10617 No More Horsing Around: A Case Study of Equestrian use at Ozark National Scenic Poster Riverways Visitor/manager conflict will continue to rise as competition for resources becomes more intense. This poster will What will I get out of this? explore ways to mitigate these conflicts. Abstract Park managers must understand visitor attitudes toward various managerial actions to successfully conserve and protect the resource and the visitor experience. e purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between horseback riders’ level of support for various management actions based on attitudes towards social and resource conditions at Ozark National Scenic Riverways (OZAR). is poster will shed light on the relationship of equestrian recreation users’ perceptions of management scenarios and the predicted conflicts between managers and said recreationists while utilizing the Potential for Conflict Index. It is hypothesized that as the level of conflict between users and potential management scenarios increases, the satisfaction at OZAR will decrease if said management scenario is enacted. e trails see use levels as high as 3,000 horseback riders during week-long trail rides (during high-use times in October), thus, the impacts may need to be mitigated regardless of user satisfaction. Keywords potential conflict index Lead author / Susi Algrim Graduate Research Assistant Session organizer Kansas State University
[email protected] Additional authors / organizers If this is a session of Invited Speakers or a Panel Discussion, additional speakers/panelists and titles of their presentations are given here 10991 The Cultural Resource Stewardship Assessment in the National Capital Region of the Poster National Park Service Conference participants will learn about the piloting of a new initiative of the NPS that will help park managers to What will I get out of this? establish new resource management priorities.