Vol. 3, No. 7 · April 13, 2020 Suggested donation: $1 Twitter: @StruggleLaLucha email:
[email protected] Capitalism & Racism BALTIMORE AMAZON Organizing to + Covid-19 = Murder defend workers’ By Stephen Millies (Figures for the different zip codes are updated every few hours at April 11 - The Covid-19 pandemic is devastat- All these neighborhoods are immigrant com- lives ing New York City. Eighty refrigerator trucks are munities with many service and construction serving as mobile morgues to store the bodies. workers who had to continue going to their jobs As of April 10, 92,384 people have been infected. while the pandemic was gripping the city. Inmates in the Rikers Island prison are being Black and Latinx neighborhoods in the offered $6 per hour to dig mass graves on Hart’s Bronx, Brooklyn and Manhattan have also been Island off the Bronx. That’s the site of Potter’s hard hit. The eastern Far Rockways in Queens, Field, where a million people too poor to afford home to four largely Black housing projects, a funeral had their bodies dumped. have 993 cases. By Sharon Black, What’s happening in New York City is be- The capitalist government is covering up the former Amazon worker ing repeated in Detroit, Chicago, New Orleans impact on Asian, Black, Indigenous and Latinx and Los Angeles. The coronavirus is ripping At the time of this writing, workers from eight communities. Maryland lawmakers are de- through the South with Black people suffering different Amazon warehouses have tested positive manding a breakdown of those who’ve caught the most.