V. V. ■ ■ >'■ ■■■ .■ .y " ,r. / PAO^ FQURtEEN^ pf SttPittng % \ J:4S toM:SO p. m. k : ■ 7 7 T T -X Xtnerican Legion Auxiliary Daughters of Liberty,:. Noi^T. ihad.lnto VOtU, will hold a ifegiilar mpdtihg has receibM an inmatlon to at­ whl6h waa parki ATtr«t« Dally Net Pw i* Raii About T ^ n tend t h e '’Neighborhood Night” of tomorrow night at 8 o’clock in Car Hits Pale, “ laga-to the •V ___ the \ East Hartford American Orange Hall. A social hour with • For thwWaekttiM Th^ W aalher^^^ 600. /. April 12, l N « ^orei X I Oamma Catcpter o f Beta >Slg- Legion Auxiliai^at their Legion refreshmenw.^will follow the meet­ maoagciil'to c*U- ireeast of D.Xp. ‘ITiaH ir'IliifaaB mo Phi will' meet tomonrow night Home Tu esd^ bt 8 p.m.; also the ing; •; Twoliijiir* traUsrAiSivhich continued onmodr ■! DaiMx'- A c u t . - . v at Si'IS at the home of Mre. Rob­ installation o f orders of Ander- >Ji2 feet fbatn the spot where tt Afat N ^ t * > Paru.' ^ 12,693 * Olesidy, a Mt ^Ider WW|t ert U^le. 148 Pearl. St. son-Shea Post and Auxiliary the The Morning Star Mothers CIr/ persons Were Injured yes- Mcaihe ynjiQOked, police said. .TEtdN Lew m 4Bk. Cloud^ aot a», iiMju same evening at'thb. .Post Home, MeMbor mi tge Audit cie wilTuheet Wednesday nij terday\when a cat left S..Main 8 t with rain Wedneailaj(. The Mary William 6 t ^ p of the Mancl>4ater Green. and crashed tnto a utility pole. Bureau of Ctreulattda . \y/ 8 o’clock at the home of Mni niM-SOa. \ ' ' Second , CongregatlonWXjiaiurcb Eleanor Rook, 126 Coleman Rd. Mlldred^Huff, 51, of Dorchester,' Manche$ter——A City of Village Charm will meet at the home of Mhu lea- Senior and junior high school The co-hoateas will he Mrs./Ger­ the 'driverXwaa treated gt Man- \ X—-S' bel Maaaey,- 54 Hudaon St.. t^or>. pupils and sixth grade grammar cheater Memorial Hoapifiil gife a Police Arrests. trude. CbnnXThe speaker will be - r ----------------- ------------- — r— row night at 4 o’clock. students are reminded that .the cut lower lip 1^ , Ronnie Hatch, 3. y O L . L X X V II/ NO . 166 18 PAGES-AND 16 PAGE BOOK FOR BRIDES closing date for the Americanism Mias Mildred gtowera. ARTHUR MANCHESTER. CONN., TUESDAY, APRIL 15. 1958 ,.4t;iaealfled Advertleing eu Page 181 ./ a paaaenger. A u treated fo r'a n Two persona, are scheduled to ap^ PRICE F ll ,’3 Mancheih e ^ r Emblem Club will essay contest is Tuesday. They abrasion of the upper lip. , . pear in Town Court on chargea meet Wadneaday night at 8 o'clock may be sent^.to Mrs. Henri Pes- The Professional .^omen’s dlub' Police said , twa! accident ap­ breaking motor vehicle laws. < DRytt SfORE in ^nker Hall, follow ing the aini, 40 French Rd.. Americanism will meet ■’tomorrow night at 8j parently occurredX because the Andrew F. McCray, 19, of Gla*-' meeting a rehearaal of incoming chairman of the local ' American o'clock at the home of Mi's; M il-) windshield of the caV was frosted tohbury, la charged with failing to Legion Auxiliary." dred Dewey^ 28 Otis St. Miss,Doris | over obscut-ing the dower’s view. Assemblj Selllke Bllilds and outgoing officers will be held. rarry hH,r<^8trntioh papers while *ncketa for the) installation buffet Langdon, physio-therapist for the; The driver is acheduleoNto appear ■urlvlng on E, Middle Tpke. fiatur- supper April 29 r^ilV be avallfble. Manchester AuxlUary Police will State of Connecticut, will Utit on ! Town Court on a reck h ^ driving day. On Increasing ■ ' meet tonight at 7^30 at Police "M y Experiences In Persia.tl The j charge. Damage to the H e w*a ■•at 1300. George Deman, 18. of Hellne. ^ Opposition A rummage sale, sponsored by Headquarters. hostess. Will be assisted by Nellie Ark., also ainoBted fkiturday, la, automobile owned by 'N'^e' Now the Story and Mispah Circles of Farr. Flbrence Hopklna and Lu-[ charged;, with falling to tarry an ; to Jobless the South Methodist WSC8. will be .Miss Doriene Melendy, daughter cllle Sloan. man P. IHmrpe of WllJtnjantic U(*a damaged nv^ a freak accident op'eratbr’a licanae and registration held at the church Thuradsy mom- of Mr. and Mrs., Harold Melendy, j ^ l e driving on Rt. 15. ) To Tax Cut \lng at 9^0'clock.' Center St. Si Hartford, April 15 ,(A>—A 130 Broad St., a junior at the Th* Verplanck PTA' will fumlah Republican plan to extend University of Connecticut, Police said ttibsaccident oocurred / - a bus, free for all students, to take aa William A. E i^ s. 16, of 25 N. Washington, April 15 (/P)— \ TTve Women’s Club of Msbiches- been elected an associate editor them to the Lutc' Junior Museum Wfiihington, AjMdl 15 (A>>— A witness told the Senate Riwk- unemplo.vment comi^nsation Elm, St. was’ towlqg a utility Two Senate Democrats said tar has set the date of Midday, of the "Campus,” th^-college news­ Wednesday. The bus will leave the: ets Investigating Committee today that Ray Cohen, a lieu­ hit» D^th^ floors of thfi State ■May 28, for its annual diWer. trailer loaded with oilmans toward today the Ei.senhower .ad­ paper. school at S p-m. and will return the ■ tenant ^of James R, Hoffa, "stack^” the meeting at which Legislature today. Approval It will be served at 6:30 p.m. in the town dump when the trailer ministration, appears to be children' to'the school afterw’srda. < became unhooked, Cohen seized control of Philadelphia Teamsters union was almost guaranteed. Woodruff hall* of Center GonOTe- Miantonomoh Tribe, lORM, will Local p ie trailer roHed down the hill 107 in 1953. The Republicans Who sVrote-the tightening its lines against V gaUonal Church. Reservations wrHl meet tonight at 8 o’clock in Tinker plan control both Houaea of the close May 19i Arrangements aVe Robert D. Owen, aearagn. ap-; Raymond J. Kelly, a former of­ tax cuts .and fiirther spending Hall. A ciaas of candidates will be prentice, USN, son of Mr. and M rs.! Lcgialattire, now meeting In ape\ / being made by Mrs. Edward H. initiated. ficial o f tho local, tosUfted as the Book for Brides despite continuiih^ unemplo.v­ Pierre Tharret. 211 Main S t, Is! Isadoff witness In bearings by the rial aession on the problem of un-' Phlllipa 330 Spring St. Mrs. Fred, NEW STORE jMOORS: employment. ment. ' W. Geper and Mrs. Elna^’’ ^ D dcll' Some of the members of the cast attending, the Radioman School at! eommitUe to explore chargea that \Pena., Humphrey <D-Minn) and the Navpl Training Center, Bain-: eorrupUon and goon, squad vio­ In Herald Today But another G<)P plan -one to els Red are co-chairmen of the hostesses. if "H. M. 'S. PinaforeX being OPEN DAILY cut $10*'Vnlillon in taxes off pur­ h te ^ n e y (D-OklaJ criticized in bridge, Md,. • . | lence have marked Onhen’s admln- separate interA-lewa whdt they , resented this week by a group 9:00 A.M. to S:30 P.M. Book for Brides, a 16-page chase of. Induatiial machinery— fhpm the South Methodist Chlireh . That Interpret The ' iatration of the local. was assured qf failure. Gov. Amra called increased adinlniatratlon re­ Thif wqekly meeting of the Sal-1 Kelly, a portiy motor cmirt ope­ supplemehL designed to he|p sistance agalnta efforts of .Con- U’lll sing on the Kathy Godfrey Wishea Of The .Family OPEN THUlIRDAY readers' aitk their,plans' for - ham Rlblcoff. a Democrat, said ote program tomorrow at l .p.m. over vation Arm y home League will rator from ' St. Augustine Beach, yeaterda.v he will veto the fc4tl If it ^ “ inM obs be held at the Citadel tomorrow )0 A,H. to 9:00 P.M. Flai- said Oohen later bragged that forthcoming W'edding, is S U % n W HCT-TV. Channel 18. contained in. today’s^ Htraid. makes It through the Legislature. f ' "2 p.ai. Following devotions and that ‘‘he thought gbe-did a G-D On the'other hand. Sen. Bridges, Articles in the supplement There were signs today the ashort business meeting, the mem- JOHN I. BURKE swell job”' the night his follow­ ( R-N H ) ■ said more "ctackpot j Peace Peril A |)|mmage sale, sponsored by /Baptists Break Ground for Church concern wsMing etiquette,, measure would "not get through the WSCS of tjie North Methodist iers will conduct a ^ale of new. and fUNESAl HO'Mt ers 'instslled him as the local’s ti»e Au»inhK, f'dersl spending had I fThe Uev. ClaytSn F. Smith.;*— -------------------—\ travel plans and 'arcommod.i-' Church.N w jll. bs held Wednesday shop-worn clothing, moqtly for' seeretary-tresaursr and real boss, • « * * ” *** I^**^****^ '* " * I Submitted to this se.ssiou of senior minisler of the Central Bap­ tiOna,' gifts, eata)>li8hlng a Congress than any.other he ^uld Washington. April 15 (A>) morning at 9:30 at the church. children. All. interested are wM- Conyera, Manchester. Coat to the - TEL. MM-8888 by ■hnUtlng down attempU to tist Church, Hartford, addressed' home, and, of cour clothas. yesterday, and th« Houdfi leaders reinemher ' — Secretary of State Dulles Anyone. having \ articles - to be come. Hostesses will be. Mr*, Lucy congregation will be |182.000. 87 EAST CENTER ST. nominate'’-fival candidates. spectators' at jfround ^ breaking 2-level ■■ modified A5IBULANCE SERVICE Look for i.he Book for Brides ' !v i Bridges; who heads the Senate! today ac(;u8ed the Soviet donated which she wishes to have Richardson and Major Mj'rtle icontemporaty Tbs hearthf opened with' Chair­ ceremonies ySsterday for the Com­ structure, tije sanctuary wi in today’s Manchester Eve­ i / B ti.
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