t9761 PALM BRIEFS 119 PALM BRIEFS and again in January, 1970, aI the same or different localities within the same A NomenclqlurqlNole on district. The collector also observed Hyophorbe female and male inflorescences on the A monographic study of the genus same group of plants at dif{erent times. Hyophorbe is in preparation,but one o{ From the detailed description, the palm the conclusionsrequires advance publi- appears to be monocarpic, a character- cation in order to provide a name that istic of most of the caryotoid group of can be used in Hortus Third, and,in an- palms"(Moore, 1973). In monocarpic other publication. It has become clear habit, inflorescences develop basipetally that the genus Mascarena is not ade- from a terminal in{lorescence which is quately separated fuom Hyophorbe and generally a female, followed by axillary that the palm commonly cultivated as male inflorescences. This monocarpic Mascarena lagenicaulis must be trans- habit is seen in all three genera {erred to the older genus. Study has (Arenga, Caryota, Wallichia) of the shown that MascarenareuaughaniiL. H. caryotoid group. Arenga Labill. has Bailey is not different [rom M. lageni- imparipinnate or undivided leaves,often caulis, and in combining the two I am aggregate inflorescences, distinct sepals taking up the epithet that is descriptive and petals in staminate flowers, numer- and not likely to be confused with Hyo- ous stamens, trilocular ovary with 2-3 phorbe uaughanii. fertile locules, and homogeneousendo- The five species are: sperm. Caryota L. has bipinnate leaves, solitary inflorescences,reduction of fer- Hyophorbe amaricaulis Martius tile locules to I-2, and development of Hyophorbe indica Gaertner J. ruminate endosperm; the pistillate flow- Hyophorbe lagenicaulis (L. H. Bai- ers have less united petals. Wallichia ley) H..E. Moore, comb. nou. Roxb. has separate staminate and pistil- Mascarena'lagenicaulis L. H. Bailey, late inflorescences, the female usually Gentes Herbarum 6: 74. L942 terminal, axillary inflorescences male, Mascareno reuaughanii L. H. Bailey, staminate flowers with sepals united in Gentes Herbarum 6: 72. 1942 a low, cylindric, 3Jobed or undulate Ilyophorbe vaughanii L. H. Bailey calyx, petals united in a drort to long, Hyophorbe verschaffeltii H. Wend- more or less solid cylindric base with land valvate lobes, stamens reduced in num- Hr.nor,l E. Moonr. Jn. bers, generally six, fruit l-3-seeded, and L. H. Bailey Hortorium endosperm homogeneous. Cornell University The detailed description of the genus Ithaca, New York 14853 Asraoa Joseph and examination of the holotype and isotypes shows its striking similarity with Wallichio Roxb. in vege- A Nole on Asrqoq triqndrq tative and reproductive structures and (Polmoe) also in its monocarpic habit. The de- Joseph (1975) has described a new scription as dioecious may be due to the genusand speciesof palm, Asraoa trian- result of observations for a short dura- d,ra, fuom. Lohit District of Arunachal tion. Moore (1960) reported variation Pradesh, India. The collections were in the number of stamens even in a made in Septemberand November, 1969 single plant of the caryotoid group. t20 PRINCIPES lVor. 20 Moreover no satisfactory generic de- successwith 110 members and guests. limitation on number of stamensalone is An interesting sight on the tour of the possiblefrom our existing knowledgeof Palms Restaurantand patio was a four- this group. Hence I feel it is ambiguous headed Liuistona chineruis. The after- to accord a separate generic status to dinner speakerwas the noted naturalist Asraoa Joseph solely on the basis o{ Arnold Newman who spoke about the reduction in number of stamens when Rain Forest, Palms and Other Tropical other charactersas a whole do not per- Plants. Afterwards plants were auc- mit it to remain distinct fuom Wallichia tioned of{ and four door prizes given to Roxb. The reduction in the number of the lucky ticket-holders. The hishlight stamens to three, which I have also of the evening was the competitive bid- examined from dissected flowers, is ding on the extremely rare lubaeopsis fairly constant. Therefore, I consider callra fuom South Africa. It was the it only a separate species under the first time it had been available at an genus Walliclzia Roxb. auction and was a seedling with only one leaf 3" or 4" high. It was bid up \ffallichia triandra (Joseph) S. K. to $32! This must be a record o{ some Bast, comb, nou. kind. Total o{ the auction was $347.50 Asraoa triand'ra Joseph, Bull. Bot. so bidding was lively and plants inter- Surv. India. 14 (I-4): 145. 1975 (1e72) esting, among them Trithrinax acantho- coma. The evening having been such a I am grateful to Dr. S. N. Mitra, success,the banquet probably will be- Joint Director, Botanical Survey of come an annual affair. India, Indian Botanic Garden, Howrah The Miami members met at the gar- for providing facilities and interest den and home of Mr. and Mrs. Don shown in palms. Thanks are due to Dr. Thomas on April I7, L976 to see slides J. K. Mahghwari, Director-in-Charge, taken at many faraway places by our Botanical Survey of India, Indian Bo- host over the past twenty years. Mem- tanic Garden, Howrah for encourage- bers enjoyed the interesting garden with ment. well-establishedpalms, most of which Lrrnn,trunrCrrBo had been planted by previous owner Josrps, J. 1972. Asraoa triandra (Areca' and former member Malcolm Kneale, ceae)-A new genus and species of palm who had been an avid palm fancier. from Lohit District, Arunachal Pradesh. The well-planted property makes an ideal 8u11. Bot. Surv. India 74 (I-4): I44-I48. Moonr. H. E.. Jn. 1960. A new subfamily setting for the charming house the of palms-the Caryotoideae. Principes 4: Thomases built, utilizing the palms to L02-rr7. create a delightful aspect. 1973. The major groups o{ palms and their distribution. Gentes Herb. I1 (2) : 27-14I. Pqlm qnd Fern Fqir S. K. Basu The Palm Beach County Chapter of Indian BotanicGarden together with the - (INDIA) The Palm Society, Howrah 71I I03 International Fern Society, will hold a Palm and Fern Fair at the Mounts Agri- NEWSOF THESOCIETY cultural Center, 531 No. Military Trail, W'ord {rom the Southern Cali{ornia West Palm Beach,Florida, on Saturday, Chapter is that their first Annual Ban- October 17.1976. at l0 a.m. There will quet on March 20, L976 was a huge be hundreds of varieties of rare and.
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