Transactions 1878
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TRANSACTIONS OF THE Barfalk & Bar unci* NATURALISTS’ SOCIETY; PRESENTED TO THE MEMBERS FOR 1878—9 . VOL. II.—Part v. NORWICH: PRINTED BY FLETCHER AND SON. 1879. — The Norfolk and Norwich Naturalists' Society has for its objects : 1. The Practical study of- Natural Science. 2. The protection, by its influence with landowners and others, of indigenous species requiring protection, and the circulation of information which may dispel prejudices leading to their destruction. 3. The discouragement of the practice of destroying the rarer species of birds that occasionally visit the County, and of exterminating rare plants in their native localities. 4. The record of facts and traditions connected with the habits, distribution, and former abundance or otherwise of animals and plants which have become extinct in the County; and the use of all legitimate means to prevent the extermination of existing species, more especially those known to be diminishing in numbers. 5. The publication of Papers on Natural History, contributed to the Society, especially such as relate to the County of Norfolk. 6. The facilitating a friendly intercourse between local Naturalists, by means of Meetings for the reading and discussion of papers and for the exhibition of specimens, supplemented by Field-meetings and Excursions, with a view to extend the study of Natural Science on a sound and systematic basis. TRANSACTIONS OK THK NORFOLK & NORWICH NATURALISTS’ SOCIETY. TRANSACTIONS OK TJiE I 1 U mfalh ami Bmwich NATURALISTS’ SOCIETY Presented to the Members for - 1878 79 . VOL. II.— Part v. gt o r fo i e b : PRINTED BY FLETCHER AND SON. 1879. or folli and .Jloncich naturalists' ^orictn OFFICERS FOR 1878-79. PRESIDENT. MR. F. W. HARMER, F.G.S. VICE-PRESIDENTS. THE RIGHT IION. THE KARL OF LEICESTER, K.G. THE RIGHT IION. THE EARL OF KIMBERLEY LORD WALSINGIIAM MICHAEL BEVERLEY, M.D. SIR F. G. M. BOILEAU, Baht. FREDERIC KITTON, Hon. F.R.M.S. SIR WILLOUGHBY JONES, Baht. HERBERT D. GELDART SIR HENRY STRACEY, Bart. JOHN B. BRIDGMAN W. A. TYSSEN AMHERST T. G. BAYFIELD HENRY STEVENSON, F.L.S. TREASURER. MR. J. 11. GURNEY, Jun., F.Z.S. HON. SECRETARY. MR. THOMAS SOUTHWELL, F.Z.S. COMMITTEE. OCTAVIUS CORDER, Chairman. MR. II. D. KING MR. T. R. PINDER MR. G. II. ASKER MR. H. B. WOODWARD, F.G.S. MR. F. DIX MR. F. D. WHEELER MR. E. S. BIGNOLD MR. S. W. UTTING JOURNAL COMMITTEE. PROFESSOR NEWTON MR. M. P. SQUIRRELL MR. JAMES REEVE MR. E. S. BIGNOLD MR. B. E. FLETCHER MR. H. B. WOODWARD AUDITOR. MR. W. II. BIDWELL. LIST OF MEMBERS 1S78—79. Leicester, The Earl of, K.G., V.P. Buxton H. E., Great Yarmouth Kimberley, The Earl of, V.P. Buxton S. G., Cation Hall Lilford, Lord, E.L.S., Hon. Mein. C. Walsingham, Lord, V.P. Candler Miss Lucy, Baicburgh Boileau Sir F. G. M., Bart., V.P. Capon C. Thorpe Jones Sir Willoughby, Bart., V.P. H., Cockburn Miss, Bracondale Stracey Sir Henry J., Bart., V.P. Stracey Lady Colman J. J., M.P., Carrow House Cooke G. F., Thorpe A. Cooke M. 0., lion. Mem., Upper Aitkins Rev. C. H., M.A., Aylsham Holloway, London Vicarage Cooper R. Amherst W. A. T., F.Z.S., V.P., Cooper R. A. Bidlinglon Hall Cordeaux John, Great Cotes, Ulceby Amyot T. E., F.R.C.S., Biss Corder 0. Asker G. H. Corder W. S. Athow E. J., Eaton Cresswell F. J., Lynn Crcsswell George, Lynn B. Crosfield J . Backhouse, Reigate Bailey Rev. J., M.A., Stoke Holy Cross Crowfoot W. M., Beetles Barber E. H. Cupiss Francis, Biss Barclay H. G., Thorpe D. Barnard Miss A. Davie Rev. C. R. Ferguson, M.A., Barrett C. G., Hon. Mem., Pembroke, Yelverton South Wales Day Miss, Old Lakenham Barnes Miss, Thorpe Dix Francis Barwell H. G. Dowell Rev. E. W., Dunton Rectory Bayfield T. G., V.P. Dowson E. T., Geldeston Bedingfeld E., Bedingfeld Dresser H. E., F.Z.S., 6 Tcnlerden Bedingfeld Henry, 48 Upper Glouces- Street, London, IP ter Place, Dorset Square, London DuPort Rev. J. M., M.A., Mattisliall Bedingfeld Lieut. James, R.N., Bedingfeld E. Boll Francis Eade Peter, M.D. Beverley M., M.D., V.P. Eaton G. C. Bidwell E., 158 Queen Victoria Street, Edwards J London F. Bidwell W. H. Farn A. B. , The Bartons, Dartford Bignold E. S. Farrer J. D. Birkbeck W., Thorpe Field C. A., Walton Blake R., Bracondale Field E. Bloomfield Rev. E. N., M.A., Guest- Fitch R., F.G.S., F.S.A. ling Rectory, Hastings Fitch Mrs. R. Boardman E. Fletcher B. E. Boileau Lieut. -Col., Stanfield Hall Foottit W. F., Newark Bond Frederick, F.Z.S., Fairfield Foster Mrs. Charles, Thorpe Avenue, Staines Frere Rev. H. T., M.A., Bursion Bond W. Rectory Boulton W. S. Fryer Herbort F., Chatteris Braikenridgc Rev. G. W., M.A., G. F.L.S., Win Ash, Brislington, Bristol Gatcombe J., Loiver Burnford Street, Bream C. J. Slonehouse Bridgman J. B., V.P. Geldart H, D., V.P., Thorpe Hamlet Broeck Ernest Vanden, Hon. Mem., Glasspoolo H. G., Bernard Street, Brussels Russell Square, London Brown J. A. Harvic, Larberl, N.B. Grigson R. Brown Rev. J. L., M.A. Gunn John, F.G.S. Brown William, llaynford Hall Gunn T. E. Brownfield J. Gurney Francis J., Earlham Hall Burcham R. P. Gurney John, F.Z.S., Spivwston Hall Burlingham D. Catlin, Lynn Gurney J. H., F.Z.S., Hon. Mem., Butchor H. F. North repps Hall Buxton C. Louis, Bohnck Hall Gurney J. 11., Jun., F.Z.S., Northrepps Buxton Geoffrey F., Thorpe Gurney R. 11. J., Northrepps Hall Vll Nicholson F., F.G.S., Bowden Haldinstoin \V. Norton Henry, F.G.S. Hamond A., Westacre Hamond Capt. Philip, R.N., Lowestoft 0 . Hamond Charles, Lowestoft Orfeur J. Harcourt B. W. Ilarmer F. W., F.G.S., President, P. Cringleford Parker J. Harting J. E., F.L.S., F.Z.S., 24 Partridge Rev. W. H., Witney Lincoln's Inn Fields London Pigott T. Digby, F.R.G.S., Portsea , Flare, Hayden F. V., U. S. Geologist-in- London, IF. I’inder charge, Washington, lion. Mem. T. Richmond Heaver W. Plowright C. B., lion. Mem., Lynn Hebbert C. T., 12 Hereford Gardens, Purdy K. J. W., Woodyate House, IP. Aylsham Hector James, M.D., F.U.S., Xew R. Zealand Institute, Wellington, lion. Mem. Reovo J. Hills VV. C., M.D., Thorpe Asglum Robbins Miss Hodgson Mrs. Roche E. B„ M.D. Hooker Sir J. D., C.B., M.D., Robinson II. S. F.R. S., lion. Mem., Royal Ruston A. Harold, Chatteris Botanic Gardens, Keic Hope Rev. C. A., Upper Hellesdon S. Hose Rev. Roydon, T. C., Dies Seebohm II., F.Z.S., 6 Tenterden Howes ltov. Charles, M.A. Street, I/ondon, IF. J. Self A. C. Skcrtckly S. B. J., F.G.S. Brandon Jarrold J. J. S. , Southwell Johnson Randall, IForAam Hall C., Gnrrcy Lodge, Hendon, K. Southwell T., F.Z.S., Hon. Sec. Kent A. Squirrell M. P. Keighley T. D., Great Varmouth Stark William A quart um Stcdman M. R., Alethor/w King A. Stevenson H., F.L.S., V.P. King H. D. Straeey Miss, Radkheath Hall King J. Sutton Francis, F.C.S. Kitton F., V.P., Hon. F.ll.M.S. Sutton Frederick, Wellinghamby Stoic L. T. Laurence Rev. J. A., DUham. Loathes Col. H. M., Ilert'ingjleet Hall Taylor I. 0. Howard, Thorpe Lc Policy Rev. J. L., M.A. Taylor S. T., M.B. Lowe John, M.D., Hon. Mem., Lynn Todd J. T. Luscombo Airs., Old Lakenham Toll Octavius Lynn Natural History Society, Tracy Rov. F. F., M.A., Becclcs President of, Hon. Mem. Tracy F. W., Cambridge Turner Horace M. ManningRev. C. R., M.A., Diss Rectory U. Marsham C. Alfred, Chelmsford I pcher II. M., F.Z.S., Fellwell Rectory Marsham C. R.. Stratton Strawless Utting S. W., Thorpe Hamlet Marsham Rev. H. P., Rippon Hall Master A. W. Meade R. H., Bradford Middleton F. B., Fa hen ham Waddell J. C., M.D. Miller Henry, Ipswich Walter J. H., Hcl/esdon Lodge Morgan A. M. F. West A., Wnmondham Mottram A. Wharton H. T.. M.A., F.Z.S., Kilburn Muncaster A. E., Somerleyton Wheeler Rev. T. A. Muriel C. E. Wheeler F. D. White R. W. N. Wild C. H. Nowcomo F. d'Arcv, Felhcell Hall Williams C. Newton Professor, Si. A., F.R.S., Hon. Wilson G. Mem., Magdalen College , Cambridge Woodward H. B., F.G.S. « 1 i * Ylll o©<oocooocoooco O N «0 'r 'X) 10 00 50 (M O ^ . o> c* © © CM *0 © CO t O O **i CO CO CO oo : i r^. ^octdn, oo ; r-i CO •1 : S ::::::: : 8 • a S g- pj g cc O • s : , : : g> : : : £ n • • Jtaturatists' s ;t ' it •s e? . •2 ! 1 t- .S rR t, 2 ^ 0 P ° o •" 0 E -g •« rn CJ Uonuidt d O^.S 2 C " s J i$T9. •1 >3 ^ § o' | ll | § "2 a 4" o“«!^.S m q3 cSw.S’trtoSg® fe 8 1-M «..®i!g®l§-r. W-H gCj 0) r— m Cj OT r-> tfi i— J correct. and Pat[th, >> ........ « - - - found Jjtorflolh 25th and *0 O O O 50 N CO the ^ O CO O OS N rj OS CO Ci (N O CO Examined, ending ^ Ol ^ CO with oooooooo geati oo O O O O O O iO IQ r— Ci I r— t^lOr—IrHf-fOOOO CO Recount r— CO U tfi £ ° s in co >> ra f2 § I'- SFrcasMMu CO p « S 2 rj & 8 Win aJ PP o 5 3 | g * D 5 .li .3 I O *-< tri jl -4-1 § [S P M CO $ <D A o0 | O •c .2 a o cl m £ ns1 a © *3 tJ o C Cfl 0 PQ a? •<! P CO £ o Eh I IX Catalogue of Books in the Library of the Norfolk and Norwich Naturalists' Society.