information, Fashion Arti­ Potatoes, beans and peaa are heat­ Bis lebaase Won Everybody’* H ou;! AncilDff Experience ot n ’ Prlm a cles for the Women, Humorous Illustrations for old and young, , J t is ing -vegetables, consequently should be and He Lanabe-d When Be Waa j Donna In a One-llorie South'- " DO SO AT ONCE. eaten sparingly during hot weather. '• ..." ’.'Mxposad.-.- :, - ,::j era Botei.' ‘ ' “ The People’s Papa: ” for the entire United States. . Regular subscrip­ All stone fruits are considered to be tion price, $1.00 per year. Injurious for. those who suffer. from He dropped into a ■well-known cafe Miss Dorothy Morton, prlma donna, ‘the liver and should be used cau­ the other evening. In his arms was a; tells of an amusing experience which We furnish it with Weekly Journal for $1.25 a year. tiously. great’-bunch of carnations, which hej befell her several years ago when she Monmouth Realty Co. Brend pans should never be heated was. playing “dne night ‘ stands” vainly tried fo sell to the good-slitedj Rooms 12-13, flcamouth Balldlnc, •before putting in the bread or the loaf group of men about town assembled in’ through tha'south. It was in a . small will have a raw, doughy taste when town of Virginia, noted, even In that front of the bar. After urging his! H. W. Comer Mattison Ave. and Bond St., ,bakert. floral wares upon 'everybody in vaini state, for its wretched hotels. Return­ Send all Orders to THE JOURNAL, Asbury Park, N. J. Try wrapping a baked potato in a. he declared bimBelf thus: . ing io the hotel after the night's per­ ASBCRY PARK, N. J. napkin as soon as it is done and press- ‘TU match anybody in the crowd, formance Miss Morton desired some ice Ing'slightly until It bursta open and double ornothlng” he exclaimed, loud­ water, and after repeated calls an old It will be sure to be mealy. ly. “Nickel's worth or dollar's worth. dsrisy struggled upstairs to; take her Oatmeal water flavored with lemon Don’t make no difference to me. Any' order. The darky went ns he came, juice, cold cocoa, chocolate cream nr sportin’ blood In the crowd?” and it seemed fo lilss Morton that he cold, boujlllon is n ot only meat as well There was sporting blood In the never would come back. as drink, but Is even more cooling crowd, lots of it, and the flower ven­ ! Another call .was made. Up he came than Ices. der's challenge was accepted by half again, saying: “Yas, missus, I’ll bring FOR SALE Decaying matter w ilt vitiate the at­ a dozen men at once. The youngster it directly.” Directly might have am mosphere of the cellar and if allowed accepted every challenge, one at a time, meant to-morrow or the next day ns far to remain will spread through the and, strange to soy, be never loBt. That as the waiter waa concerned, for he a$ well as Exceptional whole house and cause sickness In tbe i». be didn't until, he struck the lost didn’t come back until summoned. 1 H1b . family. man, who happened to be an pld hand; answer was always thfe same. Finally Bargains in Prunes afford, tbe highest nerve or at the m atching game. The coins were] Miss Morton became thoroughly Also brain food; supply heat, and waste, but quickly down' on the bar, covered by aroused, and asked him If there wasn’t Real ir e nqt mtvcldrfeedlng. They should their owners'hands. / j Bome way that the order could be com­ be avoided by those who suffer from “Whachu got?” nsked the flower boy,1 plied with. ■: Estate .6 per cent. the hver.—Chicago Chronicle. The old darky moved over to her with making a motion as if to lift bis hand.j ■ii “you’re matcbln’ me.” i. an air of secrecy. and in the greatest ,, The Choicest, Ijresh anil Salt *1 ■ Easy Terms j Reweat Thing* |ln rpr. confidence said: “Yon see, nilsauti,- “Yes.” attainted the old-timer, “I’m] Meats, Poultry and Table Astrakhan has been i employed for matcbin’ you and I can tell you whati we've rpn out of ice to-night on account Mortgage enormous muffs, pretty short jackets you've got before you take up your, of you theatrical people. Der’s inly Delicacies at the Low- " and j three-quarter-length capeB bor- paw. You’ve got two colris’under that one piece left, nnd de m anUrds'iieit Bonds dered1 with a crosscut flounce set on dirty fiet, of yours, and one of them room has that. Jest as soon as he goes est Prices. without any fullness, and invariably ac­ has a heed up and the*other a tall. Nq to sleep I’ll get his piece for you.” companied by high collars. Sealskin matter which side ot my ooln 1 have Whereupon-the thirsty opera star col­ Property West Park worth $4,300; will sell for and astrakhan jackets alike are. up I lose, and that is the way you hove lapsed and said she’d hove her water $3,500. trimmed with cascaded reyers oi mink bunkoed every man who has tried to without frappe. > 1 . or sable,.wide at the throat and taper­ Hotel, Asbury Park, furnished, worth $23,000; match you to-ui|jbt. Am I right?” 8 WRONG SIDE OF THE COW., , ing toward the waist. One ofth e newest The boy tried to draw bis band and will sell for $22,000. cuts for sealskins is a doso-fltting jack­ wboi was beneath it from tbe bar, but) An Artistic Blemish That Waa Over­ et, with ab added baaque united be­ the other was too quick lo r him. Ui-abi looked- by.Many In m Ue- Apply Box 982, Asbury Park, N. J. neath a band of this fur. A great many bing the flower vender's tint', the old-, of the elotb gowns are made with high timer opened It ond held,It pp to view. collars which on the outside display Sure enough. It contained t-tvo quarters. I “It has always seemed to me,” says a light velvet trimmed with bandsom* “There, didn't I tell yon ao?" ex-j winter in the Detroit Free Press, “thst guipure and black and white appliques, claimed the old-timer, triumphantly; the. (lictsrial artist .should pay just a butXihey are lines] with floe broadtail, "I've seen the game before, but I never p«lce Jfpeum little attention to truth and nature. Now K n a n e i a . and there Is quite a new cut of collar, saw it worked bo slickly by so young there is a picture In a certain Detroit Tinaneiol which Will either stand np very high at a.sharper. You're a good one,yon are.’] art store before which for some time main Street the back or can be rolled over so tbat It The boy grinned bis appreciation of past a little crowd has lingered to ad­ assumes the appearance of some of the wbat was doubtless to him a compli­ mire. The subject matter is excellent, Quaint shapes worn In tbe middle ages. ment. Then be wanted to know wbat 'lbere is A barnyard, with the usual ao-' fflONMOUHiH ©r^usip AND —'Washington Star. his victims were going to “do about tt.7 cbmpanlment of hens and dncks. A Somcthlas A bout D rlng, Bverybody laughed at having been so dog sits on the step of tbe corncrib, j Bome hints from a dyer are surpris­ nicely laken in and the embryo gamej and In the immediate foreground S ahb Deposiip ©ompany ing. One of these Is that as a rule the steT Was allow ed'to depart with hit stands a pretty speckled bossy. CQo n m o u ^ h BmiiDiiaa, P s b u i?t poorest silk dyes better than a richer gains. It may be guessed that be lost “A pictorial dfiiry maid is milking quality; also that any silk take* light no time in going, although he did llnf bossy. She ia a charming creature, the IT1 ‘“eelonnBesl t'ueefosfully. The ger long enough to say that be wished ■ dairy maid. Her handB are not big and : Th^ Property 1 r a A if a l C l A A A A A Executes all trtuta known to the law; loans moi isfactlon Is given in all-wool fabrics, tlie erowd*1b?Hs>» look”.the.n£Jl.tlme coarse;, her.JfBt3c)jJfB Rre not swoUen, I" 1 VtUllMPili <4> lW ffW v r and mort*a*e; receivea depocita •object to „ which dye beautifully. Milk piutbe* ,b« saw them.—PbildBelpbiaTnqulrer. and her lingers ' ■ ' advertised iu tliia spuee w luterwt on dally balance* \ acta as tmitee, rsflstrar cannot be dyed, while woolen ones dye pickles. She is1 just a daisy dairy maid in Saturday’s issue we Surplus, $25,000 handsomely. Another bjt. of informa­ One War af Kllllnv Time. —but, saint* alive! she’s ;oh the wrong sold that day. f I f yon ] tion on thesame line is that tbe silk and “I have blt.v observed a friend, “up­ side of the'cow. . “Nonchalantly she sits on the left of are curious to know how and chiffon Inmp shades can be cleaned. on the very best way of killing time. A. C. TWINING, PrMldent. G. BTM. HARVEy, Vioe*President. lbe animal and milks, milks, milks. great a bargain was ob­ As some of these are very elaborate Yoii know) roy work takes me on street BRUCE 8. KEATOR, Secretary* D. C. CORNELL, Treasurer. and expensive, their restoration is a de­ cars a great deal. 1 also confe In io She looks, the while, around the land­ tained we can refer you DIBEOTORB. , sirable thing. A new department In. the morning and go out at night ,li scape and smiles at the hens. Now, if to the buyer. We offer some of the dyeing and cleaning houses the train. And any commuter will tell ihe truth be known, that dairy maid some others as bar- O, H. Brown, Col. G. B, M. Harrey, Henry Mitchell, M, D. A. C-Twiuln#. . Is that of a sulphur cleaning. This is you that It's an awfnl bore. You elthep wouldn’t be on the left side of that J. H, puchanan, Geo. P, Kroehl, John P, O’Brien, . H. H. Vreelandi 1 gains, particulars of D. C. Cornelli BroeeB. Keitor, II. D. reiry jR. Smith, G, D. W. YroOm intended for all kinds of household' spoil your eyes reading or sit there meek-Iooking bossy longer than two which can be had for Wm. J. flarrison, Isaao C. Kennedy. Milan Rots, hangings that become soiled. As tbe with your hands in your lap, looking minutes. Her head would be kioked the asking. pr9cess not only restores to the articles all around, as one who has never been off.’’ . ■ tbelr freshness and parity, but also is In a car, before, Well, I've got thi? The Conttnjr o f Sfnik MILAN ROSS AGEHCY, guaranteed to'destroy moths, it is use­ only real method now, and if Ideas his “Secrets of the i Statutes Hfrulatinf the In article on1 operations of all National ful for blankets, fur rugs nnd other wool were patentable I Wouldn’t have to Earth’s Crust,” in Knowledge, Prof. 208 Main St. r Banks are of tuch wise eon* materials liable to be moth-infested.— wprk much longer.” , The Inventor eepUdn that conacientiously Cole says we have already advanced conformed to by Officers ana N. X. Post.. . lighted a cigarette. since Zlttel wrote, in 1895: “The prob­ Directors, no Institution • “This is how 1 do |t." he finally lem, where man flrst appeared on tbe approaches the Na* Mattison Ave. and Bond St. Ahead. , went on. “When 1 get In..s car or ____ _ raiefenred eoafidenee “It’s strange,” . sighed tbe trolley- earth and from what form he sprang, of security to patrons. tralp and have ony distance to go 1 has. in spite of all efforts of modern Boasd or Dimotcmj oojgduetor, *fcow when two boys start get as comfortable a seat as I pos­ Geo. F. Kroehl, out witb eqdaT chances one of them is geology and Bnthropology, up till now Orgtsiisd Fobrcanr, 1B88. ' 8. W. Kirkbride, sibly can. And then I get all settled bound tb forge ahead while the other found no solution.” Dr. Dubois has re­ DIAMONDS . am. r. KHOBHL, Pnt. O. H. BHOWN, Vlo» Pni, Milan Ron, and either, close my eyes or look at cently published his disebvery of the M. V.DAGKB, C ubw U. lu U AM HAN, 3d Vie, Fm . M, H. Margerum, lags behind. There was Jim; Jim and the back of the seat in front of me. < M.H. BCOIT, AuUUct Cuhier. D.O.Corert, I were fast friends as yonths, but look remains of a mao-like animal in Java* Albert y. Twininx, 80 as not to interrupt the train of my styled by him Pithecanthropus crWtus, JEWELRY ’ Oliver H* Brown, •t bw now. Equal as our chances thoughts, you see. And then" (he ' .D:SS0. ^ . :.«78,,D4,M M. I* Bamman. were,-Jim is ahead associated with extinct Pliocene mon}- ••TT fl* ISOS’o.r...... 469,111 IB Bhermsn R Oriattt —* paused dreamily) "I think of what ;I “ 7 ,1 8 0 8 ...... 694,044 71 “What is he doingf" asked the pan* malB. These Javac remains would WATCHES, Patrons* Tslnables retolvcd...... irte. for safe keei>lns' free of chai *** %*uTofk

------■ i i f ftlCHBSjr INP1AR ATTBRDnKFTHB WOUHBER “ ittiiatig •

Personally-Conducted T via the Penn* a* Bajor* • fiM oo sitiarr, ud'U m k Hadern P r a tlils u for o t * sylvanln Railroad. Like a Gentleman of Snff6Mfi on tbe flelil GEORGE C. OBMERGls IHE BICYCLE RIDING SEASON mt Battle* , 'K The next Pennsylvania Bailroad three- ' l>etagra> BDILBINS IHSPECTOR, " SBALER OF WEIGHTS AHB MEASURES, IS NOW OPEN- day personally-conducted tons' to Wash­ Oronhyatekha, n doctor of medicine, Never have the arrangements for ington, O. C., Se»ve« Thursday, February CITY OF ASBURY PARK, Vou are thinking abojit a new wheel. You want the to the richest Indian on th# Amcri* dealing with the wounded been In so best. You are invited to examine my line before IB. The rajte, $14.80 from New Yorfe, can continent, and Is without doubt , thoroughly satisfactory,^ condition as 703 SEW ALL ATE., A8B0RY PABK, N. J. $11,50 from Philadelphia, with propor* the best educated they are to-day, eayiHlWChurch Fam­ Office Hottre-11 to 12; 1 to 3, purchasing, I have the finest .wheels ever offered in tlonate rates from other points,, covers* This remarkable Indian was bom at ily Newspaper. During an engage­ this city by any dealer. The new models are now ic transportation for tha round trip, arsala Prantford, Oak, In August, 1841, and ment, and as the troops advance, the H. B. JOHNSON, stock'or will soon arrive. Look at the L ist: en route, transfer of passenger and ordi­ bis success in life dates from the rtsit wounded are sought out as qulokly as Dayton, Sterling, Orient, Spalding, may be possible, their wounds tem­ nary baggage to hotel, two days accom­ of the prince of Woles to Canada in 1860. ' porarily dressed, fractures temporar­ Practical Watchmaker, Zlmrny, Yale, Rochester, Crawford, modations at the Arlington, Normandie, ily splinted and any other “first aid" Daaler in Fine Watches, Jewelry, Spectacles, Sec.. When the prince reached Brantford Watches and Jewelry repaired at City Price*. White and Nyack. Biggs or Ebblt House, services of ex­ a number of Indians, appeared before given that may be necessary, Each perienced tourist agent and chaperon—In soldier carries-with him a small “first Cookman aienne and Bond (treat, Prices from $25 to $75 him In aboriginal attire. Among In Chainless I have the best ehort, every Item of necessary expense them was Oronhyatekha, who by rea­ aid” equipment in hiB tunic, so that he ASBUEY PAEK.N. j; during the entire trip, son. of being the brightest youth in may bandage himself or temporarily Please call and see the sample wheels Eor accommodations at Willard’s, Re­ tie Indian, district was selected to arrest Weeding, or give such help to a JOHN HUBBARD, gent, Metropolitan or National Hotel, make the address to the prince on- be- wounded eomsnde.. .After “iliat aid” ii M. L FERRIS, half of the young men of the country. rendered the wounded are borne Successojr to W. S. BURTIS, 14 Mattison Ave., Asbury Park *2.50 Jess. 81de trips to Moont Vernon', comfortable litters to the “dressing Blcbmbnd, Old Point Comfort, and Nor­ Dressed After the Indian fashion, l§ii Fata, Paper Sanger I Decorator itli bead-embroidered, ibnckskle places,” which are sheltered spots a folk at greatly reduced fata«, P. O. Box 675. Eoaldonce—700 Fifth Avenue. hunting shirt, leggings, feathers, belt ■hort distance behind the line of bat­ All tickets good for ten days, with tle—usually In the rear of the artillery. HT'Eatlmatea given for all kinda of painting, and wahipum, tomahawk and a mantle paper hanging, interior and exterior decoration! special hotel rates after expiration, of of fur, Oronhyatekha presented an Here they are examined by the sur­ rphe Best and Cheapest Place to hotel coupons. ideal picture of a brows attired for a geons; hemorrhage ls securely arrest­ * buy Lumber, Building Hard­ IT. E . B U C H A N O N For Itineraries and fall information ap­ ccrcpioniol occasion. Be Jooked, and ed; bulletc which can be easily and ADON L.IPPINCOTT GKO. A. SMOCK ply to ticket agents; tourist agent, 1198 to the reiharkfea, IIiso a figure quickly removed are taken away; for­ ware, Ready-Mixed Paints (all eign bodies and splinters of bais or Broadway, New York; 4 Court street, from one of Cooper's novels. Contractor & Builder shell,Jif loose, are removed; limbs so, ' Estimates cheorfnlly famished. 1 prices), White Lead, Oil, Varnish, ; Brooklyn; 789 Broad - street,? Newark, N. The prince of Wales was so greatly Jobbing in all branches prompty and carefully impressed with tho versatility of the secured as to render transport to the attended to. j J.; or George W. Boyd, assistant general field hospital easy and comfortable, Residence and shop, passenger agent, Broad street station, Indian youth tliat he made him a 007 Main St.. bet. 1st and 2d, Aabury Park, N.J. member of his establishment, placing and,anything else done which can be. BUCRANOH & SMOCK Philadelphia. him in the care oi Sir Henry Asland, done with ease and rapidity. No big operation U a t these spots except regulus professor of medicine at Ox­ We make a specialty ot the Albemsrie tesnd qI in the case oi limbs so shattered as to A. A. TAYLOR, MEXICO AND CALIFORNIA. ford university. Under these auspices CfibAtt SBWUtES at wholesale &s rrall as retail, whicn Oronhyatekha entered Oxford, and require Immediate amputation. The Mason and Builder. we manufacture at onr own mill. Also KING’S A Forty-six Days Tour via Pennsylvania later graduated In medicine at Toron­ surgeons at the “dressing places” do Bricklaying and Plastering in all branches Office: WINDSOR CEMBNT, a patent Plaster, vrhlch Is supe­ Railroad. — to university. only what is absolutely necessary, and of Masonry Work. then the wounded are made comfort­ Jobbing promptly attended to. Main St. and Asbury Are. rior to anything in the market, and is Just the thing The Pennsylvania railroad personally- In th« practice of his chosen pro­ fession Oronhyatekha was fully sue- able in specially constructed ambulance P. O. Box 607. Offlce, 710 Mattison Ave. Yards: for cold weather, as freezing does not afleU it. condaeted tour to Mexico, and California, wagons and transported to the field Second aad Third Avenues Wholesale agents for Monmouth County. ceMfal, but It 18B1 he discovered a hospital. which leaves New York aad Philadelphia1 rapid road to fortune in the reorgan­ and Railroad, Satisfaction guaranteed to all customers on February 12 (PitttbnrjfflFebraary 18) fey ization of the fraternal insurance so­ RAILROADS BPILT IN 1899. M. M. CR08BIE, ASBURY PARK, If. J . Tcleplum 28 b. epecial Palhnan twin, oordta a large and ciety known aa tb i Ancient Order of intensely interesting portion of North Foresters. When he set about the U t s t -4,000 Mil mm a t Track Laid In foil ail Omti! Roofer, America. Mexioo,' California* and Colora­ work 'the society had not a dollar In tbe : B^cord „ - v • is Sncceoded by WHITTLE & GIBSON. do are a mlghty|trio in all that appeals to its treasury. It now has a reserve ' ' Since 1800. “Tar Paoor, Sheathing Paper, Two and reaching nearly to $3,500/100, Three-ply Booling Paper. Lumber, snd fascinates the tourist. 8ummerfleld ave, and Railroad, Stops will be made at San Antonio, Tam­ As the chief officer of the society, The Railway Age has made a can­ Atbarjr Park, IV. 4- Dr. Oronhyatekha receives a salary of pico, Goamyoata, Guadalajara, Qneretaro, vass of the country in regard to the $10,000 a year. He lives in the style Doors, Sash, Blinds, City of Mexioo (five days,) duernaraca, building, of new railroads during ths of an English country gentleman. He past year, and find# that about ,800 > 1 AgnscaiUntes, Los Angeles, San Diego ASK ANY BUILDER OR CONTRACTOR. owns an Island and he has built a mile* have been added in that time. r* and he will toll you that some o» the Frames, Mouldings. £iveroid% Pasadena, Santa Barbara, San magnificent mansion.—B t Xouia Post* This is the greatest amount of new rail­ Finest Plumbing in Asbnry Park Successor to Jose (Mt. Hamilton), Dal "Monte, Baa Fran­ Dispatch. road thot hss been built in any one year has been done by cisco (five days), Salt Lake City, Colorado since 1800, Wien 5,970 miles were com­ FERb. BROWN, Hardware, Springs, Denver, Chicago, and other points RUSSIAN ALTRUISTS. pleted. Scarcity of labor and the great 702 8UMMERFIELD AVENUE. CHAS. LEWIS & CO. increase in prices for rails and other Estimates for anything in* steam gas or water of interest. Fourteen days will be spent/iu piping, connections and fittings Mexico, and nineteen in California. Qnecr ComaanUtlo Colon/ Tbsl supplies is believed fo have had a mate­ Paints, The “Mexico and California Special,” sn Haa nieisU r Emigrated to rial «fleet in keeping down the new E ngland. SbUTH MAIN STREET, exclusively Pullman train of parlor-smok­ mileage, and the coming year will with­ E . E . K . R O T H F K IT Z , out doubt see continuation of building. ing, dining, . drawing-room, sleeping and (Successor to Qenung k Co.) Oils, etc. Perhaps the strangest communistic lovrc. stand# a t th e head of the list of observation car?, will be used over the entire settlement in the world is a colony of gtates in it* figures for new mileag® PRACTICAL STONECUTTER, ASBURY PARK, N. I. route. with 585 mile# to Its credit, although and dealor in Granite and Marble Mdnumenta Russians who have recently emigrated ■ I _ ■ . . .. Bound-trip rate, including all necessary to tU£ little village of Shepscombe, in the previous ten years had seen little or and Headstones. Curbing and Flagging, and all kinda of Building Stone. expenses during entire trip, $550 from ail Gloucejtershire, England. They oc­ no additions made to its railroads. A Sole Agent Adamant Wall Plaster points on the Pennsylvania railroad system cupy a farm of about 100 acres, and live notable fact about the railroad build­ Y ard and Office—905 M ain Street, for AflBURY PARK, N. J. east of Pittsburg. For itinerary and full in cottngg».rpun(i,about, men and wom­ ing of the year Is that there hhs been information apply to ticket agents; Tourist en together In 'complete Tolstoian comparatively little building by new ^FAC^DRy, DUNKIRK, H.V. companies, while a number of the older agent, 1196 Broadway, New York; 4 Court equality. Some of them are cultured men, one being a doctor of philosophy. roads have made important extensions. JOHN N. BURTIS? fiRAMCH YARD, 8PR1H3 LAKE: street, Brooklyn; 789 BrOad street, New­ The doctor of philosophy purchased the As examples, Hhe Chicago & North­ ark, N. J4 B. Courlaender, Jr., passenger fara;, but oa the possession of land or western has built 357Vi miles; the Chi­ Undertaker and Emfcalmer agent, Baltimore district, Baltimore, Md.; any other material advantage i* cago Milwaukee * St, Paul, 98 miles; •700 E3ATTIfl Colin Studds, passenger sgent southeastern opposed to their doctrine that iand and the Northern Pacific, 95 miiea in the. Cofilna and Burial Caskets ou hand or fur- WE mm THE BEST GOAL United States and 29 miles in Canada; niihed to ordor. Special attention given to district, Washington, D. C4 Thos. E. Watt, life should be free aa air to all, the title r iming pictures- Telephone 131 B. ______passenger agent, w.-’Sem district, Pittsburg, deed* were destroyed. If the colon; the Chicago, Bock Island & Pacific, 82 For all purposes—for ranges, furnaces, open Pa,; or address Geo. W. Boyd, sssistant should ever leave it Is supposed the land miles; the Atchison, Topeka & Banta Fe, IOO miles; the Illinois Central, 100 fires, steam boilers, blacksmiths, etc,, and sell general passenger agent, Broad street sta­ will belong to anybody wbo likes to seize iu The men, for the most part, miles; the Burlington system, 80 miles; and deliver at lowest market rates. Kindling tion, Philadelphia. . W A L L simply wear a.shirt, opes at the neck, the Louisville & Nashville, 74 mdeB; PAPER -Wood and. Charcoal, for. hotels, aad .boarding^ and" teiekerbodkera o r linon trouser®. th«r Seaboard: t Jrl-Line; over 100 jnOes; *’* ...... : houses. * ~ --- - FLORIDA. With sandals oa their, feet, The women the Great Northern, 74 miles, and thp JACOB BOLL, JR., are'dressed ia very short pinafore Choctaw, Oklahoma & Gulf, 188 mileB. A Two Week'* Tsar via The Pswiwylvseia dresses, open a t the neck, and /.un bon- During 1899 Massachusetts had the PRACTICAL PAPER HANGER ■ ; Railroad. nets; but “rational” dress I# adopted lowest record of new trackage, the AHB DECORATOR, WYNCOOP & HULSHART, by them on more ceremonial occasions. number of miles being only 4.20. The £nt PenmylT»nia Bailroad topr o has In stock She largest aad finest * y ard and office, 79. S. Main Street One 6? two have short hair, one wears line of Wall Paper at Be a roll up, the aeMon to Jacksonville, allowing two her hair curled snd coiled in the pres­ VALUE OF ORATORY. Room mouldings to K«.teb all weeks in Florida, will leave New York and ent fashion, and two wear their hair ln papers, 2%e a foot np. Also for Philadelphia February 6. a pigtail, and, clothed in batcher’s bine Bloqo«Bt V llghiu Are Ifnt a t Mucti ssale, Yaimish, Wood Filler, Wall Excursion tickets, including railway pinafores, look very like ChtnesW wom­ K7«« Beforo Jarlea *, Tints, Glue, Bronzes, Paper Haag- er*’ snd Painter*’ supplier etc. JlSkji, transportation, Pullman accommodations en. They have no laws, no rules; they Plain Ftnenor. disapprove of all law; each one Is to be Paper hanging, ra n tin g snd (one berth), and mealt an route ia both Tinting done at lowest prices by t directions while traveling an thetpecial a law to himself, and they trust that In an address before the Irish Lit­ skilled hands only/ their principle of good will to men will erary society on “Johr: Phiipot Cur­ (nun, will be sold at the following rates: diva me a trial and compare keep them right. In accordance with ran,” Lord Bussell of Kiilowen, the prices. . New York, 160 00f Philadelphia,, Harris- these views they reject all marriage chief justice, declared the value of ora­ burgh, Baltimore and Washington, $48.00; ceremonies. Their resources in the tory to a lawyer ls overrated. He as­ 541 Cookman Avenue, Pittsburg, $53.00, and »t proportionate rates form of bard coin are, it is said, nearly sorted thai It is an important'vehicle Adjoining SMrjbacb’a Mammoth Store. Estab. 18 years, from other point1. exhausted; but so far from causing for argument and for the enunciation' Asbtury Park, N. J, For tickets, itineraries, and other inform­ anxiety, thiB merely Ures their enthusi­ and enforcement of great principles. ation apply to *icket agents, tourist agent at asm for altruism and equality. The “But,” he said, “there is a tendency to 1158 Broadway," NeW York; 4 Court Streep «ss*Dce af-thsir communism is to le tta rim -to sugii in till* yc-gardy&nd ii: inok- morrow take care of itself.—Cincinnati upon fluency of speech as if it were Brooklyn; 789 Broad street, Newark, N, J,; Enquirer. oratory.” Gifts“0f'fipeeclreould-never «B. ijonrlaender, Jr., passenger agent, Balti- . \------attain to their real momentum and meie district, Baltimore, Md,; Colin Studds, Qav^QOieDt Pawnshops. power until founded upon a substratuna passenger agent southeastern district, Wash­ Pawnshops ln Germany bad their of carefully acquired knowledge and; ington, Dj C; Thos. E. Watt, passenger origin in the seventeenth nad eight­ upon solid argument. The opinion of agent western district, Pit . , , or to eenth centuries and were chiefly pubiie the lord chief justice is that of most Geo. W, Boyd, assistant general pwsesger undertakings conducted by the.stateor men who have considered the subject. agent, Broad street station, Philadelphia. community, Some of these state Insti­ The art oi oratorical flights is less prac ­ tutions In the German empire are tbe ticed, not so much because men are Eoyal lending housis In BeriJs, the less nbl.o-. to make such speeches, b u t. CALIFORNIA. Grand Ducal lending houses In ’Wef-" because they have lost their value. mar and Eisenach and the Ducal lend­ They are ol slight use before juries and TWrty-Oae Days’ Tour via ;the PenasyJ- ing house ln Gotha. Of course, thete of no use with judges. There ia a pop­ •f * > vrnla Railroad. are run by tho government. The cap­ ular disposition to distrust the man ital for carrying bn business by the Tbe Pennsylvania,Bailroad Company h«» who makes too great a display of his municipal authorities Is derived either gifts of speech when he makes an ad­ arranged for a special personally-conducted from the treasury or the city savings dress'. The public, being more-, ,en­ tour through California, to leave New York bank, which ia usually operated in con­ lightened, has eome to ireigl; argu­ I better from tho very first one I took. I had tnkon thwn for about s and Philadelphia on February 27, by special nection with the pawnshops. The prin­ month, and waa feeling bo much better that I had forgotten about the bad fed< ments more carefully. When this ora­ inga I used to have. The doctors called m y trouble dyspepsia. I had It tor aboat Pullman drawing-room Bleeping car and cipal cities can get money from private tor Is able to appeal to the passion of mvqi years, and had never in all my life been able to eat rich food or a w r connecting at El Paso with the “Mexico and persons at from three to four per cent. the moment he is sometimes influential, hearty meaL I often wondered why I should have bo much dyspepsia. I wooM California Special,” composod exclusively In Berlin there was invested during the but there his power ends. This is why have what I call water brash Bometimes four or five times a oay, when elan of Pullman parlor-smoking, dining, draw­ year 1898 Jn.'these municipal pawn­ the leaders of the bar to-day are not ^&ter that seemed hot would run out of my mouth and the was shops $022,000. The year showed a profit a minute, or else I would have pains at times in my fVnA ing-room sleeping, compartment, and obser- great'orators, but rather men with the of $10,700, or something more than one carefully acquired knowledge which wouU fairly double me up or pains in my shoulders and legs and all over me so vstlon care,' for tour through California, re­ per-cent,—N. Y. Journal. they are nbls to present logically to •hat I would wish I was dead. „ I would send for the doctor, and when he »>mi turning by March 29. the judge or jury they would conyince. in ho wpuldsay; ‘‘Well what is the matter now?” The best way to desczSbe Bound-trip tickets, covering all necessaiy how lfelt wasjjust to say that everything waa the matter with me nnd I |*d Yashao Thrift...... i - ■ everywhere. .1 think everybody who is troublod with their stomach ought to JubI expenses, $376 from all pointa on the.Penn A guest with an irascible temper Crime Upon Crime. x ■ e try Bipans Tabules and they will soon know how valuable they are. M r ace k L it ns give yon aa estimate on any Cem- flny*02ie years. ^ , sylvanlarailroad . . "< a t r> hotel in a New- England town In sentenpffig a prisoner to be hanged tery Work you may want. found that the dinner was not iu hia - otj»g health th** RTP-A-N-fl win not benefit B**A Ore cent* to 1 For further information apply to tickit for the m urder of a eoldle* Lord Esk- V » Tofk, for IO auoptas and I jOOO n*l*PAH-flu U ter * « liMng and he had no hesitancy in Seli- srreve dilated upon the crime as fal­ r, Woarepianufaoturoraof 1 agents;. tourist , agent, J l®.8 Broadway, MUSttlMMKlUn. fyxtgSi-ttnUtL l-SiaawalSHrjI-i-BT.Mitfi -• New York; 4 Corirt street; Broo&lfri; .789 ing the waiter so. Finally he thrash lows: “And not.only did you murder ;do*ra hie knife and fork.1 iiofffjiesm , h ea d sto n es Broad s tr e e t, Newark, N. J . ; B. Courlaess- him, whereby he' wa« bereaved, of his "WiBr ho exclaimed, “thertfn; no der, J r , passenger agent Baltimore dis­ life, hut you did thrust, or push, or use to tettJng, 1 can’t, eat this (toff,” pierce, or project,: or propel the lethal Writs ni, of hotter jot, boroo snd see os before trict, Baltimore, Mid,; Colin Studds, pas-, “I’m ssiry, air," responded the weapon through ttfe bellyband of his purchasing.,, senger agent, EOUihoMtirr, district, Wash­ waiter, “tint you migfit as well, .for rsglmental breeches, which wet*1 his . IiCJFTON BBOS., ington, D. C.; Thomas E. Watt, passenger yen'll hma to pay for_ it, anyhow'.”— majesty’*!” flto n a s q a a n , N» ,T. B=K'' ’ agent Western district, Pittabarg, Pa.; ot Detroit Free Press. Other New ^ards— address George W. Boyd, assistant general Tomb ol thp Ckm«. Matawan, r.i. i.. passenger agent, Philadelphia., . 1 , Rat Parllentap. . It Is not generally known thnt the Perth Amboy and. Sooth M n r. Brown—I hear. Jone* ia looking remains ot all the czars of Bussia sicofl (Bat. 1887). tronjid for new quarter*. Peter the Great lie In a snemorial elsapel > g rW w ar orders for Job Printing So Smith—Oh, I guess fe* Isn’t partlo- bnUt on one of the islands of the NenC . the JoonifAl, office. '{'<• olivkhoatthalr newhesa. S H«,feor»wel All the cesotaphs are exactly allks, *aoM ( The JotJHBJ.i, gives more fresh reading Tlie | Asbuip Park Journal If you vrant all thrnews you mast 1 aa »S os« froffl we this mornlnff->4-Tii« beinf a block of white marble, wlUMpt matte/ daily for one cent than any other the JotmKAt, ■■ ■ ~ r 1 eaio ETcnlsff News. uydacoratlon whatever. , , :: . .. _ ■ newspaper, in Aalmry Park. 6 cenWia we6k by mail.\ , ^ - . v , J

. [V- . ! y ~£3B U liY TA1QC I'O UK Iffllir -'FRIDAT;^^BBRUAfrr A*. _!Enaf pueiion. FOR THE HOUSjBOWEK.ji • MEN’S HATS. i J ■'.. I ■ *.: .1 x i ,1L -1—ti • i . s. \ 'I J -1 •; ...... ,|\AIS8 DRIGGS -will recoire at hor residence a |*.CaANCEBX;0i‘-'NSW iJBHSEVi A Budget of Inforniattaii fby;Bfery- .«*• limited nnmhorof pnpllai 1 Higher Eriglish * day D u lii tfcie llom e : V Branchei, Bookkoe^log. French^and’Drawing • ToAllcoW. llmrai ' ‘ ^ lea d g ea r Endorsed by Prof. RolHt atloaalBank of the Country. . of isbory Park la complainant, and you and A lemon cuBtard pie that Is always otuota arci dofondonta, yon are reunited to ap- appreciated is made in this wise: The ■NST&tCTION IN MUSIC.- ' : ' peat, pload, aaswot or, demur to :.;;o bill o! said crust Is baked first, an open shell, per­ 1 - x, , . Piano and Theory. complainant, oa or bofo're tho eovonteonth day \Toppleoe» TK«( Coat aa Uaob u CLARA M. CORNELL, Vo&sar College A. B, or Marob, noit. or tht) said bill will bo taken oa [ Ordinary ^all of Clothes— forating, it in several places with a fork ‘ Ref^k^ncs—;Prof. R. A. Tucting^Aabury Park* Addles OO0 Fourth avonuo,: forocloso a ^ ortgajo ^merlfcan j Mat*' JMSx-. • ’ , before putting in the oven, to avoid blis­ Biven by Harry W. Morford and wifo to tho> tering. J F6t the filling, cream together Mutual Llfo lnsuranco Company of Now York/' ' V - ••', °“r«*d-. ' , ' ’ , u .' J dated July 8thi 18U0, bn lands In tho townBhlp- one-half fciipful of sugar and butter the fpjrialgsitlees of Shrewsbury, Monmouth county, Now Jersey- The stiff, or derby hat, is the prevail- slz$ o£^< .vraln'ut. Add the ju ice o f half And you are mado defendant becaueo you own o part of snid lands. - , , lng-characteriatic headgear of the east a lemon and two tablespoonfuls of boll-, • Dated Jahuary i 7.1000. 1 io r ordinary wear, 'as It has beein for ing. water, and, lastly, the beaten yolks oj.-y- TYPEWRITERS, all Btandard roakep, bought, HAWKINS Sc DURAND, ■/1 sold, exchanged, rented, repaired. 'All gni r* SO yearn or more, or since the close of of Ithree eggs. Grate in a little of the anteet! bndeonfcoUton autirovol. S<»ndf<-riUnB* P. O, XddrOBa, Aabary the civil war. Before the war soft hat* r^nd and cook- in double boiler until trated circulars. CONSOLIDATED, TYPEi thick. Beat th^vyhltes of ,\h f eg g s to a WRITER EXCH., 341 Bwodway, Now York. ’ AN BULE TO BAR CREDITORS, •were commonly worn here, made in va- A»Mi»iaTa4TOB'a'N(mcB, rlous styles and in different shades >t stiff froth and slijr Jq afAtcr the fzjyng ip; Harry H. Pratt, Administrator of. John H. - gray, black and other colors. The taken from tiie fire. Pxiqrallin the P ra tt. docoaBod. by ordor of tho Surrogate o f tho rounfcy of Monmontb, boroby piyos notice ... styles"^erasotoejimes distlnguisheii b f ------— "* tl-“ ’d doceasod to *./ named forliamls d olaims against*' CHfeRtFF’S 8ALE.—By virtue of a Writ of fl ;------—jr oath or affirm­ ' ^ Xcmutii came to j.S.desired, w hip. the! whiteE .to a frotb. v ^fa. directed, issued out of the Court ation, within nine monthB from the nfnotoonth obtained very wide favor and cam e to add two tablespoonfuls pulverized of Chancery of theStatoof Now Jersey, wiU bo day of January, 1600, or thoy will be forever - m m n /n fV * W » oxnosed to sale Rt public Tenduo, on MONDAY, barred of any action thorofor against tho sold "be very commonly worn. Soft hats con* jsugai-,- spread oVer the top pud d f y THE .Bth DAY OF MARCH, 1000, between administrator. [18] HARRY H. PRATT, ly in the oven untij an inch thick and' the hours of 12 o’clock and o’clock (at 2 tinne to be worn in the east, and In con-, o’clock), ill the aftornoon of said day. at tho klderable cumbers; and there hast been* a g o ld M Court HmiBej at Freehold, township of Freehold, GRAVEL ROAD at least one season since the common • A frilit' jm-1 out cake Indteenou^ t p ( County ot Monmouth, Now Jersoy, All that tract or'parcel of land and promises, Between Stimtne' field Avenue adoption of the derby in which User® Caiifqraia, but much appreciated ty tr!StQ#-tafeiBg;i6 ©ver, the left-over goods were worn here perhaps more soft.hate tourists from “thb stites,'"is-inaae la nnd Sharis River Rbtuh County than sti£t bats. The soft hat now worn- this ways Stir to a cream two cupfuls lave disappeared, and we are now prepared here is very different from the old- of. sugar and one Of butter. Add the Ijeginnltfg at a point In tho' northerly odgo of Koticc of Meetinsr of Commissioners to Lake avenue, distant ono hundred and eevonty- style straight-crowned and almost flat yolks of six. eggs bdaten ligiiti one tea- fouu foH nnd threo inches wostorly from a mar­ Assess Beneflts, etc. brimmed soft hat once worn. It has a. spoo^nful o f cinnam on and nu tm eg ,o show the new gp.bds, which are arriving ble etono in tho wostorly odgo of Kingsloy Btreet and ram thenco wostorly along tho northorly trim th^t curls up at the sides and dips mixed aad one teaspoonful. sods die edge of paid Lako aTonuo,,thirty*threo feet; Notico ia hereby- slvoairthat .we. tho under- more or less at the (front and bach; the solved in onaoupful of cold water, Beot thenco northorly at rimht angloe to said Lake signod commlsslonors, appointed by tho cir* avenueron^hundred feet j thence-eastorly par-^ cult conrtof.tho connty.of • Monmrt&tbi to osti - top Is created and-the. sides of tho the willies of the eggs to a stiff froth allel with said Lako a.vonuo, thirty-three feet mate and assess tho poculIdrbonoStB Coriforred ' crown crushed in.. It is variously de­ £nd fold in alternately with the flour. and thenco southerly again at right angles to by tho construction of a gravol road over and said Lake avonuo ono hundred feet to tho froint upon tho publid highway Tying in tho Township ' scribed as alpine, tourist, and so on, Into which two teaspoonfuls of cream or placo of beginning. .*.<*■•: :• of Noptuno, County of Motumouth, beginning at ^ ‘ In the south the prevailing head cov­ tartax has been sifted, until four s*up- Belngthe Bamo promises convoyed to tho said Summorflold avenuo-'a't its( intersection with Marla "F. Wagner by Ernoat Bchnitzlor and Atkins avenuo and running thenco southerly ering is the soft hat; perhaps to the ex­ fuls of flour have been need. Lastly, Mary, bis wife, by dood of, coavoyanco bearing following tho 3ino of Atkins avonuo to whore it tent of 00 per irent^and the soft hat ia stir into the mixture one pound of.ral-j date July 24th, 1888. and recorded in tho Mon­ intersects with tho Shark r^ver road, by tho sins seeded, choppcd arid'dmiged with mouth County Clork’s ofllco at Freehold in Board of Chosen ‘ Frooholdors, upon tho lands . •worn largely in the w est, if not m ore ex­ book 478,of doeds, page, 487, Ac<-• ‘ and real estate fronting or bordering on tho tensively than the stiff bat. Through­ Sour and one cupful of hSckorj nut kep, Special 5ale Linens Seized as tho property of Katharlno Sommol- same, will, under and by virtuo of tho ordor of cels, aiEQ 'dredged. >'Hf* all thoroughly manfl ot alirji thken in execution afc tho enlt of said circuit court, meet at Giffard’b real estate put" the country everyw here the derby EdwardO. Whitosldos, and to bo sold by ofllco in-Asbury Park on Wodnosday, tho la worp,more or les8jn.citj,est.and son-, and bake ii^tjyp_.loiiv? a.slo^v Qven,, i ^ I’THissweelt^e ’Will inaugurate a special sale of Bed and O.E.DAVI8/BhorifT. Bevonth day of Fobruarr, 1000, at 10 o’clock in HAWKU: ' the forenoon, whou and vpbore wo wlHglvoa - ■tamtly more and more commonly, in The most wholesome and altogether Ta® *fcinena ■ The cHBie^igob^s^te 6ffer were pufchased'at Dated-Jani 20th, 1900. • *5*0 $5,40.. public boaring to thoso persons in ipterest and southern cities; so that the area o t delicious way iu which tbe large Span­ desiring to bo hoard:' “ Datod Jun. 5,1000. cierby predominance may, bf? said to be ish or Bermuda onions can be cooked is an opportune moment, before the advafee 'in .prices,' and'they ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. • *- * WILLIAM GIFFARD, constantly spreading. In tie country by roasting in thoir skins. Lay tlie will be disposed of without any advance. The next lot we JAMES M HAGERMAN, i -5 , WILLIAM R. JOLINE. th e s o ft h at prevails. In som e outlying. onloa* directly on ,tb» bottom ol the buy; though,'will cost more: money and patrons will have to 1 • Monmouth County Orphan’s Court. districU ol tli«,resnote west.the.soft hat ovfen/and bake 'Shree or four hejttrsj’ By In tho matter of salo of thaUanda of Amanda Blackburn, doceasod, for tho payment of her ■ • \ Thorigh bar eqolpmetit com is practically the only bat worn through th is Jnetlidid t h i j w ^f be lioked^in Jheir stand the-incre'ase in- pricef; Wise housekeepers, therefore, • debts. . . . Byvi'tueofan ordorof tho Orphan’s Court prlees all tho latest modern latm wide territories; . - i ow n 5 steam.; and faofle o f th e mediiMnal-' will attend this sale and stock, their linen closets in anticipa­ of the county of MoiimoTith and State of Now dry machinery we do Thn /)ne,5ofthflt«sold by iity dealers properties of the onion be dissipated. ’Jerfcey. dated the eighteenth day of January* A. tion of the sure tu come t4) ad jump in pricing. ;; D. i000i and filed In said court on said day, I In weMi'rc. northwestern and- south­ Wben ready to serve peel, put on hot wilhsell atpublic Bale, at Park Hall, in tbe city- ern ciiii's are many of theni admirable dishes, add salt, pepper and butter, and . of Asbury Park, connty of Monmouth, State of New Jersey, on FRIDAY, THE TWENTY- HAND-WORK exampli s of modern hat-making, grace­ realise th a t you' have the onion t}t its THIRD DAY OF FEBRUARY, A. D. 1000, ot on all cIo8B?sof work that require ful in design and excellent in quality, very best. Invalids can eat ohions pre­ 2 o’clock in'tho afternoon of said day, all the following doscribed land and promises, with it, and we <1» It better than most many of them, indeed, expensive, retail­ pared in this way. Wben boiled in the all the appurtenances.boinv tho samo described teundrles. Yon can give tis s ing at five dollars and upward perhaps' usual fashion they are sure to disa­ in said order, that is to Bay: All that cortain irial and we will ahow how neatly lot or pared of land and promises lying andsitu* to ten dollars. There are soft hats that gree.' The onions may be served whole Ladies’ fluslin > ated in tho township of Nopt’ino, county of . and satisfactorily we can do it. sell for higher prices, up to IIS aqd $20, or be cut in small pieces, but lu either Monmouth and State of New Jorsoy, known as case they will be found tender, juicy lot numb* r 8, blnck 4, on tract of land located Asbury Park Steam Laundry, and more. Hats at $15 ahd $29fthile'by at West Asbury Park, bolnndrtlLularly described as fol­ S 0 Cookman Avenue. lows: Said lot boing located at tho northwest still things of steady and regular sale. Cod liver oil, say physicians, should oorner of Ridge avonuo and Heck avonuo, in Such are the bats worn in this country be taken during or immediately after •Thousands upon thousands of choice musliih goods in said West Asbury Park, dimensions of said lot saeals. '.t is best given as clear oil when being as follows: Sixty-nine feot and ono inch by cowboys and plainsmen, among oth­ Ladies’ Underwear. * All sizes, all varieties, all prices, but fmnt, the south line being ono hundred und Choice ers, and the price Is not by any means it can be taken. If this is too tU3Ta:?u- tbirty-fonr feet and two inches in longth, the .. ^ friiicy price; Blit It stuuda for the very ful. a-piueh'-of'-salt-taken-before- and every^garment. the best of :jt^ ..particular grade. . . The prices west side sixty-ono foot and nino inches in Tender Meat lenifthVahd the north One hundred and thirty- I ..ia as easy to get asrthe other best; of material, aac! necessarily in a after the dose rapidly removes from the quoted will soon dispose of; the immense stock. ^ tive feot. '* kind. It is not necessary to eat b a t o t that size, a good deal more of It moiith the unpleasant fish taste. Many . Terms cash. -i. 'meat which is tough and flavor Dated January 10, 1000. 1 _ ' . loss. There Is no reason why th an w onld be put in to an ordinary hat. fer that it is easier taken in ice water. • JOHN VAN ORKEY, every dealer shouldn’t havo the The*®' h a ts are t h e r e a t th a t can be Just enough ice water for a swallow is Claude V. Gukbin, Administrator, right kind. It’s merely a mat­ I ‘ 4-8^ . Attorney. ter of care and gumption. Oui ...... made, and-wil?/ outvfrear half a dozen put in a glass, and to this tlie oil should meats are personally selected— cheap, common hats, a conBide.ratiorToiC' added. The’oil will goiherln a burns. |^|0NMOUTH COMMON PLEAB COURT. hence iulclnoss and tenderness in the center, and if th?.w hole is swal^,' . instead of dry and tasteloBs some importance to a man wbo might -stuff that nobody wonts, have to go a hundred mi]es,-jta* maybe lowed at once it will scarcely be tasted^ Joseph W. Perrine and Joseph 0. Jackson, New Wash Goods partners, trading bb Perrine & Jackson vi. Jpb- 500, to find a hat'store. Apple toast makes a delightful and sie Pay and Mary A. T)awson. On contrSCt,' VENDOME f BRET,' For a long time some American Btraw simple dessert for invalids or the aged. Attachmeut.. ■ . 705 Bangs Aycnuc. None too early to. Chink of buying wiash goods for , Notice is hereby givon that a writ of attach­ , ARTHUR T. PURCHASE, Prop’r, hats have been exported to Latin Amer­ The foundation of the dish Is bread ment s t’ the' suit of Joseph W. Perrine and ican countries south of the equator, toasted In the oven until crisp thrrugh- gowns Ev^ry train bringsbrinjspring us-invoices of Joseph C. Jackson, partners, trading as Per* rine 4 Jackson, against the rights and credits, such as Brazil, but not manyijtjiat trade out. Place the slices in the bottom of these1^ desirable good: indtfaing Percales, )ofnestic and moneys and^effects^jroods jm d ehnttcls.'lnmis. - I s m ostly sn ti ooiaru!.ir- setvrilfiln anotiH'rdlsbVturn andieneroehtspf Josilo Day and Mary A, Daw­ 'lM^ft'«d.r'Gihg'Kja'^;^qii^a3ff'Diinitie&'' The , stock will son, non-residont debtors, for tbo^um of three can straw hats have found a fair mnrket boiling water over each slice, drain im­ hundred and thirtoen dollars Bnd eighty cents; In the West Indies, and more have been mediately and serve hM in a pretty be Jarge|“,: ofj course,;in'another week, but the goods now dis­ issnsdout of tho Coort of Common Pleasof Mpnnw>uth codnty on tho elovenjh day of Janu­ sold th(*^^lnce5the close of tie recent* taiga sapcer witb sweetened afiple played will give you an idea qf the styles. The pricing, as ary; nineteen hundred, tethrnablo ana returnod war witiit^ ^ i n jthan( eyer before.' The tan ee ahorii the consistency of marma­ into court duly executed by the sheriff , of tbe usual, will be b e ;fa^tless^ Spend an hour today county of Monmouth on the twonty.fifth day of straw hoiiseen in Havanh are. many of lade turned over each slice. Tbe sauce January, nineteen hundred. • Uke4 Jhose seen in New tforkj in ay also bejnadeof dried apples or pre­ ooking the pretty things over critically. Dated January 25,1000. •• • ’ JOSEPH MCDERMOTT, and such styles are spreading ou{ on served peached Clerk, the lines of railroads and supplatiting Old and obfltirafe stains In llnea may Hawkxvs 4 Duramd, the native palm hats. be removed by the fumes arising from ■% % AttomeyH for Plaintiffs. . 4-% ■ Tn soft and stiff hats there has long a small piece of burning sulphur (some­ been some export trade, chiefly to Mex­ times even a sulphur match will be ,N OHANCKEX OF SEW JERSEY.. ico attd^tbe Central American states' #DoughJ. followed by water To Minnie Stanch and Ernest Stanch, her and the West Indies, witb some to Souths it) w hich a little soda h as been dissolved. Carpets and Mattings insband, Florence Hunter. Bossie So a brook Hunter,* Alta Eveline Hunter, Lena Cordelia America. For some years a New Yoi$ A dainty dessert for the oursery or Hunter, and Sarah Holen Ruth Hunter: city hatter, who is also a manufacturer, invalid’* tray consists o t BO apple cored In our carpet departments will be found 300 rolls of By virtue of an order of the-Court of Chan- eery of New Jersey, mada on tho day of the dat^ has had agencies for the sale of his bats and carefully baked, then covered witb new patterns in Carpets, as well as an endless line of imported 1 lereof, in a cause wherein Sarah A. Banta ia. _In three European cities, a number soon whipped cream or tbe white of an egg complainant, and you and others are defend*- COCOA WINE and domestic Mattings, Carpets, you know, are higher than ants, yon are required to appear, and plead, to be increased. The American hats beaten stiff with a little sugtsr. demur or answer to tho complainant bill sold at these agencies have been sold In disinfecting a room with sulphur they were last year. This Hew stock, however,, was spoken on, or before the first day of March next, or the said bill will bo taken as confessed against yotu VIN COCA presumably chiefly to American tour* the vessel sjontaining it should be for before the new rates went into effect, so our customers will . The said bill is filed to fn redo so a mortgage I ists; in fact, hats bought in these for- placed as high as possible, so that the given by John Hnntor and Elizabeth Hunter, his reap the benefit of our bM er\y,gresj^ wife, in their lifetime, now deceased, to Elias Otm NEW PEEPAllATIOlf, BUT 0 » W0BLD w^ig u « ^ c$ tie e-h b v esv w o m ^Uuo^ the- Jheayy..ifnme& ,mix,.feUi.— .W^shlBKlftS ^Praax; ichis-lifotlmPi D0^r d9W?eff?d» dated tho store of the maker here. But a few .Star. 6 " *i twenty*flfth day of January, eighteen htihdrod ■— -r,...,-.., .-r-T mowmss.mmk..^^ at formerprices anq they were usually low, you will remem­ and aflTenty*uino, on lands in tho township of years'ago awldeiy-imowti Atnerlcalf ber; W^ measure yuur rooms, make your carpets and put Shrewsbury, in the couuty of Monmouth, and hat manufacturing concern, sect a man HER ROLING PASSION. 8 to to of New Jersey, and assigned, by Anthony This preparation of Cocoa tonesop thaht £ around the world with some wimpiet, them dpwn promptly and properly—in a day, if needs be. Truax and John H. Truax ob tho eiocutors of Sbe Monrpett tbe 8»sth of Her Friend, the laat will and tcstnmoqt of tho said Ellas whole systom, is particularly adapted with the result that American *olt aud Truax, deceased,’to the complainant by dood of physical and nervous prostration, and t O at CoaldB'tOrerlook Bee assignment in writinff datod tho twenty-seventh 2? stiff hats are now nolti, to Mitne ex ten t, day of February. oiRhtoon hundred ana eighty- build up persons wasted by continued ill at least, in praetirally every civilized Floe Clotiiea, six, and duly recordod in tho Clock’s ofllco £n health. 75 qonts, pint bottles. and for the county of Moamoutb aforesaid; and Endorsed by all physicians. Prepared country on earth. you,Minnie F. Stauch are mado a defendant bo- tints can be produced and sold In tbis “There poes e •’jotnnn," said the girl, cause you are ono of tho hoirs-at-law of tho said only by . John Hunter, deceased, who was the mortgagor I “who hasn’t a thought on earth except country nowadays very obeaiv but and who died seized of tho prpmlsos mentioned W. A HAM, American' manufacturers' do. not yet dress. I know that superior man at Great Furniture Sale and described in tho said but of complaint ond seek to compete In foreign markets tributes tbis particular weakness to all as such heir-at-law you havo or may claim to % Drngfflst and Apothecary, w om en—jbut it's a canard, as. of have some eBtato. right, title, or interest in tho with the still lower-priced Belgian,Uer- In a day or two our new line of Furniture will be on fcald mortgaged promises or In some part or por­ ii ■ 1ST 'iilt i Sit.i’AEhury t i r t man and English hats. On the trip re­ course, are aim' out of ten of male es­ tion thereof: and you Ernest Stauch ato mad® exhibition. Our furniture buyt-r made his selections at the a defendant beeauBo you aro the husband of tho ferred to* there were carried only the timates of women.” *aid Minnie F Stauch and as such husband you ^y-(..... ! ; , ,• I."-- • She conquered a refractory, button furniture fountain .head in the west and secured the pick of have or may claim to have au estato by tho \ very finest grades of hats, in such courtesy in tho said mortgaged preraiBoa or. in grades the American manufacturers on.her gloje'- before'she eontipued: the new things'created for home comforts. His purchases Bomd part or portion thoreof or some other In­ ‘‘But shat woman; who passed ns is terest or osto to thorein; and youFlofonco Hun- now bate ht» rivals anywhere. The will fill several trains for we sell more furniture than iany tor are mado a defendant bocauso you are tho finest American hats may cost more without doubt, tiio moit drese-craz.v other five houses in Monmouth county. . Boiigh^ for spot widow of James S. Hunter, deceased, another than the best foreign hats that come woman I have ever' sbM She knows of tho heirs-at-law of the Baid Joljn Hunter, deceased, and as tho widow of said JamoB S,, nearest to them, but they ak-e distinctiy no topic save dfess—can speak oa ho cash, we will continue to undersell all competitors; and then Hnnter, doceasod. you aro entitled toor may superior In style, finish and lightness. crther subject. She spends one-half claim to bo ontltlod to dowor In tho said mort­ and Insurance the furniture we sell is guaranteed to be of the non-breakable gaged promises or In somo part or portion T%ey are the finest hats produced in the of ber time at her dressmaker's, and brano. —Not a piece pf shoddy furniture in the monster as thereof; and you Bosaio Soabrook Hunter, Alta world, and they commend themselves the ether half is ased is epcploitlng tlie Evallne Hunter. Lena Cordelia Hunter, and Sarah HelenRnth Huptorare each of yoptnjado aaai Main Street. to men of taste and discernment whei- handicraft of tbs modist . Cloodaess sortment, Hotel and boarding-house keepers are invited to defendants because you and each of you are tho ever they are seen, w h eth er in Bu$np& only knows whec ab® manages to g^t heirs-at-law of tho said JameB B. Hunter, de­ . Office formerly occupied by look our furniture display over before placing their orders. ceased, whp diod seized of an undivided inter­ A yres or St. Petersburg. Whet? th e anything to eat. Shf’B dead to every est in the said mortgaged promises or somo part, WASHINGTON WHITE. traveling man with these goods got tor feeling, I believe, except that winch or portion thoreof, and as- such' kelre-at-Ihw. have, or may claim, to havo, somo estato, right, Europe, hatters in cities there said to has to do with dre« And what do title or interest in tho said mortgaged premises him: •*'Why, we can sell the best Eng­ you think sbe said Saturday? I saet or in some part or portion thereof, Insurance written In reliable companies and in good form, ■ - lish hat for.what yours would cost us,** her as we were going out of a bopse of Dato — ^ ^ I S & e . K E W E p r but when they saw the hat they bought mourning. A young woman, whom e-e . ' Solicitor of Complainant, Real Estato bought, sold and exchanged. both knew had died—-but the feeling i * , Post Office Address, Asbury Pajki N. J.- List of Cottages for,rent them nevertheless. •ia.Q0.,‘ . '• Money to Loan on Bond end Mortgage, M^ny American hats ore now sold in of Sorrow was too fresh upon rae to permit anything more than* a nod of Canada, and also In Mexico and the j^OBMOtJTH COCN^X ClSCOIT, fcOUaT. , WILLIAM GIFFABtD. neighboring countries, and there tire recognition. For balf a square w e .. bF.. RandolphxiQUUUiiJa tuui(>uu}i Company^ a nonuuu residontruoiuum. i a wl,nt Perfect Health I«. creasing.—N; Y, Sun. debtor*____ .. for the Bum of six bupprod dollars, Is­ Perfect health Ib that condition of the sued out of tho Circuit Court of the County of Monmouth, on tbo twentloth day of Septem^ier, B aocooiled by P , < eighteen hpndred and nlpetyteight, rorai zi daughter’s^ mcHic,” sighed Ihe 'ioneer flerchants dulyjoxec- as W H ITTLE & GIBSON. xnothwr, “haa been a great expense.” * destruction ant! construction tha’t goes ^30,^631^ returned th egu est; .>*^KW5xe o- un«asi>lgtj In cell life is dally kept eifcfttod Jahuary 8,1000. ' Bammerfield, At* and EailKad,,. ; .... neighbor sued yon, 1 snppose?*'-^®^ Donr-sl*.—E .B . W arman, In Ladies’ Home JOSEPH______MCDERMOTT, M Clerk. E lt i. \ l - \ ' » JonrnaJ, \ ■ Two Modern Haweinb & DpBAMp, Att'ys for Plaintiffs,. -5 . A3EUBY & J. Xr\:-

■?»>• six ca n ts a ♦ & »u won"'* y o t $ weak, it c a rr ie r •- - ■ ' ® . X alt iha iooai .% ; * wilt leaoo tho .„ X nowsunless you i r yj; \ daily edition o f \ • t read Mo k X T h e Journal \ • | JOURNAL I • . « at your door. . i i every afternoon ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ & ♦ «


date for the regular, sessions of. the'gen- AGREEMENT SIGNED. KENTUCKY LEGISLATORS eral assembly apd s says ‘Its session; shah BILLER IS REPORTED HIGH SCHOOL ALUMNI. ASBURY PARK YACHTS be held at the seat of government, except TO BE FIGHTING AGAIN DEFEAT THEIR RIVALS BARRED FROM CAPITOL in case .of war, insurrection or pestilence, Officers of the Board of Trade and tho Pubilp School Graduates Met Thursday when It may by ■proclamation by- ttye gov­ Symphonlon Company Fix Up tho Pa- , Evening, Elected Officers and Ar­ Attorney** For tho Factions, Try to ffleet -csford to Command the Mediterra­ Freeholder Wortman’s Ice Yacht, “May ernor assemble for - th e . tim e' being else- -pers Bearing on the New Factory. ranged for a. Banquet. ■ a Peaceablp Agreement,rbiit Fail. • where',’ ' '■ \ !' W-V nean .Fleet—Boers Report Many Bu- and Dell,” Seconded by Pennypacker’s !•; ; Banker'and. Prison Warden ;-. "The general assembly • Is now In see The agreement between the Asbury ?’ i ' rials a t Ladysmith—Churchill on An annual meeting of the-Asbury Park “Ihe Torch, "Win the Deal Lake .' \>-. Ignore Taylor. , sion and under the "constitution can re Park Board of Trad*and the Symphonlon the Situation in Natal.. High School Alutnnl.. Association was Championship and a Pennant. main in sesslojn 00 days. Being in regu­ Manufacturing Company of New York In held last night In the Grand Avenue lar session tire governor does not have tc J. E.Wortman’s "May and Dell” won the FRA NKFORT, Feb. 2 .-T h e logiila- relation to the'building of a factory at LONDON, Feb. ,2.—Mr. wjndham’s Hotel. The following officers were elect* convene the senators and representative! Ice yacht race on Deal lake ■ yesterday tare is making progress. Wednesday iv Bradley B e ac h ; .was executed yesterday remarkable declaration In the house, of el for the. ensuing year: President, and fix.the places of their meeting, nnd afternoon. The contestants were Edwin waa hustled around-the town and raced by Piesident Gratz and.' Secretaiy! Bene- tommbna that Great Britain will have In George W. Pltteriger; first vice-president,- through; the .Btreets by';the military.; Yea- there is no; w#r, Insurrection or pesti­ a fortnight 180,000 regulars in . South P. Benjamin and hls “Shamrock,” 0_E.- lence.” : . r dix of the company, on the authorization Jesse Minot; second vice-president, Mrsi T terday morning a ftinair portion of it wak Africa, ; 7,000 Canadians nnd Austra­ Two direct slaps were given Governoi cif-the Board of. Dlreptpra of that con- W. W. Ijavls; recording secretary, Ellas Eskew and the "Columbia” of AJlenhuistj turned bnck^at the gate of the stntehbuse lians and . 20,000 South African volun­ ii Taylor yesterday by public, officers who teers is received with wonderment. .Of and Wlllfam D, Pennypacker, whose - I. .-' grounds when attempt ivas made to reach declined, to obey his; orders. The firsl cerr.,- :Z k ? ' ’ ~ S. Longftreet; treasurer, Edwin Wyckoff; The first payment, namely $4,000, was this total of 213,000 troops, -with 452 corresponding secretary, Miss Fannie “Torch” with Wortman’s craft defended the capltol building. In the afternoon it came from President . Rodman of; the gnns, all are now there, with the excep­ Asbury Park, , - ■ reached the door of the building, and. at Farmers’. bank, /which' is’ a state deposi­ ordered to be held ln escrow until the Richards; executive committee, Mrs; Em­ tion of about 13,000 that are afloat. Be­ The “May and Dell” won In a five mile a body it haa strong hopes that the next tory. Some vouchers on the bnnk' wer6 Board ol Trade la rekdy to sign the agree- yond comparison this iB the largest force ma P. Coward, W. W. Davis, MUs Jennie attempt will take them into the legisla; signed by Governor-Taylor In .favor oi ment, which will be .done as soon as the Great Britain has ever put. into the field. Sexton and the officers mentioned. course In 20 minutes plus. The ‘‘Torch” some of the militia officers who wanted was second; “Shamrock,” third; and tive chambers. There is verylittle heard sale; of lots whose revenue Is to defray At the end of the Crimean war she had The association decided to give a ban­ money for thjir companies. scraped together 80,000: men. Wellington “Columbia,’’tired and cold, last. , now about London, and there seems tc When they were presented nt the bnnk, $8,000 of the cost of the factory, will war­ quet one week after the graduating exer­ be a general feeling* among the Demo-, at Waterloo had 25,000. Wortman's bout will hereafter fly a ten- payment was refused. President Rod­ rant the execution. Several verbal changes Mr; Wyndham’a speech wfts the stron­ cises of the high school .and the executive crats and Republicans alike that the next man said \tbaf he did riot see how he foot silk pennant, the victor’s reward. were made In the agreement submitted by gest defense the-government has yot'put committee was make all the meeting of the’legislnture will be. held in could pay out the money on order.s signed The pennant is being made by “Sailor” the Board of Trade] forward as to -what has been done arid ia arrangements. the capltol building. There has been no by Governor Taylor until he knew foi being done. Jack, and besides paying for It, Allen­ certain who was the actual governor ol M. L. B arm en , arid J . Stanley, Fergu­ An amendment, offered by Ellas Long. announcement of the intention on the I t is reported here on good authority hurst must also see Its colors, purple and Kentucky. He had asked an opinion son, representing tbe Committee o n . Man­ street, was' carried, providing that here­ part of Governor Taylor, but It seems tc that General Buller has crossed the Tu- white, go to Its rival south of the lake. have become a tacit belief- that he will from the attorney of the bank, he said, ufactures, were in New Y6rk and. ex­ after fifteen members of the association and when it was received he would acl The yachts had great difficulty In get rescind his action of AVednesday before plained the situation of affairs. W. C. shall constitute a quorumfand four mem­ the time set for the meeting at Loudon. accordingly. He declared he would take ting under way; Before the start was no chances of paying out money until he Cottrell, tbe architect, showed the plans or bers of the executive committee shall Anonymous letters threatening assassina­ made every boat had mot with nn acci­ tions are going through the mails in con­ was satisfied he wbb acting under propel the building and went ovei^the same with constitute a quorum. • authority.' dent. But the most serious trouble oc­ siderable numbers./ They have been re­ the company's arcbltect, who forind every­ A ,musical program preceded the bus!- The second instance promised for a curred In the midst of the race. Eskew’s ceived'by the Democratic attorneys,* bj thing satisfactory..- - • ness of the evening. MIsb Fannie Rich-: the Republican attorneys nnd by every time to have serious consequences, nnd “Columbia” fonled Pennypacker’s “Toi ch” trorible may yet arise from It. ards gave a piano solo; Feed Burdge, a judge of the court , of-appeals: They art The committee bad succeeded In dtB- while both" were tacking. The boom of all practically of one nattire, Informing, , Governor Taylor Issued n pardon tc poslng^if 18 lots all told at 3' o’clock this flute tolo; Miss Ethlyn Sedam a. whistling Douglass Hayes, a convict in the Frank­ the “Columbia” struck Pennypacker In . the recipient that unless he mends tht. afternoon.j . The buyers are: M. L. Bam- solo and Elvln Burtis a bass solo. . fort penitentiary who is serving a fivt the back and hurled him off his boat He error of his political ways he will be man,(Henry Steinbach, Steiner & Son, J. shot down; Ex-Governor" Bradley’s house year term for manslaughter, having beet — — v-*------picked himself up unhurt and despite the Is guarded night and day by soldiers, nnd sentenced in ^lurch, 1800. When the S. Ferguson, J. .H. Cook, George W, pardon was sent'to-Warden Lillard, he PEBBLES. delay pulled in ahead of Eskew. Once, even In the daytime the Inside blinds on Treat, William B. Clayton, J. N. Burtlp, when the race was most Interesting, tbe • the first floor are kept closed to prevent decided, that be could not turn the man loose until he was satisfied regardlng the Bucbanon & Smock, Jobn. Steinbach, Picked up Here and There and Bunched "Columbia” Instead of turning a stake nnybody from being able to fire through William F. Wilson, Charles Lewis and . the windows with accuracy. , legal , status of the governorship. He for Quick Reading. walked around it with the assistance of Governor Goebel passed nn unfavora­ made no reply’ to Governor Taylor, but Milan Robs. ; Ideal skating. declined to honor the pardon and Inform­ her crew, who got out and pushed. ble day yesterday, although he was.fair­ Quite a number of people braved the. ly- comfortable when night camb ort. He ed the. penitentiary commissioners of his Warmer-tomorrow. r' has half a dozen doctors around him, and action.' They agreed with the positioo FARMERS AT LAW. Tomorrow is ground-hog day. . wind to see the race. They were some­ the reports "of his condition vary accord- taken by the warden, and the than, wai what disappointed, owing to the fact tbat -■held. ■ ■ ': The banka close at noon tomorrow. . Ing to the last physician who leaves his The Heirs 'of . i.'ie" Late Job Edwards tbe strong west wind made It necoesary to room. One doctor is confident that he will The action of Lillard, who Is an ardent, supporter of Governor Goebel, aroused Want -a Oeed Their Father Now pick early spring advertising. tack almost constantly so that ten slow recover, nnd another generally allows him LORD BERESFORD. an hour or two before be breathes his last intense indignation among the Republic­ Made S et Aside. Tomorrow is bargain day at Steinbach’a, miles were covered Instead of five His strength is maintained to great ex­ ans, and it -was declared that a detach­ geln river at three places and that fight­ straightaway. ment of soldiers would, be sent to the pen­ Vlcd-eiiaScellorvicVV e John R. Emory of Valentines have mode their, appearance tent by Injections.' He haB had'several ing haB been proceeding all day long. in the stores, Today another race will take place, but itentiary to take the man away by force Newark today beard the. case of the heirs Rear Admiral Lord Charles Beresford linking spells'out of 'which he' was the prize Is glory only. brought with some difficulty. He seemed if Warden Lillard. persisted In his refus­ of jo b Edwards against William H.Palmer started for the continent this inorning on The-weekly edition ofthe J ournal is to rally less readily from cneb successive al to release Hayes. No such talk, how­ of Belmar, to set aside a deed on a farni his way tp-Malta to take command of printed today. , ' collapse, but. held his own steadily ever, came from the office of Governoi tho Sceorid division of the British Med­ Taylor ;Or that of Adjutant General Col- near Hamilton given by EdwardB to held its weekly drill last ARMORY FOR fHE MILITIA. throughout the afternoon. His kidneys iterranean fleet. night in al hall. ----- ller." : ...... -...... Palmer with which to pay off a mortgage A dispatch from. Cape Town, dated - have practically-ceased .their; function*, Company H Will Issue SIS,000 Worth of ..and Blight symptoms of pneumonia bave Turlor Aiki O ovdam nt-to Interfere of $1,600, held by P alm er.. . Jan. 31, says: . . . - - ; ^ ; Company H will be inspected by-Mejor appeared, but have not fig yet becomb so -T he. evlitence-of. th« complainant was #i*A«Brltlsh force with artillery Is re-| Derini* F. Colllns bf ElizaMth this evening.’ Stock to Build a Home. -. WASHINGTON,: Feb. ' 2 —President; ported to have occupied-Prieskn and Ib serious as to cause alarm in themselves/ McKinley ’has reciWed. ar long message that when the deed was given In Novem­ Miss Blanche Bennett has returned to Company H, N. G. N. J., voted last The doctors ns’ a' whole entertain no now encamped there. Prleska is on the: from Governor W. S. Taylor of Ken­ ber, 1808, there was an understanding be­ Orange riyer, 100 miles below Orange; Ocean Grove for a visit from Glen Ridge, night to take 20 shares of the $15,000 hopes of his recovery. ; tucky dated at;. Frankfort. Governoi where she is studying music.. A proposition looking to\yard an amica­ tween them that Palmer was to have the River station and west of Kimberley.” worth of stock that has been Issued to Taylor reclteB at length the situation In A dispatch from Hoof laager, near ‘ AJargd'iudience was present last night provide funds for the erection of an armo- ble adjustment cante from the Repub-' Kentucky, declares tbat he considers him­ deed until April 1,1899, and give Ed­ lie side just before noon yesterday, when Ladysmith, dated Jan. 30, says: in Association hall at the benefit entertain­ ry. The amount per share Is $5.’ Among , self the legally elected executive of thg, wards a chance toredeem it, “All Is quiet here.....The Long Toms ment for the E. H.'Stokes Fire Company; T. L. Edelen of Frankfort, Governor state and asserts that the condition ot af­ Edwards did hot do so on time, and after tbe Individual .members of the company Taylor’s - attorney, appeared. at the Capi­ occasionally Sre on Ladysmith, The fairs at the present time is most critical. April 1, through his lawyer, Charles E. deaths In Ladysmith-from fever and oth- It J s Bald f SOO will lm.Rnh!irjlhfld..-Thft-— tol hotel to hold n conference with Judge He says that a riot may_QCCur_at..flm. ---^jorT-loulB-ileQuowuand-GoloneHVVil XTook1, l*almer brought an action bf ejection er causes mtisf be .enormous, as we can subscription lift will be open, today and me "which will cause much bloodshed. clearly nee them buryfng corpso»t'dally. Ham Scott, the. legal advisers "of the De- Governor Taylor sayB tbat he is doubtful against Edwards. In the meantime, Ed­ an acfive canvass will be made at once. General Joubert went to the upper Tuge-" The Doings of the Various Secret Orders .. mocracy. After a short talk Mr. Edelen of his power to control the situation and wards brought salt In chancery to declare declared that Governor Taylor nnd _the la yeBterday." . . . 1 in Asbiiry .Park and Vicinity. appeals to the president to end the mat­ the deed a mortgage and secured an. In­ The Dally Telegraph publishes the fol­ A. D. Hunt, the Prize Shooter. Republican party were anxious to avoid ter and secure peace in tljp state by rec­ anything that might possibly lead to se­ junction against the suit at law until the lowing dispatch'from Spearman’s camp, The following secret societies will meet ognizing him as' the governor of Ken­ dated Jan.’sb:'./”' ’ f . \ .- The Asbury Park Gun Club engaged In rious trouble, as the present conditions tucky. The appeal is very earnest, and chancery suit Is decided. this evening: might do if nothing was done to prevent “Colonel Wynne has taken command of a shoot yeBterday at. Its . traps In Avon. the aid of the administration is urgently Then Edwurds died, thereby compHca- General Woodgate's brigade. Colonel Asbury Council, No. 23, Jr. 0 . U. A. M , Blue rocks were used. The distance was ,';] It. He was assured by the Democratic requested. attoraeya that they werc-as. anxious to tlng.jnatters. the betra taklng bis place. Miles .has be-en .appointcd-chlef.,ot..Gen-; in Appleby building, at 8 o’clock. — ------'flxed'it“20 yardsr" .” k - r eral Buller’s staff. • •• “ ■ save any clash between the parties as About 25 witnesses were examined on Monmouth Lodge, No. 107, Knights of A. D. Hunt won the first prize; A. B. \ " . A MONTH’S CORPORATIONS. “The Boers ipre-still constructing: de-j Ihe Republicans could be. , Mr. Edtlteu both sides today In the council chain ber. Pythiaa, in K. of P. ball, at 8 o’clock. Fields, the second, and A. Matthewei the then proposed to submit the case of the fensive works opp>osite Potgleter’s drift., The cate will probably require several A strong cavalry reeorinoissance proceed-! thlrd. Matthewsi R. T. Gravatt and W. rival governors to- the Kentucky court ot Hastens In tbe Secretary of State’s Grand Regent Ligh tfoot of Westfield and! appeals, which, he declared, judging by days to be finished. The evidence Is con­ ed today westward- In- tbe vicinity of Bowne tied for third prize, but .In' the, Office Stilt ContlMs Brisk. ' Honger’s.Bpruit.” -..- .- ■■ ■ ■ •< ' Grand Secretary Alberts of Hokoken, of the action of Judge Hazelrigg in swear- flicting, David Harvey represents the shoot off Matthews was victor. V.-- . • In* In Governor Goebel, would probably During the' month of January one hun­ Mr. Spenser Wilkisson ln The Monilng tlie Grand Council of New Jersey, Boyal complainants; Charles Cook -and John F. .Post discusses a long.Ji.Bpatch from l^r.l -.The scores follow: A. D. Hunt broke . he decided against Governor Taylor,H e dred ’*ad seventy-three companies were ini- Arcanum, made an official , visit to Coast' Haw^Ina are attbrneyiYo^-.Palmer. Winston Chnrchill. dated at Pieterma­ 19,j Av B-r Fields, 17; A. Matthews, R. T. . then wanted the right to submit tbe corporated ln the office of the secretary pf City Conncil last night. matter to the United. States supreme ritzburg and describing the situation in Gravatt and W. Bowne, 16; Joseph Har­ ftat^, at Trenton, the Sling fees for whleh Natal. He says: ' court for final settlement. The talk was The Death Roil. ris, 14; Charles Schanck, 12; E. Mooney, amounted to (21,663.75. In January of Isst “This dispatch deserves to-be. ..closely The Effete East Too .Sloyv, for Wilson. Informal. 10. . Mr. Edelen merely stated hls position George K. Hough, a tailor, died this read. It Is-nn . appeal to; the public at year .169 companies were formed,; but home in London whs formally discussed. The aum of money, contributed, by the clergy tlie bnrghevs, it-is added, hns been moved The Board of Ofilcersof the St.-Punl’sM .:;. , unanimous opinion of the nttorhoys was None better.—a'dvitf. J,...... consclbus this afternoon. " antl: inlty of the diocese, V^.- " - . - “x back of Stormberg heights, whieli are E.Cliurch Ocean Grove, mrct at 3,30 o’clock ■- - announced hy Mr,'McGreary, who said: -still-held. ‘ "There Is nothing Iris the constitution o( ’ - Looking for Furniture ? First Glimpses of, Spring. this ufternoon to decide what steps sball-be ; Kentucky to;:uu(horizo the, .governor al Rare Business Opportqnity We arer, headquafters for reliably furni­ Grerielle’s Geriiiun Dvspeptiia Cure; 50 Gentle spring will be here before you taken in thft relation to the retentlom of j , .•this hour and, upijet: existing, clrcum- , The Dairy Kitchcri,'.in'‘keator, Block; fot ture. No matter wh'nt> you may want in ceiiiB—'. - know it. 1 lie passing of.winter means new the present pastor, Rev. Joseph G. Reed, stances, to ndjourn'thc general assembly, owus. None too early to select, spring rent with or without hotel -apartments. this line, you can • find it , hero and j ou’ll __Lad leB’lMiUslrels,^.Wednesday,_ .Kehtuary- whose pastorato wlli soon exptre^.-^'- r - ., and‘every lnwycr” th(it IiJiave. li'cafd ex- also find the pricing right.• — < res3~niareridlr-nowr^,\V^hirve~lh;e"Tiewest' '-. press an, opinion.-rr6Bardsy-hls:rproclaina: Possession given ApriLl,-when.present pror H .—adv. ‘ • S prietora will move in their new hotel in Trijs St£*HBAOU OoMP.\HT.“ Adv. styles in all the modish materials and new tlon as a grpss :(isurpatlon... ■ , 'G guelie’8 l^J3Ty”Cdii^li.CufeV;Sure cure; goods aro arriving '.daily. ". ,-.. Two-ply tar papor, Sl.OO a roil, this, week _— “The constitution;of,Kfthhlckv;fix;ps'-the Gjrond .41 venue.- --i-JEnqtiirqV of -ng’enls-^or owner.—Adv.' - A rlvr i t ‘ ! OtC2tf ;Advertise, in the.Jodknai.. ' ' . ' 25 . . . The Stelnbacu CoMrANY.—Adv. only, pt Newlin'a Hardwaro Storo.—Adv^ .■i* It . ■■..: '- \ •. nS

^professional. LONG TRIAL CLOSED. , B peeial 'Bol'ieez. Asbury Park Journal Im portant . M inina Salt Decided Iu ...... M o n ta n a .* ' r»B8. BBYAN AND BPET, PUBLISHED BVEEY AFTEBNOON i-t Physicians and Borgeona; f *v HELENA, Mon:, V eb. Z.^The Ju ry in COmGE ^A ^P 4 - Bat IUUIU/Asbory Avo., ““““•JAsburr »Park.' The Weekly Journal j Both for EXCEPT BtJNDAT AT the United States district cojurt bus ier ’ Wanted, an nnfurniabod cotta go. of ab<3Ut' six .Offloe Honra-8 to ta a. m.: 3 to 8 i 8 to 9 p. m. •>’v ; ' rooms,! in Ocean Urove. by the year fronr April ■v :-ltelophono No. 5 . , ,_.T-H£ ASBURY PARK PRINTING HOUSE turned a vcrdict in favorl, ofF.A. 1, '*•1900, ' Bent roust be reasonable. Addroi>a Heinse in the suit brought, against him “ Cookman,^ cato Jotjbhaij offlce; . .' ^ 2 2 t! A. s. fitfaToN, n.rt.s. I. o. btoton, d.d.b. 718 MAfnSON AVENUE,. by E. It; 'Morse; trustee,' for.the'recovery gtJBXON BfeOTHEHS, MBPSV PARK, , NEW JERSEY. o£ $150,000 damages for the extraction S l C e O O I SHORTHAND. DENTISTS. of ore from benenth the jur,face of the New 'classes begin1 January S tor shorthand 626 Cookman Avouuo, Asbury Park. Tri=Weekly Tribune ) per Year Michael* Davitf claim In Butte. The and typewriting. MISS J, N . BUTLER, • Baudouino Bnildlng, S, W. Cor. Broadwajrand P .O . DRAWER F. large importance of the actipn lay In the 167-10 - (ilass Boom, Post Offlce Building...... ;-38th a^.t.'Nf^yptk . '■ IOM DIITUCInUMOH fact' that the rich steppes between^ the Now York ofllco olosod fronrMjay until October, D avitt surface: are' valued at $4,000,00c • • • ,<3JSAJDIKG..., •/v •. Friday, February 2, J900. and a. part of the assets of the great Contractor for. gradlnfir of all kinds. Privet riU. QKO. F; WILI1DB. hedjring a specialty.- Call on or address T. Y. L t Physiolaq and Bui - .... Amalgamated Copper company, Morsi HendrickBon, 5?3 Prospect avonuo. P. O. Box S.W. cor. Grand and Aabiirr «vo*., Aabnry Park. being- prt’Mtmmbly" a t$pg£e^."0f “thcTXOnt PAY THE PRINTER. pany holding the property, which was J^EAN THOMPSON. ' NEW YORK TRI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE Kipling’s “Absent-minded Beggar" sold to him by the receiver of the Butte ’ OTENOGBAPHER AND TVPBWBITEB. V ■■ Ib a man wo all adore i . ■ and Boston company two years ago. Ofllco,1003 Main Btreet, Asbury Park, N. J. MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY. Practically a DAILY, aad the CHEAPEST KNOWN. . But tho Abient-minded Debtor .. The trial had lasted since Dec. 11, and 'M ;S* ^ Besidenco, 04 B. Main Street, Ocoau Qroye, N. J. • . Our bookkoeper do th abhor, the witnesses We'r£'Eminent experts from ail part's of the'! country. The Costs to' * ' A new and remarkably attractive publication, profusely illustrated the winning Bide were close tq $300,000, mcm Mastor in Chancery^ HopcemoCourt Examiner, with portraits and half-tones ; contains, all the striking news features of MR. Pj JERSEY DEMOCRATS. exclusive of large attorneys’ fees, both % Practlco in V. B. Courts./ Colonel -William J. Bryan must think bides ' having employed a dozen* firms ol % Booma 10 and 11, Monmoathfiolldln*. ' i the Daily Tribune. Special War Despatches, Domestic and Foreign that New Jersey Democrats are a queer lawyers each.1 It is a companion suit oi BAVmtNS. •„ »bak* DQiaifD. Correspondence, Short.Storiesj Humorous Illustrations, Industrial Infor­ the Pennsylvania’s case,- decided by the * Resolutions. t g AW KINS a DDBAND. . !■•-.- ; < • ^ o tj’says the New York Tribune. Recently Butte district court recently in Heinze’e mation, fashion Notes, Agricultural Matters carefully treated, nnd Com­ c o unbelo bs-at-IiAW, he announced his Intentlpn of ,visiting favor, and the ore bodies In Issue Id t * Qfficoa—Aabnry Park and QcaanjBrove Bank prehensive and Reliable Financial and Market Reports. It is mailed at both are worth more - than . $5,000,000. BuUdhur, MainSt. andMattlaon Av,Aabury Path. ‘ their state next week under’the guidance * Turnover a ♦ »♦♦♦♦♦ 4 - » - » found themselves unable to provide room Tn-o Perish In Flames. for Mr. Bryan. Such Innuendoes pain ST. LOUIS, Feb. 2.—Sister Stanislaus the handsome young chairman. As a a teacher, and Mary Foley, a pupil, losl their lives as the result of a fire whict Meat Market FOR SALE guarantee of his good taith he is able to destroyed.-the parochial school -of St point t.j the fact that he sent a special Lawrence O’Toole’s Catholic parish 629 Cookman Avenue messenger to Goven.or Voorhees, asking Fourteenth and O’Fallon streets, yester­ as well as Exceptional permission to use the Paterson armory. day afternoon. It is feared others, are it the ruins.. There were 200 pupils and 11 The governor declined to give it, but sisters in the school building,' a four storj UIE LEAD— OTHERS FOLLOW Bargains in there is the highest 'authority for brand­ structure, when the flames broke out. \ . 'a ' • ' • ~ ■'.■ ' .' JAj • ing as false the'suggestlon that his deci­ Real sion was influenced by a telephonic mes­ . Port-Jerris Bank to Open. Qnalily tbe Best— Prices the Lowest: MIDDLETOWN, N: TT.,' Feb. 2 —Thi Estate - 6 per cent. sage from 'Mr. Gourley. ' ; ' comptroller of the currency has consent . If Mr. Bryan wishes to make a hit In ed to the reopening of the National ban! Chuck Steak-...... 3 I ha for 26c The Choicest Fresh and Salt Easy Terms New Jersey he should ask Colonel Ed . of Port Jervis, tyhic^i closed severa Bound Steak...... 2 lbs for. 25c First ward Livingston Price to hlrea hall in week* ago owing to the defalcation o, •Sirloin Steak...., ...... _15c lt> Meats, Poultry and Table ‘ ’ gorterhous* Steak...... ;....16 and 1%: lb Mortgage —NeT^rtabd^get-aa-chalrnnm'of-thermeettr = ^ f Sta,lt CasbIer Gold8mit^ The ban‘ ib ^-•’- -‘es at the Low- 1 Ing thet aflnhle "and" benev lent gentle' Best Chuck ltoast. r..;:r:..»c ib mao.' ex-Senator James Smiti' ' "" ' ‘ Intercollegiate Oratorical Contest. Good Chuck Boast...... 8c lb est Brices. SifWjiCjtfsfe; 'fc’cb. ¥he committei Beef Liver...... ^ ...... 7c lb In chaVge of .the ;ln'tereotlcKlate iiratorica Ctoes R ib ...... ,....;...... 11c lb Pm ^rtyW est Park wortyi $4,500; %yill sefl fpr contest has decided ^o, hoijd it at Syracusi Top Sirloin,...... , ...... 12c lt> A g HQyyy CASE. ; 'university' on April % Bottom Bound...... ,11c lb Frankfort SauBage...... 10c lbi ^ Asbufy Park, furnished,, worth $23,000 j *» W hich I* la Show* That C om Are Hr. Bryan In New Hampshire. Boloepa..,...... 9 lbs for 25c Y*l«gd More Than Hq. ' CONCORD', N. H., F eb .' 2.—Colonel Corned Beef..;.,...... 5 to 10c lbi will sell for $22,000, m an B o d y In Africa.'' William J-.1' B ryanof NeKask'a /frriveaTnT SlinrildeT^,LafiB‘CBrbps...... iJ'lbrfor2oing howl of the'gray wolf than the Plain and Omaniental CLOCKS Wm* Hathaway* j voice of any other wild animal. He • laughs' at the “wonranlike-wall" no- ’tion. Once when in camp in tbe Jlca- iCLt gUASS B. E. K. BOTHFBITZ, . irilla mountains, of New Mexico I heard Succeeded by '• YOST’S EXPRESS ;' I'. :o.t night the cry of what I supposed ‘jewelri.^Watchcs and docks-. - (Bnccessor to Qennn^ & Co.) 'io b e a mountain lion or panther. It The flneafc Snramer bonies at Deal were bnllt nn* WHITTLE & QIBSON. DoUyors BAOOAQB, fBBIOHT, PUftHI- der my saporvisioa. Plane fnrniBhodland 'datiV repaired thoroughly and quickly. TtJBB, PIAH0S, and all klnffs'ot mor- [w as answered from beyond our com p, mates cheerfnlly given. V’V- PRACTICAL STONECUTTER, and tho first animal passed within a able’goods to any point In XsViuy Park, Tar Paper, Sheathing pap er, Two and and dealer in Granite and MaVble Honnmenta Ocean Grove and violnlky i t inbdenta few htmilrcd yards. It might have ■ :« r and 0ead thmirfht it was Bnmmerfield Ave. and Railrdad, 639 Mattison Avpnue Yard and Office—905 Majn Street, 010Bewailavenne. ' 1' •'«''* '. bdS?~ p 3 a Swahtalif ’lfda^M caifo' IteoQ'rd.;;' A8?nfiYPAa&H/J. Asbiuy Parl^ K 't; ... ABBTOTT PABK. H. J. BABBT T0BT, Propristo CORPORATION REPORTS. ,vrDESTITU“E'.^IUOJRSi:-r-.:'' Quid?. . SIBLEY OUT OF LINE. 0111 Before New York Legislature tb Oar. Consul at, llombar Tronbled. by ( • J, ;i /j ■} /. ’. 8trenntben PrcnentT Law. .'. '• Applicant’s >Or Aid; ;J ';i ■{. .ALBANY, Feb. 2.—Senator Mackoy WASHINGTON, Feb. 2.—Consul Feo RAILROAD. Democratic Congressman an yesterday Introduced a proposed amend­ at Bombay, In a dispatch io the state de­ Expansionist. ment to the stock corporation law which partment, speaking of sailors who have provides tbat every corporation shall been.thrown upon his care nt the consu­ Th» a tap Hard Bailroad ot Am«rlaa.~|’ make an annual report to the secretary late because of utteivdestitution, Buys-thdt t of Btate. according to the form which he is inclined to believe tliat there is„a On and after November 10, 18B9. Forgotten? SAYS POLICY WAS FORCED UPON US. may be proscribed by him which shall be gang located in the city of New York Trains Leave Asbury Park—Week Dayi. NowYorit and Newark, 7.10. 8.60 a. m., sjgned by a majority of. the directors and who make a business of procuring men _3.3B.5.88 p.m. Tbe Senate lManuiiei Secietary verified by the oath or affirmation of the by fraudulent means as sailors fot1 For Eiliabeth, 8.50 a.m.. a 35.5.88 p.m. It may be you overlopked a friend on Gase'. Report and U>teB> to o president or, vice president and the secro: elgn ships and that,in conseijuehce of this Por Rahway, 8 50 a.m., 3.25, 5.88 p.m. tary, or treasurer of the corporation, many men ate shipped ou_fOreifen .vessela For Matawao, 8.50 a.m., 2.28, 6 .8 S— _ . Lengthjr Speech -ou the Fo„r^ „ B„r“ 9h' 7-10' 8.50,11.00, a.m., 8 IB, Christmas in your .gift giving. If so, Financial Men.ure. which report shall exhibit in detail tho who are utterly unfit nnd unprepared 'for _3.2ft, 5.88, 5-40, 7.07 p, m." resources and liabilities of the corpora- snch service and who when discharged Jn For Bed Bank. 7.10, 8.50 a.m.i 2.3 B, 0.88 p.m. For Philadelphia, Broad St. and Trenton, 7.29, WASHINGTON,- Feb. 2.—Representa­ • the close of business.on any past a foreign port are absolutely belplesB. .8.05 a.m., 12.15, 4.07 p.m. - tive Joseph Bible v of Pennsylvania, who day by him specified. I t must further H e1 adds ‘‘that arfSfeat number* of stfatid- Trenton and Bordentown, 7.38, a New Year’s token will atone for the .attained great, prominence JirrthelFlfty- state the actual consideration for which ed Americans present themselves at this 8.05 a. m„ 13.15, 4.07 p,m. - ^or Camden and Philadelphia, via Toms Blvei, jourth congress by his enmest champion its .capital stock wtfs. issued, the names gf consulate for help, r , . : • . ’ : 1.28 p.m. ihlp ot tree Bilveti assailed his Democrat' tho corporation^‘or individuals, to whom “These men unless cared for must sufr ForTomBBlvor,Island Heights and intermodi* lapse of memory. We have suitable le colleagues yesterday • for their opposi­ debts are owing, 'the nature and actual fer untold miseries' in their tramp life in ate etationa, 1.28 p.m. . - • a • " : ForPoint Ploaaanfc and intermediate station*, tion to expansion In a speech that made .value of the amount-of its assets.and India. Some of them deserve' assistance 10.50 a.mM 2.B8. 6.19,6.48 p. m. the floor and galleries roar. Mr. Sibley trye and correct account o f. all of its re­ from the consulate, while others do not. ror New Srnnffwfcti Via' Moomonth Jnnotlon, presents in . ■ . hks recanted his views on free silver and ceipts, disbursements, transactions and Ii have now here three deserving Ameri­ 8.05 a.m.. p.m. la now generally out ol line with hia business since Its '■:■:■■■.- cans who have been unfortiln'ate, ' two Train* Leave Hew York for Aibury Park colleagues on the'Democratic'side;' He ’ Any 'corporation-’ which shall fall to, d r them’,_ Henry Meager Of 'B'ay City, From West Twenty-third' Street StiUon, 8 .6b a.m., 12.40, 8.35, 4,55 p.m. Sundajrai 8.25 insisted yesterday that expansion was an make such report'within 20 days or if do­ Mich.’, 'and*Charles Brown' of Santiago, a.m., 4.55 p.m.' original Democratic document promulgat­ ing business without the United States Col., young men for whom I have after From DesbroBses Btreet Station, 9.00 a.m., . . . DIAMONDS . . . ed by Jefferson and adhered to by Madi­ before the 1st day of May after notice grept effort secured etp^l^m^iit.; An­ 8*40^5.10; p.m. Sundays, 9.46 a.m„ . D.lop.m." .. ■- *--j . -. 1 son, Jackson, Tjjler', Folk and Buchanan, giyen by the secretary of Btate to such other Is-named George Hunson'of New From Cortlandt Street Statlon.8.00 a.m., 13,50, ih eloquent language he pictured1 the dea- corporation shall be'liable'to a penalty of York city ,: also ’a Btrande'd’ American,, ’ 5-i° t1-™-. Bnndaya, 8.45 a.ta., 5,15 p.m. , tiny of the United States carrying .tho $100 nnd an additional penalty of $25 for who came from South Africa to Bombay On Bunday swill stop at Interlaken and Avob Rubies, Emeralds, Gold and Silver Watches P piece of North Aatnry Park and Asbnry Park arts of peace /and the story of the cross each day . after the explratlon of tho 20 and for whom' I have secured admittance to let off pflBaenflera. ! to the remotest corners of the globe. days which it shall neglect'to file the te- at the. Strangers’ home.' H e hfti no jffoih Tjrains Leave FBUWMpWa^^Iroad Street) fot “Shall we hold Porto Kico and the •port, to be; sued for in the nathe of- the pect of getting work. ‘ 11 ; ‘ Rings, Brooches, Buttons, Philippine nrchlpelago?" asked Mr. Sib* state. ' ‘1 -'■£!};' ■ "v “I t “is next to impossibly to secure- At 8.20, ll.lo a.m., 8.80,4 .0 2 p.mM weekdays. Market Bt. Wharf, via, Camden and Trenton. ■ ley. “Every foot. 'No nation'on earth . Senator Mitchell Introduced1 an amend­ Working passage , on a vessel - from ' this 7.80,10.80 a.m., 2.80, 8.80 p.m.* weekdays. Pins, Charms, etc. Umbrellas a higlier right o f title to a fod of soil. ment to the section Of the insurance law port. By reason of the low' wagea ‘ob­ Leave Market Bt. Wharf, via Jumoabnrgr* 7.80 (Ve’bold b fithe double title of purchase regarding the distribution of. surplus tainable in India and the competition of a.m;, 4.00 pjm., week-daya. ’ and Canes, Fine - Leather' - Washington and the Boutn. ' and ot conquest, nnd my belief is that among policy holders. It provides that native labor a stranded ^ American -In H.tllW nniMn uisnomi titrrr .nnrnm . where once the shadow of our banner has whenever the surplus of a life insurance destitute circumstances finds himself here Goods,' Rich Cut Glass, /alien there will survive a race of free company over and. above the total amount in the face-of starvation ahd the plngue men, and I would* hold Cuba until stabili­ of the policy reserved on all outstanding and in a most helpless condition.” Imported Bric-a-Brac, Sterling (5.25 CongresBluucu jjiuukju, xjmi ni?Cai ty, order, good government and the pro­ policies as computed by the New York y.uu.o.«v,6.05.6,20, o.uo0.55 im(Dining n m gu Car), an , 7.81 4,ox (Dining tection of life and property were assured. state Insurance department shall exceed BANKERS VIOLATE THE LAW. Car) p.m., and 12.20 night week-daya. Snn» and Silver Plated Ware, fl1! I am going to echo the president's query. 3, per cent of , the'amount of insurance days. 8j50io.ou, 7.20, 0.12,^ 11.28, 11.88 a.ui.a.miaays. Government Seises a Design For m 1.18 (Dining Car), 8;12, 4.41, (5.20 Con- Who will haul down the flag!' Who outstanding Buch excess over the 3 per gressional Limited, Dining Car). 6.05,6.55 Gold and Onyx Clocks and planted it-there?. W hat Cabinet council, cent shall be distributed on the first .Mon­ Banquet Piece. what warrior, what statesman, what sen­ day in January of each year, among the NEW YORlC, Feb. 2.—Groiip 8 of 1220ni^tr^ ^'81 p,m** an^ | Bronzes, Eyp Glasses, Black Time-tables of all other trains of the system ator or representative, whatrBody Of men policyholders.- the State Bankers' 'association at their may be obtained at the ticket offices or stations. formed any plan of conquest? The cries . The, ways and means committee of the annual dinner at the Waldorf-Astoria ho­ Ebony Goods, Silver Brushes, .' Of .'suffering humanity rang'in our etucfi, issembly' reported favorably Mr. Rus- stel next Tuesday night were: to have eat­ J. B. hutchinbon: * £ 1 and wo stopped our' ears. The groBns Jell’s ‘ Bill, which' hnthorize.i' the; warden en their ices out of receptacles indicative Combs and Novelties. were heard, but w'e answered not. We of Sing Sing prison to sell; at'public or of the bankers! loyally, to the gold stand­ saw thim'stripped and wounded on our private sale the clothes purchased by him ard; The ices were to have been inclosed jJE W YORK AND LONG BRANCH R. ^ way to Jericho; and like the priest aiid the from Barnes Boy £ Co. ': '•'• • ' in pasteboard boxes In imitation of a pile Levite we' passed by oa the other tide; , A large delegation of barbets appeared of .eight huge gold coins . with milled Time Table In effect November JOth, I860. Not unheard those cries and groans at before the cities committee of 'the assem- edgea. The top coin represented the re­ STATIONS IN NEW YORK. the throne o f the Almighty, who, to' awak­ bly In favor of the Brennan bill providing verse of the $10 goldpiece much enlarged Central K. R. of New Jersey, foot o f Liberty en' ub from apathy, ohr almost criminal; for the licensing ofjbarbere. President and benring the imprint' of the San Fran­ and Whitehall streets. (South Ferry terminal.) indifference, permitted the engines of his Beldy "ot the State Association ot Em­ cisco mint. The ordinary, motto, “In God .Pennsylvania B. R., foot of Cortlandt, Dea- J i t * (# Q F w e l i u $ wrath to hurl their thunderbolts under ploying Barbers and President Noschang W e Trust-,” had been changed to read brosses and West Twenty-thfrd streets. Leave NEW YORK for ASBURY PARK and the bows of the Mnlne, lying peacefully -Of the State Association ot Journeymen “Ih Good We Trust." The slze of the • / V OCEAN GROVE. at anchor in the Havana harbor. Nor Barbers spoke.for the bill. imitation coin was about twortblrds la»' Foot of Liberty street : 4.80, 8.80,11.80 a. m„ Jeweler ’ 624 Cookman J’tvenue keenest sighted statesman, nor most dar­ The assembly committee on banks will ger than a'double eagle. *4.80. 6.28 p. m. ing warrior bod dreamed even of the poS' report favorably the McEwan bill allow­ The order was placed with a New Foot of Whitehall Btreet (Sonth Ferry termi- oaU) 8.25,11.81*.a.m.,*425,6.10p m. sibility of great gain, growth or greatness ing savings brinks to invest in securities York firm, who prepared n .plaster.cast Foot of West Twenty third street: 8.55 a.mi, to come to us as a nation from that war of the Chicago and Alton Railroad com­ of the cover of the box and made a 12.40, *8.25. *4.55 p. ni...... of -which the blowing up of the Maine pany. . ... • •. ; • model, which was submitted to a repre­ Foot Deabrosaes Btreet: 0.00 a. m.,12.50, *8.40, - *5.10 p. n> ' was the firstdeclaration. Those lands sentative of the government for his opin­ Foot Cortlar dw Btreet: 0.Op a. m., 12,50, *8.88, and people, unworthily rujed, were to CONDENSED DISPATCHES. ion regarding its validity. He at once de­ *5.10 p. n ,. r - * pass from the house of Saul to the ho,use clared it a violation of chapter 127 of the of David. God and the valor of Ameri­ Two deaths were caused by the cold in laws of 1891, which prohibits any person. Leave ASBURY PARK and OCEAN GRQVE for Chicago. NEW YORK, 6.17, *7-10, (Newark and New can arms give us that terrltpry not be­ from making “any token, -device, print or York only), *8.00,,8.50 a. m., 12.10, iJ.2B, n p T T O H T T h T IT Nature has been kind to Deal,' ‘ '< cause we are a nation altogether free, New York city experienced the coldest impression, whether of metal or its com­ 4 0 0 ,5 8 3 .6 .2 9 p.m . • JJD L/iuIl I P U L for at no other resort on the New .< >. altogether pure, altogether blameless, but Feb. 1 that has been felt for 19 years. For Freehold, Trenton and Philadelphia,via Boa pounds, or of any other substance in like­ Girt. Penn. R.R., *7.20,8 05 a. m., 12.20, 4.07 Jersey Coast can so many natural. because, working through him as an in A dispatch from Peking said the report ness, similitude as to design, color or the p m . strumentality, he has given it to the bold' of the death of the Chinese emperor was inscription thereon, of any of the coins of ■For Trenton and Pbilade]p})ia,via Bound Brook i * l i t attractions be found. Here are not confirmed. route, 0.17, 8.00 a. m„ 12.10. 4 00 p. m. est, the freest, the most progressive, the the United States.” ___ ForToma River- and intermediate stations to some of the features for prospec­ most enlightened and the most Christian Great. Britain is endeavoring to induce Chief Hazen waa notified, and he seiz­ Camden, 1 28 p. m. ' ' . ’ tive home builders to consider: of all the nations of the present age." the United. States to join her in a parcels ed east and model... . ’ ?' ' ' v ' For Boiinar, Spring Lake, Sea Girt and Manas- qnan,,7.00, 7.20, 8.05, 10.27, 10.50 a. m., /!a.Tbc remainder of the debate yesterday post establishment.. 12.15,1.28, 2.58, 4.07, 5.10, 0.15. 6.48, 8.28 Healthful location, beautiful scenery, no mosquitoes, diverting pleas­ was uninteresting. It touched the ques­ The price of. iron was advanced in Why Old tbe". Bank Fall f ‘• •p. m. ures, accessibility, (including express train and boat service), macadam­ tions of mediation in the Transvaal war, For Point Pleasant,7.00,10.27,10.50 a. m» 1.28, South Staffordshire, England, 10s. per BOSTON, Feb. 2.-H . W. Chaplin, re­ ized and graveled streets, sanitary sewarage, pure artesian watej-. iilumi lyncbings in the routh apd the jury laW ton on account df the dearness of , coal. ' ceiver of the John Pi Squire corporation, 2.58, 5.10 6 15,6,48.8 28 p. m. For Lonfc Branch and Red Bank, 6.17,7.10 nation by electricity, congenial surroundings. social advantages, club life, la Hawaii. Not much progres*- .was ' The United'Mine Workers of the'west the failure of which was followed by the 8.00, 8.50, 11.00. a. m. (Long Branch only made with the.Indian appropriation bill, Buspenslon of the Broadway National 12.10, 2.15 (Long Branch only), 2.25,4.0C, restrictions from nuisances,' clear titles, .reasonable prices and suitable have issued an ultimatum to the opera­ 5.88, 5.40 (Long .Branch only), ,6.20, 7.07 which wns under consideration. tors, and a strike is seriously threatened. bank; 'states that after having looked (LOog Braneb only). term s.’' ; .'■■■■ V--'-'- ■ Nearly the entire'morning hour Id the Paintings worth $20,000 were destroy­ carefully into the situation he has learn-, •Denotes express trains. sbnate yesterday was occupied by Mr. ed ’'that thie bank had prtof to'.its total ’ RUFC8 BLODGETT, «L R. WOOD, ed In a^fire a t lOO East Twenty-third Supt. N. Y. & L. B. R.R. G. P. A., Penn. R.R. With these-points in1;view, we would be pleased to have yOu visit Allen . (Pop.) of Nebraska in a discussion street, New York, ’ where artists have suspeiisiofa a surplus of $223,000, and the H; P. BALDWIN. hhoctiCna to ter General I.udtn^ton received' a teife- Shortly."'' * ~ 'i 1, '■ -' Highest W«^e« In Tirejve Yeara, point* beyond. gram yesterday frottr’CoIonel Long, de­ POTTSV ILLE, Pa„ Feb. 2 .-T h ’o m!ne First-lass limited rates from Asbnry Park dr McGovern Knocks Out santrr. New York to Cincinnati, $10; Louisville $10.50; spot quartermaster at San Francisco, sajr workers of the Schuylkill ..region will _re­ St. ,Louis, . $21.25: SanFrancisco, $78.75: ex* ing that the remains of General Lawton, CHICAGO,' Feb. 2,-Terry McGoveri ceive for the'laat half of January and'the jraraion, $148.50. 10 days* stop-over e t Wash* I ...GUARANTEED M ajor: Logan nnd Surgeon . 'Armstrong of Brooklyn': a t ' Tattersali'a laat' nigUI first half of Februaty the .highest wagea ington, D. C., allowed all tickets. > Through tickets and baggage checks at Asbury had been turned over to the undertakers proved hia right to the, title of feather­ that have prevailed 'in -12! years. >'.Thfe Park ana all New York and Long Branch Sta­ aiid' left Sail Francisco in tbe afternoon weight ChampIOh of thb'world by knock­ Schuylkill Coal Exchange, . which fixes tions, and edl principal Pennsylvania Railroad ; by the New Jersey Title Guarantee and Trust on a special train. The trip to Chicago ing' out- Eddie Sahtry, of Chicago,- whc the wages, yesterday placed the rrite’at fl! office*. claimed, the leadership of the 123 pound per' cent above the $?,50 basis, which JOHN KUBVYjTicketAgent. will be made over tbe Central, Union Pa­ fbank McConnell, p . a. Co, of Jersey City cific and Northwestern' roads. A t Chica­ elass'by virtue of a knockqut of Ben Jor­ means 18 cents additional to the wages Sea and 1898 Broadway, N. ,Y. go the remains of Major Logan will be dan of England. The'knockout came .in qf, those working for $2 per day. Inside ' H. W« P S At a very moderate cost. " transferred to Youngstown, O., for Inter- the filth .round aftqr a fierce mix, up in laborers whose' schedule wages are $10.20 ment, and the special train will proceed .which Sodtrjr did some clever’tjrotkl ' 1 will receive $11.10-per week for the time 1 Prices are low enough to guarantee safe and profitable investment^ to Fort Wayne'and Indianapolis,'where stated. The rate of :Wages is computed To those who "desire to build' we are ready to make-espedally the remains of General Lawton will lie in Malaria and Moaqnltoe*. upon the price df coal received at Schuyl­ state, probably a day at each'place. The BERLIN. Feb.' 2,-ProfeBSor . Robert kill 'H av en ‘ by five’ collieries drawn by atti active terms. : VVj;;. remains of General Lawton nnd Surgeon Koch, the celebrated bacteriologist, -... tary ^honors. Mrs. Lawton .rind family, malaria expedition, says that these full} BOSTON, Febr 2 —The_jnarrlage_ot For appointment or other information address . Major General Shatter and aids, the mili­ corroborate his theory, already illustrated Hon. Josiah Quincy, lute mayor of_Boa- tary escort and oll the other members ot on the German enst African .coast,’ thal tonj and Mrs. William R. Tyler,- former- 222 Main Street. wh^re‘ there!'ate -tiosqUltfei'-tfiett!''ls.>al ly ofi^u^ncy, ,but now of Londpaj .will the San Francisco pttrtyVexceptlng thi ' 1 Office formerly occnpUdhy ?v : Logan family will accompany “the t*e- ways malaria-and that, where there art take Tilace' in “the latter city in about a RTLRNT1C CORST —mains to tbis city. - '■■■'■"Ik!- »/<• "••• • t no mosquitoes there;Is no malaria;' fortnight, J^he groom saillng for England ilfict: Wednesday; The Cefemoriy will be l WASHINGTON WHITE. Government Finances. Sympathy For Goebel. 'performed "at the homp of Mri John B. WASHINGTON, Feb. 2.-The com- RICHMOND. Feb. 2,—The general as­ Carter, second secretary of the American Insurance written in reliable companies REf\LJY CO. f mparatlve statement of the government re­ sembly adopted a joint resolution declar legation, and it will be simple and prl- and in good fonn. Deal, N. J. ceipts and expenditures just issued shows ing 5,indignation and sorrow at the das­ 'Vate.' .'" ." " ' ' ",...... Real Estate bought, sold and exohanged. that for the month of January, 1D00, the tardly attempt to assassinate Hon. W" List of Cottages for rent. , Canal Coiqmlsslon Beard From. Moiiey to Loan on Bond and Mortgage* receipts from all sources amounted tc Ham Goebel of Kentucky” and express MANAGUA, Nicaragua;' Feb. ■ 2.—The $48(012,104, as against $41,774,030 foi ing "sympathy In his Bufferings and iti isthmian canal cotnmlsBion haa arrived January, 189)). The expenditures during Bincerest hope that he may be Bpeedllj here; All the members are in good health. WILLIAM GIFFARD. the last month aggregated'$<$9,189,000, as restored to health and to the peaceable against (51,122,770 for \Tannary, 1899, execution of the high office to which hi .. . New York Markets.' Office of Wm. Giffard, Township Collector. leaving a Burpliis last month ot $8,823,- wan elected.” ' N E W YORK, Feb. 1. — FLOUR — State • Leading Establishment in the State for 068; ■ ... Bmila Gets Csnceulom In Persia. and western quiet and fairly steady; Min­ nesota patents, J3.90a4.lE; winter straights, Winter Mail Schedule. High-grade Stock and Moderate Prices. A Comet Discovered. ., LONDON, Feb. 2.—The St. Petersburg J3.Wa3.50; w inter extras, J2.60aS.85; w inter CAMBRIDGE, Mass.'. Feb. 2 .-A tele­ correspondent of The Daily Mail Bays patents,' j3.Boa3.80. The past office winter schedule of clos­ gram has been received at the Harvard “The Russian loan to' Persia aecures tc WHEAT—Opened steady and unchang­ ing and airrival and collections and de­ ;collego observatory from • Profesaoi Russia a prolongation, of the concessioi ed-, later It advanced rapidly oh unexpect­ liveries of malls In ABbury Park has been Ereutz at Kiel observatory stating that of the exclusive right to construct rail ed strdrig’ closing cables from Paris; announced and Is as follows: March, 75tta’16%o.; . May, 74%fc7Uierr-July, O. H. BROWN, ;; •' * ‘ CLOSE. ■ a comet was discovered by Glacobindi at ways In th at country, find It Is assumec 741-HaHHo.' -• ' ...... Nice Jan. 31, .292 Greenwich time, in R. here that by June next Bender Abbas, oi RYE—Steady; - s ta te ,: 66c., c. L f., New For Now York and points north—7,80, 11.40 , A . 2h. 57m. 44s., dec. 7 degs. 57 mln. A the Persian gulf, will become Russian ii am ; 8.8 0 ,6 .0 0 p. m. . SPRING LAKE, LAKEWOOD, York, par lots; No; 3 western, Ellio., t; o. For Philadelphia—7.00,11.40 a m; 8. 80 pm. cablegram from the European Union oi virtue of another loan.” r —— b., afloat. —; — ------For PhiladeH>bia via New York—6.00 p m. N. J...... ’ N.J. v Astronomers confirms the discovery. CORN—Opened steady on , cab.Iea and For Newark—'7.80" 11.40 am; 1.55, 8.80, Pnblle Debt Statement. ^afterward advanced with wheat; May.1 0.0 0 pm . ' • .*r- Ilia Claim to Distinction. 35%c. For Trenton—7.00,11.40 a m; 8.80 pm. F u r n i t u r e , Bric-a-Brao . OATS—Dull, but steady; track, white, For Freehold—7.^0, 11.40 a m ; 8.80 p p . ^ Domestic and Imported, for every re* for the Connoisseur and art collebtor. G R EEN FIELD , jjjass.',1 Feb. 2.-M a- stato, 81a36o.; track, "white, w estern, £la For Point Pleasant' and way stations^,55 s . quiretpent. jor H; Tyler,: a' well known resident ol IUUI av WUDE Ammnraij . sjuu. (OA am; 12.65,6.00 pm. .j.- E n grav in g s~ l “ rfc"' * •: - H 85c. 1 -T ■: ■’For Ocean Grovep-7.00 a'm ; 12.55,6.00 pm; Carpets r 2 for the drawing room and M’brary^-vwi:. this place. Is /lend here, .aged 77 yOar«. liHM). the debt, less cash In the treasury PORK—Dull, but stdady; mess, JlO-EOall; , : ARRIVE. * from the noted looms of this .and. C r o c k e r y He had the distinction ot having brought amounted' to • ?1,120,030,227, a ' decreasi family'; J13al3.60. . . ■ .other countries. ■.% .- , for hotels and private families,^with LARD—Firmer; prime western steam, From New Yorfc and points north—7.00,10.27 to Gteonfield the first daily ^paper evei as compared with last month of1 $8,003, am; 1.28, < . • C h in a . special decorations. ■ . , 1 -; sold in the town. ' He also iyas Green­ .780. This decrease is accounted for by > S.17Hc. '•* ' f - '■ From Philadelphia—7.00, 11.04 a m ; 5.40 for domeBtic purposes acd ornament. Everything ! field's first commercial telegraph opera­ comspbhdlpB ^Wreaae In the amount o. BUTTER—Firm; state dairy, 18a25o.j n®, *\ C u t l e r y ■ - -r for the fnrniBhing of seashbrfli or city cash on'hijnd: -■ . .. Btate-creamery, 21a25c. c -• From Newark direct—7.00. 10^27 a:in; 2.58/ for the table of rich and poor. . .' -homes,-' . - - . ;, ...... v tor. " ' ‘ ! CHEESE—Steady; fall made, fanoy, 0.80 pm . large, U%al8o.; fall made, fahpy, small, From Trenton—7.00, 11.04 a m; 2.18, 5i40 Estimates given cheerfully and courtoons. attontion to all visitors j . Leather Plant Derttroyed, Ice pielajtr Now; 1254ol3o. '•> ■ i,--i; -- pm , -•••' *»•"’ •— :; ' - patrons. • Goods delivered at any of the towns along shore free WILMINGTON, Del., Feb. 2.—Fir* B H IN EC L IFF, N. Y.V Feb. 2.—A colt From Freehold-10.27; 11.04 a m; 1.28, vofcnarge, .., : EQQS—Firm; state and Pennsylvania, 0.80pm . 'Intending purchasers arrf kindly advised to examine the new and destroyed the plant of the Illinois Leath­ wave has struck, tho Hudson valley. Th> ISHc.; western, ungraded at mark, 14al8o. From Point Pleasant an£ way stations—8.00 fresh, stock - at m y. Spring Lake establishment. Time and money er company, entailing a loss of $25,000. temperature "has bpen at zerp'ond’- ii MOLASBES—Quiet, but firm; New Or­ a m; 12.10,4.00 pm . . saved io outfitting. entlre“or partially refurnisnfng for the summer. Several adjoinldg propertfeB were sqine lo’calities Vegifjtqr^d Sf d^gre'cB ^be leans, 44aSEo. , From Ocean Gtove—8.00 a m ;12.00 m; RICE—Steady; domestic, 4a6^c.; Japan, i- aged to the extent of $5,000? -V" low.' Th6l_icemeilu have 'commenced tak CQLI4BQTI9 N8 FROM SJRpET BOXES. * ing in ice’from the river, several of tty «4a5c.-' - ...... -. Weather Probablllllet. ------houjies fltarting up the work. The lce i 5.80,11.80 a m ; 8.80 p m. V : : 0. H. BROWK, Spring Lake and Lakewood. F resh'^o'yerlf wtia'ds;iincreasing clpad- from ’8 to'110 Inches thick and of fin v f — ^ : Intislysited'W rm dr. .*»..rTV. quality^ 8.80.11 a m ; S.BQ p ro. 3 0 0 as * V-& PART OF WRECKED SHIP. GETTING AH ANTIQUE CHEAP. ---- '- 1 . A',!. H on afc Firm a t English Shipbuilder* How a Collector Secured an Old Ma» JioBaar Table at Very OF COURSE PEOPLE : Aire CMUcinsr H alf o f a Stranded Vcuel! Small Coat. who are looking after their own interests will go > Probably the most remarkable When,a man becomes a^crank on the where they can buy the best goods for the least schievement - ln-pie line of wrecking tubject of antiques he %vill go to any •nd rebuilding to be found in mari­ extreme to gain possession of a’ coveted nioney, Thi£ is the reason that , time history, ia represented by tho treasure, says the Philadelphia Record* reconstructed steamer Milwaukee, Thert is a physWlan up tht northeast Which was tupSfed out ia the sum m er way who has tbe craze, and laas it bad. o f 1899' a t the yard of C. S. Swan & H» made a professional call on as* old tlnjater at Wallsend-on-Tyne, England, Irish woman tbe other day, and, aa her d. -J. P A R K E R Dress Bays the Engineering Magazine. 7 ailment was not of sufficient severity, The Milwaukee, a vessel of 433 feet to keep her from her household duties, length and S.O-foot beam, went ashore he fouod ber in tbe kitchen washing . practically has the trade of the to^n. No goods aear Aberdeen in September, 160S, a dishes'. H i s eyes glistened as he saw are put on the book at these’ cut prices. huge rock penetrating the hold for a the t a b l e -'upon, which this hoxneiy op­ length bf 30feet aiid to a height of eration was being performed. It'was «Jght feet above the tank top.- - When., an old decrepit Hffair on three tegs, but- the salvage operators saw that it it was solid njahogany, with .quaint FLO JR. would be impossible to save, the entire carvings. , . . . • . FLOUR. ’ vessel it was decided to blow her in “That’s a queer sort of a table-io t>e ^"T^'This sale we are tnisJung, A -SPECIAL CUT IN FLOUR, two with dynamite. .This Was done washing dishes oh,” ventured ihe doc­ .successfully and, 180 feet of the fore tor. - , '-I-,. . ■ although the market-price of Flour is advancing, Gur offer : end was left on the rocks, while the ‘ “Sure, it Is that,” replied its owner; •fter end was towed to > dry dock. '“aiy I wouldn’t >-e bothered wid it at The saved, portion of the vessel de­ all, at all, if I could afford a aewose.” Stock-takiog is over, the left-over goods The doctor was.all solicitude ln ainc^ - I001IBBLS, COLUMBIA FLOUR pended for flotation until .placed. In dry ilock upon a transverse water­ ment.- ‘’Why, that's too bad;"'he. said. tight bulkhead at, the forward end of And then, as ^hough seized with a sud­ have disappeared, and we are now prepared the boilor space. It was towed to the den philanthropic inspiration, he adci- Tyne and moored in tile river until a ed: “If you will allow me I’ll buy you li 1-3 Barrel Sachs. Only 1 B arnl to a Customer to, show the new goods, which are arriving new bow was built, launched and made a new table, and I’ll tak? tbe old one off t : ■ ready for connection with it. So well your b'iads.” ‘ Oi course, the old wonsa’53 You all know this[Flbur;- that there is positively no finer Flour made. was this done that n person ignorant was only too delighted. The doctor in­ daily. ■ ' ‘ ■'. of the facts wouldIcevec-kijow that he vested two dollars ia a cbnmsbn kitchen' Best Family Flour, 49c per Sack. * • w?as looking at tho original bow, while table, in exchange for which he received aveii those persons who knew the cir­ tbe old mahogany one, which had been Fine Creamery Butter, 25c. lb. cumstances of the ease were unable to in the old-woman’s family fox-aearly a point .but'the point where the junction century.- ' ■- - ’,-.1."', I '*: lOc. Sugar Cofii,_7c.' lOc. Cold Pach ed Tomatoes, 8c? 61 the- n'ew and old portions was madp. AT THE PARIS EXPOSITION. : Pure CoifFee, 15o lb, Special 5ale of Linens FROST SPOILED THE SPORT. Thla Account Saya the American Pa­ vilion la a Beantlfal a»sl At« 8t»d Miafortano Tbat Defell a Pfirty Here Arci Some Relishes at Just Half Price: , This week we will inaugurate a special sale of. Bed anc -tractive Structure. ' of Georgia Chicken Flsrhter»on Table Linens. The choice goods we offer were purchased at s Stranded Steamboat. 2() c. Bottle Catsup for lOc,' : ., lOc. Bottle Catsup ■ lor. 5c. . Our cocher has been ordered io turn an opportune moment, before the advance in prices, and they into the Avenue de la Tour Marlwurg, Forty dejected and homesick gam­ \.15c. Bottle Table Sauce for 5cu will be disposed' of without any advance. . The next lot we and suddenly 1 find that we have come blers returned to Knoxville the. other out. upon the Quai' d’Orsay,, and arts at. t'.L This Is even less than faalf'price and they .are all fine goods and will please yoti. buy, though,, will cost more' money and patrons will have to day; says tha Savannah News. • On .the entrance of the Pon^ des Invalidt's. stand .the increase in price. , Wise housekeepers, therefore, Christm as day* with- 100- - gamecocks, says,' the New Lippipeott. . H e ie ^ b b y .they left on a steamboat for aa isolated . LightPork, 51-2c. lb , by piece. ; will'attend this sale and stock their linen closets in anticipa­ .^ordered to halt, apd.looks on in stir- wsort down the river,'tfbere they ex­ prise as we descend into the ankle-deep, tion of the sure to come upward jump in pricing, pected; to have a'great cooking main Best 'White Beans, 7c. qt; ; dust and proceed b means of our open and return to the city the next morn­ sesame, to the place where foui' Ainsri* Fancy Maple Syrup, lOe. Bottle. ing, The'steamer carried no lifeboats. - j ; " " % % - can (lags at the corners ot a large Before the destination was reached the. Best Prepared Buckwheat, 9c. pkge eteumer went, on a sandbar and stuck ’square indicate the inclosure chosen last "ten miles from nowhere." The by our CQnimisstoaer general for the .weather was very cold and ice formed American pavilion. ■ " ■; Ladies’ fluslin about , the craft. The sports, de- Here, oa the rive gauche, iii com­ 1 ternjincd to make the best they.could.of pany with others of the PavilloBS der» Special for SATURDAY: the situation, improvised a pit on the Etrangeres, will stand the American Underwear Sale deck and. held a few fights. .As the pavilipn, .a beautiful and. attractive: ;20 :>INE, t.ARCE EGOS, 25c. 'hours went by and the night gre\v. older, structure, whose Broad steps lead dowr Thousands upon thousands of choice muslin goods in to the water. Here Americans ana. and the ice in the river thicker, there BEST CALIFORNIA HAMS, 7c Ib. Ladies’ Underwear. All sizes, all varieties, all prices, but came no hops of getting the boat off or land, and at, once receive that welcome and attention which the visitor sooti every garment the best of ifs particular grade. The prices or being rescued. Then someone be­ We guarantee everything we sell to give satisfaction or yonr money refunded. came hungry, and it .was ascertained discovers is second nature to the com-' quoted will soon dispose of the immense stock. that the sandwiches hail given out. missioner general and bis staff; and Onr specials are sold for cash only, and will not be charged at these prices. There was nothing to eat on board!- here, m#re than anywhere else in Paris, will he find himself thoroughly at home. For some hours longer the sports put . -%% on a brave front, but-finally hunger got It is to our commissioner general and J. J. PARKER, the* best of there and they put their his untiring industry- tbat we gamecocks---valued-at five to one bun- debted for the great amount of space 604j 606* 60S Cookman Avenue, , dred dollars each—tb slaughter. For which is to contain-the great American, Cor. take Avenue and Main St. exhibit, and ever, my gloomy guide is New Wash Goods iwo days and two nights they hung up O ther Stores> 4-' '. Telephone 69, ta the sandbar, eating chicken that temptpd to break into a triumphant None too early to .think ojf buying wash goods for fairly tasted of money, smile a t' this new proof of American Long Branch,) skill and energy. Little Fails, your early spring go^vns. Every train.brings us invoices bf r; TWO TALL STORIES. M r a M q a a o . Asbury Park. these desirable goods, including Percales, Domestic and INTENSE COLR .One HSacli_ from.Boaton opd PhHadel- Imported Ginghams* Piques and Dimities, The stock will (h ia, So BotH Moat ’ ” Kumba 'the;- S.en«ea id F ro d eees la be'larger; of course, in another week; but thejgoods now 'dis* ; Be Trot, 1 ...... : iom e Cjai*e»_Be»nlt* SlmtiSlr t® m —--^ A tg0holtt^iftdyr<>ytlofa7^'r^~~ — “— II- A writer in a Boston publication says that not long ago a hawk caught a fish The usual results ot exposure fa ex- p f , in Long Island sound,.but while flying treme cold are loss of energy, both Iii w ith it to tlie woods to devour it a t leis­ physical and mental, followed by * ure, tbe fish floundered from the hawk's drowsiness and disinclinatioQ to move;’ Isold and dropped into a farmer?® yard, the mental facilities become torpid where a big mastiff was sitting. The »ud tht enses numbed, while the vic- ■vdog“ cang-ht~tlve~’fiSb as_it came down, “tim'Ts’ iS zeS w ith aia irresistible - de­ fHESELOTSRANOBFROM ONETOFiVETHl'USANDDOLLARS and the haMi-swooped after it, but the sire .to lie down aoad sleep. If this dog turned and ran lit® the bouse, •desire to 'yielded to the lethargy passes Carpets and Mattings placing hia trophy, yet alive, at the into stupor'aiid death follows. Occa­ feet of bis tnisiresa. It proved to be a sionally theee symptoms -are prc - 'ded - The Streets off Asbury Parl$ are 100 feet broad, an In our ciarpet departments will be found 300 rolls o large blaefish, aad it was served up by others M b resemble tibse ’of Sn- ■ advantage po^Bessed by no other Seaside new patterns in Carpets, as well as an endless line of imported that night to an appreciative family. toxicatloii,, and are-dri to’ a peculiar and domestic Mattings> Xarpets, you know, are higher thao The dog ever since has been seen io sit condition of the blood, which at a ?ery Kesort on tbe Jersey Coast. Is the same place a t tbe same tim e, cvi? low temperature take* up bb Insuf­ they were last year This new. stock, however, was spoken dently impressed. with tbe brtief tbat ficient quantity of oxygen, And so has There will never be another seaside town in Monmouth county that for before the new rates went into effect, so our customers will his good fortune may Be'rcpeated. an injurious effect on the nervous sy*- will compare anth the broad streets and open spaces, such as shows on reap the benefit of our buyer’s foresight, for they will be sold A street cir struck Quiseppe Marate. tem. It waa observed duHng the re­ at former prices; and they, were usually low, you will remem­ a sailor, in.Philadelphia Christmas day, tre a t o f tbe French IrxjtB Mosoow th a t the map of Asbury Park. This assertion is based oti the fact that all ' knocked him down and dislocated hit those who were most severely affected the ocean front lands between Seabright and Barnegat are already laid ber. We measure your rooms, make your carpets and puts shoulder. He was pnt into a wagon mad. by tbe cold often reeled about as. if o u t with streets averaging f i f t y p b r c e n t , l e s s in.width than those them down promptly and properly—in a day, if needs be. hurried off toward the Pennsylvania intoxicated; they al» compiaine - ■ sbo,ulden When, be got to thp hos­ lethargic stupor from which, it was im­ pital the surgeons found tbe shoulder possible to arouse them, Other in­ all right,bandaged it and sent bin oaek stance* are recorded ib which per- - „ Wii®.*'*: pt*r®»s«*®s« csrect building* tbe w itole am ornit 'to his vessel.' . ■ sons' b^iMiiltjfc deliHouB , a'n'd ' :died „■ «»f p tirc^ a sse zaianicsi m ay r*iM«*s.i on 'raori^srec .. - Great Furniture Sale .- raeona' Sw 'da, : tfTrough a short exposure to Intense Qt gorgeous swords which are not so cold. > Inquire of In a day or W o our new line of Furniture will be on nraclrweapoHS Mi settings for precious - 8. T. BIILIT Park la exhibition. Our furniture buyer made his selections at the stones, the most valuable' ip England FAMOUS ZOOS JAMES A. BRADLEY, Owner. is said to be tbe one presented by tbe furniture fountain head in the west and secured the pick bf Egyptian to Lord Wolseley and valued South Africa P oihik* Bone of "the the new things created for home comforts His purchases at £2,000; but 'thiajrajn is comparative- Largtil anil FlneVt in will fill several trains for we sell ■ more furniture than any ' iy little for a bejeweled sword if the the W orld. value of the.sword brought over to Eu­ o th e r five houses in Monmouth county.. Bought for spot The South African republic’s zoolog­ rope by tbe shah of Persia on his first cash, we will continue to undersell all competitors ; and then ical collection and. gardens are the tin- i tsit—namely £ 10.000—can be taken as the furniture we sell is guaranteed to be of the non»breakable a standard of wbat a dloimond^bilted est and largest in the world. The gar­ weapon ought to cost; Those who can den s, which are in tbe Lebombo region, brand. Not a piece of shoddy furniture in the monster as­ ■ recall that -wonderful saber, says Cham­ are guarded by a whole tribe of Kaffirs, and contain eve#y species of ild ani- sortment. Hotel and iioardihg-rhoiise keepers are invited to bers’ Journal, will be somewhat' skep­ look our furniture display,over before placing their orders. tical about the existence of the Gaik- mal to be found, in South .Africa. The 'zoological collection at Bronx park, i war, the barodo’a gorgeous blade, vrhlch -in- advertising is to get a good articl-3 to Is supposed to be worth more than 20 Kew York, is a t emarkably fine one. j * Th6 gardens eqver'300 acres, anil one of - swords of equal beauty and value of advertise, something which good business the shah’s; but it is popularly supposed its most important features is tlie | natural environments provided for the that the diamonds, rubles and emeralds judgment dictates the public wants and . with wliich it is thickly incrusted bring animals. ,...... j The animals of South America, for u p its vakie to about £220,000, which at will buy. four per cent, represents an Income of. instance, are given the free of -alm ost £ 0,000 ■ a vear anti-renders th e - -!»r Se tndg& m ;C9nig teln g M . l a i a W possession * of such -• a sword something 1 mountains, rivers and forests;'while the tigers and lions live in sandy I more than a mere luxury.' stretches, jungles anc] so on. The Yel-'. The Second Step R i c h Orornn G rin d e rs . lowstone national park, of the UnitinVJ In Italy is to be found a whole village States,’'wini^its'Ti.rcti of " 3,575 " square 'in advertisin'g-is ;to' use the daily editi&ri of well-to-do organ grinders, who are miles, forms a zoological "preserve for now spending comfortable forttines ac­ nrtnost every species- of animal found j of THE JOURNAL as the medium for matc­ quired in America. ' In th a t part of the world. The J.ondtir. i zoological gardens contain nearly n.ilCO hing-known the merits of the article you Pljreonn ln Ilrltliili .JEnjiy. animals; those at Berlin a'boul 1,-Sf.O, I Kach pigeon used in the. carrier and thc.Jnrdin.des Ifiantes, Paris, about v/ant to sell. - /' j' ; .service of the British naj-y costs the' 1,000 ani.mnls.' ■ . . . governm ent £4 a yeaV. Piorieer flerchants Sever llnlnit 'Ilierr, . j SomcrSml tbM In Cnlteil Klnijdom. - Ilriin has never' been;known to fail In the United’ Kingdom there are in that.part of-Egypt between thn-.two '300,000 persons; named. Smith. lower falls of the Nile..;,.-... Two Modern Stores