reasonq for an early purchase of the lots MURDERER BULLOCK $W|IN AND HANCOCK SEVENTY YEARS OLD WEST SIDE LAWBREAKERS OCEAN GROVE VlttDSi - , , In addition to these thirty workmen there NEW FACJORY ASSURED must bo empjoyed ninety-five men to make WILL HANG MARCH 16 "§ REELECTED TUESDAY SHE SEEKS DIVORCE MUST GO TO COUNTY JAIL — it full tem|>omry working force of one hun­ Jt ...... Th*' Slayer of Marshal James Walsh of The, gfreosurer and Comptroller of the ‘■Billy'' Florence's Widow,' Now Living in Several Disorderly House Keepers S en-.,. The Symphonlon Company Wilh tro 61ven dred and1 twenty-five men. But tbo ■ com­ - Red Bank Will Expiate Ills Crime on Stjlte Given Their Offices for Another This City, Made an Unhappy Alliance tenced to Five Months Behind the Bars a Site, Was tho Decision ot a Meet- ■ pany’s officials pay this fqree will be in­ ; the Gallows—History of th e iTerm a t a Joint Meeting of With George Howard Coveney and at Freehold, and <*Ark'' Drivers ing In New Yo^k Mondoy*-Prop- creased to three or four hundred in three or 1 Bastardly Crime. the Legislature. Wants Widowhood Again. Escape With Leaser Penalties. erty'to bo Chosen Tuesday. four years. William Bullock, tlie murderer of Town cial Corrospondonco T h e J o u r n a l. Mrs. George Howard Coveney, now liv­ Thursday was sentence day In the county 'Success haa at l(>pt rewarded the efforts “W» are almost discouraged. UnlesB Marshal ,jame8 Walsh of Red Bank, was NTON, Jan. 30.—At the joint meet- ing In comfortable circumstances In AB­ court in Freehold. Judge Conover meted of the Committee on Manufactures of the wo cansell those lots before Saturday wo on Saturday sentenced to be hanged on the two houses held this noon bury Park, has Instituted proceedings In out the law’s penalties to evil doers from Asbury Park Board of. Trade in trylng'to will lose tho Symphonlon Manufacturing March 10. His counsel will carry the ;e B. Swain of Newark waB reelected the New Jersey court of chancery for all parts of Monmouth. secure the transfer of the plant of the Company, and that would be a calamity,” case to the court of errors and appeals ;reasurer and William S. Hancock absolute divorce on the ground of deser­ West Park had several representatives 1 Symphonlon. Manufacturing Company of said the Committee, on Manufactures of for review. intonwas reelected state comptroller, tion. up for final Judgment and carried off the New York to this .vicinity. The final the,Board of Trade last plght in a special Bullock 'was convicted of murder In r a long debate In the senate a set Mrs. Coveney was well known In the palm. Belmar was In the swim. declaloujso long desired from tbe Beal meeting of the main body. Estate Com'mlttbo of tho Ocean Grovo the first degree Thursday, January 25. 0r ® e a reported by Its sfelect committee theatrlcaK world. Bhe was married to Tbe most noteworthy cases, since the The plan adopted by the.cnmmittee for William JiXlorence, who died a few years Camp Meeting Association, was given His trial began on the 28rd. One of the opted Monday night. The rules pro- disposition of the murder and homicide the purpose of rals'ng the money stipula­ ago. Monday afternoon at 4 o’clock at a joint jurymen was Joseph R. Weir, Jr.', of this Ifor printing Instead of engrossing trials of Bullock and Gemlno, are the ted In the agreement with tbe Sympho­ She Ib now Beventv years old, and is beer ark men and thoBe guilty of keeping meeting1 Of. that body, the Asbury Park City.. ,. nlon Company was regarded by ihe board hale iand hearty. open bare on the other side of the track. ' representatives and President Gratz and On November 18, last, Constable Jpmea Martin proposed an amendment as good, though It was deemed wise by Her husband left a handsome estate, The liquor caaea were'the fruits of town­ -Becretarv Benedlx ,of/ the Symphonlon Walsh went to the heme of William Bol­ prejfldlng that a motion to discharge any some to open a subscription list In addi­ and Bhe married Coveney, another actor, in ship police raids. Company, In the; office of A. H. De- lock, at Goosetown, on jthe outskirts of ittee from further consideration of tion to the plan In hand. ’ . 1898. The union was not a happy one, The sentences Imposed were as follows: Haveh, 40 Wall Btreet, New York. Red Bank. He bad with him two papers | shall always be In order unless an- Tbe temporary disquiet over the sale of and, if the plea is correct, It was not a Beer ark drivers—Christopher Aker of And rthat; decision was favorable—the —one a warrant for Bullock’s arrest on motion or resolution Is pending, lots soon passed away in , tbe assurance matter of love, but mercenary motlveB, West Park, two indictments, two months lan&requljed lor the factory site has been suspicion of malicious mischief In cut­ hat tbe majority of the senate shall that the properties would surely be dis­ that prompted Coveney to wed her. each. After bis trial Aker waa arrested granted. ting a set of harness and a buggy top and mine whether the committee shall posed of. It was said by Henry C. Wln- He was many years bar junior. on the charge of perjurlng blmself before The persons present at the meeting the other an execution against Bullock bejffelleved. Mr. Martin supported the sor that the lots.were in the market at She asseverates that immediately after the court. He was placed under $600 ; were: For the Ocean Grove' Association, which Justice Woolley oi Red Bank had amfpdment by saying that at present It is $875 each, some higher, before they were the marriage be began asking for money, ball, part of which was furnished by the president, Bishop Fitzgerald; the Issued on a judgment obtained by lawyer ble for one senator to hold a bill In given to the committee. Now they are and she gave It to him freely. Abraham Schlosstach of South Main vlwpre8ldent,Bev. Dr. A. E, Ballard; Dr. Robert Allen, Jr., of Red Bank ittee as against twenty other sena- offered at $850, to be sold April 10, wben She had given him about $20,000, she street. Frank Shutts of West Park, one ' J. H , 4,lday, J . M. .tyickey and George,W. Walsh was heard to Bay “I'll', take you The amendment was lost by a party tiie choice may, J>ej £ad out of'tljjjpooled Baid, when he aaked her tbree years ago Indictment, two montbB. Charles Sexton ' Evans, secretary ; for the Board of Trade: to Freehold dead or alive," after which of 0 to 13. lot. to advance him $10,000^ She gave him of Belmar, two Indictments, two months M. L. IJgmman, Henry Steinbach, Clar- Bullock fired a number of Bbots. The e senate then elected Jesse R. Sal- As totbelrvalyea.lf was argued that the money, and wlren he received It ehe each. Benjamin Yanutze and Thomas' etice 8. Steiner and Stanley Ferguson. fata) bullet had entered .Walsh’s rigbt eye of Essex supervisor of bills, and J. the properjiea, aifp bound to advupce to avers that he said, “You’ll never be both­ Sacco of Belmar, one Indictment -each, Architect W.'C. Cottrell was on band with and crashed through the brain, cuuBlng In­ jes Shoemaker of Cape May _ assistant $500 before June 15,.,when the factory ered wltji me again.” He left the house, two months each. Harry Hartwlck <jf Lpng < plana for tiie proposed factory building. stant death. Two bullets bud also entered irvlaor.- must be completed ready for occupancy. and Bhe' saya ebe has not Been bim since, Branch, two IndictmentP, two months each. T. Frank Appleby was also there. the right groin. executive session the senate con- The company says the thirty-five men and but learned Indirectly that be was In Disorderly bouses and illegal sale of : Thomas J. Preston, a member of the After tbe murder Bullock ran half way fed these nominations by tbe governor:, tbelr families will come with tbe plant England and on the stage. One of Mrs. liquors—John Marshall, Sandless Brown Ocean Grove Association, the man on to Fair Haven and then, took a road to es L. GrlggB, prosecutor of the pleas and these will want homes contiguous to Coveney’a slatera married Barney Wil­ John T. Johnson and Edward W. Jqhn- whoBe Influence great dependence waa t*>e river. George and William Hullen- imerset county; J. Forman Sinnick- tbelr place of labor. liams, the popular Irish comedian, and son, all colored, of West Park, 5 months 1 placed, could not bo present, but his de­ bake were rowing along shore and the prosecutor of Salem county. The ap- Nine lots have been' sold and fifteen re­ the other sister married George Browne, each. > cision had been given In advance and was murderer balled them from John F. itment of John Rellatab as 'judge of main unsold. They must go this week or an actor, who was a member of the stock Louis Eddelsohn was sentenced to pay the aame aa that arrived at by the rest. James’ bulkhead. He told them he Mercer county court was. reported, the deal falls through, Bays the com­ company at Wallack’s Theatre, at Broad­ $20 and costs on tbe charge of receiving ’ AH tbat now remains to be done Is to wanted to be rowed across the river.
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