WELCOME TO: FASEB Webinar on “FASEB’s Excellence in Science Award: Opportunities and Eligibility for 2021”

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 Welcome & Background

 History of FASEB’s Excellence in Science Award

 Three Award Opportunities

 Prize Details

 Nomination Requirements

 Submitting a Nomination

 Award Timeline

 Questions and Answers To Ask A Question

1. Type your question in the white box


Mary-Ann Bjornsti, PhD, EiS Award Committee Chair Yvette R. Seger, PhD, EiS Staff Liaison 28 FASEB Member Societies Representing 130,000 Scientists and Engineers

The Association of Society for Developmental Biomolecular Resource Biology Facilities

American Society for Clinical Investigation FASEB Mission

 To advance health and well-being by promoting research and education in biological and biomedical sciences through collaborative advocacy and service to our societies and their members Excellence in Science Award Committee

 Mary-Ann Bjornsti, PhD –  Shuji Ogino, MD, PhD Chair  Nancy M. Sawtell, PhD  Clint Allred, PhD  Laura A. Solt, PhD  Yvonne Angell, PhD  Joanna Spencer-Segal, MD,  Rachel M. Brewster, PhD PhD  Roberta Faccio, PhD  Sherry Thornton, PhD  Kelly G. Ten Hagen, PhD  Tina Tootle, PhD  Karyn Hamilton, PhD, RD  Chen Wang, PhD  Mark Lehrman, PhD  Tao Wang, MD, PhD, DABT  Sreemathi Logan, PhD  Connie Weaver, PhD  Susan A. Marsh, PhD  Cecilia C. Yates, PhD  Yvette Seger, PhD, Ex Officio Excellence in Science Award Excellence in Science Award

 Established to recognize outstanding achievement by women in biological science  First awarded in 1989 1989 Marian E. Koshland, PhD 2005 Anita Roberts, PhD 1990 Elizabeth D. Hay, MD 2006 , PhD 1991 Ellen S. Vitetta, PhD , PhD 1992 Bettie Sue (Siler) Masters, PhD 2007 Frances Arnold, PhD 1993 Susan E. Leeman, PhD 2008 , PhD 1994 Lucille Shapiro, PhD 2009 Susan L. Lindquist, PhD 1995 Philippa Marrack, PhD 2010 Susan S. Taylor, PhD 1996 , PhD 2011 Gail R. Martin, PhD 1997 Claude B. Klee, MD 2012 Susan R. Wessler, PhD 1998 Eva J. Neer, MD 2013 Terry Orr-Weaver, PhD 1999 Helen M. Blau, PhD 2014 Kathryn V. Anderson, PhD 2000 Y. Peng Loh, PhD 2015 Diane Edmund Griffin, MD, PhD 2001 Laurie H. Glimcher, MD 2016 Bonnie L. Bassler, PhD 2002 Phyllis M. Wise, PhD 2017 Diane Mathis, PhD 2003 Joan A. Steitz, PhD 2018 Lynne Maquat, PhD 2004 Janet Rossant, PhD 2019 Barbara B. Kahn, MD 2005 Anita Roberts, PhD

Additional details about awardees and their lectures can be found on the FASEB website Expansion in 2020

 Lifetime Achievement (continuation of existing award)  Two new awards:  Excellence in Science Mid-Career Investigator  Excellence in Science Early-Career Investigator 2020 Awardee Lectures

Lifetime Achievement Brigid L.M. Hogan, PhD, FRS Society for Developmental Biology Annual Meeting, July 9 – 13, 2020

Mid-Career Award Aviv Regev, PhD American Society of Human Genetics Annual Meeting October 27 – 31, 2020

Early-Career Award Karen A. Schindler, PhD Society for the Study of Reproduction Annual Meeting July 8 – 12, 2020 Prize Details EiS Lifetime Achievement Award

 Target Population: Established Investigators  $10,000 unrestricted research grant  Special awardee lecture during the FASEB member society meeting of her choice  Reimbursement of meeting expenses  Roundtrip travel  Meeting registration  Lodging (two nights)  Commemorative plaque EiS Mid-Career Investigator Award

 Target Population: Within 7 – 15 years of first independent faculty/research scientist position  $5,000 unrestricted research grant  Special awardee lecture during the FASEB member society meeting of her choice  Reimbursement of meeting expenses  Roundtrip travel  Meeting registration  Lodging (two nights)  Commemorative plaque EiS Early-Career Investigator Award

 Target Population: Within 7 years of first independent faculty/research scientist position  $5,000 unrestricted research grant  Special awardee lecture during the FASEB member society meeting of her choice  Reimbursement of meeting expenses  Roundtrip travel  Meeting registration  Lodging (two nights)  Commemorative plaque Nomination Requirements Eligibility (All EiS Awards)

 Nominee must be a woman  Nominee must be a current member of a current FASEB full member society  Nominator must be a current member of a current FASEB full member society  They do not need to be members of the same FASEB society!  Nominations must be submitted annually using the appropriate Excellence in Science Award Nomination form  Previously nominated individuals must be re- nominated to be considered for the 2021 award cycle Review Criteria – Lifetime Achievement

 Scientific achievements  Landmark discoveries  High impact publications  Scientific leadership  Training of students and postdoctoral fellows  Impacts on career  Teaching/lectures  Contributions to the broader scientific community  Leadership in professional organizations  University service and leadership  Public outreach Review Criteria – Mid-Career Investigator

 Scientific achievements  Landmark discoveries  High impact publications  Scientific leadership  Impact on career development  Mentorship of graduate students and postdocs  Teaching/lectures  Community outreach  Service in professional organizations  University service  Public/community outreach Review Criteria – Early-Career Investigator

 Scientific accomplishments and/or efforts leading to excellence in training and education  Scientific achievements  Development/implementation of unique programming or tools for research and/or education  Leadership in interdisciplinary research efforts and/or education  Participation in professional organization or other form of community outreach Submitting a Nomination Nomination Materials – Lifetime Achievement

 Nomination letter  Nominee’s complete curriculum vitae  Five nominee reprints  Three letters of support from nominee’s peers illustrating impact on the field  Three letters of recommendation from trainees illustrating mentorship and impact on careers Nomination Materials – Mid-Career Award

 Nomination letter  Nominee’s complete curriculum vitae  Five nominee reprints  Three letters of support illustrating nominee’s impact on research and mentoring/career development Nomination Materials – Early-Career Award

 Nomination letter  Nominee’s complete curriculum vitae  Five nominee reprints  Three letters of support illustrating nominee’s impact on research and/or training and education in biological and biomedical science Nomination Materials (2)

 Nomination letter, describing in detail:  Contributions to the field that represent nominee’s outstanding achievement in science  Evidence of leadership  Evidence of mentorship  Evidence of national recognition  Honors and awards  Synopsis of selected bibliography Nomination Materials (3)

 Nominee’s complete curriculum vitae, documenting:  All publications  Leadership roles  Mentorship activities  Teaching activities  Honors and recognition  Grant awards Nomination Materials (4)

 Five nominee reprints  Articles that demonstrate most significant contributions  Letters  Lifetime Achievement nominations require three letters from peers and three letters from trainees (total of six letters)  Mid-Career and Early-Career nominations require three letters total, and can refer to research expertise as well as contributions to education and mentoring Nomination Materials (5)

 Materials must be submitted using the Excellence in Science web forms  All materials must be in PDF format  The number of requested materials is exact  Additional materials will not be accepted  Materials submitted via email or other modes of document sharing will not be accepted  Materials will not be accepted after the nomination deadline (March 1, 11:59 pm EST) Nomination Form

All materials must be submitted at the same time! Nomination Form

 Online submission ONLY https://ffvp.memberclicks.net/2021-excellence-in-science-award  Separate forms for each award: Login or Create an Account

Existing FASEB Volunteer/Leader

Create New Account Required Information

 Nominator:  Name  Title  Institution  Business Email  Business Phone Number  FASEB society of which a member Required Information (2)

 Nominee:  Name  Title  Institution  Business Email  Business Phone Number  FASEB society of which a member Documentation

 All files must be submitted in PDF format  Please follow requested format for document names as noted on form. A few examples:  Seger Nomination.pdf  Seger CV.pdf  Seger Reprint 1.pdf  Seger Letter of Support 1.pdf  Seger Trainee Letter 1.pdf  All forms must be uploaded at the same time! Uploading Files

Ruh-roh – missing information! Success!

Confirmation Screen

Confirmation Email Timeline Timeline

 March 1 – deadline for submissions  Mid-March: Nominations sent to EiS Committee members for initial review  Committee members divided into groups  Each member reviews ~10-12 applications per award category  May: Preliminary Review Discussions  June: Review of Finalists  Committee members review 8-10 finalists per award category  Teleconference to discuss finalists and select Committee’s recommended nominee Timeline

 June: Committee Chair develops recommendation letter to FASEB Board of Directors  Early July: EiS Committee Recommendation presented to and voted on by FASEB Board of Directors  August: Awardee announced

**Actual conferral of the awards vary based on society meeting schedules, but will be presented in calendar year 2021** Frequently Asked Questions FAQs

 Is eligibility determined by the year of nomination or the year of award?  Eligibility is determined by the award year (2021)  Early-Career: appointed 2014 and onward  Mid-Career: appointment 2006 and onward

*Note: Nominators may indicate parental leave of absence that may have affected eligibility up to one-year in their nomination letter FAQs

 Do all letters of support need to be from members of FASEB societies?  No. Only the Nominator and Nominee must be members of a full FASEB member society. FAQs

 How do I know if my society is a full FASEB member society?  The nomination form requires selection of at least one full FASEB member society each for the Nominator and Nominee. If the society is not listed, it is not eligible. FAQs

 Can I submit additional documents to support a nomination?  No. Additional documents will not be considered. FAQs

 Does a nominee get “extra credit” if multiple nominations are submitted on her behalf?  No. Only one nomination per nominee will be considered. In the instance of multiple nominations, staff will work with the nominators to condense materials into a single package. FAQs

 I submitted a nomination last year, do I need to resubmit?  Yes! At this time, we do not accommodate multi- year submissions. Only those nominations submitted by March 1, 2020 will be considered for the 2021 EiS Awards Q&A To Ask A Question

1. Type your question in the white box

2. Click “Send” (gray button) Additional Questions?

Yvette Seger, PhD Staff Liaison, FASEB Excellence in Science Award Committee [email protected]