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120911 Comm Pages Friday, December 9, 2011 THE JEWISH PRESS Page 37 Community Currents Upcoming events… * * * on the yeshiva after nearly six decades of direction The Center for Jewish Life at Rockland Com- and dedication was immeasurable, he said. He also A hesped for Shirley Heller, Shayne Raisel bas munity College and Hillel of Rockland will hold a spoke about his esteemed cousin, Rav Nosson Tzvi Aharon, will take place on December 11 at 7:00 p.m. Chanukah Unity Concert featuring the popular band, Finkel, rosh yeshiva of Mir, and his aunt, the ven- at the Manhattan Beach Jewish Center, 30 West End 8th Day, on Thursday, December 22, in the Cultural erated Rebbetzin Batsheva Esther Kanievsky, both Avenue in Brooklyn. For more information contact Arts Theater at 7:30 pm. Tickets are available online of whom passed away recently. Mordy Levine at 718-998-5590 or ikeller1@aol.com. at www.jewishtickets.com, by phone at 845-574-4422, A video presentation featured an interview with or at the following stores: Tuvia’s (Monsey), Feldheim Rav Chaim Kanievsky, whose message included a * * * (Wesley Hills), and Challah Fairy Café (New City). special berachah to the dinner participants for their Dr. Deborah E. Lipstadt, internationally re- support of the yeshiva. The video also showed foot- nowned Holocaust scholar and best-selling author * * * age of Rebbetzin Kanievsky, including one of her of the The Eichmann Trial, will discuss “The Eich- On Wednesday, February 22, at 8 p.m., STAR-K famous Thursday gatherings for hafrashat challah man Trial: A Legal Travesty or a Crowning Moment will host the world’s fi rst “Mikveh-nar.” Rav Moshe for Shabbos with hundreds of women in attendance. in Israel’s History?” on Monday, December 12. The Heinemann will address questions that arise during Special footage of Rav Lefkowitz was also included. event will be held in Koch Auditorium, on Yeshiva mikveh construction and maintenance through an in- University’s Beren Campus, 245 Lexington Ave- teractive presentation. Participants around the globe Taglit-Birthright Israel Receives nue, New York City at 8 p.m. will be able to experience a live workshop through A $5 Million Boost The lecture is free and open to the public. For the use of audio, video and pictures. more information or to RSVP, contact Jaffe@yu.edu. Rabbanim and mikveh overseers can register by Philanthropists Dr. Miriam and Sheldon G. Adel- sending STAR-K an e-mail to mikvah@star-k.org with son announced an additional $5 million gift to the * * * their name, capacity in which they serve a mikveh, Birthright Israel Foundation for 2011, raising their Mayim Bialik, PhD, a well-known actress and and location of the mikveh. People with questions re- total contribution to $10 million for this year. Jewish mother, will teach a special one-time class garding their mikvah can forward pictures of it (along In light of this announcement, Taglit-Birthright in the Room613 virtual classroom. She will speak with a note detailing the question) to the same ad- Israel is now sending letters to 2,000 North Ameri- and facilitate discussion on the topic, “Eight Ways to dress before the scheduled February 22nd webinar. can young adults who had applied for a trip this win- Connect to G-d through Food: A Personal Journey,” For more information, visit www.star-k.com. ter but were waitlisted, informing them that they on Wednesday, December 14, from 9-10 p.m. She will will now be able to go on the free, 10-day education- discuss her formative food experiences growing up, In recent news… al trip in the coming months thanks to the new fund- her journey into observant Judaism, and how she ing. Nearly 22,500 North Americans had registered combined them to enrich her relationship with God. Yeshiva Ponevez Holds for Taglit-Birthright Israel trips this winter and over This event is open to all women and girls. For Rededication Dinner 10,000 young adults had been waitlisted. more information, visit www.room613.net. “We couldn’t bear seeing thousands and thousands Last week an overfl ow crowd fi lled The Palace of young adults who wanted to visit Israel not able to * * * in Brooklyn for the Ponevez Yeshiva’s 71st annual go,” Dr. Miriam Adelson said. “Greater participation A grand Chanukah car parade and menorah light- rededication dinner. All came to pay tribute to the means we can change the lives of more young adults.” ing will take place on December 20 from 6:30-7:30 memory of the revered Rav Michel Yehuda Lefkow- p.m. – beginning at the Merrick Golf Course parking itz who passed away four months ago. He had served Touro Tackles Bullying lot, 2550 Clubhouse Rd. in Merrick and concluding as rosh yeshiva of the yeshiva ketanah, Yeshiva with a menorah lighting on Sunrise Highway and Ponevez L’Tzeirim Metzuyanim, for 56 years. Touro College’s Graduate School of Social Work Merrick Ave. For more info call 516-833-3057 or vis- The rosh yeshiva of Ponevez, Rav Eliezer Kah- devoted its recent annual Community Day confer- it www.ChabadJewishLife.org. aneman, spoke about Rav Lefkowitz, whose impact ence to the topic of bullying. Approximately 100 stu- dents, faculty and staff gathered to hear national experts on bullying discuss the problem and possi- Malcolm Hoenlein Speaks At Great Neck Synagogue ble solutions. According to the American Psychological Associ- Malcolm Hoenlein, executive vice chairman of Sanctuary following the morning services. The ation, approximately 40 to 80 percent of school-age the Conference of Presidents of Major American congregation had an opportunity to ask Hoenlein children experience bullying at some point. Cyber- Jewish Organizations, was the featured guest of questions at a Shabbat luncheon, where the con- bullying – defi ned as bullying using technology – af- Great Neck Synagogue on Shabbat, November versation ran from Iran, to Jonathan Pollard, to fects nearly half of all American teens, according to 18-19, as part of the inaugural Great Neck Syna- Syria, UNESCO and more. The National Crime Prevention Council. gogue Shabbat Speakers Series. Finally, at the seudah shlishit, Hoenlein shared Professor Allison Bobick, director of student ad- On Friday evening over Shabbat dinner, Hoen- his perspective on the Obama administration and vancement and conference organizer, said she chose lein spoke to over 300 people at the synagogue the upcoming election. He said that despite the the bullying theme after being struck by the num- about the Arab Spring based on his own eyewit- apparent policy rifts between the U.S. and Isra- ber of bullying-related suicides reported in the news. ness accounts and conversations with personalities el, their military cooperation is at an all-time high “Our research tells us that the old adage, ‘Sticks and ranging from Egyptian generals to Syrian Pres- and that Congress remains among the strongest stones may break my bones, but words will never ident Bashar Assad. Although he is pessimistic and most important bastions of pro-Israel senti- harm me’ is a dangerous myth. Words have mean- about the Arab uprisings, which he predicted will ment in the world. Israel is not as isolated inter- ing and a great deal of power,” Bobick said. “Bully- more likely lead to autocratic theocracy than de- nationally as the media often makes it out to be, ing has escalated to a human rights concern in our mocracy, he stressed the importance of vigilance he said, and it is important to know what is really school systems, our work sites and on the Internet.” and activism, from the American public in gener- happening, as opposed to what is being reported. al but especially from the Jewish community. Ju- Among the planned future guests of the Great Canada Introduces Chanukah Stamp daism, he emphasized, stresses looking deep into Neck Synagogue’s Shabbat Speakers Series are the past in order to understand the present and Rabbi Steven Weil, CEO of the Orthodox Union, For the fi rst time, Canada Post has created two always thinking more about the long-term goals and Rabbi Shlomo Riskin, chief rabbi of Efrat, Is- Picture Postage stamps specifi cally designed to cel- than short-term gains. rael, and chancellor of Ohr Torah Stone Institu- ebrate Chanukah. One stamp depicts a menorah lit Hoenlein returned to that theme on Shabbat tions. For more information, call 516-487-6100 or in honor of the festival with the words “Happy Ha- morning when he addressed a packed Goldwyn visit www.gns.org. nukkah” in English and French, and the other one depicts a dreidel along with the same words. Page 38 THE JEWISH PRESS Friday, December 9, 2011 Community Currents At the Agudath Israel of America 89th National Convention Rav Yaakov Perlow, Novominsker Rebbe and Rosh Agudas Yisroel addressing the convention Rav Matisyahu Salomon Rav Aryeh Malkiel Kotler Mashgiach Ruchani, Beth Medrash Rosh HaYeshiva, Beth Medrash Govo- Govoha ha, Lakewood More than 100 educators, repre- senting nearly 200 yeshivas and Bais Yaakovs from across Brooklyn South, The Nikolsburg Rebbe, Rav Jungreis, and his talmidim at Yeshivas Chaim participated in a school safety forum Berlin. hosted by Misaskim on Monday, No- vember 28. These educators and ad- ministrators are responsible for the Former Israeli Minister of Defense Moshe Arens (third from right) spoke safety of 52,000 children and 8,000 about his new book – Flags over the Warsaw Ghetto – and on current events in staff members each day. Israel to a packed audience at the Great Neck Synagogue (GNS) on Thanksgiv- The forum was arranged by Misas- ing eve. He is fl anked on his right by David Schimel, editor of The Jewish Po- kim upon the request from local police litical Chronicle of the Jewish Political Education Foundation (JPEF), which offi cials, who sought to meet up with co-sponsored the event, and by Dr.
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