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">Nit'' :i">M @> N ASIS OF 5TABI ITV IN AN CE:AN OF TURBULENCE: DARKAH is a non-profit WHO WE ARE organization that provides a unique opportunity for young women who are challenged with anxiety, depression or bipolar disorder. DARKAH's aim is to equip these individuals OUR Ml SS I with the necessary skills and emotional self-sufficiency to progress towards an independent and productive lifestyle within 1-2 years. DARKAH provides a supervised private residential facility for a structured WHAT WE DO group living setting. Our professionally trained house parents assist clients in managing their daily schedule. An experienced social worker monitors each participant's progress in coordination with their treatment team. The broad range of training and instruction includes: ·Self-advocacy/assertiveness ·Budgeting/money management · Stress management ·Home management · Social skills/relationships ·Shopping · Communication ·Meal planning/preparation ·Personal hygiene The group home setting is specifically limited to frum young women aged 17 - 22 suffering from anxiety, depression or bipolar disorder. WHO IT'S FOR Individuals whose challenges are complicated by additional factors such as religious incompatibility 8 ~ are not candidates for the program. I' Fees are determined on an individual basis. THE JEWISH OBSERVER THE ewish IN THIS ISSUE 6 READERS' FORUM B.·•... -·/SEltvER. .. ' . ,., "· ...... , .,, .. ·.· THE JEWISH OBSERVER LEITER FROM JERUSALEM {ISSN) 0021-6615 IS PUBLISHED MONTHLY, EXCEPT JULY k AUGUS'! 7 THE PRICE OF DECEPTION, AND A COMBINED ISSUE FOR JANUARYlf'EBRUARY, BY THE YOnoson Rosenb!urn i\GUO.'\TH ISR.'\EL OF i\MERICA, 42 BROADWAY. NEW YORK, NY 10004. PElllOOlCALS POSTAGE PAID tN NEW I YORK. NY. SUBSCRIPTION S25.oo/YEAR; STRIVING FOR THE BAYIS NE'EMAN BEYISROEL 2 YEARS, S46.oo: 3 YEAHS, S69.00. QcrTS!DE OF THE L'NITED STATES (VS 10 OF REALITY AND FANTASY IN SttlDDUCHIM, FUNDS DRAWN ON A CS BANK ONLY) I S15.oo SURCHARGE PER YE.'\R. S!NGl.E based on a presentation hy Rabbi Shmuel Dishon COPY $3,50; 0UT~IDE NY AREA S3.95; FOREIGN $4,50, 14 ENHANCING THE Kedusha oF THE JEwrsH HoME, I POSTMASTER: based on a presentation by Rabbi Yeruchon1 Pitter SEND ADDRESS CHANGES TO: TEt 212-797-9000. 18 GUARDIANS OF THE NATION'S SANCTUARIES, FAX 646-254-1600 Rabbi Oovid Elias PRINTED IN THE lJSA 20 WHAT rs Shalom Bayis? RABBI NISSON Wo!.PJN, Editor Dov Finke/stein, Ltv1SV1/ Fditorial Board RABBI ABB.'\ BRllDNY 23 WHEN CHILDREN STRAY, RABBI JOSEPH ELIAS hased on an address by Rabbi Sa!ornon JOSEPH FREEOENSON RABBI YISROEL MEii( KlRZNER 27 WINNING THE BLAME GAME, LOSING THE WAR, RABBI NOSSON SCHEHMAN PROF. AARON TWERSK! fvlrs. Rifka Schonfeld N:mndcrs 32 STOP (ALLING ME NAMES, DR. f.RNST L. BODENHEIMER Z"L RABBI MOSHE SHERER Z"L fv!encle/ fforovv1tz. A15 I Management Board NAFTOLI HlHSCH. ISAAC KIRZNER. RABBI SH LO MO LESJN. MARKING A SPECIAL OCCASION DAVID SINGER, NACHUM STEIN 37 Kiddush Hachama, I MRS. LEAH ZAGEi.BAUM, Adwrtising Manager Rabbi Joseph Breuer, ',"~7 I PUBLISHED BY 39 MARKING THE PASSAGE OF TIME AGUDATU ISRAf:L OF AMERICA THROUGH Birkas Hachama, C.S. THAOE DISTRIBUTOR Gerald Deutscher I FF.LOHEIM PU8LlSHEHS 208 Airport Etecutfre Ftirh l'llanuel. NY 10954 REMEMBERING THE WARSAW GHEITO I BRITISll REPRESENTATIVE M.T. Bl SELMAN Grosvenor \.tbrhs 42 OF SPIRITUAL HEROES AND Mount Pleasant !fill COMPASSIONATE LEADERS, London t5 ,9tVt. UVG£ANIJ I f'v1r Joseph Friedenson, FRENCH REPRESENTATIVE RA8B! BAM8F.RGER translated by Efozor ffai,oert I 21 &wk·~·anf lbixhmn 57000 Metz. FRANCf.' PHOTOS: Marriage Photos by Heavenly Photogmphy; !SRAEl.I REPRESENTATIVE Cover photo breaking glass: Yelwda Boltslwuser INTNL. MEOlA Pl.ACEMENf f'OB 7195 I 97 Jq/fa Road }crumlcm 94.J40. !SRAF£ BELGIAN l~El'RESENTATIVI' MR. E. APTER STATEMENT OF POLICY Lange Kieritstr. 29 2018 Ant1Verp, BEl.GIUM Tt:IE JEWISH OBSERVER HAS DEVOTED A GREAl DEAL OF SPACE TO THE PERILS OF THE INTERNET ANO TO THE NEED FOR EVERYONE TO SOUTH AFRICAN REPRESENTATIVE 8E EXTREMELY VIGILANT JN ITS USE. WE 11.>\VE ECHOED THE: PLEAS MR. V. TABACK THE JE\VISH OBSERVER DOES NOT ASSUME OF Olm GEDOl.!M THAT IT SHOULD NOT BE IN USE, UNLESS !TIS AN PO Box 51552. UNAVOIDABLE NECESSITY, AND THEN ONLY WITH ALL SUITABl.E Racde!!e. Johannesburg RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE KASH nus OF ANY PRODUCT. S~FEGUARDS. WHILE ITS DANGERS MUST BE RECOG."llZED AND CON 2124 SOUIH At'R!CA PUBLIC:ATION, OR SERVICE ADVERTISED !NITS l'.'\GES TROLLED TO EVERY l'OSSllH.E DEGREE, OllR GEDOLIM HECOGNIZE THAT MANY PEOPLE AND BUSINESSES REQUIRE ITS USE. ANDTHEREFOHE I'! I AUSTRAi.JAN UEPRF.SENTATIVE DR. A. DINNEN © (OPYRJGHf 2009 HAS NOT BEEN BANNED. THIS IS WHY \VE ACCEPT ADVERTISEMENTS 77 Birriga Road LISTING WEBSlfE ADDRESSES. BUT IN NO W.o\.Y DOES THIS IMPLY THAT I Bellen/(' Hill. NS\\/ 202.'i, AUSTRAUA MARCH 2009 THt: GEOOUM OR THE JEWISH OBSERVER CONDONE CASUAL USE OF VOLUME XLI I I NO. 2 THE INTERNET. L~ Ti''''1'c<b0\t/WN''><-i' pR E "'"';~~~~'~:?;'~~F.~'>- COMING FULL CIRCLE WITH JO chas veshalom continued on our "merry myself to a particular article that I read way;' trying to grab as much gashmiyus in your publication. To the Editor: (material gains) as we could, while still After ten years of married life and I would like to share some very per keeping Shabbos and kashrus in a warm, nine years of The Jewish Observer, we sonal history with the readers of The modern Orthodox community. finally realized that we needed to leave Jewish Observer> because the magazine In 1979, after a year of marriage, we the more n1odern co1nmunity we were literally changed and became a major came across a publication called The residing in and that way of life. We sold piece of the foundation of my family Jewish Observer at a friend's home (not our home, gave up 1ny accounting prac (which now amounts to 21 - including from our community). This was our tice, and took our (then) four children children, children-in-law, and grand first exposure to a yeshivishe hashkafa. to a brand ne'v 1brah environment in children, bli ayin hara)! Other than the rabbi's Shabbos shiur Bretz Yisroel. Once here ( noV\r over twen My wife and I met in university. We (which was way over my head), we ty years ago), we merited to have our both had been frum since high school, had no Torah learning at all. All of a next child born in Bretz Yisroel. She only although neither of us actually knew sudden, we were exposed to a whole experienced a true Torah environment, what that meant, other than looking new world of Orthodoxy which we had one which externally was formed by for kosher symbols and abstaining from never really known existed. The Jewish our community and internally formed "work" on Shabbos. Through social high Observer became the "breath of fresh by the values that her parents were first school youth groups, we had adopted a air" and "reality" in our ho1ne from that exposed to in The Jewish Observer. In way of life we knew little about. point onward. We anxiously awaited its raising her, and all our other children, With His help, we found each other. monthly arrival, and were frustrated we had no family to turn to for Torah We were both thirsty for understanding during the summer months when it guidance. Thanks to the introduction to more. As a young couple just starting wasn't published. At the time, we would the Torah world that you provided us, out, we only had a secular foundation immediately open to the Second Looks we found many sources of da'as Torah to draw upon. We landed up in a fairly column and the letters to the editor, as to assist us. modern,frunz community, and I entered both of them opened our eyes to issues Now this child is a kalla with some the professional world. We could have currently affecting the Torah world, one in the Torah community. While we which we were first becoming aware have been zocheh, all along the way, to even existed. align ourselves with many wonderful Then came the articles about gedolim. sources of da'as Torah, our foundation CORRECTION We were hearing their names for the is built upon the hashkafa we received The caption of the picture first time. The Jewish Observerportrayed from The Jewish Observer! To this day, on page 39 of JO Jan. their lives so vividly to us that we really we still have the original publications Feb.'09 misidentified the saw the emes of a Torah way of life. we have been subscribing to since the keiver where Rabbi Chaim I could go on for pages about the late 70s, and refer to them from time to Kanievsky was davening. many articles that left a roshem (impact) time. Thus, we might well say that we It was that of his father, on me. Even until this day, I can look have come full circle. the Steipler Gaon, ?-~i. back 25 years and link a hashkafa in CHAIM BEN ARI Jerusalem 6 LETTER FROM JERUSALEM YONOSON ROSENBLUM The Price of Deception in Both Spiritual and Pragmatic Realms Three young men from an extremely insular society, with no knowledge of the outside world, suddenly find themselves under arrest in a strange country, where they know no one, do not speak the language and no one speaks theirs. They are informed that they may spend the rest of their lives in jail. And added to their pain is the knowledge that the one who callously sent them to their fate was someone they trusted, a former student in their own yeshiva, a member of their own closely knit community.