INTERPRETIVE LITURGY FOR SHABBAT NOTE: The prayers, poems, meditations and commentary in this collection were composed by members of West End Synagogue, A Reconstructionist Congregation in New York City, for use in synagogue services. The pieces may be used during religious services by other congregations, provided that West End Synagogue and the individual authors, who own the copyright to their work, are cited. Any other usage requires permission from the individual authors, who can be contacted through West End Synagogue November 2006 Last Revised 03/31/2016 Compiled by Andrea Bardfeld Sponsored by the Ritual Committee of West End Synagogue A Reconstructionist Congregation 190 Amsterdam Ave., New York, NY 10023 Tel: (212) 579 – 0777 Fax: (212) 579 – 0226 Writings may be used during religious services, provided that the individual authors and West End Synagogue are i cited. Any other usage requires permission from the authors, who may be contacted through West End Synagogue using the email address:
[email protected]. Table of Contents INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................................................v WEST END SYNAGOGUE ...................................................................................................................................13 MISSION STATEMENT ...................................................................................................................... 14 BARHU .................................................................................................................................................