PF Vol19 No01.Pdf (12.01Mb)
PRAIRIE FORUM Vol. 19, No.1 Spring 1994 CONTENTS ARTICLES Wintering, the Outsider Adult Male and the Ethnogenesis of the Western Plains Metis John E. Foster 1 The Origins of Winnipeg's Packinghouse Industry: Transitions from Trade to Manufacture Jim Silver 15 Adapting to the Frontier Environment: Mixed and Dryland Farming near PincherCreek, 1895-1914 Warren M. Elofson 31 "We Are Sitting at the Edge of a Volcano": Winnipeg During the On-to-ottawa Trek S.R. Hewitt 51 Decision Making in the Blakeney Years Paul Barker 65 The Western Canadian Quaternary Place System R. Keith Semple 81 REVIEW ESSAY Some Research on the Canadian Ranching Frontier Simon M. Evans 101 REVIEWS DAVIS, Linda W., Weed Seeds oftheGreat Plains: A Handbook forIdentification by Brenda Frick 111 YOUNG, Kay, Wild Seasons: Gathering andCooking Wild Plants oftheGreat Plains by Barbara Cox-Lloyd 113 BARENDREGT, R.W., WILSON,M.C. and JANKUNIS, F.]., eds., Palliser Triangle: A Region in Space andTime by Dave Sauchyn 115 GLASSFORD, Larry A., Reaction andReform: ThePolitics oftheConservative PartyUnder R.B.Bennett, 1927-1938 by Lorne Brown 117 INDEX 123 CONTRIBUTORS 127 PRAIRIEFORUM:Journal of the Canadian Plains Research Center Chief Editor: Alvin Finkel, History, Athabasca Editorial Board: I. Adam, English, Calgary J.W. Brennan, History, Regina P. Chorayshi, Sociology, Winnipeg S.Jackel, Canadian Studies, Alberta M. Kinnear, History, Manitoba W. Last, Earth Sciences, Winnipeg P. McCormack, Provincial Museum, Edmonton J.N. McCrorie, CPRC, Regina A. Mills, Political Science, Winnipeg F. Pannekoek, Alberta Culture and Multiculturalism, Edmonton D. Payment, Parks Canada, Winnipeg T. Robinson, Religious Studies, Lethbridge L. Vandervort, Law, Saskatchewan J.
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