Fall 2012 Mail Order Catalog Cistus Nursery 22711 NW Gillihan Road Sauvie Island, OR 97231 503.621.2233 phone order by phone 9 - 5 pst, visit 10am - 5pm, mail, or email:
[email protected] 24-7-365 www.cistus.com Fall 2012 Mail Order Catalog 2 Abelia x grandiflora 'Margarita' margarita abelia New and interesting abelia with variegated leaves, green with bright yellow margins, on red stems, dressing up a smallish shrub, expected to be 4 ft tall and wide. A cheerful addition to the garden. Flowers are typical of the species, beginning in May and continuing sporadically throughout the season. Best in sun -- they tend to be leggy in shade -- with average summer water. Frost hardy to -20F, USDA zone 6. $14 Caprifoliaceae Abutilon 'Savitzii' flowering maple One of the few abutilons we sell that is quite tender. Grown since the 1800s for its wild variegation -- the leaves large and pale, almost white with occasional green blotches -- and long, salmon-orange, peduncled flowers. A medium grower, to 4-6 ft tall, needing consistent water and nutrients in sun to part shade. Winter mulch increases frost hardiness as does some overstory. Frost hardy to 25 F, mid USDA zone 9. Where temperatures drop lower, best in a container or as cuttings to overwinter. Well worth the trouble! $9 Malvaceae Acanthus sennii A most unusual and striking species from the highlands of Ethiopia, a shrub to 3 ft or more with silvery green leaves to about 3" wide, ruffle edged and spined, and spikes of nearly red flowers in summer and autumn.