MITCH MACLAY SINGS JUST FOR YOU A Play in One Act by Craig Bailey Craig Bailey 350 Woodbine Rd Shelburne VT 05482-6777 (802) 655-1197 ©2019 Craig Bailey
[email protected] All rights reserved CHARACTERS CHRISTOPHER WOOD Early-30s. Program Director and morning board operator for radio station TRU-92. HE capitalizes on the invisibility of his medium by dressing in casual clothing including baggy khakis, sneakers with no socks, and a comfortable T-shirt sporting the logo of an alternative band. His cynical attitude and occasionally snide veneer reflect the mind-set of an up-and- coming industry man who somehow made a wrong turn only to find himself, inexplicably, in rural Iowa. LORALIE KENT Early- to mid-20s. Evening board operator for TRU-92. SHE is dressed in simple slacks, blouse and stocking feet at rise -- with a fresh, natural, cheerful face that's wasted on the radio. Her eccentricity and inclination for seemingly pointless chatter disguise her high level of intelligence -- an asset that's thwarted only by her rose-colored naivete. SETTING Front office of radio station TRU-92 in a small Iowa town TIME A Saturday in the late-1980s 1. ACT I Scene 1 (The second story front office of radio station TRU-92 in a small Iowa town, late-1980s. The furnishings and decor are about 30 years behind the times. The overall atmosphere is drab, bordering on depressed. A doorway UC leads to a hallway. Entranceways DR and DL lead to the air studio and sales offices, respectively.