Metsähallituksen luonnonsuojelujulkaisuja. Sarja A, No 131 Nature Protection Publications of the Finnish Forest and Park Service. Series A, No 131 Diversity studies in Koitajoki Area (North Karelian Biosphere Reserve, Ilomantsi, Finland) Timo J. Hokkanen (editor) Timo J. Hokkanen (editor) North Karelian Biosphere Reserve FIN-82900 Ilomantsi, FINLAND
[email protected] The authors of the publication are responsible for the contents. The publication is not an official statement of Metsähallitus. Julkaisun sisällöstä vastaavat tekijät, eikä julkaisuun voida vedota Metsähallituksen virallisesna kannanottona. ISSN 1235-6549 ISBN 952-446-325-3 Oy Edita Ab Helsinki 2001 Cover picture:Veli-Matti Väänänen © Metsähallitus 2001 DOCUMENTATION PAGE Published by Date of publication Metsähallitus 14.9.2001 Author(s) Type of publication Research report Timo J. Hokkanen (editor) Commissioned by Date of assignment / Date of the research contract Title of publication Diversity studies in Koitajoki Area (North Karelian Biosphere Reserve, Ilomantsi, Finland) Parts of publication Abstract The mature forests of Koitajoki Area in Ilomantsi were studied in the North Karelian Biosphere Reserve Finnish – Russian researches in 1993-1998. Russian researchers from Petrozavodsk (Karelian Research Centre) , St Peters- burg (Komarov Botanical Institute) and Moscow (Moscow State University) were involved in the studies. The goal of the researches was to study the biolgical value of the prevailing forest fragments. An index of the value of the forest fragments was compiled. The index includes the amount and quality and suc- cession of the decaying wood in the sites. The groups studied were Coleoptera, Diptera, Hymenoptera and ap- hyllophoraceous fungi. Coleoptera species were were most numerous in Tapionaho, where there were over 200 spedies found of the total number of 282 found in the studies.