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Development of an English For Gospel Purposes Vocabulary List: the Latter-Day Saint Lexicon as a Second Language

Jennifer H. Burrill Brigham Young University - Provo

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BYU ScholarsArchive Citation Burrill, Jennifer H., "Development of an English For Gospel Purposes Vocabulary List: the Latter-Day Saint Lexicon as a Second Language" (1995). Theses and Dissertations. 4571.

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department OF linguistics

BRIGHAM YOUNG university

IN PARTIAL fulfillment OF THE requirements FOR THE DEGREE




AUGUST 1995 this thesis by jennifer H burrill is accepted in its present form by the department of linguistics of brigham young university as satisfying the thesis requirement for the degree of master of arts

rharh A ijioajio mary eScottleescottlee4tcottLe committee chair

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11 acknowledgments

after a year and four months of being carried on the shoulders of family friends professors and every other sacrificingselfsacrificingself soul who got in the thick of this masters thesis where on earth does one begin an acknowledgments page

I1 suppose on ones knees let me first however bow to those who served an exhausting twohourstwo hours as my subjects I1 would be datalessdata less without you thank you an hundredfoldhundred fold to my department and the distance learning project especially to coordinators ellen bunker and marshall murray as well as other team members I1 shout my gratitude the costs of research which were covered because you cared about what I1 was doing are costs which would have prevented me from doing this study altogether I1 hope I1 have done work which you are proud of and which will benefit you A number of individuals deserve a plaque engraved with their name and birth date they are forever to go down in my history in no particular order they are kathryn hall eduardo carrillo rubio michelle oxboro and nearly 40 members of the provo surefiosurenogureno spanish ward for their time dedication and much too generous effort helping me to translate and develop my research instruments also to dr mary lee scott dr cheryl brown dr ray graham dr mark tanner diane strong krause and dr grimshaw and greg jones of the statistics department I1 call down blessings from heaven for the hours upon hours of draft reading statistical consultation and other assistance I1 received from you and then there are all those others who of their own free will helped me immeasurably if only by keeping me sane my friends jen ebbeler stephanie jenson leslie gonzales heather frog scheel laura price tanya & tyler cheryl white dena erickson mike smith diana savageblacksavage black barry

miii johnson sergio yasutoshi todokodo fred cliff mike nash matt harris andrea & tulio fernandez jorge perez & luz lewis perez ali & jose luis pefiapena gerardo alvarado molina lucia sujo & quique gabriela paola claudia silvia brenda eduardo poncho alejandro and all my other great studentfriendsstudent friends from the english language center just too many to name and of course pablo oscar ivan noe richie alan felipe davidavidd tati koki JJ and the rest of the latin population in ProvoSprovoslcLC who welcomed me into the latin world with warm hearts besitbesitosbegitosos meringue instruction seranadesserenadesseranades yummy food and lots of great parties also in this category but in far more others as well is leo julio paz a special thanks to him for the argentine music his smile help with my qualitative analysis and just for a being there b hanging around me c liking me and d ill tell you later but of course this meager note of gratitude would not be complete without the acknowledgment of my incredible family Grandgrandmommom stegall & granddad burrill thanks for keeping me warm the sweaters and helping me get around the car mom how could you stand grading all of those tests 7 7 dad I1 literally couldnt have written this without you tia you know I1 have no better friend and no greater support than you the years will never allow me to find the words to express how grateful I1 am to you all I1 can only hope my actions will I1 love you guys with all my heart and last but not least there are two other foundations upon which my research was based without which I1 could not have done anything most importantly my heavenly father and jesus christ for the talents and blessings they endowed me with however undeserving but not insignificant and I1 feel as if I1 must mention it also by way of thanks unto god is the great gift of modem technology where on earth would my analyses and formatting be without computers and the incredible software packages of today gracias



CHAPTER 0ONE introduction 1

introduction 1 delimitations 6




SUBJECTS 30 appropriate CONTEXT 31 INCLUSIVE SAMPLES 32 PRIOR APPROVAL 33 instruments 34 THE vocabulary TEST 34 THE EGP acculturation SURVEY 40 THE demographic questionnaire 41 PROCEDURE 42 TEST FORMFORMSformspartsPARTSSPARTS & PACKET preparation 42 ROOM arrangement 43 TESTING 43 questionnairesurveyquestionnaire SURVEY administration 45 ANALYSES 45 descriptive statistics 46 TEST VALIDITY 46 ITEM difficulty 46 VARIABLE assessment 48 CHAPTER FOUR RESULTS AND discussion 51

descriptive statistics OF SUBJECTS AND TEST SCORES 51 descriptive statistics OF IRT ANALYSES 56 TESTtestvalidityVALIDITY 58 ITEM difficulty 60 VARIABLE assessment 72






siisilviivu CHAPTER ONE introduction

to participate in or understand concepts within specialized fields such as business technology medicine or scholarship knowledge of a high degree of specialized vocabulary is usually required in the field of teaching english as a second language tesuTESLTESQ this required specialization can be problematic the overwhelming amount of content vocabulary needed by students interested in specialized fields coupled with learningleammbeammg other essential aspects of english present great challenges to both the teacher and the student to alleviate some of these challenges both public and private entities have developed courses in english for specific purposes ESP which at least partially focus on a specific lexicon or content still the terminology of many specialized fields has not been adequately explored or explored at all and instruction in this terminology may not even exist one such overlooked area is the field of religious terminology and more particularly the unique lexicon of the church of jesus christ of latterdaylatter day saints hereafter the LDS church under the auspanspauspicesices of brigham young university a school owned and operated by the LDS church an ESP course english for gospel purposes EGP is currently being developed the impetus for such a course is due to the large number of nonnativenon native english speaking church members living in the united states and canada who have need of church related english distance learninelearning proposal 1994 bunker 1993 in fact 441 nonenglishnon english church units congregations exist in the united states and canada and while these church meetings are conducted in the 2

members native language with only one exception each of these units forms part of a supraunitsupra unit called a stake whose meetings and other activities are conducted in englishen9lish membership by united states and canada wards and branche51993Branchebranches519931993 while the church is not concerned with which language gospel instruction takes place in it certainly desires that its gospel message is understood by every member worldwide the growing international membershipmembershiplmembershipsmembership11 invokes a desperate need for translation of scriptural materials unique to the LDS church 2 this is not to mention the various lesson manuals used to teach gospel principles nor the variety of church publications available for further enrichment which have usually been written in english yet a further complication exists for the nonenglishnon english church units in the US and canada because of the nature of interaction with the englishspeakingenglish speaking stake for those in unit leadership positions receiving and carrying out instructions from the stake which usually come in the form of official letters official handbooks or leadership training meetings can be complicated by language barriers and thus unit leaders must often be chosen from among those who speak english and not all do since personal worthiness for church positions has never depended on what language one speaks yet the practicality of this situation demands it be a consideration worthy members of these non english units are often unable to help fill certain positions in the church even though willing to do so needs assessment interview transcriptions 1994

lin1 in april of 1995 total membership reached the 9000000 mark with membership reportedly growing at a rate of 840 new members per day since 1991 church membership reaches nine million april 1995 p 77 meanwhile over 140 different languages are spoken by the membership with only 54354.3 of latterlatterdayday saints or 4885164 being native english speakers spanish speakers follow with the next highest total at 2354533 or 26226.2 portuguese speakers come in third at 506921 or 565.6 Lanlanzieslanzueslanguageszues spoken march 1995 p 79 currently the book of mormon has beebeenn trantranslatedslated completely into 38 languages 46 other languages have only selections translated 199319941993 1994 church almanac and the church is working with 250 other languages at the present time translation of even the book of mormon usually takes several years distance learning proposal 1994 3

perhaps an even greater need for gospelrelatedgospel related english exists when there is a limited english proficient LEP member living in an area of an english speaking country where there are not enough samelanguagesame language church members to create an entire church unit with all church meetings and activities being in english spiritual progress might be in jeopardy without sufficient understandunderstandingMg especially if the member is a recent convert to the church for these reasons and as a matter of service to the church which supports the school the linguistics department of brigham young university proposed to the general headquarters of the church the creation of a distance learning project which would head the development of a specialized course in LDS and survival english distance learning proposal 1994 3 the approved project has been named english for gospel purposes EGP and is currently under development after extensive needs assessment telephone interviews and onsiteon site individual and group interviews with local members and leaders were conducted through church stakes in new york city southeast texas long beach california and northern utah in order for the EGP project to meet its goals to socially integrate non- native english speakers living in an englishspeakingenglish speaking LDS gospel community a characterization of the LDS lexicon is essential EGP project committee members need to know what LDS terminology is difficult or not being learned by non- native english speakers so that instructional materials will not be produced above the current level of LDS english known by the majority of these members and instruction of essential LDS terminology will not be overlooked according to the proposal submitted by the distance learning project the EGP course is expected to instruct nonnativenon native englishspeakingenglish speaking church members living in the US and canada in five major areas social integration into englishspeakingenglish speaking church units expansion of english reading ability of scriptures and LDS instructional materials english usage to fulfill church responsibilities communication with church leaders who do not speak the nonnativesnon natives language and application of english skills to the broader community ie survival skills distance learning proposal 1994 4

also related to the goal of EGP materials development are issues in text preparation for LEP learners A comprehensive study was done by bunker 1988 to test and partly consolidate guidelines for such text preparation in the case of vocabulary guidelines her findings supported the recommendations that 1 words be common and familiar ie be words such as those on the dale word list of basic english vocabulary 2 word choices be consistent ie the number of words used only once should be minimal 3 technical terms and jargon be used sparingly or with adequate concrete definitions and 4 words be repeated more than five times appp 697369 73 however to keep the language common and familiar etc but also to use and attempt to teach the very specialized terminology that many native englishspeakersenglish speakers would find unfamiliar but that church members use regularly in their churchrelatedchurch related interaction is a matter of great paradox fortunately a study conducted by stahle 1981 provides a springboard from which to begin answering this paradox it also begins to characterize the lexicon in question after assessing the frequency of words in a variety of LDS written materials stahle tested the most frequent 850 words in multiple choice format to see which of them were comprehended by 80 of native englishspeakingenglish speaking LDS fourth graders by theoretical standards when a word is comprehended by 80 of fourth grade aged speakers it is considered basic vocabulary ie the word is more than likely part of every native speaking adults core vocabulary results from stahles testing showed that 249 words which were highly frequent could also be considered basic for LDS children it seems therefore that nonnativenon native englishspeakingenglish speaking LDS adult church members living in english environments ought to be familiar with such core words unfortunately one cannot assume that the second language adult learner will have had adequate exposure to the same words a native speaker has grown 5

up with even while living in the target language environment the nonnativenon native may or may not have come into contact with these terms at all retesting stahles 1981 list of basic LDS vocabulary on a nonnativenon native english speaking population and relating it to how much exposure the subject has had to a the english language and b the LDS church would help materials developers better decide which basic LDS words would best be included in various levels of an EGP course of instruction As spanishspanishspeakingspeaking church units constitute the majority of nonenglishnon english units in the uscanadaUS Canada 285 out of 441 or 64664.6 membership by united states and canada wards and branches 1993 this makes spanishspeakersspanish speakers a highly impacted population spanish is also closer to english linguistically than for example thai or laotian thus facilitating translation of appropriate portions of stahles 1981 test instrument which is desirable in order to help ensure internal validity the purpose of this study then was twofoldtwo fold primarily this study bougsougsoughtfht to explore how difficult the basic LDS words of stahles supplement were for spanishspeakingspanish speaking LDS adults related to this was the second purpose an assessment of the variables which might be affecting how difficult these words were for the subjects the following two research quequestionsstionsscions direct the studys foci

1 how difficult are stahles 249 words for native spanishspeakingspanish speaking LDS adults when tested in english and when tested in spanish

2 what effect does unit language attendance at an english vs spanish church ward or branch time in an englishspeakingenglish speaking environment and length of exposure to the LDS church have on the amount of LDS english 6

vocabulary comprehended as represented by an extract of stahles supplement to the dale word list

by answering the above stated questions this researcher hopes to contribute to a further characterization of the LDS lexicon in relation to native spanish speakers and in particular to the development of an ESP course attempting to teach this lexicon as a second language


several delimitations of this study must be noted most notably and as admitted also by stahle 1981 the 249word249 word list cannot claim to be exhaustive other words not on this list nor even on the original 850word850 word list could be frequent in LDS materials which stahle did not assess and therefore might also be known by 80 of native englishspeakingenglish speaking LDS fourth graders this study however will use only the 249 words and will not attempt to assess which other words might also be basic the time lapse since stahles study provides another limitation of this study language change ie usage change and introduction of new terminology may well have influenced the frequency of the words being tested however it appeared more productive to use stahles perhaps outdated data rather than have to reanalyze a new corpus and retest her entire subject sample on account of the possibility of minor changes more important than frequency changes are changes in usage and none of the words being tested have gone out 7 of use 4 nor has their semantic meaning changed appreciatively although new terms and other meanings of the same terms may have since come into use 5

athe4the4the researcher herself is a convert to the church of 5 years and was yet familiar with every word on the list 5wherewhere meanings did seem to be slightly different though basically the same these definitions were revised accordingly As for new words or meanings which may be in use now the current study can have no bearing on them future researchers could certainly add to the foundation laid by stahle and now this study by investigating current LDS materials as well as oral sources for such inventionsinventionschangeschanges 8



this study was directed at exploring the difficulty levels of a number LDS vocabulary words and at assessing the subject variables which may be affecting the difficulty levels found native spanishspeakingspanish speaking LDS adults living in the southern texas northern utah and long beach california were tested the words tested were derived from a previous study stahle 1981 which developed a 249word249 word LDS supplement to the dalechalldale chall word list the research questions used to direct the retesting of stahles list were as follows

1 how difficult are stahles 249 words for native spanishspanishspeakingspeaking LDS adults when tested in english and when tested in spanish

2 what effect does unit language attendance at an english vs spanish church ward or branch time in an englishspeakingenglish speaking environment and length of exposure to the LDS church have on the amount of LDS english vocabulary comprehended as represented by an extract of stahles supplement to the dale word list

these research questions were developed after an extensive review of the literature that has been written about the relationship between group membership and vocabulary useacquisitionuse acquisition the discussion which follows will detail this relationship in the following five sections social learning theory supportive vocabulary studies discovering the LDS lexicon nativeenglishnative english LDS 9

speakers and the LDS lexicon and nonnativenon native english LDS speakers and the LDS lexicon


A view of learning that should be considered in attempts to provide any type of instruction is that expressed by the institute for research on learning based in palo alto california titjitit is a view that emphasizes the relation between knowledge and identity this is a view that sees learning not as a transfer of knowledge but as a process of building understanding A new

learning agenda 1993 p 1 this is a social view of learning and the LDS church is a social community which has long emphasized the role of learning from a social context most likely because this role is taught as doctrine in LDS scripture 6 and is practiced rigorously through its programs and social structure the institute echoed that principle in LDS scripture when it stated that social dynamics are part of the actual process of learning and when our institutions treat the social as purely motivational treat knowledge as a substance that can be delivered transferred applied and separate learning from the rest of life they construct barriers to learning and in so doing they further the learning crisis A new learning agenda 1993 p 2 expounding seven principles of social learning theory the institute best explains the reasons behind any ESP instruction in their sixth principle it holds that failure to learn is the normal result of exclusion from participation or in other words if one cannot participate because of a language barrier for instance then one will not be able to leableamlearn As sorenson 1973 put it

6seeasee doctrine and covenants 1989 section 8877808877 80 on page 170 which begins by saying teach one another the doctrine of the kingdom ie leableamlearn by example etc and continues by expounding upon the things that should be studied 10

learning the language of a role in the church system is in many ways the essence of adopting the role and it is clear that the converse is also true when a person fails to master the communicative symbols which must be manipulated in fulfilling a new position in the church he or she cannot function effectively one wonders how often those church members who become inactive ie non participatorsparticipatory do so from illiteracy in the

necessary language of the role expected of them p 4 italics added

note also that this failure to learn has nothing to do with levels of intelligence or laziness what this means in regards to the LDS church is that members veneven nonnativenon native english speakers living in englishspeakingenglish speaking areas who may already be struggling with a limited command of basic english must be provided with situations which give them the greatest potential for learning that is situations in which members have meaningful and active roles roles that have consequences for themselves and the church community are the ones which will enable members to grow in their knowledge of the gospel so without access to the instructional materials and social contexts of the LDS gospel because of language barriers nonnativenon native english speakers in english church environments who have limited LDS english skills may be accorded only marginal or tentative membership in the community because they are not able to contribute or create their own meaning and identity which social learning theory describes as so necessary for learning A new learning agenda 1993 p 454 5 the great degree to which vocabulary plays a part in this ability to learn through participation in the group will be discussed in the following section 11

supportive vocabulary STUDIES

latterdaylatter day saints have a unique dialect which has been fostered by their religious peculiarities where the saints have also been geographically close and linguistically the same as is most historically true of those who have grown up in the utahidahoutah idaho regions this dialect has had in its accompaniment a distinctly LDS culture termed mormon which has in effect compounded the specialization of the dialect bookstaber 1973 stated it this way this mormon culture while heavily steeped in the common religious heritage is not identical to the latterdaylatter day saint religion or its doctrine in fact one could be quite un mormon and still be a strong active church member p 50 setting such culturespecificculture specific aspects aside for a moment to someone who is not a member of the LDS church the group in question linguistic barriers in comprehending a doctrinerelateddoctrine related speech directed at latterlatterdayday saints for example can be great As reported by wolsey 1973

A prominent utahn not too long ago not a member of the church said you mormons dont know how to talk to nonnonmormonsmormons very well but the day you leableamlearn the day you leamlearn to let the world know what a really tremendous way of life you have thats the day youll have more converts than you know what to do with p 36

sorenson echoed this remark when he said it may well be that linguistic shock the sudden exposure to too large a dose of new vocabulary and concepts is a major component in some cases where people are unable to follow the missionaries 1973 p 4 coming from a previously nonmembernon member perspective himself wolsey also suggested to church members wishing to discuss religion with members of other faiths that they remember to ask 12

themselves if they are communicating to themselves or communicating to the outside world 1973 p 37 even for members of the LDS church a certain degree of culture shock will nearly always occur when first exposed to the culture be they even from the same native languagelanguagecultureculture background hence the invention of the term mission field to denote those who are not from culture areas more drastic then must be the dual linguisticdual culture or possibly tri culture 1 shock which occurs when latterdaylatter day saints cross borders no matter which direction ie languageculturelanguage culture they have started from because no LDS specific studies were found which addressed the topic of vocabulary and group membership empirically 7 other7otherbother specialized fields will be investigated for further discussion and support of the social learning theory which so justifies the need for EGP instruction and the creation of an EGP vocabulary list the first of four relevant studies which will be included to establish this theoretical base is one by mahin 1990 though essentially a review of other studies it serves to tie a number of related points into a cohesive whole mahin looked at the problems which women in business have faced fitting in with their male counterparts and being allowed to fit in mahins discussion focuses on the lexical barriers women face in the business world arguing that because discourse in professional communities derive in large part from codes created by the military and sports that a woman who is unfamiliar with this mode of discourse and its subtle codes is unable to affirm her membership in the discourse community p 6 examples which were noted were terms such as punt pull rank and seventh inning stretch as well as a very telling survey

77seeaseesee thomas 1973 however for a brief and lightheartedlight hearted discussion of LDS in groupness which deals in particular with church missionary slang 13

that had been given to businessmen asking them what they learned from

plapiaplayingym9yma SPsportsorts p 6 answers to the survey not only mirrored the common american business mentality esp in regards to competition and teamwork but did so with striking lexical similarity A second issue concerning vocabulary and group membership was explored by smith and seifeselfe 1988 their study actually concerned an inanimate community computers but seemed highly pertinent nonetheless their research involved surveying faculty in the humanities department at michigan technological university in attempts to discover just how much attitudes towards computers had changed they were comparing their survey to a 1982 survey of the same department which had been done by selfe the background to their interest in this topic will explain its relevance As most of us know when computer technology was first introduced into the less technological fields such as the humanities for example the hardware was at its cumbersome stage and worse still computer language was nearly impenetrable if not simply unfamiliar in the years to follow however programmers and marketing agents learned to package their product in a way which was more user friendly to borrow the term the computing lexicon dropped much of the militarytypemilitary type violence that it connotatedconnotated in favor of less intimidating terms where one used to execute load terminate kill escape crunch zap make a catastrophic or fatal error abort bomb crash or strike one could now expect to I selectiselect open close save delete copy edit change quit retry choose find and format none of which sounds as war- like or immoral p 3 what this change in lexicographic stance contributed to was indeed miraculous the apprehension that many once felt for using computers diminished not only was the technology now more accepted but non 14

technologically bent people sensed that they too not just the knowingallknowingall developers could fit into a world full of computers smith and seifeselfe stated their conclusions thus

computer technology is no longer the secretive mystery of the black box the fear of computer technology has been lessened by constant exposure and access and a concerted effort to demystify the technology and reduce the linguistic barriers there seems to be a shift in attitude toward computers that focuses on utility instead of innovativeness if true this trend should cause less differentiation between the haves and have botsnots less differentiationdifferentlation and perhaps a more realistic and humanistic attitude toward microcomputers p 12

two other studies even more explicitly investigated the role of lexicon and group membership the first one chronologically was by tway 1976 tway used personal and participant observation and interviews to record and describe the language use patterns of factory workers at a china production plant in new castle pennsylvania the study was designed specifically to explore the characteristics and underlying features of occupational jargon and to examine the part jargon plays in reflecting the workers knowledge of their jobs and their attitudes toward them p 2 some of the characteristics and features most notably discussed were how socialization interaction daily contact and the tendency to imitate speech patterns could determine the technical terminology used as well as influence its acquisition p 14 within the factory it was found that usage levels ie groups existed and that one belonged to them according to ones knowledge of the factory lexicon which ranged from understanding scientific terminology to departmentspecificdepartment specific slang these usage levels usually equated with ones position 15

in the hierarchy of the factorys management and therefore also with ones educational status appp 101210 12 some members of the higher usage levels however easily adapted their use of the lexicon when interacting with a lower level as tway described in the following example

management workers regardless of their occupational level quickly adapt to the speech habits of the workers with whom they are involved during their work day their ability to adopt the speech forms of workers in different departments reflect their tendency to imitate speech patterns and their attitude as worker oriented most management personnel were promoted from union jobs and pride themselves on their knowledge of

different departmental operations and their knack offittingoffitting in p 17 italics added

clearly the factory context was characterized not only by occupational jargon which prevented nonworkersnon workers from belonging to their speech community but also by subgroups within this community which were distinguished by their knowledge of one or anotherformanother form of the factory lexicon once again membership in the group was seen to be influenced by the degree to which a lexicon in use could be comprehended the final study which will be discussed here is that of charrow 1981 which contained extensive analysis of the lexicon and linguistic structure of Iegaleselegalese or the language of law based on a psycholinguistic methodology and discourse analysis of standard jury instructions charrow described the finer points of legal language most notably concluding that legalese serves to establish and maintain solidarity among its users and to keep out outsiders it is also a prestigious variety of english those who are fluent in it generally command respect in fact legalese is more like a dialect than a jargon its 16

history its structure its social functions and its method of acquisition being far more complex than those of jargonsjarhargonsgons p 25 lexically how did legalese come to signify such status charrow gives

the following examples summarized from mellinkoff 1978 1 frequent use of common words with uncommon meanings action for lawsuit 2 frequent use of old and middle english words once in use but now rare aforesaid whereasiwhereas etc used as adjectives 3 frequent use of latin words and phrases amicus curiae mens redyedyebtearea 4 use of french words not in the general vocabulary lien easement tort 5 use of terms of art ie jargon month to month tenancy eminent domain 6 use of argot ie professional language or ingroupin group communication pierce the corporate veil due care 7 frequent use of

formal words 1 I do solemnly swear hoyezoyoyezez 8 deliberate use of words and expressions with flexible meanings compensation reasonable man undue influence 9 attempts at extreme precision for and in consideration of to me in hand paid remise release and forever discharge charrow 1981 appp 676 7 considering just these aspects of the law lexicon it is no wonder charrow drew the conclusion quoted above that legalese in fact represents its own dialect this study holds along with previous research which will be discussed below that the english LDS lexicon is similarly part of a subdialect of english proper in all its many variations hence the great need for EGP instruction and as argued an accompanying EGP vocabulary list derived from this lexicon to close the present discussion a quote from sorenson 1973 seems highly fitting if one were to develop an appropriate test instrument I1 expect that it would be possible to rate objectively how well a church member understands the lds1LDS language p 4 in the case of the present study it is 17

hoped that just that appropriate test instrument was found first however a better description of the LDS dialect and its english form must be given

discovering THE LDS LEXICON

many aspects of LDS language have been explored by researchers over the years particularly in conjunction with an annual conferenceconferencesconference88 held at brigham young university john L sorenson opened the 1973 conference with the following definition of mormon language

what do I1 consider mormon language to consist of when a latterdaylatter day saint in utah or florida or california uses english in a way which is perfectly understandable to those who know nothing in detail of mormon life he cannot usefully be said to have used mormon language but when

he turns to expressions with uniquely LDS meanings then what I1

consider the language of the mormons has come into play p 1

sorenson later adds that this language is present in a variety of other languages and cultures where latterdaylatter day saints live and that the primary characteristic of this lexicon is not which language it exists in but rather that it is a system of expression lithiwithiwith thousands of words phrases names and stylistic features that have peculiar LDS significance 1973 p 1 to avoid confusing terminology I1 have chosen to refer to this mormon code as the LDS lexicon or LDS vocabulary rather than mormon language

athe8the first of these conferences entitled conference on the language of the Morcormonsmormonsmons was ganizedorganizedor in 1973 by harold S madsen and john L sorenson introductory notes conference 1973 in 1975 the sponsorship was changed to an organization and the name was changed to the deseret language and linguistic society DLLS symposium proceedings of DLLS symposium 1975 18

also at the 1973 conference wallace provided a taxonomy for the LDS lexicon including an approximately 2515word2515 word working list of the mormon language lexicon which dr sorenson had developed wallace 1973 appp 10- 19 the taxonomy describes items such as people places mottoes folklore literature imagery and organization commonly and for the most part uniquely known to members of LDS society sorenson 1973 also set up a classification of the LDS lexicon according to the idea of emergent levels which researchers in the field of sociology often use to categorize human activities the emergent levels which sorenson described as most pertinent to understanding the sources of the LDS lexicon are ideology values knowledge communicative symbols social organization and population distribution much of this and the previous classification overlap but both aid description of the origins of the complex lexicon of the LDS church appendix A contains outlines of these two taxonomies another research tool often employed to evaluate vocabulary use is the word frequency study with the help of computer programs the frequency of each word in a written document or transcribed speech can be tallied with these tallies the researcher might also discover the unique words in a text which words occur regardless of how many times they appear as well as analyze words of particular interest according to their every location to determine if their meanings are stable or varied because of this technology many formal and informal frequency studies of LDS sources both spoken and written have been conducted in past years and continue to be developed today the adult literacy program of the church has already provided a list of the five hundred most frequently used words in the LDS scriptures this list is found in the appendix of the basic scripture literacy course manual ye shall have my words teachers guide partpartipartl1 1993 19

however this course is intended to teach these words to illiterate or semi illiterate native english speakers ie it is not an EGP course also notable among frequency studies are the following conrad and weiner 1973 sorenson 1974 norton 1975 fogg 1990 and fogg et al 1991 and stahle 1981 these will be discussed in that order with emphasis on ahlesstahlesstablesSt due to its relationship with the present study conrad and weiner 1974 set out to answer the following question through use of a word frequency count of one month of publications printed by the former deseret news press which published for an LDS audience it is now known as deseret books what are the words that a church translator would have to know in order to give the gospel to his or her people in their native tongue p 32 while this study promised a wealth of information about the LDS lexicon it was never completed sorenson 1974 assessed changes between the 19th and 20th century word frequencies in the messages of the first presidency of the LDS church the president and two counselors he noticed obvious trends in usage which corresponded to particular eras in church history and suggested that overall it could be said that the LDS lexicon had expanded over these years both norton 1975 and fogg 1990 considered much narrower frequency studies norton looked at the usage patterns of thou thy 1I and thine among latterdaylatter day saints and fogg discussed common terms of address church members use such as brother and sister so and so the focus of these studies does not help to develop a broader understanding of the LDS lexicon as this study desires fogg et al 1991 however attempted to characterize contexts and trends in the names latterdaylatter day saints use for jesus christ using participant observation and textual analysis the following topic were explored names for 20

christ in a speech spoken scripture and music b church publications c scriptures and d church general conference addresses unfortunately while this studys results could have been highly significant to EGP instruction there were multiple problems with interraterinter rater reliability which were left unresolved and therefore contaminate the conclusions stahles 1981 study was also based on word frequency counts as previously mentioned in chapter one stahle constructed a vocabulary test of 850 words frequent in LDS literature which she then tested on native english speaking LDS fourth graders the test was a threeoptionthree option multiple choice non contextual vocabulary test the 850 items were randomly assigned to 25 separate test forms of 34 questions each

her frequency counts were derived from two sources 1 a corpus of over onehalfone half million words with nearly 21000 unique words taken from 1978 church magazines general and area conference addresses the 1979801979 80 gospel doctrine manual and the 1980811980 81 family home evening manual and 2 the then current church publications of gogospelI1 principlesprin and gospelgosl2el essentials which consisted of over 6000 unique words these two frequency lists of LDS terms were compiled by the brigham young university translation services department and the church information systems department respectively p 29 after following guidelines for counting different forms of the same word eliminating most proper names most words already on the dale word list of basic english vocabulary and words that did not occur at least ten times 1264 words remained these words were then given to four judges who categorized them as LDS related or not eliminating words that three of the four judges decided were not LDS related reduced the list to 791 words stahle however 21 increased the list to 850 words to account for multiple meanings of some words which depended on their context stahles sample consisted of nativeenglishnative english speaking LDS fourth graders from populations residing in the united states canada the british isles australia and new zealand thirtythirtyeighteight church stakes were used to generate a stratified random sampling from utah other western states the midwest eastern states and the areas outside the US within each of these stakes then the four units which were to be used were also randomly selected 9 after piloting her test including a validity check by administering the test to a number of adults stahle tested a total of 854 fourth graders whose ages ranged from eight to eleven distribution by gender was roughly 505050 50 the distribution of responses by region was utah 413341.33 western states 293929.39 the midwest 125312.53 eastern states 8088.08 and outside the US 8678.67 stahles data were collected after appropriate approval by stake representatives of the church sampling system a division of the church correlation department the representatives received 1 an explanation of the purpose of the study 2 a letter of authorization to be shown to the appropriate unit leaders 3 a booklet of instructions for the proctor 4 test forms adequate for the number of fourth graders in that stakes four selected wards 5 directions intended for the students and 6 a addressedselfaddressedself stamped envelope testing occurred during primary classes sunday schooljessonsschool lessons for the fourth grade age group test forms were distributed so that a fairly equal number of each form was responded to by each stake with each student in the primary class receiving a unique test form

stahle notes that church data estimated that most units had approximately five fourth graders who regularly attend primary 22

stahles results showed that 249 of the 850 words were comprehended by 80 of the children tested and could therefore be considered basic to the native englishspeakingenglish speaking adult who has had ample exposure to the LDS church because of this it was considered an appropriate list to start with in an assessment of the nonnativenon native english speakerspeakerss present state of knowledge of the LDS english lexicon the next section will discuss in more detail the purposes behind stahles research and how they do and do not relate to the current study


Readabilityreadabilityloreadability10lO10 of texts and the formulasformulas1lformulas1111 that purport to assess it is a topic much debated presently readability has been defined as the ability of a given piece of writing to reachreachi and affect its audience in the way that the author intends teklitekfi 1987 p 262 in other words a text that is readable is a text that can be completely comprehended by any named group such as fourth graders attending US schools so that in this case that text would have a fourth grade readability level readability formulas are calculations designed to predict readability levels of texts and are traditionally concerned with variables such as sentence length and complexityandcomplexity number of syllables per word unique words to total words and how common usually defined as being known to 80 of fourth graders those unique words are 12 today however most researchers prefer to discuss the accessibility of a text this concept accounts for a much broader range of textual variables in addition to vocabulary level such as syntactic complexity topic development

iseetseelosee davison 1986 for a much more thorough discussion than what follows here utekfi11tekfi 1987 presents a good overview of these formulas for those interested daie12daledale provided a 769word769 word list which was later expanded to 3000 words with the dalechalldale chall formula teklitekfi 1987 23

and discourse markers subject interest and motivation culturalpersonalcultural personal background knowledge schema and in some cases even the appearance of the text on the page readability formulas are now used with caution usually in instances where what is desired is only an assessment of the level of the vocabulary used unfortunately one of the recurring problems associated with the formulas was their inability to account for technical vocabulary which though not common would be commonly known to particular audiences teklitekfi 1987 attempts to compensate for this inadequacy have produced supplemental vocabulary lists designed to predict the readability of materials written with special audiences in mind in fact this was precisely the goal of stahles 1981 study as one can see by her title alone measuremeasuringMeameasurmsurmg the reading levels of LDS materials A supplement to the dale word list the 249 words which were known by 80 of native englishspeakingenglish speaking LDS fourth graders were suggested as an appropriate LDS supplement to the dale list whenever the dalechalldale chall readability formula is applied to LDS materials p 43 more pertinent here however is not the application of this list to readability formulas as suggested earlier researchers are hesitant to reduce the measure of reading comprehension to vocabulary comprehension but LDS researchers have long lamented the lack of readable material for even native english speakers alice pack at the time a professor of TESL at the byuhawaiiBYU hawaii campus analyzed a vast array of LDS reading materials from church magazines and lesson manuals to pamphlets bulletins and letters of instruction to assess gradelevelgrade level difficulty using the standard dalechalldale chall formula and the fry readability graph she was primarily concerned that great differences in gradelevelgrade level difficulty existed among the materials surveyed after assessing these difficulty ratings pack commented that the differences seemed 24

to be not so much due to the audience for which the communications were intended ie whole church or a subgroup as much as they were to the writing level of those who prepared the materials 1974 p 59 part of the writing level was the degree of specialized terminology used 13 if native english speakers then are experiencing difficulty with LDS materials how are nonnativenon native english speakers faring it becomes very apparent that while EGP instruction must introduce LDS terminology it must do so with great care vocabulary guidelines suggested by bunker 1988 which were

discussed in chapter 1 will help with this task but the problem yet remains which LDS english vocabulary words are difficult for nonnativenon native learners and why As has been said EGP materials developers must be made aware of how difficult the vocabulary is that they are using in order to successfully write EGP lessons


because so many areas of LDS doctrine and social interaction involve highly specialized terminology translators of LDS materials also find that working with the LDS lexicon can be an almost insurmountable challenchallengege there are numerous factors which contribute to this challenge for example in translating the language of the first president of the church joseph smith jr 180518441805 1844 difficulties with archaic vocabulary and syntax patterns arise on top of the highly dense scriptural and LDS cultural references which characterize

banotherBAnotheranother related study worthy of notice is johnson 1982 which discussed the need and use of simplified missionary discussions materials used by the church for missionary training once again the writing level of the materials intended for native english speakers was seen as higher than desirable for easy comprehension 25

smiths writings john C alleman a linguist in the translation department of the LDS church discussed this problematic situation

A proposition which underlies all of the translation work done in the church is that one cannot translate that which one does not understand the differences between joseph smiths variety of english and the normal standard english of today or rather standard LDS english make a proper understanding of the original text difficult 1973 p 22

to help alleviate these and other translation problems numerous translation aids have been developed including those intended to help with smiths writings and of particular interest here the LDS international glossary guidelines the glossary guidelines were developed to provide guidelines for intercultural communicators rather than just a set of definitions in order to help make the transfer of LDS language as comprehensible as possible tylertyler

1973 p 56 14 by the 1973 conference approximately 2500 terms peculiar to LDS english or having LDS shades of meaning had been gathered and about 1600 of them were defined given a range of contexts if necessary 15 these definitions were then in the final editing stages before publication they yet lacked field evaluation translation to other languages and verification a process that is essentially never ending the most recent version of the glossary available to the public because the glossary was primarily intended for church translators and is not generally available to the public is a languagelanguagespecificspecific german version which was published in 1973 and revised in december 1974 this version contained 1235 defined terms the definitions were in english aseeuseesee also folsom 1982 for a more thorough discussion of the purposes of the glossary 15seesee tyiertyleroyier 1973 for the criteria delineating the choice of terms to be defined as well as the list of glossary terms both found in the appendix to his article p 576357 63 26

nothing was done with the glossary until 1994 when a revision was produced to update the list and definitions included the glossary now usually referred to as the translation glossary exists in many versions one written entirely in english and at least twelve to twenty other versions in duallanguagedual language format ie spanish and english etc the glossary is still only given to those who are doing translation work for the church since it is not meant to stand as doctrine for some of the defined terms this would be an issue the translators use it as a guide translating terms into their native language as necessary the terms and definitions however are by no means secret but were gleaned from sources such as the gospel principlesprinc manual the bible dictionaryDictionaW which follows the new testament in the LDS production of the holy scriptures and bruce R mcconkiesMcConkies mormon doctrine K cluntblunt personal communication april 21199521 1995 still this glossary does little to narrow the flood of new terminology which could be taught to nonnativenon native english speakers 16 last of all in the area of nonnativenon native speakers and the LDS lexicon mention must be made of the english for latterdaylatter day saints courses which were developed at the byuhawaiiBYU hawaii campus in the late 1970s english for latterdaylatter day saintsaints II11 basic lessons and conference listening 1978 while serving a similar purpose to the EGP instruction currently being developed they were targeted primarily at members in japan and korea as opposed to the EGPs goal of facilitating comprehension of the LDS setting for nonnativenon native englishspeakingenglish speaking church members living in the united statescanadaStates Canada in other words due to the different purposes of these two courses one could not substitute for the other of more importance to this study however these english for lattelatterdaylatter daxday saints course manuals would also be limited in their application to generating a ifor more detail about and examples of specific translation aids other than the glossary see ernst 1974 and folsom 1982 27

valid EGP vocabulary list unless the lessons had been based on preliminary field research of the english LDS lexicon and therefore included the most significant LDS words even then knowing whether or not these words were already commonly known to nonnativenon native speakers would necessitate testing once again stahles 1981 study remains the best source for investigating the EGP problem at hand


this study questions what words might be first taught to a nonnativenon native englishspeakingenglish speaking population of LDS church members who need english to participate in the gospel community A variety of sources were explored in order to find a systematic approach to developing this english for specific purposes vocabulary list stahle 1981 will provide the backbone for the study stahle 1981 supplies a list of basic LDS vocabulary which was compiled from data indicating that these words were highly frequent in church literature and were known by 80 of native englishspeakingenglish speaking LDS fourth graders since it is not known which of these words a nonnativenon native englishspeakingenglish speaking LDS population might know this study will retest stahles list on native spanish speaking members of the church living in the united states as they constitute the majority of the population in question in short it is supported by both theory and research that the length of exposure to the LDS community will positively affect the persons knowledge of LDS terminology all other things being equal that is the factors noted below concerningconcernmg time inm an englishspeakingenglish speaking environment could relate to time in the LDS community except that in the later case a language distinction is being made whether a member is in a spanish or english LDS community is not 28

important and if the member has had limited quality exposure to the coniconlcommunitymunity it should be apparent from their native language test score therefore a positive directional hypothesis was put forth stated below on the other hand it cannot be assumed that the length of time in an englishspeakingenglish speaking environment positively effects learning or has any particular relationship at all As most anyone who has taught or learned a foreign language knows the quality of the time spent seems to be far more important than the quantity spent individual variation in language learning ability rate and opportunity among other factors will drastically influence degrees of language learning success and seem to far outweigh how long it took the person to succeed similarly though one would expect that increased exposure to the target language english LDS language would positively influence the amount of vocabulary understood by subjects however it would be impossible to assess whether some of these words were learned in contexts other than church our assessment of language exposure then was limited to noting in what language the subjects were attending or had attended church and a null hypothesis format was used

H there is a positive relationship between length of exposure to the LDS church and the amount of words comprehended both in spanish and english hoihol amount of time in an englishspeakingenglish speaking environment does not show any correlation to the amount of words comprehended in english hoaho2h02 unit LDS church ward or branch language english spanish or both does not show any correlation to the amount of words comprehended in english 29

also note that these three hypothesis relate only to the second research question the first question exploratoryisexploratoryis and no hypotheses could be made from it 30



As presented in chapters one and two the research questions this study was designed to answer are as follows

1 how difficult are stahles 249 words for native spanishspeakingspanish speaking LDS adults when tested in english and when tested in spanish

2 what effect does ward language english vs spanish time in an englishspeakingenglish speaking environment and length of exposure to the LDS church have on the amount of LDS english vocabulary comprehended as represented by an extract of stahles supplement to the dale word list

hypotheses relating to question number two have also been stated

Hhi there is a positive relationship between length of exposure to the LDS church and the amount of words comprehended both in spanish and english hoihol amount of time in an englishspeakingenglish speaking environment does not show any correlation to the amount of words comprehended in english hah2ho2 unit LDS church ward or branch language english spanish or both does not show any correlation to the amount of words comprehended in english


in order to answer the questions stated above native spanishspeakingspanish speaking adults anyone age eighteen or older attending the LDS church in southern 31

texas long beach california and northern utah were selected for testing based on the following rationale appropriateADproirproprlate context when this research was in its early development the distance learning project DLP committee had already chosen and begun surveysurveyingmg in new york city three sites where large percentages of nonnativenon native english speaking LDS adults resided these nonnativesnon natives were predominately spanish speaking and the sites were chosen on account of that since spanish speakers constitute the bulk of the nonnativenon native church members living in the US and canada after it was discovered that the goals and purposes of both projects were highly conducive to each other and could easily be conducted at the same time this research was added to the agenda of the next two DLP data collection trips texas and california this researcher was also fortunately able to work for the DLP and conduct both a portion of their surveying and the majority of her own testing because an estimated 608060 80 of the general population at both the texas and california sites was native spanishspeakingspanish speaking bunker 1993 this meant that the predominant language of the community in which the members of the church lived was spanish not english exposure to and use of the english language is sometimes limited in such an environment and church members english skills may be impacted by this therefore additional testing in utah where many native spanishspanishspeakersspeakers also live but in a predominantly english speaking environment was conducted in case the specific location or community type seemed to be affecting how much vocabulary church members knew one last thing to note is that at all three sites there were church meetings conducted in both an englishonlyenglish only and spanishonlyspanish only format and in texas there was also one mixedlanguagemixed language format where meeting translation would alternate 32 weekly this is significant in that members had the opportunity to choose the degree of exposure to the LDS english language that they desired inclusive samples all but three discussed below of the nine testing sessions were scheduled by local church leaders either directly after church meeting times or during the second two hours of the church meeting ie during sunday school and relief societypriesthoodsociety priesthood sessions testing during the meeting block assured a subject sample which included the majority of the regularlyattendingregularly attending members it was assumed all adults over age 18 present that day participated with the exception of persons responsible for teaching youth classes when testing occurred directly after a threehourthree hour church block however as in three of the four texas units subjects may have been less motivated to volunteer due to a number of factors such as mealtimeconflictmealtime conflict or testaversiontest aversion or in the case one of the texan wards a conflicting event the baptism of a new member in these cases subjects were strongly encouraged by their unit leaders to participate and occasionally this was even by personal invitation since the subjects which did volunteer despite such conditions were randomly assigned to only one of the DLP tasks ie a focus group or the testsurveyingtest surveying the motivation factors were controlled for as much as possible similarly subjects were unaware that gifts provided by the DLP were to be given out afterwards so volunteers did not participate based on that criteria the gifts included a choice of one of several t shirts an englishspanishenglish spanish gospel dictionary a book of youth church talks or a cassette tape of church music one problem which occurred in the utah ward testing however was loss of data this was due to the fact that the testing was conducted for one hour only on two consecutive sundays during relief societypriesthoodsociety priesthood as opposed to the normal one sunday twohourtwo hour block schedule many of the persons tested on 33

the first sunday were not present the second sunday approximately 20 subjects and when the surveying ran slightly overtime into the sunday school hour on the second sunday participants were allowed to finish the survey at home and return it to their bishop most of them did but a few were lost in this process too the three testing sessions conducted outside of the immediate church context were inm utah two of these sessions occurred in school settingssettings1717 and the other one in the researchers home these participants volunteered based on personal invitation from either the researcher or a friend of the researcher most were attending spanishspeakingspanish speaking wards but a few of the younger students went

to english wards the total number of these participants was thirtytwothirty two 7657657.65 of the total number tested only four of which were tested in the researchers home prior apiapprovalapiprovalproval the final criteria for selection of subjects was that the testing was previously approved by LDS church headquarters as well as the local leaders which would be directly involved approval to conduct language needs assessment research was granted to the DLP by LDS church headquarters permissions to administer a vocabulary test were subsequently acquired by DLP coordinators ellen bunker and later marshall murray who were also responsible for coordinating the DLP visits in general see appendix B for excerpts from the correspondence sent by the coordinators to the specific church leaders involved

170neone 11 subjects at brigham young universitys english language center a school for primarily collegeboundcollege bound international students needing to increase their english skills the other 17 subjects at the elred center extension of provo highs ESL program which extension is designed for older learners both of these schools are located in provo utah LA kl34X

instruments three instruments were used simultaneously to collect the data necessary to answer the research questions the first instrument the vocabulary test is an adaptation of an instrument previously designed and tested by stahle 1981 as described in chapter two of this study the second instrument the EGP acculturation survey was researched and designed by TESL masters degree candidates cheryl white and dena erickson and reviewedrevisedreviewed revised by the EGP committee which consisted of BYU TESL professors the third instrument a brief demographic questionnaire was developed by the author pertinent details regarding the development of these instruments follow the vocabulary test stahle 1981 tested 850 LDS related words in a three option multiple choice format as established previously only 249 of these words were to be tested by this study as they were the ones found to be basic their corresponding multiple choice items were found in the appendices to stahle 1981 and were typed up as one test form A few initial changes were made to definitions which contained language which was no longer politically correct and a few puzzling definitions were revised 18 A forth option 1I dont know was also added in attempts to limit guessing see appendix C stahles revised 249word249 word LDS english vocabulary test note that her formatting was not retained the test was then translated into spanish because this study unlike stahles 1981 dealt with nonnativenon native english speakers translation of thetestthe test instructions and all definitions strengthened the validity of the test that is

18forfor example the definition for handicapped was changed from blind or crippled to disabled person and the one for priesthood was changed from power god gives to good men to the power to act in gods name as this is how the prophets of late have been defining it other changes made including those which came because of translation can be seen by comparing appendix C to appendix I1 35

isolation of the english word ensured that subjects were not missing the correct answer because they didnt understand the options which were given the translation was done by a native spanishspeakerspanish speaker fluent in english who was instructed to use the bilingual dictionary the gospel in spanishelsraSpaspanishnishElel evangelevangelio0 en esvaaolespanol taylor 1993 as a guide and resource where necessary since englishspanishenglish spanish LDS translation is highly significant to this study it must be mentioned briefly before going on soper 1974 discussed the problems encountered by the church missionaries who used to be assigned as health services missionaries and served in the latin american countries primarily in places such as argentina bolivia chile guatemala and venezuela recognizing the two dimensional ie linguistic and cultural communication problems where gospel terminology and concepts are concerned soper presented the multidimensionalmulti dimensional difficulties of communicating health information language and culturespecificculture specific terminology gaps which are compounded by a lack of familiarity with western standards of health in rural areas verses familiarity with these standards in urban areas where the same languageculturelanguage culture exists p 15 the most pertinent topic which he noted was the terminology gap between the usually native english speaking missionary and the spanish or portuguese members in rural areas p 18 soper stated that although nearly 80 of all english medical terms are near cognates in spanish health missionaries need to say human wastes rather than fecal matter for example p 18 the implication this has for the current study is great would the words being tested which are in english be known to the subjects as translated into

spanish or 1 are these US specific cultural concepts which are not present in the spanish languageculturelanguage culture or 2 concepts which are commonly known but by a different translation in other words in order to validly test the english 36

terms and relate vocabulary comprehension to the ideas of communities of practice we must also assess the degree of native language comprehension that is to miss the english term because the spanish term was not known is far different than to miss the english term but know the spanish one for example when a subject is new to the church heshebeshe may not have had much opportunity to participate in the church community and therefore may not yet be acculturated or more specifically heshebeshe may not be aware of certain terms or their meaning thus if a significant number of subjects missed an item in the spanish that item should be treated either as a problematic concept or mistranslation or as a sign that the subject was not successfully acculturated to the LDS community in their native language in the first two instances the wording would be invalid to test in the last the item would be highly interesting and ought to be examined in further studies distinguishing between these two possibilities should be possible by checking the items translation more closely andor consulting with native spanish speakers for cultural insight in consequence of all this each test form was made into two look alike parts to ensure that the question was indeed testing the english term and not the concept altogether which may or may not be transferable as presented part

I1 then tested the english word with answers in spanish and part II11 tested the same term by its dictionaryspanishdictionary spanish equivalent by means of the same spanish answers subjects responded to both parts one at a time english word first the two parts were linked by writing the DLP survey discussed below number onto the demographic questionnaire discussed below beforehand and when the spanish part was taken up the test number which was identical for both parts was written on the questionnaire this process linked the four instruments confidentially 37

next a native english speaker fluent in spanish not the researcher who had previous training in ESL language testing and multiple choice item writing and who was also finishing a TESL masters degree searched the spanish version of the test for other item weaknesses which may have occurred during translation of particular note were definitions which now contained cognates that gave the correct answer away these definitions were revised to eliminate those problems the test was then piloted on thirtythreethirty three native spanishspeakingspanish speaking adults in the provo utah dureaosureaosureno ward subjects were invited to take the test primarily in order to help check its translation but also to assess the smoothness of the procedure the piloting revealed a number of major obstacles to the validity and reliability of the test instrument as well as the testing procedure so the following changes were made the test was drastically shortened by a throwing out words which visually did not differ significantly from spanish to english 115 total leaving only 134 terms to be tested and b randomly dividing the remaining items between three forms 45 items on each larger print was also utilized and the antronscantlonscantronsc form for marking answers which had been so confusing to subjects even after detailed instructions was discarded A second native spanishspeakerspanish speaker was also consulted to revise items which still presented translation problems as this translator was not familiar with multiple choice item writing the author provided training based on her own language testing background as well as an adaptation of the test item criteria which stahle 1981 describes in chapter three of her study these revised criteria are found in appendix D multiple choice item preparation guidelines A back translation of the entire test from spanish to english was also done to check for item weaknesses it was administered to ten native englishspeakingenglish speaking adults simultaneously to the utah form Y testing this test is found in appendix E 0038PJ 0

after these changes it was necessary to provide a means for later equating the three forms so that in analyzing the data the test could be treated as a whole not three parts and the difficulty of the words could be assessed across the three forms and not simply withinWithinathin each form the full implications of this as well as the theory behind it will be discussed in more detail below under analyses here it is only pertinent to know that based on a theory current in the language testing field called item response theory a certain percentage of the total number of items had to be responded to by every person tested no matter which form they received these items common to each separate test are called linking items theyincreasethey increase the total number of questions tested but not the number of unique items being tested for this test fifteen of the 134 unique items were placed on each test form that is five items from each form were added to the other two forms for a total of 55 items per form 19 and a grand total of 165 test questions 20 figure 1 on the next page is a graphic representation of the research design as described up to this point in addition it was decided to present the entire test aurally as well as visually through use of an audiotapedaudiotaped recording of the instructions and the two parts of the test not only did this conveniently provide a means of pacing the test so that again guessing would be discouraged but more importantly it allowed the following possibilities 1 subjects recognized a word when spoken but might not have recognized if only written 2 subjects were not literate in their native language but could follow the numerical order and the A B C D spoken in spanish choices while listening to it

aneone190neqne item sabbath was used on both form Y and Z in order to make the number even 20thethe linking items were chosen based on the authors subjective impression of LDS uniqueness that is they were considered particularly unique to the LDS lexicon 39

stahlestable 1981 burrill 1995

1 55x3

translation 15 linked S items P 249 134 Y A 5 moved from each N form unique 80 of LDS ath4th graders 850 part I1 english most word frequent 165 total part II11 spanish later item analysis of an englishonlyenglish only version word reduced the number of unique items to 131

figure 1 graphic representation of research design

before recording the test however a suitable pace had to be established

to do this part II11 with the spanish term of form X was administered to a non LDS native spanishspeakerspanish speaker with the expectation that some items very peculiar to the LDS church would cause the subject difficulty and thus take longest to answer the subject was made familiar with the purpose of the test and told that he was only going to be timed not tested but could take as long as necessary to complete the test As the subject proceeded but without his knowledge the author also timed how long the subject spent on each item

the average time spent on each item was 797.9 seconds with the longest time spent being 14 seconds the items which proved most difficult for the subject were discussed and as expected the most difficult items were those without equivalence in other religions together with the subject it was agreed that the test would a probably have taken him longer had the words being 40

tested been in english and b probably have taken a member of the LDS church a lot less time on the spanish due to time constraints however the author was unable to pretest any other subjects for a pacing measure it was therefore decided that on top of the time taken to read an item 8 seconds of silence would follow for the subject to answer a question on the english version and five seconds would follow the time taken to read an item on the spanish version 21 the first three times the test was administered the subjects were asked partwaypart way through if the pace was too fast none of them 30 total felt that either part moved too fast for them to answer and in fact most subjects tended to finished before the recording was through thus the vocabulary test administered to answer this studys research questions underwent rigorous rethinking and revisions before being

implemented view appendices F G and H for test forms X Y and Z parts I1

and II11 respectively see appendix I1 for a simplified listing of the final 131 unique items22 including a glossed definition taken from the spanish and

appendix J for a list of the fifteen linked items with both their original test numbers the order they were randomly given on form X Y or Z and their unique item numbers the items were renumbered so that the linked items were not counted twice the EGP acculturation survey the EGP survey was intended to assess a members amount of acculturation to the english LDS communitycommunity23community23and23 and it was

21a21 A native spanishspeakerspanish speaker from mexico was found to record the spanish since most subjects in texas and california were expected to be from mexico the author provided the native english voice for the english terms recording was done in a soundproofsoundproof studio on the campus of brigham young university and took approximately six hours 22threethree items were thrown out after the back translation mentioned above english version given to native english speakers showed them to be problematic in english they will be discussed specifically in chapter four 23thethe EGP survey assessed a great deal of information about the contrasting english vs spanish language use by subjects as well as the possible factors that may promote or inhibit a church 41

used in conjunction with this testing primarily for the purposes of future research what was taken from it for use in this study were several demographic questions see below the survey was designed in part on the basis of schumanns 197819861978 1986 acculturation model and in part from preliminary EGP needs assessment telephone interviews bunker 1993 and was similar to the format used by eggingtonedgingtonEggington 1985 A committee of five BYU TESL professors reviewed drafts of the survey prepared by white and erickson before the english version was finally piloted on approximately ten nonnativenon native speakers and revised again the spanish translation of the EGP survey only one of the many translations now completed was done by a native spanish speaker then crosscheckedcross checked by both a native englishspeakerenglish speaker fluent in spanish and a bilingual englishspanishenglish spanish speaker see white 1995 or erickson 1995 for more details about the survey development the first administration of the spanish version of the survey was carried out with the pilot testing of the vocabulary test described above ie in the provo utah surehosurenogureno ward due to its extensive nature however the survey will not be an appendix to this study because the data finally selected for corresponding use in the analyses conducted here came from only three questions how old are you how long have you been in the united states and how long have you been a member of the church questions 124125 & 127 A sample of the survey can be obtained by looking at either white 1995 or erickson 1995 the demographic questionnaire the questionnaire was developed to answer a few questions which were not assessed or not assessed in the desired manner by the EGP survey the majority of the questions use a likert scale but members acquisition of english as a second language due to the nature of some positions in the church male and female versions of the survey were produced to accurately assess language use according to context 42

a few open ended checklist and fillinfill in types were also used translation of the questionnaire was done by a bilingual englishspanishenglish spanish speaker and later checked by the native spanishspanishspeakerspeaker who made final revisions to the test instrument to facilitate the packet preparation described below three forms of the questionnaire were made but they differed only by the preprintedpre printed form number in the upper righthandright hand cobercomercorner see appendix K for a sample of the questionnaire form X in english and then spanish subjects received only the spanish version

PROCEDURE initially it was hoped that the author would be able to proctor all testsurveytest survey sessions but in order to collect the most data possible in the time allotted other members of EGP team were trained to conduct a portion of the testing these team members were given a detailed description of testing procedures which were to be met the most important aspects of these instructions are summarized below but can be located in their entirety in appendix L proctor instructions test formspartsFormsParts and packet preparation no more than one recorded test form X Y or Z was administered to subjects in the same room it was not possible to do otherwise part I1 of each test form was numbered consecutively

ahead of time each form beginning with number one part II11 was not numbered at this point and the questionnaires space for the test number was also left blank at this stage however it was necessary to match each questionnaire to a survey by collating the two with the questionnaire on top and writing the survey number in the space provided on the questionnaire an ample supply of male and female surveys were collated in this manner so that neither packet type was run out of during testing which would have necessitated lastminutelast minute numbering 43

room arrangementarranaement the rooms utilized were large enough to comfortably seat all participants and met the following testtakingtest taking requirements 1 all test takers had something hard to write on preferably a table or desk where available hymn books also sufficed in dire instances 2 subjects were adequately spaced had elbow room if at a table so that it was obvious if someone turned to look at someone elses test 3 the tape player was approximately centered with relation to the subjects or in a good position to be heard by everyone the podium and microphone in the chapel worked especially well for this tetesting subjects were welcomed and seated pencils and subject instructions spanish version were passed out see appendix M for a copy of these instructions in english and spanish the instructions were then played stopping the tape when that section was finished after un millomillonn de gracias at this point a model item inserted into each cassette case was read aloud and any questions were taken one thing brought out with the model item was that the answers were not exact synonyms but definitions subjects were told to choose the best definition of the word though it may not be an exact or the only definition of it

when everyone wawass ready part I1 only of the written test was passed out to the subjects and when everyone had it the tape was started again subjects heard part I1 and the appropriate form number this was listened for and checked the test began and the proctor circulated

if a subject finished part I1 before the recording of part I1 ended and others were yet listening one of two conditional options was chosen

1 if subjects were not seated where others could easily see their part II11

or subjects could be moved where others could not see their part II11 then 44

part I1 was collected from subjects one at a time with proctors writing

part I1 test numbers in the blank provided on part II11 and then giving the

subject their part II11 which were the same words and options but all in spanish 2 if such was not the case then subjects were instructed to sit

quietly until the recording of part I1 ended and all subjects had finished it

if the later option was chosen then the tester had to carefully collect each

part I1 separately from one subject at a time so that he or she could write the test

number from part I1 onto each subjects part II11 under no circumstances was the

subject permitted to see part II11 before part I1 was collected so part nH was never simply passed out nor were subjects ever allowed to write the test number on

the matching part for these reasons early finishers of part I1 if it was possible to separate them made the testers job much easier and less confusing during the transition it also controlled for those that might have consulted with their neighbors during this transition

most subjects tended to finish part 11 rather quickly when a subject was done early or when the recording was over and a grace period of 5105 10 minutes had been given each part II11 was collected separately so that the test number could again be matched to ie filled in on an appropriate femalemalefemalemale questionnairesurveyquestionnaire survey packet ie the questionnaire and survey were given out together with the questionnaire always on top as that was how the packets were numbered in addition to this standard procedure a transition had to be instituted for the utah ward testing because of the splitsessionsplit session format a gift signupsign up sheet was utilized to record a persons test and survey number so that the researcher was able to later match the remaining instrument the EGP survey appropriately 45

names were filled in on the survey for the participant and used as a type of rolliroll callcailcali the next week questionnaire and survey administration the questionnaire and survey administration was not treated as a testtakingtest taking situation and was as relaxed as possible after all tests were collected subjects were allowed to consult testers with any questions they had and could leave their materials at their seat and get a drink of water if necessary while no other items should have had subject names written on them the survey did ask for their name ward date and signature on the first page but this was torn off when they handed it in for confidentiality the survey was still matched to the other test items by the survey number which appeared on the second page after the subject completed both pages of the questionnaire and the entire survey they could choose one of four gifts a t shirt tape book or spanish english gospel dictionary as a thankyouthank you for their participation the entire process described above took up to two hours including initial setupset up and cleanupclean up the recording of part I1 lasted approximately 24 minutes

and part II11klikii111 about 20 minutes some subjects took up to 40 minutes to complete the questionnairesurveyquestionnaire survey but others finished much faster


after the tests were manually scored each question was worth one point this data and the data from the questionnaires and surveys were entered onto a computer database and analyzed statistically the following assessments of the data were made 46

descriptive statistics A summary of the subject pool was tabulated according to location the test form administered and gender of the participant and means of test scores were calculated accordingly by the same divisions means standard deviations and reliability of english and spanish ability logitsbogits described below and standard deviations and reliability of english and spanish item logitsbogits described below were also calculated test valvaivalidity descriptive statistics for test face validity were assessed from the last eight questions of the demographic questionnaire then in addition to using traditional item analysis to locate bad test items a computer based analysis using item response theory IRT was used to pinpoint test weaknesses item difficulty more importantly the IRT analysis was also used to calculate the relative difficulty of the english or spanish items acrossformsacross forms and therefore also across locations the necessity of this step was briefly mentioned above under test development note that while the test forms weresowwerenowwere now equated the two languages were not and could never be both an english and a spanish IRT were run this is how IRT accomplishes the task first by assessing the difficulty of the linked items relative to each other for which there is a complete set of data and then assessing the difficulty of the remaining items responded to by differing portions of the subject pool relative to the difficulty of the linked items IRT analysis spreads the incomplete item data sets in the spaces between the linked item data set which is complete the following visual representation of this process figures 2 and 3 should help to clarify this 47

figure 2 representation of complete vs missing values in a data set of 131 items found on three separate tests X Y Z given 15 linking items shown by thick black lines



figure 3 representation of IRTs redistribution of unique itemsite according to their relative difficulty in comparison to linked itemsi some difficulty levels may contain more than one item 48

the difficulty levels of items are called legitlogit values and each legitlogit value is reported with a standard error of measurement higher error for less complete data while a simple listing of legitlogit values could be and was made for each language and could be useful a plotted representation of the legitlogit values by item made it possible to see the relationship of difficulty levels across languages that is using the xaxisX axis for the spanish legitlogit difficulty value and the yaxisY axis for english each of the unique items were plotted if the point fell in the upper righthandright hand quadrant the item was difficult in both spanish and english if it fell in the upper left quadrant it was difficult in english but easy in spanish and so on thus a list of words by quadrant of relative difficulty was developed then to be sure that the relationship suggested did not happen by chance the range in which an item could have fallen as reported by each items standard error was also plotted 24 A 95 confidence level required that two standard errors of measurement be added highest value possible or subtracted lowest value possible to each reported legitlogit value see figure 4 on the following page for a example of this legitlogit and range plotting for 95 confidence variable assessment in addition to equating the forms to assess difficulty levels the IRT analysis provided two new dependent variables to be used in a multiple analysis of variance hereafter MANOVA instead of a persons english and spanish test score which was relative to the test form a persons english and spanish ability level was calculated based on the difficulty of the items that is a person is of lower english or spanish ability if they are only answering the easiest items correctly and a persons ability increases as they

24thosethose with ranges that significantly overoverlapsoverlappoverlappedlapplaphed one or more of the quadrants were given special note that their status was less certain 49

skansespanse enaseengse item point spanaspanx engy 04830.483 036203620.362 1 legitlogit 09110.911 04510.451 high 18771.877 11751.175 0055 0273 I1 low 1 00550.055 02730.273

itemitemiikemi1 statement Y A Q j Highestiguesthighest value of spanish x S english item I1legitlogit


b 3 u f W40 0

1 5 i 1 1 1 I1 X odd T I1 45454.5 35353.5 25252.5 15151.5 oy 050.5 151.5 252.5 353.5 454.5 1 W 8 7 Q c lowest value of spanish x english item logi 0 c spanish x english itemiterlterm legitlogit value generated

1 C byirtby IRT analysis

spanish difficulty

figure 4 example of spanish x english item legitlogit and range plotting using 2 x the standard error se

respond correctly to more difficult items 25 this ability level can be thought of as something akin to a standardized test score z score 26

251tit may help to use the figure 3 above to understand this concept turn it sideways to the left imagining that the lines at bottom represent the easiest items and those at the top are the most difficult because the order of placement from easiest to most difficult was based on how many people got it right or wrong we find that most individuals are now getting certain chunks of the continuum right only easy items mostly easy items some moderate and so on and this is how their ability level is scaled 261rtIRT also calculates the fit of a persons ability level that is how normal or expected we can think of their responsesresponsesabilityability level as being for example when a persons responses are more haphazard eg they miss most of the easy items but get moderate and difficult items 50

using these new values english ability level spanish ability level as the dependent variables allowed the differing test forms data to be collapsed into one category relative amount of english or spanish vocabulary comprehended A MANOVA was then performed on the english and spanish data with the following independent variables sex location time in the church time in the US and ward language 27 collapsing the data in this manner could only have occurred otherwise had the MANOVA or an ANOVA taken into account the test form along with the other independent variables and even then because there would be great amounts of missing data since certain forms were not tested as often or in every location the MANOVA would be highly unlikely to find significance in or between any of the variables 28 in other words one of the most useful aspects of IRT analysis is its ability to compensate for missing data which makes the testing and analysis of large item databases more feasible and practical

correct IRT records this person as having high outfit this is similar to plotting how closely z scores fall on a straight line 27thethe independent variables in this study were multileveledmulti leveled and measured on a variety of scale types nominal ordinal and interval A MANOVA was run to see if there was any relationship across language ability levels however this procedure also generated two univariate models or ANOVAs analyses of variance which looked at the english and spanish dependent variables separately except when specifically referring to the results of the univariate models the term MANOVA will be used to signify the statistics run the MANOVA was performed using the SAS statistical package available on the PC 28several28several analysis were actually attempted in an effort to equate the three test forms before IRT usefulness was discovered and utilized the previous attempts however confirmed that statistical significance would appear or disappear depending on how many independent variables were included in the analysis of variance 51


RESULTS AND discussion

after a thorough examination of relevant literature and the development and administration of test and survey instruments the following results were obtained by statistical and qualitative analyses recalling the two purposes of this study the first exploring levels of difficulty of LDS words and the second attempting to assess why the words were difficult or not difficult should help to guide the reader through this discussion the discussion begins with statistics which summarize how many subjects were tested and where followed by a brief report of their average scores next the descriptive statistics for the ability levels and item difficulty legitlogit values of the IRT analyses performed are reported but the discussion of these analyses are afterwards separated into a discussion of item difficulty and variable assessment respectively these answer questions one and two test validity is discussed just prior to item difficulty as it of course relates to both questions


table 1 summarizes the total number of persons tested what test form was used to test them what region they were from and whether they were male M or female W percentages will be given later 52

table 1 summary of sample size by gender location and form tested

sample size formformaformxX formformyY formforazformzZ location total total

gender I1 men I1 women men women men inwomen men women maw texas 8 23 18 20 26 1 43 69 california 9 14 21 32 30 1 46 1 76 utah 34 45 7 14 41 1 59 1 100 form total 17 1 37 1 55 77 1 25 1 34 97 1 148 1 1 245

54 59 245 total 132

the highest score obtainable on each part of each form of the test was 54 points after one bad item from each test was removed this will be discussed later table 2 below summarizes the average scores and average differences between scores that were obtained according to the test form taken the location and gender of participant as well as the percentages and standard deviations associated with those results the average test scores obtained by the above participants on both the english and the spanish portions varied only slightly across the locations tested As can be seen in most cases the average english test score for men was only slightly higher than that of the women except on form X in texas and form Z in utah in general scores for both genders fell in the midtwentiesmid twenties to upper thirties a range of 46646.6 to 69969.9 on the spanish portion of the test however women averaged just slightly higher than men except on form X entirely see note below but again both genders scores fell between the midfortiesmid forties to fifty points range 83183183.1 to 95495.4 As expected the spanish scores were much higher than the english scores on average though individually many persons performed equally on the two parts individual scoring patterns however will not be discussed 53

table 2 average test scores percentages and standard deviations sd by form location and gender

total number N 97 men 39614839639614839.614839639.6 148 women 60460460.4

form X TX english spanish english spanish total n31 average average sd sd I1 12712712.7 women 286528.65 53153.1 492649.26 91291.2 184918.49 7427.42 n23 94949.4 men 377537.75 69969.9 506350.63 93893.8 137313.73 2972.97 n8na 33333.3 form X CA english spanish english spanish total n23 average average sd sd 94949.4 women0omen 251425.14 46646.6 480748.07 89089.0 138513.85 7467.46 En14 57575.7 vienene 265626.56 49249.2 502250.22 93093.0 145214.52 3193.19 37 n9naN 9 373.7 1 11

form Y CA english spanish english spanish total n53 average average sd sd 21621621.6 womenomen 344434.44 63863.8 482848.28 89489.4 171117.11 7497.49 n32131 lienllenvienmen 352935.29 65465.4 455245.52 84384.3 164616.46 158515.85 n21 88888.8 form Y UT english spanish english spanish total n79 average average sd sd 32232232.2 women 316231.62 58658.6 508750.87 94294.2 167816.78 7257.25 n45 18418418.4 lienvienen 359735.97 66666.6 502450.24 93093.0 161616.16 4364.36 n34 13913913.9 1

form Z TX english spanish english spanish total n38 average average sd sd 15515515.5 aomenvomenwomen 276827.68 51351.3 498949.89 92492.4 132213.22 6166.16gig n20 82828.2 vienvlenmen 285028.50 52852.8 448944.89 83183.1 184718.47 164216.42 n18 73737.3 form Z UT english spanish enalishenglish spanish total n21 average average sdd sd 86868.6 nomenwomen 302130.21 55955.9 515051.50 95495.49540095.400 125612.56 3483.48 n14 57575.7 vienpienen 374337.43 69369.3 472947.29 87687.6 208020.80 182318.23 n7na 26262.6 1 1 1

likewise the standard deviations adssds or spread between scores ie indicating variation for subjects spanish test were significantly lower than for their english test usually by 10 points except for men only on form Z TX & 54

UT and on form Y CA where the two sdsads spanish and english were very nearly the same 1642161642182315851642182315.8542 182318.23 158515 85 points sd on the spanish respectively vs 18472080184720.80184718.47 208020.80 and 164616.46 points sd respectively on the english minus these three exceptions men also had a much smaller spread between their spanish scores than women did men usually around 343 4 points sd and women around 7 points on the other hand there was very similar variation for men and women between their english test scores on form X CA and form Y CA & UT these sdsads falling at approximately 14141616 and 17 points spread respectively then again on the rest of the forms the variation between scores was more spread out but only on form X TX was it the women subjects who had more variation

1849184918.49 vs 137313.73 sd on form Z TX & UT the mens scores varied far more than the womens 132213.22 and 125612.56 sd for women vs 184718.47 and 2080208020.80 sd for men though statistics were not run on scores obtained according to test form or location the means and standard deviations shown above point to some interesting patterns and other analyses on the data may reveal significance which was not shown in the analyses which were performed 29 the first of these patterns was noted briefly above form X in texas and california was the only form where women averaged less than men on the spanish portion likewise the greatest difference in scores between genders gigl919.1 points on the english test was found between men and women in texas taking form X men averaged

377537.75 69969969.9 and women 286528.65 53153153.1 the greatest difference between genders on the spanish test was only 5 points and this occurred in texas on form Z women averaged 498949.89 points or 92492.4 and men 448944.89 points or

29thethe analyses were not run because the primary focus of this study was to assess item difficulty to do this IRT analysis was used to compensate for missing data and this analysis automatically equated the three test forms thereby removing the two variables of form and location however future research would benefit this study by returning to the three test forms and running separate ANOVAs by form and location it is possible that such analyses may yield results which the combined form and location approach of the IRT analysis may not have caught see later discussion under variable assessment 55

831831. similarly the standard deviations show gender differences on some forms depending on the language tested it is not clear whether location influenced the results or not the second pattern noticeable also related to gender and is summarized in table 3 which follows on the next page the data in table 3 were obtained by subtracting the english average score from the spanish average score and then calculating the difference between men and womens average differences the difference between the english average and the spanish average score by gender ranged between 9869.86 points and 2366236623.66 points difference between languages for men and 138413.84 points and 229322.93 points difference for women comparing the average differences of men and women it was only in california on form X that the women averaged a smaller difference between the two language scores than the men 0730730.73 points smaller difference however in utah and california on form Y the average difference between genders was the next lowest men averaging 4984.98 and 3613.61 points less difference respectively in contrast the largest average difference between men and women occurred in utah on form Z at 1143114311.43 points greater spread between the two language scores for women 56

table 3 average differences between spanish and english scores by gender 30

form X TX difference gender form Y CA difference gender total n31 spensp en comparison total n53 spensp en comparison 12712712.7 21621621.6 women 206120.61 womenome 138413.84 n23 94949.4 n32131 men 128812.88 8008.00 men 102310.23 3613.61 n8na 33333.3 n21 88888.8 form X CA difference gender form Y UT difference gender total n23 spensp en comparison total n79 spensp en comparison 94949.4 32232232.2 women 229322.93 0730.73 womenomen 192519.25 n14 57575.7 n45 18418.4 men 236623.66 menen 142714.27 4984.98 0 N n9na 37373.7 n34 13913913.9 61 bor forformM Z TX difference gender form Z UT difference gender total n38 spensp en comparison total n21 spensp en comparison 15515515.5 86868.6 bomewomewomen 222122.21 women 212921.29 114311.43 n20 82828.2 n14 57575.7 Mmene 163916.39 5825.82 menen 098609.86 n18UWE73737.3 n7na 26262.6

descriptive statistics OF IRT ANALYSES

while it seems possible to compare average test scores and average differences between test scores across locations and test forms caution must be taken here for if one test form happened to be more difficult than one or both of the others which perhaps form X was the comparison of these averages would be invalid this comparison therefore was not done in order to make general conclusions about subject performance then the three test forms must be known to be equal or made so given a large enough sample size a multiple analysis of variance manova31 would suffice for the purposes of assessing whether or not test form was significantly affecting the overall results however all other independent variables would need to be investigated at the same time and because of the manner in which the data had

30thethe gender comparison calculation is placed in the row of the gender whose average difference was lowest 31seesee footnote number twentythreetwenty three and discussion in chapter three for the criteria behind choosing this procedure 57 to be collected not all forms could be given in all locations and most independent variables were not controlled for as this was primarily an exploratory study this resulted in a subject sample that was not large enough for a MANOVA including all of the variables to be performed 32 therefore in order to compare subject performance and later item difficulty across locations and forms an analysis called item response theory IRT analysis was used to equate the three test forms the theory itself was explained in detail in chapter three it will be remembered that its strategy for equating test forms is an assessment of the relative difficulty of linked items questions held in common on all forms to which an assessment of the relative difficulty of unique items questions which only occur on one form is added in this way items are ordered by level of difficulty and subjects performance becomes not a test score but an ability level based on how many easy moderate or harder items were answered correctly with this in mind the following means of logitsbogits adjusted standard deviations and reliability coefficients were generated by the english and spanish IRT data as seen in table 4

table 4 item response theory descriptive statistics for persons and items by language

enenglish IRT persons items spanish IRT persons I1 items number active 245 131 number active 245 131 mean lologitsbogits109its 102341.0234 1 000000.0000 ISMmeannologitsbogitsweg4li 357293.5729 000000.0000 adadjustedusted sd 267262.6726 121601.2160 adjusted sd 154071540711.54071.54071 108031.0803 rellreilreliabiliRelireliabilityability 093120.9312 093170.9317 reliability 1 0736410.73641073640.7364 075920.7592

32asAs noted previously analyses several MANOVAs or even simply ANOVAs could be performed on each test form separately but this was not done here again see discussion under variable assessment which follows 58

note that the standard deviation was adjusted by the IRT program based on the standard error similarly the program automatically sets the item legitlogit means at zero and scales the legitlogit values as plus or minus points the reliability coefficient also calculated by the program is a ratio between the standard deviation squared and the total variance ie within group variance to total variance 33 it can be seen from this data just as with the mean scores data that subjects scored much higher as expected on the spanish portion of the test and with less variation among their spanish scores


two measures of test validity were performed face validity assessed by the subject questionnaire and item analysis assessed by both traditional item analysis and IRT analysis the results obtained by the questionnaire regarding test face validity were extremely positive eight factors were considered test pace aural clarity instructional clarity test length subject perception of english and spanish difficulty levels enjoyment of the test and the subjects mood an overall rating was taken from the mode score variables were assessed on a likert scale and were as follows

1 test pace was considered good 2 on a scale from 1 to 4 2 the recording was easy to hear 1 on a scale from 1 to 3 3 the instructions were very clear 3 on a scale from 1 to 3 4 the length of the test was good 2 on a scale from 1 to 3

33thethe reader is referred to the microscaleMicroscale analysis manual by wright & linacre 1985 p g13G 13 for their discussion of the statistical procedures carried out by this package designed for IRT analysis the reliability formula was not given 59

5 the difficulty of english words was rated average 2 on a scale from

1 to 3

6 the spanish words were very easy 1 on a scale from 1 to 3 7 almost everyone said that yes they enjoyed taking the test and

8 almost everyone was in a very good mood 5 on a scale from 1 to 5

the means standard errors medians modes standard deviations ranges and minimum and maximums possible for these factors are summarized in appendix N As mentioned for item validity two measures were taken the first a traditional item analysis performed on a back translation of the test which was given to ten native englishspeakingenglish speaking LDS adults in utah revealed repeated confusion on three items relation number 14 on form X courage number 13 on form Y and succeednumbersucceed number 53 on form Z reexamination of these items showed that two answers could be correct though perhaps not equally so that is it would depend on how one looked at the possible answers speciallyespecially with the later two items which are more abstract these three items were discarded before the subsequent IRT analysis of the data reducing the number of unique items to 131 the second item analysis was part of the difficulty level analysis of IRT the IRT analysis pinpoints item weaknesses in regards to their fit within the data were persons of the same general ability level answering this item correctly or incorrectly or was this item less able or unable to predict a persons ability level if an item has little ability to predict a persons ability level it is almost impossible to say whether itwasit was easy or hard and therefore the item is considered weak and should be thrown out IRT analysis located three other weak test items on the english version grief form Y number 4 60

or unique item 58 and on the spanish version asegurar assure form X number 9 or unique item 9 and cartel poster form X number 24 or unique iitem 23 appendix 0 contains the english and spanish IRT item legitlogit outfit and standard error values note that from these lists the weak items described above can be located by an outfit value of plus or minus two or greater this data can and should be read line by line all the way across since unique item number one etc in english was intended to be equivalent to unique item number one etc in spanish an examination of these test questions reveals that in each case but depending on the language there were two responses that could be considered correct this difference between languages indicates that differences between cultures may be influencing the weaknesses of the items one other point to note concerning the item analyses is that three of the six bad items came from form X while only two were from form Y and only one from form Z if form X then was shown to be more difficult by analyses not done here this fact may have contributed to that

ITEM difficulty

the most significant portion of this studys findings however concerned the comparative difficulty of the test items ie the words particularly depending upon which language they were tested in again the IRT analysis generated these data as has been described to list the item legitlogit data in appendix 0 by order of difficulty easiest to most difficult a sort command was carried on in appendix P a sidebysideside by side englishspanishenglish spanish listing of the sorted data can be found however it would be difficult to compare the relative difficulty of the words across languages with 61 only this type of list the first and last legitlogit points are at different levels and the words do not follow the same order across languages what was needed was a dimensionaltwodimensionaltwo plotted representation of the difficulty logitsbogits while each legitlogit value could have been plotted and assessed by itself it was found more desirable to plot the range that the data points might have fallen into given the standard error to compute this with 95 confidence two standard errors were added and then subtracted to the original logitlegit value to produce the highest and lowest value that the legitlogit value might have been appendix Q lists the highlowhightowhigh low data points for both languages along with the standard error and the original legitlogit value

then using microsoft excel 404.0 this data was plotted using the spanish difficulty data points for the X axis and the english ones for the yaxisY axis the four quadrants of the plot represent the following 1 words in the upper left quadrant quadrant I1 are difficult in english but easy in spanish 2 words in the upper right quadrant II11 are difficult in both languages therefore these two quadrants are the ones EGP materials developers should be most concerned with if used the words should be introduced with care following the guidelines outlined by bunker 1988 3 the lower left quadrant quadrant inilli1111 represents words that are easy in both languages and 4 the lower righthandright hand quadrant quadrant IV contained words that were difficult in spanish but easy in english the words in these later two quadrants should not be left out of EGP materials they are essential for LEP members to leableamlearn though most nonnativenon native members may already know them A sample of four plotted items one of them labeled with the quadrant numbers is given in figure 5 which follows on the next page figure 5 sample of plotted IRT data

item 4 sealingsdealingssealings item 6 holyHoly ghost

A45 a quadrant 454.5 y 4.545 r quadrant ilII11 45 353.5 353.51 C 2 0 5 4 g 15 g 151.5JL 1 444 4 C f mlM l 0 Q Q 2. 81 14 S 454 5 2 151.5 353.5 S 45454.5 25252.5 t 151.5 353.5 5 15 G M 2 5 w 25252.5 3.535 1 5K quadrant fflah1h 35 quaalquadrantQuadiant IVTV 3 4A 5R A K spanish difficulty spanish difficulty

item 11 wickedness item 78 commandment

A 454.5A 3353.55 353.5 252 5 2 3 151 g 1 5.5 s 959.5 0- Q i i I1 n r- 8k15 15 5 45454.5 25252.5 ak 151.5 353.5 W 4545 25252.5 151.5 353.5 45 bab0 to 454.5 0 f c r M f w 2 5 swj 2- 3it 5 3535 4A 5C 454.5 spanish difficulty spanish difficulty 63

note that the difference in range size based on standard error depended on how many responses there were to the item was it unique or common was that items form tested more frequently than the others also some legitlogit points and some ranges as well fell so close to zero or equally overlapped two or more quadrants that it was impossible to be certain that the word was in one or another of the quadrants in these cases however the word was placed according to its exact legitlogit value since no other assessment could be made in figure 5 item four sealingsdealingssealings was one such overlapping item whether it was truly difficult or easy in english is somewhat questionable though it was more than likely easy in spanish similarly holy ghost item six may or may not have been difficult in english but it was more certainly difficult in spanish item eleven wickedness however was without a doubt quite difficult in both languages and commandment item 78 was definitely easy in both spanish and english this assessment of relative difficulty was of course made more exact by a smaller range note the difference between wickedness or holy ghost linked items and commandment only on form Y in particular from the plotted data then a listing of words by quadrant was made the words which were less certainly placed are shown with one asterisk if the english level was uncertain a double asterisk if the spanish was uncertain and if both were uncertain a triple asterisk was used the list follows in table 5 appendix R contains the 131 scatter plot graphs from which this list was taken the graphs like the samples in figure 5 show the confidence ranges which are not apparent from the list from the list in table 5 then the following qualitative analysis of item difficulty will help to expand our understanding of the data oltoleoatic A

table 5 relative difficulty of words corresponding to the quadrants of the scatter plots of item legitlogit values and ranges see key as found in appendix R

LLDI1 DIFFI1F IN ENGEASY IN SP 25 OR 19119.1igi II11 DIFFICULT IN BOTH 35 OR 26726.7 84 beyond 59 selfishness 21 accomplish 28 meetinghouse 127 cast out 37 skill 111 accomplishment 100 mob 108 development 31 strive 72 achieve 92 offering 52 discouraged 129 tithe 86 advisor 102 partnership 39 discouragement 44 unselfish 22 almighty 82 pattern 119 doubt 85 widow 9 assure 23 poster 34 forgave 88 attendance 94 pride 87 fund 74 calling 67 scattered 53 handout 26 challenge26charenge I1 statement 60 henceforth 74 chapel 51 strength 38 improvement 18 everlasting 43 strengthen 103 journal 95 follower 70 supply 20loyal20 loyal 58 grief 89 therefore 126 nursery 130 holds the 71 wicked 46 priesthood holder priesthood II11 wickedness 14 punishment 6 holy ghost 32 word of 105 reject 49 illness wisdom 19 righteous 66judge66 judge 10 worship 5555 SsabbathaI1 114 knowledge

liiIII111 EJEASY IN BOTH 46 OR 35135.1 IV DIFF IN SPEASY IN ENG 25 OR 191119.11igi191igli19.1 123 atancestors 2 handicapped 199 absence 90 welfare 5 approve 29 heavens 47 assignment 121 worldwide 98 blessings 104 kneel 62 celestial marriage 45 celestial kingdom 96 meetings 93 convert 69 chapter 36 miracle 91 create 78 commandment 24 needy 63 faithful 117 contact 131 numerous 48 firstbornfirstborn 54 convert 97 perform 35 full time 61 council 83 priesthood 50 heavenly father 57 custom 56 really 112 high councilor 64 depressed 73 relative 42 messenger 99 discuss 25 relief society 7 mormon pioneers 118 discussion 81 request 6 purpose 79 elect 4 sealingsdealingssealings 3 rebaptism 13 faith 120 someday 76 recipe 27 fasting 124 standard 110 remembrancetremembrancremembranceremembranceseT 116 force 107 storage 125 restore 33 forever 101 storehouse 106 sacred 109 forgive 8 success 41 savior 128 forgiveness 65 suggest 30 stake 113 fulfill a dream 17 testify 75 support 15 gospel 80 tithing 115 understand 12 guilty 77 translation 68 ward key vertically overlapping range horizontally overlapping range vertically and horizontally overlapping range boldingholding overlappingnonoverlappingnon range barely overlapping range 65

assessed from the legitlogit value alone proportionately the words fell into the four quadrants as follows twentyfivetwenty five each or igligi19119.1 were a difficult in english but easy in spanish and b difficult in spanish but easy in english thirtyfivethirty five words were difficult in both languages 26726726.7 and fortysixforty six 35435435.4 were easy in both

however when the confidence range was taken into account 84084.0 of these words fell into suspect only 21 words or 16016.0igo had ranges which did not overlap quadrants these 21 words are the bolded terms in table 5 in quadrant

I1 difficult in english easy in spanish journal loyal and selfishness while these words are likely to be unfamiliar in english the responses to the test question may also have been somewhat tricky as in journal having one response as a long trip which have tested spelling in quadrant II11 difficult in both languages many more accomplish accomplishment achieve assure everlasting judge meetinghouse mob partnership poster scattered therefore wicked wickedness what is most interesting about these words is the fact that they are the majority of the ones which we can be sure of then within this category the words that were tested in two different parts of speech accomplishaccomplishaccomplishmentaccomplishment and wickedwickedwickedness wickedness strengthen their position in the category because both forms were difficult in both langlanguageslagestages two of the words in quadrant II11 however were test items found to be bad assure and poster and these words may not actually be difficult in either language in quadrant inliiIII111 easy in both languages commandment elect and storage one could easily say without researching this that commandment is used numerous times every sunday then both elect and storage might be known from outsideofchurchoutside of church contexts finally in quadrant IV difficult in spanish easy in english rebaptism this words translation el bautistobautibautismosmo de nuevo or the baptism of newa new baptism seems less specific than the english 66 term and perhaps could have been confused with the incorrect response cumplir 8 aflosaflowanos whereas with the english term most people have learned that the prefix re means again because of the great degree of overlap noted above however a system was designed to more accurately categorize the words the categories were derived by analyzing which direction horizontally vertically or both that the 95 confidence ranges overlapped quadrants the asterisks in table 5 indicate the direction of overlap one asterisk meant vertical overlap two meant horizontal overlap and three meant overlap in two directions parentheses were used to denote ranges which only barely overlapped another quadrant sometimes this meant a word barely overlapped in one direction but greatly overlapped another for example T meant that the range barely overlapped vertically but greatly overlapped horizontally this new categorical assessment yielded the following proportions as reported in table 6 below

table 6 proportional breakdown of categories of difficulty based on overlapping ranges qquadrant category Q I1 QII QIII QIV Q total of 131 bold 3 14 3 1 21 16016.0igo 13 6 20 8 47 36036.0 0 1 1 2 4 313.1 1 4 6 7 18 13713.7 0 3 1 1 5 383.8 7 4 13 2 26 19819.8 T 0 1 1 1 3 232.3 T 1 2 1 3 7 535.3 totals 25 35 46 25 131 100

what these categories actually mean depends in part on the direction its range seems to take it ie overlaps if a range overlapped horizontally then that words level of difficulty in spanish was closer to an average difficulty 67

than an easy or hard level of difficulty likewise if the range overlapped vertically then the english difficulty tended to be only average if a range overlapped in two directions then in both languages it was average then depending which quadrant a word was origoriginallymallymaily placed in the direction of overlap meant more specifically whether the level of difficulty was under or

overestimatedover estimated a word in quadrant I1 or ililiiIIIHI111 which overlapped quadrant II11 or IVTV respectively horizontal movement may be more difficult in spanish than we originally said it was and vice versa if the word was originally in quadrant II11 or

IV respectively similarly if the word was in quadrant I1 or nH and vertically overlapped quadrant liililIII111 or IV respectively then that words english level may be easier than we thought and vice versa if the word was in quadrant niiliillIII111 or IV and vertically overlapped I1 or nH respectively with this in mind a groupingregroupingre of the words which accounts for average difficulties by language is given below summarized in table 7 this is not including the 21 words in the bolded category which were not average difficulty words the category titles are accompanied by the coding system where parenthetical coding was used the words in these categories were subsumed under the main category the one without parenthesis and the words themselves are in parenthesis note that the total numbers and percentages in each of these new categories are also given 68

table 7 words with overlapping ranges average difficulty by language

ave eng easy ave eng diff ave span ave span ave eng span QI III111 span QII IV easy en QIII diff eng QI II11 ave span IV 55 sabbath 6 purpose 123 ancestors 84 beyond 34 forgave 99 discuss 86 advisor 5 approve 127 cast out 87fund87 fund 27 fasting 26 challenge 45 celestial 108 development 46 priesthood 80 tithing 90 welfare kingdom 70 supply holder 109 forgive 40 chapel 69 chapter 52 discouraged 14 punishment 15 gospel 6 holy ghost 117 contact 39 discourage- 19 righteous 4 sealingsdealingssealings 68 ward 42 messenger ment 37 skill 104 kneel 1 statement 54 convert 119 doubt 129 tithe 51 strength 61 council 53 handout 85 widow 10 worship 64 depressed 60 henceforth 74 calling 93 convert 13 faith 38 improvement 95 follower 63 faithful 33 forever 126 nursery 49 illness 7 mormon 2 handicapped 105 reject 114 knowledge pioneers 75 support 94 pride 92 offering 76 recipe 96 meetings 31 strive 43 strengthen 41 savior 131 numerous 44 unselfish 32 word of 30 stake 82 pattern wisdom 56 really 22 almighty 98 blessings 25 relief society 88 attendance 57 custom 120 someday 58 grief 116 force 124 standard 130 holds the 128 forgiveness 115 understand priesthood 121 worldwide 8 success 113 fulfill a 118 discussion dream 17 testify 29 heavens 77 translation 36 miracle 122 absence 24 needy 47 assignment 9797.97 perform 62 celestial 83 priesthood marriage 73 relative 91 create 81 request 35 fulltimefull time 101 storehouse 50 heavenly 65 suggest father 48 firstbornfirstborn 112 high councilor 110 remem- brance 125 restore 12 guilty 10610log sacred 8 or 616.1gi 15 or 11511.5 31 or 23723.7 20 or 15315.3 36 or 26726.7 69

these new groupings may shed greater light on possible explanations for difficulty levels or even shared characteristics by difficulty level speciallyespecially in regard to words that were more difficult in spanish than in english with the help of a native spanish speaker the following reasons though not exhaustive or definitive of any category why a word might have been difficult in spanish were generated words were aala1a archaic terms difficult even for natives aa2a terms whose LDS specific meaning had not yet been learned because the person is new to the church or perhaps because the word is used by other religions somewhat differently aa3a abstract aa4a terms which have other meanings outside of the context presented esp when nonreligiousnon religious and this generated confusion 5 proper terms standard spanish which have dialectal variations and were perhaps unknown to the subjects especially if they were less educated 6 translated incorrectly or the correct response was 7 translated into a less common term in spanish than is represented by the english in the case of words which were easy in english but difficult in spanish all of these reasons apply to english difficulty as well except numbers five through seven which deal with translation this commonality will be shown by the numbering that is the series la 4aaa relate to why a word may have been difficultaveragedifficult average and is used first under spanish followed by 575 7 and then under english without 575 7 the series lb ab3b below relate to why a word may have been easy in either language possible reasons why either the english or the spanish term might have been easy are the word ib is very frequently spokenheardspoken heard if not read ab2b is concrete or an action which is frequently done ab3b was tested in too obvious a manner or is simply a basic word everyone knows in their native language 70

examples of the line of reasoning expressed above are listed below

AveraverageaLyearyeacye or difficult in spanish aala1a primogenitoimogeprprimoseprimogenito firstbornfirstborn sempiterno everlasting archaic terms aa2a espiritu santo holy ghost sumo consejeroconsejero high councilor el salvador savior llamamiento calling meanings either differ between religions or do not exist in other religions aa3a lagrologro accomplishment offrenda offering modelo pattern fufuerzafiierzamuerzaerza strength la iniquidad wickedness adorar worship 11 conocimiento knowledge these terms are somewhat abstract aa4a bienestarbienestar welfare in non LDS spanish this term means to be well or commodity which is quite different from the meaning tested to help poor people 5 sendasennaausenciaau absence this concept might be more commonly known as falta especially among mexican and texmex or chicano speakers 6 alrealrededordedor del mundo incorrect phrase meaning around the world this should have been worldwide which would be mundlmundimundialmundiakmundiavmundialaV in spanish the correct response to this question doesnt make sense 7 asasignacioasignacionasigignacionacionn assignment this translation seemed strange to the native consulted the term usually used to mean assignment is tarea average or difficult in english la henceforth cast out meetinghouse everlasting archaic terms aa2a priesthood calling holy ghost word of wisdom meanings either differ or do not exist in other religions 71

aa 3a discouraged doubt loyal I1 righteous achieve knowledge these terms are somewhat abstract most of the difficult words in english seem to fall into this category aa4a1pattern4a pattern could refer to a sewing pattern the pattern on a fabric etc easy in spanish and english only english term given ib commandment blessings celestial kingdom convert

saj111 gospel111gospel fasting tithing relief society these terms are very frequent in LDS contexts which explains why even the abstract terms were known interestingly enough most of the terms which were easy in english were LDS specific religious terms this adds strength to the positive directional hypothesis stated for question two because it seems to indicate that the words which were comprehended were indeed part of the LDS 1I community of practice and not just general terms that could be learned elsewhere

ab2b kneel chapter discuss fasting testify these are either actions that are done quite regularly by church members or more concrete items again that these actions were known also lends support to positive directional hypothesis as described directly above

ab3b Urequestrequesturequest the responses were to be alone to travel or to ask for the correct answer is obvious because everyone knows this word in their native language and in a second language it is usually taught or learned early on

the examples given above are by no means complete however they illuminate certain patterns in the data as was discussed above for EGP materials developers what is most important is the careful introduction of words which were difficult or even average in english keeping 72 in perspective the possible reasons why it was difficult however since a personispersons native language may influence the comprehension or learning of words in a foreign language positive or negative language transfer it must be kept in mind that these levels of difficulty relate only to spanish speakers at the very least they may carry over fairly similarly with other romance languages since the EGP and usually most other ESP materials are intended for a mixed language audience testing and assessment of these words would have to be conducted on other languages especially asian languages in order to assess any differences in difficulty levels which might appear seeing which words shifted categories according to the language group being tested would be especially helpful and interesting

VARIABLE assessment

also calculated for this test data was a multiple analysis of variance MANOVA which includes univariate calculations ANOVAs the multivariate analysis assessed whether or not it was apparent that any of the independent variables time in the US time in the church etc were affecting the performance of individuals who took the test whether in english or spanish the univariate analyses assessed the same measure but treating the english and spanish tests separately 34 A persons english and spanish ability levels as opposed to their english or spanish scores on the test were used as the dependent variables in these procedures for reasons already discussed A listing of these new dependent variables ie ability levels in english and spanish along with the person outfit

34again34again see footnote twentythreetwenty threeand discussion in chapter three for more detail if necessary 73 standard error of measurement and the original test score for comparison is given in appendices S english and T spanish A minor point of interest concerning the dependent variables was that there were fourteen english outfits persons whose correct responses were unpredictable compared to only one spanish outfit this suggests the fairly obvious fact that individual variation plays a much stronger role in a persons second language of more weight were the results obtained from the statistics run using the IRT analyses data as stated above the multivariate statistics for the overall model are summarizesummarizedd below in appendix U the results of the multivariate analysis shows that none of the independent variables reached a 0050.05 level of significance according to the hypotheses put forth at the beginning of this study however length of exposure to the church shortened title time as LDS was expected to have a positive directional effect on a persons comprehension of the words tested on the other hand none of the other variables in question were predicted to have either a positive or a negative effect on a persons comprehension of the words due to individual variation in language learning these results however indicate that length of exposure to the church was not significantly affecting comprehension of either the english or the spanish words ithereitherelther separately or in any of the interactions assessed by the multivariate analysis normally when the 0050.05 level of significance is not met in the multivariate model the univariate model is not considered because the level of error may be inflated however a relationship between the english and spanish ability levels was never predicted or assumed the multivariate analysis was run simply to strengthen any significance that might have been shown by 74 the time as LDS variable 35 in other words the univariate model despite the lack of significance in the multivariate model is yet a valid statistic to examine in this case with that in mind appendappendicesices V english data and W spanish data contain the results of the individual ANOVAs performed on the IRT data from these one will see that in both the english and the spanish data time as LDS again did not show a significant effect none of the other independent variables or the interactions between them had any significant effect either however the overall univariate english model showed significance at the 000060.0006 level of significance with an F value of igligi1911.91 what this statistic suggests is that while none of the independent variables seem to be significant when looked at by themselves or in twowaytwo way interactions these variables or some other confounding variable is likely to be having some effect on the english data but the variation within the population was too great to pinpoint anything exactly an important contrast to this can be seen in the univariate spanish model which was not at all significant arfprf was 022650.2265 an explanation for this is that one would expect individuals to comprehend the spanish words in general simply because they were in their native language not because of any particular independent variable such as time in the united states or ward language As for the time as LDS variable which was expected to have an effect irrespective of language it can be said that regardless of whether the procedure was univariate or multivariate the variation in the sample prevented this variable from showing significance

35thatthat is comprehension of the english words were not expected to relate to comprehension of spanish words and vice versa but were a person new in the church and this variable were shown to be significantly affecting both english and spanish ability levels at the same time then the effect of the variable would be even more obvious 75

CHAPTER FIVE conclusions


this study has been concerned with the difficulty levels of LDS english terms extracted from a previous study by stahle 1981 stahle developed a list of 249 words that could be considered basic to the LDS adults active lexicon 131 of these words were retested on native spanishspeakingspanish speaking LDS adults residing in southern texas northern utah and southern california in order to assess their comprehension of them the test was a threeoptionthree option multiple choice non contextual vocabulary instrument and was accompanied by a survey assessing acculturation and a demographic questionnaire the 131 items were divided across three forms and five from each form were used to link them together for statistical purposes each form of the test was also translated into spanish and made into two parts the first part tested the english term by means of spanish answers the second part tested the equivalent spanish term spanish answers test scores for the english and spanish version of the test each subject took both were analyzed statistically means of test scores showed that the three locations were scoring about the same but that form X of X Y and Z may have been slightly more difficult if only because it contained the majority of items later found to have weaknesses on the other hand means of test scores and average differences between spanish and english means differed most notably between genders however when statistics a multivariate analysis of variance or MANOVA were run to assess the independent variables gender location time in the US time in the LDS church and wardwardbranchbranch language neither sex nor any of the other variables were found to be significant most likely 76 though this was due to the great amount of variation in the population and this conclusion was supported by a 0006.0006 level of significance for the overall english test on the univariate portion of the MANOVA the null hypotheses hah1holhoihoaho1 and hoaho2h02 which were stated were supported by the findings neither ward language nor time in the church showed any significant effect on a subjects comprehension the positive directional hypothesis hi which stated that time in the LDS church would have a positive effect on comprehension was rejected but may yet be an influencing factor for the reason described above concerning the great amount of variation in the population sampled other reasons why the theories investigated and supported in the review of literature were not supported here may include the following 1 perhaps a time threshold could be effecting the results ie after being LDS for a certain length of time a person may have learned a sufficient part of the lexicon to allow himherhigher to function at an adequate level 2 likewise the test may not be discriminating enough when testing the native language words because of the number of common words those readily learned outside of the LDS community on the test which could be masking the effect that time in the church might otherwise have shown 3 just as age of arrival to a target culture can effect pronunciation perhaps the age that a member of the church joined effected their comprehension of the english words because younger learners tend to learn faster than older learners and 4 there may be a slight chance that using the IRT variables for the dependent variables which included their own amount of error may have flattened the curve of the subsequent MANOVANIANOVA measurements assessed eliminating significance that was once there especially regarding gender by formlocationform location resolutions to these problems will be noted under suggestions for future research below 77

in addition to the MANOVA analysis of variables item response theory IRT analysis was used to assess the difficulty levels of the words when tested in english and in spanish the IRT analysis yielded data item legitlogit values or difficulty ratings which simultaneously generated an ability level for each person according to language these two ability levels in fact were used as the dependent variables in the abovementionedabove mentioned MANOVA the more essential component of the IRT data however was the legitlogit values of words these were used to plot the relative difficulty of words spanish on one axis english on the other then using plus and minus twice the standard error of measurement for each legitlogit value a range of difficulty for each word was derived by which words were more accurately categorized while many explanations could be found for the difficulty ratings of words a few patterns were also found neither the explanations nor the patterns were claimed to be exhaustive however two patterns in particular were the great number of LDS specific terms or frequent actions as opposed to general english termsactionsterms actions which were found to be easy in english and usually also in spanish likewise the majority of difficult english terms were either somewhat abstract or fairly archaic outside of a religious context other observations which were made especially regarding terms which were surprisingly difficult in spanish were that both mistranslation and cross cultural differences may have played a part in this phenomenon overall then the qualitative analysis of the item difficulty legitlogit values generated by IRT analysis seemed to support the positive directional hypothesis that time in the LDS church would effect comprehension A balanceddesignbalanced design and controlled testing of the words on LDS versus non LDS subjects would better assess this hypothesis statistically 78

implications FOR TESL

this study has important implications for the field of teaching english as a second language as well as for the teaching of other languages primarily its importance can be seen in three ways first the necessity of assessing the lexicon of a specialized area more closely and according to the language backgrounds of the intended studentsaudiencestudents audience of materials the data in this study illuminated patterns in the difficulty of english LDS words for native spanish speakers other languages especially languages which are not as close to english linguistically would almost certainly produce some differences in the results if only due to the number of cognates held between spanish and english similarly even using native spanishspeakingspanish speaking subjects the difficulty level of the words were likely opposite a common sense or intuitive feel that a teacher or materials developer etc might have had if they had tried to assess the difficulty levels from only a listing of the words even if the developer knew spanish one example of this was fasting while it is an uncommon term in english even in other religious contexts and therefore might be thought difficult it is quite frequent in LDS contexts and is an action which church members perform at least once a month fasting was among the easiest terms in english A second implication this study has is a method for the development of other english for specific purposes ESP vocabulary lists the process undertaken in this research was rigorous but highly effective though certainly english for gospel purposes vocabulary assessment has much further to go however this study has strengthened the foundation for such future research on the LDS lexicon in particular and by way of a model for other ESP development the groundwork laid in this study for future designs includes the following 1 79 a readymadeready made testing procedure has been laid out 2 issues to be considered for the translation and maintained validity of the multiple choice test have been set out 3 different types of analyses which could be used especially where data is lacking have been evaluated and implemented and 4 the uses and limitations of the data generated by these procedures have been explored since a review of the revelant literature including that of general vocabulary studies did not find any previous research which utilized the approach taken in this study though stahles constituted half of it it could be said that this research was among the first of its kind in the field of english vocabulary and the nonnativenon native speaker the third implication concerns the patterns seen in the item difficulty levels the ideas presented in the review of literature suggested that group participation necessitates language and has a reciprocal relationship to it when an individual does not talk or act like the community around them they are not able to participate in it then this inability to participate often prevents them from learning the language and behaviors of the community in order to participate in it creating a distressing catch22catch 22 while the data in this study did not statistically show that time in the LDS church opportunity to leableamlearn to participate had a significant effect on comprehension for reasons discussed above the qualitative analysis suggested that it might have had such an effect afterallafterafterfallall more impetus to follow up with the suggestions for reinvestigating the hypothesis as stated below the significance of this for all of TESL then and especially for ESP is that our language teaching may be the only hand that reaches out and pulls a person from one community into another if only less abruptly and more invitingly studies which investigate the effect of teaching EGP language would of course further substaniatesubstantiate this claim ory OV80orl


As discussed above a portion of the results of this study reported that the overall spanish model was not shown to be statistically significant while something in the english model may have been although we cannot say what however time in the church as supported by the review of literature should have positively effected the comprehension of words in both spanish and english and indeed in the qualitative analysis of the data it seemed to have that effect reasons why this factor possibly did not show statistical significance were also discussed above in the summary section several possible paths that could be taken to reinvestigate this hypothesis

using the data already obtained would be 1 categorizerecategorizererecategorized the time variables to control for a possible time threshold 2 extract data on the LDS specific words only and run the MANOVA again in hopes of eliminating the mask effect of including words which could be learned outside of the LDS community 3 assess how age age the member joined the church educational level etc effected the data this information is found on the demographic questionnaire and the acculturation survey perhaps also limiting this assessment to LDS specific words or to one particular test form along with categorizingrecategorizingre the time variables or 4 run a MANOVA or several ANOVAs on each form separately using the original test scores as the dependent variables to assess whether using the IRT data obscured any of the effects in fact a combination of the above suggestions might indeed be the best route while there are many ways that the current database which could be obtained from either the researcher or the distance learning project could be further exploited to search out the questions this study assessed as well as many new questions new testing especially limiting the words to include only the 81

LDS specific terms could also be undertaken if so generating a more balanced design should also increase the opportunities for significance to appear for example retesting the words while controlling the population sample for religion ie test LDS vs non LDS subjects or for native languagedialectlanguage dialect variables eg to assess the effect of native language test other language groups especially non romance languages or for dialect test spanish subjects in a variety of native locations such as argentina vs mexico etc running IRTs on these data and plottingreplottingre the legitlogit values would generate interesting data to contrast with the data in this study especially since the number of cognates between spanish and english was so great certainly asian languages would generate far different results and problems from translating stahles original list and the words which were difficult average or easy might also be vastly different another area of LDS lexicon assessment greatly needed is that of oral frequency for these and other untested words ahlesstahlesstablesSt frequencies came only from written sources the following questions related to this and ahlesstahlesstablesSt study could be asked are stahles words frequent in oral communication or only in written materials could this be effecting the comprehension of the words tested here have new words or new shades of meaning for the words tested in this study become frequent in the lexicon ithereitherelther orally or in written sources since stahles 1981 study if so what happens when these words or meanings are tested also could we say that the LDS community uses a particular variety of english not just a particular lexicon this might be assessed by recording different church meetings and activities over a period of time and transcribing the data for frequency counts and qualitative analysis do certain structures get used repeatedly in certain contexts or with certain topics similarly other studies designed to contrast the method used in this study to test the difficulty level of these words or to test for commonalties between 82 words of the same level of difficulty could be done asking native vs non- native speakers for definitions or situations they would expect to hearreadhearreanhear read a particular word or assessing the crossculturalcross cultural differences in word association through association inventories would both provide interesting data also qualitative studies using dialog journals written or oral might be extremely enlightening looking at the language development of a new member of the church either a native or nonnativenon native english speaker or both over the first four to six months of membership might yield fascinating insights that could guide EGP materials developers as well as future EGP teachers while this study cannot hand EGP materials developers a complete or generalizable list of words that should be taught primarily because of the language specific considerations that have been discussed specific guidelines which this study illuminates for future researchers or EGP materials developers include

1 A procedure for conducting future research including a developed test instrument considerations for future translation and analyses which have been outlined implemented and evaluated thus facilitating and speeding up future replication studies 2 patterns archaic terminology abstractness context translation frequency of action etc which are likely to effect speakers of other languages similar to those indentified for spanish speakers these patterns should be investigated if other language groups are tested or if materials are being developed especially without the aid of research on other language groups the patterns could be important considerations for deciding how and when a word should be presented 83

in essence the ideas outlined above and any other endeavor on behalf of the LDS english and other languages lexicon will not only add to our knowledge of EGP vocabulary and to our expertise in EGP materials development or in general to ESP knowledge and development as well but will more importantly enrich generations of students who hunger to know more 84RA

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the Morcormonsmormonsmons provo utah language research center brigham young university languages spoken 1995 march ensign p 79 mahinlrmahinurmahinmahln LRL R 1990 what weve got here is a failureafailure to communicate womens studies in professional

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wallaces 1973 taxonomy Sorensorensonssons 1973 conceptual levels 1 pepeople I1 ideology a people important to church history A rituals b people important to the book of B beliefs mormon C myths c people important to the bible II11 values d alternate references A literature e common church names B music and art 2 places C icons a places important to mormons D gestures postures spacing and b places with mormon names timing c church buildings E key elements d ecclesiastical and geographical areas illiliIIIHI111 knowledge 3 organization A reliability of source a titles for people B emotional channelers b meetings C labels c auxiliaries D abstractions d departments and committees E concrete knowledge e programs F historical knowledge f legal aspects IV communicative symbols g schools A semantic novelty 4 historical terms B lack of knowledge 5 imagery V social organization a iconography A hierarchical relationships and group b stereotypes identifiers 6 kinesics B social acts of conferring titles a prescribed behavior C social boundaries b nonprescribednon prescribed behavior D social roles c spacing E sociocultural change innovations and 7 theological terms bureaucratization 8 negative terms and symbols F language elaboration 9 church literature VI population distribution a scriptures A geographical distribution b church publications B centralization c hymnal C geographical dispersion 10 folklore and myth a people b incidents 11 literary and rhetorical style a literary style b rhetorical style c figurative language d allusions 12 mormon mottos and aphorisms 13 common phrases formulas saymgssayings 90


may 121994 to president robert goodman from ellen bunker coordinator for distance learning project re needs assessment visit to mcallenmcallenharlingenharlingen TX stakes

enclosed is some information regarding are proposed visit to your stake the first part is an executive summary about the distance learning project that was given to the board of trustees at a recent meeting I1 have sent it to give some background information about our project to the leaders in your stake the second part is an explanation of the research that we would like to do in south texas there are two main segments of the research that need participants from your stake they are 1 the survey and vocabulary instrument foror any members that might want to leableamlearn english both instruments are in spanish andor english 2 the focus group discussions for three different sets of people learnersleabersamers potential teachers and minterestedi terested leaders discussions can be conducted in spanish or english two members of the research team all of whom speak spanish will be available to conduct discussions and visit different units in your stake they will arrive in mcallenmcanen may 20th at 230 pm and will leave for utah may 23 around noon please feel free to have someone call to clarify the information on this page if it is needed the phone number for our project is 800 BYU TESL 8002988375800 298 8375 or 8013782452801 378 2452 thank you for your interest in helping us collect this useful information before we develop our materials may 281994 to president robert ward from ellen bunker coordinator for distance leanlearningfingding project re needs assessment visit to long beach CA stakes

thank you for your willingness to have some people from the linguistics department at BYU visit your stake we have been assigned to develop materials that can be used by members of the church who want to leableamlearn english for gospel purposes or who will teach ESL in their units in order to make materials that are appropriate we are asking the leaders and members to describe their situations and needs we appreciate this opportunity to find out the needs from your stake enclosed are several pages of information the first set is a description of the research that we would like to do in the long beach region similar information was sent to elder despain the second set of pages is an executive summary that was given to the board of trustees it will give a little more information about the distance leaminglearning project we are planning to bring team members that speak tongan samoan and spanish so that we will be able to conduct the interviews in the native language of the members we have also prepared the surveys in those languages if you have speakers of other languages than those listed above that might be attending english speaking wards in your stake we would also be very interested in talking with them if you would let us know what other languages you might need we will try to have surveys translated for those languages 91 APPENDIX C STAHLES REVISED 249 word LDS ENGLISH vocabulary TEST 36

1 AMEN 9 TALENT 18 understood a end of prayer a something you can do a heard a voice b the first man well b knew the meaning c a name for christ b having lots of money c said a prayer d I1 dont know e sharing with others d I1 dont know d I1 dont know 2 DECISION 19 priesthood HOLDER a wanting something very 10 PATIENCE a one who hahass the priest- much a ability to wait hood b making up your mind b always forgetting b a boy under 12 years old c hurting yourself c not understanding c one who does not use d I1 dont know d I1 dont know the priesthood in the right way 3 FASTING 11 SCATTERED d I1 dont know a ggoingoinoln without food a spread around b breakingreafmg the law b taken away 20 TITHING c holding in place c forgotten a onetenthone tenth given to the d I1 dont know d I1 dont know lord b money saved for a 4 forgiveness 12 accomplishCCOMPLISHA mission a forforgettinforgettinggettin the bad a start again c going without food or someone hasas done b bringbrin backbacdack waterwater b giving to the poor and c get doneone d I1 dont know needy d I1 dont know c beingfriend friendlyy to new 2211 HEAVENS church members 13 RESTORE a hard to lift d I1 dont know a answer a question b the sky above b try again c the weather 5 missionary c bring back again d I1 dont know a person who lives in d I1 dont know another countrycoun 22 DOUBT b one who teaches the 14 GENEALOGY a being afriadafriay gospel a family history b being careful c one who doesnt know b study of the earth c not being sure about the church c about old age d I1 dont know d I1 dont know d I1 dont know 23 JUDGE 6 MOB 15 TITHE a decide a problemroblemproblem a go without food or b planpianianlan b ioloudud noise wawaterter c lleileleekeepp safe c angry crowd b save money d I1 dont know d I1 dont know c give onetenthone tenth to the church 24 assistance 7 NONMEMBER d I1 dont know a importanceim ortortcancecance a person with no money b harhard work b doesnt belong to the 16 ELECT c help church a perfect d I1 dont know c someone who wastes b chosen c given 25 HOLDS THE priesthood time 1iven d I1 dont know d I1 dont know a has the priesthood b does not use the priest- 8 OBEDIENT 17 wickedness hood in the right way a acting like a king a having great riches c keepskbeepseeps the priesthood b doing as you are told b doing evil fromfrom others c able to wait c being stupid d I1 dont know d I1 dont know d I1 dont knowk 26 SOMEDAY a away from here b yesterdayesterdayyesterda c at some Lfutureure time d I1 dont know 36thethe formatting stahle used such as in 19 was not retained 92 27 STATEMENT 36 OFFERING a something said or a something not allowed written b something given b group of states c something learned 46 PROPPROPHET 1 a leader of a family c ilaniianalanplanpian for a building d I dont know d I1 dont know b kind old man 37 handicapped c head of the church 28 priesthood a clean hands d I1 dont know a what the proprophethetsayssays b blind or crippled b a group of wicked men c does things well 47 HONESTY c powergodpower god gives to d I1 dont know a using money wisely goodood men b happiness 1 d II1 dont know 38 PRAPRACTICECrICE c trutruthfulnessess a make something new d I1 dont know 29 PRIVATE b do many times a alone or secret 48 SERIOUS c make a clanalancianplanpian b very small d I1 dont knowow a painful c far awa b imimportantortantoctant farawayLOW w7appy d I1 dont know 39 HOLY GHOST c unhappy a heavenly father d I1 dontknowdont know 30 HUMAN b light of christ a old man c spirit that tells us what is 49 FUNERAL b church song right a large family gettogetherget together c person d I1 dont know b meeting for someone d iersonI1 dont know who died 40 NURSERY c something that kills 31 RELIGION a noisy group of people peopleopleopie 1 dont a belief in god b room for small children d I dontlont know b love for people c place for sick people c love of nature d I1 dont know 50 ATTITUDE d I1 dont know a great joy 4411 FOREVER b waway of feeling c hihigh11kmountainsmountains 32 PROBLEM a tomorrow 90 a a newanew idea b always d I1 dontnt know b reason for dodoingMg c before c difficulty or trouble d I1 dont know 51 GLORIOUS d I1 dont know a wonderful 42 SUGGEST b made of gold 33 CELESTIAL KINGDOM a try hard c surprising a the highest place in b give an idea d I1 dont know heaven c get along with others b a country in the bible d I1 dont know 52 LOCAL c a holy place where a without mountains eoplepeople go to pray 43 WICKED b by where you live d I1 dont toknownow a worried c by the sea b stupidstu d d I1 dont know 34 MISSION c batbarbad a farawayfar away land d I1 dont know 53journal53 JOURNAL b being completely a long trip covered with water 44 SUCCEED b letter c time of teaching the a spreadshreadsyread around c daily record gospel b jodo well d I1 dont know d I1 dont know c help someone d I1 dont know 54 TEMPLE 35 COUNCIL a where people are buried a group of leaders who 45 SUCCESS b house of god meet together a something done well c word of god b placelace for quiet study b someone you like d I1 dont know c largetarge room in a church c money you earn d I1 dont know d I1 dont knowow 93 55 OMCIALOFFICIAL 64 ACTION a someone who holds an a something good important job b deciding b an enemy of the church c doing something 74 storehouse c person who cleans the d I1 dont know a where things are kept church building b where old peoplepeo le live d I1 dont know 65 MORMON PIONEERS c ilaceplace to buy a houseouse a traveled to utah d I1 dont know 56 BISHOP b built a golden calf in the a wise man desert 75 SABBATH b church leader c crossed the ocean in a truth c head of a family boats b sunday d I1 dont know d I1 dont know c church d I1 dont know 57 BLESSINGS 66 FINAL a giftshrsatsrrsfts from god a the best 76 CONTACT b readbread and water b last one a hurt someonesomeoness feelings c talks givenven in church c neverendingnever ending b be kind and gentle d I1 donFt know d I1 dont know c setgetet in touch with d I1I1 dont know 58 REVERENT 67 accomplishment a sorry a something you feel bad 77 WARD b clean about a room in a church i c quiet b somethmsomething you have builtinbuildingbuildinL herewherew activities d I1 dont know been taught are heheldheidif c sosomethingmethin done after b group of church leaders 59 HONEST hard worwork c mormons who live in a does not use bad words d I1 dont know the same area and attend b tells the truth church together c obeys parents 68 KNOWLEDGE d I1 dont know d I1 dont know a happening right now b what you have learned 78 CREATE 60 FUND c classroom a make a supply of money d I1 dont know b show b reason for doing some- c follow thing 69 CAST OUT d I1 dont know c area in the church a make fun of d I1 dont know b try out 79 FAITH a believingbehevingm in something c ietget rid of 6611 TESTIFYTESTUTY d I1 dont know you cannot see a tell what you know is b going without food and true 70 PROBLEM water b write a book a an idea that might work c not telling hesliesllesiles c try out b a hard question d JI1 dont know d I1 dont know c reason for doing d I1 dont know 80 FORCE 62 CHAPTER a problem a part of a book 71 CHAPEL b peace c power b part of a song a part of a holy book bower c room in a church b tower on top of a church d 1 dont know d I1 dont know c holy room in a church d I1 dont know 81 suggestion 63 PRIMARY a idea that might work a church meeting for 72 ASSURE b important work to do c i ing to others children a make something like tv111giving b childrens games new d I1 dont know c quiet music before a b make someone feel sure meeting c not sure of yourself 82 PRESENCE d I1 dont know d I1 dont know a being quiet b being there 73 SUPPORT c doing well a wear d I1 dont know b work c help d I1 dont know 94 83 instructor 93 CONFIRM a teacher a raise the right hand b follower b putut hands on a persons c churchman headteadgead 103 STORAGE d I1 know c join together forever a things kept for later use dont b d I1 dont know bought at the store 84 BEYOND c planting a garden I1 donitulowtulow a farther than 94 KNELT d dontdoni know b very many a type of clothing c longionglongtimetime b felt sorry 104 meetinghouse a d I1 know c gotot on knees temple dont b church d I1 dont know building 85 conference c large home d I1 a church building 95 ALMIGHTY dont know b long speech a all people c large meeting b all powerful 105 selfishness a d I1 know c all together not sharing with others dont b how you feel d I1 dont know about 86 PRIDE yourself a not being afraid of 96 strengthen c ivinggiving to the poor I11 anyone a make stronger d I dont know b getting good grades b laslast longelonger c eased with c stolen 106 DISCUSS being ppleased a d I1 know talk about yourself dont b d I1 know fight over dont c 97 ACTIVITY swear at d I1 87 MIRACLE a doing something well dont know a wonderful thing that is b getting along with hard to believe others 107 scriptural b something that you c doing something with a from hoholyy writinwritingswhitin9sas know is true others b at churcchuocchurchh c without mistakes c methinsomethinsosomething that is loved d I1 dont know very mucimuch d I1 dont know d I1 dont know 98 PRESIDENT a a rich personerson 108 individualDIVIDUALRIJ a secret 88 FUTURE b main readerheaderteaderfeader of a group a yet to come c a teacher b one person c difficult b without end d I1 know problem dont I1 c a long time d dont know d I1 dont know 99 MATERIALS a things to do with others 109 UNSELFISH a thinking of yourself 89 ADVISER b things needed to make oilers a older person something b things of others b teacher or helper c questions to answer c makingmakin9 new friends d I1 t know c hard worker d I1 dont know dondont d I1 dont know 110 ANCESTORS 100 RELATION a lived before 90 WORLDWIDE a lives next door people who a a big country b belongs to the same us b shaped likeilkeikeaballikeaa ballbailbali family b grandchildren c fo11 c the whole world c works with 11owersfollowersowers of christ d I1 know d I1 dont know d I1 dont know dont 111 91 commandment 101 discussion association a a grqugrougrouegroup a gods law a grouggroup of people b belief b talk between people b a buildingdullbuilduli c gods church c hard work c quiett tithinkinginalinll9 d julejuieI1 t know d I1 dont know d I1 dont know dondont 112 RELIGIOUS 92 DISCIPLE 102 PATIENT a answer a always forget a loves people b letter b able to wait b believes in god c follower c peacefuleasefuleaceful c does not lie d I1 know d I1 dont know d I1 dont know dont 95 113 RELIEFRELJEF SOCIETY 123 translation a church group for a written in another women language 132 WORSHIP b a store for the needy b a saved fortor time of need a to c a sspecialeciallallai church choir c idea that comes from listen quiet music d I1 donttontzont know god b honor god c obey your parents d I1 dont know 114 importance d I1 dont know a seriousness 124 GOSPEL 133 COURAGE b harnharmfulifaliful a area in the church c without end a bravery b holy place b d I1 dont know c strength teachings of jesus c 1 honor d I dondontt know 1 115 everlasting d I dont know a everyday 125 WORD OF WISDOM 134 RESPOND b neverendingnever ending a lords law of heath c toolingtoolongtoo longiong a answer b bad words b d I1 dont know c to hurohurry giving onetenthone tenth the c promise lord d I1 dontt know 116 SATISFY d I1 dont know don a to please 135 PROJECT b to wish 126 instruction c to share a a secret to keep a lessons a d I1 dont know b b job to do buildbuildingMg c a place to travel c churchyard d I1 dont know 117 DIRECTOR d I1 dont know a someone in changerchanger b someone who plays the 136 APOSTLES 127 ORGANIZE a people who leave the organ a do right now c person who talks about b church work hard b 12 men who lead the others c putut in order d I1 dont know I1 church d dont know c 12 tribes of isreal d I1 know 118 MESSENGER 128 SPIRITsp dont a someone who brings a what we think with news 137 STUDENT b bright light a learner b peacemaker c part of man that doesnt c someone who takes care die b teacher c helper of the church building I1 d dont know I1 d I1 dont know d dont know 129 preparedness 138 ETERNAL 119 RELATIVE a working hard a belongs to the same a endless b being ready b family c clean papayingln attention c bomborn with b lives in the same area d I1 dontYont know bob c has a large family d I1 dont know d I1 dont know 130 SKILLSIGLL 139 FOLLOWER a something you give 120 participation a does what someone else away sa s a taking part in something b something you have says b forgetting something b tzstelistellstefis people what to do never done c bringsts good news c dividing into parts c can do something you d I1 know d I1 contlowdontlowdontlowknow well dont d I1 dont know 121 COOPERATE 140 WIDOW a love others a woman without children 131 MEETINGS b walk b work together a person who cannot things we should do c woman whose husband c store food b people getting together d I1 dont know reoplekeople is dead foror a reason 1 1 d I dont know c talkstaltaix17C given in church 122 ILLNESS d I1 dontdont know a sickness b sadness c meanness d I1 dont know 96 141 SESSION 151 STRIVE a part of a book a runrunawayaway b a help b try hard c one meeting c look back 161 TESTAMENT d I1 dont know d I1 dont know a new member of the church 142 PUBLISH 152 ASSIST b part of the bible a print a to help c church building b promise b to work d I1 dont know c record c to ask d I1 dont know d I1 dont know 162 responsibility a an important job 143 CREATION 153 NEEDY b a promise to do better a animals and plants a very pooroor c a warning b the sky b loveyloved d I1 dont know c all the world c not pretty d I1 dont know d I1 dont know 163 GUILTY a angry 144 DISTRICT 154 resurrection b not caring a a certain area of the a 1000 years of happmhappinesshappa ess c having done wrong church b rising from the dead d I1 dont know b makes you behave c taking the church from c a long church meeting the earth 164 RIGHTEOUS d I1 dont know d I1 dont know a stayss ays healthy b does good 145 REBAPTISM 155 partnership c able to wait a turn eight years old a people working together d I1 dont know b get cucuttet off from the b largelarge family church6hurch c knowing someone 165 CHALLENGE c join the church again before a done without pay d I1 dont know d I1 dont know b something hard to do c words that hurt I1 146 attendance 156 FAITHFUL d dont know a taking care of a filled up b being there b can be trusted 166 INFLUENCE c beingbein tested c cares about others a cause a change 1 dont d I doftdont know d I1 dont know b use c remember 1 147 ASSIGN 157 PATTERN d I dont know a write down a something you feel sorry b do over again for 167 PERFORM c sivegiveivelve a job b model to follow a take I11 b use d I dont know c tgeagetype of religion d I1 dontont know c do 148 STAKE d I1 dont know a meeting for church 158 HONORABLE leaders a very beautiful 168 PERSONS b talk venpengiven in a church b able to choose a human bebeingsMgs meeting c can be trusted b sayings in the bible c an area made up of d I1 dont know c members of the church several wards d I1 dont know d I1 dont know 159 CREATION a when god made the 169 development 149 CEREMONY world a promise a money given to the b when the bad people b warning church will be destroyed c crowth1rowthgrowth b peace and love c when christ comes d I1 dont know c specials eci 1 meeting again d I1 dontn t know d I1 dont know

150 REVERENCE 160 GRIEF a importance a great sadness b love and honor for god b a large rock c primary teacher c irowthcrowthgrowth d I1 dont know d I1 dont know 97 170 OBEDIENCE 179 CELESTIALCELESTTAL MARRIAGE a getting along with a blessed with children others b lasting forever 189 STRENGTH b giving up something c hahappy a happiness civitgivit 1 EU you hlikeilkee d idI dontnt know b money c doing what you are told c powerower to 180 MANUAL do d I1 dont know d I1 dont know a book of lessons b about man 190 SEAUNGSSEALINGS 171 participate c bible story a having family home a forget to do somethingsomeddomed lintin9 d I1 dont know evenings b take partart in something divizedivide b blessing the bread and c divide into parts 181 TOTAL water d I1 dont know a many c joining fanfamiliesliheslibes together b enough forever 172 SECTION c all d I1 dont know a book d I1 dont know b lesson 191 REJECT c partart 182 FORGIVE a turn away from d I1 dont know a give to those who need b do again our helpheiphelhei c try to help 173 e priorities b forget the bad someone d I1 know a things that are most has done dont c important change the way we act 192 SITUATION b animals that harm men d I1 dont know a importanti job c things you can touch b how things are d I1 dont know 183 CUSTOM c large meeting a of usual way doing d I1 dont know 174 DECLARE something a make known b a new time for church 193 personality b tell a lie meetings a what a person is like c keep a secret c using bad words b where a person lives d I1 dont know d I1 dont know c when someone is in trouble 175 184 educational discouraged d I1 know a has to do wiwithth religion a not careful dont b has to do witwithh learning b without fear 194 BRETHREN c about people c losing hope a men who are members d I1 dont know d I1 dont know of the church b members of a family 176 FULLTIMEFULL TIME 185 TRIBE c new members of the a do all the time a large family church b too to do b small animals much d I1 dont know c without beginning or c jungle I1 end d dont know 195 SUPPLY d I1 dont know a what you dont want 186 henceforth b something kept for 177 SPARE a from this time on future use a save b before now c things you like b throw c a line in straight d I1 dont know c feel d I1 dont know I1 d dont know 196 RECIPE 187 ADVANCE a oodgood00d food 178 THEREFORE a move forward b family dinner a because one thing is b study hard c cooking directions is c be true another thing strong d I1 dont know true d I1 dont know b shows that something 197 INTEREST belongs to someone 188 SACRIFICE i i a starting point c comes at the end of a a giving up something flodingfloving1vtg b trust book b loving your parents c a liking for d I1 know c always on time dont being d I1 dont know d I1 dont know 98 198 improvement 208 BAPTISM a provesroves true a being covered with b makes better water when you join the c beingpoorbeing poor church 218 PURPOSE d I1 dondontt know b lay hands on head and a hard work bless b difficult question 199 experience c teach about christ c reason for doing some- a finish something d I1 dont know thing b leableamlearn by doing d I1 dont know c putut intoMto words 209 DEACON d I1 dont know a can baptize peoplepeopie 219 HEAVENLY FATHER b can go on a mission a jesus 200 PIONEER c can pass the sacrament b god c ghost a explorer d I1 dont know holy b teacher d I1 dont know c wagon 210 NATURAL d I1 dont know a made by man 220 APPROVE b dear to the heart a give up 201 NUMEROUS c part of the outdoor b decide a wonderful world c accept I1 know b many d I1 dont know d dont c smooth 221221 INVOLVE d I1 dont know 211 THINE a today a try hard to do 202 MISSION b yours b get someone into a good deed c prayer c make better grayer d I1 know b important work d I1 dondontt know idontknowdont c farawayfar awaaway land 222 ABSENCE d I1 dont knowlow 212 PARTAKE a go on a trip a strong feeling 203 STANDARD b take a share b not knowknowingMg a rule to live by c think hard c not being there d I1 know b job to do d I1 dont know dont c tall tower 223 CREATION d I1 dont know 213 HANDOUT a leave out a doing a job 204 SACRED b made by hand b makingmakin something a bright c something given c following a leader d I1 know b strong d I1 dont know dont c holy 224 FULFILL A DREAM d I1 dont know 214 REQUEST a leave a make happen 205 CONVERT b travel b makeupmake up a someone who loves his c ask for c forget I1 know family d I1 dont know d dont b someone who joins the 225 CALLING church 215 REALLY c someone who cares for a truly a sunday school class the sick b carefully b church song d I1 dont know c slowly c jobob in the church d I1 know d I1 dont know dont 206 SPIRIT i 226 a bbrightdri htI1 light 216 ACHIEVE discouragement b hiresthighestairest place in heaven a feel happiness a fear c helheihelps Uuss know whats b lead a b loss of hopeope i group rightP c saingainrainmainmaln by hard work c not polite d I1 dont know d I1I1 dont know d I1 dont know 207 COMPANION 217 remembrance 227 LOYAL a one who goes with a importance a can be trusted another b memory b from an important b a teacher c membership family c c a new church leader d I1 dont know lonely d I1 dont know d I1 dont know 99 228 INTRODUCE 238 punishment a make sure a pain received for doing b make known wrong c follow b a family fight 248 assignment d I1 dont know c not working hard a plan elouenouenough ajobbjobb job 229 illustration d I1 dont know c a big sisignsow a picture or example d idontknI1 don ttowfowtowLOW b starting point 239 PERSONAL c long oubeyjourney a withotherwitwith otherhother personsdersonsersons 249 FORGAVE d I1 dont know b for yourselfyourse a forgottheforgot the badsomeonebad someone c close by did 230 GUARDIAN d I1 dont know b started a new life a army c gave to the poor and b fifightsvets against truth 240 CONVERT needy c tatakeses care of another a help someone in need d I1 dont know d I1 dont know b help someone join the church 231 FIRSTBORN c choose the right a baby killed before birth d I1 dont know b bobbomborn again c oldest child 241 CONTROL d I1 dont know a have power over b know about 232 WITNESS c get a new idea a tell what you know is d I1 dont know true b listen carefully 242 SECRETARY c keep a secret a teaches classes d I1 dont know b writes things down c leads the singing 233 WELFARE d I1 dont know a helping poor people b living alone 243 FORCE c keeping a record a make someone do d I1 dont know something b give away something 234 UNIT youeuloveouloveloveiove a an idea c hurtKurt someone b a seed d I1 dont know c a partart d I1 sdontont know 244 independence a freedom 235 SAVIOR b forgetting a wrong a the father c taking care of b jesus d I1 dont know c joseph smith d I1 dont know 245 FERVENT a become angry 236 DEPRESSED b painful a sad c with great feeling b dark d I1 dont know c sick d I1 dont know 246 POSTER a record 237 SEXUAL b sign a about little children c news b about a person d I1 dont know c of men and women d I1 dont know 247 fughHIGH COUNCILOR a church leader b temple worker c a family d I1 dont know 100


1 the word being tested should not appear in any of the choices if possible if the word cannot be defined without using the word in a sentence or phrase then at least two of the choices should use the word see form X question 48 poposeedor delseedor sacersacerdociodocio for an example of this 2 there must clearly be ONE correct answer the answer no se is not counted as correct however if a word is specifically religious in its meaning the wrong answers should have something to do with religion see form Y question 1 for an example 1I can tell you that this test is not perfect in this respect however so if you see a question that could be made better please do 3 the wording used in each of the options the wrong ones as well as the right one must not be more difficult than the word that is being tested and for this test the wording should be as simple as possible this may mean that the definition isnt as precise as it could be but that is okay as long as there is still only ONE answer that is correct 4 the answer choices should generally be about the same length or if thats not possible they should all be very different lengths not including choice D 5 if the word has a positive or negative meaning associated with it such as la iniquidad then at least one of the wrong answers must also have the same meaning association see form X question 12 for a BAD example of this 6 choices should not test a persons spelling ability 7 choices should define the same part of speech if the word is a noun do not define it as if it is a verb etc sometimes the question word can be defined in several ways however just make sure that all of the choices are using the same syntax contrast questions 14 and 16 on form X a verb vs a noun for an example of the different syntax patterns iol101 appendix E back translation of entire test as native english speakers saw it LDS english vocabulary testtest37 TEST for native english speakers instructions read each question then circle the BEST definition for the word if two definitions seem EQUALLY correct circle both choices if none of the answers seem correct choose D 1I dont know dont worry about the numbering when you are finished turn in your test and sign our gift list ix statement 6xax holy ghost 12x guilty a official announce- a heavenly father a mad ment b jesus christ b unconcerned b group of states c comforter c a feeling of having c a saying d I1 dont know done something d I1 dont know wrong 7xax mormon pioneers d I1 dont know 2xax handicapped a traveled to utah a clean hands b the first 12 apostles 13x faith b disabled person c live in the colonies a to believe in some- c young d I1 dont know thing you cannot see d I1 dont know b to go without food 8xax success or water R3xax rebaptism a triumph c to not lie a turn 8 years old b someone that you d I1 dont know b excommunicated like from the church c money earned 14x114x relation c to become a member d I1 dont know a your neighbors again b members of family d I1 dont know 9xax assure c people you work a leave like new with 4xax sealingsdealingssealings b build someones d I1 dont know a get together for a confidence family home c tell the truth 15x punishment evening d I1 dont know a pain received for b bless the bread and having done what is water lox worship wrong c join families together a listen to soft music b family fight forever b praise the lord c to not work enough d I1 dont know c obey the word d I1 dont know d I1 dont know 5xax approve 16x gospel a give in lix wickedness a an area in the church b decide a to have many b a sacred place c accept weaknesses c the teachings of jesus d I1 dont know b to be bad d I1 dont know c to be stupid d I1 dont know

37thethe numbering indicates which numberformnumber theform item had on the test given to spanish speakers 102 17x purpose 25x needy 32x strive a hard work a very poor a to flee b a difficult question b loved b to struggle c reason for doing c ugly c to look back something d I1 dont know d I1 dont know d I1 dont know 26x relief society 33x word of wisdom 18x testify a group of women in a the lords law for a tell the truth the mormon church individual health b listen carefully b store for those in b what is in books c keep a secret need c tithing d I1 dont know c a special choir for the d I1 dont know young women 19x everlasting d I1 dont know 34x forever a every day a tomorrow b without end 27x challenge b without end c elevated a done without pay c before d I1 dont know b defiance d I1 dont know c words that do dam- 20x righteous age 35x forgave a healthy d I1 dont know a forgot the wrong b just that someone did c patient 28x fasting b began a new life d I1 dont know a to abstain from c gave to the poor and eating food needy 21x loyal b to break the law d I1 dont know a reliable c to fasten something b famous d I1 dont know 36x ulluilfulltimefullfulif time c lonely a to do it all the time d I1 dont know 29x meetinghouse b too much to do a large house c without beginning or 22x accomplish b church building end a restart c house of a member d I1 dont know b return d I1 dont know c achieve 37x miracle d I1 dont know 30x heavens a something marvel- a difficult to lift ous that doesnt 23x almighty b where god lives seem possible a all the people c the weather b something that is b omnipotent d I1 dont know true c everyone together c something loved d I1 dont know 31x stake d I1 dont know a meeting for church 24x poster leaders 38x skill a registry b talk given in a a something you waste b sign church meeting b what you have never c news c an area made up of done d I1 dont know several wards c something you do d I1 dont know well d I1 dont know 103 39x improvement 46x celestial kingdom 53x discouraged a a true test a the highest place in a careless b progress the heavens b without fear c to be poor b a city in the bible c depressed d I1 dont know c a sacred place where d I1 dont know one prays 40x discouragement d I1 dont know 54x handout a afraid a to leave out b disheartened 47x priesthood holder b done by hand c impolite a one who has the c paper with informa- d I1 dont know priesthood tion b a child under 12 d I1 dont know 41x chapel years of age a sacred book c one who does not 55x convert b tower on a church use the priesthood a one who loves their c sacrament meeting in the correct man- family room ner b one who is baptized d I1 dont know d I1 dont know in the church c one who is concerned 42x savior 48x assignment for the sick a the father a a plan d I1 dont know b jesus christ b a task c holy ghost c a large sign ly sabbath d I1 dont know d I1 dont know a the truth b sunday 43x messenger 49x firstborn c church a one who brings news a baby who dies before d I1 dont know b one who is a peace- birth maker b bomborn again 2yay really c one who is in charge c oldest child a in truth of the church d I1 dont know b carefully d I1 dont know c slowly 50x illness d I1 dont know 44x strengthen a discomfort a to make stronger b sadness 3yay custom b to make something c wickedness a usual way of doing last d I1 dont know something c to make larger b new time for church d I1 dont know 51x heavenly father meetings a jesus c to curse 45x unselfish b god d I1 dont know a think about yourself c holy ghost b think about others d I1 dont know 4yay grief c make new friends a pain d I1 dont know 52x strength b hate a happiness c distaste b money d I1 dont know c power d I1 dont know 104 5yay selfishness 15y judgej 25y relative a to not share with a decide a belongs to the sabegabesamegame others b plan family b the way one feels c assure b lives in the same c to give to the poor d I1 dont know area d I1 dont know c has a large family 17y scattered d I1 dont know 7yay hhenceforthenceforth a spread a from now on b deprived 27y calling b before now c completed a sunday school class c in a straight line d I1 dont know b church song d I1 dont know c job in the church 19y ward d I1 dont know 8yay council a activity room in the a a group of leaders church 28y support that meet together b a group of mormon a dress b place to study leaders b work c a room in a church c mormons who c help d I1 dont know attend church d I1 dont know together 9yay celestial marriage d I1 dont know 29y recipe a blessed with children a food b forever 20y chapter b family dinner c happy a part of a book c cooking directions d I1 dont know b part of a song d I1 dont know c room in a church loy faithful d I1 dont know 32y translationtranslation a full a written in another b has a lot of faith 22y supply language c concerned about a what you do not b put away for use in others want times of need d I1 dont know b something for future c gods thoughts use d I1 dont know 12y depressed c things you like a sad d I1 dont know 33y commandmentc b dark a one of gods laws c sick 23y wicked b a belief d I1 dont know a worried c the church of god b stupid d I1 dont know 13y courage c evil a valor d I1 dont know 34y elect b strength a perfect c honor 24y achieve b chosen d I1 dont know a feel happy c given b lead a group d I1 dont know 14y suggests c earn through hard a try work b give an idea d I1 dont know c get along with others d I1 dont know 105 35y tithing 47y fund iz pride a one tenth given to a reserve of money a without fear of the lord b reason for doing it anyone b money saved for a c area in the church b to have good skills mission d I1 dont know c arrogance c to go without food or d I1 dont know water 48y attendance d I1 dont know a to assume responsi- 2zaz follower bility a to do what another 37y request b to be present person does a to be alone c to be tried b to say what to do b to travel d I1 dont know c to bring good news c to ask d I1 dont know d I1 dont know 49y therefore a for this reason 3zaz meetings 39y pattern b shows that some- a things we should do a to get embarrassed thing belongs to b people gathered b model to follow someone together for a pur- c type of religion c comes at the end of pose d I1 dont know everything c church discussions d I1 dont know d I1 dont know 40y priesthood a what the prophet 50y welfare 4zaz perform says a help the poor a take b a group of bad b live alone b use people c keep a register c to bring to pass c the power to act in d I1 dont know d I1 dont know gods name d I1 dont know sly create 7zaz blessings a make a gifts from god 42y beyond b teach b bread and water a farther c follow c church talks b a lot d I1 dont know d I1 dont know c a lot of time d I1 dont know 53y offering 8zaz discuss a something not a talk about 43y widow permitted b fight for a woman without b something that is c deny children given d I1 dont know b one who cannot c something that is walk learned 9zaz mob c a woman whose d I1 dont know a problem husband has died b noise d I1 dont know 55y convert c angry multitude a help someone d I1 dont know 44y advisor b help someone join a old the church b helper or teacher c chose the right c worker d I1 dont know d I1 dont know 106log loz storehouse 22z development 32z understand a place to store things a promise a hear a voice b nursing home b warning b know the meaning c place where you buy c growth c give a prayer a house d I1 dont know d I1 dont know d I1 dont know 23z forgive 33z force 12z partnership a begin a new life a problem a people working b forget the wrong b peace together someone did to you c power b large family that c give to the poor and d I1 dont know lives together needy c to know someone d I1 dont know 34z contact from before a to hurt someone d I1 dont know 24z remembrance b to be loving a importance c to get together with 13zjournal13z journal b memory or talk to someone a long trip c membership d I1 dont know b letter d I1 dont know c account of your life 35z discussion d I1 dont know 25z accomplishment a group of people a something humbling b talk with people 14z kneel b something you c hard work a a type of clothing learned d I1 dont know b to feel bad c realization c to get down on your d I1 dont know 37z doubt knees a to be afraid d I1 dont know 27z high councilor b to be careful a church leader c to be unsure 15z reject b temple worker d I1 dont know a to not accept c sympathetic person b to do over d I1 dont know 38z someday c to try to help a farawayfar away from here d I1 dont know 28z fulfill a dream b before yesterday a make something c in the future 17z sacred come true d I1 dont know a bright b make the bed b strong c forget a thought you 40z worldwide c holy had a a large country d I1 dont know d I1 dont know b in the shape of a ball c the whole world 18z storage 29z knowledge d I1 dont know a things put away for a happening right now later use b what you have 42z absence b things bought in a learned a feelings store c a classroom b to not know c to plant a garden d I1 dont know c to not be present d I1 dont know d I1 dont know 107 44z ancestors 53z succeed a those who lived a prevail before us b triumph b grandchildren c help someone c followers of christ d I1 dont know d I1 dont know 54z holds the priesthood 45z standard a has the priesthood a established rule b does not use the b work to do priesthood correctly c tall tower c keeps the priesthood d I1 dont know from others d I1 dont know 47z restore a answer a question 55z numerous b try again a marvelous c return b many d I1 dont know c soft d I1 dont know 48z nursery a group of careful people b room for small children c place for the sick d I1 dont know

49z cast out a make fun of b try c reject d I1 dont know

50z forgiveness a to forget the wrong someone did to you b to give to the poor c to be friendly with new members d I1 dont know

52z tithe a to save money for the church b to donate money to the poor c to give one tenth of your income to the church d I1 dont know 108 appendix F form X parts I1 and II11 EXAMEN DE vocabularioVOCABULARIO TEST PARTE 1 FORMA X

1 statement 7 mormon pioneers 12 uiltybiltyguiltyg a anuncio ofiliaoficiaoficialofficial1 I a viajaronviajaron a utah a enojado b crupogrupo deestades estados b los priprimerosprimerosemeros 12 b despreocupado c un dicho apoapostolesstoles c sentimiento de d no se c viven en las haber hechobecho algo colonias malo 2 handicapped d no se d no se a manos limpioslimpros b validoinvalidsinvalidoin 0 8 success 13 faith impelidoimpimpedidoedido a triunfo a creer en algo que c joven b alquienalguiena1guien que te no puedesguedes ver d no se guste b andar sin colidacomida 0 c dinero ganado agua 3 rebaptism d nonosese c nomentirnomenno mentirmenairtir a cumplir 8 aftosanos d no se b expulsado de la 9 assure iglesia a dejarbejar como nuevo 14 relation c volver a ser b dar conconfianzafianza a a sonvecinosson recinosvecinos niembromiembro alquienalguiena1guien b pertperteneceenece a la d no se c deciradecir la verdadverdade familia d no se c trabazantrabajantrabajan buntosjuntos 4 sealingsdealingssealings d no se a juntarsejuntarse para una 10 worship noche de hogar a escuchar mumusicasica 15 punishment b bendebendecircir el pan y suave a dolor recibidorecibido por agua b alabarakabar a dios hacer el mal c unirmunir miliasfamilialfamiliasfa para c obedecerobedecer la salabrapalabra b beleapelea familiar siemersiemprsiempree d no se c no abajartrabajartr lo10 d no se suficiente 11 ickednesswickednesswicklckedness d no se 5 approve a tenermuchastener muchas a rendirserendirse debilidadesdebilidades 16 gospel b decidirdecider b sermaloseumaloser malomaio a una area en la c aceptar c hacerse tonto iglesia d no se d no se b un lugar sagrado c las ensefianzasensenanzas de 6 hoholyly ghost jestjesojesuss a padre celestial d no se b Jesujesucristocristo c consolador d no se 109log 17 purpose 24 poster 30 heavens a trabajo arduoarduearduo a registro a dificil de levantarlevanterlevantar b prepreguntagunta dificil b serialseftalsental b donde dios vive c motinomotivo para hacer c notinoticiascias c el clima algo d no se d no se d noseno se 25needy25 needy 31 stake 18 testify a muymuypobrepobre a una junta de a deciradecir la verdadverdade b amado deresliderescideres11 b escuchar c feo b una platicaplanica dada cuidadosamente d noseno se en una junta de la c gjardarguardar un secreto iglesia d no se 26 relief society c un area de varios a crupogrupo de majeresmujeres barrios 19 everlasting en la iglesia d no se a todos los didiasas cormonamormona b sin fin b tienda para los 32 strive c elevado necesitados a huir d no se c un coro especial de b lucharbuchar las majeresmujeres c cirarmirar para atras 20 righteous javenesjovenes d no se a saludablesaludable d no se b justo 33 word of wisdom c paciente 27 challenge a la ley del seftorseatorsenor d no se a hechobecho sin paga para salud indi- b reto vidual 21 loyal c palabraspalavraspalabras que b lo10 de los libros a confiableconfinable danandaffan c el diezmadiezmo b famoso d no se d no se c solitario d noseno se 28 fasting 34 forever a abstenerseabstendeerse a mantanamanana 22 accomplish colidacomida b sin fin a reempezarreempezar b romper la ley c antes b traer de vuelta c sujetar algo d no se c lograrlogran d no se d no se 35 forgave 29 meetinghouse a olvidolvido0 el mal que 23 almighty a casa grande alquienalguiena1guien hizo a toda la gente b edificio de la b comenzo una b omnipotenteomniomnipotencepotente iglesia nueva vida c todos buntosjuntos c casa de un c dio a los dobrespobres y d no se niembromiembro necesitados d no se d no se iloiio110 36 fulltimefull time 42 savior 47 priesthood holder a hahacerlocerlocerio todo el a el padre a el que tiene el tiempo b Jesusjesuscristocristo sacersacerdociodocio b masiadodemasiadode que c espiritu santo b un nmnino0 menor de hacer d no se 12 aftosanos c sin principio 0 fin c el que no usa el d nonosese 43 messenger sacerdociosacerdocio de la a uno que trae manera correctscorrectacorrecta 37 miracle notinoticiascias d no se a algo maramaravillosovilloso b uno que es que no parece pacifistpacifistaa 48 assignment posiblepossible c uno que es a ununplanplanpian b algo que es ciertoacierto encarnadoencarencargadogado de la b una tarea c algo muy querido iglesia c un letrero grande d nonosese d no ssee d no se

38 skill 44 strengthen 49 firstborn a algo que a hacer mas fuerte a bebe huertomuerto antes desperdidesperdiciasdesperdiciasclas b hacer mamass de nacer b lo10 que buncanunca has duraderoduradero b nacidonacijo otra vez hechobecho c hacer mas grande c hijo mayor c algo que puedesguedes d no se d no se hacer bien d noseno se 45 unselfishunselfish 50 illness a pensar en ti dismomismo a mamalestarmanestarlestar 39 improvement b pensar en los b tristeza a truebaprueba verdadero ddemasemas c maldadmahdad b progreso c hacer cuevosnuevos d no se c serserpobrepobre amigos d no se d no se 51 heavenly father a jesus 40 discouragement 46 celestial kingdom b dios a miedoamiedo a el mamass alto lugar c espiritu santo b desdesadesanimonimoanimo en el cielo d no se c descortedesdescortesdesportedesportescortecortess b un palpaipaiss en la bibliabeblia d no se c lugar sagrado 52 strength donde uno ora a la felicidad 41 chapel d no se b el dinero a libro sagrado c e1eapoderelpoder b torre en la iglesia d no se c el salosaiosalonn sacramen- tal d no se EXAMEN DE vocabularioVOCABULARIO TEST PARTE 2 FORMA X

1 decladeciadeclaraciodeclarationdeclaraciondeclararaciocionclonn 7 pionerospioneros hormonesMormormonesmones 13 ffee a anuncio oliciaoficiaoficial1 l a viajaronviajaron a utah a creer en algo que no b crupogrupo de estadesestados b los priprimerosprimerosemeros 12 puedesguedes ver c un dicho apoapostolesstoles b andar sin colidacomida 0 d nonosese c viven en las colonias agua d no se c no mentirmenair 2 incapacitado d no se a manos limpioslimpros 8 eexitoeditoxit0 b validoinvalidsininvalido 0 impelidoimpedidoimpedido a triunfo 14 parientepariente c joven b alquienalguiena1guien que te guste a sonsonvecinosrecinosvecinos d no se c dinero ganado b pertperteneceenece a la familia d no se c trabazantrabajantrabajan buntosjuntos 3 el bautistobautibautismosmo de nuevo d no se a cumplir 8 aftosanos 9 asegurar b expulsado de la a dejarbejar como nuevo 15 casticocastigo iglesia b dar confianzaconfianza a a dolor recibidorecibido por c volver a ser niembromiembro alquienalguiena1guien hacer el mal d no se c deciradecir la verdadverdade b beleapelea familiar d no se c no abajartrabajartr lo10 4 selseilamientossellamientoslamientos suficiente a junjuntarsetarse para una 10 adolaradorar d nonosese noche de hogar a escuchar musicamusica b bendebendecircir el pan y agua suave 16 el evangelicevangelio c unirmunir miliasfamilialfamiliasfa para b alabarakabar a dios a una area en la iglesia siempre c obedecerobedecer la salabrapalabra b un lugar sagrado d no se d no sese c las ensefianzasensenanzas de jesujesuss 5 aprobar 11 la iniquidad d no se a rendirserendirse a tenertenermuchasmuchas b decidirdecider debilidadesdebilidades 17 el propositopropoproapropopositosito c aceptar b sersermaloseumalomalomaio a trabajo rduoarduearduoa d no se c hacerse tonto b prepreguntagunta dificildiffcil d no se c motinomotivo para hacer 6 espiritu santo algo a padre celestial 12 culpable d no se b Jesujesucristocristo a enojado c consolador b despreocupado 18 dartimoniotes testimonio d no se c sentimiento de haber a deciradecir la verdadverdade hechobecho algo malo b escuchar d no se cuidadosamente c gjardarguardar un secreto d no se 112 19 sempitemosempiterno 26 la sociedadSociesociedadedad de socorro 32 esforzarse a todos los dias a crupogrupo de majeresmujeres en a huir b sin fin la iglesia cormonamormona b lucharbuchar c elevado b tienda para los c cirarmirar para atrasatras d no se necesitados d no se c un coro especial de las 20 ser recto majeresmujeres jojavenesjovenesvenes 33 la salabrapalabra de sabidunasabiduriasabidunaiduria a saludablesaludable d no se a la ley del senor para b justo salud individual c paciente 27 el desalldesafldesafiodenafio0O b lo10 de los libros d no se a hechobecho sin paga c el diezmadiezmo b reto d no se 21 leal c palpalabraspalavrasabras que danandaffan a confiableconfinable d noseno se 34 para siempre b famoso a manana c solitario 28 ayunar b sin fin d no se a abstenerseabstenerse de colidacomida c antes b romper la ley d no se 22 cumplir c sujetarsujetaralgoalgo a reempezarreempezar d no se 35 perdoniperdono b traer de vuelta a olvido el mal que c lograrlogran 29 la casa de oraciooracionn alquienalguiena1guien hizo d no se a casa grande b comenzo una nueva b edificio de la iglesia vida 23 todopoderosotodopoderoso c casa de un niembromiembro c didiodlo0 a los dobrespobres y a toda la gente d no se necesitados b omnipotenteomnipotenceomnipotente d no se c todos buntosjuntos 30 el cielo d no se a dificildiffcil de levantarlevanterlevantar 36 de tiempo completo b donde dios vive a hacerlohacerloerio todo el tiempo 24 cartel c el clima b masiadodemasiadode que hacer a registro d no se c sin principleprincipio 0 fin b serialsefialdefial d noseno se c notinoticiascias 31 una estabaestaca d no se a una junta de deresliderescideresli 37 un Milagromilagro b una platicaplanica dada en a algo maravillosomaravilloso que 25 necesitadonecesitadocesitado una junta de la iglesia no parece posiblepossible a muymuypobrepobre c un area de sarlessarlosvariesvarlosvarios b algo que es ciertoacierto b amado barrios c algo muy querido c feo d no se d no se d no se 113 38 habilidadhabilidad 45 no egoista 51 padre celestial a algo que sperdidesperdidedesperdiciasciasclas a pensar en ti dismomismo a jesujesuss b lo10 que buncanunca has b pensar en los demademass b dios hechobecho c hacer cuevosnuevos amigos c espiritu santo c algo que puedesguedes hacer d no se d no se bien d nonosese 46 el reino celestial 52 la fuerzamuerza a el mmasas alto lugar en el a la felicidad 39 mejoramientomejmejo ramientooramientooramientolento cielo b el dinero a truebaprueba verdadero b un palpaipaiss en la bibliabeblia c poderelpoderel b progreso c lugar sagrado donde d no se c serserpobrepobre uno ora d nonosese d no se 53 desanimadodesanimado a descuidado 40 desalientodesaliento 47 poseedorpo delseedor sacerdociosacerdocio b sin temor a miedoamiedo a el que tiene el c deprimdeprimidoido b desdesadesanimonimoanimo sacersacerdociodocio d no se c descortedesdescortesdesportedesportescortecortess b un nmnino0 menor de 12 d no se aftosanos 54 baletinboletin c el que no usa el a dejarbejar fueraduera 41 la capilla sacersacerdociodocio de la b hechobecho a mano a libro sagrado manera correctscorrectacorrecta c papel con formacioninformationininformacion b torre en la iglesia d no se d no se c el salosaiosalonn sacramental d nonosese 48 una asignacioasignacionasigasignacionacionn 55 converso a ununplanplanpian a quien ama a su familia 42 el salvador b una tarea b quien se lautizabautiza en la a el padre c un letrero grande iglesia b Jesusjesuscristocristo d noseno se c quien se preocupapreocupa por c espiritu santo los fermosenenfermos d noseno se 49 el primoseprimogenitoprimogenito d no se a bebe huertomuerto antes de 43 mensahmensajmensajeromensajeroero nacer a uno que trae notinoticiascias b nacidonacijo otra vez b uno que es pacifistpacifistaa c hijo mayor c uno que es encarnadoencargadoencargado d no se de la iglesia d no se 50 enfermedadenfermedad a malestarmamanestarlestar 44 fortalecerfortalecer b tristeza a hacer masmas fuerte c maldadmahdad b hacer mamass duraderoduradero d no sese c hacer mamass grande d no se 114 appendix G form Y parts I1 and II11 EXAMEN DE vocabularioVOCABULARIO TEST PARTE 1 FORMA Y 1 sabbath 7 nieforthnceforthhenceforthhenceforth 14 suggest a verdadverdadelaverlaverdadla dad a de hoy en adelanteanelante a tratar b el domingo b antes de ahoraadora b dar una idea c la iglesia c en una linea recta c llevarseilevarsellelieilevarse con otrosbotros d no se d no se d no se

2 really 8 council 15 judge a de verdadverdade a crupogrupo de liderescideres quequo a decidirdecider b con cuidado se keunenreunen b planearplangar c lentlentamenteamente b lugar de estudio c asegurar d no se c cuarto en una iglesia d no se d no se 3 custom 16 firstborn a forma usual de hacer 9 celceicelestialestial marriage a bebe huertomuerto antes de algo a bendebendecidocido con ninosnmos nacer b nueva hora para las b para siempre b nacidonacijo otra vez reunionsreunionesreuniones de la iglesia c feliz c hijo mayor c maldemaldecircir d no se d no se d no se 10 faithful 17 scattered 4 grief a llenoilenolieno a esparciresparesparciacir a el dolor b tienemuchafetienetlene mucha fe b despojardespojar b e1eaelodio0diodlo c iele importanimportantimportan los demdemasas c compcompletarcompleterletar c el fastidio d no se d no se d no se 11 fasting 18 holyHoly ghost 5 selfishness a abstenerseabstenerse de colidacomida a padre celestial a no compartircompartir con otrosbotros b romper la ley b Jesujesucristocristo b como se sientebiente uno c sujetar algo c consolador dismomismo d no se d no se c dar a los dobrespobres d no se 12 depressed 19 ward a triste a un cuarto de 6 savior b obscureobscuro actividades en la a el padre c enfermoendermo iglesia b Jesusjesuscristocristo d no se b un crupogrupo de11 deres c espiritu santo hormonesMormormonesmones d no se 13 courage c hormonesMormormonesmones que asisten a valor a la iglesia buntosjuntos b fuerzamuerza d no se c honor d no se 115 20 chapter 27 calling 33 commandment a parte de un libro a clase de la escuela a una ley de dios b parte de una canciocancioncanchonn domidominicallical b una creencia c cuarto en la iglesia b canciocancioncanchonn de la iglesia c la iglesia de dios d no se c trabajo en la iglesia d no se d no se 21 meetinghouse 34 elect a casa grande 28 support a perfecto b edificio de la iglesia a lestidovestidoelvestidoelvesel tidotudouudo b escojido c casa de un niembromiembro b el trabajo c dado d no se c la abudaayuda d nosno see d no se 22 supply 35 tithingtithing a lo10 que no quieres 29 recipe a un dedecimocimo dado al b algo con un uso futuroauturo a colidacomida seftorseatorsenor c cosas que te gustan b cena familiar b dinero ahorrado para d no se c direcciones de cocina la mislomisionmislonn d nonosese c andar sin colidacomida 0 23 wicked agua a preocupado 30 wickedness d noseno se b estupidoestuest pidodaidodpido a tenermuchastener muchas c tanicosatanicosatanicksatasa nico debilidadesdebilidades 36 fulltimefull time d nosno see b sermaloseumaloser malomaio a hacerlo todo el tiempo c hacerse tonto b masiadodemasiadode que hacer 24 achieve d no se c smsin principle 0 fin a sentir felicidad d noseno se b dirigir un crupogrupo 31 ststakeake c banarganar con trabajo duro a una junta de liderescideres 37 request d no se b una platicaplanica dada en a estarsoloestar solo una junta de la iglesia b viajar 25 relative c un area de variesvariosvarlos c fedirpedir a que pertperteneceenece a la barrios d noseno se bismamisma familia d no sese b vive en la bismamisma area 38 gospel c tiene una familia 32 translation a una area en la iglesia grande a escrito en otra idioma b un lugar sagrado d no se b guardadoparaguardado para c las ensefianzasensenanzas de tiempos de necesidad jesusjesUs 26 sealingsdealingssealings c idea de dios d no se a junjuntarsetarse para una d no sese noche de hogar 39 pattern b bendebendecircir el pan y agua a avergonavergonzarsezarse c unirmunir miliasfamilialfamiliasfa para b nuestramuestra a seguirdeguir siempre c tipocipo de religionreligireliga0n d no se d no se 116 40 priesthood 46 celestial kingdom 53 offering a lo10 que el profeta dice a el mas alto lugar en ele1ea a algo no permitpermitidoido b un crupogrupo de gente cielo b algo obsequiado mala b un palpaipaiss en la bibliabeblia c algo aprendido c el poder para actuaraccuar c lugar sagrado donde d no se en el nobre de dios unooraunourauno ora d no se d no sese 54 relief society a crupogrupo de majeresmujeres en 41 chapel 47 fund la iglesia cormonamormona a libro sagrado a reserva de dinero b tienda para los b torre en la iglesia b razorazonn para hacerlo necesitados c el salosaiosalonn sacramental c area en la iglesia c un coro especial de las d no se d no se majeresmujeres jojavenesjovenessenesvenes d no ses 42 beyond 48 attendance a mas allailalialiaallaailaa de a en cargarsecargarse de 55 convert b muchos b estar presente a ayudarayudan a alquienalguiena1guien c mucho tiempo c serprobadoprobedoserpserprobadorobado b unirmunir a alquienalguiena1guien a la d no se d no se iglesia c escojerescover lo10 corcorrectocorrectorrecto 43 widow 49 therefore d no se a mujer sin hijos a por esta razonraz0n b quiennopuedequien no buedepuede b nuestramuestra que algo caminarcaminari pertperteneceenece a alquienalguiena1guien c mujer que se iele murio c viene al final de todo elesposoel esposo d no se d no se 50 welfare 44 advisor a ayudarayudan a la gente a viejo pobre b ayudanteayudante 0 maestro b eivirvivir solo c trabatrabajadorjador c gjardarguardar un registro d no se d no sese

45 loyal 51 heavenly father a confiableconfinable a jesusjesUs b famoso b dios c solitario c espiritu santo d no se d no se

52 create a hacer b enseftarensenatenensenarseftar c seguirdeguir d no se 117 EXAMEN DE vocabularioVOCABULARIO TEST PARTE 2 FORMA Y

1 el dia de reposo 7 desde ahoraadora 14 sugerirsugerik a la verdadverdade a de hoy en adelanteanelante a tratar b el domingo b antes de ahoraadora b dar una idea c la iglesia c en una linea recta c llevarseilevarsellelieilevarse con otrosbotros d no se d no se d no se

2 en serio 8 el consejo 15 juzgarjungar a de verdadverdade a crupogrupo de lideres que a decidirdecider b con cuidado sersereunense eunen b planearplangar c lentamentelentamente b lugar de estudio c asegurar d no se c cuarto en una iglesia d no se d noseno se 3 costumbre 16 el primoseprimogenitoprimogenito a forma usual de hacer 9 el matrimoniomatripatrimoniomonio celestial a bebe huertomuerto antes de algo a bendecidobendecido con nmninosos nacer b nueva hora para las b para siempre b nacidonacijo otra vez reunionsreunionesreuniones de la iglesia c feliz c hijo mayor c maldemaldecircir d no se d no se d no se 10 fiel 17 disperdispersadosado 4 lalapenapena a llenoilenolieno a esparciresparesparciacir a el dolor b tiene mucha fe b despojardespojar b el dio0odioOdlo c iele importanimportantimportan los demas c completarcompletercompletar c el fastidio d no se d no se d no se 11 ayunar 18 espiritu santo 5 egoismoegolismo a abstenerseabstendeerse colidacomida a padre celestial a no compartircompartir con otrosbotros b romper la ley b Jesujesucristocristo b como se sientebiente uno c sujetar algo c consolador dismomismo d noseno se d no se c dar a los dobrespobres d no se 12 deprimidodeprimido 19 el barrio a triste a un cuarto de 6 el salvador b obscureobscuro actividades en la a el padre c enfermoendermo iglesia b Jesusjesuscristocristo d noseno se b un crupogrupo de liderescideres c espiritu santo hormonesMormormonesmones d no se 13 corajcorajecomajcoracee c hormonesMormormonesmones que asisten a valor a la iglesia buntosjuntos b fuerzamuerza d no se c honor d no se 118 20 capitulo 27 el Hamamllamamientohamamientoientolento 33 un mandamiento a parte de un libro a clase de la escuela a una ley de dios b parte de una canciocancioncanchonn dominical b una creencia c cuarto en la iglesia b canciocancioncanchonn de la iglesia c la iglesia de dios d no se c trabajo en la iglesia d no se d no se 21 la casa de oraciooracionn 34 elegidoelegino a casa grande 28 el aboyoapoyo a perfecto b edificio de la iglesia a lestidovestidoelveselvestidoel tido b escojido c casa de un niembromiembro b el trabajo c dado d noseno se c la abudaayuda d no se d nosno se 22 las servasreservasreservesre 35 el diezmadiezmo a lo10 que no quieres 29 recetaceceta a un dedecimocimo dado al b algo con un uso futuroauturo a colidacomida senor c cosas que te gustan b cena familiar b dinero ahorrado para d no se c direcciones de cocina la bisiomisiomisionmislonn d no se c andar sin colidacomida 0 23 iniquo agua a preocupado 30 la iniquiniquidadidad d no se b estilestupidoestilpidoestupido a tenermuchastener muchas c satatanicosatanicosatanicksa nico debilidadesdebilidades 36 de tiempo completecompleto d no se b sermaloseumaloser malomaio a hacerlo todo el tiempo c hacersehacersetontotonto b masiadodemasiadode que hacer 24 lograrlogran d no se c sin principio 0 fin a sentir felicidad d nosno see b dirigir un crupogrupo 31 una estabaestaca c banarganar con trabajo duro a una junta de liderescideres 37 licitarsolicitarsolicitorso d no se b una platicaplanica dada en a estarestarsolosolo una junta de la iglesia b viajar 25 pariente c un area de varios c fedirpedir a que pertperteneceenece a la barrios d noseno se bismamisma familia d no se b vive en la bismamisma area 38 el evangelio c tiene una familia 32 tradtraducciotrabucciotraductiontraduccionuccion a una area en la iglesia grande a escrito en otra idioma b un lugar sagrado d no se b guardadoguardadoparapara c las ensefianzasensenanzas de tiempos de necesidad jesujesuss 26 sellamientos c idea de dios d no se a juntarsejuntarse para una d no se noche de hogar 39 odelomodelomodeiom b bendebendecircir el pan y agua a avergonzarseavergonzarse c unirmunir miliasfamilialfamiliasfa para b nuestramuestra a seguirdeguir siempre c tipocipo de religiobeligioreligionn d no se d nosno see 119 40 el sacersacerdociodocio 46 el reino celestial 53 una ofrendaobrenda a lo10 que el profeta dice a el mamass alto lugar en el a algo no permitpermitidoido b un crupogrupo de gente cielo b algo obsequiado mala b un palpaipaiss en la bibliabeblia c algo aprendido c el poder para actuaraccuar c lugar sagrado donde d no se en el nobre de dios uno ora d noseno se d no se 54 la sociedadSociesociedadedad de socorro a crupogrupo de majeresmujeres en 41 la capilla 47 un fondo la iglesia cormonamormona a librosagradolibro sagrado a reserva de dinero b tienda para los b torre en la iglesia b razorazonn para hacerlo necesitados c el salosaiosalonn sacramental c area en la iglesia c un coro especial de las d no se d no se majeresmujeres jovenesjovanesjowenes d no sse 42 mamass lejos 48 la asistenciaasistencia a mas aliaallaaila de a en cargarsecargarse de 55 convertirconverconvertertir b muchos b estar presente a ayudarayudan a alquienalguiena1guien c mucho tiempo c serprobadoprobedoserpserprobadorobado b unirmunir a alquienalguiena1guien a la d no se d nosno see iglesia c escojerescover lo10 correctocorcorrectorrecto 43 viuda 49 por lo10 tanto d no se a mujer sin hijos a por esta razon b quiennopuedequien no buedepuede b nuestramuestra que algo caminarcaminari pertperteneceenece a alquienalguiena1guien c mujer que se iele murio c viene al final de todo elesposoel esposo d no se d no se 50 el bienestarbienestar 44 el asesor a ayudarayudan a la gente a viejo pobre b ayudanteayudante 0 maestro b eivirvivir solo c trabajadortrabajador c gjardarguardar un registro d no se d no se

45 leal 51 padre celestial a confiableconfinableconflabietable a jesujesuss b famoso b dios c solitario c espiritu santo d no se d no se

52 crear a hacer b enseftarensenatensenarenseftar c seguirdeguir d no se 120 appendix H form Z parts I1 and II11 EXAMEN DE vocabularioVOCABULARIO TEST PARTE 1 FORMA Z 1 pride 7 blessings 13 Jjournalournalburnal a sin miedoamiedo a nadie a regalos de dios a viadeviaje largo b tenerbuenastener bienasbuenas b panpanyaguay agua b carta calificaciones c plapiaplaticasticas de la iglesia c relatesrelatos ddee su vida c aroganciaarroganciaarogancia d no se d no se d no se 8 discuss 14 kneel 2 follower a hablardehabbardehablarhabhabalarlardede a clasederopaclase de ropa a hacer lo10 que hace otra b belearpelear por b sentirsesentirse mal persona c renegar c ponerseponease de rodillas b deciradecir que hacer d no se d no se c traer bienasbuenas cuevasnuevas d noseno se 9 mob 15 rejectrejectact a proproblemsproblemablema a no aceptar 3 meetings b ruido b hacer de nuevo a cosas que delemosdebemos c multitudmultimultitudetud enojadaenojado c tratar de ayudarayudan hacer d noseno se d no se b gente reunida con un propositoproposito 10 storehouse 16 firstborn c plapiaplaticasticas de la iglesia a lugar para gjardarguardar a bebe huertomuerto antes de d no se cosas nacer b casa de vierosviejos b nacidonacijo otra vez 4 perform c lugar para comprarcompear c hijo mayor a tomar una casa d no se b usar d no se c llevarilevarllemar a cabo 17 sacred d no se 11 fasting a brillante a abstenerseabstenerse de colidacomida b fuerte 5 stake b romper la ley c santo a una junta de liderescideres c sujetarsujetaralgoalgo d no se b una platicaplanica dada en d no se una junta de la iglesia 18 storage c un area de variesvariosvarlos 12 partnership a cosas guardadasguardadas para barrios a gente trabatrabajandojando usar mas adelanteanelante d no se juntamentejuntamente b compradoscompradorcomprados en la b familia grande que tienda 6 savior viven buntosjuntos c plantar un jardin a el padre c conoserconocer a alquien d no se b Jesusjesuscristocristo desde antes c espiritu santo d no se d no se 121 19 fulltimefull time 26 sealingsdealingssealings 33 force a hacerlo todo el tiempo a juntarsejuntarse para una a proproblemsproblemablema b masiadodemasiadode que hacer noche de hogar b paz c sin principio 0 fin b bendebendecircir el pan y agua c poder d no se c unirmunir miliasfamilialfamiliasfa para d no se siempre 20 chapel d noseno se 34 contact a libro sagrado a lattimarlastimarlastimar a alquienalguiena1guien b torre en la iglesia 27 high councilor b ser amable c el salosaiosalonn sacramental a lider de la iglesia c junjuntarsetarse con 0 hablarhabalar d noseno se b trabajadortrabajador del tempiotemplo con alquienalguiena1guien c una persona simpasimpaticatica d no se 21 meetinghouse d nonosese a casa grande 35 discussion b edificio de la iglesia 28 fullfillfullfill a dream a crupogrupo de gente c casa de un niembromiembro a hacer algo alidadrealidadre b plapiaplaticaplanicatica entre gente d noseno se b reglararrellararreglarar la cama c trabajo duro c olvidar lo10 que penso d no se 22 development d nonosese a pramesapromesa 36 wickedness b adveradvertenciatencia 29 knowledge a tenertenermuchasmuchas c crecimiento a palandopasando ahoraadora debilidadesdebilidades d no se b lo10 que has aprendido b ser malo c clase c hacerse tonto 23 forgive d no se d no se a comenzarcomen unazar vida nueva 30 celestial kingdom 37 doubt b olvidar el malmaimat que a el mamass alto lugar en el a tenermiedotener miedoamiedo alquienalguiena1guien iele hizo cielo b tener cuidado c dar a los dobrespobres y b un palspaispats en la bibliabeblia c no estar seguro necesitados c lugar sagrado donde d noseno se d no se unounooraunouraora d no se 38 someday 24 remembrance a lejos de aqui a importimportanciaancia 31 holy ghost b antes de ayer b memoria a padre celestial c en el futuroauturo c membremembresiamembrmembresfasiasfaesiaesla b Jesujesucristocristo d no se d nosno see c consolador d noseno se 39 heavenly father 25 accomplishment a jesujesuss a algo millantehuhumillante 32 understand b dios b algo que aprendiste a airoir una voz c espiritu santo c realizacirealizationrealizacionrealizacionclonci0n b saber el significado d no se d no se c deciradecir una oraciooracionn d no se 122 40 worldwide 47 restore 52 tithe a un palspais grande a contestarunacontestarcontesterconcontestestartarunauna a ahorrar dinero para la b en forma de pelota prepreguntagunta iglesia c el mundo enteroantero b volver a tratar b donar dinero a los d no se c restituir dobrespobres d no se c dar un dedecimocimo de su 41 gospel sueldosheldo a la iglesia a una area en la iglesia 48 nursery d no se b un lugar sagrado a crupogrupo de gente c las ensefianzasensenanzas de cuidadosa 53 succeed jesujesuss b cuarto para los ninosnmos a prevaprevalecerlecer d no se pequpequenosenos b triunfaltriunfartriunfar c lugar para fermosenfermosen c ayudarayudan alquienalguiena1guien 42 absence d no se d no ssee a sentimientos b no saber 49 cast out 54 holds the priesthood c no estar presente a burburlarselarse de a tiene el sacersacerdociodocio d no se b tratar b no usa el sacerdociosacerdocio c chazarrechazarre correctamentecorrectamente 43 sabbath d no se c cuidaauida el sacerdociosacerdocio de a la verdadverdade otrosbotros b el domingo 50 forgiveness d no se c la iglesia a olvidar el mal que d no se alquienalguiena1guien ha hechobecho 55 numerous b dar a los dobrespobres a maravillosomaravilloso 44 ancestors c ser amistoso con los b muchos a los que vivierosvivieronvivieron antes cuevosnuevos embrosmimiembros c suave que nosotrosvosotrosnosotros d no se d no se b nietos c seguiseguidoresdores de cristo 51 relief society d no se a crupogrupo de majeresmujeres en la iglesia cormonamormona 45 standard b tienda para los a reglaregia establecidaestablecida necesitados b trabajo que hacer c un coro especial de las c torre alta muieresmajeresmujeres javenesjovenesjovenes d nosno see d no se

46 loyal a confiableconfinable b famoso c solitario d no se 123 EXAMEN DE vocabularioVOCABULARIO TEST PARTE 2 FORMA Z

1 el orgelloorgullo 7 bendiciobendicionesbendicioneslonesnes 13 el diario a sin miedoamiedo a nadie a regalos de dios a viadeviaje largo b tenerbuenastener bienasbuenas b pan y agua b carta calificaciones c plapiaplaticasticas de la iglesia c relatesrelatos de su vida c aroganciaaroarroganciagancia d no se d no se d no se 8 charlarchaglar 14 arrodillarseaffodillarse 2 seguidorseguidor a hablarhabalarhablardehabbardehablardede a clase de ropa a hacer lo10 que hace otra b pelearporpelear por b sentirsesentirse mal persona c renegar c ponerseponease de rodillas b deciradecir que hacer d no se d no se c traer bienasbuenas cuevasnuevas d no se 9 muchedumbremuchedumbre 15 chazarrechazarre a proproblemsproblemablema a no aceptar 3 reunionsreunionesreuniones b ruido b hacer de nuevo a cosas que delemosdebemos c multitudmultimultitudetud enojadaenojado c tratar de ayudarayudan hacer d no se d no se b gente reunida con un propropositoposito 10 el almacen 16 el primoseprimogenitoprimogenito c plapiaplaticasp1paaticas de la iglesia a lugar para gjardarguardar a bebe huertomuerto antes de d noseno se cosas nacer b casa de vierosviejos b nacidonacijo otra vez 4 actuaraccuar c lugar para comprarcompear c hijo mayor a tomar una casa d no se b usar d nonoses c ilevarklevarllevaracaboa cabo 17 sagrado d noseno se 11 ayunar a brillante a abstenerseabstendeerse colidacomida b fuerte 5 una estabaestaca b romper la ley c santo a una junta de liderescideres c sujetar algo d no se b una platicaplanica dada en d no se una junta de la iglesia 18 el almacenamiento c un area de sarlessarlosvariesvarlosvarios 12 sociedadsociesociedadedad a cosas guardadasguardadas para barrios a gente trabajandotrabajando usar mas adelanteanelante d no se juntamentejuntamente b compradoscompradorcomprados en la b familia grande que tienda 6 el salvador viven buntosjuntos c plantar un jardin a el padre c conoserconocer a alquien d no se b Jesusjesuscristocristo desde antes c espiritu santo d no se d no se 124 19 de tiempo completo 26 sellamientos 33 fuerzamuerza a hacerlo todo el tiempo a juntarsejuntarse para una a problemsproproblemablema b masiadodemasiadode que hacer noche de hogar b paz c sin principio 0 fin b bendebendecircir el pan y agua c poder d no se c unirmunir miliasfamilialfamiliasfa para d no se siempre 20 la capilla d no se 34 ponerseponease en contactscontactocontacto a libro sagrado a lattimarlastimarlastimar a alquienalguiena1guien b torre en la iglesia 27 sumo consejeroconsejero b seramableser amable c el salosaiosalonn sacramental a 11derlider de la iglesia c junjuntarsetarse con 0 hablarhabalar d nonosese b trabatrabajadorjador del tempiotemplo con alquienalguiena1guien c una persona simpasimpaticatica d no se 21 la casa de oraciooracionn d no se a tempiotemplo 35 charlachariachaniachanna b edificiodelaiglesiaedificio de la iglesia 28 realizarrealizerrealizar un sueltosuefiosuefto a crupogrupo de gente c casa de un niembromiembro a hacer algo alidadrealidadre b plapiaplaticaplanicatica entre gente d no se b reglararrellararreglarar la cama c trabajotrabajoduroduro c olvidar lo10 que penso d nosnosee 22 desarrollodesarrollo d no se a pramesapromesa 36 lahi iniquidad b adveradvertenciatencia 29 conocimiento a tenertenermuchasmuchas c crecimiento a palandopasando ahoraadora debilidadesdebilidades d no se b lo10 que has aprendido b sersermaloseumalomalomaio c clase c hacerse tonto 23 berdonarperdonarperdonar d no se d no se a comencomenzar unazar vida nueva 30 el reino celestial 37 dudar b olvidar el mal que a el mamass alto lugar en el a tenermiedotener miedoamiedo alquienalguiena1guien ie hizo cielo b tenercuidadotener cuidado c dar a los dobrespobres y b un paispals en la bibliabeblia c no estar seguro necesitados c lugar sagrado donde d no se d no se uno ora d no se 38 albualgualgunakgunn dia 24 recuerdo a lejos de aqui a importimportanciaancia 31 espiritu santo b antes de ayer b memoria a padre celestial c en el future c membremembresiamembrmembresfasiasfaesiaesla b Jesujesucristocristo d no se d no se c consolador d noseno se 39 padre celestial 25 lagrologro a jesujesuss a algo millantehuhumillante 32 tenderentenderenengender b dios b algo que aprendiste a airoir una voz c espiritu santo c realizaciorealizationrealizacionrealizacioncloncioclon b saber el significado d no se d no se c deciradecir una oraciooracionn d no se 125 40 alrededoralrededor del mundo 47 restaurarrestaurar 52 pagarpagardiezmosdiezmos a un paispals grande a contestarcontesterconcontestarunacontestestartarunauna a ahorrar dinero para la b en forma de pelota prepreguntagunta iglesia c el mundo enteroantero b volver a tratar b donar dinero a los d no se c restituir dobrespobres d no se c dar un dedecimocimo de su 41 el evangelicevangelio sueldosheldo a la iglesia a una area en la iglesia 48 la guardellguarderlguardinaguardenaguarguardenaderlderia d no se b un lugar sagrado a crupogrupo de gente c las ensefianzasensenanzas de cuidadosa 53 tenertenerexitoeaitoxito jesujesuss b cuarto para los nninosmos a prevaprevalecerlecer d no se pequpequenosenos b triunfaltriunfartriunfar c lugar para fermosenenfermos c ayudarayudan algrienalguien 42 ausencia d noseno se d noseno se a sentimientos b no saber 49 pulsarexpulsarexpulserex 54 posee del sacerdociosacerdocio c no estar presente a burburlarselarse de a tiene el sacerdociosacerdocio d no se b tratar b no usa el sacerdociosacerdocio c chazarrechazarre correctamentecorrectamente 43 el ddiaI1a de reposo d no se c cuidaauida el sacerdociosacerdocio de a laverdadverdadelaverlaverdaddad otrosbotros b el domingo 50 el perdoperdonn d no se c la iglesia a olvidar el mal que d no se algrienalguienarguiena1guien ha hechobecho 55 numenumerosenumerosoroso b dar a los dobrespobres a maravillosomaravilloso 44 los antepasados c ser amistoso con los b muchos a los que vivierosvivieronvivieron antes cuevosnuevos embrosmimiembros c suave que nosonosotrosvosotrostros d no se d no se b nietos c seguiseguidoresdores de cristo 51 la sociedadSociesociedadedad de socorro d no se a crupogrupo de majeresmujeres en la iglesia cormonamormona 45 norma b tienda para los a regiaregla establecidaestablecida necesitados b trabajo que hacer c un coro especial de las c torre alta majeresmujeres Jjavenesjovenes0venes d no se dod nonosese

46 leal a confiableconfinable b famoso c solitario d no se 126


I1 statement official announcement 2 handicapped disabled person I13 rebaptism to become a member again 4 sealingsdealingssealings joining families together forever 5 approve accept 6 holy ghost comforter 7 mormon pioneers traveled to utah 8 success triumph 9 assure build someones confidence 10 worship obey the word II11 wickedness to be bad 12 guilty a feeling of having done something wrong 13 faith to believe in something you cannot see 14 punishment pain received for having done what is wrong 15 gospel the teachings of jesus 16 purpose reason for doing something 17 testify tell the truth 18 everlasting without end 19 righteous just 20 loyal reliable 21 accomplish achieve 22 almighty omnipotent 23 poster sign 24 needy very poor 25 relief society group of women in the mormon 26 challenge defiance church 27 fasting to abstain from eating food 28 meetinghouse church building 29 heavens where god lives 30 stake an area made up of several wards 31 strive to struggle 32 word of wisdom the lords law for individual health 33 forever without end 34 forgave forgot the wrong that someone did 35 full time to do it all the time 36 miracle something marvelous that doesnt seem possible 37 skill something you do well 38 improvement progress 39 discouragement disheartened 40 chapel sacrament meeting room 41 savior jesus christ 42 messenger one who brings news 43 strengthen to make stronger 44 unselfish think about others 45 celestial kingdom the highest place in the heavens 46 priesthood holder one who has the priesthood 47 assignment a task 48 firstbornfirstoldestborn child 49 illness discomfort 50 heavenly father god 51 strength power 52 discouraged depressed 53 handout paper with information 54 sertconvertvert one who is baptized in the church 55 sabbath sunday 56 really in truth 57 custom usual way of doing something 58 grief pain 59 selfishness to not share with others 60 henceforth from now on 61 council a group of leaders that meet together 62 celestial marriage forever 63 faithful has a lot of faith 64 depressed sad 65 suggest give an idea 66 judge decide 67 scattered spread 68 ward mormons who attend church together 69 chapter part of a book 70 supply something for future use 71 wicked evil 72 achieve earn through hard work 73 relative belongs to the same family 74 calling job in the church 75 support help 76 recipe cooking directions 77 translation written in another language 78 commandment one of gods laws 79 elect chosen 80 tithing onetenthone tenth given to the lord 81 request to ask 82 pattern model to follow 83 priesthood the power to act in gods name 84 beyond farther 85 widow a woman whose husband has died 86 advisor helper or teacher 87 fund reserve of money 88 attendance to be present 89 therefore for this reason 90 welfare help the poor 91 create make 92 offering something that is given 93 convert help someone join the church 94 pride arrogance 95 follower to do what another person does 96 meetings people gathered together for a purpose 97 perform to bring to pass 98 blessings gifts from god 99 discuss talk about 100 mob angry multitude 101 storehouse place to store things 102 partnership people working together 103 journal account of your life 104 kneel to get down your knees 105 reject to not accept 106 sacred holy 107 storage things put away for later use 108 development growth 109 forgive forget the wrong someone did to you 110 remembrance memory 111 accomplishment realization 112 high councilor church leader 113 fulfill a dream make something come true 114 knowledge what you have learned 115 understand know the meaning 116 force power 117 contact get together with or talk to someone 118 discussion talk with people 119 doubt to be unsure 120 someday in the future 121 worldwide the whole world 122 absence to not be present 123 ancestors those who lived before us 124 standard established rule 125 restore return 126 nursery room for small children 127 cast out reject 128 forgiveness to forget the wrong someone did to you 129 tithe to give onetenthone tenth of your income to the church 130 holds the priesthood has the priesthood 131 numerous many 127


1 X Y 1 Z englishspanishEnglish Spanish formaformxform Pformformylorm I formforazformz I1 unique viorElsaviorelSa salvador 42 6 6 41 fastingayunar 28 11 11 27 firstbomelfirstbornelfirstbobelbomel primoseprimogenitoprimogenito 49 16 16 48 meetinghousemeetinghouselala casa del oracion 29 21 21 28 sealingssellamientos 4 26 26 4 holy Ghghostelghostedostel espiritu santo 6 18 31 6 wickednesswickednesslala iniquidad 11 30 36 11 gospelelgospelergospelel evangelioevangelic 16 38 41 15 loyallealloyal leal 21 45 46 20 relief societylaSocietyla sociedadSociesociedadedad de socorro 26 54 51 25 stakeunastakeuna estabaestaca 31 31 5 30 full timede tiempo completo 36 36 19 35 chapella capilla 41 41 20 40 celestial kingdomkingdomelkingkingdomlelkingdomeddomelleljeljei reino celestial 46 46 30 45

heavenly FatherfatherpadrePadre celestial 1 51 1 51 1 39 1 50 128



I1 am from city and country of origin occupation I1 speak natinatively circle one spanish onlyspanishonly Spanish and english my english skills are circle one very lowlowintermediateadvancedfluentlow low intermediate advanced fluent in english I1 am best at circle all that apply readingreadingwritinglisteningspeakingwriting listening speaking in spanish I1 am best at circle all that apply readingwritinglisteningspeakingreading writing listening speaking I1 use english circle one everydaymosteveryday most dayssomedays some daysdaysseldomneverseldomneverseldom never I1 use spanish circle one everydaymosteveryday most dayssomedays some daysseldomneverdays seldomneverseldom never my wardwardbranchbranch in the united states is held in circle one spanish onlyenonlyenglishonly Englishlish onlybothonly both languages Mmyy stake meetingsmeetin s in the united states are held in circle one spanish onlyonlyenglishnglishanglishEnglish onlybothonly both languages I1 leableamlearn the gospefbetter in circle one spanishspanishenglishenglish fill in ALL blanks even if the answer is zero I1 have been a member of the LDS church months years I1 have lived in an englishspeakingenglish speaking country months years my time as a member of the LDS churchgurch has been spent living in an englishspeakingenglish speaking country months years months in my native countrzi5scountry years my time as a member of thithe ddsLDSS iai7hurchchurch while living in an englishspeakingenglish speaking country has been spent in an englishspeakingenglish speaking wardbranchward branch months years a spanishspeakingspanish speaking wardwardbranchbranch months years in my family there are members and are members of the church there are members of my family that dont like the church using the scale below write in HOW MUCH OF THE TIME you use each language if you never do the activity leave the spaces blank

1100loo100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 spanish I1 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 english when I1 read the scriptures I1 use svanishspanish enenglishlish when I1 read other churchrelatedchurch related materials I1 use spanishspanish english when I1 prayray silently I1 use spanish engenglishish when I1 prayray outlordoutloud in a group I1 use S anish english gear in spanish when I1 crbear my stimontestimontetestimony I1 use shanisespanisespanish english when I1 listen to general conferenceinference&nference I1 use spanish english when I1 listen to stake conferences I1 use spanish english 0 when I1 prepare a church talk I1 use OX0 spanish english I1 a I1 when prepare church lesson use svanishspanishI1 english circle the activities you participate in or do on your own genealogytemplegenealogytemplegenealogy templetempie workhomemakingscoutwork homemaking scout activitieswardactivities ward socialsservice projects fhevisitingFHE visiting or home ometeachinvcomteachingcompilingteaching compilingilingailing church reportsreportsreadingreading scripturesscripturesreadingreadlreadingreadingreadi other hurchchurchC materials such as lesson manuals or bloksbooks on religious subjectssubjectsconductingconducting meetingsmeetingsinstitutereadinwnWinstitute classesotherclassesother describe your church attendance how often do you attend each meeting has your attendance ever been less or more than this and if so how much and for how long do you attend stake conferences if no why not how much of general conference do you listen to or read describe our vocabulary test choose one the recording was too fastokayafastokaya little slowveryslowvery slow the recording was easy to hearabeara little unclearhardunclear hard to hear the directions were confusingsomewhatconfusing somewhat clearveryclearvery clear the exam was very longokayshortlongiongokay short the words in english were very easyeasyjustlustjust1st rightveryright very difficult the words in spanish were very easyeasyjustjustUst rightveryright very difficult I1 enjoyede byed the exam yesnonoyes nono opinion tolxtodaytolytozy I1 feel choose one very badbadokaygoodverybad bad okay good very good 129


SURVEYSURVEYS TEST FORM X cuestionario soy de ciudad y palpaipaiss de origen ocupacioocupacionn mi primera lengua es escobaescoga uno solo espanolespanolespafiolespafiolespanol espanol y ingleingieinglesinglesespanolespanolsespaiiol y nivnivelel en ingless es escoga uno mi dwle escoba muy bajobajointermedioavanzadofluido en ingles mismlsmismejoresiwlemejaresmejoresmeforesjores habilidades son escobaescoga todos que se apaplicanaplicanolican leerescribirescucharhablarnoleer escribirescribir escuchar hablarhabalar no se allicaaplica en espaespanolfiol mis mejaresmejoresmejores habilidades son escobaescoga todos que se aplicanapaplicanolican leerleerescribirescucharhablarescribirescribir escuchar hablarhahabalarblarbiar uso ingles escobaescoga uno cada diala mayonmayoriamayoniaa de los diasalgunosdfasaigunos diasrarasdfasrarasdias raras vecesnunca uso espanolespaespafiolfiol escobaescoga uno cada diala mayoriamayoniamaapzpona de los dfasalgunos darrarasdiasrarasdias1 asrarasas raras vecesnunca las reunionsreunionesreuniones de mi barrio en los estadosestades anidosunidosnidos son en escobaescoga uno solo espanolsoloespafiolsoloespanol solo ingleslosingl6slosingleslos dos las reunionsreunionesreuniones de mi estabaestaca en los estadesestados anidosunidos son en escobaescoga uno solo espanolespanolsolosolo ingleslosinglingimi siegiegleeslossioslos dos de los embrosmimiembros en mi barrioramabarriorama hispanohablantes son escobaescoga uno todoslatodosiatodosla mayoriaalgunospocos ningningunosunos aprendo el evangelio mejor en escobaescoga uno espafiolingleespanolinglesespanol ingless llene TODOS los paciosesvaciosespacioses tambientambiev si la resvuestarespuerespuestasta es waw10 he sido niembromiembro de la iglesia cormonamormona desesmeses afiosadiosanos he vividodivido en un pais de habla inglesainglema desesmeses anos como niembromiembro de la iglesia Morcormonamormonamona he vividodivido en un paispals dee habla inglesainglema desesmeses afiosadiosanos un pispaispals de habla espaespanolafiola desesmeses afiosadiosanos como ndembro de la iglesia cormonamormona viviendoviviendo en un palpaipaispalss de habla inglesainglema eheohehe asistido a un barrioramabarriorama en ingleseingles desesmeses afiosadiosanos espanoleespafiol desesmeses afiosadiosanos en mi familia son embrosmiembrosmi y embrosmimiembros de la iglesia Morcormonamormonamona hay embrosmimiembros de mi familia que no les gusta la iglesia Morcormonamormonamona csandousando la escala auequeauggue sigue escriba EL porcentaieporcentatePORCENtaleTAIETATE DEL TIEMPO que use cada idioma deledejeileeleu cc elCM eopalesvacioesparioespacioA en lancoiancoblancobiancomaiijmaimacijaay gisi nonj ocse arlicaapiigapiag I1 icc di lalij espaespanolespafiolfioli in100 90n 80rn 70n 60n 50 40 30 20 10 0 espaespanolnol01 inaleanaleingless 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 ineleingleingless cuandochando leo en las escriturasescrituras uso espaespanolfiol ingles cuandochando leo otrosbotros materialesmateriales de la lgiglesialesialesla uso espanespanolol01 ingles cuandochando oro en silencio uso espanolespafiol ingles cuandochando oro vocalmentevocalmente uso espanolespafiol ingleingieingless cuandochando doy mi timoniotestimoniotes uso 0yay0 espanol ingleingieingless 0 Ccuandochandouand0 escuchaescuchoescucescuah0 a 1laa conferenciaConferConferencarenceneraenciaia Ggeneral1 uso 0 espaespanolfi01 iinglesng1es cuandochando escuchaescucho a la conferenciaconferencia de estabaestaca uso espaespanolfiol ingles cuandochando prepare un discursodiscorsodiscurso uso espanolespafiol ingl6smglesingles cuandochando preparepreparo una leccionlecci6nleceleccioncionclon uso espaespanolfiol ingleingieingless

escojaeacoja las actividades de la iglesia en que partiparticipeparticiplecipe 0 hace solo genealogfaobragenealogfaobra del templociencia del hogaractividades con los javenesjovenes de la iglesiaactividades1glesiaactividades del arrioproyectosbarrioproyectos de servicionoche de hogarmaestrohogar maestro orientatororienorientadortador 0 maestra visitantecompilar reportes de la iglesialeerlglesialeerIglesialeer las escriturasleer otras materialesmateriales de la 1glesiadirigiriglesia dirldirigirdirigir reunionsreunionesreuniones de la iglesiaclaseslglesiaclases de institutootrasinstitutoinstitutor otras describedescribaDescribasu asistenciaasistencia a la iglesia zcudncuan a menudomenuto asisteakiste a cadacacha reunioraunioreunionn si su asistenciaasistencia ha sido menos 0 mas que eso a veces acucuantoai nto y por cuanto tiempo akisteasiste a la conferenciaconferencia de estabaestaca si no porapor que zcudntocuanto de la conferenciaConferencia general escucha 0 lee describedescribaDedgscribaDgscribaschiba nuestro examen de vocabularvocabularioio escobaescoga uno la grabaci6ngrabaciongrabacion ruefue muy rapidabienpoco lentalentamuymuym lenta la grabaci6ngrabaciongrabacion fue facil de airoiroirunolrunboirunun poco claraciaraclaradincildificimede airoir las direcciones fueronbueron confusaspoco clarasmuyclaras muy claras el examen fue muy largolargobiencortoblenbien corto lasas palabraspalavraspalabras en ingles fueronbueron muy facilesnivelfdcilesnivelfacilesnivel buenomuybueno muy dificiles laslaspalabrasa abras en espanolEspafiol gueron muy facilesnivelfacilesnivel buenomuybueno muy dificiles disdisfrutofrutoto el examen sinosinsinosansi nosin comentarioscomentarios hoy didiaa yo me sientoasiento escobaescoga uno muy malmalasimal malasi bienmuyasibienmuyaslasiblenbienmuy bien 130


ROOM arrangement set up a room large enough to comfortably seat all participants and meet the following testtakingtest taking requirements 1 all testtakerstest takers have something hard to write on preferably a table or desk where available hymn books have also sufficed in dire instances 2 subjects are adequately spaced have elbow room if itat a table so that it is obvious should a person turn to look at someone elses test 3 the tape player is approximatelya centered with relation to the subjects or inmi a good position to be heard by piaterplaterplaier T 1I everyone 4 Ppartart I1 s are handy Ubut not available to subjects and part II11lisIPss and the questionnairesurveyquestionnaire Survey packetsacketsackels by gender can be retrieved easily but also not available as the test administration proceeds 5 Mthe tape is fullyrully rewound and ready to begin playingplay i at the start of the tape on side A 6 there is an ample supply of sharpened pencils available a box is suppsuppliediniinfled PROCEDURE a welcome subjects and seat them then pass out pencilsencilsencile give subjects the subject instruction sheet called para los que toman el examen which includes the purpose of the test and tell them that this information will also be played on the tape momentarily check that all is in order then play the instructions stopping the tape after un millomillonn de gracias at this point a model item is readwrittenread written on a chalkboard itif available and comprehension is checked rotherforotherdorotherfo questions taken one thing to bring out with the model item is that the answers are not exact synonyms but definitions they should choose the best definition of the word though it may not be an exact or the only definition of it this has confused others in the past b when everyone is readyrea y part I1 ONLY with 55 english words and all spanish options is passed out to the subjects and when everyone has it begin playing the tape again you will hear part iandlandbandI1 and the appropriate form number listen for it and make sure its right for the recorded test then the test will bbesinqinglngini c if ssubjectsectsacts finish part I1 before the recording of part I1 ends and others are yet listening you may choose one of two conditional options 1 COLLECT PART I1 from ONE SUBJECT AT A TIME WRITING THEIR TEST NUMBER in the blank provided ON PART II11 and give the subject part II11 which are the SAME words and options but ALL in spanish IF a the subectsubactsubject is not seated where others could easily see their part II11 or b the subject can be moved where others could not see their part II11 OR 2 have the subject sit quietly until the recording and all subjects have finished part I1 if the later 0optiontioI1 nmmustust be chosen because the first one is not feasibfeasiblefe then the tester must be careful to COLLECTFOLLECT EACH PART I1 separately from ONE SUBJECT AT A TIME so that the tester can WRITE THE TEST NUMBER FROM PART I1 ONTO EACH SUBJECTS PART II11 under NO circumstances should the susubjectbjectact be permitted to see part II11 before part I1 is collected so part II11 may NEVER be simply passepassedd out and subjects should NEVER be the one to write the test number on the subsequent part for these reasons one can see that early finishers of part I1 if they can be separated will make the testers jojob easier and less confusing during the transition and will control for those that might consult with their neighbors during this transition d part II11 may or may not need to be played from the recording if most subjects have started early the roupgroup can be asked if the recordingrecor ing is desirable if even one person requests it it should be played mostkostcost subjects tend to finish part II11 rather quickly with or without the tapeta e when a subject is doneclonecione early or when the recording is over and a grace period of 5105 10 minutes hasas been given EACH PART II11 MUST BE COLLECTED separately so that the TEST NUMBER can aagainainaln be matched to ie filled in on an appropriate femalemalefemalemale questionnairequestionnairesurveySURVEY PACKETPACEET ie the Q & S are given out together WITH THE questionnaire ALWAYS ON TOP AS THAT IS HOW THE PACKETS WERE NUMBERED the Q & S administration is hotnot treated as a testtakingtest taking situation and may be as relaxed as desirable AFTER all tests are collected of course susubjectsbjectsacts may consult testers with ananyy questionsuestionsquestions they may have and may leave their materials at their seat and go get a drink of water 1if Jedesiredjesiredsired e while no other items should have subject names written on them the survey does asks for their name ward date and signature on the first page but this is torn off at any time for confidentiality it is still matched to the other test items by the survey number which appears on the secondsagepage f after the subject has completed BOTH PAGES of the questionnaire BE SURE TOT CHECK FOR THIS and the ENTIRE SURVEY they may choose one of our choice of four giftsiftsgifts t shirt tape book or spanishenglishspanish english gospel dictionary as a reward for their efforts please also thankank them once again for participating g Ttneanee entire processrocessprocess described above may take up to one and a half hours part I1 takes approximately 24 minutes krtartpart II11 about 20 minutes and some subjects take up to 40 minutes to complete the questionnaire and survey h THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR HELPING ME AND THE DLP COLLECT THIS DATA 131


TO THE TEST TAKER PURPOSE OF THE TEST AND SURVEY 1 our purpose is to find out what english we need to teach to nonnativenon native speakers who need to i use english in the church this projectpro ectact is beingbe1 n conducted by BYU researchers and has been approved bby church headquarters and your local leaders allalixii information obtained from the test and the survey will be kept confidential your name will not be connected with any of your answers GENERAL instructions 2 the test is taken in two parts and after that a questionnaire and survey are given both test partsarts are paced by a taped recording you will hear each question read aloud read along with the tape Mmarkrk your answer during the silence that follows each question at the end of the tape you will have a few minutes to look back over your test but you should have answered all of the questions already 3 please do not talk to anyone while taking the test we are not concerned with how much you as an individual knows but with what the overall spanishspeakingspanishS anish sheakinspeakinspeaking population knows by asking others for help you will not be helping us to prepare materials for english instruction if you have questions about how to take the test however raise your hand when these directions are over and the tester will be happy to explain them again TAKING THE TEST 4 the firstpartfirstglrstgirst part of the test givesbives you a word in english but the answers are in spanish answer the questions byby circling the best definition for the word that is given choose A B C or D if you have never seen or heardheard the word CHOOSE D no ssere it does not help us if you try to guess when the time is up the tester will collect the tests and prepare you for the second part 5 the second part of the test is entirely in spanish we will do it the same way as the first part however the second partart will take less time when it is over the tester will collect the tests and give you two more items chicwhicwhich are both in spanish you may take as long as you need to for these 6 when you fill out the questionnaire please answer honestly negative responses will not hurt our feelings OUR GRATITUDE FOR YOUR TIME AND EFFORTS CANNOT BE MEASUREDMEASUREDN thank you very very much from the bottom of our hearts

if sfrsar XXX X


PROPOSITO DEL EXAMEN Y ENCUESTA 1 nuestro prop6sitopropositoproposito es averiguaraveriguar quegueue ingleingless delemosdebemos enseensefiarensenatensenarfiar a aquellosarquellos que no lo10 tienenbienen como lengua batemamatemamaterna pero necesitannece usariositan en la gieiglesiaglesiasla este proyecto esta dirigidodirigido por profesoresprofesores de BYU y ha sido aprobatoaprobadoaprobado por la oficinaofficina de la iglesia y sus liderescideres locales toda la formacioninformacioininformationinforminformacionacioaclon obtenida del examen y de la cuestaenencuesta se mantendramanmantendrdtendra confidentialconfidencial su combrenombre no estardestarabestard en nexionconezioconexioconexioncoconnexionn con sus respuestasrespuestas instrucciones GENERALES 2 el examen consta de dos partes despudespueses de lo10 cual seguira un cuestionario y una cuestaencuestaen el examen esta grabadogranado y oira cada prepreguntagunta sigue la grabaciograbaciongrabaciobacionn despues que oye cada prepreguntagunta tendra un pocooco tiempo para contestarcontestercontestar la preguntapregunta cuandochando termina la gragrabacionbacion tendra mas tiempo para asegurarse de todas sus respuestasrespuestas 3 trate de no hablarhabalar con los demas mientrasmien tomatras el examen no deseamosdeseamusdesesaberamos cuacual1 l es su conocimiento como individuoindividua sino el de la gente hispanahispano en general al fedirpedir abudaayuda a otrosbotros no nos esta ayundandoayundando a prepararpreparerpreparar los materialesmateriales para las clasesalases de ingles sin embargo si sus pregunpreguntastas son acerbaacerca de como tomar el examen levante la mano y con gusto iele ayudaremos duranteelexamenDURANTE EL EXAMEN 4 la primera parte del examen se iele dara una salabrapalabra en ingles y respuerespuestasstas en Esespanolafiolabiol escojaeacoja la respuestarespuesta que mas se acerque al significado de esa salabrapalabrapalabra si no conaceconoce la salabrapalabrapalabra escojaeacoja innoDimnoamnono sesern si trataarata de adivinaradivinar no nos ayudaraayudardayudaradard 5 la segunda parte del examen es toda en espanolespafiolEspafiol siga la mismas indicaciones que en la primera partearte pero como todo es en Espaespanolfiol debe tomar menos tiempo cuandochando se acabanababan las dos partes la profprofesoraprogrofesorarofesora ie daradard dos cosas mas uno es un cuestionario y el otro es una cuestaenencuesta los dos estaestann en espanolEspafiol buedepuedefuede tomar tanto tiempo que necesitanenecesitocesita paracuestionariolllenarilenarelenar estas dosos cosas 6 cuandochando llenas el cuestionario reshondarespondaresponda con honestidadhonestidad respuerespuestasstas negativnegativenegativasnegativesnegativasas no nos herheriranherbraniran


desde el fondo de nuestro corazocorazonniunlunjun millomillon n de gracias 132


test pace good aural ciaClaclarityritu eaeasy to hear mean 175918367346941.7591836734694 mean 0963265306122450.96326530612245 se 00673038377038560.067303837703856 se 00380763148208470.038076314820847 median 2 median 1 mode 2 mode 1 sd 105347169376711.0534716937671 sd 0595988597904680.59598859790468 range 4 range 3 min 0 min 0 max 4 max 3 english difficulty averaaverage svanishspanish didifficulty veryV easy mean 178367346938781.7836734693878 mean 124897959183671.2489795918367 se 00614226746635380.061422674663538 se 0044014855930950.04401485593095 median 2 median 1 mode 2 mode 1 sd 0961416931352680.96141693135268 sd 0688941469170250.68894146917025 range 3 range 3 min 0 min 0 max 3 max 3 instructions very clear test lengthh good mean 24163265306192.416326530619241632653061222.4163265306122 mean 167346938775511.6734693877551 se 00719576068782670.071957606878267 se 00517149117893330.051714911789333 median 3 median 2 mode 3 mode 2 sd 112631470334611.1263147033461 sd 0809466407479480.80946640747948 range 3 range 3 min 0 min 0 max 3 max 3 enjoymentenioenlo t yes mood very good mean 0979591836734690.97959183673469 mean 396326530612243.9632653061224 se 00402605181358860.040260518135886 se 0104328324341340.10432832434134 median 1 median 5 mode 1 mode 5 sd 0630176787528420.63017678752842 sd 163299657644111.6329965764411 range 3 range 5 min 0 min 0 max 3 max 5 133


englishE itemss logit values Spanishspanish itemss aesues item legit E item lorit valuesvalvai ITEMS LOGITS 0OUTFITU sSEE j ITEMS LOGITS OUTFIT SE el I1 04510.4510 451401 F1401.4014051.4055 F003620.362362 sls1sa 09110.911 06470.647 04830.483 e2ea 21902.190 04680.468 04350.435 s2sa 130813081.308 01740.17400174 10221.022 e3ea 134013401.340 04730.47300473 03890.389 s3sa 24002.400 062206220.62200622 03480.348 e4ea 007800780.0780o07800078 10591.059 01820.182 s4sa 12431.24310243 006700670.067 04680.468 e5ea 118911891.189 12681.268 03840.384 s5sa 052205220.522 07480.748 07550.755 e6ea 00220.022 046704670.46700467 01820.18200182 s6sa 12601.260 156115611.561 02130.213 e7ea 089708970.897 18801.880 03750.375 s7sa 21402.14020140 01240.12400124 03640.364 e8ea 104110411.041 05180.518 03790.379 s8sa 200820082.008 04820.482 13831.383 e9ea 21792.179 10011.001 04060.406 s9sa 36753.675 31853.18530185 03110.311 eioeloe10 20162.016 00160.016 03990.399 s10slosio 06520.652 080508050.805 05180.518 elleli 35543.554 01240.12400124 02250.225 sllslisii 31673.167 043604360.436 01560.15600156 e12 007800780.07800078 016301630.163 03620.362 s12 052205220.522 07020.702 07550.755 e13 104110411.041 04240.424 03790.379 s13 002500250.02500025 052405240.52400524 06370.637 e14 05840.584 090609060.906 03630.363 s14 130813081.308 00970.097 10221.022 e15 01800.180 063006300.630 01830.183 515 084608460.846 046904690.469 04090.409 e16elgeig 02110.211 062906290.629 03630.363 s16sig 15251.525 102810281.028 04140.41400414 e17 200320032.003 12951.295 04230.423 s17 052205220.522 045204520.45200452 07550.755 e18 09890.989 077507750.775 03680.368 s18 21402.140 031203120.312 03640.364 e19eig 01870.187 071307130.713 03610.361 s19sig 052205220.522 030803080.308 07550.75500755 e20 09160.916 17012012201901.9012201.220 01820.182 stos20 124312431.243 028302830.283 04680.468 e21 18581.858 002700270.027 03920.392 s21 11381.138 oooo00000.000 04550.455 e22 20162.016 050005000.500 03990.399 s22 06520.652 053705370.537 05180.518 e23 21792.17920179 10891.089 04060.406 s23 43704.370 22052.20520205 03210.321 e24 007800780.07800078 005100510.05100051 03620.362 s24 05220529052205290.5220.529 003700370.0370o03700037 07550.755 e25 14471.44710447 03160.316 02050.205 s25 068206820.682 107710771.077 03860.386 e26 04510.451 15921.592 03620.362 s26 15251.52510525 055405540.55400554 04140.414 e27 014601460.146 074107410.741 01830.183 s27 124312431.243 015901590.159 04680.468 e28 05840.584 09030.903 01800.180 s28 11641.164 026402640.264 02180.21800218 e29 06180.618 043504350.435 03690.369 s29 052205220.522 06590.659 07550.755 e30 15771.577 08890.889 02090.209 s30 03010.301 052505250.52500525 02780.278 e31 18581.85810858 05660.566 03920.392 s31 052205220.522 07950.795 07550.755 e32 00540.054 03610.361 03620.362 s32 09110.911 022102210.221 04830.483 e33 149614961.496 02020.202 03960.396 s33 052205220.522 06590.659 07550.755 e34 03190.319 046804680.468 03620.362 s34 002500250.025 02660.266 06370.637 e35 226222622.262 05500.550 02330.233 s35 03010.301 12051.20510205 02780.27800278 e36 034503450.345 048504850.485 03650.365 s36 002500250.025 02820.282 06370.637 e37 03190.319 00960.096 03620.362 s37 002500250.025 006000600.060 06370.63700637 e38 07180.718 033803380.338 03640.364 s38 052205220.522 03300.330 07550.755 e39 15561.556 01810.181 03820.382 s39 002500250.02500025 048604860.486 06370.637 e40 00890.089 03990.399 01810.181 s40 13521.352 09540.954 02080.208 e41 007800780.07800078 00090.009 01820.182 s41 08440.844 064206420.642 02370.23700237 e42 238823882.388 10351.035 04500.450 s42 03480.348 074507450.745 05670.567 e43 00540.054 084008400.840 03620.362 s43 03480.348 001900190.019 05670.567 e44 14101.410 00730.073 03780.378 s44 002500250.025 00130.013 06370.637 e45 132213221.322 01840.184 02020.202 s45 027802780.278 047704770.477 03360.336 e46 01870.187 logo10901.090 03610.361 s46 052205220.522 045204520.452 07550.755 e47 134013401.340 00530.053 03890.389 s47 09110.911 044504450.445 04830.483 e48 01120.112 025302530.253 01830.183 s48 04540.454 13691.369 02660.266 e49 05840.584 00210.021 03630.363 s49 03480.348 05870.587 05670.567 e50 140514051.405 00580.058 02040.204 s50 03790.379 134213421.342 02720.272 e51 05840.584 03290.329 03630.363 s51 13411.341 03810.381 04320.432 e52 20162.016 025202520.25200252 03990.399 s52 200820082.008 04820.482 13831.383 e53 33583.358 04500.450 04890.489 s53 052205220.522 01610.161 07550.755 e54 134013401.340 000800080.008 03890.389 s54 002500250.025 041804180.418 06370.637 e55 03210.321 103810381.03810038 02080.208 s55 15431.543 01120.112 05810.58100581 e56 264926492.649 06620.662 03800.380 s56 044204420.442 10201.020 05370.537 e57 022802280.228 027702770.277 02770.277 s57 123712371.23710237 01150.115 07180.718 e58 20592.059 40114.011 02760.276 s58 05770.577 12251.225 03750.375 e59 12411.241 441104110.411 02680.268 s59 190919091.90910909 02660.266 09020.90200902 e60ego 23702.370 03140.314 02790.279 s60 078207820.782 003600360.036 06090.609 e61eglegi 145114511.451 05170.517 03150.315 s61 078207820.782 oooo00000.000 06090.609 e62 ligo11601.160 04130.413 03040.304 s62 07160.716 015101510.151 03590.359 e63 046604660.466 074307430.743 02830.283 s63 10751.075 11041.10410104 03220.322 e64 165816581.658 03400.340 03240.324 s64 078207820.782 029802980.298 06090.609 e65 097609760.976 01160.116 02970.297 s65 01700.170 077907790.77900779 04860.486 r faf7 1 e66egg I1 06640.66400664 1 14781.478 1 0260.2602670.267 s66 24962.496 031403140.314 1 02370.237 1 134

english items lorit071001&71values14z spanish itemitemss legitlogit valuesvalvaiaesues ITEMSTEM LOGITS SE ITEMS LOGITS OUTFIT SE e676 2759 0055055.055ot5ota 02760.276 s67 13711.371 092309230.923 02970.297 e68 022802280.228 004580.458458458.458 02770.277 s68 10751.075 091209120.912 03220.322 e69egg 135113511.351 00510.051 03110.311 s69 123712371.237 05190.519 07180.718 e70 10241.024 077207720.772 02670.267 s70 04230.423 050505050.505 03950.395 e71 26092.609 042004200.420 02820.282 s71 22582.258 104710471.047 02460.246 e72 17551.755 102710271.027 02720.272 s72 17831.783 067506750.675 02700.270 e73 088708870.887 028402840.284 02950.295 s73 078207820.782 043804380.438 06090.609 e74 02270.227 069906990.699 02700.270 s74 04230.423 078607860.786 03950.395 e75 165816581.658 09460.946 03240.324 s75 00560.056 048104810.481 04480.448 e76 038503850.385 02390.239 02810.281 s76 10751.075 039303930.393 03220.322 e77 097609760.976 12871.287 02970.297 s77 044204420.442 07340.734 05370.537 e78 165816581.658 06990.699 03240.324 s78 19091.909 olig01190.119 09020.902 e79 211521152.115 02440.244 03470.347 s79 19091.909 07770.777 09020.902 e80 022802280.228 027402740.274 02770.277 s80 301130113.011 08020.802 11771.177 e81 007300730.073 083608360.836 02750.275 s81 078207820.782 072407240.724 06090.609 e82 09520.952 076307630.763 02670.267 s82 04230.423 019301930.193 03950.395 e83 030603060.306 046604660.466 02790.279 s83 078207820.782 008000800.080 06090.609 e84 10241.024 12611.261 02670.267 s84 01700.170 099409940.994 04860.486 e85 01530.153 060006000.600 02710.271 s85 123712371.237 05560.556 07180.718 e86 04470.447 058705870.587 02680.268 s86 09640.964 loog10061.006 03330.333 e87 01530.153 05110.511 02710.271 s87 123712371.237 016601660.166 07180.718 e88 07360.736 10511.051 02670.267 s88 02510.251 040704070.407 04180.418 e89 05920.592 049604960.496 02670.267 s89 08450.845 068806880.688 03450.345 e90ego 038503850.385 04580.458 02810.281 s90 07160.716 078207820.782 03590.359 e91egiegl 071507150.715 01280.128 02890.289 591 04230.423 141014101.410 03950.395 e92 00780.078 03780.378 02720.272 s92 05770.577 070407040.704 03750 375 e93 01500.150 14101.410 02760.276 s93 21952.195 090609060.906 02490.249 e94 20632.063 01810.181 03840.384 s94 05760.576 042504250.425 04670.467 e95 04620.462 006800680.068 03300.330 s95 00590.059 084908490.849 05370.537 e96egg 139913991.399 016701670.167 03680.368 s96 067506750.675 10161.016 06660.666 e97 olgg01960.196 00570.057 03310.331 s97 12111.211 04930.493 07770.777 e98 053305330.533 14881.488 03360.336 s98 12111.211 015701570.157 07770.777 e99egg olgg01960.196 08040.804 03310.331 s99 195419541.954 0169olgg0.169 09210.921 e100 23752.375 05970.597 04040.404 sloos100 13271.327 01800.180 03940.394 eloie101 042004200.420 10221.022 03340.334 s101 026802680.268 08740.874 05900.590 e102 07960.796 04090.409 03350.335 s102 09830.983 009000900.090 04240.424 e103 0910oglo0.910 05300.530 03370.337 s103 195419541.954 14591.459 09210.921 e104 064906490.649 044904490.449 03390.339 s104 195419541.954 10081.008 09210.921 e105 12641.264 04010.401 03470.347 s105 067506750.675 034903490.349 06660.666 e106 008600860.086 00010.001 03300.330 s106slog 05760.576 029402940.294 04670.467 e107 113511351.135 01920.192 03550.355 s107 195419541.954 01690.169 09210.921 e108 10261.026 05550.555 03400.340 s108 12111.211 03100.310 07770.777 e109 olgg01960.196 01590.159 03310.331 s109slog 195419541.954 0169olgg0.169 09210.921 eiloe110 064906490.649 022202220.222 03390.339 s110 00590.059 024502450.245 05370.537 ellleliieillbellle111 20632.063 03900.390 03840.384 slllsilisillhllls111 24982.498 03300.330 03310.331 e112 008600860.086 01670.167 03300.330 s112 07890.789 05450.545 04430.443 e113 019601960.196 039903990.399 03310.331 s113 067506750.675 034903490.349 06660.666 e114 01330.133 01500.150 03290.329 s114 00590.059 086608660.866 05370.537 e115 154015401.540 01410.141 03760.376 s115 05760.576 029102910.291 04670.467 elige116 053305330.533 01870.187 03360.336 sligs116 121112111.211 024702470.247 07770.777 e117 200420042.004 14681.468 04070.407 s117 12111.211 024702470.247 07770.777 e118 184018401.840 01320.132 03950.395 s118 12111.211 003200320.032 07770.777 elige119 16431.643 012901290.129 03620.362 sligsiigs119 067506750.675 044404440.444 06660.666 e120 088608860.886 043004300.430 03460.346 s120 026802680.268 02160.216 05900.590 e121 076607660.766 01700.170 03420.342 s121 07890.789 036803680.368 04430.443 e122 11351.135 035603560.356 03550.355 s122 00590.059 056305630.563 05370.537 e123 184018401.840 01940.194 03950.395 s123 067506750.675 056505650.565 06660.666 e124 loog10091.009 01170.117 03500.350 s124 026802680.268 083108310.831 05900.590 e125 076607660.766 01510.151 03420.342 s125 05760.576 028002800.280 04670.467 e126 06840.684 ogil09110.911 03330.333 5126 026802680.268 026002600.260 05900.590 e127 09100.910 08690.869 03370.337 s127 067506750.675 02430.243 06660.666 e128 008600860.086 037503750.375 03300.330 s128 12111.211 00760.076 07770.777 e129 00240.024 018501850.185 03290.329 5129 067506750.675 030403040.304 06660.666 e130 10261.026 00780.078 03400.340 s130 03350.335 05900.590 04980.498

1 1 0886 1 0.913 1 0.346 1 02680.2688 1 0.320 1 0.590 e131 08860.886 0913 0346 s131 02602680 0320 0590 1 135



1 legitlogit item word legitlogit item word 264926492.649 56 really 30113.011 80 tithing 238823882.388 42 messenger 200820082.008 52 discouraged 226222622.262 35 fulltimefull time 200820082.008 8 success 2192192.19 2 handicapped 195419541.954 109 forgive 21152.115 79 elect 195419541.954 107 storage 200420042.004 117 contact 195419541.954 104 kneel 200320032.003 17 testify 195419541.954 103 journal 1841841.84 123 ancestors 195419541.954 99 discuss 1841.84 118 discussion 19091.909 79 elect 165816581.658 78 commandment 19091.909 78 commandment 165816581.658 75 support 19091.909 59 selfishness 165816581.658 64 depressed 15431.543 55 sabbath 15771.577 30 stake 130813081.308 14 punishment 1541.54 115 understand 130813081.308 2 handicapped 149614961.496 33 forever 12431.243 27 fasting 145114511.451 61 council 12431.243 20 loyal 14471.447 25 relief society 12431.243 4 sealingsdealingssealings 140514051.405 50 heavenly father 12371.237 87 fund 13991.399 96 meetings 12371.237 85 widow 135113511.351 69 chapter 12371.237 69 chapter 1341.34 54 convert 12371.237 57 custom 1341.34 47 assignment 12111.211 128 forgiveness 1341.34 3 rebaptism 12111.211 118 discussion 13221.322 45 celestial kingdom 12111.211 117 contact 11891.189 5 approve 12111.211 116 force 1161161.16 62 celestial marriage 12111.211 108 development 11351.135 122 absence 12111.211 98 blessings 11351.135 107 storage 12111.211 97 perform 104110411.041 13 faith 084608460.846 15 gospel 10411.041 8 success 078207820.782 83 priesthood 1009loog10091.009 124 standard 078207820.782 81 request 097609760.976 77 translation 078207820.782 73 relative 097609760.976 65 suggest 078207820.782 64 depressed 089708970.897 7 mormon pioneers 078207820.782 61 council 088708870.887 73 relative 078207820.782 60 henceforth 088608860.886 131 numerous 068206820.682 25 relief society 088608860.886 120 someday 067506750.675 129 tithe 076607660.766 125 restore 067506750.675 127 cast out 076607660.766 121 worldwide 067506750.675 123 ancestors 071507150.715 91 create 067506750.675 119 doubt 064906490.649 110 remembrance 067506750.675 113 fulfill a dream 064906490.649 104 kneel 067506750.675 105 reject 061806180.618 29 heavens 067506750.675 96 meetings 053305330.533 116 force 052205220.522 53 handout 053305330.533 98 blessings 052205220.522 46 priesthood holder 046604660.466 63 faithful 052205220.522 38 improvement 136


legitlogit item word loaft item word 0420420.42 101 727777777ehousestorehouseehouse 05220599052205990.5220.599 33 forever 038503850.385 90 welfare 052205220.522 31 strive 038503850.385 76 recipe 052205220.522 29 heavens 034503450.345 36 miracle 052205970579052205990.5220.599 24 needy 030603060.306 83 priesthood 052205220.522 19 righteous 022802280.228 80 tithing 052205220.522 17 testify 022802280.228 68 ward 052205220.522 12 guilty 0228022802980.228 57 custom 052205220.522 5 approve 02110.211 16 purpose 044204420.442 77 translation olgg01960.196 113 fulfill a dream 044204420.442 56 really olgg01960.196 109 forgive 027802780.278 45 celestial kingdom olgg01960.196 99 discuss 026802680.268 131 numerous olgg01960.196 97 perform 026802680.268 126 nursery 0180180.18 15 gospel 026802680.268 124 standard 0150.15 93 convert 026802680.268 120 someday 014601460.146 27 fasting 026802680.268 101 storehouse 01120.112 48 firstborn 0170170.17 84 beyond 008600860.086 128 forgiveness 0170170.17 65 suggest 008600860.086 112 high councilor 002500250.025 54 convert 008600860.086 106 sacred 002500250.025 44 unselfish 007800780.078 41 savior 002500250.025 39 discouragement 007800780.078 24 needy 002500250.025 37 skill 007800780.078 12 guilty 002500250.025 36 miracle 007800780.078 4 sealingsdealingssealings 002500250.025 34 forgave 007300730.073 81 request 002500250.025 13 faith 00220.022 6 holy ghost 00560.056 75 support 00240.024 129 tithe 00590.059 95 follower 00540.054 32 word of wisdom 00590.059 110 remembrance 00540.054 43 strengthen 00590.059 114 knowledge 00780.078 92 offering 00590.059 122 absence 00890.089 40 chapel 02510.251 88 attendance 01330.133 114 knowledge 03010.301 30 stake 01530.153 85 widow 03010.301 35 fulltimefull time 015301530.153 87 fund 03350.335 130 holds the priesthood 01870.187 19 righteous 03480.348 42 messenger 01870.187 46 priesthood holder 03480.348 43 strengthen 022702270.227 74 calling 03480.348 49 illness 03190.319 34 forgave 03790.379 50 heavenly father 031903190.319 37 skill 04230.423 70 supply 03210.321 55 sabbath 04230.423 74 calling 044704470.447 86 advisor 04230.423 82 pattern 04510.451 1 statement 04230.423 91 create 04510.451 26 challenge 04540.454 48 firstborn 04620.462 95 follower 05760.576 94 pride 05840.584 14 punishment 05760.576 106 sacred 05840.584 28 meetinghouse 05760.576 115 understand 05840.584 49 illness 05760.576 125 restore 137


1 legitlogit item word legitlogit item word 05840.584 51 strength 05770.577 58 grief 05920.592 89 therefore 05770.577 92 offering 06640.664 66 judge 06520.652 10 worship 06840.684 126 nursery 065206520.652 22 almighty 07180.718 38 improvement 07160.716 62 celestial marriage 07360.736 88 attendance 07160.716 90 welfare 07960.796 102 partnership 07890.789 112 high councilor 091ogi0.91 103 journal 07890.789 121 worldwide 091ogi0.91 127 cast out 08440.844 41 savior 09160.916 20 loyal 08450.845 89 therefore 09520.952 82 pattern 09110.911 1 statement 09890.989 18 everlasting ogil09110.911 32 word of wisdom 10241.024 70 supply ogil09110.911 47 assignment 10241.024 84 beyond 09640.964 86 advisor 10261.026 108 development 09830.983 102 partnership 10261.026 130 holds the priesthood 10751.075 63 faithful 12411.241 59 selfishness 10751.075 68 ward 12641.264 105 reject 10751.075 76 recipe 1411.41 44 unselfish 11381.138 21 accomplish 15561.556 39 discouragement 11641.164 28 meetinghouse 16431.643 119 doubt 1261.26 6 holy ghost 17551.755 72 achieve 13271.327 100 mob 18581.858 21 accomplish 13411.341 51 strength 18581.858 31 strive 13521.352 40 chapel 20162.016 10 worship 13711.371 67 scattered 20162.016 22 almighty 15251.525 16 purpose 201620162.016 52 discouraged 15251.525 26 challenge 20592.059 58 grief 17831.783 72 achieve 20592.059 67 scattered 2142.14 7 mormon pioneers 20632.063 94 pride 2142.14 18 everlasting 20632.063 111 accomplishment 21952.195 93 convert 21792.179 9 assure 22582.258 71 wicked 21792.179 23 poster 242.4 3 rebaptism 2372.37 60 henceforth 24962.496 66 judge 23752.375 100 mob 24982.498 111 accomplishment 26092.609 71 wicked 31673.167 1111 wickedness 33583.358 53 handout 36753.675 9 assure 35543.554 11 wickedness 4374.37 23 poster 138

appendix Q spanishenglishSpanish English item legitlogit values calculated for 95 confidence range highlowhightowHigh Low values

sirse ense pt siex eny spseapse ense pt sex eny 0483 0362 1 legitlogit 0911 0451 0414 0363 16 legitlogit 1525 0211 high 1877 1175 high 2353 0515 low 0055 0273 low 0697 0937 1022 0435 2 legitlogit 1308 219 0755 0423 17 legitlogit 0522 2003 high 0736 132 high 0988 1157 low 3352 306 low 2032 2849 0348 0389 3 legitlogit 24 134 0364 0368 18 legitlogit 214 0989 high 3096 0562 high 2868 1725 low 1704 2118 low 1412 0253 0468 0182 4 legitlogit 1243 0078 0755 0361 19 legitlogit 0522 0187 high 0307 0286 high 0988 0909 low 2179 0442 low 2032 0535 0755 0384 5 legitlogit 0522 1189 0468 0182 20 legitlogit 1243 0916 high 0988 0421 high 0307 128 low 2032 1957 low 2179 0552 0213 0182 6 legitlogit 126 0022 0455 0392 21 legitlogit 1138 1858 high 1686 0386 high 2048 2642 low 0834 0342 low 0228 1074 0364 0375 7 legitlogit 214 0897 0518 0399 22 legitlogit 0652 2016 high 2868 0147 high 1688 2814 low 1412 1647 low 0384 1218 1383 0379 8 legitlogit 2008 1041 0321 0406 23 legitlogit 437 2179 high 0758 0283 high 5012 2991 low 4774 1799 low 3728 1367 0311 0406 9 legitlogit 3675 2179 0755 0362 24 legitlogit 0522 0078 high 4297 2991 high 0988 0646 low 3053 1367 low 2032 0802 0518 0399 10 legitlogit 0652 2016 0386 0205 25 legitlogit 0682 1447 high 1688 2814 high 009 1037 low 0384 1218 low 1454 1857 0156 0225 11 legitlogit 3167 3554 0414 0362 26 legitlogit 1525 0451 high 3479 4004 high 2353 1175 low 2855 3104 low 0697 0273 0755 0362 12 legitlogit 0522 0078 0468 0183 27 legitlogit 1243 0146 high 0988 0646 high 0307 022 low 2032 0802 low 2179 0512 0637 0379 13 legitlogit 0025 1041 0218 018 28 legitlogit 1164 0584 high 1249 0283 high 16 0944 low 1299 1799 low 0728 0224 1022 0363 14 legitlogit 1308 0584 0755 0369 29 legitlogit 0522 0618 high 0736 131 high 0988 012 low 3352 0142 low 2032 1356 0409 0183 15 legitlogit 0846 018 0278 0209 30 legitlogit 0301 1577 high 0028 0186 high 0857 11591 11159 995119951 low 1664 054610.54610546 low 0255 1995199 spsespanish standard error enseenghshenseenglishEnSe English standard error item ptdatapedata point spxspanishspxspamsh xaxisX axis value english yaxisY axis value 139

appendix Q cont spanishenglishSpanish English item legitlogit values calculated for 95 confidence range eghlowhighlowhightowHighI Low values spseapse ense pt fpxspx eny spseapse ense pt fpxspx eny 0755 0392 31 legitlogit 0522 1858 0755 0361 46 legitlogit 0522 0187 high 0988 2642 high 0988 0909 low 2032 1074 low 2032 0535 0483 0362 32 legitlogit 0911 0054 0483 0389 47 legitlogit 0911 134 high 1877 0778 high 1877 0562 low 0055 067 low 0055 2118 0755 0396 33 legitlogit 0522 1496 0266 0183 48 legitlogit 0454 0112 high 0988 0704 high 0986 0254 low 2032 2288 low 0078 0478 0637 0362 34 legitlogit 0025 0319 0567 0363 49 legitlogit 0348 0584 high 1249 1043 high 1482 131 low 1299 0405 low 0786 0142 0278 0233 35 legitlogit 0301 2262 0272 0204 50 legitlogit 0379 1405 high 0857 1796 high 0923 0997 low 0255 2728 low 0165 1813 0637 0365 36 legitlogit 0025 0345 0432 0363 51 legitlogit 1341 0584 high 1249 0385 high 2205 131 low 1299 1075 low 0477 0142 0637 0362 37 legitlogit 0025 0319 1383 0399 52 legitlogit 2008 2016 high 1249 1043 high 0758 2814 low 1299 0405 low 4774 1218 0755 0364 38 legitlogit 0522 0718 0755 0489 53 legitlogit 0522 3358 high 0988 1446 high 0988 4336 low 2032 001 low 2032 238 0637 0382 39 legitlogit 0025 1556 0637 0389 54 legitlogit 0025 134 high 1249 232 high 1249 0562 low 1299 0792 low 1299 2118 0208 0181 40 legitlogit 1352 0089 0581 0208 55 legitlogit 1543 0321 high 1768 0451 high 0381 0737 low 0936 0273 low 2705 0095 0237 0182 41 legitlogit 0844 0078 0537 038 56 legitlogit 0442 2649 high 1318 0286 high 0632 1889 low 037 0442 low 1516 3409 0567 045 42 legitlogit 0348 2388 0718 0277 57 legitlogit 1237 0228 high 1482 1488 high 0199 0326 low 0786 3288 low 2673 0782 0567 0362 43 legitlogit 0348 0054 0375 0276 58 legitlogit 0577 2059 high 1482 0778 high 1327 2611 low 0786 067 low 0173 1507 0637 0378 44 legitlogit 0025 141 0902 0268 59 legitlogit 1909 1241 high 1249 2166 high 0105 1777 low 1299 0654 low 3713 0705 0336 0202 45 legitlogit 0278 1322 0609 0279 60 legitlogit 0782 237 high 0394 0918 high 0436 2928 low 095 1726172611.7261 low 2 1812 spsespanishspsespamsh standard error enseenghshenseenglishEnSe English standard error item ptdatapedata point spxspanishspxspamsh xaxisX axis value english yaxisY axis value 140

appendix Q cont spanishenghshspanishenglishSpanish English item legitlogit values calculated for 95 confidence range highlowhightowHigh Low values spseapse ense pt fpxspx eny spseapse ense pt sex eny 0609 0315 61 legitlogit 0782 1451 0322 0281 76 legitlogit 1075 0385 high 0436 0821 high 1719 0177 low 2 2081 low 0431 0947 0359 0304 62 legitlogit 0716 116 0537 0297 77 legitlogit 0442 0976 high 1434 0552 high 0632 0382 low 0002 1768 low 1516 157 0322 0283 63 legitlogit 1075 0466 0902 0324 78 legitlogit 1909 1658 high 1719 01 high 0105 101 low 0431 1032 low 3713 2306 0609 0324 64 legitlogit 0782 1658 0902 0347 79 legitlogit 1909 2115 high 0436 101 high 0105 1421 low 2 2306 low 3713 2809 0486 0297 65 legitlogit 017 0976 1177 0277 80 legitlogit 3011 0228 high 0802 0382 high 0657 0326 low 1142 157 low 5365 0782 0237 0267 66 legitlogit 2496 0664 0609 0275 81 legitlogit 0782 0073 high 297 1198 high 0436 0477 low 2022 013 low 2 0623 0297 0276 67 legitlogit 1371 2059 0395 0267 82 legitlogit 0423 0952 high 1965 2611 high 1213 1486 low 0777 1507 low 0367 0418 0322 0277 68 legitlogit 1075 0228 0609 0279 83 legitlogit 0782 0306 high 1719 0326 high 0436 0252 low 0431 0782 low 2 0864 0718 0311 69 legitlogit 1237 1351 0486 0267 84 legitlogit 017 1024 high 0199 0729 high 0802 1558 low 2673 1973 low 1142 049 0395 0267 70 legitlogit 0423 1024 0718 0271 85 legitlogit 1237 0153 high 1213 1558 high 0199 0695 low 0367 049 low 2673 0389 0246 0282 71 legitlogit 2258 2609 0333 0268 86 legitlogit 0964 0447 high 275 3173 high 163 0983 low 1766 2045 low 0298 0089 027 0272 72 legitlogit 1783 1755 0718 0271 87 legitlogit 1237 0153 high 2323 2299 high 0199 0695 low 1243 1211 low 2673 0389 0609 0295 73 legitlogit 0782 0887 0418 0267 88 legitlogit 0251 0736 high 0436 0297 high 1087 127 low 2 1477 low 0585 0202 0395 027 74 legitlogit 0423 0227 0345 0267 89 legitlogit 0845 0592 high 1213 0767 high 1535 1126 low 0367 0313 low 0155 0058 0448 0324 75 legitlogit 0056 1658 0359 0281 90 legitlogit 0716 0385 high 0952 101 high 1434 0177 low 084 2306230612.3061 low 0002 0947 spsespanishspsespamsh standard error enseenglishense english standard error item ptdatapedata point spxspanishspxspamsh xaxisX axis value english yaxisY axis value 141

appendix Q cont spanishenglishSpanish English item legitlogit values calculated for 95 confidence range highlowhightowHigh Low values spseapse ense pt sex eny spseapse ense pt fpxspx eny 0395 0289 91 legitlogit 0423 0715 0467 033 106 legitlogit 0576 0086 high 1213 0137 high 151 0574 low 0367 1293 low 0358 0746 0375 0272 92 legitlogit 0577 0078 0921 0355 107 legitlogit 1954 1135 high 1327 0622 high 0112 0425 low 0173 0466 low 3796 1845 0249 0276 93 legitlogit 2195 015 0777 034 108 legitlogit 1211 1026 high 2693 0402 high 0343 1706 low 1697 0702 low 2765 0346 0467 0384 94 legitlogit 0576 2063 0921 0331 109 legitlogit 1954 0196 high 151 2831 high 0112 0466 low 0358 1295 low 3796 0858 0537 033 95 legitlogit 0059 0462 0537 0339 110 legitlogit 0059 0649 high 1133 1122 high 1133 0029 low 1015 0198 low 1015 1327 0666 0368 96 legitlogit 0675 1399 0331 0384 111 legitlogit 2498 2063 high 0657 0663 high 316 2831 low 2007 2135 low 1836 1295 0777 0331 97 legitlogit 1211 0196 0443 033 112 legitlogit 0789 0086 high 0343 0466 high 1675 0574 low 2765 0858 low 0097 0746 0777 0336 98 legitlogit 1211 0533 0666 0331 113 legitlogit 0675 0196 high 0343 0139 high 0657 0466 low 2765 1205 low 2007 0858 0921 0331 99 legitlogit 1954 0196 0537 0329 114 legitlogit 0059 0133 high 0112 0466 high 1133 0791 low 3796 0858 low 1015 0525 0394 0404 100 legitlogit 1327 2375 0467 0376 115 legitlogit 0576 154 high 2115 3183 high 151 0788 low 0539 1567 low 0358 2292 059 0334 101 legitlogit 0268 042 0777 0336 116 legitlogit 1211 0533 high 0912 0248 high 0343 0139 low 1448 1088 low 2765 1205 0424 0335 102 legitlogit 0983 0796 0777 0407 117 legitlogit 1211 2004 high 1831 1466 high 0343 119 low 0135 0126 low 2765 2818 0921 0337 103 legitlogit 1954 091 0777 0395 118 legitlogit 1211 184 high 0112 1584 high 0343 105 low 3796 0236 low 2765 263 0921 0339 104 legitlogit 1954 0649 0666 0362 119 legitlogit 0675 1643 high 0112 0029 high 0657 2367 low 3796 1327 low 2007 0919 0666 0347 105 legitlogit 0675 1264 059 0346 120 legitlogit 0268 0886 high 0657 1958 high 0912 0194 low 2007 05710.571057 low 1448 1578i1578 spsespanishspsespamsh standard error enseenglishEnSe English standard error item ptdatapedata point spxspanishspxspamsh xaxisX axis value english yaxisY axis value 142

appendix Q cont spanishenglishSpanish English item legitlogit values calculated for 95 confidence range highlowhightowHigh Low values spsespscapse ense pt fpxspx eny 0443 0342 121 legitlogit 0789 0766 high 1675 0082 low 0097 145 0537 0355 122 legitlogit 0059 1135 high 1133 0425 low 1015 1845 0666 0395 123 legitlogit 0675 184 high 0657 105 low 2007 263 059 035 124 legitlogit 0268 1009 high 0912 0309 low 1448 1709 0467 0342 125 legitlogit 0576 0766 high 151 0082 low 0358 145 059 0333 126 legitlogit 0268 0684 high 0912 135 low 1448 0018 0666 0337 127 legitlogit 0675 091 high 0657 1584 low 2007 0236 0777 033 128 legitlogit 1211 0086 high 0343 0574 low 2765 0746 0666 0329 129 legitlogit 0675 0024 high 0657 0682 low 2007 0634 0498 034 130 legitlogit 0335 1026 high 1331 1706 low 0661 0346 059 0346 131 legitlogit 0268 0886 high 0912 0194 low 1448 1578 spsespanishspsespamsh standard error enseenghshenseenglishEnSe English standard error item ptdatapedata point spxspanishspxspamsh xaxisX axis value english yaxisY axis value 143

appendix R item legitlogit plots with 95 confidence range

item 1 statement item 2 handicapped


Sz1za Z

nr11 0.5OS05 45 05 1aaa 45 S0


spanish difficulty spanish difficulty

item 3 rebaptism item 4 sealingsseadealingslings

454.5 454.5 353.5 353.5 Z 2aaa 2 2 75 0 W V i5ia 9 05 9 fififtfin 45 050.5OS 454.54 05 45 i 1 5

35 45 spanish difficulty spanish difficulty

item 5 approve item 6 holy ghost

454.5 454.5 353.5 35 15 2 St3 5151.51 1 S 0.505 ft0.505 05 05 u 05 C 454 as ot050 5 i 45454.53 y 05 252.5 R 2515 r 3 454.5 spanish difficulty spanish difficulty

item 7 mormon pioneers item 8 success

454.5 4454.5 353.5 353.5 25 & 5 Arl W 151 03 g ft aa 45 05 X 45 0a 05 1 1 r aabnab 454.5 2.52535 LU& 25 1155 353.5 45 F spanish difficulty spanish difficulty

item 9 assure item 10 worship

454.5 4 5 5.5 3 5 Z & 2 5 0

050.5 05 j 05 45454.5 090 9 5 45 05 1 1 152 ILU I1LU 5.5 4 5

spanish difficulty spanish difficulty 144

appendix R continued

item II11 wickedness itemliem 12 guilty

4aaa A 3aaa r 2 5 75 W oksGIsoss ftcft5n r a isi 05 454 05 3a3A 4A r 4451 spanish difficulty spanish difficulty

item 13 faithfalth item 14 punishment

454.5 A I1 353.5 2 5 2j5 3 151.5 1 0 5 S ftcft& A C M 0 7 5 0 oz0 1 C i 454.5j & 2

44sas 41 spanish difficulty spanish difficulty

item IS15 gospel item 16 purpose

A C 353.5 2aaa W Us 050.5OS 43 9 050.5 433 0 454 5 151.51545

3sasribsrberb 45 5.5 spanish difficulty spanish difficulty

item 17 testify item 18 everlasting

454.5 454.5 353.5 2 25 75 15 frafr5 A C 45454.5 05 45454.55 J 050.5 Ii45 4154.15 252.5 353.5 45454.5 4sas4 spanish difficulty spanish difficulty

item 19 righteous item 20 loyal

454.5 41 353 5 3513.51 L 2.525 25 25 75 I1 r aas n5naAu fas 05 5 45454.55 050.5 454554.5 050.5 15J 151 C 252.52535 44 AS 454.5 spanish difficulty spanish difficulty 145

appendix R continued

item 21 accomplish itemitem2222 almighty

454.5 4 15 3aaa 2 F

1 45 05 9 45 050 5

2 9 aa3a 454.5 spanish difficulty spanish difficulty

itemitem2323 poster item 24 needy

45 A C 33 3Z M

9aaa ITIT 1 45 050.5 i 45454.5E 05oz LU w 35 3aaa 5 spanish difficulty spanish difficulty

item 25 relief society item 26 challenge

454.5 as 2 aj2j 8 t 15 05 aq M 05 45 050.5 ab5b ms r 353.5 4zaz spanish difficulty spanish difficulty

itemiten2727 fasting item 28 meetinghouse

454.5 45 353.5 353.5

S 45 050 5 i 45454.5 050.5 ri

4 44544.5 spanish difficulty spanish difficulty

item 29 heavens item 30 stake

454.5 454.5 353.5 353.5 Z 24 73

A i 45454.51 050.5 I1 454.5 0-0500.50

2& LU 50 q 959.535 4 5 454.5 spanish difficulty spanish difficulty 146 appendix R continued

itemliem 31 strive item 32 word of wisdom

454.5 A C

24- fe i5ia

5 455 05 454.53 05 1aaa 5

4 5 454.5 spanish difficulty spanish difficulty

item 33 forever item 34 forgavemorgave

454.5 4 5.5

75 a nar 45454.53 05 Ai 45454.5 j 050.5 252.5 f 2aaa 353.5 i e 454.5 as4s5 spanish difficulty spanish difficulty

item 35 fulltimefull time item 36 miracle

454.5 454.5 353.5 as 252.5 252.52535

g5ga 5 050.5 45454.5 05 i 46 2 A 353.5 4 4A spanish difficulty spanish difficulty

item 37 skill item 38 improvement

A C 353.5 m5ma z I1 ab 54 454.5s 050.5 454.5 J 050.5OS 1414 i5ia1 & z52aza2 r

1 Aas4se 45 spanish difficulty spanish difficulty

item 39 discouragement item 40 chapel

454.5 A C

2 252.52535 15 050.5 05 45454.55 05 45454.5 050.5 i5ia VAr 2 3 C r 4ai4i 4zaz4 spanish difficulty spanish difficulty 147

appendix R continued

item 41 savior itemitem4242 messenger

454.5 454.5 35 3aaa 5.5 25

95 OA 454544.5 t54vav5.5 45 05 i 45 2aaa a 45 spanish difficulty spanish difficulty

item43item 43 strengthen itemitem4444 unselfish

45 454.5

05 A C 0.0 5 43 Os 4545434.5 050.5OJ

5 C

4 5 spanish difficulty spanish difficulty

item 45 celestialceleshaisHal kingdom item 46 priesthood holder

4zaz 454.5 353.5 353.5 25 ia- &5 o 05 45454.5 65la15l5 1 454345.45 05 i 9- 2 5 3aaa 1 r 4 41541.5 spanish difficulty spanish difficulty

iterlierlienitemm 47 assignment item48item 48 firstborn

45 45

75 1 Q 454 0 45 05 1 1 4.4 Iw 3aaa c 454.5 spanish difficulty spanish difficulty

item49item 49 illness itemsoitem 50 heavenly father

454.5 454.5 x5X5 2 5


050.5 45454.5 050.5 45 159&59050.5

3 4 spanish difficulty spanish difficulty 148

appendix R continued

item 51 strength item 52 discouraged

4aaa 45 35 1l i5ia s nc i 454544.5 is 05 S 45 4aaa 050 5 it E 2cac 1 12r 3 5 45454.5 46 spanish difficulty spanish difficulty

item 53 handout item 54541 convert

454.5 415 45 1 C 2-45 as2 is 3 050.5 050.5 45 050.5oy 1 45454.5 050.5 a S 25 2 G

M e

spanish difficulty spanish difficulty

item 55 sabbath item 565& really

454.5 454.5 2 5 & 3 U5 Aq- 0005r 45454.5 050.5 S 1545 05 i IS ot i V 4544.5A 5ft spanish difficulty spanish difficulty

item 57 custom item 58 grief

45 4 5 353.5 3zaz

050.5 ftcft5 GA 4543454.5 0500.5 5 45454.5 05 454.5 1 2535252.5 252 5 3 4 r 1 45A t spanish difficulty spanish difficulty

item 59 selfishness item 60 henceforth

4 5 44A R 353.5 45 05 05 45 050 5 S 454.515 05 a 4 15 252.5 A r A tt

spanish difficulty spanish difficulty 149 appendix R continued

itemitem6161 council item 62 celestial marriage

454.5 45


0 A M S 45 05as 45454.5 m I1 ot q r 26

454.5 spanish difficulty spanish difficulty

item 63 faithful itemitem64l6cac depressed

454.5 454.5 353.5 353.5

5.5 W i5ia IN M 050.5og 45454.5 ir X 45454.5 C a01 M 3aaa 35 4 5 4 ri spanish difficulty spanish difficulty

item 65 suggest item 66 judge

454.5 454.5 as 2 5 & 225352.5 2zaz 7 7sas

A C GA i 45 005 I1 45454.5 050.5 g 2 25

45 454.5 spanish difficulty spanish difficulty

item 67 scattered item 68 ward

45 4aaa 353.5 353.5 2sas2 5 2sas S 3 it 5.5 3 050.5 Q Q 1 455 05 45454.5 05 a 15 i 2aaa

4 spanish difficulty spanish difficulty

item 69 chapter item 70 supply

454.5 4 5 x5X5 13513.5


45454.5 90590 5 az4z 050.5 i 454.5 M

35 35 4 r 4 5 spanish difficulty spanish difficulty 150 appendix R continued

item 71 wicked item72item 72 achieve

45 44544.5 35 3aaa 15 25

45 005OS5 45 05

11 E C W 5 15 454.5 454.5 spanish difficulty spanish difficulty

item 73 relative item 74 calling

45 4 5

2 5 25

05 05 S 45 0 090 9 45 05 iesles i5ia it C C & W 2aaa 35 3aaa 45454.5 spanish difficulty spanish difficulty

item 75 apport item 76 recipe

454.5 12 r 252.52535

GA 4 oji 45 050.5 65 I1 t 45 spanish difficulty spanish difficulty

item 77 translation item 78 commandment


1 45454.5 05 15 454 05 I & I ri I1 24 3 4 41541 5 spanish difficulty spanish difficulty

item 79 elect itemsoitem 80 tithing

454.5 41541.5 353.5 252.5 252.5

050.5 IPA C 1 C 5 45 ot050.5 S 15 05 4 SH 454.5 LU 2-5 r 3& 1.1 1 i 4 4 5 spanish difficulty spanish difficulty 151 appendix R continued

item 81 request

454.5 A M 35 15 25

05 aW 454.5 J 050.5 4554 050.5 151.5

15151.5 45454.5 spanish difficulty spanish difficulty

liemitem 83 priesthood item 84 beyond

454.5 454.5 353.5 353.5 aj2j 7sas 75 0

454.5 05 454 05oz0.5 45 fc5fco 15 2aaa 11 C 4sas as4s4 spanish difficulty spanish difficulty

itemliem 85 widow item 86 advisor

43 454.5 3 5 3zaz 22522.5

n e a Q Gs 45454.5 05 45454.535 050.5 i IIAA i5ia a 252 i 3cac I1 454.5 as4s spanish difficulty spanish difficulty

item 88 attendance

454.5 454.5

25352.5 454.5 1 AS n C 5.5 Nfl 9 05 5 05 j 050.5

C tu 35 4 5 44 5 spanish difficulty spanish difficulty

item 89 therefore item 90 welfare

454.5 4zaz 353.5 3 5

I1 A OS 05 45454.55 05oz0.5 6t 050.5of i5ia r

LU 2aaa 353.5 353.53ak1k

1 454.5 45454.5 spanish difficulty spanish difficulty 152

appendix R continued

item 91 create item 92 offering

A r A

2zaz s I1 r

A r 45454.5 615115 4543 05 tb I1 A &s01 C W as 35- 45 spanish difficulty spanish difficulty

item 93 convert item 94 pride

454.5 454.5 353.5

Us1 g Os0 n C 45454.5 050.5 454.54 OS 5 i zto5 g 2 r

spanish difficulty spanish difficulty

item 95 follower item 96 meetings

454.5 4zaz 353.5 15

050.5fagaag g5ga 45454.5 05 1 43 OJoff i I 14514.5 d 2 35 4ts5 45 spanish difficulty spanish difficulty

item 97 perform item 98 blessings

46 454.5

2 13 054050.5954 nc i gag5 45454.5 05 g 45 05 1 4 J t 2 al515l i

spanish difficulty spanish difficulty

item 99 discuss item loo100 mob

454.5 454.5


r A r 45454.5 r 050.5 451454.5 050 5 i i I 1 ri 1 I 3aaa 4 5 spanish difficulty spanish difficulty 153 appendix R continued

item 101 storehouse item 102 partnership

454.5 15 35 2 5 C is 1aaa

45454.55 05 az4z 05 5 ia aib7ib i5 01 r 2 3aaa as&s 4- 5 45 spanish difficulty spanish difficulty

item 103 journal item loeioe10410& kneel


2 ri 15n A 0aaa i 45 05 I1 454 050.5 2aaa A 3aaa 4 r 454.5 spanish difficulty spanish difficulty

item 105 reject itemlofcitem 106log sacred

4 5 454.5 353.5 353.5 252.52535 252.52535 s g C 05 Q 05 r 45454.5 05 5 15454 W 05 i 4 5.5 i5ia 2-5

A r4ra 4455 spanish difficulty spanish difficulty

item 107 storage item 108 development

454.5 454.5 353.5 13a s

059 05050.5 5 45 05 I1 454 05oz C 252.5

spanish difficulty spanish difficulty

item 109 forgive item llolio110 remembrance

45 353.5ag 2A

oaegaeOAM 1 45 E 050.5 g 45 05 abIsb 4sas & 252.5 3sas 4545.45 spanish difficulty spanish difficulty 154 appendix R continued

item iiilii111 accomplishment item 112212 high councilor

435 A C 45 35 2aaa 2 g i5ia Q q5qa9 454.5 05 35 050.5 i t

3aaa 4 45 spanish difficulty spanish difficulty

item 113 fulfill a dream item 11411147114 knowledge

454.5 A C

g M 5 05 9 Q 1 0aaa g 454-5 050.5 4554 050.5OS LAIrapeap 25 35 455.5 4 spanish difficulty spanish difficulty

item 115 understand item ilglim116 force

454.5 A M 353.5

aag 3 0503 0 45454.5s J 05 C LU 2 I1 r r 4454145 454.54 spanish difficulty spanish difficulty L

item 117 contact item 118 disdiscussiodiscussiondimcussio

4sas A C 353.5 252.5

Q 0A 959 5 45454.53 65 66 9 a 32 C 252.5U5 3aaa 4aaa 454.5R spanish difficulty spanish difficulty

item ilg119 doubt item 120 someday

454.5 454.5 353.5 353.5 25 252 5 454.5 OS OSA r

1 11 r 454 050.5 45454.55 11 05 2 15 3 44 5 4 5 spanish difficulty spanish difficulty 155

appendix R continued

item in121 worldwideworidwidc item 122 absence

CS 36

06 454.5 ogs 43 050.5os a 26

454.5 spanish difficulty spanish difficulty

ancestors item 124 standard



A 454.5 osl011 45 0 26 24 45 spanish difficulty spanish difficulty

re item 126 nursery

73 2.2 3 GO in 0& C 0 454.5 05 454.5 245246 26ag fiafin 262.6 35 36 4 5 4 6 spanish difficulty spanish difficulty

item 127 cutoutcartcarmcamm out 121k forgiveness

4aaa A r as 363.696gs

73 45is4.5 06 45454.5 050.5 c 43 050.5 4 5 4 5 C W IQ 2aaa 36 363 45454.5 45 spanish difficulty spanish difficulty

item 129 tithe item 130 holdhoidholds the priesthood

4 5 41 A 252.5 252.52535

0 6

C 05 050.5 C 050 5 43 4.646 46 be 25 LU 252.5 2& 3 6 4 F 4

spanish difficulty spanish difficulty

item 131 numerousnumeroumou


0 5 0 C 45 050 5

W 26 35 4 r spanish difficulty 156


CASE ISURVEYSURVEYS LOGITS I1 OUTFIT I1 SE I1 SCORE 1 txpr0101594txpro101594 03510.351 06770.677 03170.317 3000030.000 2 txrs0101594 098309830.983 03180.318 03320.332 1700017.000 3 txrs0102594 04540.454 038803880.388 03190.319 3100031.000 4 txpr0102594txpro102594 20472.047 26552.655 03990.399 4400044.000 5 txrs0103594 066006600.660 11501.150 03220.322 2000020.000 6 txrs0104594 57075.707 04660.466 14301.430 5400054.000 7 txrs0105594 529052905.290 04870.487 14141.414 00000.000oooo 8 txrs0106594 42044.204 08940.894 07560.756 5200052.000 9 txrs0107594 279827982.798 042704270.427 04930.493 50005.000 10 txrs0108594 23942.394 086508650.865 04320.432 4600046.000 11 txrs0109594 57075.707 04660.466 14301.430 5400054.000 12 txrs0110594 08780.878 204720472.047 03300.330 3500035.000 13 txrs0111594 42044.204 05410.541 07560.756 5200052.000 14 txrs0112594 08780.878 058605860.586 03300.330 3500035.000 15 txrs0122594 035203520.352 08960.896 03160.316 2300023.000 16 txrs0116594 22142.214 063906390.639 041404140.414 4500045.000 17 txpr0105594txpro105594 08780.878 044104410.441 03300.330 3500035.000 18 txrs0115594 121212121.212 04730.473 03410.341 1500015.000 19 txrs0114594 279827982.798 02610.261 04930.493 50005.000 20 txpr0103594txpro103594 30643.064 046504650.465 051705170.517 4900049.000 21 txpr0104594txpro104594 28132.813 02730.273 04810.481 4800048.000 22 txrs0120594 015001500.150 33983.398 03150.315 2500025.000 23 txrs0113594 25922.592 080708070.807 04540.454 4700047.000 24 txrs0123594 186718671.867 14071.407 03830.383 1000010.000 25 txrs0119594 14571.457 01830.183 03540.354 1300013.000 26 txrs0121594 236823682.368 08370.837 04340.434 70007.000 27 txpr0107594txpro107594 25922.592 24572.457 04540.454 4700047.000 28 txpr0109594txpro109594 05570.557 11171.117 03210.321 3200032.000 29 txpr0106594txpro106594 218721872.187 082708270.827 04130.413 80008.000 30 txrs0118594 218721872.187 073307330.733 04130.413 80008.000 31 txrs0117594 18911.891 160416041.604 03860.386 4300043.000 32 CAPRcapr098594098594 07690.769 094709470.947 03270.327 3400034.000 33 CAPRcapr0100594capro100594CAPRO1005940100594 06600.660 068606860.686 03220.322 2000020.000 34 cars0148594CARS0148594 306730673.067 037603760.376 05400.540 40004.000 35 cars0179594CARS0179594 00490.049 040904090.409 03140.314 2700027.000 36 cars0180594CARS0180594 08780.878 09060.906 03300.330 3500035.000 37 CAPRcapr097594097594 06620.662 099309930.993 03240.324 3300033.000 38 cars0182594CARS0182594 14721.472 108310831.083 03580.358 4000040.000 39 CAPRcapr0131594capro131594CAPRO 1315940131594 00490.049 00110.011 03140.314 2700027.000 40 CAPRcapr093594093594 14721.472 12191.219 03580.358 4000040.000 41 cars0181594CARS0181594 076507650.765 04480.448 03250.325 1900019.000 42 CAPRcapr094594094594 logg10961.096 078307830.783 03360.336 1600016.000 43 CAPRcapr0132594capro132594CAPRO 1325940132594 384838483.848 001200120.012 07320.732 20002.000 44 cars0183594CARS0183594 15871.587 082608260.826 03630.363 1200012.000 45 cars088594CARS088594 20212.021 10311.031 03970.397 90009.000 46 cars0185594CARS0185594 076507650.765 27552.755 03250.325 1900019.000 47 CAPRcapr0151594capro151594CAPRO1515940151594 098309830.983 045804580.458 03320.332 1700017.000 48 cars0177594CARS0177594 13451.345 00190.019 03510.351 3900039.000 49 cars0184594CARS0184594 18911.891 55175.517 03860.386 4300043.000 50 CAPRcapr089594089594 30643.064 08910.891 051705170.517 4900049.000 51 cars0176594CARS0176594 30643.064 086708670.867 05170.517 4900049.000 52 cars015594CARS015594 015001500.150 067506750.675 03150.315 2500025.000 53 cars0146594CARS0146594 087308730.873 04120.412 03280.328 1800018.000 54 cars0145594CARS0145594 11051.105 05310.531 03390.339 3700037.000 55 utpr078394 19501.950 018001800.180 04100.410 4500045.000 56 utrs077394 05580.558 065406540.654 03190.319 3400034.000 57 utrs076394 08780.878 01130.113 03320.332 3700037.000 58 utpro77394utpr077394 16351.635 035003500.350 03810.381 4300043.000 59 utpr079394 04130.413 41824.182 03080.308 2400024.000 60 utrs061394ljtrs061394 050905090.509 136713671.367 03090.309 2300023.000 61 utpr076394ljtpr076394 04560.456 01420.142 03160.316 3300033.000 62 utpr009394 08780.878 14011.401 03320.332 3700037.000 63 utpr008394 19501.950 068506850.685 04100.410 4500045.000 64 utrs074394 ilog11091.109 08120.812 03440.344 3900039.000 65 utpr010394utpro10394 25412.541 olgg01660.166 04790.479 4800048.000 66 1 cars099394CARS099394 471214.712147124.712 0085008510.085100850.085 1036110361.03611.036 55300053.000 157

CASE SURVEYSURVEYS LOGITS OUTFIT SE I1 SCORE I1 e 67 FARSars076394cars076394CARS076394 465446544.654 002140.214214 lollloli10111.011 10001.000 68 CAPRcapr083394e 083394 17871.787 032303230.323 03940.394 4400044.000 69 cars093394CARS093394 47124.712 01650.165 10361.036 5300053.000 70 CAPRcapr086394086394 080408040.804 074907490.749Z 03150.315 2000020.000 eggyggoor 71 cars084394CARS084394 54485.448 202950.295OZ197loraj7j 14341.434 5400054.000 lomoor i 72 cars097394CARS097394 54485.448 02950.2950 Zlor71 14341.434ii 5400054.000 lamoaroor 73 CAPRcapr089394089394 54485.448 002950.295A plypuy 714341.434 5400054.000 74 cars075394CARS075394 54485.448 02950.2950 locz 14341.434 5400054.000 75 cars081394CARS081394 54485.448 029500.295295 14341.434 5400054.000 76 CAPRcapr080394080394 54485.448 002950.295295 14341.434 5400054.000 77 cars089394CARS089394 54485.448 02950.295 14341.434 5400054.000 78 utrs0200594 04130.413 107910791.079 03080.308 2400024.000 79 utpro77394utpr077394 14931.493 073907390.739 03690.369 4200042.000 80 utrs061394ljtrs061394 30853.085 108310831.083 05650.565 5000050.000 81 cars073394CARS073394 54485.448 02950.295 14341.434 5400054.000 82 cars070394CARS070394 54485.448 02950.295 14341.434 5400054.000 83 CAPRcapr081394081394 54485.448 02950.295 14341.434 5400054.000 84 CAPRcapr098394capro98394CAPRO98394098394 54485.448 02950.295 14341.434 5400054.000 85 utrs0198594 003200320.032 070907090.709 03070.307 2800028.000 86 CAPRcapr097394097394 54485.448 02950.295 14341.434 5400054.000 87 cars066394CARS066394 54485.448 02950.295 14341.434 5400054.000 88 CAPRcapr093394093394 54485.448 02950.295 14341.434 5400054.000 89 CAPRcapr090394090394 54485.448 02950.295 14341.434 5400054.000 90 cars082394CARS082394 54485.448 02950.295 14341.434 5400054.000 91 utrs0187594 25412.541 07900.790 04790.479 4800048.000 92 cars077394CARS077394 54485.448 02950.295 14341.434 5400054.000 93 utpr054394 01610.161 16411.641 03090.309 3000030.000 94 utrs080394 227922792.279 05840.584 04090.409 80008.000 95 utrs024594 041304130.413 10911.091 03080.308 2400024.000 96 utpr057394 392339233.923 04620.462 07310.731 20002.000 97 CAPRcapr087394087394 54485.448 02950.295 14341.434 5400054.000 98 cars078394CARS078394 54485.448 02950.295 14341.434 5400054.000 99 cars079394CARS079394 54485.448 02950.295 14341.434 5400054.000 100 cars0100394CARS0100394 54485.448 02950.295 14341.434 5400054.000 101 CAPRcapr094394094394 54485.448 02950.295 14341.434 5400054.000 102 cars094394CARS094394 54485.448 02950.295 14341.434 5400054.000 103 cars098394CARS098394 54485.448 02950.295 14341.434 5400054.000 104 cars090394CARS090394 54485.448 02950.295 14341.434 5400054.000 105 cars095394CARS095394 54485.448 02950.295 14341.434 5400054.000 106 cars096394CARS096394 54485.448 02950.295 14341.434 5400054.000 107 CAPRcapr091394091394 536353635.363 03200.320 14141.414 00000.000oooo 108 cars080394CARS080394 11131.113 035903590.359 03250.325 1700017.000 109 cars086394CARS086394 34483.448 028602860.286 06370.637 5100051.000 110 cars083394CARS083394 07690.769 09990.999 03270.327 3600036.000 illiliiiilillii111 cars092394CARS092394 34483.448 03240.324 06370.637 5100051.000 112 utpr070394utpro70394 031703170.317 046604660.466 03070.307 2500025.000 113 CAPRcapr0100394capro100394CAPRO1003940100394 54485.448 02950.295 14341.434 5400054.000 114 CAPRcapr099394capro99394CAPRO99394099394 12311.231 01850.185 03510.351 4000040.000 115 CAPRcapr092394092394 13591.359 10931.093 03600.360 4100041.000 116 cars071394CARS071394 314631463.146 005200520.052 05380.538 40004.000 117 CAPRcapr096394096394 09920.992 083208320.832 03370.337 3800038.000 118 cars087394CARS087394 23232.323 06160.616 04510.451 4700047.000 119 CAPRcapr082394082394 34483.448 013401340.134 06370.637 5100051.000 120 CAPRcapr085394085394 314631463.146 045704570.457 05380.538 40004.000 121 cars067394CARS067394 536353635.363 03200.320 14141.414 00000.000oooo 122 CAPRcapr084394084394 09920.992 063506350.635 03370.337 3800038.000 123 cars068394CARS068394 01270.127 16161.616 03070.307 2700027.000 124 cars069394CARS069394 08780.878 11511.151 03320.332 3700037.000 125 CAPRcapr088394088394 465446544.654 28262.826 lollloli10111.011 10001.000 126 cars091394CARS091394 13591.359 25032.503 03600.360 4100041.000 127 cars085394CARS085394 08780.878 00650.065 03320.332 3700037.000 128 CAPRcapr095394capro95394CAPRO95394095394 17871.787 09980.998 03940.394 4400044.000 129 utrs0196594 156915691.569 043004300.430 03480.348 1300013.000 130 utrs086394 16951.695 23462.346 03570.357 1200012.000 131 utrs063394 39343.934 06760.676 07590.759 5200052.000 132 utpr062394 169516951.695 067506750.675 03570.357 1200012.000 133 utpr079394 54485.448 02950.295 14341.434 5400054.000 134 utrs0189594ljtrs0189594 060610.606106060.606 1494149411.494114941.494 031010.310103100.310 22022.02200022.000 158

CASE SURVEYSURVEYS LOGITS OUTFIT SESE SRESCORE 135 utrs059394 23232.323 13701.370 004510.451451 4700047.000 136 utpro56394utpr056394 012701270.127 14051.405 03070.307 2700027.000 137 utpr061394 30853.085 01030.103 05650.565 5000050.000 138 utrs0193594ljtrs0193594 39343.934 0961oggi0.961 07590.759 5200052.000 139 utrs082394ljtrs082394 347634763.476 08150.815 06090.609 30003.000 140 utrs0186594 00640.064 156315631.563 03080.308 2900029.000 141 utrs088394ljtrs088394 27912.791 14401.440 05160.516 4900049.000 142 utpro73394utpr073394 08780.878 00130.013 03320.332 3700037.000 143 utpr058394 09920.992 10311.031 03370.337 3800038.000 144 utrs056394 14931.493 02660.266 03690.369 4200042.000 145 utpr064394utpro64394 34483.448 09100.910 063706370.637 5100051.000 146 utpr068394utpro68394 54485.448 02950.295 14341.434 5400054.000 147 utrs023594 050905090.509 131813181.318 03090.309 2300023.000 148 utpro75394utpr075394 30853.085 23842.384 05650.565 5000050.000 149 utrs0195594 09920.992 055405540.554 03370.337 3800038.000 150 utpr076394utpro76394 54485.448 02950.295 14341.434 5400054.000 151 utpr063394 54485.448 02950.295 14341.434 5400054.000 152 utrs025594 144914491.449 30193.019 03410.341 1400014.000 153 utrs0194594 21272.127 153515351.535 04280.428 4600046.000 154 utpr065394 070407040.704 00370.037 03120.312 2100021.000 155 utrs051394 39343.934 06210.621 07590.759 5200052.000 156 utrs055394 06620.662 063406340.634 03220.322 3500035.000 157 utrs0190594 15691.569 052105210.521 03480.348 1300013.000 158 utrs021594 347634763.476 01360.136 06090.609 30003.000 159 utrs065394 47124.712 11851.185 10361.036 5300053.000 160 utpr067394 227922792.279 092709270.927 04090.409 80008.000 161 utrs054394 02580.258 151415141.514 03110.311 3100031.000 162 utrs060394 47124.712 12301.230 10361.036 5300053.000 163 utrs062394 01270.127 18731.873 03070.307 2700027.000 164 utrs0191594 031703170.317 04180.418 03070.307 2500025.000 165 utrs0188594 05580.558 13391.339 03190.319 3400034.000 166 utpr055394 05580.558 10621.062 03190.319 3400034.000 167 utrs083394ljtrs083394 196719671.967 00100.010 03780.378 1000010.000 168 utrs085394 196719671.967 066706670.667 03780.378 1000010.000 169 utrs0192594ljtrs0192594 39343.934 09260.926 07590.759 5200052.000 170 utrs053394 07690.769 076607660.766 03270.327 3600036.000 171 utpr069394 39343.934 14801.480 07590.759 5200052.000 172 utpr052394 245724572.457 022902290.229 04300.430 70007.000 173 utpr059394 13591.359 099109910.991 03600.360 4100041.000 174 utrs0197594 16351.635 01330.133 03810.381 4300043.000 175 utpr071394 30853.085 058305830.583 05650.565 5000050.000 176 utrs064394 25412.541 040604060.406 04790.479 4800048.000 177 utpr066394utpro66394 01610.161 007900790.079 03090.309 3000030.000 178 utrs057394ljtrs057394 47124.712 07780.778 10361.036 5300053.000 179 utpro78394utpr078394 34483.448 18911.891 06370.637 5100051.000 180 utpro72394utpr072394 11131.113 002500250.025 03250.325 1700017.000 181 utpr060394ljtpr060394 227922792.279 049204920.492 04090.409 80008.000 182 utrs022594 536353635.363 03200.320 141414141.414 00000.000oooo 183 utrs052394 11091.109 169816981.698 03440.344 3900039.000 184 utrs084394 156915691.569 11571.157 03480.348 1300013.000 185 utrs081394 227922792.279 07390.739 04090.409 80008.000 186 utpr053394 06060.606 22832.283 03100.310 2200022.000 187 txpr038594 224822482.248 16671.667 04020.402 80008.000 188 txpr027594 03940.394 01950.195 03110.311 3300033.000 189 txpr028594 00140.014 042104210.421 03030.303 2900029.000 190 txpr031594 06980.698 19821.982 03220.322 3600036.000 191 txrs064594 05950.595 028302830.283 03180.318 3500035.000 192 txrs030594 09150.915 11201.120 03330.333 3800038.000 193 txpr037594 528152815.281 01460.146 14111.411 00000.000oooo 194 txpr036594 528152815.281 01460.146 14111.411 00000.000oooo 195 txrs029594 12281.228 000700070.007 03230.323 1600016.000 196 txpr035594 283228322.832 031703170.317 04840.484 50005.000 197 txrs035594 209220922.092 076207620.762 03850.385 90009.000 198 txrs026594 04930.493 065506550.655 03140.314 3400034.000 199 txpr032594 30913.091 06520.652 05320.532 40004.000 200 txpro34594txpr034594 082608260.826 24992.499 03090.309 2000020.000 201 txpr029594 08050.805 074507450.745 03270.327 3700037.000 202 txrs036594 133613361.336 048604860.486 03290.329 1500015.000 203 txrs038594 1812181211.812118121.812 00560056100560.05610.056 036010.360103600.360 11100011.000 159

CASE SURVEYSURVEYS LOGITS OUTFIT SE SCORE 204 txrs039594 181218121.812 0661oggi0.661 03600.360 1100011.000 205 txrs028594 15411.541 01260.126 03760.376 4300043.000 206 txpr030594 38103.810 07990.799 07610.761 5200052.000 207 txrs037594 092309230.923 06220.622 03120.312 1900019.000 208 txpr040594 16891.689 038603860.386 03890.389 4400044.000 209 txrs041594 168416841.684 00830.083 03500.350 1200012.000 210 txpr033594 082608260.826 00120.012 03090.309 2000020.000 211 txpr041594 15411.541 037203720.372 03760.376 4300043.000 212 txrs034594 001400140.014 029702970.297 03030.303 2900029.000 213 txrs059594 11481.148 00820.082 03460.346 4000040.000 214 txrs061594 33243.324 04390.439 06370.637 5100051.000 215 txrs062594 082608260.826 01360.136 03090.309 2000020.000 216 txpro44594txpr044594 29632.963 32943.294 05630.563 5000050.000 217 txpro42594txpr042594 05950.595 06380.638 03180.318 3500035.000 218 txrs067594 017201720.172 06960.696 03020.302 2700027.000 219 txpr039594 24262.426 040804080.408 04750.475 4800048.000 220 txrs063594 04930.493 12231.223 031403140.314 3400034.000 221 txrs065594 18481.848 137113711.371 04050.405 4500045.000 222 txpr043594 16891.689 035003500.350 03890.389 4400044.000 223 txrs068594 02020.202 ligi11911.191 03070.307 3100031.000 224 txrs060594 00140.014 20172.017 03030.303 2900029.000 225 utrs0162594 102310231.023 01620.162 03150.315 1800018.000 226376296 utrs0150594 24262.426 05150.515 04750.475 4800048.000 227 utrs0158594 102310231.023 061506150.615 03150.315 1800018.000 228728928 utrs0156594 22122.212 074307430.743 04460.446 4700047.000 229 utrs0154594 18481.848 20322.032 04050.405 4500045.000 230 utrs0152594 05950.595 03010.301 03180.318 3500035.000 231 utrs0153594 007900790.079 06670.667 03030.303 2800028.000 232 utrs0157594ljtrs0157594 054205420.542 12181.218 03040.304 2300023.000 233 utrs0151594 11241.124 01320.132 03190.319 1700017.000 234 utpr069594 52815.281 01460.146 14111.411 00000.000 235 utrs0160594 063506350.635 07240.724 03050.305 2200022.000 236 utrs0161594 194719471.947 008400840.084 03720.372 1000010.000 237 utrs0159594 06980.698 10651.065 03220.322 3600036.000 238 utpr068594 026402640.264 058005800.580 03020.302 2600026.000 239 utrs0155594 10291.029 062306230.623 03390.339 3900039.000 240 utrs026594 06980.698 089508950.895 03220.322 3600036.000 241 utpr070594utpro70594 53335.333 01130.113 14371.437 5400054.000 242 utpr071594 53335.333 01130.113 14371.437 5400054.000 243 utpro72594utpr072594 26722.672 02130.213 05120.512 4900049.000 244 utpro73594utpr073594 29632.963 06130.613 05630.563 5000050.000 245 1 utpro74594utpr074594 0264026410.264102640.264 07530753107530.75310.753 030210.302103020.302 2602600026.026.000 160igo


CASE SURVEYSURVEYS LOGITS OUTFIT SE SCORE 1 txpr0101594txpro101594 44654.465 059505950.595 07850.7850 785 5200052.000 2 txrs0101594 32343.234 04410.4411 05350.535 4900049.000 3 txrs0102594 44654.465 042604260.426 07850.785 5200052.000 4 txpr0102594txpro102594 29662.966 02960.296 04960.496 4800048.000 5 txrs0103594 39433.943 059405940.594 06620.662 5100051.000 6 txrs0104594 60466.046 04430.443 14501.450 5400054.000 7 txrs0105594 15951.595 028302830.283 03560.356 4000040.000 8 txrs0106594 39433.943 00720.072 06620.662 5100051.000 9 txrs0107594 17261.726 00030.003 03650.365 4100041.000 10 txrs0108594 60466.046 04430.443 14501.450 5400054.000 11 txrs0109594 60466.046 04430.443 14501.450 5400054.000 12 txrs0110594 44654.465 059505950.595 07850.785 5200052.000 13 txrs0111594 39433.943 05070.507 06620.662 5100051.000 14 txrs0112594 39433.943 026902690.269 06620.662 5100051.000 15 txrs0122594 35513.551 00610.061 05870.587 5000050.000 16 txrs0116594 39433.943 071207120.712 06620.662 5100051.000 17 txpr0105594txpro105594 39433.943 095809580.958 06620.662 5100051.000 18 txrs0115594 60466.046 04430.443 14501.450 5400054.000 19 txrs0114594 35513.551 08830.883 05870.587 5000050.000 20 txpr0103594txpro103594 52875.287 00150.015 10581.058 5300053.000 21 txpr0104594txpro104594 32343.234 00650.065 05350.535 4900049.000 22 txrs0120594 11231.123 10921.092 03290.329 3600036.000 23 txrs0113594 52875.287 02030.203 10581.058 5300053.000 24 txrs0123594 21692.169 045704570.457 04020.402 4400044.000 25 txrs0119594 35513.551 037903790.379 05870.587 5000050.000 26 txrs0121594 01520.152 04880.488 03060.306 2300023.000 27 txpr0107594txpro107594 29662.966 04400.440 04960.496 4800048.000 28 txpr0109594txpro109594 44654.465 059505950.595 07850.785 5200052.000 29 txpr0106594txpro106594 21692.169 010501050.105 04020.402 4400044.000 30 txrs0118594 44654.465 03110.311 07850.785 5200052.000 31 txrs0117594 35513.551 06220.622 05870.587 5000050.000 32 CAPRcapr098594098594 35513.551 06220.622 05870.587 5000050.000 33 CAPRcapr0100594capro100594CAPRO 1005940100594 35513.551 00220.022 05870.587 5000050.000 34 cars0148594CARS0148594 20122.012 023002300.230 03880.388 4300043.000 35 cars0179594CARS0179594 32343.234 01520.152 05350.535 4900049.000 36 cars0180594CARS0180594 52875.287 01010.101 10581.058 5300053.000 37 CAPRcapr097594097594 44654.465 042604260.426 07850.785 5200052.000 38 cars0182594CARS0182594 44654.465 00890.089 07850.785 5200052.000 39 CAPRcapr0131594capro131594CAPRO 1315940131594 18641.864 062706270.627 03760.376 4200042.000 40 CAPRcapr093594093594 35513.551 08060.806 05870.587 5000050.000 41 cars0181594CARS0181594 35513.551 07290.729 05870.587 5000050.000 42 CAPRcapr094594094594 35513.551 050605060.506 05870.587 5000050.000 43 CAPRcapr0132594capro132594CAPRO 1325940132594 27332.733 089908990.899 04650.465 4700047.000 44 cars0183594CARS0183594 44654.465 03320.332 07850.785 5200052.000 45 cars088594CARS088594 27332.733 01910.191 04650.465 4700047.000 46 cars0185594CARS0185594 03190.319 53915.391 03060.306 2800028.000 47 CAPRcapr0151594capro151594CAPRO1515940151594 52875.287 07770.777 10581.058 5300053.000 48 cars0177594CARS0177594 35513.551 002200220.022 05870.587 5000050.000 49 cars0184594CARS0184594 11231.123 120512051.205 03290.329 3600036.000 50 CAPRcapr089594089594 32343.234 02450.245 05350.535 4900049.000 51 cars0176594CARS0176594 35513.551 108510851.085 05870.587 5000050.000 52 cars015594CARS015594 35513.551 096209620.962 05870.587 5000050.000 53 cars0146594CARS0146594 52875.287 13221.322 10581.058 5300053.000 54 cars0145594CARS0145594 29662.966 106710671.067 04960.496 4800048.000 55 utpr078394 47064.706 05600.560 10211.021 5300053.000 56 utrs077394ljtrs077394 47064.706 04460.446 10211.021 5300053.000 57 utrs076394 47064.706 00800.080 10211.021 5300053.000 58 utpro77394utpr077394 47064.706 05600.560 10211.021 5300053.000 59 ljtpr079394utpr079394 39553.955 03370.337 07420.742 5200052.000 60 utrs061394 34933.493 025802580.258 06210.621 5100051.000 61 utpr076394 28712.871 07820.782 05010.501 4900049.000 62 utpr009394 39553.955 02650.265 07420.742 5200052.000 63 utpr008394 24292.429 036803680.368 04390.439 4700047.000 64 utrs074394 47064.706 09430.943 10211.021 5300053.000 65 ljtpro10394utpr010394 47064.706 00800.080 10211.021 5300053.000 66 cars099394CARS099394 54245.424 02090.209 14221.422 5400054.000 67 1 cars076394CARS076394 1 150811.508115081.508 0650065010.650106500.650 035410.354103540.354 4100041.0004 igi161

CASE SURVEYSURVEYS LOGITS OUTFIT SE SCORE 68 Fapr083394CAPRcapr083394083394 31493.149 036003600.360 05490.549 5000050.000 69 cars093394CARS093394 47064.706 007300730.073 10211.021 5300053.000 70 CAPRcapr086394086394 22442.244 00740.074 04170.417 4600046.000 71 cars084394CARS084394 54245.424 02090.209 14221.422 5400054.000 72 cars097394CARS097394 54245.424 02090.209 14221.422 5400054.000 73 CAPRcapr089394089394 54245.424 02090.209 14221.422 5400054.000 74 cars075394CARS075394 54245.424 02090.209 14221.422 5400054.000 75 cars081394CARS081394 54245.424 02090.209 14221.422 5400054.000 76 CAPRcapr080394080394 54245.424 02090.209 14221.422 5400054.000 77 cars089394CARS089394 54245.424 02090.209 14221.422 5400054.000 78 utrs0200594 26362.636 019801980.198 04660.466 4800048.000 79 utpro77394utpr077394 28712.871 044704470.447 05010.501 4900049.000 80 utrs061394 54245.424 02090.209 14221.422 5400054.000 81 cars073394CARS073394 54245.424 02090.209 14221.422 5400054.000 82 cars070394CARS070394 54245.424 02090.209 14221.422 5400054.000 83 CAPRcapr081394081394 54245.424 02090.209 14221.422 5400054.000 84 CAPRcapr098394098394 54245.424 02090.209 14221.422 5400054.000 85 utrs0198594 47064.706 14201.420 10211.021 5300053.000 86 CAPRcapr097394capro97394CAPRO97394097394 54245.424 02090.209 14221.422 5400054.000 87 cars066394CARS066394 54245.424 02090.209 14221.422 5400054.000 88 CAPRcapr093394capro93394CAPRO93394093394 54245.424 02090.209 14221.422 5400054.000 89 CAPRcapr090394capro90394CAPRO90394090394 54245.424 02090.209 14221.422 5400054.000 90 cars082394CARS082394 54245.424 02090.209 14221.422 5400054.000 91 utrs0187594 31493.149 11011.101 05490.549 5000050.000 92 cars077394CARS077394 54245.424 02090.209 14221.422 5400054.000 93 utpro54394utpr054394 47064.706 05600.560 10211.021 5300053.000 94 utrs080394ljtrs080394 47064.706 01620.162 10211.021 5300053.000 95 utrs024594 28712.871 090209020.902 05010.501 4900049.000 96 utpr057394 26362.636 025002500.250 04660.466 4800048.000 97 CAPRcapr087394087394 54245.424 02090.209 14221.422 5400054.000 98 cars078394CARS078394 54245.424 02090.209 14221.422 5400054.000 99 cars079394CARS079394 54245.424 02090.209 14221.422 5400054.000 100 cars0100394CARS0100394 54245.424 02090.209 14221.422 5400054.000 101 CAPRcapr094394094394 54245.424 02090.209 14221.422 5400054.000 102 cars094394CARS094394 54245.424 02090.209 14221.422 5400054.000 103 cars098394CARS098394 54245.424 02090.209 14221.422 5400054.000 104 cars090394CARS090394 54245.424 02090.209 14221.422 5400054.000 105 cars095394CARS095394 54245.424 02090.209 14221.422 5400054.000 106 cars096394CARS096394 54245.424 02090.209 14221.422 5400054.000 107 CAPRcapr091394091394 528652865.286 02120.212 14191.419 00000.000oooo 108 cars080394CARS080394 20752.075 10711.071 04000.400 4500045.000 109 cars086394CARS086394 28712.871 027102710.271 05010.501 4900049.000 110 cars083394CARS083394 24292.429 06860.686 04390.439 4700047.000 illililiilil111 cars092394CARS092394 26362.636 06290.629 04660.466 4800048.000 112 utpr070394 24292.429 13671.367 04390.439 4700047.000 113 CAPRcapr0100394capro100394CAPRO 1003940100394 54245.424 02090.209 14221.422 5400054.000 114 CAPRcapr099394099394 47064.706 00800.080 10211.021 5300053.000 115 CAPRcapr092394092394 31493.149 013001300.130 05490.549 5000050.000 116 cars071394CARS071394 15081.508 146414641.464 03540.354 4100041.000 117 CAPRcapr096394096394 39553.955 046304630.463 07420.742 5200052.000 118 cars087394CARS087394 54245.424 02090.209 14221.422 5400054.000 119 CAPRcapr082394082394 47064.706 07940.794 10211.021 5300053.000 120 CAPRcapr085394085394 34933.493 14961.496 06210.621 5100051.000 121 cars067394CARS067394 12651.265 12551.255 03400.340 3900039.000 122 CAPRcapr084394084394 26362.636 075307530.753 04660.466 4800048.000 123 cars068394CARS068394 20752.075 01060.106 04000.400 4500045.000 124 cars069394CARS069394 31493.149 03780.378 05490.549 5000050.000 125 CAPRcapr088394088394 382938293.829 09420.942 07370.737 20002.000 126 cars091394CARS091394 22442.244 00220.022 04170.417 4600046.000 127 cars085394CARS085394 39553.955 046304630.463 07420.742 5200052.000 128 CAPRcapr095394095394 28712.871 08210.821 05010.501 4900049.000 129 utrs0196594ljtrs0196594 39553.955 018101810.181 07420.742 5200052.000 130 utrs086394 09310.931 04760.476 03250.325 3600036.000 131 utrs063394 47064.706 06630.663 10211.021 5300053.000 132 utpr062394 39553.955 05010.501 07420.742 5200052.000 133 utpr079394utpro79394 54245.424 02090.209 14221.422 5400054.000 134 utrs0189594 39553.955 035703570.357 07420.742 5200052.000 135 utrs059394ljtrs059394 470614.706147064.706 072410.724107240.724 102111.021110211.021 5300053.0005 162

CASE SURVEYSURVEYS LOGITS OUTFIT SE SCORE 136 Uypro56394ltpr056394 r20752.075 02110.211 04000.400 450004550045.00045.500 137 utpr061394 34933.493 079207920.792 06210.621 5100051.000 138 utrs0193594 54245.424 02090.209 14221.422 5400054.000 139 utrs082394 20752.075 02330.233 04000.400 4500045.000 140 utrs0186594 39553.955 018101810.181 07420.742 5200052.000 141 utrs088394 54245.424 02090.209 14221.422 5400054.000 142 utpro73394utpr073394 19201.920 03970.397 03850.385 4400044.000 143 utpr058394 16381.638 06670.667 03630.363 4200042.000 144 utrs056394 54245.424 02090.209 14221.422 5400054.000 145 utpr064394utpro64394 39553.955 046304630.463 07420.742 5200052.000 146 utpr068394ljtpr068394 39553.955 05840.584 07420.742 5200052.000 147 utrs023594 47064.706 05600.560 10211.021 5300053.000 148 utpro75394utpr075394 39553.955 044704470.447 07420.742 5200052.000 149 utrs0195594 47064.706 007300730.073 10211.021 5300053.000 150 utpro76394utpr076394 47064.706 05600.560 10211.021 5300053.000 151 utpr063394 54245.424 02090.209 14221.422 5400054.000 152 utrs025594 131113111.311 08960.896 03440.344 1400014.000 153 utrs0194594 47064.706 00800.080 10211.021 5300053.000 154 utpr065394 19201.920 17471.747 03850.385 4400044.000 155 utrs051394 54245.424 02090.209 14221.422 5400054.000 156 utrs055394 34933.493 032303230.323 06210.621 5100051.000 157 utrs0190594 47064.706 00800.080 10211.021 5300053.000 158 utrs021594 28712.871 04180.418 05010.501 4900049.000 159 utrs065394 39553.955 025502550.255 07420.742 5200052.000 160 utpr067394 39553.955 000700070.007 0742 5200052.000 161 utrs054394 26362.636 02590.259 04660.466 4800048.000 162 utrs060394 54245.424 02090.209 14221.422 5400054.000 163 utrs062394 39553.955 05170.517 07420.742 5200052.000 164 utrs0191594 54245.424 02090.209 14221.422 5400054.000 165 utrs0188594 28712.871 00410.041 05010.501 4900049.000 166 utpr055394 31493.149 13241.324 05490.549 5000050.000 167 utrs083394 24292.429 041504150.415 04390.439 4700047.000 168 utrs085394 04220.422 00070.007 03120.312 3100031.000 169 utrs0192594 54245.424 02090.209 14221.422 5400054.000 170 utrs053394 54245.424 02090.209 14221.422 5400054.000 171 utpr069394 47064.706 14201.420 10211.021 5300053.000 172 utpr052394 15081.508 01320.132 03540.354 4100041.000 173 utpr059394 34933.493 01450.145 06210.621 5100051.000 174 utrs0197594 34933.493 025502550.255 06210.621 5100051.000 175 utpr071394 34933.493 03390.339 06210.621 5100051.000 176 utrs064394 34933.493 01720.172 06210.621 5100051.000 177 utpr066394 28712.871 18331.833 05010.501 4900049.000 178 utrs057394 54245.424 02090.209 14221.422 5400054.000 179 utpro78394utpr078394 47064.706 04460.446 10211.021 5300053.000 180 utpro72394utpr072394 11501.150 058505850.585 03340.334 3800038.000 181 utpr060394 26362.636 063306330.633 04660.466 4800048.000 182 utrs022594 26362.636 01610.161 04660.466 4800048.000 183 utrs052394 34933.493 09050.905 06210.621 5100051.000 184 utrs084394ljtrs084394 34933.493 02270.227 06210.621 5100051.000 185 utrs081394 28712.871 01230.123 05010.501 4900049.000 186 utpr053394 17741.774 00570.057 03730.373 4300043.000 187 txpr038594 269226922.692 01240.124 04470.447 60006.000 188 txpr027594 51125.112 002900290.029 14311.431 5400054.000 189 txpr028594 51125.112 002900290.029 14311.431 5400054.000 190 txpr031594 20552.055 01540.154 04390.439 4700047.000 191 txrs064594 36123.612 038603860.386 07530.753 5200052.000 192 txrs030594 27842.784 073607360.736 05550.555 5000050.000 193 txpr037594 534653465.346 000400040.004 14101.410 00000.000 194 txpr036594 04820.482 020002000.200 03150.315 3500035.000 195 txrs029594 00010.001 04930.493 03030.303 3000030.000 196 txpr035594 03820.382 022802280.228 03120.312 3400034.000 197 txrs035594 17021.702 12381.238 03980.398 4500045.000 198 txrs026594 51125.112 002900290.029 14311.431 5400054.000 199 txpr032594 31363.136 041404140.414 06290.629 5100051.000 200 txpro34594txpr034594 20552.055 11451.145 04390.439 4700047.000 201 txpr029594 36123.612 08970.897 07530.753 5200052.000 202 txrs036594 27842.784 030903090.309 05550.555 5000050.000 0146 203 1 txrs038594 278412.784127842.784 014610.146101460.146 055510.555105550.555 5000050.000j 163

CASE SURVEYSURVEYS LOGITS OUTFIT SE SCORE 1 1 1 204 txrs039594 14051.405 09400.940 F 03700.370 4300043.000 205 txrs028594 31363.136 042404240.424 06290.629 5100051.000 206 txpr030594 51125.112 002900290.029 14311.431 5400054.000 207 txrs037594 36123.612 00010.001 07530.753 5200052.000 208 txpr040594 43814.381 02570.257 10321.032 5300053.000 209 txrs041594 17021.702 13271.327 03980.398 4500045.000 210 txpr033594 22622.262 19121.912 04680.468 4800048.000 211 txpr041594 51125.112 002900290.029 14311.431 5400054.000 212 txrs034594 51125.112 002900290.029 14311.431 5400054.000 213 txrs059594 43814.381 02570.257 10321.032 5300053.000 214 txrs061594 31363.136 023402340.234 06290.629 5100051.000 215 txrs062594 22622.262 014201420.142 04680.468 4800048.000 216 txpro44594txpr044594 36123.612 05530.553 07530.753 5200052.000 217 txpro42594txpr042594 51125.112 002900290.029 14311.431 5400054.000 218 txrs067594 14051.405 01950.195 03700.370 4300043.000 219 txpr039594 25012.501 015601560.156 05050.505 4900049.000 220 txrs063594 51125.112 002900290.029 14311.431 5400054.000 221 txrs065594 51125.112 002900290.029 14311.431 5400054.000 222 txpr043594 31363.136 02780.278 06290.629 5100051.000 223 txrs068594 10221.022 16231.623 03420.342 4000040.000 224 txrs060594 51125.112 002900290.029 14311.431 5400054.000 225 utrs0162594 10221.022 03550.355 03420.342 4000040.000 226 utrs0150594 51125.112 002900290.029 14311.431 5400054.000 227 utrs0158594 31363.136 21082.108 06290.629 5100051.000 228 utrs0156594 36123.612 05610.561 07530.753 5200052.000 229 utrs0154594ljtrs0154594 22622.262 024402440.244 04680.468 4800048.000 230 utrs0152594 36123.612 00440.044 07530.753 5200052.000 231 utrs0153594 27842.784 099309930.993 05550.555 5000050.000 232 utrs0157594 25012.501 06980.698 05050.505 4900049.000 233 utrs0151594 51125.112 002900290.029 14311.431 5400054.000 234 utpr069594 269226922.692 05590.559 04470.447 60006.000 235 utrs0160594 27842.784 049904990.499 05550.555 5000050.000 236 utrs0161594 31363.136 050905090.509 06290.629 5100051.000 237 utrs0159594 36123.612 038603860.386 07530.753 5200052.000 238 utpr068594 51125.112 002900290.029 14311.431 5400054.000 239 utrs0155594ljtrs0155594 43814.381 01900.190 10321.032 5300053.000 240 utrs026594 31363.136 063306330.633 06290.629 5100051.000 241 utpr070594utpro70594 51125.112 002900290.029 14311.431 5400054.000 242 utpr071594 51125.112 002900290.029 14311.431 5400054.000 243 utpro72594utpr072594 43814.381 035103510.351 10321.032 5300053.000 244 utpr073594 36123.612 027202720.272 07530.753 5200052.000 245 1 utpro74594utpr074594 361213.612136123.612 10386110.3861038603860.386 075310.753107530.753 55200052.000 164


canovamanova test criteria and exact F statistics for the hypothesis of no overall SEX effect H type iliIII111 ss&cp matrix for SEX E error ss&cp matrix sl MO n81 statistic value F numnumdfnumdaDF den DF prfarfpr F wilkslambdaWilks Lambda 0992847560.99284756 059070.5907 2 164 055510.5551

canovamanova test criteria and exact F statistics for the hypothesis of no overall LOC effect H type liiIII111 ss&cp matrix for LOC E error ss&cp matrix s2sa M 05 n81 statistic value F numdfnumdanum DF dendendfdendaDF prfarfpr F wilkslambdaWilks Lambda 0975294590.97529459 103211.0321 4 328 03907039070.3907

canovamanova test criteria and exact F statistics for the hypothesis of no overall SEXLOC effect H type ililiiIII111 ss&cp matrix for SEXLOCSEXUOC E error ss&cp matrix s2sa M 05 n81 statistic value F numnumdfnumdaDF dendfdendaden DF prfarfpr F wilkslambdaWilks Lambda 0995015440.99501544 020510.2051 4 328 093550.9355

canovamanova test criteria and F approximations for the hypothesis of no overall LDSCAT effect H type iliIII111 ss&cp matrix for LDSCAT E error ss&cp matrix s2sa MO n81 statistic value F numdfnumdanum DF dendfdendaden DF prprfarf F wilkslambdaWilks Lambda 0968294670.96829467 088780.8878 6 328 050400.5040

canovamanova test criteria and F approximations for the hypothesis of no overall SEXLDSCAT effect H type liililIII111 ss&cp matrix for SEXLDSCATSEXUDSCAT E error ss&cp matrix s2sa MO n81 statistic value F numnumdfnumdaDF dendendfdendaDF prprfarf F wilkslambdaWilks Lambda 0979838230.97983823 055960.5596 6 328 076240.7624 165

canovamanova test criteria and F approximations for the hypothesis of no overall LOCLDSCAT effect H type liiIII111 ss&cp matrix for LOCLDSCATLOCUDSCAT E error ss&cp matrix s2sa m15 n81 statistic value F num DF den DF prfarfpr F wilkslambdaWilks Lambda 0981889090.98188909 025090.2509 12 328 099520.9952

canovamanova test criteria and F approximations for the hypothesis of no overall USCAT effect H type III111 ss&cp matrix for USCAT E error ss&cp matrix s2sa m05 n81 statistic value F num DF dendfdendaden DF prprfarf F wilkslambdaWilks Lambda 0935013560.93501356 140091.4009 8 328 019500.1950

canovamanova test criteria and F approximations for the hypothesis of no overall SEXUSCAT effect H type III111 ss&cp matrix for SEXUSCAT E error ss&cp matrix s2sa m05 n81 statistic value F num DF dendfdendaden DF prfarfpr F wilkslambdaWilks Lambda 0968374220.96837422 066410.6641 8 328 072310.7231

canovamanova test criteria and F approximations for the hypothesis of no overall LOCUSCAT effect H type iliIII111 ss&cp matrix for LOCUSCAT E error ss&cp matrix s2sa m2ma n81 statistic value F num DF dendendfdendaDF prprfarf F wilkslambdawiiksWilks lambda 0883518960.88351896 149661.4966 14 328 011020.1102

canovamanova test criteria and F approximations for the hypothesis of no overall ldscatuscat effect H type illIII111 ss&cp matrix for ldscatuscat E error ss&cp matrix s2sa m45 n81 statistic value F num DF dendendfdendaDF prprfarf F wilkslambdaWilks Lambda 0824427330.82442733 138511.3851 24 328 011040.1104

canovamanova test criteria and F approximations for the hypothesis of no overall WLANG effect H type illIII111 ss&cp matrix for WLANG E error ss&cp matrix s2sa M 05 n81 statistic value F numdfnumdanum DF dendendfdendaDF prprfarf F wilkslambdaWilks Lambda 0986548780.98654878 055710.5571 4 328 069400.6940 166

canovamanova test criteria and F approximations for the hypothesis of no overall SEXWLANG effect H type lililiIII111 ss&cp matrix for SEXWLANG E error ss&cp matrix s2sa M 05 n81 statistic value F numnumdfnumdaDF dendendfdendaDF prfarfpr F wilkslambdaWilks Lambda 0985848860.98584886 058640.5864 4 328 067270.6727

canovamanova test criteria and F approximations for the hypothesis of no overall LOCWLANG effect H type lililiIII111 ss&cp matrix for LOCWLANG E error ss&cp matrix s2sa M 05 n81 statistic value F numnumdfnumdaDF dendfdendaden DF prfarfpr F wilkslambdaWilks Lambda 0976976640.97697664 096060.9606 4 328 042930.4293

canovamanova test criteria and F approximations for the hypothesis of no overall ldscatwlang effect H type illIII111 ss&cp matrix for ldscatwlang E error ss&cp matrix s2sa m15 n81 statistic value F numdfnumdanum DF dendfdendaden DF prfarfpr F wilkslambdaWilks Lambda 0967199620.96719962 045960.4596 12 328 093690.9369

canovamanova test criteria and F approximations for the hypothesis of no overall uscatwlang effect H type illiliIII111 ss&cp matrix for uscatwlang E error ss&cp matrix s2sa ml n81 statistic value F numdfnumdanum DF dendfdendaden DF prprfarf F wilkslambdaWilks Lambda 0972240260.97224026 046500.4650 10 328 091190.9119 167

APPENDIX V ANOVA OF ENGLISH IRT DATA general linear models procedure dependent variable IRT ENGLISH class level information

time in US scale ward language class levels values 1 0066 months 1 panishspanish only 2 616.1glgi months 2 years 2 english only SEX 2 12 3 212.1 years 5 yearsears 3 bilingual or mixed LOC 3 123 4 515.1 years idyears1 ears attendance LDSTIME 4 1234 5 iol10110.1 years or longeronger I1 USTIME 5 12345 gender WLANGwaung 3 123 1 male 2 female time as LDS scale 1 0011 year or nonmembernon member location 2 llli111.1 5 years 1 texas 3 515.1 id10 years 2 california 144 lolloi10110.1 years or longer 3 utah number of observations in data set 245 NOTE observations with missing values will not be included in this analysis thus only 228 observations can be used in this analysis

source DF sum of squares mean square F value pr F I1 aeqe prfarf model 62 6917622519691.7622519 11157455711.1574557 igligi1911.91 000060.0006 error 165 9637920383963.7920383 584116395.8411639 corrected 227 165555429021655.5542902 total squarersquareR CV root MSE IRTENG mean 04178430.417843041784730.4178473 2031213203.121320312173203.12173 24168502.416850 71 11898551.189855118985511.1898551

gye I1 I1 1 source aDFojegyi lopeimpeqm7etype iliIII111 SSSS mean square F value I prfarfpr F eixsixSEX 1 0160169901350.169901350.16olg 990435 0169901350.16990135 6030036.030.03 086480.8648 LOC 2 3644467936444679364446709.364446709 0j 4682223354.682223354682682.68222335 08oao80800.800 045040.4504 SEXLOC 2 0836117660.83611766 0418058830.41805883 0070.07 093100.9310 LDSTIME 3 146567884214.65678842 4885596144.88559614 0840.84 047570.4757 sexldstime 3 117023801.702380117023801811.70238018 3900793393.90079339 06710.6710670.67 057300.5730 locldstime 6 4024024634.02402463 0670670770.67067077 oiioil0110.11 099460.9946 USTIME 4 9151631559.15163155 2287907892.28790789 0390.39 0081440.8144 KUSTIMESEXUSTIME 4 258948341925.89483419 647370&46473708556.47370855 EENWlillii1111.11 nmjje035440.3544 LOCUSTIME 7 429684152742.9684152742 t 6138345046.13834504A A 1051.05 039780.3978 I1 ldstimeustime 12 720559493972.05594939 6004662456.00466245 411f1031.03 042560.4256M WLANG 2 7235600477.23560047nilniioil 3617800233.61780023lis010 0620.62 053950.5395 SEXWLANG 2 9616632pj96166329616632279.61663227pj 4808314.808314808316144.80831614&141 0820.82 044080.44080 LOCWLANG 2 3703761623.70376162 1851881851880811.851880811.85188081 0320.32 072870.7287 ldstimewlang4rs1fmewlang 6 140593529914.05935299fjrLajrqjr qq 2343225502.34322550 t 0400.40 087750.8775nr77r 1113ustimewlangI1 15 1 ww4t1 G 5 135340699713.5340699713 53406.53406997 2706813992.70681399270681jf9 04604610.4610.46 0080310.8031 168

APPENDIXAPPENDDW W ANOVA OF SPANISH IRT DATA general linear models procedure dependent variable IRT SPANISH class level information

time in US scale ward language class levels values 1 0066 months 1 spanish only 2 616.1glgi months 2 years 2 english only SEX 2 12 3 212.1 years 5yearsayears5 years 3 bilingual or mixed LOC 3 123 4 515.1 years 10 yearsears attendance LDSTIME 4 1234 5 51narslolloiiol1011010.1 years or longerfongerionger USTIME 5 12345 gender WLANGVVLANG 3 123 1 male 2 female time as LDS scale 1 0011 year or nonmembernon member location 2 ll111.1 5 yearsearse 1 texas 3 515.1 id1 Yyearsears 2 california i4 lol10110.1 years or longer 3 utah number of observations in data set 245 NOTE observations with missing values will not be included in this analysis thus only 228 observations can be used in this analysis

source DF sum of squares mean square F value prfarfpr F model 62 2032755281203.2755281 327863753.2786375 1161.16ilg 022650.2265 error 165 4655870584465.5870584 282173972.8217397 corrected 227 6688625865668.8625865 total squarersquareR evCV root MSE IRTSP mean 03039120.303912 456028645.60286 16798031.679803 36835483.683548 1

source DFNJ jaj0lftpetype iliIII111 SS I1 mean square I1 F value I1 prfarfpr F SEX 1 1 2305428892.30542889 1 2305428892.30542889 1 0820.82 036740.3674 LOC 2 1144621611.446216114462167711.44621677 5723108395.72310839 1 2032.03 013480.1348 SEXLOCSEXUOC 2 1 17335571.7335571733557131.73355713 086677850.86677850866778570.8667785771 0310.31 073590.7359 LDSTIME 3 7320426867.32042686 2440142292.44014229 0860.86 54607046075.46070.4607 sexldstime 3 8332312608.33231260 2777437532.77743753 0980.98 040170.4017 locldstimelocudstime 6 3925071983.92507198ajqj ft7jq8j 00654178660.65417866654178661 0230.23 096570.9657 USTIME 4 1196217908119.621790819 62179011621790 Ll1 4905447704.90544770 1 17411741.7411.74 014390.1439 1 SEXUSTIMESEVUSTIME no4 5406300585.40630058 1351351575141.351575144y094 0480.48t& 07511enow0.7511enww LOOUSTIMELOCUSTIME 7 305668267130.56682671 4366689534.36668953 1551.55 015470.1547 ldstimeustime 12 1 48154729548.1547295481547295848.154729588 1 404.012894134012894134.01289413 f 14211.4211421.42 016016030.16030.16olg WLANG 2 2415732612.41573261 1207866311.20786631 0430.43 065250.6525 SEXWLANG 1 1 9 q ag-71 n I1 n JLI 2 5784296645.784296647uauw2 2892148322.89214832k J a 1021.02i 036110.3611W LOCWLANG 2 1 6206400006.20640000 1 3103200003.10320000 1 lioi110liolloiloiio11011.101.101 033540.33540335410.33541 ldstimewlang 6 3250409133.25040913 0541734850.54173485 0190.19olg 097870.9787

1 11 1 r I1 ustimewlang I1 &lauval 715j1 1 5 I milo 8186016698.18601669 1637203341.63720334 0580.58 071510.7151 development OF AN ENGLISH FOR GOSPEL PURPOSES vocabulary LIST THE LATTERDAYLATTER DAY SAINT LEXICON AS A SECOND LANGUAGE

jennifer H burrill

department of linguistics

MA degree august 1995


this study sought to explore the nonnativenon native englishenglishspeakingspeaking LDS adults comprehension of the english LDS lexicon stahle 1981 conducted a study of the LDS lexicon which established at least 249 words as basicbasic7777 vocabulary the current study had two foci it first sought to determine how difficult these words were in both english and spanish for native spanishspeakingspanish speaking LDS adults living in the US to assess this a duallanguagedual language vocabulary instrument was administered to 245 subjects from texas california and utah item response theory IRT analysis was used to calculate difficulty levels of words and these values were plotted dimensionallytwodimensionallytwo in order to categorize the words according to how easy or difficult they were in english or spanish relatively the IRT analysis was also used to generate the ability levels of participants these ability levels were then used as the dependent variables in a multiple analyses of variance used to assess the second focus of the study the effect of the following independent variables time in the US time in the LDS church languages used to conduct church meetings location and gender while none of the independent variables showed statistical significance the overall univariate english model did this fact strengthened the conclusion that the variation in the sample was too great to pinpoint significance of any one variable but that significance might be yet shown in a followupfollow up study which controlled the variables more strictly in particular to reassess the positive directional hypothesis in this study that length of exposure to the LDS church would effect comprehension LDS versus non LDS subjects could be tested controlling for age educational level sex etc as much as possible

LU COMMITTEE APPROVAL V mary lee satscttscott committee chair

t S mark tanner conyrdtteeitteeattee member

C ray graham con member

lelvin lulky dejartmknt