STEAKS This Furnace Ity
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V. V. ■ ■ >'■ ■■■ .■ .y " ,r. / PAO^ FQURtEEN^ pf SttPittng % \ J:4S toM:SO p. m. k : ■ 7 7 T T -X Xtnerican Legion Auxiliary Daughters of Liberty,:. Noi^T. ihad.lnto VOtU, will hold a ifegiilar mpdtihg has receibM an inmatlon to at whl6h waa parki ATtr«t« Dally Net Pw i* Raii About T ^ n tend t h e '’Neighborhood Night” of tomorrow night at 8 o’clock in Car Hits Pale, “ laga-to the •V ___ the \ East Hartford American Orange Hall. A social hour with • For thwWaekttiM Th^ W aalher^^^ 600. /. April 12, l N « ^orei X I Oamma Catcpter o f Beta >Slg- Legion Auxiliai^at their Legion refreshmenw.^will follow the meet maoagciil'to c*U- ireeast of D.Xp. ‘ITiaH ir'IliifaaB mo Phi will' meet tomonrow night Home Tu esd^ bt 8 p.m.; also the ing; •; Twoliijiir* traUsrAiSivhich continued onmodr ■! DaiMx'- A c u t . - . v at Si'IS at the home of Mre. Rob installation o f orders of Ander- >Ji2 feet fbatn the spot where tt Afat N ^ t * > Paru.' ^ 12,693 * Olesidy, a Mt ^Ider WW|t ert U^le. 148 Pearl. St. son-Shea Post and Auxiliary the The Morning Star Mothers CIr/ persons Were Injured yes- Mcaihe ynjiQOked, police said. .TEtdN Lew m 4Bk. Cloud^ aot a», iiMju same evening at'thb. .Post Home, MeMbor mi tge Audit cie wilTuheet Wednesday nij terday\when a cat left S..Main 8 t with rain Wedneailaj(. The Mary William 6 t ^ p of the Mancl>4ater Green. and crashed tnto a utility pole. Bureau of Ctreulattda . \y/ 8 o’clock at the home of Mni niM-SOa. \ ' ' Second , CongregatlonWXjiaiurcb Eleanor Rook, 126 Coleman Rd. Mlldred^Huff, 51, of Dorchester,' Manche$ter——A City of Village Charm will meet at the home of Mhu lea- Senior and junior high school The co-hoateas will he Mrs./Ger the 'driverXwaa treated gt Man- \ X—-S' bel Maaaey,- 54 Hudaon St.. t^or>. pupils and sixth grade grammar cheater Memorial Hoapifiil gife a Police Arrests. trude. CbnnXThe speaker will be - r ----------------- ------------- — r— row night at 4 o’clock. students are reminded that .the cut lower lip 1^ , Ronnie Hatch, 3. y O L . L X X V II/ NO . 166 18 PAGES-AND 16 PAGE BOOK FOR BRIDES closing date for the Americanism Mias Mildred gtowera. ARTHUR MANCHESTER. CONN., TUESDAY, APRIL 15. 1958 ,.4t;iaealfled Advertleing eu Page 181 ./ a paaaenger. A u treated fo r'a n Two persona, are scheduled to ap^ PRICE F ll ,’3 Mancheih e ^ r Emblem Club will essay contest is Tuesday. They abrasion of the upper lip. , . pear in Town Court on chargea meet Wadneaday night at 8 o'clock may be sent^.to Mrs. Henri Pes- The Professional .^omen’s dlub' Police said , twa! accident ap breaking motor vehicle laws. < DRytt SfORE in ^nker Hall, follow ing the aini, 40 French Rd.. Americanism will meet ■’tomorrow night at 8j parently occurredX because the Andrew F. McCray, 19, of Gla*-' meeting a rehearaal of incoming chairman of the local ' American o'clock at the home of Mi's; M il-) windshield of the caV was frosted tohbury, la charged with failing to Legion Auxiliary." dred Dewey^ 28 Otis St. Miss,Doris | over obscut-ing the dower’s view. Assemblj Selllke Bllilds and outgoing officers will be held. rarry hH,r<^8trntioh papers while *ncketa for the) installation buffet Langdon, physio-therapist for the; The driver is acheduleoNto appear ■urlvlng on E, Middle Tpke. fiatur- supper April 29 r^ilV be avallfble. Manchester AuxlUary Police will State of Connecticut, will Utit on ! Town Court on a reck h ^ driving day. On Increasing ■ ' meet tonight at 7^30 at Police "M y Experiences In The j charge. Damage to the H e w*a ■•at 1300. George Deman, 18. of Hellne. ^ Opposition A rummage sale, sponsored by Headquarters. hostess. Will be assisted by Nellie Ark., also ainoBted fkiturday, la, automobile owned by 'N'^e' Now the Story and Mispah Circles of Farr. Flbrence Hopklna and Lu-[ charged;, with falling to tarry an ; to Jobless the South Methodist WSC8. will be .Miss Doriene Melendy, daughter cllle Sloan. man P. IHmrpe of WllJtnjantic U(*a damaged nv^ a freak accident op'eratbr’a licanae and registration held at the church Thuradsy mom- of Mr. and Mrs., Harold Melendy, j ^ l e driving on Rt. 15. ) To Tax Cut \lng at 9^0'clock.' Center St. Si Hartford, April 15 ,(A>—A 130 Broad St., a junior at the Th* Verplanck PTA' will fumlah Republican plan to extend University of Connecticut, Police said ttibsaccident oocurred / - a bus, free for all students, to take aa William A. E i^ s. 16, of 25 N. Washington, April 15 (/P)— \ TTve Women’s Club of Msbiches- been elected an associate editor them to the Lutc' Junior Museum Wfiihington, AjMdl 15 (A>>— A witness told the Senate Riwk- unemplo.vment comi^nsation Elm, St. was’ towlqg a utility Two Senate Democrats said tar has set the date of Midday, of the "Campus,” th^-college news Wednesday. The bus will leave the: ets Investigating Committee today that Ray Cohen, a lieu hit» D^th^ floors of thfi State ■May 28, for its annual diWer. trailer loaded with oilmans toward today the Ei.senhower .ad paper. school at S p-m. and will return the ■ tenant ^of James R, Hoffa, "stack^” the meeting at which Legislature today. Approval It will be served at 6:30 p.m. in the town dump when the trailer ministration, appears to be children' to'the school afterw’srda. < became unhooked, Cohen seized control of Philadelphia Teamsters union was almost guaranteed. Woodruff hall* of Center GonOTe- Miantonomoh Tribe, lORM, will Local p ie trailer roHed down the hill 107 in 1953. The Republicans Who sVrote-the tightening its lines against V gaUonal Church. Reservations wrHl meet tonight at 8 o’clock in Tinker plan control both Houaea of the close May 19i Arrangements aVe Robert D. Owen, aearagn. ap-; Raymond J. Kelly, a former of tax cuts .and fiirther spending Hall. A ciaas of candidates will be prentice, USN, son of Mr. and M rs.! Lcgialattire, now meeting In ape\ / being made by Mrs. Edward H. initiated. ficial o f tho local, tosUfted as the Book for Brides despite continuiih^ unemplo.v Pierre Tharret. 211 Main S t, Is! Isadoff witness In bearings by the rial aession on the problem of un-' Phlllipa 330 Spring St. Mrs. Fred, NEW STORE jMOORS: employment. ment. ' W. Geper and Mrs. Elna^’’ ^ D dcll' Some of the members of the cast attending, the Radioman School at! eommitUe to explore chargea that \Pena., Humphrey <D-Minn) and the Navpl Training Center, Bain-: eorrupUon and goon, squad vio In Herald Today But another G<)P plan -one to els Red are co-chairmen of the hostesses. if "H. M. 'S. PinaforeX being OPEN DAILY cut $10*'Vnlillon in taxes off pur h te ^ n e y (D-OklaJ criticized in bridge, Md,. • . | lence have marked Onhen’s admln- separate interA-lewa whdt they , resented this week by a group 9:00 A.M. to S:30 P.M. Book for Brides, a 16-page chase of. Induatiial machinery— fhpm the South Methodist Chlireh . That Interpret The ' iatration of the local. was assured qf failure. Gov. Amra called increased adinlniatratlon re Thif wqekly meeting of the Sal-1 Kelly, a portiy motor cmirt ope supplemehL designed to he|p sistance agalnta efforts of .Con- U’lll sing on the Kathy Godfrey Wishea Of The .Family OPEN THUlIRDAY readers' aitk their,plans' for - ham Rlblcoff. a Democrat, said ote program tomorrow at l .p.m. over vation Arm y home League will rator from ' St. Augustine Beach, yeaterda.v he will veto the fc4tl If it ^ “ inM obs be held at the Citadel tomorrow )0 A,H. to 9:00 P.M. Flai- said Oohen later bragged that forthcoming W'edding, is S U % n W HCT-TV. Channel 18. contained in. today’s^ Htraid. makes It through the Legislature. f ' "2 Following devotions and that ‘‘he thought gbe-did a G-D On the'other hand. Sen. Bridges, Articles in the supplement There were signs today the ashort business meeting, the mem- JOHN I. BURKE swell job”' the night his follow ( R-N H ) ■ said more "ctackpot j Peace Peril A |)|mmage sale, sponsored by /Baptists Break Ground for Church concern wsMing etiquette,, measure would "not get through the WSCS of tjie North Methodist iers will conduct a ^ale of new. and fUNESAl HO'Mt ers 'instslled him as the local’s ti»e Au»inhK, f'dersl spending had I fThe Uev. ClaytSn F. Smith.;*— -------------------—\ travel plans and 'arcommod.i-' Church.N w jll. bs held Wednesday shop-worn clothing, moqtly for' seeretary-tresaursr and real boss, • « * * ” *** I^**^****^ '* " * I Submitted to this se.ssiou of senior minisler of the Central Bap tiOna,' gifts, eata)>li8hlng a Congress than any.other he ^uld Washington. April 15 (A>) morning at 9:30 at the church. children. All. interested are wM- Conyera, Manchester. Coat to the - TEL. MM-8888 by ■hnUtlng down attempU to tist Church, Hartford, addressed' home, and, of cour clothas. yesterday, and th« Houdfi leaders reinemher ' — Secretary of State Dulles Anyone. having \ articles - to be come. Hostesses will be. Mr*, Lucy congregation will be |182.000. 87 EAST CENTER ST. nominate'’-fival candidates. spectators' at jfround ^ breaking 2-level ■■ modified A5IBULANCE SERVICE Look for i.he Book for Brides ' !v i Bridges; who heads the Senate! today ac(;u8ed the Soviet donated which she wishes to have Richardson and Major Mj'rtle icontemporaty Tbs hearthf opened with' Chair ceremonies ySsterday for the Com structure, tije sanctuary wi in today’s Manchester Eve i / B ti.