CHAPTER 12 SPECIES TREATMENT (Enumeration of the 220 Obligate Or Near-Obligate Cremnophilous Succulent and Bulbous Taxa) FERNS P

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CHAPTER 12 SPECIES TREATMENT (Enumeration of the 220 Obligate Or Near-Obligate Cremnophilous Succulent and Bulbous Taxa) FERNS P CHAPTER 12 SPECIES TREATMENT (Enumeration of the 220 obligate or near-obligate cremnophilous succulent and bulbous taxa) FERNS POLYPODIACEAE Pyrrosia Mirb. 1. Pyrrosia schimperiana (Mett. ex Kuhn) Alston PYRROSIA Mirb. 1. Pyrrosia schimperiana (Mett. ex Kuhn) Alston in Journal of Botany, London 72, Suppl. 2: 8 (1934). Cremnophyte growth form: Cluster-forming, subpendulous leaves (of medium weight, cliff hugger). Growth form formula: A:S:Lper:Lc:Ts (p) Etymology: After Wilhelm Schimper (1804–1878), plant collector in northern Africa and Arabia. DESCRIPTION AND HABITAT Cluster-forming semipoikilohydric plant, with creeping rhizome 2 mm in diameter; rhizome scales up to 6 mm long, dense, ovate-cucullate to lanceolate-acuminate, entire. Fronds ascending-spreading, becoming pendent, 150–300 × 17–35 mm, succulent-coriaceous, closely spaced to ascending, often becoming drooping (2–6 mm apart); stipe tomentose (silvery grey to golden hairs), becoming glabrous with age. Lamina linear-lanceolate to linear-obovate, rarely with 1 or 2 lobes; margin entire; adaxial surface tomentose becoming glabrous, abaxial surface remaining densely tomentose (grey to golden stellate hairs); base cuneate; apex acute. Sori rusty brown dots, 1 mm in diameter, evenly spaced (1–2 mm apart) in distal two thirds on abaxial surface, emerging through dense indumentum. Phenology: Sori produced mainly in summer and spring. Spores dispersed by wind, coinciding with the rainy season. Habitat and aspect: Sheer south-facing cliffs and rocky embankments, among lichens and other succulent flora. Plants are scattered, firmly rooted in crevices and on ledges. The average daily maximum temperature is about 26ºC for summer and 14ºC for winter. Rainfall is experienced mainly in summer, 1000–1250 mm per annum. 243 Altitude: 1400–1600 m. Associated vegetation: Mosaic of Northern Mistbelt Forest (Forest Biome) and the Sub- Escarpment Savanna Bioregion of the Savanna Biome (Mucina et al. 2005). Associated cremnophytes: Aeollanthus parvifolius, Aloe spicata, Cotyledon barbeyi, Delosperma lebomboensis, Peperomia blanda and Plectranthus cylindraceus. Geology: Quartzitic sandstone of the Black Reef Formation (Transvaal Supergroup) with many fissures, ledges and crevices ideal for establishment of plants. DISTRIBUTION Widespread in Africa and reaches its southernmost limit in Mpumalanga at the Blyde River Canyon (altitude of 1400–1650 m). RELATED SPECIES Differs from Pyrrosia africana by its adaxial leaf surface which is densely hairy at first, becoming glabrescent with scattered sori on the lower surface. Pyrrosia africana is an epiphyte occurring in coastal forest of the Eastern Cape and KwaZulu-Natal, with the upper leaf surface subglabrous and the sori clustered on the lower leaf surface. The succulent, semipoikilohydric leaves and dense, hairy surface of P. schimperiana are probably an adaptation to its xeric cliff-face habitat. ADAPTATIONS TO THE CLIFF ENVIRONMENT Habit: Plants clustered, with creeping rhizome rooting in crevices, with spreading to drooping fronds. Slow-growing, long-lived perennial. Size and weight: Heads small, of medium weight. Stem: Creeping rhizome covered in rhizome scales. Leaves Orientation: Spreading and drooping, semipoikilohydric, in winter becoming desiccated but recovering after rain. Well adapted to the dry, xeric habitat. Succulence: Succulent. Colour and texture: Green, covered with dense tomentum, becoming glabrescent on adaxial surface; lower surface densely hairy and probably contributing to conservation of water. Age and persistence: Long-lived, perennial. Armament: None. 244 Sexual reproduction Sori: Scattered on lower surface. Spores Dispersal: Spores wind-dispersed, germinating in suitable habitats. Time: Spores released in the rainy season. Vegetative reproduction: Plants form clusters from short, creeping rhizomes, thus ensuring a hold on the cliff-face habitat. Spreading by means of vegetative growth, proliferating and rooting where the rhizome touches a crevice (vegetative backup). CONSERVATION STATUS Classified as of least concern (Raimondo et al. 2009). A rare species, but not threatened owing to the safe cliff habitat. ADDITIONAL NOTES Horticulture: Pyrrosia schimperiana is a worthwhile introduction to horticulture and thrives in small containers or hanging baskets. It can also be grown on rocky embankments. It is best grown in a loamy, well-drained soil, with ample feeding during the summer growing season. It is recommended for moist savanna or warm subtropical gardens and should be kept in semishade and well watered in summer. Plants can be divided in spring. In regions with frost the plants should be brought indoors in winter. VOUCHER Van Jaarsveld 17246 (NBG). ILLUSTRATIONS AND MAP Plate 1, Figures 1a–1c, Map 1. 245 FLOWERING PLANTS Monocotyledons AMARYLLIDACEAE Cyrtanthus Aiton 2. C. falcatus R.A.Dyer 3. C. flammosus Snijman & Van Jaarsv. 4. C. flanaganii Baker 5. C. herrei (F.M.Leight.) R.A.Dyer 6. C. inaequalis O’Brien 7. C. junodii P.Beauv. 8. C. labiatus R.A.Dyer 9. C. montanus R.A.Dyer Haemanthus L. 10. H. albiflos Jacq. 11. H. humilis Jacq. subsp. humilis 12. H. pauculifolius Snijman & A.E.van Wyk CYRTANTHUS Aiton 2. Cyrtanthus falcatus R.A.Dyer in Herbertia 6: 76, t. 138, fig. 1 (1939). Cremnophyte growth form: Cluster-forming, epigeous, bulbous, with pendent leaves (of medium weight to heavy, cliff hugger). Growth form formula: A:B:D:C:Lp (e) (vb) (eg) Etymology: Latin falcatus, sickle-shaped, pertaining to the leaves. DESCRIPTION AND HABITAT Deciduous, epigeous, cluster-forming bulbous plants. Bulbs ovoid to globose, up to 80 mm in diameter, sprouting from base, tapering to a neck up to 120 mm long; tunics dense, brown to grey, membranous. Leaves up to 4, linear, up to 350 × 30 mm, leathery, green; apex acute. Scape up to 300 mm long, glaucous, 15 mm in diameter near base and about 10 mm distally, characteristically recurved at the top with a pendent umbel of up to 10 flowers; bracts 4.50 × 12.5 mm, linear-lanceolate, soon withering; pedicels up to 14 mm long. Perianth pendulous, red, zygomorphic, up to 70 mm long; tube up to 40 mm long, throat about 10 mm in diameter; outer surface greenish, buff, red on lobes; lobes reddish, obovate-oblong, the outer up to 25 mm long and 12.5 mm broad, shortly cucullate at throat, inner lobes 13 mm in diameter, slightly retuse at apex. Stamens arising from base of perianth; anthers yellow, dorsifixed. Ovary up to 10 mm long. Capsule and seed not seen. 246 Phenology: Synanthous, flowering mainly in spring (October–November). Pollinators: Sunbirds. Habitat and aspect: Vertical or near-vertical cliffs, from about 1500–2000 m in the Drakensberg midlands. Habitat consists of wooded valleys and mountainous terrain. Plants are firmly rooted in crevices; size often depends on the growing space allowed by the crevice. Average daily maximum temperature is about 25°C and average daily minimum 10–11°C. Winters are colder, with frost and occasional snow. Rainfall occurs mainly in summer and ranges from 1000–1500 mm per annum (mainly thunder showers). Altitude: 1100–1800 m. Associated vegetation: Drakensberg Foothill Moist Grassland (Grassland Biome) (Mucina et al. 2005). Associated cremnophytes: At the Nzinga Waterfall, farm Belmont, Cyrtanthus falcatus grows together with Aloe aristata. Geology: Mudstone (Emakwezini Formation), Beaufort Group (Karoo Supergroup). Substrate with sufficient ledges, crevices and fissures for establishment of plants. DISTRIBUTION Impendle and Underberg districts, central KwaZulu-Natal. RELATED SPECIES Cyrtanthus falcatus is not closely related to other Cyrtanthus species. It is perhaps nearest to C. herrei, another cremnophyte from the winter-rainfall Richtersveld in the Northern Cape and adjacent mountainous parts of Namibia. ADAPTATIONS TO THE CLIFF ENVIRONMENT Habit: Plants forming exposed clusters up to 1 m in diameter. Bulbs firmly wedged, habit often drooping, exploiting the vertical cliff-face habitat and absence of disturbance by larger herbivores. A slow-growing, long-lived perennial. Size and weight: Heads of medium weight to heavy, clusters. Bulb: Epigeous, ovoid to round, fleshy and tolerant of warm, dry conditions. Its succulent state suggests an adaptation to its xeric habitat. Leaves Orientation: Appearing in spring, distichous, vertically orientated, thus minimising exposure to direct sunshine. The leaves are phenotypically adjustable to the vertical habitat and aspect. Succulence: Leaves are fleshy, an adaptation to the dry habitat. 247 Colour: Light grey-green, reflecting excessive light. Age and persistence: Deciduous, leaves withering in autumn, maximising survival on the dry rock face. Armament and camouflage: Lack of armament or a camouflage defence strategy and the conspicuous clustered habit suggest an adaptation to the safe cliff habitat in the absence of disturbances. Sexual reproduction Inflorescence and flowers: Inflorescence a compact, conspicuous umbel of reddish flowers attractive to sunbirds feeding on the nectar. The ascending scape is decurved at the top, a unique feature in Cyrtanthus, and the flowers and pedicels are pendent. Fruit/Seed Size: Presumably compressed. Dispersal: Capsule dehiscent, seeds wind-dispersed (anemochory). Time: Seeds ripening in summer, coinciding with the rainy season. Vegetative reproduction: Cyrtanthus falcatus is a prolific sprouter from the base, forming dense clusters. The many bulbs are a successful vegetative dispersal strategy, with ledges and crevices continuously being populated with clones,
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