Representative Gaucho Poetry and Fiction of Argentina
REPRESENTATIVE GAUCHO POETRY AND FICTION OF ARGENTINA APPROVED Major g£6f££sor Ml^afor Professor d 1V1.: • Director of ;he epartm %Foreig n Languages v^Ly Dean of the Graduate School / IDSPKBSSNTATIV2 GAUCHO ?OE'J?KX AMD FICTION OF AEGi^XINA THS3IS Presented to the Graduate Council of tr.3. North Texas Stnte 'J;iI\"or,slty in I-n Fulfillment: oi -the Heauirevents ?cr the .Degree of r f ^ t r«T ^ ^ a t> rnr* r tn, ^ 4 i \ ul i \ f„ jt By :i.ltar Gava, B, i: I>en tOi11 0" ax-i«? v *'• .L") f'j 2 -1, -," O 3LB OF COiOC.-^T* Chapter Pace I. THE GAUCHC ?RC!I A HISTORICAL ?SKSPEO?lVlS . .1 II. TJJS GAUGED IM J-OZZrCS. Mffi 7ICTI0N . 22 III. SAMTOS VHGA Br KILARIO ASCASUBI. c"i . IV. FAU3TG BX Sa'J&JJISIAO DSL CAHPO *K> V, CL G-AUCflO KART1N FIERRu riX JOSS HERNAJJDSZ. ... 49 VI, JUAJ IICHE IRA BY 3DMDO GUTIERREZ64 VII. SL CAZAMIZLi'TO D3ri L^CCHA BX ROBERTO J. PAXRQ. * » ?6 VIII, DOJi SEGCIOO SOi''BRA BX RICARDO G'JIRALDISS, . „ 8,5 IX. EL ROKAI-!OS DE Ul4 GAUCHC BX BSlilTO I^IICK. ...» $>9 X, CONCLUSION . , ....... 10* r tr OH tc-pv * * * , * i.J*^ /r, CI i:'~v*R X •IHS GAUCfcO FRCK A HISTORICAL PJHSPE'JS'.rjE In ordsr to pursue &r». intelligent study of the gaucho, as depicted ""la several literary contributions of Argentine literature, one should first view him from a historical, per- spective* U nfoi'tunately, too roanv of the works concerning the gauche reflect personal end biased opinions, rather than a trae account of his life* Sorse have portrayed the g a v.
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