See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: Plants in Tropical Cities Book · March 2014 CITATIONS READS 0 6,061 3 authors, including: Jean W H Yong University of Western Australia 117 PUBLICATIONS 2,557 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE All content following this page was uploaded by Jean W H Yong on 11 March 2014. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. in Tropical Cities Cities Tropical in production @ 6659 1876 Uvaria Tide Editionst Email:
[email protected] | Contact: +65 9783 4814 1 Uvaria grandiflora touche design a Boo Chih Min is passionate about plants! She Quick Resource to the studied botany at the National University of Singapore and has a keen interest in native and exotic plants of Singapore and the South-East Asian region. She has 19 Categories of Plant Fragrant previously worked at the National Parks Board where Plants she wrote the 1001 Garden Plants of Singapore which Grouping / Applications greatly improved accessibility of plant information to 944 many nurseries, researchers, schools, governmental entities, and the general public. Her interests in the other aspect of plants, such as ecology, conservation and propagation has led to the set up of her current company, Uvaria Tide, which specializes in providing professional services for floristic survey, plant selection, plant supply and science-based consultancy Seaside for sustainable and ecologically-orientated multi- Cycads Hedges disciplinary projects: mangrove restoration, rainforest Plants restoration, vertical greenery, rooftop greenery, 875 908 greening of waterways, floating wetlands and the use 953 of native plants in urban landscapes and forested areas.